The human energy system - types of chakras. Slavic chakras description of their features 9 human chakras and their meaning

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A person is an energy-informational entity, that is, a subtle energy system, which tends to transform and modify the world around. When a person realizes himself as an energy system, then the whole range of the spectral perception of our World opens up to him. Otherwise, people limit not only themselves, but also the perception of the world around them. Therefore, it is said: “Do not reject the unknown and inexplicable, but try to know the unknown, and explain the inexplicable.” For the Gods help those who strive for the knowledge of wisdom. The energy system is a link between a person and the world around him.

The human energy system is a chakra energy system. in the chakras human body the subtlest energies of the Cosmos are transformed into psychic energy, which ensures the psychic activity of a person, expressed in feelings, emotions, images, volitional impulses and actions.

All chakras can be in one of three basic states: neutral, radiating or absorbing energy. The subtle energy structure of the radiating chakra is a right-handed spiral with an increased pitch, and the absorbing one is a left-handed spiral tapering downwards. In a healthy and harmonious state of any organism, the potential of energy-absorbing chakras must be balanced by the potential of chakras that emit energy, that is, the system must be in a neutral state. The range of vibration of the energy of the chakras located along the spine forms a kind of octave that characterizes this person and the level of activity of its centers. Man reacts to exactly the same range of cosmic vibrations. And the production of psychic energy and mental activity of a person largely depend on the level of vibrations of the chakras.

There are two types of chakra systems: Eastern - 7 chakra and Slavic - 9 chakra.

Eastern 7th Chakra Energy System

In ancient times, our ancestors taught the Eastern peoples of Ancient Wisdom. Taking into account the peculiarities of the channels of perception of these peoples, for an accessible understanding, the chakra system was simplified to 7 chakras. This energy system is still used by all Eastern peoples.

The first chakra is called MULADHARA.
Streams of energy pass through it for rough physical work. Location - coccyx.

figurative meaning:

MU - the world of comfort, sound, the beginning of life.

LAD - a harmonious state.

HA is positive energy.

RA - light, radiance.

Muladhara is the place where harmonious positive energy begins to live.

The color of the chakra is red, the sound is the note Do.

Second chakra Swadhisthana
figurative meaning:

SVA is heaven.

D is an act.

HI - lunar streams.

STAN is the gathering place.

A is a measure.

Svadhisthana - celestial deeds, where the lunar streams gather in one place.

This chakra processes the energies of other vital entities, produces energy exchange between a man and a woman. Located in the genital area. The color of the chakra is orange. The sound is the note Re.

Third chakra MANIPURA
figurative meaning:

MANI - open space, the energy of the surrounding outer space.

PU - absorption.

RA - radiance.

Manipura - absorbing the radiance of the energy of the surrounding outer space.

Through it, a person receives the cosmic energy of life. Location - solar plexus. Chakra color is yellow. The sound is the note Mi.

Fourth chakra ANAHATA
figurative meaning:

ANA - creativity, creation.

HA is positive energy.

TA - approved by the Gods.

Anahata is a positive force of creative creation approved by the Gods.

Through it, a person receives creative energy. Located in the region of the heart. Chakra color is green. The sound is the note F.

Fifth Chakra Vishuddha
figurative meaning:

Vish - the highest system, Vishnu.

UD - feelings.

Vishuddha is a place through which the positive energy of sensory images flows.

It is located in the region of the larynx, its upper point is the tip of the nose.

The color of the chakra is blue. The sound is the note Sol.

Sixth chakra AJNA
figurative meaning:

A - the beginning, the source, the person.

D - deeds.

J is life.

A - higher.

Ajna is deeds in the highest sphere of human life, which means looking into another dimension, state.

Through it, a person receives energy without sensual coloring, in a figurative form.

The color of the chakra is blue. The sound is the note La.

The seventh chakra SAHASRARA
figurative meaning:

SA - movement, radiation.

XA - positive force, energy.

C - word, connection.

RA - radiance.

Sahasrara is a driving, radiating force that connects two radiances: the words of a person and the energy of Life from the Gods.

The color of the chakra is purple. The sound is the note C.

