Wadduwa, Sri Lanka. wild palm beach

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Wadduwa Beach is a little-known resort village 30 km from Colombo. Vacation packages are brought to Wadduwa Beach. Traveling to Wadduwa on your own is also not difficult, there is transport. But is it necessary, let's see.

Overview of Wadduwa beach

The beach at Wadduwa is a long, stretching coastline. Coarse yellow sand, brown water, a minimum of people on the beach during the daytime. For the most part, only a small handful of holidaymakers in hotels and fishermen.

The city and the beach area are located on both sides of the main road. It takes about 10 minutes to walk to some hotels from the road. There are no cafes, bars and eat on the coast, especially in the evening, people only stay in their hotel or at most in the nearest one, if there is one at all. Walking to the city center with a minimal, but available choice of cafes, is tiring and hot, and with the advent of evening, many dogs appear.

Outcome. Should I go to Wadduwa?

  • lovers wild beaches without people with an admixture of local color in Wadduwa should be pleasant.
  • Those who want more entertainment and restaurants should look first of all at and, since there will be nothing to do here and it’s not worth staying longer than one night.

Hotels in Wadduwa

  • Emildale Villa
  • Ocean Queen Hotel
  • Blue Beach Hotel
  • Clive Garden
  • The Blue Water

All hotels in the area

Wadduwa on the map

  • How to get there: from Colombo by any bus towards Kalutara, Galle, Hikkaduwa, Matara. The ride is about 1 hour, the fare is less than 100 rupees. You can also get there by train. Detailed .
  • Taxi from the airport costs about $50 - here is the link to order a transfer.

Not far from the capital of Sri Lanka, Colombo, is the beautiful resort town of Wadduwa. Only 35 km separates Wadduwa from Colombo, which can be overcome in half an hour, moving south along the highway. The name Wadduwa comes from the name of the Vedda healers, who previously lived in large numbers in this area.

Most of all, Wadduwa is famous for its diving centers, which operate from October to March. It was at this time that the maximum number of tourists come to Wadduwa, eager to enjoy the beauties of the underwater world.

As in the main territory of Sri Lanka, Wadduwa always reigns warm weather. The thermometer does not drop below +25 degrees all year round. Only in the mountainous areas fluctuations in day and night temperatures become noticeable, but on the coast it is always comfortable, warm and sunny. The waters of the Indian Ocean, washing the coast of Wadduwa, are good for swimming, the water temperature is kept at around +26 in any season. The best time to go to Wadduwa is from October to April, when there is little rain and the sea is calm.

Wadduwa offers an excellent beach holiday that can be combined with water sports such as surfing, diving, sailing or water skiing. In addition, on the territory of the hotels there are magnificent tennis courts and golf courses.

In Sri Lanka, extremely caring and welcoming locals, but special people live in Wadduwa. Seems like they never have bad mood they are all content and happy. This positive willy-nilly is passed on to everyone around, and you don’t want to leave Wadduwa at the end of your vacation. Here and there, the melodious "Aubovan" is heard, which means in the local dialect "You can stay here for a long time."

Wadduwa - these are luxurious beaches strewn with snow-white, crystal clear sand, the purest waters of the ocean, which from time to time manifests its violent character, raising waves, the grandeur of which is breathtaking. The vegetation of Wadduwa is unique - lush palm trees, flowering tropical shrubs, spice gardens and mysterious mangroves. All this can be seen by wandering around the area on foot or by going on a boat trip along the Bentota River.

Wadduwa has everything you need for a comfortable stay - good quiet fish restaurants, cute cafes, as well as a lot of souvenir shops and jewelry boutiques.

Excursions outside of Wadduwa

Kalutara. Not far from Wadduwa, just 10 km., there is another resort - Kalutara, which is famous for the Buddhist temple of Gangatilaka Vihara, located near the Kalu Ganga River. This temple is made in the form of a hollow stupa, called dagoba. Inside the snow-white dagoba there is a hall, its walls are decorated with magnificent frescoes depicting stories from the life of Buddha. Through the narrow windows you can observe a delightful panorama of the surroundings. Also in Kalutara, you should definitely take a walk along the shopping streets where wicker products are sold - mats, baskets or lampshades. It is interesting to watch the craftsmen at work, deftly tying thin twigs into intricate patterns. There is an interesting mansion in Kalutara called Richmond Castle. This palace is a vivid example of the symbiosis of the traditions of British and Indian architecture.

