Holidays of the UK. Traditions and holidays in Great Britain

Helpful Hints 14.10.2019
Helpful Hints

The traditions of England have long been the object of close attention of both schoolchildren studying the language and culture of Foggy Albion, and numerous travelers going to this country in search of adventure and new, as a rule, exciting experiences.

And not in vain. The customs and traditions of England are actually interesting, informative and fascinating. In most cases, you want to study them personally, taking an active part in organizing public holidays, solemn parades and modest family evenings.

As a rule, the traditions of England on English language are described in sufficient detail, but there are not so many Russian-language sources. That is why this article will be aimed at acquainting readers with this topic as best as possible.

Customs and traditions of England. general information

In general, I would like to note that adherence to one's own traditions can easily be considered hallmark almost all representatives of this country. Some of the cultural features are quite harmless. For example, how can oatmeal in the morning or a cup of tea at 5 pm hurt?

However, there are some that can actually cause inconvenience to travelers. For example, left-hand traffic, which is alien to many of us, separate supply of cold and hot water, or a state ban on changing windows and doors in especially old houses.

Christmas holidays on the shores of Foggy Albion

If you look carefully, it turns out that modern Christmas traditions in England are not much different from those similar to ours. Why? The thing is that in the age of global technologies, we have the opportunity to adopt a lot of interesting ideas from each other, regardless of our place of residence or distance from the state of interest to us.

However, some highlights still remained inherent only in this country. For example, in rural areas, Christmas traditions in England involve the presence of various kinds of candles on the windows, lit at night.

Not everyone knows that Santa Claus, beloved by local children, brings generous gifts on Christmas, and not on New Year as is customary in Russia.

It is also worth noting that the decorated spruce, which was originally considered a symbol of unfading nature, is now increasingly being replaced by an artificial beauty, because. the British are still very concerned about the preservation of the flora surrounding them.

But what about the main holiday of winter

Of course, New Year's traditions in England also exist. True, there are much fewer of them than with us, and the holiday itself is not celebrated on such a scale as, for example, Christmas or Easter.

On these winter days, everyone can take part or simply become a spectator of a fascinating performance based on good English fairy tales. The festive theatrical season, as a rule, opens with a solemn carnival procession, which is led by the permanent Lord of Disorder, accompanied by world-famous fairy-tale characters - the March Hare, Punch, Hobby Horse and Humpty Dumpty.

In all English houses the festive New Year's table is served not at all with oatmeal, as it might seem, but with a very appetizing turkey cooked with chestnuts and potatoes fried with sauce. In addition, the British simply love stewed Brussels sprouts, meat pies and pudding for dessert.

By the way, it should be noted that New Year's traditions in England annually attract a huge number of travelers from all over the country. the globe. In general, this holiday is usually celebrated in a cheerful friendly company, unlike Christmas, which is celebrated exclusively in the family circle.

Getting married in the UK? Great idea!

Wedding traditions in England are very similar to ours. Russian customs and rites. For example, locals they rarely get married in May, because according to belief, the subsequent married life is unlikely to be long and harmonious.

Perhaps the strangest custom is the so-called “silent pie”. In accordance with a fairly common tradition, shortly before the wedding, the girl prepares an unusual and very bland dish, which is a baked dough without eggs and sugar. A young lady should eat it one evening before going to bed. If she manages to remain silent during the entire procedure, her marriage will be happy.

Another belief will help scare away evil spirits from a young couple. In order for it to work, a little girl must walk in front of the bride, who is brought into the hall by her father, sprinkled all the way with fresh flowers or rose petals.

Love for animals is sacred

Many people know that the British literally words adore their pets. At first glance, it’s hard to even believe that the population of Foggy Albion has an average of about six million dogs, no less than cats, four million birds and aquarium fish, as well as a little over a million different kinds of exotic animals, usually spiders or reptiles.

