Road signs that prohibit parking. No Stopping Sign: Penalty for Violation

Helpful Hints 18.10.2019
Helpful Hints

No one can argue with the idea that movement is life. By the way, a moving car is no exception to this law of existence. But there are situations when the movement has to be interrupted. In the SDA, this process is called “parking” or “stopping”. In a modern metropolis, by the way, the problem of stopping, and even more so parking, is sometimes much more serious than the movement itself. Still would! Cities are filled to overflowing with cars, and more and more often it turns out that the driver does not stop where it is possible, but where he can perch. And sometimes such tricks, such as parking under the sign "Parking is prohibited", end in fines, and in the worst case, sending the car to a car impound.

Description of the no parking sign

First of all, you should consider what the “No Parking” sign looks like. It has a round shape and is approximately 0.25 m in diameter. In places where there are no settlements, its diameter should be at least 0.6 m. It has a blue background with a red border and slanted stripes.

About parking next to the "No Parking" sign

Violations can lead to very serious consequences for motorists who are inattentive and careless about road signs and markings. Every year the amount of fines for non-compliance with these regulations is growing. So, for example, in the code published in 2014, for ignoring the requirement “Parking is prohibited” (sign), a fine is imposed in the amount of 1,500 rubles in any locality, and in Moscow and St. Petersburg it increases to 3,000 rubles. By the way, depending on the situation, the detention of the vehicle is also provided.

Therefore, in order to avoid this, you need to clearly understand how and in what territory this sign operates, and take into account all the subtleties prescribed in the traffic rules on the road.

What is the difference between "stop" and "stop"

For many participants traffic the concepts of "stop" and "parking" cause difficulties, and it is necessary to distinguish between them in order not to fall under the action of fines or, even worse, in an accident.

Speaking as simply as possible, these concepts differ in the duration of the process. A stop is a stoppage of traffic for a short period of time, while a stop means a longer period of time.

In the rules, a stop is explained as no more than a five-minute deliberate braking, and a stop is a cessation of further movement for a long time, which is also not related to the embarkation or disembarkation of passengers, as well as the unloading or loading of luggage.

How does a stop sign work?

Since, of course, it cannot allow parking either, we will call it like this: the sign "Stopping and parking is prohibited."

It is installed on a variety of sections of roads and, if there are no other signs that interrupt the operation of the described one, then its ban is extended to the first intersection. Please note that exits from yards or any sections do not equate to an intersection! If there are no intersections in the settlement where this sign is installed, then the ban is extended to the border of this settlement.

Most often, the mentioned sign is placed on bridges, where the driver will find it difficult to determine the boundaries of the structure on the move.

The restriction of its action has the same rules as for the No Parking sign. We will consider them below.

The effect of the sign "Stop, parking is prohibited"

Let's figure out what exactly and to whom this sign prohibits. The main thing to remember is that it does not allow stopping, disembarking, embarking passengers from any mode of transport, except for public transport and taxis.

The sign is located on the right side of the road or above it. True, its action is limited only to the side where it is installed. By the way, please note that the presence of this sign implies a prohibition of stopping on sites built for public transport, as well as in the so-called "pockets".

Roadsides and sidewalks are part of the highway, and, accordingly, are also subject to the described sign.

Is it possible to stop under the sign "Parking prohibited"

Now let's move on to a more "democratic" "No Parking" sign. Drivers, especially those who have recently been behind the wheel, forget that it does not only allow parking, and stopping in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bit is possible. If yours is under the sign for no more than five minutes, as well as in cases where traffic is stopped in order to drop off or pick up a passenger (equivalently, in order to unload or take on cargo), then the requirements of the rules will not be violated. In these cases, a stop is made that is not regulated by the named sign.

Limits of the ban

It is very important to clearly understand the boundaries within which the “No Parking” sign operates. They start directly from the place where it is installed and stretch to the sections of the road that will be listed:

  • this may be the nearest intersection in the direction of your movement;
  • the zone can last up to the edge of the settlement;
  • the border of action can also continue to the place where the sign "End of the zone of all restrictions" is installed.

