Checking work on the environment. Verification work around the world

Pregnancy and children 07.09.2019
Pregnancy and children

(monitoring, September)

around the world of 4th grade students (entrance control)


    The purpose of monitoring work is to assess the level of students' learning at the start of education in the 4th grade.

The work includes 12 tasks with a choice of answers, requiring independent

short answer.

The maximum number of points that a student who correctly completed the tasks can score is 12 points.

    Work evaluation scale

"5" - 12 - 11 points

"4" - 10 - 9 points

"3" - 8 - 7 points

"2" - less than 6 points


4 classes around the world

Tested Skills

Human and nature

To carry out the analysis of objects with the allocation of essential and non-essential properties.

Distinguish (recognize) studied objects and phenomena inanimate nature.

Highlight the main essential features of the studied objects and phenomena of animate and inanimate nature.

Man and society

Rules for a safe life

Understand the need healthy lifestyle life.


Controlled Skills

Number of points

The ability to distinguish between objects of inanimate and living nature.

Knowledge of the concept of the water cycle in nature, the importance of the ecological value of nature.

Knowledge of the components of inanimate nature: water and its properties.

Implementation of the studied rules for the protection and promotion of health, safe behavior

I approve

Director of GBOU secondary school

Full name

Option 1

    Specify an object of wildlife.

    fog 2) insect

3) moon 4) frost

    Specify autumn months(find and indicate the correct complete answer).

A) November B) October

B) September D) August

    What animals make stocks for the winter (find and indicate the correct full answer).

A) elk B) mouse

C) squirrel D) badger

4. Find the correct and complete definition of the concept horizon.

2) horizon line

3) visible space around us

4) everything that is visible from the window

5. What are minerals?

1) everything that people extract from the ground

2) all minerals and rocks useful to humans

3) all ancient substances stored in the earth

4) minerals and rocks that people extract from the earth and

use them

6. In which lake in Russia are the largest reserves of fresh water

water in the world?

1) Onega 3) Ladoga

2) Baikal 4) White

7. Indicate the most correct value of water.

1) water is the source of life on earth

2) all animals need water

3) all plants need water

4) everyone needs water

8. What property of air allows us to see everything around us?

1) no smell

2) transparency

3) elasticity

4) colorless

9. Specify the capital of Russia.

1) Moscow 3) Vladivostok

2) St. Petersburg 4) Irkutsk

10. With the help of which organ system does a person receive the most information

about the environment?

1) with the help of the digestive system

2) using the human skeleton

3) using the sensory system

4) using the circulatory system

11. Seas, what kind of ocean wash Russia from the north?

1) Indian

2) Atlantic

3) Arctic

12. Find a bad habit.

2) bite nails, pens, pencils

I approve

Director of GBOU secondary school

Full name

Test of internal monitoring of the quality of knowledge about the world in the 4th grade.

Option 2

1. Specify an object of wildlife.

    stone 3) wind

    birds 4) Sun

    Specify summer months(find and indicate the correct complete answer).

A) September B) July

B) August D) June

    Which animals do not stock up for the winter (find and indicate the correct complete answer).

A) badger B) hare

B) fox D) wolf

4. Specify the full definition of the concept of the horizon line.

1) everything that is visible around

2) a place where the surface of the Earth seems to converge with the sky

3) horizon

4) far away

5. What groups are minerals divided into?

A) different B) liquid

B) solid D) gaseous

6. Thanks to what natural phenomenon Are groundwater supplies constantly replenished on the globe?

1) wind 3) water cycle

2) frost 4) the sun

7. What part of everything globe covered with water?

1) one second 3) two thirds

2) one fourth 4) two fourths

8. Specify what air is.

1) air is a solid

2) air is a gaseous substance

3) air is a liquid substance

4) air is a mixed substance

9. Mark the state symbols of Russia.

A) coat of arms B) constitution

B) flag D) anthem

10. What is the main function of the human skeleton?

1) is the support and protection of the human body

2) helps to run

3) helps to jump

4) helps grow

11. Seas, which ocean wash Russia from the east?

1) Indian

2) Atlantic

3) Arctic

12. Find a bad habit.

1) eat plenty of vegetables and fruits containing vitamins

2) use other people's personal hygiene items

3) brush your teeth after eating in the morning and evening

4) visit the dentist regularly

Answer sheet around the world input

Option _____________________

job number

Grade: ____________

Option I

job number

Option II

job number

Class: 4B

Subject: the world

Total in class: 8 students

Performed: 8 students

Did it: 8 students - 100%

FI student


Average score:

1 point - did it

0 points - failed

Completion rate - 6 out of 12 tasks

Teacher: Ponakshina V.I.

Analysis of the results of internal monitoring around the world4th grade students

    Teacher: Ponakshina V.I.

    Subject: the world around

    Form of control: test

    Date: 18.09. 2014

    Short description test: 12 tasks

    Number of students taking the test - 8

    Number of students whose result meets the criteria - 2

    Evaluation criteria (from specification) - 2

"5" - 12-11 points

"4" - 10-9 points

"3" - 8-6 points

"2" - 5-0 points

    Test results

Number of students: 8

Performed work: 8

Did the job: 8 - 100%



% completed

The ability to distinguish between objects of inanimate and living nature.

Knowledge of seasonal changes in nature.

Knowledge of characteristic plants and animals of different communities.

Knowledge of the concept of what a horizon is, a horizon line.

Knowledge of the properties of minerals, their use.

Knowledge of the water cycle in nature, the importance of the ecological value of nature.

Knowledge of the components of inanimate nature: air, water, their properties.

Knowledge of the native country and state symbols of Russia.

Knowledge of the structure of the human body, its most important organs and their functions; basics of personal hygiene.

Knowledge of the nature of Russia, the largest plains and mountain systems, oceans, rivers, lakes, seas.

Managed everything

    Conclusions based on the monitoring results:

Environment Specification, Grade 4
(monitoring, May)

test items for internal monitoring work

around the world of 4th grade students (final control)

educational institution


    The purpose of monitoring work is to assess the level of students' learning.

