When is the best time to go to Crete? When is the best time to go on vacation to Crete? The best months to travel

Health 31.08.2019

Crete is the largest of the Greek islands

Located in the eastern part mediterranean sea the ancient island of Kaphtor, known throughout the world for its modern name Crete is washed by the Carpathian (Cypriot) Sea from the east, the Libyan Sea from the south, the Ionian from the west, and the Aegean from the north.

He is repeatedly mentioned in Old Testament Bible, where you can find information about how God brought the inhabitants of Caphtor, called the Phoenicians (captars), to the coast of the Middle East, they built the cities of Tire and Sidon, spreading their settlements over all available harbors, and forming a powerful network of Phoenician colonies. The most famous is Carthage, subsequently waged long wars with Rome.

The Evangelist Luke also left testimonies about Crete, describing in detail the storm near the island, when the Apostle Paul, sailing on a ship past the capes of Sideros (Salmon) and Lithinos, warned sailors about an impending hurricane called Euroclidon. The storm that broke out off the southern coast lasted two weeks and during this time the sun never came out.

The Arab chronicler Masud reports that in 535 AD a terrible earthquake changed the contours of the island of Crete: the western shores rose, forming rocky cliffs, and the eastern ones plunged into the sea.

The largest Greek island is located in two climatic zones, the Mediterranean and North African. The weather of Crete is characterized by very hot summers and mild winters.

Weather in Crete by months


Chania region in winter

On the island of Crete, the weather at this time is typical for the subtropical zone, the zone of influence of which includes the entire island - cyclonic.

Areas of low pressure from the Azores archipelago, moving across the Mediterranean Sea, are gaining strength and, "cling" the northern regions of the Sahara, bring with the southern flows of notos and either zephyros to Crete not only noticeable warming, but also rains, sometimes with fine sand.

In the case of the invasion of cold masses of the troposphere from Europe, brought in by the rear parts of the Azores cyclones, enough cold weather, so that snow falls not only in the mountains, but also in the valleys.

The cold winds of boras and euroclidon bring beautiful cloudiness, and then clear weather, as a result of which the rapid "work" of the sun's rays begins.


Winter in Vafipetro

This month there are shortened light days: no more than 6.5 hours. The low sun slightly warms the surface of stony soils, and the midday temperature of Crete on average does not exceed plus 12-17 degrees.

In mountainous areas, where the troposphere cools by 5-6 degrees during each kilometer rise, these readings, in accordance with the height, can drop to zero, and on the peaks of Pakhnos and Ida there is usually snow and the temperature most often has negative readings.

At night, the mercury columns of thermometers drop to + 9-14, frosts are frequent guests in the mountains, but the water in the seas is very warm, up to plus 18, and above it in sunny days, the number of which this month can reach nineteen, in the absence of wind, a beautiful natural phenomenon occurs in the form of swirling steam.


Winter Psiloritis

The length of the day increases slightly, but this is not significant for warming up the air - the prevailing euroboruses and euroclidons, northeastern and northern troposphere mass transfers in the eastern Mediterranean in winter affect the thermometer readings: at night + 7-12, in the daytime + 11-16, but sometimes there are cold snaps to zero.

Cyclones from the west periodically continue to attack the island, bringing rain and cloudy weather, the number of days of which this month reaches 10-15 or more.

Sea water slowly cools, but remains warmer than the atmosphere: 15-16 degrees.


Crete in February

The weather on the island of Crete in February is still unstable.

This month, the length of daylight hours increases noticeably (up to 11 hours), and the probability of rainy days slightly decreases.

But the dominant northern winds, borras and mesoborras, continue to cool the troposphere of Crete: at night, plus 7-12, during the day - + 12-17 degrees.

In some periods, cold air flows from Europe can cool the surface layer of the troposphere to zero, but the sea remains warm: plus 15-16 degrees.

Events and holidays

Feast of the Epiphany in Crete

Winter time in Crete is the season when there are few tourists and vacationers. locals celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, New Year, Epiphany (Photo), Candlemas. These holidays very suitable for exploring the sights of the island, its culture and traditions.

So, instead of Santa Claus in Crete and Greece, Basil the Great Saint of Cappadocia brings gifts to children. Greek children are sure that it is he New Year's Eve puts long-awaited gifts in their shoes. In honor of St. Basil, special pies are baked here, called "Vasilopites", inside of which a "lucky" coin is hidden.

And on the day of Theophany, that is, Epiphany (Baptism), which is popularly called Fota, during the consecration of water, the priest throws the cross into the sea. Wishing men and youths dive, trying to get it first.

From the second half of January in Chania and other towns of the island, the sales season begins, which officially ends on the last day of February and continues unofficially for the first two weeks of March. The best time to save money! It is best to visit a lot of historical and natural sights of the island in silence, make the necessary purchases, and find exclusive new clothes in this winter time.


Spring on the plain of Castelli

From the end of March, wet air masses less and less "look" at the island.

By May, the Azores cyclones, which fed the land of Crete and the Balkans with rains, cease their activity, and over the eastern Mediterranean, a tropical type of weather is gradually established, characterized by clear skies, northern trade winds-etesias and high thermometer readings.

But before the beginning of summer, little by little, precipitation falls, nourishing the hard-leaved flora of Crete, the appearance of which is even scientifically called Mediterranean.