As soon as you cross the named sections of the highway, parking of vehicles is again allowed (you should immediately make a reservation that only if there are no other prohibiting mechanisms prescribed in section No. 12 of the SDA). But the action of the described sign is not interrupted in places where there is an exit from areas adjacent to the road (for example, yards or residential areas), as well as at intersections with unpaved roads, if there is no road in front of them. By the way, please note that these rules apply equally to the described sign, and to the sign "Stopping and parking is prohibited", which was mentioned above.

What information is provided by additional signs on the signs "Parking is prohibited"

Their area of ​​\u200b\u200baction happens and is more specifically indicated using additional information on plaques or signs affixed next to them.

So, for example, a plate with an arrow pointing up and a distance designation (822), combined with our sign, will indicate the distance to which the prohibition applies. As soon as you pass it, the ban ends and you can stop.

The plate in the form of an arrow pointing down (823) regulates the prohibition as follows: the prohibition zone ends, and the sign extends to the part of the road that is located in front of the place where the road sign “No Parking” and this plate are located.

A sign in the form of a two-way arrow (up and down) once again makes it clear to the driver that he continues to be in the prohibition zone (824). That is, the mode that was set by the previous sign of the same type has not yet been canceled.

Plates in the form of arrows pointing left and right (825 or 826) are used to limit parking along the facade of any buildings. Parking under the "No Parking" sign is not allowed from the place where the sign is installed and in the direction of the arrows (or one of them). But the prohibition applies only to the distance indicated on the plate.

What do one or two stripes mean

In some cases, the "No Parking" sign may also include one or two vertical stripes. They indicate that parking in the no-go zone is only allowed on odd (one bar) or even (two bars) days of each month.

It is also possible that there is an alternation other than daily. In such cases, the stripes on the sign are replaced by dates that indicate the rotation period. For example, from the 1st to the 15th and from the 16th to the 31st, alternating from the 1st to the 16th, every month.

When is it possible to park in the restricted area?

By the way, the action of the sign "Parking is prohibited" is also reduced with the help of the sign "Parking" (64). But it should be noted that this sign must in this case be combined with a plate indicating the distance to which the zone of this prohibition extends (821).

Along with the sign "Parking is prohibited" in some cases, you can see the markings on the pavement, in the form of yellow broken line, which is applied over the curb, along the edge of the sidewalk or roadway. It is easier to say that if the marking ends, then the restriction is also terminated, and parking is allowed again.

By the way, you must remember that the sign described in our article prohibits parking only on the side of the road where it is located.

Who is allowed to stop under a prohibition sign

Road users should remember that on legal grounds, the described sign can be ignored by drivers who are disabled people of groups I and II, or transport that transports such people of any age (including children), provided that this means of transportation is marked with the sign "Disabled". Stop under the sign "Parking is prohibited" is also allowed for taxi cars, if they include a taximeter, as well as cars that are the property of the federal postal service of the Russian Federation. The specified behavior is also allowed for vehicles that serve organizations, retail outlets, etc., if there are no workarounds for them in the area of ​​the ban.

Conflict situations

Now, after reading the material provided to your attention, it may become easier for you to figure out exactly how the “Parking is prohibited” sign and its more “strict colleague” - “Stopping is prohibited” operate.

Unfortunately, quite often situations arise when a driver is punished for parking where it is prohibited, but at the same time, stopping is allowed. In these cases, the inspector who draws up the report must provide evidence that the traffic was stopped for a period of more than 5 minutes and was not related to loading and unloading. Remember this! But do not violate the established rules yourself, since only such behavior will help establish order on the roads, which means that the way to work or home will not be associated with a lot of unpleasant situations for you.

The number of cars in our country is increasing every year, which is why there are numerous traffic jams on the roads, and parking in the city center becomes big problem. Finding a free parking space takes a lot of time and not everyone has the patience. It happens that car owners in a hurry leave their car in the wrong place or grossly violate parking rules.

