A small message about the forest of Kuzbass. Flora and fauna

Family and relationships 24.07.2019
Family and relationships

The city of Kemerovo is one of the largest cities Western Siberia. It is located on the territory of the Kuznetsk coal basin. This explains the uniqueness of the city and region.

First of all, the area is rich in extraordinary nature, which attracts tourists. Here you can not only go on an educational excursion, but also enjoy natural monuments. There are many museums here that will tell you how ancient people lived in this territory and who inhabited these places before the arrival of the Slavs.

The unique museum-reserve is located on the banks of the river Tom- This is the "Tomskaya pisanitsa". Its uniqueness lies in the fact that ancient people lived here, who left evidence of their existence in the form of rock paintings.

Over 280 drawings dating back to 3000-4000 BC. Images of the sun, elks, bears, birds and even boats are well preserved. Some drawings depict the life of the people who lived here then.

In this reserve, the life of the indigenous inhabitants of the region, the Shors, is studied. A whole complex has been created that tells about the life and life of these people. They did not forget about the nomadic Mongols - a "Mongolian yurt" was set up. In the 17th century, the Slavs appeared in the region, and a tourist can get acquainted with their way of life.

Here is incredibly beautiful nature, which can be admired both from observation platforms and during hiking. Unique virgin nature attracts tourists here, for whom special routes have been created, one of which leads to the Itkarinsky waterfall.

Itkarinsky waterfall - its waters rush from one ledge on the banks of the Tom River. Water can be drunk without fear, doctors consider it mineral, canteen.

Waterfall surrounds mixed forest. The guide will tell you an interesting legend about people who used to live on the edge of the edge of the waterfall. There is also a parking lot for tourists.

Fans of mountaineering and mountain tourism will certainly be interested in the Tutala rocks. They were formed as a result of the washing out of shale rocks by the waters of the Tom River. Depending on the distance from railway tourists call them near and far. These picturesque cliffs have been chosen by lovers of rock climbing. Here, tourist clubs conduct training with mountaineering enthusiasts.

3 km from the village of Kuzedeevo, Novokuznetsk district, there is an unusual natural monument - Lipovy Island. It was discovered by the Russian scientist P.N. Krylov in 1889. The age of this extraordinary island, according to scientists, is several million years. The area of ​​the relic grove is 110 sq. km. The trees are in a special microclimate, here the temperature is 2-3 degrees higher than usual.

For Southern Kuzbass after ice age fir-cedar forests, and broad-leaved lindens grow here. Scientists explain this phenomenon by the fact that the glacier did not touch this territory and the lindens survived. When the glacier receded, a linden island was formed, the territory of which in 1964 received the status of a natural monument.

Pine with rings - a botanical monument of nature

In the Promyshlenny forestry, you can see an unusual pine tree, which has become a botanical monument of nature. This tree attracts nature lovers with its unusual view. At a height of 16 meters, there are unusual rings on the trunk. The tree is about 60 years old, quite healthy and without signs of tuberculate pine canker.

Scientists suggest that the pine tree suffered a tumor-like bacteriosis even as a seedling, and as a result, growths formed on the trunk, which are a very valuable and expensive material from which various kinds of crafts, caskets, smoking pipes, hairpins and other souvenirs are made. These products have an unusual texture.

Ten kilometers from the village of Ust-Anzas along the course of the Mras-Su River, travelers discover an amazing, beautiful view, which is the decoration of Mountain Shoria - the Royal Gates.

This Siberian corner attracts fans of extreme sports, where you can enjoy skiing. Mountain Shoria in winter serves as a ski resort for all Siberians.

In these picturesque places there are sheer hundred-meter cliffs. These amazing rocks change color depending on the weather. On a bright sunny day they look pink, and on a cloudy day they look gray.

Rock paintings are visible on the impregnable rock. In the rock itself, time and water have formed a hole that resembles a drop. And, of course, there will be someone who will tell vacationers another legend about the Royal Gates, which the Siberian land is rich in. In fact, the Royal Gates received such a name, as expected, from the similarity with the royal gates in the Orthodox iconostasis.

In the small town of the Kemerovo region Tashtagol there is a museum of life and nature southern region Western Siberia - Mountain Shoria. It was created in 1987. One of the halls of the museum is equipped for exhibitions. There is a hall where the visitor can get acquainted with the life and material values ​​of the indigenous people of this region - the Shors.