This love is felt in almost everything. For example, in the kingdom at every step there are specialized stores where you can buy anything, from food and clothing to hygiene items. In addition, a lot of hairdressing salons have been built in the country, gyms and even pet cemeteries.

Do not be surprised if, while traveling in this country, you receive a New Year, Christmas or birthday greeting sent on behalf of a cat, dog or guinea pig. Here they are, traditions in England!

And breeders are happy to purchase expensive collars, lace dresses, pajamas or even woolen coats for their pets. Also in high demand is the service of a hotel for animals, which is ready to shelter a younger family member during a business trip or vacation of the owner.

Gardening and more

The traditions of England also affect the love of environment. The British not only cannot imagine their life without personal plots, but also love to talk about them. What is grown there? Yes, anything, from cucumbers and parsley to rare varieties of roses and peonies.

Of course, not everyone is lucky to have a private house or cottage outside the city. How are the others doing? Very simple. Massively grow plants in a box on a windowsill or kitchen table. This tradition in English has a special name - green fingers, which, translated into our Russian language, sounds like “green fingers”. This is what they call those who prefer to dig in the ground in any free time, replanting, fertilizing and weeding.

How to make the most of your weekend

The traditions of England mean in most cases an active lifestyle, both on weekdays and on weekends. In principle, on Saturday and Sunday, residents of the country can rarely be found at home, and a meeting will need to be agreed in advance. Why? The thing is that the citizens of Foggy Albion are considered fans of picnics, outdoor walks and cycling.

At the first opportunity, they seek to escape the countryside away from the bustle of the city and dusty streets. Even changeable weather they are usually not a hindrance.

Those who, due to some circumstances, stayed at home, selflessly do household chores, for example, laundry or cleaning, go shopping, and in the evening go to the theater, cinema or to a concert of their favorite artist.

England is like a paradise for lovers of delicious food

In general, it so happened that almost all the holidays and traditions of England are somehow connected with frequent and plentiful consumption of food. Needless to say, the British love to eat deliciously, and they do it with real pleasure!

In general, many nutritionists consider the cuisine of this country to be quite balanced, but at the same time extremely simple and nutritious. Breakfast in this state is voluminous. Barely awake, people begin to absorb the already legendary oatmeal, scrambled eggs fried with thin slices of bacon, fish, toast with marmalade or jam, tea or coffee. By the way, they prefer cold toasts here, and the assortment of morning dishes does not change significantly from day to day. Perhaps this is precisely where the notorious English conservatism manifests itself.

This is followed by lunch, which includes a choice of meat stew, again fried fish, chops, various kinds of sausages, liver and a huge assortment of vegetables. By the way, we note that, unlike us, the British rarely cook rice and pasta. Dessert is usually served Apple pie(sometimes with cinnamon or ice cream) or hot milk pudding. Dinner in England is light, like cocoa or hot milk with bread and cheese toast.

Restraint and reticence

Many of those who have already been lucky enough to visit this country will agree that the inhabitants of Foggy Albion are very polite literally from birth. They never seem to get tired of thanking or apologizing. In general, it is worth noting that, according to the research of modern scientists, the most used words of the British are “thank you”, “please”, “excuse me” and “be so kind”. Such are the traditions of England, preserved and come down to us through the centuries.

They will never make noise in the street or talk loudly in public transport. In a bus or tram, they will not step on your foot, they will not push you, and they will not rush to be the first to take the vacant seat.

Incidentally, even in difficult situations The British tend not to lose optimism and remain calm, both external and internal.

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The traditions of Great Britain have been carried through the centuries, and even in modern world the inhabitants of this country are trying to protect them, distinguishing themselves from the whole world and Europe in particular. They so strictly and carefully adhere to their customs, honor traditions that one can even envy.

