Why winter in eastern Siberia is very cold. Why is Siberia so cold in winter?

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Above European part Russia, we will inevitably come to Siberia. In 2010, when the ETR was hot, this region of Russia was left without a summer. This year, the beginning of the season also causes fair criticism from the local population.

solominvictor | Shutterstock.com

In May average temperature month turned out to be 2-3, and in some places 7-8 degrees below the norm. The June that replaced it also does not shine with high temperature indicators. In Novosibirsk, five days before the end of the month, the average temperature of 2 degrees does not reach the norm.

Over the past period of June, only fifteen days the maximum temperature exceeded +20, five days it was about +15 and three days - about +10. The snow that fell in the north in the last decade, and the frosts that struck in the south, completely demoralized the local population.

The main reason for the cooling was a blocking anticyclone over Eastern Europe. He weakened the zonal circulation of the atmosphere and sent cold air masses from the western sector of the Arctic.

The average life span of blocking anticyclones is 7-10 days, less often 14 days. In exceptional cases, they can stand for more than 30 days, as was the case in 2010. But this requires a special set of circumstances, which happens only once every 30 years.

It is assumed that this block will not go beyond the usual duration and intensity. In the first five days of July, it will collapse, and warmer air masses will come to Siberia from the west and southwest. They will bring the temperature back to normal and in the future even bring some Central Asian heat.

By the way, such temperature drops have already been repeatedly observed this June. So, for example, in the same Novosibirsk on June 2, the temperature did not exceed +10, and on June 8 it jumped to +27. The next temperature dip to +15 occurred on June 17, but five days later the thermometer showed +29.

Such a striped pattern will be the hallmark of this summer. Some periods may be cold, others hot, but on average, equilibrium will be obtained, with only a slight deviation from the norm.

Currently, there are two omega-blockages over the territory of Russia: one over the ETR, and the other over the Far East. In this regard, heat has set in the west and east of the country, and Siberia is in the middle. We can say that the region is not lucky. But last year it was the opposite.

Since school, I have heard explanations about the sharply continental climate, but somehow I didn’t think about it and took such an explanation for granted. But when I bought a car that spent the night in the open, I had to watch the weather, in winter of course. Long-term observations have revealed some regularity. After a more in-depth study of the issue, the picture became more or less clear.

A sharply continental climate has nothing to do with it. Once I learned what a sharply continental climate is. I had the good fortune to partisan in mid-May, not far from Kyakhta. We lived in tents in a field camp at the training ground. In the daytime, when the sun is shining, the heat is incredible, and at night the tooth on the tooth from the cold did not fall. This is a sharply continental climate. But that doesn't explain why it's colder in winter in Siberia than in Ukraine or northern Kazakhstan. It turned out that everything is quite simple.

It is cold in Siberia in winter due to the fact that large masses of cold air are pumped in from the Arctic, which move in a large circle counterclockwise and cover the territory from the Ural Mountains to the Far East. Who or what is uploading cold air from the Arctic?

The climate in the northern hemisphere of Eurasia is set by the Gulf Stream. This is a warm current that forms in the Caribbean between North and South America (Cuba, Haiti, Bermuda Triangle, Sargasso Sea, etc.). It's almost the equator, a little north. In this huge bay, water is heated like in a boiler. And since it's all the same North hemisphere, then the water swirls counterclockwise. In the southern hemisphere, water swirls clockwise. Get some water in the bathroom, open the plug and look. From this natural water heater, water rushes north, first washing the shores of American Florida. Therefore, it is always warm there. Further, the Gulf Stream crosses the Atlantic Ocean and rushes to Europe, washing it from the north, and goes under arctic ice, but part reaches Arkhangelsk. Therefore, Murmansk and Arkhangelsk are ice-free ports in the north of Russia.

The air warmed by the Gulf Stream swirls clockwise over Europe, creating a warm and comfortable climate, reaching the Ural Mountains in the east. This same European cyclone, like a giant pump or gear, catches and pumps in the cold air of the Arctic, which, respectively, spinning counterclockwise, creates cold climate over all Siberia. But that's not all.