As a result of such actions, an obstacle is created for the movement of vehicles and pedestrians, provoking the appearance of traffic jams and congestion. For such a violation of the parking rules, a rather large fine is provided, and the car is evacuated to the impound lot. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the stop sign and parking is prohibited in order to avoid material and moral costs.

If the mail is often notifications about the payment of a traffic fine from the traffic police, then this is an occasion to once again carefully study the requirements of traffic rules, as well as the location of parking spaces for stopping vehicles. In addition, it is advisable to remember where the road signs “No Stopping” and “Parking Prohibited” are located in the area of ​​the city where you have to visit most often. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to quickly find a suitable place to stop without unnecessary hassle.

Where is it forbidden to stop any transport? These places include:

The difference between the concepts of "stop" and "parking"

Not every car owner will be able to correctly explain the difference between terms such as “ parking” and “ stop". Road The No Stopping sign looks very much like the No Parking sign., but differs from it in that it has an additional crossed diagonal line. However, the meanings and requirements of such signs differ greatly. In the Rules, these terms are interpreted as follows: if the car stopped at a short time(up to 5 minutes) - this is a stop, and if for a longer period - then parking. In reality, things don't quite work out that way.

For example, a truck brought goods to a hypermarket or a vegetable base, and while it is unloading it, it can stand on the road for a long time until the process is completed. According to Rules, such a situation is treated as a stop if the goods are unloaded continuously. But if the driver stopped near the store to buy cigarettes, but because of the long line at the checkout, he stood there for 10 minutes, then this situation is assessed by the inspector as a parking lot.

The rules for stopping and parking are interpreted as the actions of the car owner, carried out both at their own request and at the request of the passenger. If a the car was forced to stop due to a breakdown, at a traffic light, as a result of a traffic jam or an accident, then this is not considered a stop or parking because the driver did it unintentionally.

A forced stop is carried out in the place where the car owner was caught by an emergency or force majeure situation. In this case, he certain steps must be taken to ensure the safety of other vehicles. So, the driver must turn on the flashing alarm and put the car on the side of the road. If the stop is expected to be long, then it is necessary to install an emergency sign.

What is the difference between No Stopping and No Parking signs?

In order not to get parking ticket, you must carefully study the Rules of the Road, indicating where it is prohibited to stop vehicles. Only after that you can confidently occupy a free space in the parking lot.

According to the road rules, a parked car must:

  • do not interfere with vehicles and pedestrians to move normally;
  • not create obstacles that force other road users to violate the rules of the road;
  • not lead to the formation of a threat to the safety of the public movement.

In the place where a standing vehicle can cause an emergency, signs "Parking is prohibited" and "Stop is prohibited" are installed. Even experienced drivers can confuse them, as they are very similar to each other.

You can distinguish them by the following features:

It is not allowed to stop:

  • mail cars;
  • transport for disabled people of 1-2 groups;
  • taxis that are waiting for a client with a taximeter turned on.

Areas of validity of signs

The driver must always notice where the sign begins to act, as well as the entire area of ​​its action and its completion. Let's consider this point in more detail.

Area of ​​action of the sign "Stopping prohibited"

Everyone knows that the effect of any sign begins from the place where it was installed. Therefore, if the car stopped right in front of it, then a fine cannot be imposed in any case.

In accordance with the traffic rules, stop sign action, has its distribution only on the side of the movement where it was installed. The duration of its action varies:

  • to the intersection, which is located near the location of the sign;
  • to the place where the nearest settlement begins;
  • to the sign "End of the zone of all restrictions."

In addition, there is another option for determining the coverage area: an information plate is installed under the sign, which indicates the length of the restriction. That is, it ceases to operate after the distance that is displayed on the plate.

No Stopping Sign with Arrow, pointing down, means that the territory of such a restriction ends immediately after its passage. On the roads you can also find a prohibition sign with an information plate on which two arrows are shown, one pointing up and the other down. This means that the driver is driving through the restricted area at that time.

On additional boards restrictions applicable to a particular mode of transport may also be indicated. Their absence means that no one is allowed to stop, except for fixed-route transport and taxis with a meter on. Drivers who violate the traffic rules and stop under a sign prohibiting stopping are punished with a fine.