The character of the British

What do we know about the British? Prim, always polite, a little arrogant, with a great sense of humor. In many ways, these clichés have developed with us from numerous films, but is our opinion so far from reality?
In the real modern world, the inhabitants of Great Britain are not much different from their ancestors. They are unfailingly polite, yet closed and can hold a leisurely conversation for hours without saying a single word about something personal. This shows their self-control. They will never annoy the interlocutor, for which they may seem slightly arrogant. The subtle humor of the British is also known all over the world, with "black" humor found most often in this nation.
Politeness for the English is not just an epithet, but a trait inherent in almost every one of them. The British always say "thank you" and "please" and try to "save face" in any situation. You are unlikely to see how the British brawl in line or push everyone on the subway, because they are mutually polite with each other. And even in the most tragic situations in their lives, the British try to be laconic and restrained. Someone will define this as the "coldness" of the nation, but this is just education, absorbed with mother's milk.

Communication traditions

Continuing the topic of politeness of the British, it is worth touching on the traditions associated with their communication. In English society, there is a rule that two people must be introduced to each other by a third person. In conversations, it is not customary to ask about personal life or ask financial questions, the British talk on abstract topics - about politics, weather, etc.
The British also lack categoricalness, that is, no one will impose their point of view on the interlocutor; for this, they use a lot of introductory constructions in a conversation so as not to seem intrusive.

Left side traffic

Since 1756 in Great Britain there has been Left side traffic, and although 70% of all countries in the world prefer right-hand driving, the British have not changed their habit. For many tourists and visitors to the country, this is a kind of obstacle to driving on their own, but such are the British - they do what they want and do not look at what others say about it.

Number systems

We are all used to measuring distance in meters and kilometers, liquid in liters, but not residents of the UK. Like true conservatives, they talk about distance in miles, inches, yards, fluids in pints. The British are not like everyone else, and even in such trifles they know how to stand out.

tea drinking ritual

Many countries have their own rituals of tea drinking, especially in China, but in the UK this tradition has taken the form of an all-encompassing one.
The ritual of drinking tea appeared in the British Isles in the 17th century, and since that time the British prefer to drink tea from exquisite Chinese teas in the morning and around 5 pm during lunch, and guests are offered at least 10 varieties of the drink to choose from. The fact that foreigners are so careless about tea drinking annoys many residents of the country, for them this is a time of reflection, calm and leisurely conversation. The British like to drink tea with milk or cream, but they do not like tea with lemon, which is familiar to all of us. As for the place of the tea ceremony, this is undoubtedly the living room, a table by the fireplace, covered with a white or blue tablecloth. Dishes for the ceremony should be all from one service.
What's tea without treats? The British think the same way, therefore, in the ritual of tea drinking, cakes, cookies, toasts and sandwiches are mandatory attributes.

Traditions in clothes

Speaking of clothing traditions, one cannot identify it with all the inhabitants of the British Isles, but in some institutions with a long history, people still wear garments and costumes designed in past centuries to this day. For example, at Oxford and Cambridge, students wear 17th-century robes, lawyers and judges wear 18th-century wigs at hearings, and the Tower of Palace guards still flaunt their sumptuous Tudor uniforms.

It is impossible not to mention the kilt - the national Scottish men's skirt, which is known throughout the world. Until now, some grooms choose a traditional outfit with a kilt for their wedding, embodying masculinity and the spirit of freedom.
The British also have another tradition - to change the outfit for dinner. Most civilized countries consider this tradition a relic, but not Great Britain.

Family traditions

Residents of the United Kingdom greatly honor family traditions, especially weekend holidays. As a family, they get out into nature or stay at home and spend time together. This leisure is extremely useful, positive and favorable for all family members. Housewives try to redo all household chores before the weekend in order to free these 2 days for their beloved household members. Even young people try to follow this tradition, at least during the day to be with their relatives, and in the evening to go to a club or to a party.
If you can’t spend time on vacation, the British are engaged in gardening, housekeeping or shopping.