The nature of the region - the Shor taiga - is well shown. The guide will introduce you to the history of the development of the gold mining and mining industry.

Often at crossroads they put Orthodox cross so that the traveler can pray on a long journey. Such a cross is called the "Worship Cross".

In Mountain Shoria on Mount Kurgan at a height 1555 meters to the 2000th anniversary of the birth of Christ, a Pontifical Cross was installed. Together with the base (5 meters), this structure has a height of 20 meters and weighs 7.5 tons.

Mountain Shoria is a well-maintained ski resort where you can go skiing, relax comfortably and see natural monuments. Vacationers have the opportunity to visit the Poklonny Cross by riding a snowmobile for about 20 minutes. Physically prepared tourists can get to the Cross on foot along two trails. The Worship Cross annually attracts thousands of pilgrims.

Siberians tirelessly study the life of the peoples who inhabited these lands before the arrival of the Slavs. In the city of Belovo, Kemerovo Region, you can visit the Cholkoy Museum.

There are always a lot of people here: tourists are interested in the life, traditions and life of the peoples who lived here before. The museum has a lot of exhibits that acquaint visitors with the life and way of life. small peoples Siberia. Guides will show household items, labor, furniture, dishes and talk about the customs of this region.

Address: Belovo, Tsentralnaya street - 6.

The Kuznetsk fortress, which is located in the Novokuznetsk region, in 2008 was recognized as the main symbol of the city.

Emperor Paul I gave a decree to build a fortress in this place, which was supposed to protect Southern Siberia from the Chinese invasion. In 1820 the fortress was built. The construction of this military structure took more than 20 years. Fortunately, in her entire existence she did not have to participate in wars. As a result, in 1846 the fortress lost its military significance.

Now there is a museum here. The museum was opened in 1991, it has an area of ​​almost 21 hectares. On its territory there are other historical and natural monuments, including a waterfall. Museum staff protect and study archaeological sites and archival documents. Museum expositions are updated periodically.

Various military and patriotic events are held here. There is a permanent exhibition of gold and silver items.

Address: Novokuznetsk, Fortress passage - 1.

In Kemerovo on the street. Rukavishnikov Museum is unique, the only one in Russia Coal Museum, established in 1999.

It is in Kemerovo that the main coal mining takes place. Here is the largest development of industrial production of black gold in all of Kuzbass, which is constantly growing.

The museum presents a unique collection of mined coal, all its diversity. Museum guides will acquaint visitors with the history of the development of coal deposits. Here they will tell about the hard and dangerous work of miners.

A tourist can replenish his knowledge of modern technology for the extraction and processing of raw materials. Museum employees conduct various kinds of research, environmental and educational work, as well as career guidance for young people, aimed at the work of miners.

Address: Kemerovo, Rukavishnikova street - 21.

In 1991, the open-air museum Krasnaya Gorka was created in Kemerovo on the territory of an exhausted coal mine.

On the banks of the Tom River, there is a mining complex that has been preserved in its natural form. This complex unites different stages of development of industrial Kuzbass.

Burnt Mountain is located here, where coal was found in 1721. One of the adits has been preserved, as well as civil structures and residential buildings that were built during the period of activity of AIK Kuzbass.

AIK is an autonomous industrial colony of foreign workers, which from 1921 to 1926 participated in the development of heavy industry in the Kuznetsk coal basin. Workers of 30 nationalities helped the Soviet government to raise this region.

In 2003, a sculpture of a Kuzbass miner created by Ernst Neizvestny was installed in the museum. In addition to getting acquainted with the exhibits of the museum, visitors can get acquainted with the history of the mine with the help of newsreels by visiting the museum cinema.

Address: Krasnaya Gorka street - 17.

In Novokuznetsk there is a museum of F.M. Dostoevsky. It was opened in the spring of 1980.

The first wife of the writer Maria Isaeva lived in this house from 1855 to 1857. Here they were married on February 6, 1857. Museum staff will tell visitors about the writer's first love and how it influenced his work.