The cold Siberian cyclone, in turn, spins the Far East cyclone clockwise, pumping warm air from southern latitudes into Primorye Pacific Ocean.

Therefore, in Europe and Far East warm and comfortable, but in Siberia it is cold. That is, three powerful cyclones like three gears: warm European, cold Siberian, warm Far Eastern.

Now imagine that a giant boiler called the Gulf Stream failed. For example, the flow of water has decreased due to the Neti spill in the Caribbean Sea, the Sargassum has grown, or the pack ice of the Arctic has actively begun to melt and the current has begun to shift to the south.

The Gulf Stream ceases to wash Europe from the north, the center of the European cyclone will shift to the south. In the north of Europe it will become much colder, the center and south of Europe will become flooded with rain, the sands of North Africa will begin to bloom. Cold Arctic air will no longer regularly cool Siberia and prevent the penetration of warm air from the Kazakh steppes. Winters in Siberia will become much warmer. But it will become colder in Primorye: the influx of warm air from the southern seas will decrease, and cold Siberian frosts will become frequent guests. A worldwide catastrophe like in the American film THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW will not happen. Many of the things that constantly scare the RenTV channel will not happen either (without special training and impressionable, with an unstable psyche, it is generally not recommended to watch it).

Europe will flood, Siberia will thaw, and Primorye will begin to freeze, not much. Yes, I almost forgot, Canada and the north of the USA will freeze - they will understand what Siberia is.

Siberia is not a kingdom of ice and bears on the streets, but a mega-installation that largely determines the climate of the planet. For several years, environmental scientists of TSU have been proving this to the world scientific community. For three years they have been building megaprofiles - a network of scientific research stations united by one task. In the fall of 2016, SecNet (Siberian environmental change network) was officially opened on the basis of the TSU research center "Trans-Siberian Scientific Way" - Siberian network for the study of changes environment.

The SecNet logo shows the contour of Siberia with the globe inside, - says Professor of TSU, Director of the Center for Biota, Climate and Landscape Research BioClimLand Doctor of Biology Sergey Kirpotin. - This best reflects the idea that Siberia has a global significance for the entire globe. For example, what will happen in the near future in Japan or China depends largely on our region.

Siberia as a mega installation

- There is a concept of "megascience", it applies mainly to the field of physics, - says Sergei Nikolayevich. - For such a big science, unique devices are being created - mega-installations, so complex, expensive and multifunctional that countries pool resources for their construction, scientific consortiums work on them. The most famous man-made mega-installation is the Large Hadron Collider. By this analogy, we have a concept of Siberia as a unique natural mega-installation. To make it work, we must create the appropriate infrastructure, provide logistics, and develop common approaches to work. We have created two megaprofiles: meridional in Western Siberia- from the highlands of Altai (almost from the borders with Mongolia) to the deep Arctic. He has been working for three years. The second mega-profile is a latitudinal one; it is still being formed. These are unique structures, linearly extended from south to north and from west to east, along which we carry out research, monitor changes in the environment in various parameters.

– What is a megaprofile physically?

– This is a network of scientific stations where regular sampling takes place. All data is accumulated and analyzed, which makes it possible to record changes, observe their dynamics and nature. TSU has three own scientific stations: "Aktru" in Altai, "Kaibasovo" in the floodplain of the Ob and "Khanymei" in Yamal. It is planned to open stations in the Vasyugan region and in the Arctic. Plus now there is a network that includes other top bands from research centers working in Siberia. Some of them are doing research at the highest level, but before they were not coordinated. We organize work within the framework of a single methodology, according to single scientific protocols. This is important because then we can get comparable world-class data.

– What research is carried out at the stations?

- Each team has its own specifics: some study biodiversity, others conduct biogeochemical studies, others - landscape, environmental. But the organization of the network makes it possible to simulate a certain gentleman's set of parameters, indicators, properties of the environment, which can be measured and studied at any station, regardless of the specifics. The concept of the network was proposed by our invited consultant, scientist Terry Callaghan, Chairman of the International Council of TSU. This is the principle of four m: monitoring, manipulations, modeling, management. Monitoring is understandable. Manipulation - not very Russian beautiful word, with some negative connotation, but in fact it is the organization of full-scale experiments in nature. For example, we simulate a situation with a fire and see how the lakes will change after it.