    Documents defining the content of the work:

1. Federal State Primary Standard general education

(Order of the Ministry of Education and Science RFM373 of 06.10.2009)

2. Program: " The world"(" The world around us "), Grade 3 / A.A. Pleshakov,

School of Russia. Concept and programs for the beginning. class At 2 p.m. Ch 1/ [M.A. Bantova,

G.V. Beltyukova and others] - 3rd ed. M.: Enlightenment, 2008

3. World around: final certification for the course elementary school: typical test tasks / E.G. Katkova. - M.: Exam, 2010

    Description of the structure and content of the monitoring work.

The work includes 18 tasks with a choice of answers, requiring independent

short answer.

Distribution of tasks by content, types of skills and methods of activity

    The system for evaluating individual tasks and the entire work as a whole.

For the correct completion of each task, the student receives 1 point.

For an incorrect answer or its absence, 0 points are set.

In task 5, the maximum number of points is 4 (one point for each correctly chosen answer)

The maximum number of points that a student who correctly completed the tasks can score is 21 points.

    Work evaluation scale

"5" - 21 - 20 points

"4" - 19 - 15 points

"3" - 14 - 11 points

"2" - less than 10 points


4 classes around the world

The codifier is a systematized list of content elements and requirements for the level of training of students, compiled in accordance with the list of requirements for the level of training of primary school graduates for conducting procedures for assessing the quality of primary education.

Tested Skills

Human and nature

Selecting an object by feature.

Highlight the main essential features of the studied objects and phenomena of animate and inanimate nature.

Find examples of positive and negative human impact on nature

Distinguish the characteristic properties of the studied objects and phenomena of animate and inanimate nature by their name.

Carry out the simplest classification of the studied objects of nature on the basis of external signs or known characteristic properties.

Understand the need to follow the rules of safe behavior.

The ability to find information on a globe, map or plan, using symbols.

Distinguish (recognize) studied objects and phenomena of inanimate nature.

Distinguish (recognize) studied objects and phenomena of inanimate nature. Apply information.

Highlight the main essential features of the studied objects and phenomena of animate and inanimate nature.

The ability to find information on a globe, map or plan, using symbols.

Man and society

Distinguish the state symbols of the Russian Federation; find on the map the Russian Federation, Moscow - the capital of Russia.

Correlate the main (studied) historical events with dates.

Describe individual events from the history of the Fatherland.

Distinguish past, present, future.

Know public holidays.

Rules for a safe life

Use knowledge about the structure and functioning of the human body to maintain and strengthen your health

The ability to recognize human organs.

Criteria for assessing the performance of tasks


Controlled Skills

Number of points

Knowledge of the components of inanimate nature: air and its properties.

Knowledge of characteristic plants and animals of different communities.

Knowledge of the features of the nature of Russia, the largest plains and mountain systems, oceans, rivers, lakes, seas.

Knowledge of the features of the nature of Russia, the largest plains and mountain systems, oceans, rivers, lakes, seas.

Knowledge of the properties of minerals, their use.

Implementation of the studied rules for the protection and promotion of health, safe behavior.

Knowledge of the structure of the human body, its most important organs and their functions; basics of personal hygiene.

Knowledge of the native country and state symbols of Russia.

I approve

Director of GBOU secondary school

Full name

Test of internal monitoring of the quality of knowledge about the world in the 4th grade.

Option 1

    What is the science of celestial bodies? Circle the correct letter

a) history

b) geography

c) ecology

d) astronomy

    What property of air allows us to see everything around us?

a) no smell

b) transparency

c) elasticity

d) colorless

    What should people do to protect water bodies?

a) do not swim in rivers and lakes

b) destroy the inhabitants of water bodies

c) water gardens with water from rivers and lakes

d) clear the banks of water bodies from debris

    Which plant is not a meadow plant?

a) yarrow

b) bluegrass

c) timothy

d) reed

a) oats, millet, onions, wheat

b ) cucumber, zucchini, garlic, cherry

c) pear, apricot, buckwheat, currant

d) cabbage, lily, iris, phlox

    What will you do if you see an unfamiliar plant with beautiful berries in the forest?

a) taste it to decide whether they can be eaten or not;

b) I will pick berries to treat my acquaintances and friends:

c) I will pick the berries along with the branches and throw them away;

d) I will pass by, because an unfamiliar plant, even part of it, is dangerous to eat.

    My region is located on the mainland:

a) Africa;

b) Australia;

c) Eurasia;

G) North America.

    The place where the river originates is called:

a) left tributary;

b) source;

c) right tributary;

d) mouth.

    What minerals are metals made from?

a) granite

b) from ore;

c) from coal;

d) from oil.

    Soil fertility depends on the amount of:

c) humus;

    About what natural area in question in a line of poetry?

« South of the strip of forests lies a carpet of herbs, flowers»

a) tundra zone;

b) forest zone;

c) steppe zone;

d) zone of arctic deserts.

    Muscles when performing physical activity get tired. Determine what needs to be done to prevent fatigue.

a) refuse any physical labor;

b) alternate work and rest, or different types labor;

c) do not go to physical education classes, do not play sports;

d) take special medications.

    What is the olfactory organ?

    Indicate the order of the stripes on the State Flag of the Russian Federation (from bottom to top):

a) red, blue, white;

b) blue, red, white;

c) white, blue, red;

d) white, red, blue

    When did the French army led by Napoleon invade Russia?

a) in 1821

b) in 1818

c) in 1812

d) in 1815

    Who showed leadership talent in the battle on the ice of Lake Peipus?

a) Dmitry Donskoy

b) Alexander Nevsky

c) Ivan Kalita

d) Yuri Dolgoruky

    Christopher Columbus discovered:

a) Antarctica

b) America

c) Africa

d) Australia

18. Victory Day we celebrate:

I approve

Director of GBOU secondary school

Full name

Option 2

    What is the name of the science that learns about the past by studying ancient objects, structures?

Circle the correct letter

a) astronomy

b) archeology

c) history

d) geography

    What gas do all living things take in when they breathe?

a) carbon dioxide

b) oxygen

c) natural gas

    Which statement is incorrect?

a) the forest is the protector of the soil

b) there are so many forests that it is impossible to cut them down

c) the forest purifies the air

d) the forest protects the soil from destruction

    Do not belong to fresh water plants?

a) a pod

b) water lily

c) timothy

d) shooter

    Underline the extra word in each line:

a) strawberry, plum, millet, apple;

b ) rye, carrots, pumpkin, tomatoes;

c) barley, dill, oats, buckwheat;

d) gladiolus, peony, currant, aster.