In the northern part of India there are temples where the most enlightened priests use the Slavic nine-fold system. In addition to the seven main chakras, they have two more: SURMA chakra - solar breathing, and CHANDRA chakra - lunar breathing. According to their teachings, these two chakras are responsible for the relationship with the Ancestors.

Slavic energy system

The Slavic energy system contains 37 main chakras, 9 of which are dominant and are divided into three structures, and 28 are defining. Together they create an energy cross:

energy cross

A person generates energy from air, water and food, and also receives energy from the outside - from the Sun and the Earth. The movement of ascending currents and descending currents of energy is represented in the energy cross. This energy interacts with the chakras that energize our organs. And our health depends on the energy of the organs. We get 10% of our energy from the food we eat. This energy is only enough to keep the body in a certain shape and move in space. For all other activities, we use the energy of the Sun and the Earth. In sleep, we receive the remaining 90% of the energy of life. Proper nutrition is the use of foods that contain a large amount of energy. We are nourished not by the foods we eat, but by the energy they contain.

The heart carries this energy with the help of blood to all organs. Meat-eaters have a big belly because meat products contain very little energy and there is a need to take a large amount of food. The body spends much more energy on digesting meat than it extracts from it, so when you eat meat, you feel hard and want to rest. Perishable products plant origin are more energy-containing than those that are stored for a long time. By eating these foods, the body expends less energy on their digestion and extracts more energy for the body. Therefore, vegetarians do not have large bellies and live an order of magnitude longer than meat-eaters.

Men generate masculine energy and women generate feminine energy. There is a constant exchange and replenishment of these energies. Men are fed by female energy - the energy of the Earth. Women are fueled by male energy - the energy of the Sun. Feeding these energies is called the energy cross system. Men radiate their energy, and women absorb energy. Conduct this experiment: take any thing belonging to a man and a woman. Bring your hand at a distance of 5-10 cm from this thing and feel the radiation from them. A man's thing will radiate energy into the hand, and a woman's thing will pull from the hand. Those who do not feel energy may have sensations of heat or cold.

And now about how the recharge of energies manifests itself. If, for example, a man does not receive the required amount of female energy, this leads to the fact that he begins to artificially replenish it. What does it express. Watch for small children who are very fond of getting dirty in the mud. And if there is a puddle nearby, then they will definitely get into it and get smeared so that later they will not be recognized. Why is this happening? Feminine energy is the energy of the Earth. The mind of the child fills feminine energy actively interacting with the Earth. Therefore, he is drawn into the dirt for energy replenishment.

Most parents do not understand this and punish their children for such actions, but a child simply cannot receive the feminine energy of the Earth in any other way. If parents gave the child the opportunity to run barefoot for at least 15 minutes every day in any weather and in any season of the year, then he would no longer need to count puddles and smear himself in the mud. A child-girl is fueled by the male energy of the Sun, so she needs to spend as much time as possible in the fresh air.

This energy exchange also explains the fact that boys are more drawn to their mother, and girls to their father. Growing up and becoming adults, they begin to be drawn to each other. Violation of the solar and terrestrial energy exchange leads to diseases of our body.

We have considered the energy cross, now let's look at the Slavic energy system.

9 main chakras:

1 - Source.

2 - Origin.

3 - Belly.

4 - Percy.

9 - Spring.

The first three chakras (1-3) are low-energy, bodily chakras that nourish our body. People living on the energy of these three chakras are trinity people living by primitive instincts (sleep, food, drink, etc.), we have already analyzed their characteristics in the topic of human consciousness. The lower chakras provide a connection with Nature, childbearing, continuation of the Family.

The next three chakras (4-6) are medium energy chakras. They are responsible for creativity, which is guided by the Soul. That's why they say: made with Soul. A person who has these 6 chakras active is called Soulful, they say about him that he is a Human Soul.

The next three chakras (7-9) are chakras of high and super high energies, which are responsible for the human Spirit. When a person has all 9 dominant chakras active, then he is called Spiritual. Spiritual people make it possible to look at the World from the outside and realize the structures of the beyond World.

But the most important thing is that Nature, with the full opening of all energy centers, did not program the launch of the aging system in a person.