Triopetra beach waiting for tourists

The sun's rays are already strongly warming the lower layers of the troposphere, more and more sunny days and fewer clouds.

Temperature indicators are rising: in the afternoon it is usually plus 15-17 degrees, at night plus 10-13. The water starts to warm up to +16.

The length of the day "steps over" 12 hours.

But the weather on the island of Crete in March often surprises: occasionally cyclones come over Gibraltar, bringing heavy rains and thunderstorms with them.


The town of Georgoupoli in the region of Chania in early spring

The average daytime temperature reaches +16-21. The length of the day is growing, the number of overcast and cloudy days is decreasing, and the amount of precipitation is noticeably reduced.

Temperatures at night vary around + 12-15, and the water is even warmer - up to + 17. And more and more often stuffy siroccos, which are especially felt on the southern coast of Crete, “drop in” here.

Everything is blooming on the island at this time, in a hurry to complete its cycle before the end of the rainy season.

And only in the mountains at this time there is an excess of water, as the process of snow melting is in full swing. The weather in Crete in April is the most favorable for relaxing trips around the island and sightseeing.


Omalos Plain in May

Following the vertical rise of the Sun above the horizon, the average daily readings of thermometers also grow: the temperature in Crete in May in the afternoon is plus 22-27 degrees, nighttime readings are plus 16-19.

The surface layers of water in the seas are heated up to 19-20. Therefore, already in the first decade of May, the island is one of the first in Greece to open beach season.

Thunderstorms and rains can rumble a few more times this month, but inclement weather in Crete in May is rather an exception, because according to statistics, the number of sunny days here reaches 28-29, and rainy days - no more than 2-3.

Spring events in Crete

Apokries in Rethymnon

A bright, significant event of this period is the feast of the Annunciation. Holy Mother of God celebrated on March 25th.

It coincides with Greek Independence Day. All-night vigils and solemn divine services are celebrated in churches and monasteries.

In all cities of the country, processions of schoolchildren and dance groups in colorful national clothes are held, and military parades are also held in the capital of the country, Athens and the capital of Northern Greece, Thessaloniki.

However, the main holiday of spring in Crete, as in all of Greece, is the Resurrection of Christ. Cretans definitely visit churches during Holy Week, and the most solemn liturgy takes place on the night of Holy Sunday. Anyone who wants to see the folk customs of the Cretans at Easter, taste the amazing dishes prepared in abundance for the Easter table according to old recipes, we advise you to find an opportunity to visit the island at this time.


Summer in Chania

At this time, the etesia season comes into its own, taking them away from the sirocco. Northerly winds, called slippers (there are many names for this phenomenon), continuously raise waves. Starting early in the morning, they reach great strength by noon, thereby softening the heat. In the southeast, islands sometimes form cirrocumulus clouds, which melt in the evening along with the gusts of northern etesia. The northern coast of Crete, which is most prone to the "blows" of the northern trade winds, is especially picturesque in the summer months: against the bright blue background of the sea, white lambs of the waves jump, leaving foam traces.

In the summer months, the climate of Crete is dry - there is almost no rain, clouds appear extremely rarely, strong heat is softened by gusty winds, and air humidity is very low, so the climate is conducive to general healing.


Beach at Agia Fotia in Lassithi

The weather in Crete in June will please connoisseurs of the sea and the sun. It is in this month that the influx of beach lovers begins in the numerous resorts of the island.

The heat intensifies, daytime temperatures fluctuate between 23 and 30 degrees, but often go wild, exceeding 35 degrees in the shade.

Nights are cooler: + 16-25, the water in the sea heats up to 23 Celsius. Grass and plants gradually “transition” to an economical mode of evaporation, because there is no rain here until October.

July and August

Famous Cretan goats Kri-kri

During these months, the heat reaches its peak, but for the Cretans this is the norm. Siesta - rest in the afternoon at the hottest time of the day, is very common here. The mercury column from the very morning stands at about twenty-three degrees, and in the middle of the day it sometimes exceeds +30. But the gusts of northern slippers noticeably ease the feeling of heat, and the low humidity of the troposphere makes it easy to endure the heat.

Night temperatures fluctuate between 21-27 degrees, and the water in the seas surrounding the island heats up to + 25-26 and above. There are no clouds, even cirrus, in the sky, and there is no need to mention the rains during these months.

Festive events in Crete in summer

Feast of the Assumption of the Virgin in Crete

The yacht season reigns on the island, numerous competitions are held.

Fans of this type of dispute can rent a yacht, enjoy riding on the waves of the Carpathian and Libyan seas, as well as admire the numerous sailboats whitening on the turquoise and blue waves of the sea.

For gourmets, starting in July, the island hosts the "Sardine Festival", where you can taste a variety of dishes prepared from freshly caught fish.

The main holiday of the summer is the Assumption of the Mother of God, celebrated on August 15th. Referred to as "Summer Easter", this event is widely celebrated throughout the country, the day is declared a holiday. Churches hold special services. They are performed according to a different order from the Russian Typicon. Everyone who came to Crete at this time can participate in an amazing holiday and visit the numerous monasteries of Crete: Feromeni, Preveli, Akrotiri and Kardiotissa.


Monastery of Preveli in autumn

At this time, the heat begins to subside. The meltemi-etesias blowing from the north are weakening, cirrus and cirrocumulus clouds appear in the sky, and the length of the day is decreasing.