Created in the museum unique exhibition, which occupies five halls: "Road", "Kuznetsk Piglet", "Salon of Mrs. Moskaleva", "Triangle", "Wedding". Having visited these halls, museum guests will better understand the philosophy and symbolism of the writer's works.

The situation in the house was recreated according to archival materials. In museums, all things are genuine, many books were donated by the descendants of the writer, there are many works of applied art, photographs and posters. Library contains about 24 thousand volumes.

Leaving the museum, you can continue the tour of the places described by Dostoevsky in Crime and Punishment. The classic of Russian literature stayed in Novokuznetsk for 22 days.

Address: Novokuznetsk, Dostoevsky street - 29.

The Novokuznetsk Drama Theater was founded in 1931. The troupe consisted of 60 people and a symphony orchestra - 15 musicians. Due to the fact that the old building was destroyed by fire, in November 1933 a new one was built on 1200 seats. The first performance of the theater was "Intervention" by L. Slavin.

During the Second World War, the theater gave up its stage to the evacuated theaters from Moscow, Ukraine and other cities of Russia, and itself began to stage its own performances in Leninsk-Kuznetsky.

In 1963, a new building in the imperial classical style was built in Novokuznetsk. The theater is very popular not only in the Kemerovo region, but also often tours various cities of Russia and the former Soviet republics.

Address: Metallurgists Avenue - 28.

Memorial Museum of military and labor glory of Kuznetsk metallurgists (Novokuznetsk)

Metallurgists of Kuzbass made an invaluable contribution to the victory in the Second World War. In memory of their feat on Victory Day in 1985, a memorial museum was opened, in which the names of all Kuzbass metallurgists who gave their lives during the Second World War were engraved on commemorative plates.

It's burning here Eternal flame, lit from an open-hearth furnace, which produced the first steel for armor in 1941.

Museum collected over 2500 exhibits telling about the life and struggle of metallurgists. Excursions are held here with musical accompaniment, the authentic voice of Levitan sounds, announcing the beginning of the war and Victory. It evokes deeper emotional feelings about wartime.

Address: Victory Square - 1/1.

After interesting excursions in the region and the city I want to relax in a quiet place. Kemerovo Miracle Park is very suitable for this. For a long time its territory was desolated, but now it is one of the favorite places for recreation of Kemerovo residents and guests of the city.

The park is well-groomed, there are flower beds, clean alleys, many interesting attractions for children, a cafe where you can eat ice cream and barbecue on its territory. The park is located in the old part of the city on the banks of the Tom River.

Here you can have a good rest, sitting on the embankment, and admire the view of the river. In winter, a skating rink operates in the park and stands Christmas tree. In Wonderland Park, they do not drink alcohol, do not ride bicycles and do not walk dogs.

Address: Kemerovo, Kuzbasskaya street - 4.

The Kemerovo region and the city itself are rich in places to visit and learn a lot about this corner of Siberia.

The Kemerovo region is a beautiful area that harmoniously combines snow-capped mountain peaks with crystal lakes and clear rivers. The area is home to picturesque beautiful forests, amazing waterfalls and mysterious caves with underground springs.

Since a significant part of the Kemerovo region is located in the Kuznetsk Basin with large coal reserves, this beautiful Siberian region is also known as Kuzbass. The Kuzbass region is rich in alpine green meadows, majestic peaks of bewitching mountains and stone rivers-kurums.

Also, the Kemerovo region cannot be imagined without popular ski resorts Shoria. In general, Kuzbass is beautiful and attractive at any time of the year, which makes it attractive for tourists at any time of the year. Its territory has unique natural landscapes and beautiful places, many architectural monuments.

Kuznetsk nature reserve Alatau

Kuznetsk Alatau is a beautiful mountainous place located in Western Siberia. The opening of this state nature reserve took place on December 27, 1989. The Kuznetsk Reserve Alatau consists of several low-altitude ridges, with amazingly beautiful river valleys between them.

The reserve has a diverse vegetation, including areas of forest-steppes and steppes at the foot of the mountains and ridges, as well as deciduous and pine forests. The tops of the mountains of this beautiful place are covered with kurumniks, mountain tundra and subalpine meadows.

An amazing feature of the Kuznetsk Alatau Reserve is rightfully considered to be snow crust, reaching up to 15 meters in intermountain puffs and depressions. Also on the territory of the nature reserve there are 32 glaciers, rare for these places, with an area of ​​1.84 square meters. km.