There are twenty-one more small energy centers, which are little mentioned in the literature. The two centers are in front of the ears, at the junction of the jaws; two - right under the nipples; one - at the junction of the breast bones near thyroid gland; two on the palms, two on the soles of the feet, two behind the eyes, one near the liver, two behind the knees, one near the solar plexus and connected to the center at the base of the spine, two connected to the gonads, one to the stomach , but shifted closer to the solar plexus, two - with the spleen, superimposed on each other, one - with the vagus nerve, located closer to the thymus gland.

Chakras with channels of perception are components of the systems of energy bodies, which, according to the principle of nesting dolls, are nested one into the other, and feed the body with all the energies necessary for human life.

based on materials from the book: Andrey Alpatov - "I am God living on Earth."

In the Slavic system 37 main energy centers: 9 dominant and 28 defining, and the dominant centers are divided into three structures:
3 bottom are responsible for physical development person;
3 medium - responsible for mental development;
3 top - are responsible for spiritual development.

All 37 chakras create energy cross, it was about such a cross that Jesus Christ spoke to his disciples: “everyone carries his own cross” - not a piece of wood on his shoulder, but his energy cross. intersect at one point and turn around. This point is called: point of harmony or balance point. If we single out energy flows at the point of balance, we will get not just a cross, but a rotating cross. If this cross is connected with the opposite stream, we get an ancient Slavic symbol Wedding attendant(see) - the combination of male fire with female waters, i.e. masculine and feminine merged into one.

9 chakras in the Slavic system

1. SOURCE(coccyx area) - is born here the energy of life.

Sound - infrasound (super-low frequencies).
Color - black (unexplored, i.e. beyond human perception).

2. ZAROD(pubic area) - the chakra is responsible "for the Genus", i.e. per birth of life.

Sound - BEFORE
Color - red

3. STOMACH(navel) - belly in Slavic - life. Life begins in the mother's belly. First, a person receives life force through the umbilical cord. Then, when the umbilical cord is cut, it receives life from nature, also through the stomach.

Sound - RE
Color - scarlet

4. PERCY(chest, solar plexus) - creation. Creativity grows.

Sound - MI
Color - golden

5. LADA(right shoulder) - love. The chakra receives and radiates the energy of love, goodness. It is called "Sunny breath" in the Western manner.

Sound - FA
Green color

6. LELYA(left shoulder) - intuition. Western-style "Moon Breath".

Sound - SALT
Color - heavenly

7. USTA(throat system, to the tip of the nose) - sound energy, materializes thought.
When this system was still preserved in the West, this chakra was called "yusta", hence the justice, i.e. some rule proclaimed by mouth.
* Note that the spine ends here, we have the Source and there is the Mouth (Mouth), here the energy flows into another system.

Sound - LA
Color - blue

8. HUMAN(between the eyebrows, "forehead") - the chakra produces images and thoughts. This chakra is also responsible for energy vision. The sensitive system of this chakra is beyond the limits of perception, a look into another dimension, a state.
* "Forehead" in quotation marks, because in Slavic this part of the head is called Chelo (they beat with the forehead, not the forehead). The forehead is the most top part heads, hence the "frontal place", i.e. elevation.

What do you know about the chakras of the human body? The 9th chakra is the energy center on which the functionality of all other chakras depends. Find out what gives her stimulation.

In the human body, forty-seven main, fifteen etheric, twenty-four astral and eight mental chakras are distinguished.

When do chakras open?

Depending on the experience gained by the soul, and at the time of birth, some of the chakras in a person can be turned on or off.

Subsequently, if a person works on himself and takes a big step towards spiritual self-development, additional energy centers can turn on, providing new abilities, opportunities and energy for their realization.

But when development does not occur, and a person does not follow his destiny, the chakras can close, blocking the flow of energy, thereby provoking illness and aging.

Source chakra (9th chakra)

At the heart of the human energy structure is the source chakra, which is the ninth main chakra. AT Chinese medicine it is called the Yun-quan point.

The chakra consists of three petals, the first of which is fed from the female egregore², the second from the male, and the third takes strength from the universal structures of various levels, up to the Creator.

What gives stimulation of the 9th chakra?