Regarding disabled drivers, they can park or stop in the place of validity of the sign only when an information plate is located under it indicating that its effect does not apply to such a category of citizens.

Area of ​​action of the sign "Parking prohibited"

Necessary know the boundaries within which this sign operates. They start from the place where it was installed and continue to the following sections of the road:

As soon as these sections of the road are crossed, you can park your car.

Thus, we have dealt with such concepts as parking and stopping, as well as signs prohibiting doing so. You should be careful not to confuse these two signs, as inspectors like to impose a fine on this offense. Knowing the rules of the road saves you from many unpleasant situations.

In zones where parking is prohibited, the sign looks like a blue circle with a red border, through which passes a single red stripe crossing the circle from left to right, also referred to as a sign with a numerical value of 3.28.

This sign is very similar in appearance to the sign 3.27 "Stopping is prohibited", but is supplemented by a second stripe, painted in red, crossing the circle from right to left. The sign "Parking and stopping is prohibited" does not allow vehicles to be located within a certain territory.

The signs are placed within the limits of the place that is within its scope, and also on the side where parking, stopping is limited or not allowed.

In cities and towns where there is street lighting, road signs may be placed at heights of up to 2.30 m to take into account, in particular, vehicles masking or concealing them, as well as the need to allow pedestrians to pass.

In open areas, the standard height of the sign is fixed up to 1 m (if several plates are placed on the same support, this height corresponds to the height of the lowest plate). Height generally provides better visibility of signs, including the ability to reflect light from headlights or other sources. The height is adjusted to suit local conditions to improve the visibility of the signs or to prevent them from being obscured.

How does a no parking sign work?

By general rule, if there is only a sign, then it is forbidden to stand under the sign and behind it until the next intersection. At the same time, the sign is valid only on that part of the street from which it is located. We will consider possible features in the paragraph about its zone of action.

Stopping and parking - is there a difference?

Based on the interpretation of the rules, the main difference is mistakenly associated with the duration of parking, that is, it depends on time.

From a practical point of view, the difference objectively does not depend on the duration, but rather on the reason for which you stop.

A halt is the short duration of a vehicle not moving for the time it takes for people to get into the vehicle to load and unload cargo. The vehicle owner or other person operating the vehicle remains behind the wheel or close enough to proceed quickly.

Parking, on the other hand, assumes that the driver is moving away from the car and will not be able to continue driving, and people are not boarding or disembarking, and loading or unloading cargo at this time is not performed. It is understood that the stop is associated with a limited amount of time for which passengers will board / disembark, as well as with the loading / unloading of cargo. Parking is associated with a complete stop of the car - that is, parking.

Based on this, even if you stop for less than 5 minutes in front of the bakery to buy your favorite baguette, it will count as a parking lot. Even though the stopping time was limited, this is a parking lot because you do not stay behind the wheel of your car and did not get out of it for any technical reason.

Therefore, if this is a paid parking zone, then in such a situation you must buy a parking ticket or choose another place where you can leave your car so as not to be threatened with an administrative fine.

Sign coverage area

When only the up arrow is present, it tells you that it is forbidden to park behind the sign until the next intersection. When a No Stopping sign with an arrow down is installed, it means that parking is prohibited up to the sign, and previously there was a sign indicating the beginning of the restricted area.

There are arrows pointing to the sides (sides), when the sign is parallel to the roadway, it implies the same prohibitions. Instead of arrows, the distance over which the sign is extended may be indicated.

There may also be occasional prohibition parking signs. Roman numerals or white stripes inside the mark indicate even (II) or odd days(I) during which it is not allowed to park in the area. Additional signs 8.4.1 - 8.4.8 may be installed next to the parking prohibition sign, which determine that the prohibition sign will only apply to a certain type of transport. When vehicle does not apply to this type, parking is allowed.

If the sign was installed on a country road, then its limitation of action ceases with a sign that indicates the beginning of the settlement, a similar rule applies to reverse side, with the end of the city or village, the established zone of the ban on parking ends.