Hambantota. For tourists, excursions inland are organized, as well as various trips along the coast. For example, in Hambantotu. This city is located 240 km from Colombo in the southern part of the island. The people living in Hambanton are mainly engaged in fishing, growing crops and extracting salt. Hambantota - today it is a developed tourist center, which lies on the route to National parks Udawalawe, Yalla, Bundalla. By the way, these reserves are also worth visiting. After wandering through the busy streets of Hambantota and buying a variety of souvenirs in local shops, it's time to hit the road, namely to Kataragama, a city of pilgrims located northeast of Hambantota. This place is sacred to representatives of many faiths - Buddhists, Muslims and Hindus. In the summer, a Hindu festival is held in Kataragama, which attracts not only believers, but also tourists from different countries peace.

Kataragama. Kataragama is located 280 km from Colombo in the southeastern part of the country and borders the Yalla National Park. A long time ago, Kataragama was just a small village, which was framed on all sides by impenetrable jungle. Now Kataragama has grown and acquired the status of a city. Kataragama is divided into two parts by the river Menik Ganga. The name of the reservoir is translated as the River of Gems. On the north side Kataragama is the Buddhist temple Dagoba Kiri Vihara and the Muslim sanctuary Masjid-ul-Khizr, as well as a Hindu temple called Katirkamam. Residential areas, shops, cafes, restaurants, and office buildings are concentrated on the south coast.

So, the main entertainment in Kataragama is a festival that takes place in summer months. The history of the holiday is reflected in Hindu mythology. This is the story told by the elders. Once the god Skanda, the youngest offspring of the goddess Parvati and the god Shiva, decided to descend from Mount Kailash and swim to the ocean along the river in order to get to the southernmost tip of the island. As a result, Skanda ended up at Cape Dondra, but he did not like the smell of fish there, so the prince decided to continue his journey. He set the direction of the path by throwing his trident. heavy weapons flew about 60 miles and landed on a hill near Kataragama. Skanda decided to settle in this place. Later, local residents erected a temple of the god Skanda here, and since then, every year in the month of August, thousands of thousands of believers come here to ask Skanda for mercy. People believe that God will grant them good luck, health, and protect them from illness and misfortune. Initially, pilgrims must take a bath in order to cleanse themselves. They plunge into the Menik-Ganga River, and then, taking trays with gifts to Skanda, they go to the temple. As a rule, at this time there is a huge queue near the sanctuary and people need to endure inconvenience in order to make their offering. The waiting time is sometimes delayed for several hours. Exists interesting custom: each believer must break a coconut on a special cobblestone at the entrance to the temple. This is a kind of fortune telling. If the coconut splits in half, then luck will be in the family. If the fruit bounces entirely, then you need to be afraid of trouble. However, smashing a coconut is just an innocent joke compared to other tests that fanatical believers take. Here pilgrims seek to atone for their sins by self-torturing themselves, for example, by piercing the body with fishing bumps and other sharp objects. At the same time, the "martyrs" do not feel visible suffering. Perhaps they are in a state of trance or drug intoxication with incense. The martyrs move in a magnificent procession, accompanied by musicians playing intricate melodies on flutes and sea shells. Some participants in the parade do not walk, but roll on the ground, while others move on stilts. In the temple, crowds of believers are already waiting for the arrival of the chief priest. Being in a hustle here is quite problematic, because. stuffiness makes one dizzy, and the smell of burnt sandalwood oil causes weakness and headache. It's best to stay outside and watch the action from there. There is an altar in the hall, which is hidden by a curtain, only the chief priest is given access to it, he personally makes an offering to the god Skanda, whose statue is behind the screen. The clergyman accepts the trays from the faithful and passes the gifts to Skanda, then returns the empty container to the pilgrim. The donation process takes a whole day. With the onset of night, the holiday enters its final stage. In front of the entrance to the Temple, a bonfire is made, waiting for the heat to die out from it. At the same time, while the fire is burning, the priest several times sprinkles the flame with holy water and throws special incense into it. After all the fuel burns out and only embers remain, the culmination of the festival comes. People begin to walk around the fire barefoot and even dance on the coals. At the same time, many do not feel pain, and after the completion of the barbaric test, not a single burn remains on their legs. Other pilgrims, on the contrary, just stepping into the fire, announce the area with a wild roar and can no longer continue the torture due to severe pain. Apparently, their faith is not strong enough. All these dances are accompanied by music that flows in a crazy rhythm and puts people into a trance. Initially, only the most daring dance on the coals, and then everyone else catches up. The madness lasts until the coals cool and the musicians get tired. It is said that in this way people worship the fire goddess Agni.