It is from the work of the ninth energy center that the functionality of all other chakras depends.

The 9th chakra regulates the length of a person's life and the ability to have children.

In addition, the 9th chakra is the first point of the kidney channel, and its stimulation contributes to the healing and strengthening of the genitourinary system.

The 9th chakra not only energizes the body, it can also get rid of such an unpleasant feeling as. Regular work with this chakra will help to find peace of mind and improve health.

In emergency cases, the 9th chakra can be activated much faster, but this is not recommended to be abused. If an exciting or disturbing event is ahead, a small piece of pepper plaster can be glued into the recess of the foot.

As a result of such a simple technique, a person begins to feel confident, calm and comfortable.

How to "breathe" through the 9th chakra?

The 9th chakra is located in a recess, in the center of the foot, and serves as a kind of entrance, thanks to which the energy of the body can be replenished with the energy of the Earth.

The exchange of energies between the Earth and the energy structure of a person can be carried out if you “breathe” through the 9th chakra. To master such breathing, there is special exercise, which is recommended to devote from 20 to 30 minutes a day.

An exercise:

1. The practitioner assumes an upright position, feet shoulder-width apart. There should be no tension in the body. It is important to let go of all extraneous thoughts and enter into a state of full awareness, that is, to be "here and now."

2. It is important to focus on the center of the foot, that is, on the 9th chakra. Maintain concentration for at least five minutes. Perhaps there will be different sensations, but the most important thing is to feel the chakra itself, as clearly as possible. If sensations do not appear, then practice is not enough. concentrated³.

3. When you can clearly feel the 9th chakra on the foot, you need to take a deep breath through it.

4. One should imagine how a stream of air enters the body from the bowels of the Earth through this chakra, rising higher and higher through the legs, stomach, chest, and reaches the head.

5. Then you need to exhale, lowering the air flow into reverse order and bringing it out through the feet.

Belyakova Olga

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Chakra in the spiritual practices of Hinduism is a psycho-energetic center in the subtle human body, which is the intersection of the nadi channels through which prana (life energy) flows, as well as an object for concentration in the practices of tantra and yoga (Wikipedia).

² Egregore - in occult and new (non-traditional) religious movements - the soul of a thing, an angel, a "mental condensate" generated by the thoughts and emotions of people and gaining independent existence (

What are human chakras and what is their meaning, the difference between the teachings different countries and cultures that are practically unrelated to each other. Information about the meaning, location and possible problems with chakras.

In the article:

Human chakras and their meaning on the subtle plane

Human chakras have many names - padmas, energy centers or areas. Translated from Sanskrit, the word "chakra" is translated as a wheel, circle or disk. Perhaps this is a reference to appearance chakra, which can be observed with astral vision. Psychics of all times described chakras as some kind of swirls, circles or discs of different colors, which differ in size, activity, brightness.

The word "padma" from Sanskrit is translated as "lotus". The main sacred symbol - lotus, which can be seen on the symbolic images of energy centers. The lotus has long been considered a sacred plant in Eastern culture, and is also related to the energy structure of a person.

The main function of the 7 chakras of a person - receiving energy from outside world and its transformation according to the value of each point. With the normal functioning of the energy centers, negative energy should come out through the chakras and dissipate in the surrounding space. Positive, on the contrary, is accumulated and used for its intended purpose. Energy is necessary not only to maintain a normal mood, mental and physical state of the individual. With its help, rituals are also performed: energy serves as the driving force for witchcraft, because without a certain supply of personal power, conspiracies and spells will not work.

Chakras - only part of a full-fledged human energy body. It is known that a person has seven bodies, and only one of them is seen and felt by everyone. - physical body. It corresponds to Muladhara or the root, coccygeal, main chakra. There are six subtle bodies, and all correspond to energy centers in the following order:

  1. Swadhisthana- ethereal body.
  2. Manipura- vital body.
  3. Anahata- astral plane.
  4. Vishuddha- mental plan.
  5. Ajna- karmic body.
  6. Sahasrara- spiritual body.

Together, the subtle bodies form the human aura. They are not randomly mixed: subtle bodies are superimposed on each other, like a layer cake. Closest to the physical body is the etheric, which is superimposed by the vital, then comes the astral, and so on. Beginners in seeing auras and subtle bodies begin to look at auras from the etheric plane, which is the easiest to see.