Sign 3.31, which marks the end of the zone of all restrictions and looks like a white circle with a gray or black border and five parallel stripes that cross out diagonally from right to left, terminates the operation of the zone of action of the stop prohibition sign.

In countries European Union you can also find the sign "Stopping is prohibited", the area of ​​​​which is set to the first or second part of the month by applying the numbers 1.15 or 16.31 to the sign, respectively.

Where is parking prohibited by traffic rules?

It is prohibited in any place where it can obviously pose a danger to other road users, both pedestrians and car owners, or create obstacles for them.

These are the places where:

  • stop prohibited;
  • the carriageway of roads outside settlements, marked with the sign number 2.1. (yellow rhombus in a white border);
  • territory within a radius of fifty meters from railway tracks and crossings.

Also, parking in paid parking spaces for more than 15 minutes is not allowed if payment is not made.

Where is it forbidden to stop?

The following violations of stopping vehicles are called in the rules, which can be divided into a number of groups:

  1. Stopping vehicles here creates a danger to traffic:
  • next to a bend in the road;
  • crossroads;
  • hill;
  • any other place where visibility is poor or limited by a stopped vehicle.
  1. Stopping in these places creates inconvenience and impedes the movement of other road users (car owners, bikers, motor scooters, etc.):
  • on sidewalks;
  • pedestrian crossings;
  • bike paths;
  • bridges;
  • underground crossings or tunnels;
  • emergency stop lanes;
  • in front of traffic lights;
  • in places reserved for other motorists (disabled people, public transport, fire or medical services);
  • in front of the garage
  • before entering or leaving the territory.

Stopping within country roads, due to the need for rest, is allowed only at specialized parking lots or on roadsides outside the road.

Exceptions to the rules

Exceptions include passenger taxi cars with the taximeter turned on, that is, if the taxi is waiting for a passenger, doing its job, which generally has some signs of stopping.

Service vehicles of the Russian Post can also stop in this zone.

Specially equipped 1st and 2nd groups and cars carrying disabled children are also excluded from the sign. Such car owners must mark the car with special stickers and have supporting documents with them.

The car is out of order - is it possible to stop under the sign?

According to paragraph 12.6 of the "Rules of the Road", if the car has technical problems, the driver must take measures to ensure that the car leaves the carriageway. Based on this, if you have technical problems with the car, you not only can, but you must stop as soon as possible in order to prevent an accident. But such a stop must be made in accordance with all the rules with the inclusion of an alarm, the display of warning signs and.

It will be possible to stand in this state for as long as the tow truck is coming to you, the traffic police in such situations does not seek to find a violation, but, on the contrary, tries to help you as quickly as possible in order to restore traffic.

This does not apply to cases where the place under the sign is viewed by video recording cameras, since the system sends fines simply for the fact of stopping without analyzing the reason.

In this case, you need to contact the traffic police and point out the mistake made during video recording, for this you may need receipts from a car service, evacuation services, and testimonies of witnesses. The traffic police officers who assisted you during the evacuation can also confirm this, in such cases they draw up a certificate and issue it to the driver.

Responsibility for non-compliance with traffic signs

Responsibility for parking in a prohibited area is established by law and for Moscow and St. Petersburg - a fine of 3,000 rubles, and most often payment of the cost of evacuation, for other cities 1,500 rubles.

Given the fine line that can distinguish between parking on one side and stopping on the other, on the rare occasions when you've done the right thing, there are situations where the authorities may require you to pay a fine. If you want to dispute this, you should explain to the court that you were making the stop and not leaving the car, although this situation is not always easy to prove on your own, and the services of a lawyer may be required.

To regulate traffic and ensure the maximum level of safety for all road users, both drivers and pedestrians, a system of road signs has been developed."No stopping" signwhich will be discussed in more detail in the current material.

What will become clear after reading: what the sign looks like, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe restriction, as well as the fines acting on its basis.

no stop sign

To follow the rules of the road and not create emergency situations, you should focus on regulatory signs. Each driver must understand that all the restrictions on the road are set in this place for a reason and are designed to ensure safety. The same applies to the stop prohibition sign, if the action is prohibited, it means that the car that violated the prohibition may become an obstacle to movement or maneuver, and therefore hypothetically creates an emergency.