Sports traditions

The tradition of cricket in Great Britain dates back to the 16th century, and this sport is still a national one. Also traditional and annual is the confrontation between Cambridge and Oxford University in rowing on the River Thames. Each university provides teams of 8 people who row the river for four and a quarter miles every Easter Sunday.
Another traditional sport that is not deprived of a purely English sense of humor is the race for rolling cheese. Every year in the town of Coopers Hill, famous for the production delicious cheeses, this race is being held. And if earlier only the nearest villages participated, today participants from many countries come to the competition. The essence of the competition is to roll the cheese up a steep slope and try to catch up with it. And since the slope is very steep, the participants can get injuries from sprains to fractures, but what fun it was!

Crows in the Tower

A tradition that has not been broken since the 17th century concerns the keeping of ravens in the Tower of London. A whole dynasty of Black Crows is grown on the territory of the fortress. The first individual appeared here in the 17th century, when King Charles II issued a decree according to which there should always be at least 6 adult ravens in the Tower. These birds are constantly taken care of, even a special position was approved called Ravensmaster, i.e., the caretaker of the crows.
Today, the Tower is still inhabited by ravens (in 2017 - 9 ravens), which were named after the Scandinavian and Celtic gods. The oldest among the tower birds was a raven named Jim Crow, who lived for 44 years.
There is a belief that the moment the ravens leave the fortress, the end of the monarchy in Great Britain will come, therefore, just in case, the wings of the birds are clipped.

royal traditions

The royal family, like no other in the country, honors all traditions, especially Queen Elizabeth II. Usually they relate to the form of conducting various ceremonies. For example, official visits, the opening of parliament in October or November, receptions in the royal garden, various awards 20 times a year.

holiday traditions


Christmas in the UK is one of the most revered and family holidays. Traditional dishes must be on the table - stuffed turkey (in England, Scotland), roast goose (in Ireland and Wales) and plum pudding - a cake with steamed dried fruits, which is doused with cognac and set on fire before serving.

To this day, the tradition has been preserved to decorate the house for Christmas with branches of evergreens (ivy, holly) in order to drive away winter despondency and remind that spring is coming. Also, from films, we have long learned about such a tradition of the British as a kiss under a sprig of mistletoe. Until now, this tradition is alive and makes kissing a man and a woman who met in the opening over which this plant was hung.
Christmas Eve in the United Kingdom is also known as "Night of the Candles" because traditionally the whole family decorates the house with candles, and all these lights are lit on the festive evening.

New Year

New Year in England is celebrated on a smaller scale than in our country: hostesses do not set rich tables, almost all the gifts have already been presented for Christmas, and it is not necessary to meet it with the family. And still, an invariable tradition in England is considered to be an apple pie on the New Year's table.
But the people of Scotland are very fond of celebrating the New Year, even more than Christmas. Here, all the inhabitants of the country do a general cleaning and try to finish all their affairs in the old year, up to the darning of socks.
An unchanging tradition on New Year's Eve in the UK is the opening of doors with the chimes. The owner, with the first ringing of the clock, opens the front door and holds it there until the clock rings 12 times. It is believed that at this time all problems and troubles go away with the old year, and the whole house is cleansed.


In the UK, both adults and children are also very fond of celebrating. As a rule, Easter eggs in this country are given a week before the main holiday, that is, on Palm Sunday. And it's not just boiled chicken eggs, and chocolate ones with an obligatory surprise inside, for example, sweets, a souvenir or caramel.
It has become a tradition to wear for Easter only new clothes, thereby symbolizing the arrival of real spring and the end of cold weather. On the Monday after Easter, it is customary to distribute sweets and toys to children on the street.


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It is safe to say that the British, like no other nation, carefully and strictly adhere to their customs. After all, this allows them to preserve their originality, emphasize originality and honor the roots. It is not so easy to “crack through” the inhabitants of Foggy Albion, but we will try to describe the main traditions Great Britain .

national character

The world has known for more than one century character traits British character: polite, but at the same time closed, reserved and even somewhat arrogant. They can carry on a leisurely conversation, but throughout it not say a word about something personal. There are also such two famous qualities of the British as self-control and subtle humor, and most often “black”.