The sun rises lower, and the probability of cyclones passing from Azores, increases. Most fruits and fruits ripen and the amazing velvet season begins.

In the second half of autumn, the number cloudy days, the frequency of cyclones is growing, "diving" in the Mediterranean Sea, bringing rain and thunderstorms to Crete. The humidity of the troposphere increases, and the pressure decreases.


Agios Pavlos bay in autumn

The weather in Crete in September still bears little resemblance to autumn.

In the first month of autumn, the heat is strong: daytime temperatures reach up to 30 degrees or more, at night it is a little cooler: + 20-25, the water in the sea warms up to 26.

There is almost no precipitation, and the number of sunny days reaches 29.

bathing season continues, there are significantly fewer tourists in the second half of September, the very first weeks of September are no different from the end of August.


Olive harvest

This month the Cretan velvet season continues.

But gradually, cyclones from the Azores archipelago become more active, bringing long-awaited coolness and rains to the island.

The sun is less and less scorching with its rays. The length of the day is shortened. The temperature takes on a more "European" look.

At night, the thermometer does not rise above +19-20, and during the day it is plus 24-26. But you can still swim: the water is warm - up to +23 Celsius.


Crete in November

The last month of autumn is characterized by an increase in the frequency of cloudy and overcast days. "Atlantic breath" drives rains, fogs to the island, the temperature drops: at night to + 15-17, in the daytime to + 18-22. Frequent northern borras cool the troposphere to 12 degrees and below. The water is cooled down to +21 Celsius.

The length of the day by the end of November is only 6.5 hours.

All autumn, but especially in November, wind blows from the Sahara gusty wind with sand and strong storms are not uncommon.

Events in autumn

Ohi Day in Rethymno

In September, in Crete, as well as throughout Hellas, numerous festivals are held, the wine festival is especially popular here.

Lovers of the blessed drink can enjoy not only it, but also grape juice, and all kinds of late berries - they are waiting for them in the small home wineries of Crete, hospitable hosts.

At the end of October, agritourism fans can visit numerous olive groves, where olive harvesting begins at this time.

The main event of the fall is the Ohi (no) holiday, celebrated with military parades on October 28. This is the word that the Cretans, along with all the Greeks, uttered to the fascist regime of Mussolini. Also, the inhabitants of Crete recall the battle near Marathon on the second Sunday of November, and on the 17th last month Autumn is "Politehnio Day", when all the inhabitants of Greece pay tribute to the memory of the students who fell in the struggle against the "Black Colonels" regime.

Crete is the 5th largest island in the Mediterranean Sea, 300 days a year caressed by the bright Greek sun. Everything came together in this heavenly place: comfortable weather, rich story, hospitality of local residents, their invariable hospitality to their guests. Come to Crete at any time of the year - they are waiting for you here, they will gladly receive you, and they will see you off with the hope of a new meeting!

It is located in the temperate Mediterranean climate zone. Summers on the island are usually hot and dry, while winters are mild and wet, with little or no snow. The island has contrasting seasons, with an average of 300 sunny days a year, white mountains in the winter and a riot of color in the spring when numerous flowers bloom.

The mountains of Crete neatly divided the western and eastern parts of the island, protecting the latter from the cold northern winds. Due to the mountain ranges, the weather in the eastern (Sitia region) and also in the southern part of Crete is usually drier and warmer than the weather in the western (Chania region) and northern part of the island. This is evident in the vegetation: Chania is much more fertile and ecological than the desert region of Sitia. There are also coastal towns on the island that are naturally sheltered from the winds due to the shape of their harbors. In these places, the weather is usually mild and the sea is calm, which is much safer for swimming.

Altitude also plays an important role. Snowfall is rare in the coastal regions and on the plains in winter. However, in the mountains, snow can be quite abundant and sometimes does not melt even until June. In winter, one more interesting moment can be observed on the island - at this time there are periods when southerly winds blow on the island, bringing with them dust from the Sahara desert. The dust adds a beautiful color to the Cretan landscape.

Monthly weather table in Crete

It is worth knowing the weather forecast in advance in order to plan a comfortable vacation. A table of weather in Crete by months will help you get an idea of ​​what the weather is like here in different seasons.

Happy At night Sea Season
January +14…+17 +8…+10 +16
February +14…+16 +8…+10 +15
March +16…+18 +10…+12 +16
April +19…+21 +12…+14 +17
May +22…+25 +15…+18 +20 beach
June +26…+30 +19…+22 +22 beach
July +28…+31 +22…+24 +24 beach
August +28…+31 +21…+24 +25 beach
September +26…+28 +19…+21 +24 beach
October +23…+26 +16…+18 +23 beach
November +18…+22 +13…+15 +20
December +16…+18 +10…+12 +17

The period from January to March is considered the coldest on the island. The average air temperature ranges from 12°C to 14°C, during these months it is quite rainy and windy, and there are often storms at sea. In April and May, the weather does not get warmer, although the sea is still too cold for swimming - only by the end of May the water warms up to 18 - 20 °C. Rainfall is reduced to a few days per month. This time of the year is well suited for those travelers whose main goal is not beach holiday and excursion program.

June is the month when numerous tourists begin to arrive. At this time, the island is hot and sunny, and the sea is already warm. The summer peak occurs in July - August, when the thermometer rises above 30 ° C during the day. Although the temperature does not drop at night, due to the low humidity, it is well tolerated.