Human chakras in Western, Eastern and Slavic cultures

Eastern teaching 7 chakras

Indian yogis describe chakras as human energy centers. Each of the seven chakras has its own aroma, stone, color, meaning, set of functions. This is about Muladhara, Svadhisthana, Manipura, Anahata, Vishuddha, Ajna and Sahasrara. This idea of ​​the seven chakras is considered to be traditional. Most researchers are inclined to believe that the doctrine of the chakras appeared among Indian yogis, other cultures changed science in their own way.

In all Eastern teachings about the energy structure of a person, the points of concentration of energy are numbered from below, starting from Muladhara. The European numbering of the human chakras starts from the top: the first is Sahasrara, the crown energy node. In the Eastern teachings, the numbering from below is due to the idea of ​​the flow of energy that comes from below, from the Earth. Surplus goes up into space. The European doctrine of chakras thinks otherwise: the energy flow is directed from top to bottom - energy comes from the Cosmos or from the divine essence, and the excess goes to the earth, like a person after death.

European teaching 9 chakras

In European teaching, the name of the chakras is preserved from primary sources, which were the manuscripts of yogis. The functions of the chakras remained the same. AT European system there are two additional chakras - eighth and ninth. These are paired energy centers: the eighth is on the left and right knees, and the ninth - on both feet. The "foot" chakras are usually identified with the human race, connection with the ancestors and the Earth.

The European teaching about energy bodies was adopted from Indian yogis. Science appeared much later than the first records of the need to concentrate on certain points when performing yoga asanas and pranayamas, during meditation. Most contemporaries consider the Eastern teaching to be true, and the European one to be a late version, supplemented by unknown authors. The oldest sources for chakras are the Upanishads.

The presence is mentioned singular points human energy in Tantra, Hinduism and Buddhism. In Chinese medicine, there are points that coincide with the main seven energy centers. A similar concept exists in Sufism. In Kabbalah, the structure of man is sometimes identified with the Sefirot. The Slavic spiritual and energy cross to a certain extent borrows the name of the chakras and their functions.

Slavic 9 chakras

According to modern nationalist scholars Slavic mythology, culture and esotericism, the Slavic ancestors had a chakra system, which was called Slavic-Aryan spiritual and energy cross. Scientists A. V. Trekhlebova and A. Yu. Khinevich assure that the system appeared in pagan times. The teaching is closer to the mentality of the Russian people and the traditions of Slavic culture.

The ancient Slavs had nine chakras. The location of energy centers is seriously different from that accepted in the Eastern and Western teachings. It is difficult to say what the system is - a real Slavic doctrine or a remake, at best based on the legends of their ancestors. There are no references in chronicles and other written sources about Slavic chakras.

First point - Source, the black energy center, which is located in the same place as Muladhara. Its functions correspond to the root center - everything that is connected with the physical body and the necessary energy, human survival and material support for existence.

Second point - Zarod, a red energy node located in the region of the sacrum. Responsible for the continuation of the family, like Svadhisthana. We are talking about the ability to conceive and bear a child, and the ability to attract a suitable sexual partner.

Third point - Belly, orange ball in the navel. Similar in function to Manipura: is responsible for the channel of the energy of life, kind and worldly wisdom.

fourth point - Percy, gold, is located in the upper abdomen, closer to the chest. Among the functions are connection with the divine and the energy of creativity.

The fifth point is named after one of the goddesses of the Slavs - Frets. The chakra is green, located in the region of the heart, on the left side chest. Lada is responsible for the channel of intuition and divine warnings, for the state of the heart and blood vessels.

The sixth point is named after a particularly revered deity - Lely. Padma is blue, located on the right side of the chest, symmetrically to the Lada chakra. Kindness, happiness and love - the energy center of Lelya is responsible for this, by analogy with Anahata from the Eastern teachings.

The seventh point is called Mouth or Mouth. The energy center is blue, located in the throat area. The functions of the throat chakra in the understanding of the Slavs are not too different from the functions of Vishudha - the ability to express thoughts verbally, oratory and much more.