    An unfamiliar dog appeared in the yard and small children began to play with it. What advice do you give them?

a) The dog is a friend of man, so you can play with it;

b) you need to take a stick and drive the dog out of the yard:

c) it is impossible to play with such a dog, because it can be sick and aggressive;

d) you need to scream loudly so that the dog gets scared and runs away.

    My region is in a natural area:

a) tundra;

d) deserts.

    What phenomenon in plant life can be observed in spring?

a) ripening of fruits and seeds;

b) setting growth and development;

c) bud break, flowering;

d) the death of the aerial part of herbaceous plants.

    What minerals are used in construction?

a) granite;

b) coal;

d) natural gas.

    From the remains of dead plants and animals under the influence of microorganisms is formed:

d) humus.

    What natural area is described in the text?

Summers are warm, but winters are severe, coniferous plants predominate, because they are less demanding on heat. Animal world varied.

a) tundra;

c) desert;

d) arctic desert.

    Respiratory organs do not include:

a) lungs;

b) heart;

c) trachea;

d) bronchi.

    Protection internal parts human body from damage, from cold and heat, pathogenic bacteria - this is work:

a) the skeleton;

d) hearts

    What is the name of our Motherland, our country?

b) Belarus;

in) Russian empire;

d) Russia, Russian Federation

    When did the Great Patriotic War?

    In which city was the first museum of Russia, the Kunstkamera, opened?

a) in Moscow

b) in St. Petersburg

c) in Vladimir

d) in Yaroslavl

    Who was the Russian pioneer:

a) Dmitry Donskoy

b) Ivan Fedorov

c) Ivan the Terrible

d) Christopher Columbus

    For the first time a man went into space:

Answer form around the world final

test work in 4th grade

Date of completion _____________________

Full name of the student __________________________________________________________

Option _____________________

job number

Number of points scored: ____________

Grade: ____________

Teacher: ______________ _____________________

The key to test work around the world in 4th grade

1 option

Option 2

5 - a) onion, b) cherry, c) buckwheat, d) cabbage

5 - a) millet, b) rye, c) dill, d) currant

Results of internal monitoring

Class: 4B

Subject: the world

Total in class: 8 students

Performed: students

Did it: students -%

The results of internal monitoring of the quality of knowledge about the world in the 4th grade.

FI student


Average score:

1 point - did it

0 points - failed

Completion rate - 10 out of 21 tasks

Teacher: Ponakshina V.I.

Analysis of the results of internal monitoring of the world around students in grade 4

    Teacher: Ponakshina V.I.

    Subject: the world around

    Topic: assessing the level of student learning

    Form of control: test

    Date: 20.05. 2015

    Brief description of the test: 18 tasks

    Number of students taking the test -

    Number of students whose result meets the criteria -

    Testing time was 40 minutes

    Evaluation criteria (from specification) -

"5" - 21-20 points

"4" - 19-15 points

"3" - 14-11 points

"2" - 10-0 points

    Test results

Number of students: 8

Did the work:

Did the job: -%

    Typology of errors based on test results



% completed

Knowledge of the sciences: history, geography, archeology, astronomy.

Knowledge of the components of inanimate nature: air and its properties.

Knowledge of the concepts: forest, meadow, reservoir as examples of the main natural communities Russia.

Knowledge of characteristic plants and animals of different communities.

Knowledge about features appearance and life of various groups of plants.

Implementation of the learned rules of safe behavior.

Knowledge of the features of the nature of Russia, the largest plains and mountain systems, oceans, rivers, lakes, seas.

Knowledge of the features of the nature of Russia, the largest plains and mountain systems, oceans, rivers, lakes, seas.

Knowledge of the properties of minerals, their use.

Knowledge of the main essential features of the studied objects and phenomena of animate and inanimate nature.

Knowledge of nature and natural areas Russia.

Implementation of the studied rules for the protection and promotion of health, safe behavior.

Knowledge of the structure of the human body, its most important organs and their functions; basics of personal hygiene.

Knowledge of the native country and state symbols of Russia.

Knowledge of major historical dates.

Knowledge of the most important events in different historical periods.

Knowledge of the most important events.

Knowledge of public holidays

Managed everything

    Conclusions based on the monitoring results:

The quality of assimilation of the program material by students of the 4th grade meets the requirements of the basic level. It is recommended to carry out corrective work with students on these topics.

Test on the topic "Diversity of animals" Grade 2, L.V. Zankov's system
1. What is the name of animal science?
1) biology
2) zoology
3) botany
4) ecology
2. Animals are..
1) man, birds, animals, microbes, fungi, plants, worms, insects
2) birds, animals, insects, fish, reptiles, amphibians, arachnids
3. What group of animals do shrimp and crabs belong to?
1) shellfish
2) crustaceans
3) echinoderms
4. What group of animals do ticks and scorpions belong to?
1) arachnids
2) worms
3) insects
5. What group do animals with 6 legs belong to?
1) crustaceans
2) arachnids
3) insects
6. What are the names of animals whose body is covered with scales?
1) fish
2) amphibians
3) reptiles
7. Which group of animals feed their young with milk?
1) birds
2) animals
3) amphibians
8. What group of animals do frogs and newts belong to?
1) fish
2) amphibians
3) reptiles
9. What group of animals is the most numerous?
1) insects
2) birds
3) animals
10. In what series are echinoderms named?
1) snail, slug, squid, octopus
2) butterfly, beetle, dragonfly, fly, bee
3) starfish, sea urchin, sea cucumber, sea lily
11. Pond frog is:
1) animals
2) amphibians
3) reptiles
12. What animals give birth to cubs and feed them with milk?
1) insects
2) fish
3) birds
4) animals
5) reptiles
13. What NOT to do in the reserve?
1) identify animals using the identification atlas
2) to observe animals
3) take pictures of animals
4) run, make noise, climb trees
Topic 1: Diversity of plants, fungi, animals.
(Repetition of what was studied in grade 1).
1. In the 1st grade, we studied:
A) animals, humans
B) plants, inanimate nature, human products
C) plants, fungi, animals
2. Shrubs are called plants in which:
A) flexible stem
B) several trunks
B) one main trunk
3. Peas, wheat, currants are: A) herbaceous plants
B) shrubs
B) cultivated plants
4. Wild plants include:
A) lilac, wild rose, spruce
B) birch, cabbage, pine
C) apple, poplar, maple
5. Spruce, larch, pine are called:
A) coniferous trees
B) deciduous trees
B) evergreen trees
6. Mammals:
A) have thick hair
B) breathe with lungs
C) they give birth to cubs and feed them with their milk
7. Insects include:
A) animals with six legs
B) small animals, their body has 2 or 3 parts
C) animals with wings
8. Frog and toad belong to the group:
A) reptiles
B) fish
B) amphibians
9. Chief hallmark birds:
A) animals with plumage
B) animals caring for offspring
C) animals that can fly
10. K inedible mushrooms relate:
BUT) satanic mushroom, saffron
B) butterdish, russula
C) false honey agaric, pale grebe