Vedd tribe. We have already said above that the village of Wadduwa was previously inhabited by the Veddas. If you want to see the colorful villages of these tribes with your own eyes, then you can take a special tour. Not reaching 60 km to Kandy, in the forests of Sri Lanka there is a campsite of the Vedda tribe, people who still lead a primitive way of life. This nationality earns its livelihood by hunting, and the simplest weapons are used - arrows, axes and knives. Veddas can make a fire with two stones. This magic can be viewed for a small fee. Veddas are sometimes willing to take strangers with them to hunt, but for this you will also have to pay a few coins. The tribes of the modern Veddas are no longer the same as those that lived in the forests of Sri Lanka before the arrival of civilization here. Despite their, in general, primitive way of life, these people no longer shy away from strangers and welcome tourists, they also do not hesitate to take a fee for visiting their village, and they spend the proceeds on buying food and essentials.

Sri Lanka - amazing country! Once you set off to this fabulous island, it is so easy to find adventures for every taste. If you decide to relax in Wadduwa, then know that beautiful beaches await you here, crystal clear clear waters Indian Ocean and unforgettable excursions to the amazing and mysterious Ceylon.

Sri Lanka / Wadduwa
Not far from the capital of Sri Lanka. Colombo. there is a beautiful resort town of Wadduwa. Only 35 km separates Wadduwa from Colombo, which can be overcome in half an hour, moving south along the highway. The name Wadduwa comes from the name of the Vedda healers, who previously lived in large numbers in this area.
Most of all, Wadduwa is famous for its diving centers, which operate from October to March. It was at this time that the maximum number of tourists come to Wadduwa, eager to enjoy the beauties of the underwater world.
As in the mainland of Sri Lanka, warm weather always reigns in Wadduwa. Wadduwa Sri Lanka thermometer all year round does not fall below +25 degrees. Only in the mountainous areas fluctuations in day and night temperatures become noticeable, but on the coast it is always comfortable, warm and sunny. The waters of the Indian Ocean, washing the coast of Wadduwa, are good for swimming, the water temperature is kept at around +26 in any season. The best time to go to Wadduwa is from October to April, when there is little rain and the sea is calm.
Wadduwa offers an excellent beach holiday that can be combined with water sports such as surfing, diving, sailing or water skiing. In addition, on the territory of the hotels there are magnificent tennis courts and golf courses.
2. Excursion program
3. Diving
4. Fishing
Geographical position
The town of Wadduwa is located on the southwestern coast of Sri Lanka, 35 km south of Colombo.
The air temperature in Wadduwa is usually from +25 to +30, with the exception of mountainous areas where the temperature is slightly lower. The average water temperature is 26 degrees.
Wadduwa is one of the most famous resorts located south of the capital of Sri Lanka, 35 km south of Colombo. On the coast there are diving centers with experienced instructors, open from October to March. The inhabitants of the town are known throughout the world as "smiling people", they are famous for their hospitality and cordiality. When traveling, you will certainly hear the Sri Lankan "Aubovan" (Ayubowan) - you can stay for a long time. From visiting this bright and colorful town you will get great pleasure.
They say that in the past Wadduwa was famous for a large number of local doctors - veda doova, which later gave the city its name - Wadduwa. Nowadays the place is known for its vast plantations of coconut palms, rubber and cinnamon. Wadduwa is a small but charming town that attracts tourists with its golden sandy beaches. The resort area has hotels of categories from three to five stars. it beautiful place for boat trips, swimming in the ocean, water sports.
Siddhalepa Ayurveda Health Resort 4 * is a well-known Ayurveda center in Wadduwa - a new specialized hotel for those who take care of their health.
The air temperature in Wadduwa is usually from +25 to +30 degrees, with the exception of mountainous areas, where the temperature is slightly lower. The water temperature averages 26 degrees. Generally, best time for holidays in the seaside resorts of Sri Lanka lasts from October to April.
We will help organize your vacation in Wadduwa. air tickets to Wadduwa tours to exhibitions, seminars, corporate parties in Wadduwa, holidays with friends, business meetings or negotiations.
Show Wadduwa on a map of Sri Lanka
Show, satellite map of Wadduwa

Wadduwa is a resort town located on the west coast of Sri Lanka, about 33 kilometers south of Colombo. Wadduwa is approximately 35 sq. km. total area running through the center of Galle Road and 8 kilometers of good beach. The town is also known for its palm plantations and the production of toddy (palm wine) and vinegar. Also in the city they are engaged in the production of products from coconut fiber - brooms, rugs, mats, etc. And the Wadduwa area is interesting for tourists for its historical sights - ancient Buddhist temples, in particular.