Kuznetsk fortress

The surroundings of the city of Novokuznetsk in the Kemerovo region are rich not only in natural beauties and picturesque landscapes, there is also a place for beautiful creations of human hands, namely the Kuznetsk fortress.

The total area of ​​the fortress structure is about 20 hectares. The Kuznetsk fortress was built in the form of an elongated rectangle with fortifications made of an earthen rampart, on the inside of which there is a mechanism for lifting guns.

The fortress began to be built at the beginning of the 18th century on the site of the old wood-and-earth and wooden fortifications of the Kuznetsk prison. The construction of the fortress was carried out by civilian contractors and prisoners and was completed in 1820. In the early 90s of the last century, an architectural historical Museum"Kuznetsk fortress"

Shor National Park

Shorsky National Park is a beautiful place with incredible landscapes, located in the southern part of the Kemerovo region. The purpose of creating national park was the preservation of unique and amazing areas of the mountain Shoria, in particular the black taiga and cedar cenoses in their original form.

The relief of the Shorsky park consists of a complex and dissected by river valleys mountain system. The entire territory of the park is covered with an intricate network of fast-flowing rivers and beautiful streams. Through the main massif of the Shorsky Park flows its main water artery- the river Mras-su.

Mountain Shoria is also rich in amazing virgin forests, called the second Alps. The forests of this part of the national park are almost untouched by man and have retained their original appearance.

Museum-Reserve "Krasnaya Gorka"

Another beautiful place The Kemerovo region is Krasnaya Gorka, an open-air museum-reserve, created in 1992. The museum is located on the steep bank of the Tom River and has unique complexes of mining monuments, the oldest of which is Burnt Mountain.

In addition to the sights of the twentieth century, in the "Krasnaya Gorka" there are also such modern monuments as "Memory to the miners of Kuzbass" and "The Holy Great Martyr Barbara - the patroness of miners." The location of the museum-reserve predetermined the main theme of its exhibitions and expositions: the history of the city of Kemerovo and the Kemerovo mine.

Today, Krasnaya Gorka is becoming a popular place for cultural recreation, both for tourists and residents of the city of Kemerovo. There are musical and poetic evenings by the fireplace, all kinds of conferences and chess tournaments.

), it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the sights in advance and unusual places this region in order to optimally plan the route and make your trip more interesting. Hospitable Kuzbass residents themselves took care of the tourists who are going to visit Kuznetsk coal basin. In 2012, in preparation for the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Kemerovo region locals summed up the results of the regional competition " Seven Wonders of Kuzbass", by publishing your version of the list" ". The purpose of the competition was to identify and promote the unique and most significant historical, cultural, architectural and natural objects located on the territory of Kuzbass. The competition featured 85 objects from all over the region: museums, sculptures, natural monuments, and even factories and cuts. The winners were determined after an open Internet voting that lasted three months, as well as after counting the votes received in writing. As a result of the competition, a commemorative album "Seven Wonders of Kuzbass" was published, and images of objects included in new list miracles, used in decoration settlements coal region and in the production of souvenirs. Let's get acquainted with this Kuzbass folk list of miracles.

Seven Wonders of Kuzbass


Celestial Teeth

is one of the most picturesque mountainous regions in the south of the Kuznetsk Alatau near the city Mezhdurechensk. Here you can admire typical alpine views. The Celestial Teeth area is very popular with tourists who make summer hiking and winter ski trips. In the winter season, skiers and snowboarders ride here, and in the summer season, water athletes come here using mountain rivers for water tourism.

Museum-Reserve "Tomskaya Pisanitsa"

Approximately fifty kilometers from Kemerovo on the high right bank of the river Tom there is a unique multidisciplinary open-air museum "". Here you can see petroglyphs (rock paintings), which are thousands of years old. In total, about three hundred petroglyphs were found on the rocks, including images of various animals (elk, bear, fox, wolf), birds, shamans, deities and mysterious signs. This unusual museum is often visited by politicians, businessmen, representatives of culture and science who are in Kuzbass on business trips.

