Healthy eating for the day. How to make dinner right? What to include on his menu? What should a family menu include?

Health 23.12.2017

Everyone knows that healthy image life significantly increases the body’s ability to fight diseases, makes health strong and the body beautiful. - this is an important component of this image, since it is food that saturates the body with energy and all the micro and macroelements that the body needs to maintain all its processes in the right mode. Many people mistakenly believe that healthy food is necessarily tasteless, which makes maintaining a healthy diet extremely difficult and painful, but in reality this is not the case.

The best option Traditional meals are the correct diet.

Before you start creating your healthy nutrition menu, you need to understand a few important details. The first step is to accustom your body to the optimal volumes of food consumed.

It is advisable for any healthy person to eat at least 4-5 times a day, pausing for 3 hours between meals. The best option is: breakfast, lunch and dinner, between which two snacks are included.

It is important to follow the established regime and sit down at the table at the same time every day - this will develop the habit of preparing in advance for the arrival of food, which will increase the efficiency of the digestive system and, as a result, have a positive effect on the condition of the entire body. It is undesirable to skip meals, but if this does happen, you should not make up for what you missed during the next meal, overloading your stomach with excess food.

Omissions especially apply to dinner. If the evening meal was missed for some reason, you should not eat before bed - it is better to go to bed hungry and have a hearty breakfast in the morning. It is this kind of breakfast that is welcome from the point of view of a proper diet - it starts the metabolism, telling the body that it is time to wake up.

As for the time of each meal, it is recommended to have breakfast 30-90 minutes after getting up. At noon you need to have a snack, and it is advisable to find time for lunch between the first and third hours after noon. A few hours after lunch, you can have another snack, but if we talk about dinner, then the only recommendation for this meal is the following: you need to eat no later than two hours before you are supposed to go to bed.

A proper diet is based on regular meals every day, and it is important to take care of yourself and not overeat.

The benefits of proper nutrition

The advantage of proper nutrition is the absence of hunger.

By eating right every day you can achieve significant benefits for yourself. For example, lack of hunger - by accustoming the body to regular meals, you can get rid of the following unpleasant phenomena:

  • stomach pain, headaches, fatigue. All these sensations are a companion to malnutrition and occur when the stomach for a long time does not receive the necessary food.
  • the opportunity to create your own - having mastered the principles of healthy eating, each person can easily determine what exactly he needs to eat during the day in order to feel good. Thus, even at a party or at catering establishments, you can always find something that will fit within the established regime.
  • a constant feeling of lightness and freedom - knowing the basics of proper food intake, you can avoid overeating and related problems.
  • no strict restrictions - proper nutrition includes certain recommendations about what you should eat and what it is better to abstain from, but these recommendations are not categorical rules and they can always be adapted to a regime that will suit everyone individually.

Of course, the transition to proper nutrition cannot be accomplished in one day. Before the body gets used to regular meals, you will have to make some volitional efforts and attentiveness. It will be especially difficult for people who previously ate as they had to, without observing any discipline in eating food. Proper nutrition has a number of advantages, but it is not so easy to get used to.

Varied menu from healthy products This is the basic principle of proper nutrition.

A healthy diet is not only about properly composed of healthy foods. This is also a certain culture of eating food, which is not so easy to master. To accustom yourself to this culture, you need to have an idea of ​​all its nuances:

  1. thorough chewing: food that enters the mouth must be thoroughly chewed before being sent to other parts of the mouth mechanical processing teeth, and also wet it thoroughly with saliva
  2. do not be distracted: you need to eat food slowly, trying to be distracted by events as little as possible outside world– this will prevent you from overeating due to inattention
  3. optimal amount of food: you should get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger, since the brain sends signals of satiety with some delay
  4. exclude water during meals: too much leads to the fact that the concentration of gastric juice will be disrupted and, as a result, the digestive process will worsen
  5. variety: the planned menu should not only be balanced, but at the same time include as many different dishes as possible
  6. moderation: in nutrition, as in everything else, one should be moderate - overeating does not lead to anything good, food should be eaten in such quantities that are optimal for the body

Healthy eating consists of several “basics” that everyone should know.

The basic principle of proper nutrition is switching to stewed, boiled and baked foods.

Healthy food is considered to be one that will provide the body with all the necessary components, supplying them in the correct ratio. The portions of the food consumed should be such that after the meal you feel full, but not overeating.