Surname, name ______________________________ Date_________
1. What are the names of animals whose body is covered with scales?
1. Birds;
2. Beasts;
3. Fish.
2. Match:
Beasts two legs, two wings, feathers
Birds four legs, wool
Pisces six legs
Insect fins, scales
3. How many legs does a butterfly have?
4. Complete the sentences:
1) Wolf, cat, mole, hedgehog, elephant, hare - ___________________________________
2) Sparrow, crow, magpie, woodpecker -_________________________________
3) Carp, bream, perch, catfish -__________________________________________
5. What animal is a fish?
1. frog;
3. salmon;
6. What animal is superfluous?
1. Heron;
3. Penguin;
4. Bat.
7. Emphasize amphibians with one line, reptiles with two lines.
Frog, toad, crocodile, turtle, lizard.
8. Write what birds did you see in our city?

Mosquito, pike, frog, cup, tit, bear are __________
Circle all the letters of the correct answers. Animals have:
a) paws;
b) legs;
c) hands;
d) wings.

body covered with feathers, two legs, most fly
body covered with scales, live in water, swim

How many legs do insects have? Circle the correct letter.
a) 4 legs;
b) 8 legs;
c) 6 legs.
What animal is a fish? Circle the correct letter.
a) a dolphin
b) hippopotamus;
c) carp.
6. What animal is an amphibian? Circle the correct letter.
a) a lizard
b) frog;
c) rhinoceros;
Tests for the section "Nature"
SURNAME, NAME ________________________________
Who is in the "alien" line? Cross it out. Name the remaining bodies in one word. Submit an offer.
Ladybug, crucian carp, turtle, bird cherry, penguin, wolf - this is _____________
Circle all the letters of the correct answers. Animals live:
a) in nests
b) in houses;
c) in holes.
Connect the name of the trait and the name of the group of animals with arrows.
six legs, fly or crawl
body covered with feathers, two legs, most fly
body covered with hair, four legs
What is the body of a fish covered with? Circle the correct letter.
a) wool
b) scales;
c) feathers.
Which animal is an insect? Circle the correct letter.
a) a spider;
b) bullfinch;
c) a worm.
6. What animal is a bird? Circle the correct letter.
a) hummingbirds;
b) giraffe;
c) python.

Test on the topic "Variety of plants" Grade 2
1. What groups are plants divided into?
a) mosses, ferns, birches
b) trees, strawberries, herbs
c) trees, shrubs, herbs
d) trees, shrubs, plantain
2. What are the names of plants that have several thin stems?
a) grass b) shrub c) tree
3. What trees are called evergreen?

4. Which plants never have flowers, fruits, but have seeds?
a) deciduous b) flowering c) coniferous
5. What plants bloom, produce fruits and seeds?
a) deciduous b) flowering c) coniferous
6. Find an extra word in each line:
a) maple, mountain ash, spruce, tulip;
b) apple, currant, raspberry, blackberry;
c) strawberry, wild rose, violet, lily of the valley
7 Which plant is not a flowering plant?
a) bird cherry b) seaweed c) chamomile
8. Match and connect the name of the plant with the method of its distribution with arrows.
Animals and man
Animals and birds

9. Mark the correct statement with a sign √ Coniferous trees do not have leaves.
If a plant has no fruit, then it cannot have seeds.
The body of algae does not have roots, stems, leaves, flowers.
10. Mark with a sign √ deciduous shrubs.
Deciduous shrubs include:
oak, juniper, lilac, spruce, currant, rose.
11. Look at the illustrations and write the names of each group of plants.

Verification work around the world

Theme: Ecosystem

Task number 1. Insert the missing words into the text.

The cycle of substances in nature is a very complex process. It involves many different living organisms. Each of them in this cycle has its own "profession". Conventionally, they can be called - _______________, __________________, ___________________.

1. _________________ are green plants. They absorb carbon dioxide from the air and water and mineral nutrients from the soil.

2. _________________ are animals and humans. They cannot, like plants, themselves create organic substances from water and carbon dioxide. Therefore, these substances are taken from ready-made food.

3. _________________ - These are a variety of living organisms that cannot themselves create organic substances. They feed on dead organisms.

Task number 2. Write down representatives of each group of living organisms.

The first group -

The second group -

The third group -

Task number 3. All living organisms are participants in the cycle of substances . They are unable to live without each other. In order not to harm nature, you need to know its laws. All organisms are connected with each other and participate in the circulation of substances. Each link of the cycle is necessary for the life of the inhabitants of the biosphere.

Draw a food chain of your choice. Sign each participant in the cycle.

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Kolchuginskaya school No. 1"

Control and measuring materials

by subject

"The world"

3rd grade

EMC "School of Russia"

2015-2016 academic year


One of the important didactic conditions that ensure the assimilation of knowledge is their systematic testing and evaluation.

The test provides me with the opportunity to determine the quality of students' knowledge, the level of mastery of the skills being formed. This, in turn, makes it possible to assess the readiness of students to study new material and the effectiveness of the applied methods and teaching methods.

For students, checking is important:

    it serves as a kind of reinforcement of the correctness of emerging knowledge or a brake on incorrect connections;

    the very fact of checking psychologically adjusts to quality work, develops self-control.

In school practice, verification is carried out orally and in writing; the current thematic control and the final accounting of knowledge are applied.

To control and evaluate knowledge and skills in the subjects of this educational field individual and frontal oralchecks, various written works that do not require detailedth answer with a large expenditure of time, as well as independent practical work with maps, instruments, models, laboratory equipmenteat.