The height of summer and the heat begins to dissipate by September. It's still warm, but the sun is already beating down like summer. The rains start to come on in October and November, the weather on the island becomes more and more unpredictable.

Greece occupies the southern part of the Balkan Peninsula and islands in the Mediterranean, Cretan, Ionian and Aegean Seas. Crete is the largest island owned by Greece and the fifth largest in the Mediterranean. Crete is dominated by mediterranean climate, air humidity - 50%. The sun shines about 280 days a year. The swimming season lasts from mid-spring to mid-autumn. The climate of the coastal zone and the central part, which is covered with mountains, is different. There are differences in weather conditions not only by months, but also depending on the location of the coast. When choosing a route for recreation, it is worth considering this.

On the coast summers are dry, winters are mild, snowfalls are extremely rare. Rains come from mid-autumn to early spring.
East End Crete (Sitia) has a drier and warmer climate than western Crete (Chania). This is noticeable even by the difference in the abundance of vegetation. Sitia resembles a desert, Chania is an oasis covered with greenery.
Warmer and drier climate south coast when compared to the north.
In the mountain part Cretan winters are quite severe. Low temperatures and heavy snowfalls are not uncommon. On the tops of the mountains, snow can stay until mid-summer.

Temperature indicators

Winter is the season of wind and rain

In January, the weather in Crete is rainy and cold. The average air temperature is +15°C. The water temperature is +17°C. On the coast can rage strong winds. But for one week the gusts of wind subside, and the weather is calm, fine, windless. The inhabitants of Crete call this period "quiet days".

Crete is only slightly warmer and sunnier in February. The temperature of air and water in the sea remains the same. The weather is still unpredictable. Rainy, cold, windy days alternate with calmer and warmer ones. The swollen buds of almond trees remind of the imminent arrival of spring.

The weather in Crete in March is usually still cool and windy. But the rainy season can be considered completed. The average air and water temperature is +17°C. Vegetation begins to wake up, flowers bloom, the first green leaves appear. Despite quite low temperature, the most daring and hardened begin to swim in the sea.

spring awakening

In April, real spring comes to Crete. Rains are rare and do not differ in duration. Air on average warms up to 20°C, water - up to +18°C. Such weather contributes to the violent revival of nature. The island in April is covered with bright and fragrant wild flowers and is very beautiful.

The weather in Crete in May finally becomes sunny and warm. Since May 10, it rains very rarely. The north wind Meltemi, which will start to show in the summer, is not blowing yet. The sea, the water in which has warmed up to + 20 ° C, is quiet and calm. The average air temperature is +23°C. Despite these idyllic conditions, it is worth taking a jacket with you on vacation, evenings can still be cold.

In May, Crete and all of Greece are especially beautiful. The riot of colors, the fragrance of flowers and juicy greens delight the eye and intoxicate. It is in this month that the island turns into a huge festival site. It all starts with May Day - Workers' Day. Greece celebrates this holiday on a grand scale and with great fun. May 18 Crete remembers the tragic events - the battle for Crete with the German invaders. At the end of May, the inhabitants of Crete again celebrate the ancient holiday of Anastenaria. A special feature among songs and dances is walking on hot coals.

Summer - all to the beach

In June throughout the territory In Crete, the average temperature is approximately the same - from + 23 ... 26 ° C at the beginning of the month and up to + 25 ... 30 ° C at the end. The water temperature near the northern coast reaches + 23°C. Off the south coast due to strong winds the water in the sea is a little colder, on average + 23°C. To relax on the beach, it is better to choose morning or evening, it is too hot during the day.

In July, the real heat comes to Crete, but along with it, the north wind also appears. Average air temperature is +27°C, water temperature is +24°C. Heat and dryness begin, which correspond summer months on Crete.

In August, the island welcomes vacationers with even hotter and drier weather. Average air temperature – +30…+35°C, water – +26…27°C. North winds continue to attack Crete. During this period, you can only engage in beach recreation, taking with you a reliable supply of drinking water. For people who are hard to bear high temperature, this season will not work. Even for those who can easily endure the heat, it is necessary to buy hats for relaxation, sunscreen and glasses.

Autumn is a refreshing chill

The weather in Crete in September becomes less hot and windy. The sun is still very active, and nothing indicates the approach of the rainy season. Average air temperature is +25…27°C, water temperature is +24…26°C. Evenings can already be chilly. You should take a light jacket with you, especially if you are going to the mountains.

The weather in Crete in October is sunny and slightly windy. Such conditions would be more suitable for the summer months in our climatic conditions. Average air temperature is +24°C, water temperature is +22°C. Rains are possible, but they rarely happen, they do not last long. October is the month when the whole island celebrates the festival of the harvest, which is grapes. Ra ka - a local drink from the same grapes - flows like water. Without songs and dances, it is also impossible to do.

In November, the weather in Crete becomes unpredictable. Sunny, calm days are abruptly replaced by rain. The island during this period is attacked by southerly winds. Sometimes they even bring sands from the Sahara desert that cover the sky. This spectacle looks very picturesque. Average air temperature in November is +20°C, water temperature is +21°C. Rest on the island is still possible, but you need to take warm clothes and an umbrella with you.