Basic principles correct menu- this is the refusal or minimization of fried, smoked or pickled foods and the transition to stewed, boiled and baked foods. Dishes in this form retain the greatest amount of useful components.

When creating a menu, you need to remember that proteins, fats and carbohydrates must be included in a certain ratio. The optimal amount is 50% carbohydrates, 35% proteins and 15% fats. Porridge, fruits and vegetables boast the highest carbohydrate content. Proteins are mainly found in meat, fish, eggs, cheese and cottage cheese. When including meat in your diet, preference should be given to lean types. A healthy weekly diet should include:

  • chicken or turkey meat, as well as other lean types of meat. Such meat takes a long time to be processed by the body, but it saturates it well and does not contain excess fat fish. This product contains a large amount fatty acids, which are extremely important for normal metabolism. By eating fish regularly, you can significantly improve your health. mental abilities. It also stimulates the functioning of the heart and pancreas, and has a positive effect on the health of skin, nails and hair.
  • cottage cheese. This protein-rich product is exceptionally low in calories. It replenishes calcium reserves in the body and helps maintain muscle tone.
  • vegetables and greens. These products should definitely be included in a healthy diet menu, as they improve, stimulate metabolism and normalize the acid-base balance. As an example of proper nutrition for every day, consider the following menu:
  1. breakfast - a hearty meal that consists of porridge boiled in water, or eggs and fruit, as dessert
  2. lunch – a portion of low-fat soup and a vegetable side dish with meat
  3. dinner – it is recommended to include plant foods in this meal. An excellent solution would be: salad, porridge, baked vegetables, two snacks - fruits, nuts, yogurt are perfect for this

Naturally, such a diet is not something categorical. Everyone can easily create a menu based on their own capabilities and preferences, without forgetting the basic principles of proper nutrition. A healthy diet should consist of eating a variety of healthy foods every day.

It is worth giving up various confectionery products.

When creating your own healthy nutrition menu, you must remember that all foods consumed must be healthy. For example, you should not replace the correct lunch option with a chocolate bar that is similar to it.

  1. chips, crackers, fast food
  2. chocolate and various confectionery products
  3. sauces sold ready-made
  4. unnatural juices, nectars
  5. baked goods and white bread
  6. breakfast powders
  7. sweet soda
  8. in immoderate quantities

The prohibition on the consumption of these products is a recommendation, not a strict rule. Of course, it is best to minimize the consumption of such foods. For example, those with a sweet tooth who simply cannot live without their favorite baked goods can first replace them with homemade baked goods, which will contain less sugar and oil. The same applies to fast food. It is extremely important to try to find healthy alternatives to your bad eating habits.

If the correct diet seems difficult and causes periodic breakdowns, it is extremely important not to abandon what you started. You need to set a specific goal for yourself and steadily follow it no matter what. If breakdowns do occur, then you need to continue to try to adhere to the established regime, without paying attention to them. Sooner or later, the breakdowns will stop, and the body will get used to the correct way.

While following a proper diet, it is recommended to give up certain foods, the consumption of which does not provide the body with any benefit. A healthy diet is not only a menu composed in a certain way, but an entire way of life in which a person is well versed in what and in what quantities he needs to eat in order to be healthy. There are certain recommendations that explain the intricacies of the correct regime. By observing all these nuances, you can easily accustom yourself to regular healthy meals.

For more information about foods you should avoid, watch the video:

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Food is what makes us beautiful, healthy, vigorous and young. Only from the plate can we get the energy to live, to look and feel good.

And here you can’t do without a proper diet. Let’s figure it out together about what can be included in it and what dishes to prepare.

The benefits of proper nutrition

Proper nutrition is a balance of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, reasonable calories, plus a choice of healthy and healthy foods for the diet. As a result of switching to such a diet, you can transform by the end of the third week:

Lose weight;

Improve health;

Make muscles more elastic and tone them;

Fill the body with useful substances, which means making hair, skin and nails beautiful;

Get rid of insomnia, irritability, bad mood, lethargy.

The amount of BJU in a proper diet looks like a ratio of 30/20/60, respectively. If you need to lose weight quickly, you can reduce each position by 10%, that is, get a ratio of 20/10/50.

It is not necessary to strictly follow the proposed scheme, because everyone has their own goals, lifestyle, and health status. The main thing is to start eating healthy foods.