How do you model? You don't set fire to the forest on purpose, do you?

- Of course not. The lichens are collected, they are burned in a protected place to the state of ash, then these ashes are poured into barrels, then they are placed in the lake. In one barrel - water with ashes. In the second - ordinary lake water. By tracking the changes, we can understand what will happen if there is a fire nearby, lichens burn out and the ashes fall into the lake.

The third m is modeling: we can make a good adequate forecast (first of all, not even for scientists, but for business executives, authorities, and the population) only on the basis of models.

The fourth m is management. This is knowledge that administrations and environmental services can use in real activities.

Hysterical climate

Sergei Kirpotin

– SecNet is an open network, new members, including foreign ones, can join it. And it has not been Siberian for a long time - it is international! It's nice that we turned out to be pioneers - Canadians and Americans wanted to make the same network. Terry Callaghan brought David Hick to us from the Canadian University of Alberta - they are trying to organize a megaprofile from south to north and will largely use our achievements, our ideology, our approaches. We paved the way. By the way, there is already an agreement to merge our mega-profile with the Canadian one. The Chinese also wanted to enter it - representatives of Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou, one of the strongest in China. They learned about our project while participating in the Aktru summer school. Thanks to the visits of the TSU delegation to Laos, to the Philippines, they became interested in us there as well. And here you are! The supermegaprofile is thrown over the pole into North America and reaches almost to the equator. And it is we, Tomsk residents, who have priority in all matters - this is the rarest case when we really were the first in the world.

– First of all, you study the Arctic. How can Laos and the Philippines help?

Everything in the world is interconnected. To understand the Arctic, you need to know what is happening elsewhere. In addition, this region has a huge impact on other territories. Why are the Japanese and Chinese interested in the Arctic and Siberia, which is close to it? Because the famous Asian anticyclone, the epicenter of which is Mongolia, is formed precisely in Siberia and significantly affects the weather in southern latitudes. For example, 2012 was a unique year: an anticyclone rose in the summer, not a drop of rain fell in 2.5 months. All Siberia dried up. And then the winter was just as dry. All this directly influenced the formation of monsoons and trade winds in humid oceanic areas. It is clear that there are scientists who are mainly engaged in polar research. Our advantage is that we get a picture from south to north and understand that the Arctic is connected to more southern regions, and under the influence of climate change, shifts occur, for example, in the ranges of species - more southern species begin to spread to the north.

– Is this super-snowy winter also a consequence of climate change? In what direction does it change?

- The climate is feverish. Some meteorologists call him nervous, I call him hysterical. main attribute climate change it is not even considered warming, although it is recorded, but the fact that this is accompanied by a sharp increase in the number of extreme weather phenomena. We can observe a record amount of snow, like this winter, or we can be left without snow at all, like in 2012. The general trend is still not clear. Nobel Laureate, a Belgian of Russian origin, Ilya Prigogine, described how order emerges from chaos. When a complex system is in a critical state, a major change must occur in order for it to move to a new qualitative level. This is the point of bifurcation, bifurcation. At such a point, the development of the system can go in two opposite directions with almost equal probability. And no one can say for sure which one. The same with the climate. Giving predictions about him is the most thankless task. It might get colder, just like in the movie "The Day After Tomorrow", and a new one will begin. ice Age. And the warming may continue. Now the trend is towards warming. But it is obvious that the climate system has reached a critical state, it is in a fever, we see it with the naked eye. In nature, things happen that never happened! Have there been tornadoes in the Tomsk or Kemerovo regions before? No. And now they are regularly filmed on mobile phones.

- Will the work of SecNet and megaprofiles help to achieve greater certainty?