In December, the weather in Crete is very reminiscent of an unbalanced, capricious madam. Warm sunny days are possible on the south coast, when absolutely nothing prevents you from putting on a swimsuit and indulging in a beach holiday in comfortable conditions. All this grace in just a few hours disappears and begins heavy rain, strong gusts of cold wind. The average air temperature in December is +16°C, water temperature is +18°C.

At the very beginning of October, I remembered that I had not finished walking summer vacation due to force majeure at work. I was urgently called to the office, had to take one last dreary glance at the coastline, throw a beach towel into my suitcase and return to the dusty city. And now, when the summer has lost ground, the warmth has dissolved into autumn air together with sunbeams I really wanted to return everything. Nostalgia grabbed by the throat, made the authorities cry and beg for their rightful week. The velvet season was gaining momentum and somewhere on the evergreen islands under palm trees, happy tourists were sunbathing. The Internet is full of offers for every taste and budget.

The stars were formed in such a way that we decided to relax with the whole family. My husband had a long weekend, and my daughter happily accepted the offer to skip school☺ It remains to decide on the direction, book a hotel and buy tickets. We unanimously calculated the finances, went through dozens of options on the topic: “the sea, the sun and water are our best friends and settled on the Greek island of Crete.

Outlandish landscapes, aquamarine sea, many sights left over from ancient times and a relatively low price for staying in a country weighed down by the innate laziness of the locals, called a siesta. Crete is the largest island in Greece, with good hotels, decent service, varied Mediterranean cuisine and direct air links. Early October - best time for holidays in Crete. The Mediterranean Sea is +26, the air temperature is +27, there are fewer holidaymakers than in August-September, but this does not affect the level of service.

We flew to Heraklion, the capital of the island. A large comfortable bus brought to the Malia Beach 4 * hotel, more like a cluster of snow-white bungalows in a flowering park. The beach, the pool, the gentle Cretan sun, the variety of dishes and drinks in the hotel restaurant laid us on the sun loungers. Bliss and pleasure flooded consciousness, forced to relax and not strive for anything else.

So three days passed. On the fourth day, we remembered that there were three days left before departure, and we didn’t see anything beyond the hotel. We are on an island covered in legends, gone by history in mesozoic era. On the island, the beauty of which was admired by Princess Diana and a bunch of poets. On an island where there are caves, fortresses, lakes, bays and tons of artifacts. And we just lie

Not order. It was decided to urgently rent a car and go on a trip around the island.

The city of Malia is small, typically resort - cafes, shops, car rental. We compared prices in the "rent car" and opted for a convertible jeep Suzuki Vitara. From the priorities: reclining top (for beautiful photos and videos), all-wheel drive (for filming videos in different driving modes, including on the sandy shore), gas mileage, color. The hostess of this salon speaks English, told a lot of interesting things. The average merchant income is 600-800 € per month. A teacher and a doctor, for example, earn 1200-1300 €, while every self-respecting Greek still owns a land plot on which he grows olive trees. He collects ripe fruits and delivers them to the factory, receiving either oil (product) or money in return.

Malia - Gazi - Heraklion

If you are not satisfied with the hotel's beach, go to the Gazi area. There is a sandy deserted beach where you will be completely alone. You can drive up to the sea directly by car, leaving it nearby on elastic ground. The fact is that in Crete it is not easy to find sandy access to water. The beach is the private territory of someone's hotel (in the north of the island). In the south, the coast is rocky and represents fields of olives, bananas, pomegranates and other agricultural crops.

The entrance to the sea is gentle, the bottom is sandy. Beautiful place for holidays with children. We were satisfied. We swam, took pictures, filmed an extreme video. We noted that every 3 (three!) minutes planes flew over us in the sky. We were puzzled: “How can the small island of Crete accommodate so many people who want to relax here?” and “What is the crisis…”

The capital of the island is Heraklion. Even if it is not the purpose of your trip, stop to see its sights - you are guaranteed intellectual and aesthetic pleasure.

Entrance 9 € for adults, 6 € for children under 10 years old. An audio guide is available for an additional fee. We managed just fine without his help. I liked it inside: themed stands, soft lighting, appropriate atmosphere. There are many visitors. Be prepared for the fact that someone's hand, head and other parts of the body will constantly fall into the lens. My advice: wait a bit, let the hurrying tourists go ahead and take pictures on your health when no one will restrict access to the aquariums. Flash photography is not allowed. No one follows this especially, but it’s still worth pitying the aquatic inhabitants.

The decoration of the aquariums was to my liking. It seems that there are no glasses at all, it seems that it is enough to reach out and touch marine life. Due to the semi-darkness and glare of light reflected in the water, an atmosphere of fabulous mystery is created.

I counted several dozen aquariums of different sizes. On each of them are written the names of fish in all European languages ​​(including Russian). We especially remember seahorses, bluish fish with bulging eyes, jellyfish, a huge turtle. Watching them, watching them rush about in a friendly crowd back and forth is a pleasure. Of course, sharks deserve special attention. These monsters fascinated all tourists! Their teeth are a real meat grinder. Next to the sharks, you feel like a defenseless insect.

Note to travelers with children: it is convenient to visit the aquarium paired with the Dinosaur Park, you can get to it in 5 minutes by car, on foot you will reach your destination in 15 minutes.