Products for proper nutrition

To make the transition to a healthy diet easy and without disruption, you need to fill the refrigerator and kitchen cabinet with the “right” products and completely free your home from the “wrong” ones. This way, you won’t even be tempted to put something harmful in your mouth, but it will simply be great for culinary creativity. Whether you like it or not, you have to eat healthy food.

The list of healthy foods includes:

Milk and fermented milk drinks with low fat content (up to 3.2%);

Low-fat soft cheeses (brynza, Adyghe, ricotta);

Cottage cheese, natural yogurt;

Vegetables with limited potatoes and corn;

Any fruits and berries;

Dried fruits;

Any fish and seafood;

Lean meat and poultry (rabbit, veal, beef, chicken, turkey)

Whole wheat bread;

Vegetable oils;

Teas and herbal infusions.

You can prepare your own soups, salads, stews, grilled vegetables, and a variety of cereals. Instead of sugar, use honey or stevia - this is a natural, healthy sweetener.

The list of “wrong”, unhealthy products includes:

Flour products made from premium white flour, baked goods, buns, confectionery;

Fast food, frozen semi-finished products;

Smoked meats, sausages;

Fatty and sweet store-bought sauces(mayonnaise, ketchup);

Any alcohol.

If you can't give up unhealthy food right away, just limit it. For example, allow yourself a serving once or twice a day as a reward. The body will know that it is not limited in anything, and the desire to eat a pack of cookies and a barrel of jam will not arise. Gradually you will learn to do without junk food and food waste.

Healthy nutrition menu for the week: 1 option


Breakfast: oatmeal with hazelnuts and honey, whole grain bread with a slice of cheese.

Lunch: baked in yogurt chicken cutlets in the oven, fresh vegetable salad with oil and vinegar dressing.

Afternoon snack: pureed cottage cheese, a cup of fresh or frozen berries.

Dinner: boiled buckwheat in mushroom or onion fry, tomato salad with garlic and olive oil.

Chicken cutlets

Grind the chicken breast along with the onion, season the minced meat with salt and spices to taste. Form small cutlets and place in a baking dish. Dilute a cup of natural yogurt with ¼ tbsp. hot water, salt and pour over the cutlets. Cook in an oven preheated to 200°C for 30 minutes.


Breakfast: grain or pureed cottage cheese, seasoned with yogurt or sour cream, honey. Boiled egg, whole grain bread.

Lunch: chicken pilaf with brown rice.

Afternoon snack: whole grain bread with ricotta.

Dinner: stewed beef with carrots, baked eggplants.

Beef stew

Cut the meat into narrow strips. Cut the carrots into strips or slices. Fry the meat pieces for 1 tsp. oil, salt and pepper and cover with a lid. Simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Add carrots, stir, pour in a glass of water and cook the meat until cooked.


Breakfast: buckwheat, boiled egg, green tea.

Lunch: borscht with fresh cabbage and sour cream, pieces of Borodino bread, steamed beef cutlet.

Afternoon snack: pureed low-fat cottage cheese with berries and sour cream

Dinner: zucchini stuffed with meat, baked salmon.

Stuffed zucchini

Beef or chicken fillet mince with onion and garlic, add salt and pepper. Peel the zucchini, cut into rings, remove the core. Quickly fry the zucchini rings on both sides. Fill every ring minced meat, return to the same pan. Dilute half a glass of sour cream with the same amount of water and add salt. Pour the sauce over the zucchini and simmer over low heat for 30 minutes.


Breakfast: flourless cottage cheese pancakes with sour cream or yogurt, a glass of green tea and one fruit of your choice.

Lunch: mashed potatoes with meatballs.

Afternoon snack: orange or grapefruit, nuts, green tea.

Dinner: boiled beef with chopped fresh vegetables in sour cream or butter-lemon sauce.

Cheesecakes without flour

Wipe the curd. Add an egg to the bowl with the curd mass, add salt and stir. With wet hands, form cheesecakes. Dip both sides in flour oat bran. Fry in a frying pan on both sides, covering each time. You can place the cheesecakes on a baking sheet and bake in a oven.


Breakfast: oatmeal cookies, sweet cottage cheese and green tea.

Lunch: pickle with sour cream, cutlet with boiled green beans.

Afternoon snack: a mixture of nuts and dried fruits.

Dinner: chicken baked in the oven with grilled vegetables.

Diet oatmeal cookies

Pour a glass of rolled oats with ½ glass of kefir, let stand for 10 minutes. Add puree from any fruit: mashed banana, grated apple, etc. Add sugar or sweetener to taste. With damp hands, form small cookies and place on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Sprinkle with sesame seeds. Bake at 220°C until done.