Left side traffic

No wonder they call Great Britain country of tradition. While about 70% of the inhabitants of our planet drive on the right side of the street, the British, since 1756, prefer to drive on the left side.

Faithful to the calculus

True conservatives, the inhabitants of the British Isles are extremely reluctant to adhere to the decimal system of measures. Among the unusual traditions in the UK, it is worth noting that here they still prefer to measure distances in miles, yards, inches, liquids in pints, etc.

Tea drinking is a ritual!

One of the most famous national traditions Great Britain is a tea party that has been honored and held here as a ritual since the 17th century. The casual attitude of foreigners to him often jars on the British. Here they prefer to drink drinks of exquisite varieties of Chinese tea in the morning and during lunch (about 17.00). The “natives” like to drink tea with milk, cream or without it, but they don’t like tea with lemon that we love. Tea drinking is usually accompanied by cookies, cakes, sandwiches, toasts and leisurely conversation.

Brits love the holidays

Despite outward restraint, the British love the holidays. For example, one of the most important holidays and traditions in Great Britain is Christmas. Everyone rushes to Christmas dinner with family or friends to taste Christmas dishes - stuffed turkey or roast goose, cranberry sauce, Christmas pudding. In addition, the country of Foggy Albion cheerfully celebrates New Year, St. Valentine's Day, Easter, St. Patrick's Day, Halloween and, of course, the Queen's Birthday. In addition, they like to organize festivals and sports competitions here.

Change your outfit for dinner!

Some of the unusual traditions Great Britain most civilized countries are already considered a relic. However, it is still customary in the British Isles to change attire for dinner.

Clothing customs

One of amazing facts about Great Britain is that some institutions still wear costumes or garments that originated in past centuries. So, for example, in the prestigious Cambridge and Oxford, students wear robes of the 17th century model, the palace guards of the Tower are dressed in luxurious Tudor costumes, judges and lawyers are invariably present at hearings in wigs of the 18th century model.

Crows in the Tower

According to the traditions and customs of Great Britain, a whole dynasty of the so-called Black Crows has been grown on the territory of the Tower of London, which have taken root here since the middle of the 16th century. By decree of King Charles II in the 17th century, there must always be six adults in the Tower. Even a special position was approved - Ravensmester, or keeper of the ravens, who takes care of the birds. And now 6 black ravens, named after the Celtic and Scandinavian gods, live there. According to ancient custom, if the ravens leave the Tower, the monarchy will end. That is why the wings of birds are clipped.

Today we will talk about the mysterious old lady of England. This country has always stood out on the world stage, and for many reasons. Everyone who comes to London is amazed at how beautiful it is. The main advantages or even differences of this country lie in the little things: weather, architecture and the mentality of the population. There are many more highlights in England, but these are the most important, as they set the overall atmosphere.

Foggy England

What are English traditions? In order to understand this issue, you should learn more about the beautiful country. England got its name in honor of the Anglo-Germanic tribe that settled in Britain in the 5th and 6th centuries AD. e. The first work on this territory was written by Tacitus.

Everyone who is at least a little familiar with this country deserves special attention, he knows for sure that it is full of traditions. For the British, traditions and conservatism, home and family are very important.

What are these English people like?

The traditions of English people can be anything, because every nation finds its own ways of self-expression. First you need to figure out what the British themselves are. These people are very polite. At the same time, politeness for them is not just a "fad". Each person considers it his duty to be polite to others. A real Englishman will always say "thank you" and "please". Most Slavic man it may be surprising that the British will not push into the subway, “punch” their place in line, etc. Also, their interesting feature is that they are used to "saving" face under any life circumstances. In any, even the most tragic situation, an Englishman will always be reserved and laconic.