We went to a fishing village
population of only 450 people. We read reviews, reports are different, that if you want true color, you are here. “Mandatory for tourists to visit,” one of the reports convinced. Decided: Oh! we live once, we are not greedy and we will order a fish mix here - octopus, shrimp, red mullet, sea bass, squid (40 € one serving). Together with us fried fish the cats were waiting, impudent and shameless. Huddled together, they stared at the visitors, begging for treats, jumped on their hands and strove to steal something tasty from the plate. The cook takes out the fish, demonstrates the assortment of fresh catch, the tourist himself chooses the carcasses, which are then grilled.

Horiatiki salad, popularly referred to as Greek salad, was served with a large piece of feta, which was crumbled with a fork and mixed with the rest of the ingredients. We ordered "ouzo" - a local strong drink (cloudy, taste reminiscent of the Soviet "Pertusin") and lemonade. Overeat. The taste of fish haunted me for a long time.

Fishing is done here by both old and young. With us, the owner's son brought a fresh catch on a bicycle to the tavern - two octopuses. Proud to have caught it. We wanted to take a boat ride, we turned to the fishermen. Nobody agreed. The Greeks respect the laws. Leave the bay with passengers on board - incur the wrath of the marine police. And the fines in Greece are very high. There are no documents for transportation, no tourist certificate - you only have the right to fish.

Agios Nikolaos

One of the most important sights of the city is Lake Voulismeni. On the western side, the lake is surrounded by rocks, and on the eastern side - street cafes. In 1867-1871, a canal was dug that connected the lake to the sea. After that, the upper layers of the lake about 30 meters became salty, while the lower ones remained fresh.
The lake is disproportionately deep compared to its size, the Greeks have a legend that it is bottomless, but in fact its depth is about 65m.
According to ancient Greek myth, the goddess Athena herself bathed in this lake.
Jacques-Yves Cousteau came to Agios Nikolaos to study the lake. At the bottom of Vulismeni, deposits of German military equipment times of the Second World War. Local residents threw them off a cliff into the lake as a symbol of the liberation of the island of Crete from Nazi troops.

The town itself is called the local St. Tropez because of the abundance of tourists and snow-white yachts. The central shopping street is Ρ. Κούνδουρου, but there is nothing interesting there, mostly souvenirs.

All-knowing Google claims that only Greece has the bluest sea, the most beautiful beaches and the most unique shades of water. We not only found confirmation of this, but also met an amazing person who built a hut on a sheer cliff. With a view of the blue-blue sea.

We drive along the upper road, admire the view, look for a platform where we can move out. We took a few photos along the way, but I wanted something panoramic. But here is the city behind, on the right - mountains, on the left - a cliff. They ventured to cross the solid line and drive to the left into the first “pocket” that turned up. We got out of the car, enjoying the views, taking pictures. Suddenly we notice a path leading to a hut. Let's go, it's interesting. She leads to some kind of metal door. A small window, a washbasin like that of my grandmother in the village, heaps of rubbish, broken marble slabs. We assume the dwelling of a cultural bum who created himself from construction debris Robinson's hut. Note the water pipes. The rock is sheer, where does the water come from? Suddenly the owner arrives on a scooter. What followed was like a movie.

The owner of this hut is a Greek who lives in Ag.Nikolaos. He has a restaurant there, an apartment. From there he saw us on his mountain. I decided to drive up and show the guests my home. Here he equipped something like a dacha. Vacation residence. He extended drinking water from the restaurant (hose 400 m), installed solar panels, brought a boat, and is going to build a pier. As he spoke, he opened the locks on the front door. When we went inside, speech was taken away instantly. The view was just amazing! Panoramic glass of three meters, view of the bay, luxurious interior, fruit in a vase, plasma on the wall. Well, you'll never guess what's behind the door!

Mirabello Bay - VAI Beach

Scientists testify that in this place even 3000 years before our era there was a rich deposit of copper. Accordingly, civilization here was developed even then. And in the Middle Ages, during the reign of the Venetians, Mirabello Bay turned into a significant port from which merchant and military ships departed throughout the Mediterranean.

We stopped at the top, from where a wonderful view of the Mirabello Bay opens. This is a bay with bright turquoise water. This color hurts the eyes. You want to look at the sea in Mirabello Bay without stopping for a long, long time. I tried to count the shades of blue (I read somewhere that there are at least ten of them in this place), it did not work out. Unfortunately not an artist. Mirabello bay in Crete according to administrative division belongs to Lassithi County, it stretches from a little-known wild beach called Chomatistra to the village of Mochlos. The warm Cretan Sea washes it with its waves.

You don't want to leave here, time flies by. As in any part of Greece, there are many legends associated with the ancient Greek heroes and their adventures in Mirabello Bay. We took pictures of the scenery and moved on.

The road to Vai is somehow endless. Excellent quality road surface, although driving in serpentines is tiring. The navigator leads to the famous advertised beach, and for three hours now we have been tormenting the unfortunate 150 km of the way. The road narrows, then forks. Palm trees are finally starting to appear, we are already close.

Vai is a date grove, one of the most attractive sights of Crete, also the most beautiful and unusual place in the Mediterranean.
Wai was “discovered” by hippies who were forced to leave Matala in the early 70s by persecution. They were looking for a new shelter and found it here. By the early 1980s, Vai had become the permanent site of their camp and gradually turned into one big dump. Therefore, in the 1980s, Vai was declared a protected area, it was cleared of debris. Today this area is considered one of the most beautiful in Crete, and the beach has been awarded the Blue Flag of the European Union.