Breakfast: rice porridge, apple, tea.

Lunch: eggplant boats with minced meat.

Afternoon snack: fruit salad with yogurt.

Dinner: vegetable stew with chicken.

Eggplant meat boats

Cut the eggplants lengthwise, select the middle with a spoon or knife to create “boats”. Rub the eggplants with salt and let stand for 15 minutes. turn the oven on to 230°C. Prepare minced meat from any meat with onions and garlic. Rinse the eggplants with water, dry, brush with vegetable oil and place in the oven for 20 minutes. Fill the eggplants with meat, place in a baking dish, pour sour cream sauce. Cook for another 30 minutes at 210°C.


Breakfast: omelet with cheese and tomatoes, fruit or nuts.

Lunch: boiled rice with meat cutlet, fresh vegetable salad.

Afternoon snack: natural yoghurt with bran and honey.

Dinner: vinaigrette, fish baked with lemon.

Baked fish

Season pink salmon or salmon steak with salt and pepper. Place on a baking sheet lined with foil. Squeeze a tablespoon of lemon onto each piece of fish and place two lemon slices on top. Bake in an oven preheated to 220°C until cooked, 20-30 minutes depending on the thickness of the fish piece.

If you go to bed late and feel hungry some time after dinner, eat a cup of yogurt or drink a fermented milk drink. These products are ideal for a healthy diet, will not overload the intestines and will satisfy the need for carbohydrates - the main reason for nightly raids on the refrigerator.

When a person spends many years destroying his body healthy food th, problems arise due to excess weight and other external defects. At the same time, it is problematic to switch to a normal diet. Let's look at proper nutrition and a daily menu for weight loss for girls and men.

If you decide to change your lifestyle and change your approach to nutrition, at first limit yourself to a set simple recipes. As a result, you will say goodbye to your usual meals and be protected from the torment associated with preparing culinary delights.

Each person has individual taste preferences, so I will consider a flexible menu for each day. If you don't like a product, easily replace it.

  • A quarter of an hour before breakfast, drink water. Eat little for breakfast, because by this point digestive system not prepared to take large amounts of food.
  • If you don’t have a strong feeling of hunger in the morning, then you can reduce your distended stomach. Have a breakfast of natural yogurt with a few slices of whole grain bread.
  • Thick oatmeal with water is considered a delicacy for breakfast. At the end of cooking the delicacy, add milk. Replace sugar with honey.
  • Drink herbal tea without sugar. If you only drink sugary drinks, try replacing the white sand with a small amount of dried fruit. Raisins, dried apricots and dates contain a lot of fructose, which can replace sugar and bring many benefits.
  • Remember, lunch is the most nutritious meal of the day. If you want to eat some tasty meat or heavy food, do it during the day. As a result, by nightfall the body will have digested everything.
  • If you want to eat healthy, eat soups for lunch. Replace potatoes and pasta with cereals, beets, cabbage and legumes.
  • Eat fish twice a week and steam it. It is better to eat meat once a week, especially if the work does not involve physical activity. Stewed meat is considered the best option.
  • Don't put off dinner until late. Eat a few hours before bed. For an evening meal, baked vegetables or salads dressed with vegetable oil are suitable. If you feel hungry before going to bed, a glass of kefir will help you cope with it.

Now you understand what proper nutrition is. But the following tips will not hurt. Eat slowly, chewing your food well. Believe me, quickly swallowed food is poorly digested and brings little benefit. Thanks to measured chewing, the volume of food required for satiety will decrease.

Try to include vegetables, nuts, fruits and fermented milk products. They normalize metabolism, which has a positive effect on your figure.

Proper nutrition for weight loss

The basis of proper nutrition for weight loss is a menu of foods that promote painless burning of fat cells. In this case, the total calorie intake per day should be less number calories burned per day.

Obese people can lose weight without harm to their health. A clear proof of this is the fact that girls, after a long and unsuccessful diet, choose rational nutrition, aimed at combating excess weight.