The eighth point is called Chelo. It is located in the same place as Ajna, corresponds to the purple color. Like the center of the third eye, Chelo is responsible for the intellect, clairvoyance and spirituality of a person.

Ninth point - Spring. It is painted white and almost completely corresponds to Sahasrara. Spring - channel for receiving energy from outside. The Slavic system, like the European one, implies the flow of energy from top to bottom. - from space to man, from man to earth. The spring is responsible for receiving help from the ancestors and the Gods.

Eastern and Slavic teachings are united not only by the similar location and significance of some centers of the subtle body. These are the three stores, minds or channels of energy. In the east they are called Dian-Tien, the Slavs preferred other names - Active, Conscious and Aware mind.

The Upper Dian Tien or Active Mind connects the throat, frontal and crown points. It personifies the Light of Higher Knowledge and hides the reserves of the spirit, the so-called. the strength of the spirit. If the Active Mind works correctly, the human brain will reveal its full potential.

Middle Dian Tien or Conscious Mind - unification of energy in the region of the heart. Responsible for pure love and sincere compassion, as well as the corresponding chakras.

Lower Dian Tien or Conscious Mind - the union between the lower energy points, in which vital energy is accumulated.

The seven human chakras and their meanings

Human chakras and their meanings are harmoniously combined with each other. This is a single organism, but not the physical, but the energy component of a person. Each chakra, like the organs of the body, performs its own role and has certain characteristics. What is each chakra responsible for and what are the chakras in the traditional yoga teachings?

responsible for everything related to survival and natural needs and instincts. Among the features and the ability to get food, but in our time it is equated with the ability to earn money and achieve material prosperity. Muladhara is responsible for the instincts of reproduction and self-preservation, without which humanity would have died out at the birth stage. Processing the received energy, the chakra forms energy for physical labor. Working with this padma gives vivacity and a surge of strength.

Svadhisthana is responsible for bodily pleasures and pleasures that have nothing to do with spirituality. Like Muladhara, it corresponds to the instinct of procreation, but it is about the ability to attract a partner and conceive a child. responsible for the security and stability of existence. Padme combines male and female energy flows.

Manipura - mediator between the lower and upper energy centers. Responsible for creativity, well-being and partially performs the function of the chakra of prosperity, the ability to ensure existence. called the center of personal power, which helps to find compromises between the spiritual and material components of life.

Sahasrara accepts and transforms divine energy, however, it is difficult to find a person with a well-functioning crown chakra. Padma is responsible for enlightenment, the ability to understand ideas Higher Forces, the union of man and the Divine Beginning. In a more simplified sense, Sahasrara symbolizes spirituality, religiosity and the ability to separate lies from truth.

What problems can arise with human energy centers - chakras

Often in energy nodes are formed blocks. It is difficult to meet a person with completely blocked chakras - usually we are talking about the incorrect functioning of the node due to a partial block.

There are two types of chakra blocks:

  • the first is similar to muscle tightness, the energy at the focal point is compressed and does not function correctly;
  • the second is caused by a large amount of negative energy that padma is not able to handle on its own.

In problems with chakras and energy health in general, it is customary to blame not only energy vampirism, evil eye and damage, the influence of hostile entities like larvae or astral inhabitants.

Internal conflicts, psychological problems and complexes imposed in childhood are also to blame for problems with the chakras and aura. Certain negative emotions that are strong enough or are experienced regularly have a serious impact.

Slavic System of Knowledge about the energy of man and the universe.

Slavic System of Knowledge about the energy of man and the universe. Pantheon of Slavic Gods and the human chakra system.

The Slavic system of esoteric knowledge was built on the principle of the unity of human nature and the universe. And the origins of such a system of knowledge can be traced in ancient history humanity. The human energy system reflects the mutual influence of various energy flows, each of which has its own color, sound, spectrum, frequency and energy center on the human body. This energy center still bears the ancient Slavic - CHAKRA, Chak-Ra, where CHAK (there is even such a rune) means circulation in two directions (for receiving and for issuing), i.e. incoming and outgoing energies, and RA means pure radiance.