Kuznetsk fortress

Kuznetsk fortress- a stone fortress built in 1800-1820 by order of Emperor Paul I, as part of the Siberian line for protection Southern Siberia from the Chinese threat. Since its construction, the fortress has never been used for its intended purpose in hostilities. Nowadays, the Kuznetsk fortress in Novokuznetsk is a monument of history and architecture of federal significance, and inside the fortress there is a museum.

Azas cave

Azas cave- a cave located near the village Ust-Kabyrza. They say that it is in this cave that lives Yeti.

Sculpture "Golden Shoria"

is a huge bronze sculpture located in the city Tashtagol. An elegant Shor beauty sits on the neck of a majestic powerful elk. In the hands of the girl is a bowl, symbolizing spiritual wealth and abundance. The sculpture itself symbolizes the continuity of generations and is a symbol of the well-being of Mountain Shoria.


Mariinsk- one of the oldest cities in Kuzbass. A lot of old buildings have been preserved in this city, so the whole city of Mariinsk can be considered a tourist attraction. The glory of this Kuzbass city would be enough for the capital, and the stories that happened here would be enough for the annals of a separate state. From here, at the request of the merchants, the Cossacks drove out the troops of Khan Kuchum. Here, Orthodox priests built their Siberian outpost, building the first church not far from the place where today stands a wooden monument in the form of a log fortress wall. The future emperor visited here, people were dizzy by the gold rush, the war thundered and shots were fired at the execution wall, ruining 40 thousand lives.

Monument "Memory to the miners of Kuzbass"

Monument "

The Kemerovo region is a beautiful area that harmoniously combines snow-capped mountain peaks with crystal lakes and clear rivers. The area is home to picturesque beautiful forests, amazing waterfalls and mysterious caves with underground springs.

Since a significant part of the Kemerovo region is located in the Kuznetsk Basin with large coal reserves, this beautiful Siberian region is also known as Kuzbass. The Kuzbass region is rich in alpine green meadows, majestic peaks of bewitching mountains and stone rivers-kurums.

Also, the Kemerovo region cannot be imagined without the popular ski resorts of Shoria. In general, Kuzbass is beautiful and attractive at any time of the year, which makes it attractive for tourists at any time of the year. Its territory has unique natural landscapes and beautiful places, many architectural monuments.

Kuznetsk nature reserve Alatau

Kuznetsk Alatau is a beautiful mountainous place located in Western Siberia. The opening of this state natural reserve took place on December 27, 1989. The Kuznetsk Reserve Alatau consists of several low-altitude ridges, with amazingly beautiful river valleys between them.

The reserve has a diverse vegetation, including areas of forest-steppes and steppes at the foot of the mountains and ridges, as well as deciduous and pine forests. The tops of the mountains of this beautiful place are covered with kurumniks, mountain tundra and subalpine meadows.

An amazing feature of the Kuznetsk Alatau Reserve is rightfully considered to be snow crust, reaching up to 15 meters in intermountain puffs and depressions. Also on the territory of the nature reserve there are 32 glaciers, rare for these places, with an area of ​​1.84 square meters. km.

Kuznetsk fortress

The environs of the city of Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo Region, are rich not only in natural beauties and picturesque landscapes, there is also a place for beautiful creations of human hands, namely the Kuznetsk fortress.

The total area of ​​the fortress structure is about 20 hectares. The Kuznetsk fortress was built in the form of an elongated rectangle with fortifications made of an earthen rampart, on the inside of which there is a mechanism for lifting guns.

The fortress began to be built at the beginning of the 18th century on the site of the old wood-and-earth and wooden fortifications of the Kuznetsk prison. The construction of the fortress was carried out by civilian contractors and prisoners and was completed in 1820. In the early 90s of the last century, the Kuznetsk Fortress architectural historical museum was opened on the territory of this powerful fortification.

Shor National Park

Shorsky National Park is a beautiful place with incredible landscapes, located in the southern part of the Kemerovo region. The purpose of the creation of the national park was to preserve the unique and amazing areas of the mountain Shoria, in particular the black taiga and cedar cenoses in their original form.

The relief of the Shorsky park consists of a complex mountain system dissected by river valleys. The entire territory of the park is covered with an intricate network of fast-flowing rivers and beautiful streams. Its main water artery, the Mrassu River, flows through the main massif of the Shorsky Park.