The purpose of the test papers compiled by me is to check the assimilation of the program material on the studied topics of the course according to the textbook by A. A. Pleshakov.

The test time is 10-15 minutes. But the teacher can adjust this time, based on the capabilities of his class, in order to avoid a nervous situation. And for the final work, a whole lesson should be given, since the student needs to concentrate in order to remember everything that he learned during the school year in the Russian language.


Test tasks - a dynamic form of testing aimed at establishing the level of formation of the ability to use one's knowledge in non-standard learning situations.


"5" - 97-100%

"four" - 77-96%

"3" - 50-76%

"2" - less than 50%


At a meeting of SMO teachers

primary school

Protocol No. ______

From __________2015

Sichkorez T.I.

"How does the world work?"

Chamomile, ruler, tile, car, mountains, cupboard, clay, bird, clouds, notebook, tree, house.

3. Wildlife includes:

    man, animals, plants, fungi, microbes;

    Sun, Earth, air, water, man and everything that is made by his hands;

    Sun, sky, clouds, Earth, stones, water, rain, snow.

5. Animals are:




    create boulevards and squares;

10. What are nature reserves?

oak boletus mosquito


strawberry deer whale

birch boletus cedar

14. Any state has:

Air, heron, sun, soil, kangaroo, wood mouse, fish, seagull, woodpecker, water.

air pollution;

water pollution;

drain Wastewater;


    in the Honor Book;

    in the Red Book


VERIFICATION WORK No. 1 on the topic

"How does the world work?"

1. Underline the names of natural objects:

Chamomile , ruler, tile, car, mountains, closet,clay , bird, clouds, notebook, wood , house.

2. Inanimate nature includes:

    man, animals, plants, fungi, microbes;

    Sun, Earth, air, water, man and everything that is made by his hands;

    Sun, sky, clouds, Earth, stones, water, rain, snow.

3. Wildlife includes:

    man, animals, plants, fungi, microbes;

    Sun, Earth, air, water, man and everything that is made by his hands;

    Sun, sky, clouds, Earth, stones, water, rain, snow.

4. Living beings differ from inanimate objects in that:

    they breathe, eat, grow, bear offspring, die;

    they talk, run and jump, laugh and cry, grow, die;

    they move, grow, change surrounding nature are dying.

5. Animals are:

    animals, insects, snakes, plants, fungi, microbes;

    birds, animals, fish, lizards, turtles, worms;

    birds, animals, man, insects, plants, mushrooms.

6. Because of what on Earth it becomes less forests?

    due to fires and natural disasters;

    due to climate change on Earth;

    due to the construction of cities, roads, cultivation of fields.

7. What air and what water are necessary for the life of plants, animals and humans?




8. Why is water polluted in rivers and lakes?

    from the use of water in everyday life;

    from the use of water in production;

    from the discharge of wastewater from factories and factories, sewage from farms.

9. What do people do to save wildlife?

    create reserves, botanical gardens;

    create boulevards and squares;

    create farms, apiaries and poultry farms.

10. What are nature reserves?

    nature reserves are plots of land where all nature is under strict protection;

    nature reserves are plots of land where rare plants from all over the world are grown;

    nature reserves are areas of land where big variety animals, birds and insects.

11. Underline the excess in each column:

oak boletus mosquito

Hedgehog honey agaric mole

strawberries deer whale

birch boletus cedar

12.K inner world person include:

    dreams, height, age, character, weight;

    knowledge, mood, character, thoughts, dreams;

    hands, eyes, hairstyle, age, mood.

13. Connect the concepts and their corresponding definitions with lines:

ability to think imagination

ability to store information

the ability to imagine what is not perceived

the ability to receive information about the surrounding memory

14. Any state has:

    its territory, state borders, state language, capital;

    its territory, joint economy, national traditions, state language, its territory;

    state borders, national traditions, state language, its territory.

15. Emphasize what makes up environment for pine:

Air, heron, sun , the soil, kangaroo, wood mouse , fish, seagull, woodpecker , water .

16. Connect the lines of people's actions and their corresponding results:

air pollution;

extermination of animals for fur;

water pollution;

waste water discharge;

extinction of some animal species;

smoke emissions from factories and factories.


17. Information about rare plants and animals are listed:

in the Honor Book;

    in the Red Book


At a meeting of SMO teachers

primary school

Protocol No. ______

From __________2015

Sichkorez T.I.

Student …………………………………………………………………………………………………

Water ………………………. when heated and ……………………… when cooled. Some substances dissolve in water, because water is good ……………………… Water can be purified using ……………………….


    has no color.

    Has no smell.

    Expands when heated.

    Shrinks when cooled.


    Conducts heat poorly.



Air ……………………………………………………………………………………

Water ……………………………………………………………………………………….


VERIFICATION WORK No. 2 on the topic

"Transformations and the water cycle"

1. Read the sentences. Replace the dots with the missing words:

Water expandswhen heated andshrinkswhen cooling. Some substances dissolve in water, because water is a goodsolvent.Water can be purified withfilter .

2. Water is a solvent. How does this property manifest itself in nature? Give examples. Write the answer.

Caves are formed. Water destroys rocks, mountains, which are composed of rocks, changes the surface of the Earth. In the seas, oceans, some lakes, the water tastes salty. Due to the dissolving properties of water, mineral springs are formed.

3. What properties do air and water have? Select these properties and write down the answers with the appropriate numbers:

    has no color.

    Has no smell.

    Expands when heated.

    Shrinks when cooled.


    Conducts heat poorly.



Air – 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7

Water – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8


At a meeting of SMO teachers

primary school

Protocol No. ______

From __________2015

Sichkorez T.I.