What does a regulator look like?Description of the No Stop signlooks something like this: the sign is a circle with a blue background, the edges of which have a red frame, and it is crossed out by red lines intersecting crosswise. It is worth noting that the sign of the prohibition of parking has a similar appearance. Except that there is only one diagonal line that crosses out, and not two intersecting ones, as in the first case.

What is the difference between parking and stopping. Parking means stopping the car for a period of more than 5 minutes, while the stop, according to the rules, lasts less than 5 minutes. Thus, in a place where parking is prohibited, the driver can slow down for 5 minutes, usually this time is enough to, for example, drop off a passenger. In a no-stop zone, even such an action would be a violation.

No stop sign. Area of ​​effect

The restricted zone has its own boundaries. The driver must understand exactly where he cannot stop, and where he can already.The zone of action of the stop and parking signs is prohibiteddepends on accompanying signs that complement the main delimiter.

The first thing the driver should remember is that the stop restriction applies only to the side of the carriageway on which the sign is located. This means that on the other side of the road, the driver may well make a stop if there are no restrictions there.

How long does the zone of validity of a prohibition sign that you meet on the way and have no additions extend? There are several options.

  • To the nearest intersection or traffic light. At the same time, the rupture of the dividing part of the road is not an indicator of the completion of the restricted zone, since it is not an intersection.
  • To a sign that removes all previously existing restrictions.
  • To end locality, if there are no intersections or other signs that remove restrictions along the route.
  • If after No stop signyellow markings are applied along the edge of the road, it indicates the area of ​​​​the restriction and you cannot stop until it ends.

Besides, zone of action of the sign "Stopping prohibited"determine the accompanying signs. There may be several such signs.

  • If the sign is accompanied by a sign with an arrow forward (up), this means the beginning of the restriction and the driver can stop before the sign, but will no longer be able to stop after it.
  • If the forward (up) arrow sign is supplemented with a distance, for example, 100 m, this means that it is impossible to stop the next 100 meters. And for example, after 150 meters it is already quite acceptable.
  • If the prohibition sign is accompanied by an arrow in both directions, it means that the driver is in the zone of its action. That is, stopping is prohibited both before and after the sign, and somewhere earlier there was a corresponding limiter, announcing the beginning of the prohibition zone.
  • If the sign is supplemented with an arrow back (down), then this means the end of the ban. The driver may stop after the sign, but may not stop before it.

In addition, the sign can be supplemented with plates with different types transport (tablets 8.4.1-8.4.8), which means that the prohibition of stopping applies specifically to this type of transport. If the sign is accompanied by a sign 8.18 (crossed out wheelchair), then the ban does not apply to this category of drivers.

Exceptions to the rules

Who and under what circumstances can stop in the coverage areaNo stop sign. As you know, there are exceptions to every rule, this case only confirms this. There are a number of situations in which a stop in the zone of the sign will not be counted as a violation of traffic rules.

  1. Emergency stop due to the deterioration of the health of the drivers or the breakdown of the vehicle. In this case, you must turn on the emergency signal and set a sign on the roadway.
  2. Shuttle transport has the right to make a stop at the place provided for this, despite the fact that there is a restriction on this interval.
  3. No stop signhas no effect if the vehicle is slowed down by a traffic police officer. In this case, the driver is obliged to stop anywhere, regardless of traffic rules.

These are all situations that are not covered by the regulatory sign. In other cases, the driver is obliged to follow the rules and make stops only in a valid place.

According to the rules of the road, in paragraph 3.27 of which there is a mark "Stopping is prohibited." It is depicted as a blue circle, which is on a red background, and is also crossed out with two lines crosswise. This sign says that you can not stop under it, no matter what transport you are driving.

An exception may be only passenger route transport, which has the ability to make a stop for boarding or disembarking passengers, while adhering to the route. Also, in the field of action of this sign there may be markings.