Mountain Shoria is also rich in amazing virgin forests, called the second Alps. The forests of this part of the national park are almost untouched by man and have retained their original appearance.

Museum-Reserve "Krasnaya Gorka"

Another beautiful place in the Kemerovo region is Krasnaya Gorka, an open-air museum-reserve created in 1992. The museum is located on the steep bank of the Tom River and has unique complexes of mining monuments, the oldest of which is Burnt Mountain.

In addition to the sights of the twentieth century, in the "Krasnaya Gorka" there are also such modern monuments as "Memory to the miners of Kuzbass" and "The Holy Great Martyr Barbara - the patroness of miners." The location of the museum-reserve predetermined the main theme of its exhibitions and expositions: the history of the city of Kemerovo and the Kemerovo mine.

Today, Krasnaya Gorka is becoming a popular place for cultural recreation, both for tourists and residents of the city of Kemerovo. There are musical and poetic evenings by the fireplace, all kinds of conferences and chess tournaments.

Nature generously rewarded the Kuznetsk land with its riches. The Kemerovo region is rich in forest resources, unique flora and fauna.

The flora of the Kemerovo region is very diverse. Forests and bushes occupy almost 65% of the region's territory. Big influence the distribution of vegetation is influenced by the location of the mountain ranges: Kuznetsk Alatau, Salairsky Ridge, Mountain Shoria (elongated from north to south); the Biysk mane and part of the Abakan ridge (lying across the first two formations); Kuznetsk Highlands (located north of the Sayan and Altai). General stock forests in our region - about half a billion cubic meters, their average age is 70 years.

Four zones of forest ecosystems are clearly distinguished on the territory of Kuzbass: Kuznetsk-Alatau mountain-taiga zone, Shor mountain-taiga zone, Salair taiga-forest zone, Tomsk-Kiya taiga-forest-steppe zone.

Steppe communities are introduced along the northern spurs on slope areas, to the south - a gradual transition to pure taiga massifs (black forests of Mountain Shoria, cedar and fir-cedar communities) with relic sites deciduous forests- lime islands. In the Kemerovo region, there is the only insular area of ​​LIMEN in Siberia on an area of ​​11 thousand hectares, which is declared a natural monument of the federal level "Linden Island".

An impressive array of linden trees, more characteristic of the Volga deciduous forests than the South Siberian taiga, - it has been preserved here in a completely incomprehensible way since prehistoric times, from the pre-glacial period. The paradoxical hypothesis that lindens here are primordially local, relict (and not later settlers from a less severe climate zone), biologists will find many confirmations. Fragrant woodruff, wild hoof, circe and a dozen other herbs that accompany linden are absolutely not typical for Siberian forests and are found in such a set only here, in the Kondoma basin. This is the only place in Siberia where representatives of the vegetation of the Tertiary period have been preserved in the mountain black taiga.

Linden has long been valued as a beautiful, fragrant, honey-bearing tree. It blooms for only 10-12 days. But the bees “manage” to collect during this time (from one ordinary tree) such an amount of honey as a hectare of buckwheat, a common honey plant, gives. Curious is the rare fact in the biology of bees that they sometimes collect nectar from linden even at night. Linden wood is also good - white, finely porous, light, and, most importantly, has an amazing ability not to crack or warp. It becomes a drawing board, a food container, a material for artistic carving.

There is no corner in the Kemerovo region, wherever BIRCH grows. In the black taiga, it forms an undergrowth, and in the forest-steppe part of the Kuznetsk basin, in the form of birch pegs, it protects the fields from droughts and dry winds, dust storms serves as a kind of air filter.

The most common representative of the taiga is FIR, a long-liver of the local flora. Fir has healing properties. In addition to strong wood, fir is valued for the presence of resins and essential oils in bark, stems, branches and needles. Fir oil is produced in the region, which is “chased” from needles. Fir oil is used to make camphor, one of the most important medicines.

PINE is found in the forest-steppe territories of Kuzbass. Pine forests in small groups overlook the banks of the Tom. Pine also grows in the foothills. The air in pine forests is considered to be curative and rejuvenating. There are especially many pine forests around the cities of Kuzbass.