"This wonderful nature»

Student …………………………………………………………………………………………………

1. What is called the body?

    aluminum, iron, copper;

    water, starch, salt, pepper;

    kefir, fermented baked milk, chlorine, fluorine;

    in solid;

    in liquid;

    in gaseous.

    hydrogen, copper, zinc;

    chlorine, fluorine, iodine.



    carbon dioxide.

    air is a poor conductor of heat.

water vapor cloud;

water droplet cloud.



    fungi and microbes.

    sand and clay;

    marble and granite;

    water and gas.

    to the living;

    to the inanimate

18. What does the soil consist of?

    humus, sand, clay;

    air, water, salt;

    plant and animal remains.

    the presence of humus in the soil;

    the presence of water in the soil;




Apple tree, spruce, currant, pine, dandelion, juniper.

    presence of soil and air;


    carbon dioxide;








    cows, hippos, giraffes;

    wolves, foxes, wild boars;

    moose, seals, whales.

    pine woodpecker bark beetle;

    slug cabbage toad;

    rye mouse snake eagle.












    in winter.




    in reserves;

    on a personal plot;

    on boulevards and squares.

    in parks;

    in the squares;

    in botanical gardens.

    cow, horse, goose, rooster;

    pig, sheep, duck, turkey.

    squirrel, hare, wild boar;

    beaver, sable, marten;

    elk, fox, wolf.

40. Complete the food chains:

    aspen ………………… wolf;

    ………………. mouse owl;

    algae fish ……………….


VERIFICATION WORK No. 3 on the topic

"This amazing nature"

1. What is called the body?

    everything that is made by human hands;

    any object, any living being;

    any plant, insect, bird or animal.

2. In which line are only the bodies indicated?

    pot, frying pan, kettle, faucet, water;

    desk, board, table, chair, lamp;

    pencil, pen, ink, pencil case, sugar.

3. Which line lists only substances?

    aluminum, iron, copper;

    aluminum pan, iron poker, copper basin;

    a lump of sugar, a drop of dew, a crystal of salt.

4. Which line lists only gaseous substances?

    water, starch, salt, pepper;

    kefir, fermented baked milk, chlorine, fluorine;

    nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide.

5. In what bodies are the gaps between particles the largest?

    in solid;

    in liquid;

    in gaseous.

6. What substances are included in the air?

    hydrogen, copper, zinc;

    oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide;

    chlorine, fluorine, iodine.

7. What gas, which is part of the air, is necessary for breathing?



    carbon dioxide.

8. What properties does air have?

    blue color, conducts sounds, passes Sun rays, has no smell;

    transparent, colorless, odorless, expands when heated, and contracts when cooled, conducts heat poorly;

    with the wind, dust is carried through the air, the smell depends on the surrounding objects, with a sharp change in the boundary of heat and cold, winds are formed.

9. Double frames are installed in the windows to preserve heat. What property of air is being used?

    when heated, the air expands;

    when cooled, the air is compressed;

    air is a poor conductor of heat.

10. How should the air be protected from pollution?

    to stop all factories and factories, to stop harvesting timber, to prohibit the use of transport, to turn the Earth into one huge nature reserve;

    factories and factories must have dust and harmful substance traps, transport must be made environmentally safe, belts of gardens, parks and forests must be created in cities and around them.

11. Why can water pipes burst in winter?

    water, turning into ice, expands;

    water, turning into ice, is compressed;

    Damage to water pipes is not related to the presence of water in them.

12. You washed the floor in the classroom. Why did it become dry after a while?

    water has evaporated from the floor surface;

    water soaked into the floor surface;

    water remained on the soles of the shoes of students who walked around the classroom.

13. Follow the movement of a drop of water that has fallen from the clouds. How will she be in the clouds again? Which of the chains of transformations is correct?

    cloud water droplet surface of oceans, seas, rivers and land

evaporation of water water vapor cloud;

    cloud surface of oceans, seas, rivers and land water droplets

water vapor cloud;

    cloud water vapor surface of oceans, seas, rivers and land

water droplet cloud.

14. Due to what cracks form in rocks and stones?

    due to the heating of rocks and stones on warm sunny days;

    due to the cooling of rocks and stones at night;

    due to uneven expansion and contraction of rocks and stones.

15. What representatives of wildlife accelerate the destruction of rocks?



    fungi and microbes.

16. What is formed during the destruction of rocks and stones?

    sand and clay;

    marble and granite;

    water and gas.

17. What nature can soil be attributed to?

    to the living;

    to the inanimate

    inanimate and Live nature combine in the soil.

18. What does the soil consist of?

    from microbes, plant roots, various animals living in the soil;

    from air, water, humus, sand, clay, salts;

    from air, water, humus, sand, clay, salts, as well as microbes, plant roots and various animals living in the soil.

19. What do plants get from the soil?

    humus, sand, clay;

    air, water, salt;

    plant and animal remains.

20. What affects soil fertility?

    the presence of humus in the soil;

    the presence of water in the soil;

    the presence of sand and clay in the soil.

21. Thanks to what does humus turn into salts necessary for plant nutrition?

    thanks to the animals that live in the soil;

    thanks to the water and air contained in the soil;

    thanks to the microbes that live in the soil.

22. What is the name of the science of plants?




23. Underline the names of conifers with one line, flowering plants with two lines:

Apple tree, spruce , currant, pine, dandelion, juniper.

24. What conditions are required for a plant to form sugar and starch?

    the presence of water and carbon dioxide;

    presence of soil and air;

    availability of light, water and carbon dioxide.

25. What essential substance formed in the leaf along with nutrients?


    carbon dioxide;


26. What is the name of the science of animals?




27. Which of the following animals refers to fish?




28. Which of the following animals are herbivores?

    cows, hippos, giraffes;

    wolves, foxes, wild boars;

    moose, seals, whales.

29. Which of the power circuits is indicated correctly?

    pine woodpecker bark beetle;

    slug cabbage toad;

    rye mouse snake eagle.

30. Who gives birth to live cubs and feeds them with milk?




31. What word is missing: egg - ... - adult fish?




32. What word is missing: egg - larva - ... - butterfly?




33. Grasshopper is an insect. Does it go through the pupal stage in its development?

    all insects have pupae;

    grasshoppers do not have a pupal stage;

    an adult insect hatches from a grasshopper's egg - large and with wings.

34. What time of year is hunting and fishing are prohibited?



    in winter.

35. What plants are used in medicine?




36. Rare plants are forbidden to be collected. They are under special protection:

    in reserves;

    on a personal plot;

    on boulevards and squares.

37. Where are rare plants brought from all over the world grown?

    in parks;

    in the squares;

    in botanical gardens.

38. What animals are listed in the Red Book?

    tiger, walrus, flamingo, golden eagle;

    cow, horse, goose, rooster;

    pig, sheep, duck, turkey.