No stop sign

Such parking may be prohibited for a certain period of time (from 20.00 to 07.00). However, this information is also visible in the table under the sign, if there is none, then there is no time limit. The sign also indicates the permission for the official to stop there.

To avoid confusion, it is necessary to clearly distinguish between two different concepts - parking and temporary parking. Temporary parking says that you can stop for no more than 5 minutes. Parking is a longer stop of transport.

It also exists in this case exception: when it stopped for some time to load or unload products, or to board, disembark passengers, and in time it is much more than 5 minutes, it will still turn out to be only a temporary stop. The work zone of the specified restriction also applies to parking in such a place.

How does the No Stop sign work?

The territory where such a sign is valid is the zone behind it. That is, a car that is stopped in front of the sign does not violate the rules. According to the traffic rules, "Stopping is prohibited" refers only to the transport that is located on the side of the movement of cars where it hangs. And therefore, if the car is located on the other side of the road, it does not violate, provided that such a sign does not hang there. The distance of this sign in different situations various:

  1. to the first closest turn;
  2. to the sign that indicates the beginning or end of the settlement;
  3. to the sign that has the name "End of the zone of all restrictions."

In other conditions, the radius of action of the indicated sign may be written in the plate below it. This indicates that stopping is not permitted over this distance.

The signs may indicate the types of transport that are allowed to stop there as an exception. When there is no such designation, then you can only stop by a fixed-route taxi.

Exceptions to the rules

No Stopping Sign: On the Road

The biggest exception is the emergency stop permission for shuttle buses. It can be either a bus, trolleybus or minibus. Taxis have the opportunity to stop with the appropriate designation, as well as with the meter already running.

Transport that unloads the goods does not violate the rules when there is no other way to drive to the destination. Postal vehicles, disabled drivers, act as exceptions to existing rules. In the event that there is a plate with permission for this transport.

A plate with a picture of a man wheelchair, says that a driver who is a disabled person of 1 or 2 groups can stop the vehicle here. It also applies to cars that transport people with disabilities or disabled children. When this sign is missing, parking will also be prohibited for these persons.

Penalties for non-compliance with the rules

The punishment for breaking a rule varies. In this case, it is considered which rule was not followed and what it entailed for other persons. Quite often, cars that violate are already transported on a tow truck to a penalty parking lot. But there are times when a fine is the only punishment.

  1. The fine for violating this rule is usually 1,500 rubles, in accordance with the norm of Article 12.16, paragraph 4-5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses.
  2. When the car has temporarily stood up, but at the same time has been under the sign for a long time, the fine will be equal to 3,000 - 5,000 rubles.
  3. When the car is standing in the place where the stop of public transport is indicated, then in this case the fine will be equal to 1,000 rubles.
  4. When the driver stopped his car under such a sign, and immediately a traffic jam appeared on the road, it will be equal to 2,000 rubles.


No Stopping Sign: With Plaques

The driver suddenly became ill, which was expressed either in sharp pain, or in nausea, or in another. He was forced to stop under such a sign, while turning on the emergency alarm. After some time, the driver felt better and he decided to continue the journey, however, the traffic police officers who arrived at given place immediately issued a fine of 1500 rubles.

It becomes clear that the driver simply did not take into account that it is also necessary to put up an emergency stop sign. At the exit from the residential yard hangs a sign "Stopping is prohibited." Minibuses often stop behind him to drop people off. In this case, those drivers who leave the yard do not see the situation on the road, since the view is closed. However, in an accident, the blame for violating the rules will fall on the driver, regardless of whether he saw the road well or not.

The young man is working. The building in which it is located workplace enclosed by a fence. After it is a piece of land about 5 meters. And then only a sidewalk with a width of about 2 m. On the road, before reaching the building 200 m, such a sign hangs. He parks the car between the fence as well as the sidewalk. As a result, he receives a fine of 3,000 rubles.

Of course, such a driver is against a fine. However, according to the rules, the fine is legal. Since, the action of the indicated sign extends to that part of the road where the car is standing. The concept of a road also includes the carriageway itself, the sidewalk, and the roadside.

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