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Monthly weather in Wadduwa:

Month Temperature Cloudiness Rainy days /
Water temperature
in the sea
Number of solar
hours per day
Happy At night
January 32.0°C 24.3°C 23.7% 7 days (89.5 mm.) 27.9°C 11h. 45m.

If you decide to go to Sri Lanka mainly for beach holiday, then we recommend that you definitely pay attention to the Wadduwa resort. stripe of gold sandy beaches Wadduwa is great for those who want to spend all day by the ocean. In fact, the coastline in Wadduwa is one of the most beautiful in Sri Lanka. Few beaches can boast such a long sandy curve and clear ocean, as well as thousands of palm trees that always provide pleasant shade and, of course, picturesque scenery. However, Wadduwa in Sri Lanka is not only suitable for sunbathing. The waters around Wadduwa are ideal for water sports like windsurfing, and the beach itself is a good place to play beach volleyball.
Since Wadduwa is still a fishing village, you can easily take a boat trip or go fishing with a local fisherman.

Wadduwa on the map of Sri Lanka

The resort of Wadduwa is becoming more and more popular among tourists, especially among those who wish to relax on a good beach. It is located on the west coast of Sri Lanka. Wadduwa Resort is approximately 65 km from Bandaranaike Airport and approximately 38 km from Colombo city centre. In fact, the main resort strip in the southwest of Sri Lanka begins from this resort.


The territory of almost all of Sri Lanka is dominated by a typical tropical climate, which is characterized by temperatures of 28-32 degrees during the day and 23-27 degrees at night and air humidity above 70%. The weather in Wadduwa is not much different from the weather typical for the west of Sri Lanka. Although temperatures remain high throughout the year, rainfall is constantly changing. This is due to the fact that West Coast Sri Lanka is under the influence of the southwest monsoon, which brings heavy rainfall and strong winds during the period from May to November. If you decide to go to Wadduwa at this time of the year, you should be prepared for the fact that rainy weather can be even for several days in a row, although in reality this rarely happens. Of all the months of the rainy season, June and July are considered the driest.
Opposite of the southwest monsoon season high season offers very sunny and dry weather. Of course, even during the period from December to April, heavy rainfall is possible, but still the likelihood of being stuck under a roof for several days in this case much lower than in the period from May to November.
It's believed that perfect months for holidays in Wadduwa are January and February, when there is little rainfall, and the sun shines almost without ceasing.

Shopping in Wadduwa

Of course, in terms of shopping, the small resort village of Wadduwa is noticeably inferior to such cities as Colombo and Galle, but you can still buy a lot of interesting things here. Wadduwa has a great selection of shops, many of which sell traditional Sri Lankan crafts such as dazzling masks and colorful wood carvings. Other souvenirs are of course also available. spices and gems you can buy in Wadduwa, if not on every corner, then in many places.
If you are interested in some quality and unique products, as well as fashionable clothes, then you should go shopping in Colombo. Fortunately, Wadduwa is located near the capital of Sri Lanka.

Wadduwa beach

People mostly visit Wadduwa because of its relaxed atmosphere and beautiful uncrowded beach. The pace of life here is slow, especially compared to Colombo. After dark, one gets the feeling that the entire resort has died out. Night life largely concentrated in hotels, where there are restaurants and bars, and traditional shows are also sometimes held. In principle, only in the hotel you can enjoy drinks in the evening.
As for the beach itself, it is covered with fine golden sand. Although it is far from the most best beach in Southeast Asia, in Sri Lanka, it is considered one of the most beautiful and most suitable for a beach holiday.

Holidays in Wadduwa

The gem of the west of Sri Lanka is often considered Wadduwa, a laid-back paradise that is conveniently located between Colombo and the resort of Bentota. Tucked between lush coconut plantations and the deserted beach of Wadduwa, the resort is a great place for those looking for a quiet tropical paradise not far from the bustling capital of Sri Lanka.
For those interested in traditional Sri Lankan Ayurvedic treatments, Wadduwa offers several Ayurvedic resorts and standalone spas.
Wadduwa is a holiday destination where you can get safe swimming conditions and the opportunity to do different types water sports. In addition, this resort is an excellent base for exciting excursions.

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