39. Some species of animals have already been saved. Name them.

    squirrel, hare, wild boar;

    beaver, sable, marten;

    elk, fox, wolf.

40. Complete the food chains:

    aspen hare, moose wolf;

    rye mouse owl;

    seaweed fish heron


At a meeting of SMO teachers

primary school

Protocol No. ______

From __________2015

Sichkorez T.I.

"We and our health"




    Without intestines;

    without a brain;

    Without spleen.

eyes organ of touch

ears organ of taste

nose organ of vision

skin olfactory organ

language organ of hearing

    It is the support of the body.




    From the skeleton and muscles;

    From ligaments and tendons;

    From cartilage and bones.

    In the mouth;

    In the stomach;

    In the intestine.

    Thanks to the blood;

    Thanks to nerve fibers;

    Thanks to the muscles.


    Carbon dioxide;


    in the nose;

    in the bronchi;

    In the lungs.

    Through the skin, kidneys, lungs;

    Several days;

    Some years;

    Thousands years.

    mushroom picker;




VERIFICATION WORK No. 4 on the topic

"We and our health"

1. Why do you need to know your body?

    To maintain and improve health;

    To think, speak, work;

    To skillfully use their capabilities.

2. What is the name of the science that studies the structure of the human body?




3. The human body consists of organs. Which line lists only human organs?

    Eyes, lungs, stomach, skin;

    Heart, brain, kidneys;

    Liver, spleen, ears, bile.

4. How many sense organs do you know?

5. Without what organ would it be impossible to see, hear, smell and taste?

    Without intestines;

    without a brain;

    Without spleen.

6. In which line are the words describing healthy person?

    Stooped, strong, clumsy, tall;

    Hunchbacked, pale, frail, short;

    Slender, strong, agile, stately.

7. Connect the organs and their functions with lines:

eyes organ of touch

ears organ of taste

nose organ of vision

skin olfactory organ

language organ of hearing

8. What role does the fat that the skin secretes play?

    Makes the skin soft and supple;

    Makes the skin firm and strong;

    Makes skin agile & slim.

9.Which skin care items are listed correctly?

    Toothbrush, toothpaste, chewing gum;

    Washcloth, soap, towel, cream;

    Gutalin, shoe brush, glue.

10. What is the role of the human skeleton?

    Protects internal organs from damage;

    Contracting and relaxing, sets the muscles in motion;

    It is the support of the body.

11. What organ is located inside the skull?




12. What does a person's posture depend on?

    From the skeleton and muscles;

    From ligaments and tendons;

    From cartilage and bones.

13. Why does a person need food?

    With food, a person receives nutrients;

    With food, a person receives the oxygen necessary for life;

    With food, a person receives water and vitamins.

14. Where does digestion begin?

    In the mouth;

    In the stomach;

    In the intestine.

15. Thanks to which the particles nutrients distributed throughout the body?

    Thanks to the blood;

    Thanks to nerve fibers;

    Thanks to the muscles.

16. What air substance do the body organs need to work?


    Carbon dioxide;


17. In what organ does gas exchange take place between air and blood?

    in the nose;

    in the bronchi;

    In the lungs.

18. Through what organs is carbon dioxide and harmful substances removed from the body?

    Through the liver, intestines, bladder;

    Through the skin, kidneys, lungs;

    Through the heart, stomach, gallbladder.

19. For the formation of soil is required:

    Several days;

    Some years;

    Thousands years.

20. The underground part of the fungus is called:

    mushroom picker;




At a meeting of SMO teachers

primary school

Protocol No. ______

dated __________2015

__________ Sichkorez T.I.

"Our Security"

Student ………………………………………………………………………………………..

01 gas service

03 fire department

04 Ambulance

    run away;

    Exit the apartment.

    Open window;

    Light a match.

    Strong, brave, slender;

    Smart, beautiful, joyful.

    From 14 years old;

    From 10 years old;

    From 18 years old.

    Sign in the form of a red circle;

    Sign in the form of a blue circle.

    Hide in the closet;

    Hide under the bed.

    Press the "Call" button;

    Cry and scream;

    It will be boring;

    The road will not be visible;

    Leave an open area.

16. Poison mushroom:


VERIFICATION WORK No. 5 on the topic

"Our Security"

1. Connect the phone numbers and names of urgent services with arrows.

01 gas service

03 fire department

04 ambulance

2. What should be done first of all if a fire suddenly starts in the house that you cannot put out by yourself?

    run away;

    scream, call for help;

    Call the fire brigade on 01.

3. If there is smoke in the entrance, what should be done?

    Get out and see where and what is burning;

    Close the door and plug the cracks with wet rags;

    Do not pay attention - it's not burning in your apartment.

4. A pipe burst in the apartment. What needs to be done first?

    Leaving everything as it is until the arrival of the parents is the business of adults;

    Close the special valve and call your parents;

    Exit the apartment.

5. What should you do immediately if you smell gas in the apartment?

    Open window;

    Immediately from the apartment, call the gas service by phone 04;

    Light a match.

6. When crossing the street, you must be:

    Strong, brave, slender;

    Collected, attentive, careful;

    Smart, beautiful, joyful.

7. At what age can children ride a bike on the roads?

    From 14 years old;

    From 10 years old;

    From 18 years old.

8. What do prohibition signs look like?

    Sign in the form of a red triangle;

    Sign in the form of a red circle;

    Sign in the form of a blue circle.

9. Which of the statements is correct?

    All road signs important - without them, safe traffic on the roads is impossible;

    The most important signs are service signs, because it is always necessary to know where the gas station or hospital is located;

    The most important road signs are warning signs, as they will always warn the driver of any danger.

10. To protect yourself from smoke, you need:

    Breathe through a wet towel;

    Hide in the closet;

    Hide under the bed.

11. What rules must a pedestrian follow?

    Walk only on sidewalks, cross the road in the right place;

    Walk on sidewalks and quickly cross the road;

    Wait for transport at a stop close to the roadway.

12. What rules must the passenger follow?

    Get into the car from the side of the roadway;

    Talk to the driver only while driving;

    Do not stick your hand out the window, let alone your head.

13. If you are stuck in an elevator, you need to:

    Press the "Call" button;

    Cry and scream;

    Try to get out of the cab on your own.