Traditions of English people: house

For this people, home means a place that belongs only to them. The proverb is very suitable for this description: "My house is my fortress." The British are still homebodies. They prefer to stay at home with their family than to go out somewhere. They also like to arrange gatherings with their close friends, but only within the walls of the house. The end of the working day near the fire with a cup of tea is the best evening that a resident of this mysterious country can imagine.

English descriptions of the most famous

There are many traditions in England, but we will look at the main ones. For example, English traditions related to the weather. We all know that the weather can change several times a day, especially in England. That is why the topic of it has become a traditional conversation. By the way, when learning a language, the section “About the weather” occupies a significant place in the entire course.

Another example is English traditions related to communication. It is customary that two people should be introduced by a third person who will introduce them to each other. In addition, it is considered indecent to touch on financial or personal issues, so the conversations are about politics, weather and other abstract topics that will be convenient for both. Another important feature is the lack of categoricalness. A real Englishman will never impose his point of view on an interlocutor. When talking, they use a lot of introductory constructions, so as not to seem intrusive. Also, the British are always very reserved, even cold. At the same time, communicating with such a person, you feel not only distance, but also respect, which slips in every phrase, expression of the eyes and facial expressions.

Also, during a conversation, the British like to joke. Subtle humor is their forte. At the same time, many nations recognize such a sense of humor as quite specific. It's best to avoid jokes unless you're sure they'll be appreciated.

The next important tradition concerns the most important holiday of the year - Christmas. The English decorate the house with the whole family, and after that a delicious dinner follows. Only the British decorate their home with a large number of candles, which is why Christmas Eve is also called "Night of the Candles."


In English, they sound not only beautiful, but also delicious. The topic of this section is dedicated specifically to the kitchen. The British have it special - uncomplicated, nutritious and simple. It is on these three pillars that it is built. Of course, one cannot fail to mention the well-known tea tradition. Tea drinking is held every day from 16:00 to 18:00. They prepare very thoroughly for this small event, so the process turns into a little fairy tale. Dinner comes only after 6 pm, when all family members have an appetite.

The second important component of the schedule is breakfast. The British consider it necessary, because this is the only way to get a charge of vivacity for the whole day. For breakfast they eat toast, porridge or bacon. In any case, the food is tasty and healthy - just what you need for a proper breakfast.

Family traditions

English traditions associated with the family begin with one important point- spending time together. This is a mandatory item that all families follow. The main family tradition is associated with rest on weekends. The whole family gets together to go to nature and have a good time there. Such leisure is both useful and active, and favorable for relationships. By the weekend, wives try to redo all the important things in order to free up days for rest. If the trip is canceled, then people are engaged in gardening, shopping or just hosting at home.

Young people spend their time a little differently. After relaxing together on Saturday evening, they go to parties or dances where they have fun with their friends. Some also visit gyms, spend time with animals or outdoor activities.

(in English this phrase sounds like family traditions) can be opened to anyone who decides to learn this simple but universal language!

The amazing world of English traditions and customs is very interesting and diverse. The English cannot be confused with anyone, on the one hand they are very reserved, cold-blooded and stiff, and on the other hand they are impulsive, temperamental, friendly and cheerful. This combination is not compatible, but this is the whole of England! Our article will help you learn more about the traditions of this country and understand the people who inhabit such a charming, amazing and unique England.

Who are the English?

England and the British

By nature, the British are very polite, and are ready to repeat their favorite “Please” or “Thank you” over and over again for any reason. In England it is not customary to talk loudly in the street, or in in public places, and there are legends about the discipline of the inhabitants of Foggy Albion. In transport, you will never see an Englishman pushing or hurrying to take a seat on a free seat as soon as possible. In this country, it is customary to queue at bus stops. The British rarely shake hands when meeting, and consider it unacceptable to violently demonstrate their emotions, even in very difficult ones, or tragic situations. Self-control is very important to the English, and a healthy optimism is very characteristic of this people.