About seventy industries consume pine resin. There are tannins and adhesives in the bark, vanillin in the cambium, valuable immersion oil is obtained from the seeds, and pollen is used as a substitute for lycopodium in medicine. One pine tree gives about ten kilograms of needles, from which you can get the annual rate of carotene and vitamin C for one person.

There are few CEDAR FORESTS in the Kemerovo region. They make up about four percent of the total area covered by forests. Cedar is a tree of the first magnitude, sometimes reaching forty meters in height and two meters in trunk diameter. The cedar lives up to 400-500 years and bears fruit almost all its life, starting from 30-50 years. Average age cedar forests of Kuzbass 175 years. Cedar seeds - pine nuts - the main value of the tree. The nut kernel contains over 70% fat, well digestible human body, about 20% protein, 12% carbohydrates, 4% fiber. Nuts are superior in calories to meat and eggs. Cedar milk, delicious cream and nut cake are obtained from the nut, which is widely used in the confectionery industry.

LARCH occupies only 0.2% of the forest area of ​​the Kemerovo region. The largest array of larch in Kuzbass is located in the northeastern foothills of the Kuznetsk Alatau in the Tisulsky district. The tree still has needles, but not evergreen, falling off with the onset of cold weather. The great advantage of larch is the ability to grow quickly and unpretentiousness to the composition of the soil.

Advantages of a larch in durability and durability of wood. She lives about 400-500 years. Its wood practically does not know the limits of service. For many hundreds and even thousands of years, it is able to be perfectly preserved, acquiring with time both greater strength and original coloring. Larches reach a height of 50 meters with a trunk thickness of up to two meters. Larch forests produce a record amount of wood per hectare for all our species: up to 1500 and more cubic meters.

Spruce in our area is quite widespread. Spruce forests are found along the slopes of mountain hollows, on the upper terraces of rivers. Spruce wood is used for the best grades of paper, artificial fabrics, alcohols, glycerin, plastics, and for the manufacture of some musical instruments.

Spruce is considered an evergreen species. This is so and not so. Spruce needles are not “eternal”, the needles fall off every seven to nine years - in the fall, spruce sheds at least a seventh of its needles. The life expectancy of spruce is on average 250–300 years.

Due to the "central" location of the Kemerovo region in the geographical sense, the combination of plain and mountain landscapes on such a small plot of land, a variety of natural areas and biological diversity of flora and fauna.

The forest is one of the most significant, the only renewable type of natural resources.

Forests occupy 20% of the total area of ​​plantations and are the object of industrial exploitation. Forests that perform water protection, general protection, health and conservation functions occupy 77% of the territory covered with forests.

There are up to 420 species in the flora of the region. medicinal plants, of which 120 species are used in scientific medicine, 300 species in folk medicine. Industrial harvesting of spring adonis, maral and golden roots is underway.

Significant resources of wild plants, food raw materials: mushrooms, berries, pine nuts. The average annual yield of berries is 45 thousand tons, ferns - 90 thousand tons.

The diversity of natural landscapes determines the diversity of mammals, birds and the general fauna of the region. Of the wild animals common to the mountain and lowland taiga, forests, forest-steppes and river valleys are Brown bear, wolverine, lynx, badger, otter, fox, ermine, weasel, weasel, squirrel, flying squirrel, chipmunk.

The bear is a characteristic inhabitant of the region, which prefers the dark coniferous taiga. Wolverine is a fur-bearing animal of the weasel family, it lives in the plain and mountain taiga and is found in the forest-steppe.

The largest deer in Kuzbass is the elk. Its height at the withers reaches two meters with a body length of up to three meters. Another deer of our taiga, the Asian deer, is found in the mountain forests of the Salair Ridge and in the Mariinsky taiga. In the south of the region in the upper reaches of the Tom and its tributaries, Siberian reindeer. On the outskirts of the taiga in bright deciduous forests The roe deer lives in the forest-steppes, and the musk deer lives on the steep slopes of the rocks overgrown with cedar forests. In the Kuzbass there is a squirrel, hare, fox, pika, flying squirrel, muskrat and other animals.

Since 2000, the Red Book of the Kemerovo Region has been maintained annually in order to protect and protect rare and endangered wild animals, wild plants and fungi, as well as to ensure biological diversity, create conditions for the sustainable existence of plants, animals and fungi, and preserve their gene pool.

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