14. It's not safe to walk alone after dark because:

    It will be boring;

    The road will not be visible;

    Could be a criminal.

15. To protect yourself from lightning strikes, you can not:

    hide under tall trees, especially stand-alone;

    Hide in the bushes;

    Leave an open area.

16. Poison mushroom:


    Death cap;


17. To protect yourself from polluted air:

    Do not stand near a car with a running engine;

    Stand near people who smoke;

    Walk along the main streets of the city with a lot of traffic.


at a meeting of SMO teachers

primary school

Protocol No. ______

dated __________2015

__________ Sichkorez T.I.

"What does economics teach?"

Student ………………………………………………………………………………………….




    Sand, clay;

    Granite, peat;

    Tin and copper ores;

    Graphite, sulfur.

    Marble, granite;

    Natural gas, oil;


    Preserving ore reserves;

    Oats, rye, barley, wheat.

    Weaver, gas welder, geologist;

    Engineer, mechanic, docker.

    Meat, wool, fluff, leather;

    Cotton, flax, forage grasses.

12. Poultry is:

    Pheasants, partridges, ostriches;

    Peacocks, eagles, golden eagles;

    Turkeys, chickens, geese.

    Watermelons, melons, pumpkin;

14. What is barter?

    One of the types of income.

    TVs and kettles;

    Drawings on paper.

    From salaries and scholarships;

    From money;

    From income and expenses.

18. What is a fee?









    Machines and mechanisms;


    Steel smelting.




24. Science ecology helps:


VERIFICATION WORK No. 6 on the topic

"What does economics teach?"

1. People of what profession are looking for mineral deposits in nature?




2. What minerals are used in construction?

    Sand, clay;

    Granite, peat;

    Coal, table salt.

3. Which minerals serve as fuel?

    Tin and copper ores;

    Hard coal, natural gas;

    Graphite, sulfur.

4. What minerals are mined using drilling rigs?

    Marble, granite;

    Natural gas, oil;


5. Why do we collect scrap metal?

    Preserving ore reserves;

    We clear the territory of garbage;

    We participate in the competition between classes.

6. Indicate the line in which the main branches of crop production are correctly indicated:

    Field farming, sheep farming, cactus farming;

    Field growing, vegetable growing, fruit growing, floriculture;

    Farming, vegetable growing, reindeer breeding.

7.Indicate the line that correctly indicates the main crops:

    Potato, sunflower, flax, strawberry;

    Zucchini, patisson, cucumber, cabbage;

    Oats, rye, barley, wheat.

8. Indicate the line that correctly indicates fruit crops:

    Cabbage, potatoes, flax, oats;

    Onion, garlic, pepper, orange;

    Apple, pear, cherry, raspberry.

9. What agricultural professions do you know?

    Weaver, gas welder, geologist;

    Combiner, vegetable grower, cotton grower;

    Engineer, mechanic, docker.

10. What does animal husbandry give to people?

    Meat, wool, fluff, leather;

    Fruits, vegetables, cereals;

    Cotton, flax, forage grasses.

11. Domestic farm animals are:

    Mammals, birds, fish, insects;

    Animals, birds, amphibians, fish;

    Birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish.

12. Poultry is:

    Pheasants, partridges, ostriches;

    Peacocks, eagles, golden eagles;

    Turkeys, chickens, geese.

13. For pet food, prepare:

    Potato, grain, timothy;

    Watermelons, melons, pumpkin;

    Cornflower, snowdrop, hyacinth.

14. What is barter?

    The process of buying and selling goods;

    Direct exchange of one goods for others;

    One of the types of income.

15. What was used earlier as money?

    TVs and kettles;

    Sea shells, skins of fur-bearing animals;

    Drawings on paper.

16. What makes up the budget?

    From salaries and scholarships;

    From money;

    From income and expenses.

17. What are the state budget revenues made up of?

    From the wages of citizens;

    From the income of enterprises and firms;

    From the taxes of citizens and enterprises.

18. What is a fee?




19. Winning a lottery ticket is:



    Not income or expense, as it cannot be scheduled.

20. Things and objects with which people satisfy their needs are called:




21. Everything that is made by human hands is called:


    Natural resources;


22. The metallurgy industry provides the economy:

    Machines and mechanisms;


    Steel smelting.




24. Science ecology helps:

    Making the economy safer for people and nature;

Authors-compilers: teachers Basalai N.I., Danilishina T.A., Dzhanbalaeva I.V.


at a meeting of SMO teachers

primary school

Protocol No. ______

dated __________2015

__________ Sichkorez T.I.

Student …………………………………………………………………………………………………..

    Call 01;

    Call 04;





    Carbon dioxide.

    In the Honor Book;

    In the Red Book.

    Tree woodpecker bark beetle;

    caterpillar plant bird;

    Rye mouse snake eagle.

6. Mines are built for mining:

    hard coal;



7. For breeding fish is:


    Pond farming;



    hydroelectric power station;







    Sergiev Posad.

    Norway and Iceland;

    Mongolia and North Korea;

    USA and Japan.

    In Italy;

    In France;

    In Great Britain.


VERIFICATION WORK No. 7 on the topic

“What have we learned and what have we learned in a year?”

1. If a fire broke out in the apartment, you must:

    Call 01;

    Call 04;

    Wait for it to turn itself off.

2. Road signs in the form of a circle with a red border:



3. What gas is needed for breathing?



    Carbon dioxide.

4. Information about rare plants and animals is entered:

    In the Honor Book;

    In the Red Book.

5.Which of the power circuits is correct?

    Tree woodpecker bark beetle;

    caterpillar plant bird;

    Rye mouse snake eagle.

6. Mines are built for mining:

    hard coal;



7. For breeding fish is:


    Pond farming;


8. Thermal power plant is abbreviated as:


    hydroelectric power station;


9. The money that is paid to workers in enterprises is:




10. Yaroslav the Wise founded the city:



    Sergiev Posad.

11. The sea border with our country is:

    Norway and Iceland;

    Mongolia and North Korea;

    USA and Japan.

12. Eiffel Tower, Versailles, Notre Dame Cathedral are located:

    In Italy;

    In France;

    In Great Britain.

Authors-compilers: teachers Basalai N.I., Danilishina T.A., Dzhanbalaeva I.V.

We recommend reading