12 steps to losing weight through proper nutrition

  1. The diet should be based on fruits and vegetables. Give preference to vegetables, they have less sucrose. Among fruits, place your main bet on pineapples and oranges. The fruit and vegetable group of products is rich in fiber and beneficial elements.
  2. Drink a lot. As practice shows, people, due to their hassle, drink little fluid, which contributes to dull eyes, aging skin and the appearance of digestive problems. Therefore, drink at least 8 glasses of liquid daily. Jelly, mineral water, compote, fruit drink or tea are suitable.
  3. If you want to get graceful hips and a thin waist, forget about simple carbohydrates, which are rich in candies, cakes and sweets. Once a week you are allowed to pamper yourself with a small amount of goodies. To lift your mood, I recommend eating grapefruit or some dark chocolate.
  4. Porridge is suitable for breakfast - a source of fiber and minerals. Cook it in water without adding oil. The best option is oatmeal with dried fruits, rice porridge with pumpkin or buckwheat with onions and carrots.
  5. Don't be distracted while eating. Eat any food thoughtfully. It has been proven that hunger disappears after a quarter of an hour from the moment you start eating. If you eat slowly, you will need less food to feel full.
  6. Replace harmful products with healthy analogues. Instead of sugar, use honey, replace fatty pork with lean veal. Homemade yogurt will be a substitute for cream and full-fat sour cream.
  7. To achieve a beautiful and toned figure, say goodbye to alcoholic drinks, beer and liqueurs. These drinks are high in calories and cause appetite. If you want to relax, limit yourself to a glass of red wine.
  8. Reduce portions. Do it factually and visually. Instead of three hundred grams, eat two hundred, and replace large plates with small saucers. A small portion on a small plate looks like a decent meal.
  9. Visit grocery stores in a saturated way. Scientists have proven that hungry people buy huge amounts of unnecessary food because they feel hungry.
  10. Constantly fight depression and stress. Under heavy load nervous system a person eats a lot and cannot get enough. Music, walks and communication will help normalize the condition.
  11. Diet variety is the key to success. Buy dietary products, experiment and try new combinations taste qualities. Healthy food will bring pleasure.
  12. Never eat after 19.00. Even if it's in the refrigerator delicious roll, not a step into the kitchen. If hunger bothers you, drink a little kefir or eat an apple.

Pay attention to one of the ancient ways of fighting weight. Leave the table a little hungry. And physical activity, dancing and swimming will help keep the body in good condition. Even if universal recipes There is no fight against excess weight, work on yourself.

Proper nutrition for girls

Human health is influenced by various factors - heredity, ecology, resistance to stress and lifestyle. An important role in maintaining health and well-being is played by nutrition, which affects the condition of the skin, the functioning of internal systems and organs, and immunity.

Girls are interested in proper nutrition techniques. Let's talk about this.

  • Proper nutrition involves several components. It's about about minerals, vitamins, fats, proteins, carbohydrates and water. They are recommended to be consumed in optimal quantities, since oversaturation or deficiency poses a health hazard.
  • Eat small meals at least six times a day. The bulk of your daily meals should come from lunch and breakfast. Dinner must wear easy character. Have your evening meal before eight pm.
  • The basis of correct nutrition for girls is fruits and vegetables. They account for 40% of the daily diet. Eating the optimal amount of such products provides the body with fiber, vitamins and microelements.
  • Cereals and cereals are considered an integral element of proper nutrition. Every girl's diet should include brown rice, which is a wonderful absorbent. It cleanses the body of toxins. It won't hurt for girls to eat nuts, which are a source of dietary fiber and potassium.
  • Water, fish, meat and dairy products are also included in a proper diet.
  • Replace high-calorie foods with low-calorie foods. Remember, the total number of calories per day for the average girl does not exceed 1800 kcal.

Video tips

A well-thought-out diet for girls includes the consumption of small amounts of fats, carbohydrates, salt and sugar, and industrially processed foods. It helps maintain health and prolongs youth.

Proper nutrition for men

People's diets are different. If a product is useful for one person, it is dangerous for another. We have looked at the women's diet, now we will discuss nutrition for men and the menu for every day.

Since men are reluctant to delve into kitchen matters, women should control the diet of the stronger sex.