– Of course, we will be able to give more accurate forecasts and to some extent engage in prevention. But it will always be multiple scenarios. For example, this year, due to extreme rainfall, there was a possibility of a very severe flood. However, nature saved us: the snow melted not in a week, but gradually - warming in March alternated with cooling. The fact that September was dry played a big role - the month was dry, this has never happened before. All the soil has dried up, so now there is still moisture charging from melt water. If the soil were damp, we would get a catastrophic flood ... True, we can still be covered by a second, very serious wave - an incredibly large amount of snow also fell in the mountains. But it is difficult to calculate this, because everything develops absolutely unpredictably. Previously, the series of observations worked like clockwork. Even in our childhood, we knew that if a cyclone (thaw with snow) came to Moscow, then in 1.5–2 weeks it would reach Tomsk, and it would stand for about two weeks. warm weather, then it will be replaced by frost. Now this does not happen - the conveyor has stopped working. This is all a consequence of global warming. Someone rejoices at this, they say, well, it has become warmer in Siberia! In general yes, warmer, we start over southern plants plant in gardens. But the pests come like never before. The Colorado potato beetle spreads north up to 100 km annually. And what thaws out of the permafrost! .. This year, the Yamal anthrax long thought to have been destroyed.

An example for all mankind

“Now we need to learn how to make at least somewhat justified forecasts. Even justified by their uncertainty. Because in an age of change, enduring uncertainty becomes the only certainty. I can't tell if next winter will be warm or cold. But I know for sure that the number of catastrophic events will be 20-30% more than today. The extreme instability of the system is what we have come to, and a person must learn to live in these conditions. This is not a disaster, no one wants to scare. You just need to understand it. And to change the attitude to the problem. Disunity, including political disunity, is growing more and more now, although humanity must unite efforts, because there are such threats in the yard, much more destructive than terrorism. The globe can really overstrain ... It's time to put an end to people's unhealthy skepticism about global warming. The point of view that natural processes are cyclical and that a person is not responsible for anything is absolutely destructive.

– Why are climate researchers striving for Siberia?

– Because Siberia influences the whole Earth and is of exceptional importance. Global warming It manifests itself unevenly: at the equator, the climate almost does not change, in Antarctica it changes slightly. The biggest changes are taking place in the Arctic, but even there unevenly. Recently I was in Iceland. This country is also considered a subarctic territory, but in winter there is a maximum of minus one, because it is located almost at the very beginning of the warm Gulf Stream. Here in Siberia, especially in Western Siberia, the changes are maximum, these are the so-called hot spots (hot spots) of climate change. Due to the contrast, continentality, and severity of the climate, many of the changes that are taking place in our country are sharper and more dramatic than in other regions of the planet. And sometimes they start a few years earlier. We are the first to face what may start in others. Arctic regions. And then, it is also a huge, almost unexplored space, including for the Western world.

It is very important that fundamental science was ultimately aimed at improving the quality of life of people in Siberia and beyond. That is why our center has an amazing motto coined by Terry Callaghan: “Knowledge of Siberia is for the well-being of the planet.

We, the inhabitants of Siberia, often do not appreciate the place where we live. As the poet said, "big things are seen from a distance." Once a French delegation came to us, and we took them to Lake Teletskoye. On the track, one of the guests saw a sign "Irkutsk, 1750". He asks: "What is it?" I answer: "Distance to a major city." "Is this the end of the earth?" “No, it’s not even the middle.” The French fell into a stupor. And five minutes later he said: “No, Siberia is not a land, there are no such lands. Siberia is the universe!” So since then, I believe that all our projects have a universal scope. But neither I nor you yourself would come to such an idea - what are these distances for us!

– What will the knowledge of all this give Siberians?

– You need to understand your significance, your role and your capabilities. All over the world, we need to change our perception of ourselves. AT English language there is the word visibility - a certain impression that can radically differ from reality - reality. How are we seen abroad? Kingdom of cold, snow and ice. Uncreative, frozen. Bears on the streets... We must change this image, show that Siberia is an amazing place, it changes the whole planet. A place where amazing things happen and where amazing people live. Siberians are generous, open, creative, independent. Believe me, our European colleagues learn these qualities from us. The secret is that in a harsh climate you can only survive together - it is useless to compete with each other. Darwinism today has passed into all forms of social life - it is believed that the struggle for existence, competition is the driving force of evolution and progress. But cooperation and cooperation is the same driving force of evolution as natural selection. When Terry Callaghan, a man who has worked in the Arctic for over 50 years, is asked why he loves this region, he always answers: “Special people.” The work here is based on mutual assistance, researchers do not compete with each other, but build their relations on the basis of mutual assistance, solidarity, and integration. And Siberia, with its harsh conditions, can become an example of such relations for the rest of mankind.