As is the case with the Greeks, there are several stories that try to explain the appearance of the grove in Crete: according to the most common story, Arab pirates, sailing here one day on their ships, ate the dates they brought with them and threw the stones into the soil. From these seeds, about 6,000 palm trees sprouted, of which about 4,500 now remain.

They say that an advertisement for the popular chocolate bar was filmed here. We decided to check it out, to see the marvelous beach with our own eyes. We paid 2.5€ for parking. Vai himself, as it turned out, is of no particular value. An ordinary beach with a strange concrete plateau at the bottom serves only as a bait for tourists. The sand underfoot is dirty, the palm trees are dry and dilapidated. Clouds of annoying ants that are everywhere - in abandoned clothes, in bags with provisions, in camera cases. There are tourists, but not many. Basically, they are located between palm trees, in the shade. The only big plus for this beach can be put for beautiful photos. Best Views open from the panoramic platform above. Don't be lazy, get up.

We take pictures of the sunset along the way, cross Crete across (in the narrowest part it is only 15 km in size), we make sure that there is no tourist infrastructure in the south. Returning to the hotel, lay out the map, draw a route for tomorrow. There are few days left, but there are many more to see.

Once upon a time on the site of Elounda more than 2000 years ago there was an ancient Greek city ​​of Olund famous throughout the country for its trade relations. As a result of the earthquake, the settlement sank to the bottom along with all the buildings. Today, Elounda is a popular resort town favored by celebrities.

Boats go from Elounda to Spinalonga. They say that the film "Shutter Island" with Leo DiCaprio was filmed there. Don't believe. There is no evidence for this. However, the island is very interesting. It is a sin not to take the opportunity to visit a place that is much written about and talked about a lot. We arrived at the town of Elounda, bought tickets for a boat and hit the road.

We decided not to take a tour, but wander as much as we want. The return ticket is paid without reference to time. Boats depart from the pier every half an hour. In which you managed, you swim on that.

Approaching the island, you notice black flags flying at the top. They produce some sad and mournful impression. There are a lot of tourists, everyone is noisy, lining up, buying entrance tickets.

Spinalonga is located just 250 meters from Crete. People with leprosy and imprisoned on this island for life, such proximity to normal life drove me crazy. They did not live out their lives, they were thrown down from the rocks, as evidenced by the statue of an armless woman on the top of the rock. Sadness, despair, hopelessness, tears are the basis of the life of people who lived here half a century ago. Those who were able to walk and work cultivated gardens in the southern part of the island. The state allocated 200 g of bread per day for each patient. They got the main food for themselves - they baked, cooked, grew, sold, cooked. Initially, living conditions on the island for the sick were terrible - Spinalonga was an endless slum, mired in complete poverty and squalor, a cemetery with a delay, without the slightest organization, without medicine, without hope. Many died from wild pains, disfigured and forgotten by everyone.

Despite all the difficulties, these people not only did not give up, but also developed a society with their own rules and values. They got married, although it was forbidden by law because of their illness, gave birth to children - some of which were born healthy. The island also operated the Church of St. Panteleimon, built by the sick. A brave priest led services there. Being healthy, he volunteered to share his life with lepers. They opened coffee houses, bakeries, hairdressers, shops to improve their own living conditions. With a small allowance, they bought the necessary products at a small bazaar, which was organized by peasants from Plaka at the gates of the island. In the 50s of the last century, the vaccine reached the "shutter island". Everyone was cured, and the island was turned into a museum and made visited by tourists.

To be honest, in complete healing and absolute sterility was hard to believe. We vigorously rubbed our hands with antibacterial wipes and sprayed with a “stop infection” spray, which had the foresight to be taken from home.

In principle, the island is small. If you wander through it without a tour, go upstairs to the black flags. From there you have an amazing panoramic view of Crete. What else to do on the island? Arrange a photo session. Domed stone walls in an ocher shade are a great backdrop for summer shots.

Spinalonga excites with its dark history not only tourists, but also cultural figures. Since the mid-50s, films have been made about this sad island. "Letzte Worte", "Island of Silence", "L'Ordre" - these paintings make you think about the life of people on this island, pull the strings of the soul and, as a result of an emotionally conveyed story, win awards at international festivals. Spinalonga is an island that will not leave you indifferent.

Crete is an amazing island. You can enjoy its beauties if you prefer active rest. With all my heart I wish you to fall in love with Greece and return to this country more than once!

Review of Crete was kindly provided by Natalia B.

Crete - the largest island of the Greek archipelago, occupies its southern part and is simultaneously surrounded by three seas. The sunniest island after Cyprus with a long summer season attracts tourists with picturesque mountain landscapes, exquisite coastline, superbly equipped beaches and the brightest architectural echoes of the world's oldest Minoan civilization. Tour-Calendar will tell you why it is so great to have a rest in Crete in the second half of spring, in the first half of June or during the velvet season.

Tourist season in Crete

Crete is like a small country with big opportunities. It is an island of fertile plateaus, spectacular valleys, golden sands, stunning views and pleasant smells. The island is especially attractive due to the opportunities to approach any traveler with great care: secluded resorts for connoisseurs of silence, lively beaches for party lovers, a variety of water activities for sports and active individuals, worthy offers for families with children. They start to go here already at, and the massive tourist season ends at.