It is worth noting that the British, with all their love for traditions, try to keep up with the times, and therefore visiting theaters, concerts, parties, and nightclubs is also important for them.

Do you know the most popular English proverb?

Most often, the inhabitants of Britain repeat: "My home is my castle." This is because the British are considered a homebody nation. Feeling careful attitude to privacy, the isolation of their home from other people's encroachments, is extremely important for the British. A favorite family activity in Britain in the evening is to gather around the fireplace, drink tea, read, listen to music, and socialize. Even many modern houses are still equipped with a working fireplace with a shelf on which are family photos, or a clock.

Gardening is one of the favorite topics of conversation among the English.

Gardening and the English

The British love everything that grows, blooms, and turns green. They can spend hours discussing new varieties of cucumbers, or varieties of violets. Every self-respecting Briton will surely brag to you about his unusual flower garden. The houses of the British are full of flowers, and in the kitchen in pots it is customary for them to grow various greens for the table.

The British are big animal lovers.

Perhaps no nation in Europe treats animals like the British. More than 5 million dogs live on the islands of Foggy Albion, almost the same number of cats, three million parrots, not counting birds, aquarium fish, hamsters, and other exotic animals. A huge number of shops are open all over the country where you can buy food, vitamins, medications, clothes, toys, etc. for your pet. Dog grooming is a highly respected and in-demand profession. On holidays, it is customary to send cards on behalf of pets, and on their birthdays, beloved pets receive expensive gifts - from precious leashes to lace suits. Each airport has special hotels that provide the best care for dogs and cats. The British believe that no one cares about their smaller friends as much as the people of England.

Unity with nature is very important for the British

The British are extraordinary hard workers who value every minute of their time. After a week of work, they prefer to spend time in nature - leaving the countryside, or walking in parks and squares. Elderly Britons love gardening, gardening, or enjoying their own rose garden in bloom. Peace and quiet are very important to the British, and they can spend the whole weekend cleaning the house, doing laundry, and cooking.

The British are a sports nation

English football

Free time The British love to spend playing sports. A huge number of swimming pools, sports grounds, courts and treadmills contribute to this. Of course, they are also very temperamental fans - the whole country watches English football. Taking care of the environment, even high-ranking officials prefer to ride bicycles.

English culinary traditions

Tea traditions of England

The cuisine of England is quite simple, but at the same time satisfying and nutritious. Breakfast is usually the same from day to day, very dense, and consists of cereals, scrambled eggs with bacon or scrambled eggs, and, of course, tea - with cold toast, with jam or jam. The English cannot imagine life without tea. For them, this is like bread for a Russian person.


If you happen to visit England, do not miss such a wonderful tradition or, better to say, a ritual like “5 o "clock”, which runs from 4 to 6 pm, and includes leisurely communication over a cup of tea, as a rule, with milk and sweets.In order to have tea, the British are ready to put aside all their affairs.


Lunch is a daily meal in which it is customary to eat fried fish, chops or offal with boiled vegetables. Pasta and rice are not very popular in Britain. Favorite desserts of the British are puddings and pies with fruits and berries.

Sunday with family

Sunday family dinner is another significant event in the life of any Englishman. Traditionally, it consists of a dish of lamb, veal, and, at the end, a delicious dessert.


After 6 pm it is customary to have dinner. Dinner is often like lunch and is the last meal of the day. Only sometimes, before going to bed, the British allow themselves to drink a cup of cocoa, with a sandwich with cheese or jam.

Dish of fans

If you got on football match in England, you should definitely try the so-called “fish and chips” - a fish dish with fried potatoes. It is customary to eat it hot, in the stadium, while watching football.


The British are a very controversial nation, with their own customs, traditions and customs that have retained their original form for hundreds of years. At the same time, the British are very active, cheerful, take care of their pets, and the beauty of the world around them.

English traditions - about the food of the British

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