  1. The male body requires a lot of energy. Men are more active, and their work is often accompanied by physical activity. Due to their greater amount of muscle mass, they require high-calorie foods.
  2. The optimal amount of calories for the average man who does not do heavy lifting physical labor, 2500 kcal. Complex carbohydrates are considered a source of energy, so a man’s diet should include grains, fruits, cereals and vegetables.
  3. Fats also boast high energy value plant origin. So I advise men to eat seeds, nuts, avocado and vegetable oil more often. There is a lot of useful energy in fatty fish, which is also rich in fat-soluble vitamins.
  4. The male body also needs protein, the daily requirement of which is 100 grams. This substance maintains muscle mass and is involved in cell renewal. Protein ensures proper functioning of the body, regulates hormonal background and normalizes metabolism.
  5. Sources of protein include lean meats, dairy products, nuts and leafy vegetables. Try to serve your man veal, chicken, cheese, kefir, peanuts, herbs, rabbit meat, milk and cottage cheese more often.
  6. There are a number of products that ensure normal functioning of the male genital organs. We are talking about foods rich in phosphorus, zinc, protein and vitamins that increase testosterone production. The most important element Zinc is considered to be the deficiency of which causes impotence.

Be sure to write down in your diary the names of foods that men are advised to consume in small quantities. We are talking about foods that increase the production of female hormones - beer, coffee, sausages, soy, peas and processed foods. Also, do not include food containing chemical additives in your diet.

The correct men's menu provides for proper distribution of food throughout the day. Every man should have breakfast, lunch with meat dishes and a moderately satisfying dinner. And if a guy does physical labor, he is advised to drink a lot.

Proper nutrition for children

Parents are interested in whether their children are eating properly. Since the story is about healthy food, let's consider baby food, which is based on a balanced set of microelements and nutrients.

The amount of calories, carbohydrates, proteins and fats depends on the age of the child and not every mother knows these numbers. Feeding your children properly is not difficult if you follow a healthy daily menu.

  • The child's nutrition should be appropriate for his age. You cannot give a baby food that is allowed for a two-year-old child. Even if food is tasty, this does not mean that it will be beneficial. Yes, and it is recommended to give children freshly prepared food.
  • No less important is the feeding regimen. And it is recommended to feed newborns on demand. In the future, children's diet is subject to correction. The amount of food should be optimal, because neither hunger nor overeating brings any benefit.
  • On initial stage a child's staple food in life is considered breast milk. Over time, complementary foods are introduced into the diet. Start with a small spoon, gradually increasing the volume to two hundred grams.
  • Doctors say that the healthiest product for a child’s body is an apple. Fruit acids destroy putrefactive bacteria and protect the baby's stomach. Apples contain many vitamins and nutrients.
  • In second place in terms of benefits are carrots and broccoli. Cabbage is suitable

Proper nutrition for every day is easier than it seems!

Almost every person is familiar with starvation diets, grueling workouts and magic diet pills. But despite the cult beautiful body, the problem of excess weight does not lose its relevance. Are you looking for an effective and safe way which will lead you to the ideal? Having mastered proper nutrition for every day, you can easily get in shape and maintain the desired volume for life.

Eating right is not only healthy!

  1. Complete absence of hunger. You no longer have to endure stomach pain, fatigue and headaches. You'll always have healthy snack options when you're suddenly hungry.
  2. The ability to independently plan your healthy food menu for every day. You will no longer have awkward situations in a cafe or at a party. You can always find something that fits within the scope of your program.
  3. Lack of rigid frameworks. The program does not imply any categorical prohibitions. Despite the existing list of recommendations, you can always adapt it to suit your taste preferences.

But proper nutrition for every day also has disadvantages, oddly enough. The only drawback of the system presented below is its long-term nature. A healthy diet does not involve rushing. It will not help you lose all those extra pounds in a short time, but it will allow you to consolidate and maintain the results achieved. If you want to speed up the process a little, or take a course of a special massage.

Planning a healthy menu

A healthy diet for every day means having 50% carbohydrates, 30% protein and 20% fat in your menu.

What is healthy eating every day? Modern nutritionists consider a correct diet to include 50% carbohydrates, 30% proteins and 20% fat with a total calorie content of 1800 kcal for women and 2100 for men, depending on the level of daily activity. In addition, such a menu should include all vitamins and minerals in sufficient quantities.

Such recommendations do not mean at all that you need to immediately start a notebook, pick up a calculator and scrupulously calculate the nutritional value of each piece you eat. It is much more convenient to use the ideas given below. Just choose one of the meal options. Try to make your healthy meals every day as varied as possible. Do not repeat your favorite dishes more than once every 3 days.