High season in Crete

High season on Crete lasts all summer - that is, and, the air temperature at this time ranges from +28 ° C to +30 ° C. In the most southern parts islands, the thermometer often jumps up to +40 ° C under the influence of the Sirocco wind blowing from the Sahara. There is one little secret for lovers of high summer: not all beaches in Crete are crowded at this time. Yes, they are quite remote from the Cretan cities and offer a minimum of amenities, but for the opportunity to be in solitude, many are willing to sacrifice anything. In addition, at the height of summer, it is customary to go to the north of the island, to the coast of the Aegean Sea.

Low season in Crete

All three winter months and in Crete there is a decline in the tourist season. At this time, those who do not have much interest in a beach holiday come to the island. The weather is changeable, fluctuations are most typical for the daytime, the expected air temperature is up to +16 °C + 17 °C heat. It can get colder or, conversely, warmer. At the same time, for sightseeing the best weather conditions, as well as prices, you could not wish for.

Swimming season in Crete

The holiday season in Crete begins in mid-April. At this time, the official opening of the beaches of the island takes place. Meanwhile, the water in the Mediterranean becomes comfortable for swimming only at the end of May - about +19 °C +21 °C. In July and August, when the weather is hot, the water temperature reaches its maximum - +25 °C. The sun during the daytime is very dangerous, so try to get to the beach early in the morning and late in the evening. It becomes most comfortable on a beach holiday - the intense heat subsides, and the sea becomes cooler by 1 ° C.

Velvet season in Crete

The end of September and the whole of October in Crete belongs to the so-called velvet season. At this time, it is not as busy as in summer, but it is still sunny, and weather conducive to a long stay on the beach and swimming. Judge for yourself: the sea water temperature in September is +24 °C, in October it is +23 °C. The inconvenience can only consist in the fact that at night in October it is already cold - only +16 ° C. An indisputable advantage velvet season in Crete is the reduction in prices for housing, food and various services.

Time for festivals in Crete

Be prepared for the fact that at any time you arrive in Crete, you will find yourself at one or another celebration. In January, of course, this is Christmas, which is celebrated in Crete in e and March, Shrovetide is celebrated in Crete, in April the islanders celebrate Easter on a grand scale, on March 25 they celebrate the Independence Day of Greece, on April 23, St. George, the patron saint of the island, in mid-July, the people of Rethymnon celebrate the Wine Festival, and on September 8 they celebrate the birthday of the Virgin Mary "Genisis tis Panangias".

Climate in Crete

Crete is a large island with predominantly mountainous terrain. And the climate in different extremities of the island is completely different. In the north of the island, separated from the south by the central mountain range of east-west orientation, there is a temperate Mediterranean type of climate, like in all European resorts. In the south it is much hotter, drier and more sunny, as it is subject to the North African climate zone. In mountainous regions it is always colder, and in winter it snows. In general, winters on the island are mild but rainy. The degree of air humidity on the island, in general, is determined by the proximity of the sea. So, for all coastal resorts, due to humidity, it is typical that hot weather will be tolerated worse, and in winter the temperatures in the coastal zone are lower.

Crete in spring

Spring is a blooming, fertile time in Crete. If in March the spring breath is still a little noticeable, then in April the island is already blooming. Of course, precipitation goes on for up to 5 days, but it sets very warm weather: +20 °C in and +24 °C in . At the end of spring, the beach season opens. But for those who find 19 ° C of sea water insufficient, they can simply sunbathe on the seashore with pleasure.

Temperature and weather in Crete in spring

March weatherApril weatherMay weather
Average temperature+14 +16 +20
Temperature during the day+17 +20 +24
Temperature at night+10 +12 +15
Water temperature+16 +17 +19
Rain8 days6 days3 days
Humidity63% 59% 60%

Crete in summer

Summer on the island is hot and dry. Periods high humidity observed in the southern regions of the island. The natural temperature for summer Crete ranges from +27 °C to +29 °C. However, if you are heading south, be prepared for both +35 °C and +40 °C. Hot dry winds, bringing sand and dust with them, are also not uncommon. Fortunately, they pass very quickly, cooled by the northwest breeze "Meltemi", which is waiting like manna from heaven not only for beach relax lovers, but also for surfers and kitesurfers.

Temperature and weather in Crete in summer

June weatherJuly weatherAugust weather
Average temperature+23 +26 +25
Temperature during the day+28 +29 +29
Temperature at night+18 +22 +21
Water temperature+22 +24 +25
Rain1 day1 day1 day
Humidity57% 56% 59%

Crete in autumn

The autumn climate of the island resembles a temperate spring. in Crete, it is classified as summer, although the average temperature drops slightly: during the day it is expected to be around +27 ° C, while the water continues to stay at +24 ° C - +25 ° C. A light wind is blowing more and more often, but already a little like just a sea breeze. In the next two months it becomes cooler, but not significantly. However, the rainy season begins (especially in the west), which contributes to the arrival of cold nights. Moreover, solar activity is reduced to 5 hours a day, sharing a clear sky with gray clouds. A couple of times a season there are strong storms, usually characteristic of such bad weather, a warm gusty wind blows with sand from the Sahara desert.

Temperature and weather in Crete in autumn

September weatherOctober weatherNovember weather
Average temperature+23 +20 +17
Temperature during the day+27 +24 +21
Temperature at night+19 +16 +13
Water temperature+24 +23 +20
Rain2 days6 days8 days
Humidity60% 63% 64%

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