Siberia is a huge picturesque territory, which occupies more than 60% of the area of ​​the whole of Russia. She lies in three climatic zones(moderate, subarctic and arctic), therefore, natural conditions and weather differ markedly in different regions of the Federation. This article only describes general information and climate features of the region.

Climate of Western Siberia

Western Siberia stretches from the Ural Mountains to the Yenisei River. Most of its territory is occupied West Siberian Plain. The climate in this area is continental.

Climate features are formed from indicators of weather regimes of all subjects Russian Federation located in this part of Siberia. Completely in the expanses of Western Siberia lie the Trans-Urals, Omsk, Kemerovo, Novosibirsk and Tomsk regions, as well as Altai region and the Republic of Khakassia. Partially included here are the Chelyabinsk, Sverdlovsk, Tyumen and Orenburg regions, Krasnoyarsk region, the Republic of Bashkortostan, as well as Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and YNAO.

Precipitation, wind

The climate of Siberia in its western part is not affected by the Atlantic air masses, since this territory is well protected by the Ural Mountains.

From April to September, Western Siberia is dominated by winds brought from the Arctic Ocean and from the east. In the form of cyclones and anticyclones, arctic ones come bringing coolness with them.

Dry Asian winds blow from the south and southwest (Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan) and bring clear and frosty weather with them in cold weather.

The weather in Siberia is stable, so the average annual rainfall rarely changes in one direction or another. Approximately 300-600 mm of atmospheric moisture falls annually, with most of it occurring in summer and autumn. This is meteorological precipitation in the form of rain. Snow falls about 100 mm in almost the entire space of Western Siberia. Of course, this is an average. For example, in the autonomous regions, the snow cover reaches the level of 60-80 cm. By comparison, in the Omsk region, this mark barely reaches 40 cm.

Temperature regime

Features of the climate of Siberia in its western part is that most of the territories there are occupied by swamps. They have a huge impact on the humidity of the air, which entails a decrease in the influence continental climate.

Winter in the north of Western Siberia lasts about nine months, in the center - about seven. The south was a little more fortunate, where climatic winter reigns for five months. These calculations are directly related to the average air temperature in each region. In this way, southern part Western Siberia has an average winter temperature of -16°C, while northern Siberia has an average of -30°C.

Summer also does not please these regions, since the average temperature ranges from +1°C (in the north) to +20°C (in the south).

The lowest mark on the thermometer was recorded at -62 ° C in the valley

Climate of Eastern Siberia

It is located on the territory from the Yenisei to the watershed ridges of the Pacific Ocean. Features are determined by its position in the temperate and cold zones. That is why it can be described as harsh and dry. Unlike Western Siberia, Eastern Siberia is sharply continental.

Great value for natural conditions has the fact that Eastern Siberia is located mainly in elevated and mountainous areas. There are no marshes here, and lowlands are rare.

The following regions are located in its expanses: the Krasnoyarsk and Trans-Baikal Territories, the republics of Yakutia, Tuva, Buryatia, and the Irkutsk Region. Siberia (Russia) in this part is quite severe, even unpredictable.

Precipitation, wind

AT winter time in Eastern Siberia, the south dominates, bringing with it anticyclones from Asia. The result is the establishment of clear and frosty weather.

In spring and summer, dry Asian air also prevails in Eastern Siberia, but despite this, southern winds often replace air masses from the east, which carry sea ​​winds Pacific Ocean. And the cold Arctic air is brought here by the northern ones.

The weather in Siberia decreed that precipitation over the area of ​​Eastern Siberia is unevenly distributed. Their smallest number is in Yakutia: only 250-300 mm per year in almost all areas of the republic. is somewhat of a record holder. It accounts for the largest amount of precipitation: from 600-800 mm (west) to 400-500 mm (east). In the rest of Eastern Siberia, the annual amount of precipitation is 300-500 mm.