Breakfast options

  1. Oatmeal with water or low-fat milk with dried fruits and a small handful of nuts. Alternate with buckwheat, rice and millet porridge.
  2. Sandwich made from whole grain bread, boiled chicken breast or lightly salted salmon, lettuce, tomatoes, low-fat cheese and herbs. A glass of yogurt or any other fermented milk drink.
  3. Omelette of 4 whites and 2 yolks with herbs. Fruit salad.
  4. A large portion of cottage cheese with sour cream, jam and fresh fruit.
  5. Fruit soup made from seasonal fruits and light sour cream.


  1. Soy meat goulash. Boiled whole grain pasta with low-fat cheese.
  2. Baked cauliflower breaded with semolina, 10% cream and egg white.
  3. Low-fat vegetable lasagna.
  4. Vegetable cream soup with rice.
  5. Low-fat rolls or a few slices of vegetarian pizza.


  1. Stewed vegetables with pieces of boiled chicken breast.
  2. Seafood with boiled brown rice.
  3. Vegetable omelet of 4 whites and 2 yolks with herbs.
  4. Cottage cheese casserole and vegetable salad.
  5. Boiled beef with baked vegetables.

Snacks (you can choose any 2 items)

  1. A glass of kefir with 1 tsp. honey or jam.
  2. 20 g dark chocolate and green apple.
  3. 2 rice or buckwheat bread with cottage cheese and herbs.
  4. A handful of nuts and dried fruits (should fit in the palm of your hand).
  5. 3 pieces of homemade oatmeal cookies.

Eat natural foods and avoid processed foods.

What is better to refuse

As you already understand, the main advantage of proper nutrition for every day is the ability to independently create your own menu. But this does not mean at all that you can replace a healthy breakfast option with a chocolate bar of similar calorie content. Moreover, there are foods that you will have to avoid.

Healthy eating every day prohibits:

  • dry breakfast mixes, including most types of muesli (read the ingredients carefully);
  • white bread and pastries;
  • chocolate bars and confectionery;
  • crackers, chips and other fast food;
  • ready-made sauces;
  • nectars and unnatural juices;
  • carbonated drinks and their dietary substitutes;
  • alcohol (only one glass of dry wine is allowed for dinner 1-2 times a week).

This list of products is advisory in nature. If you have a sweet tooth and absolutely cannot imagine your life without your favorite buns, start small. Replace them with homemade cakes with reduced amounts of butter and sugar. The situation is the same with fast food. Try to find healthy alternatives!

If you fall off your diet, don’t quit what you started and don’t think about starting over on Monday. Continue the program as if nothing had happened, slightly adjusting the fat and calorie content of the following meals.

Thus, healthy eating for every day is real way achieve the figure of your dreams without harming your health!

» Ekaterina Polivanova

  • A nutritious, and most importantly proper, balanced diet is the key to your health. A properly composed menu for every day will help you feel full of strength and energy. The person who neglects this usually suffers from gastrointestinal diseases and excess weight.

    This is not surprising, because if in the morning you eat a few fatty croutons with cutlets and wash it all down with soda, there are such unique ones, believe me, and you have dinner, of course, at nine o’clock and with semi-finished products purchased in a store and of dubious quality.

    As a result, I assure you, you will develop ulcers, gastritis, and most importantly, obesity is only one step away from such a diet. The list of ailments can be continued, but let's better not neglect daily healthy eating and properly plan our diet for the day.

    After all, proper nutrition - the daily menu you create for yourself - plays a huge role in your health. The digestive organs suffer from an excess of fatty, high-calorie, and spicy foods. You've probably noticed more than once how your hair becomes dull, your nails break, etc. All this happens as a result of the fact that you do not adhere to the correct diet.

    A healthy diet for every day of the week

    Before you create a menu to support your body, you need to know your physiological characteristics and be sure to take them into account. Products in the diet must contain the required amount of all necessary elements, vitamins and microelements.

    If your work, for example, is related to construction, it is best for you to include it in your diet. If your work is mental, then it is best to introduce those products in which highest level glucose.

    Special role V healthy eating plays a role in the way the dish is prepared. or boiled, are less harmful than those you prepared by frying in a large amount of oil. Also important point food is the temperature of the dishes.

    You need to clearly remember that food should not be cold or hot. Otherwise, heartburn or some kind of digestive disease may occur. Why bring your stomach to a stressful state every day? It is imperative to know that the temperature of your food should not exceed 38 degrees.

    It is recommended to take into account the serving size when preparing daily diet. It is best to eat often, but in small quantities. There is no need to eat in large portions, because this will stretch your stomach. Otherwise, food will be poorly digested, which also entails a number of negative factors.

    Before developing a menu, it is worth remembering the daily calorie intake. Healthy man should eat no more than three thousand kcal per day. From the calculation:

    • Breakfast – 30,000
    • Second breakfast – 10,000
    • Lunch – 35,000
    • Afternoon snack – 10,000
    • Dinner – 15,000

    The maximum amount of calories should be present in the lunch meal. But not for dinner! But this is exactly what is wrong and is what many categories of the population do, consuming huge amounts of food every day in the evening. From which they suffer disproportionately.

    What should your daily breakfast be like?

    From the above point it follows that breakfast should be slightly less caloric than lunch. That is, during this period of time it is better to eat high-calorie foods and this is correct. After all, during the day all these calories will be absorbed and turned into energy. Then you won’t have to fall asleep at work in front of the computer every day, and you will be able to improve your overall performance.

    If you limit yourself to a cup of hot drink with one, then after half an hour the feeling of hunger will visit you again. For dinner, on the contrary, it would be correct to create your menu in such a way that the dishes included in the diet are small in volume and, most importantly, not too high in calories, while almost everyone begins to completely eat the contents of their refrigerator in the evening.

    In the first daily meal, it is recommended to include foods with the maximum presence of carbohydrates in them. You need to organize proper nutrition for yourself in the morning - the menu for every day may include dishes and products from the following list: cheese, porridge, scrambled eggs with bacon, you should not deny yourself, but only in a minimal amount.

    It is better to refuse pseudo sausages. There is nothing natural in this product, so it is best not to consume it at all or you must be one hundred percent sure of the quality of the product.

    What is included in your morning menu? Do you have breakfast at all?

    What should your daily lunch be like?

    Assuming that you had breakfast between 7 and 8 o’clock in the morning, you can start lunch at 11 o’clock. At this time, you will feel the first urges of your body to snack on something, and the feeling of hunger will begin to take over you. Doctors and nutritionists recommend introducing foods rich in calcium, magnesium and other microelements into the diet at this time. This is either low-fat yogurt.

    These products can be alternated with fruits and berries. It is recommended to eat fresh fruits and berries grown in our country. This way you can be more confident that they do not contain harmful microelements.

    How to take a lunch break?

    Approximately, the lunch break and the most high-calorie meal should take place strictly from 13 to 14 hours. In order for your stomach to always be healthy and food to be well digested, you definitely need

    It is best if these are low-fat soups that are cooked with vegetable or chicken broth, ear, or Lenten borscht. Soups are very healthy dishes our menu, which must be included in the diet. They will help satisfy your hunger and will not give you the opportunity to overeat. But you need to remember about the temperature of liquid soups.

    In addition to liquid dishes, a small amount of a second course should be present. The second course may consist of boiled beef or chicken. It is better to avoid fried foods, although they are tasty, they will not improve your health. The side dish must be presented in the form of products that contain starch. It can be stewed, baked or boiled: beans, potatoes, rice,...

    The third dish can be presented in the form of warm, freshly brewed herbal, or just water. You should not drink ice water as this will slow down the digestion process.

    What to treat yourself to for afternoon tea?

    It would be right to have something to eat by 4 pm. But it is best not to overdo it and not to overeat, since dinner may be postponed, which can also lead to undesirable consequences. For an afternoon snack, the most you can include in your diet is fruit. You can top them with yogurt. Also treat yourself to a small piece of dark chocolate, mousse or one small cake.

    How to make dinner right? What to include on his menu?

    Be sure to include a glass of kefir in your menu every day or warm milk, which you should drink before bed. You can treat yourself to a banana and a few crackers. It is better not to eat apples, as they cause appetite.

    Ideal products for every day menu

    When choosing products for a healthy menu, better use rationality, logic and consistency. I advise you to definitely apply the following rules:

    1. Food that contains protein takes a long time to process, so you shouldn’t overdo it and overeat it.
    2. Also, you should not focus exclusively on foods that contain a lot of carbohydrates, they contribute to the rapid digestion of food.
    3. Make it a rule to include fruits in your daily menu, as they charge you with energy and are a source of vitamins and microelements.
    4. You should not eat protein and carbohydrate foods in the same meal.
    5. Your motto: “Every day a new dish!” – this is the basis of your health. Proper nutrition is a varied diet.
    6. The diet should contain foods containing glucose and fats in sufficient quantities.

    And in conclusion, it should be noted that every day a person simply must have proper nutrition - the menu for every day should consist of:

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