Temperature regime

Extremely cold in Eastern Siberia are winter months. The temperature amplitude changes dramatically depending on the transition of the continental climate in the west to the sharply continental climate of Siberia in the east. If in the south Krasnoyarsk Territory the average temperature of the second month of winter is about -18°C, then to the north it drops to -28°C, and near the city of Tura it reaches -36°C.

The northwest of Eastern Siberia has an average January temperature of about -30°C, and on the way to Norilsk and further east it drops to -38°C. Northern Yakutia, where the average temperature is extremely low, -50°C, set a record in 1916, when the thermometer showed -82°C.

In the south and southwest, frosts noticeably weaken. In Yakutsk itself, this is almost imperceptible, but in the Trans-Baikal Territory and Buryatia, the average January temperature rises to -24 ... -28 ° C.

The average temperature of the warm month per year varies from +1...+7°C in the north of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the Republic of Yakutia to +8...+14°C in the central part and up to +15...+18°C in the south. The zone of mountain ranges and elevations, typical for such regions as the Irkutsk region, Buryatia, Zabaikalsky Krai, causes uneven distribution of heat. Thus, there are significant differences in average monthly temperatures spring-summer period. On average, in July the thermometer stops at +13 to +17°C. But in some places the temperature range can be much larger.

Siberia (Russia) in its eastern part is characterized by a cold climate. Winter lasts from 5-6 months (Baikal region) to 7-8 months (the center of Yakutia and the Krasnoyarsk Territory). On the far north summer is almost impossible to wait for, since winter reigns there for about 11 months. In the central and southern parts of Eastern Siberia warm time year (including spring and autumn) lasts from 1.5-2 to 4 months.

The climate of the northern regions of Siberia

The northern regions are located in the zone of the Arctic and subarctic belts. The territory of the Arctic deserts is continuous glaciers and impenetrable snow. Almost no vegetation can be found there. The only oases in this ice realm are mosses and lichens that can withstand low temperature fluctuations.

The climate of Siberia in this part has big influence albedo. From the surface of the snow and the edge of the ice are constantly reflected Sun rays, i.e. heat is repelled.

Despite the fact that the average amount of annual precipitation is small (about 400 mm), the soil is saturated with moisture and snow very deeply and freezes.

Severe is exacerbated by terrible hurricanes and snowstorms, which sweep across the entire territory at great speed and leave behind traces of giant snowdrifts.

Also, this part of Siberia is characterized by frequent fogs in the summer, as the ocean water evaporates from its surface.

During the summer, the earth does not have time to warm up, and the snow melts very slowly, because the average temperature ranges from 0 to + 3 ° C.

Here you can see such unusual natural phenomena like polar night and northern lights.


Surprisingly, more than 60% of Russia's area is permafrost. This is mainly the area of ​​Eastern Siberia and Transbaikalia.

Permafrost is characterized by the fact that the ground never thaws completely. In some places it is frozen a thousand meters down. Yakutia recorded a record for the depth of permafrost - 1370 meters.

In Russia, it exists with its own dungeon, in which you can consider this amazing phenomenon.

Climate of Southern Siberia

The mountainous relief, located in Southern Siberia, was the reason for the contrast of the climate.

Continentality increases towards the east, where precipitation is plentiful on the slopes. It is because of them that the numerous snows and glaciers of the Western Altai are so common.

In winter, the climate of Siberia in this part is characterized by cloudless, sunny weather with low temperatures. Summer is cool and short everywhere, only in the intermountain basins it is dry and hot (the average temperature in July is about +20 o C).

It is very interesting to answer the question of how the oceans influence the climate of Southern Siberia. Despite the fact that Russia does not have direct contact with the Atlantic Ocean, it is he who has the greatest impact on the climate of this territory of the country. In southern Siberia, it brings heavy snowfalls and, at the same time, a decrease in frost and thaw.

The climate of the Siberian part of Russia is quite severe, but this fact does not prevent it from being the heart of our country.

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