The Slavic system of energy centers is more expanded than the Eastern system. It contains 37 main energy centers: 9 are dominant, and 28 are decisive. Together they create an energy cross. Moreover, the dominant ones are divided into three structures:

the first lower 3 chakras are responsible for the physical development of a person;
middle 3 chakras are responsible for mental development;
the upper 3 chakras are responsible for Spiritual development.
Consider the 9 dominant chakras: [

1st Istok The chakra is located in the region of the coccyx. Through it, a person receives the vital energy that flows from it. It absorbs all kinds of energy. Color - black (unexplored, beyond human perception). In the sound range, this chakra perceives infrasound (super-low frequencies). Infrasound can cause panic fear in a person. In the Eastern system, this chakra is called Mu-Lad-Ha-Ra, and our Ancestors called it with one short and understandable word - the Source. Everything originates from some source.

2nd Zarod Responsible for the Genus, i.e., for the birth of life, and also receives the energy of other life essences, through it the male power enters the woman. In addition, this chakra perceives specially directed energy flows (evil eye, curse, etc.). Located in the pubic region. Color - red. Sound - "Before". In the Eastern system, this chakra is called: Sva-D-Khi-Stan-A.
3rd Belly In Slavonic "life" will be "belly". The place where life originates. Through this chakra, a person first receives energy in the womb, then the energy of the cosmos from his Star - the Lord. Location - navel. Color - scarlet. The sound is "Re". In the Eastern system it is called: Mani-Pu-Ra.
4th Percy (Chest) It radiates and absorbs creative energy. Responsible for breathing. Finding the chakra is the center of the chest (solar plexus). Color - gold. Sound - "Mi". In the eastern system it is called: Ana-Ha-Ta.
5th Lada Located on the right shoulder. Covers armpits, shoulder joint. Accepts and radiates the energies of Love, Goodness, tenderness. In addition, this chakra is responsible for performance (mechanical perception). Green color. The sound is "F". In the eastern system it is called: Surma chakra.
6th Lelya Located on the left shoulder. Regulates the work of the heart, and also receives the energy of intuition. Provides intuitive knowledge of the world of Reveal, intuitive creativity and foreboding. Therefore, a person says: "I feel with my heart." The color is heavenly. Sound - "Salt". In the eastern system it is called: Chandra chakra.
7th Mouth (Mouth) Covers the throat. This chakra gives out sound energy, is responsible for the materialization of thoughts (speech), and also receives and transmits the energy of sensual images. The color is blue. The sound is "La". In the eastern system it is called: Vish-Ud-Ha.
8th Chelo The intellectual chakra controls the functioning of the brain, processes images and thoughts. Energy flows without sensual coloring work here. The sensitive system of this chakra is beyond human perception. This chakra is also responsible for energy vision. Location - forehead (between the eyebrows). Color - marny (purple). Sound - "Si". In the eastern system it is called: A-D-ZH-N-A.
9th Spring Refers to the World of Glory and a channel departs from it, leaving for the World of Rule. Provides a connection with the Family, i.e. a person through this chakra receives and perceives the help and support of his Gods and Ancestors, accepts the energies of higher Soul and Spiritual images. Thoughts and thoughts are projected into the World of Rule through this chakra. Located in the region of the crown. White color. Perceives ultrasound (super high frequencies). According to the eastern system: Sy-Hy-S-Fy-Fa.

Man generates energy - from air, water and food. And also it receives energy from the outside - from the Sun and the Earth. This energy interacts with the chakras.

All the dominant chakras are divided into:
low energy chakras (Mir Navi);
chakras of medium energies (World of Reveal);
high energy chakras (World of Glory);
chakras of superhigh energies (World of Rule).

The first three chakras take energy from the Navi World (low energies):
1) Source 2) Origin 3) Belly

These chakras affect the structural state of the human physical shell. Some people work only on these three chakras - these are people who live by primitive instincts (sleep, food, drink, etc.), i.e. like animals.

The following three chakras belong to the World of Glory:
4) Percy 5) Lada 6) Lelya

Creativity in the World of Reveal is possible for people with harmoniously developed chakras 4, 5, 6. The person for whom these chakras work is called "Soulful".

The following chakras belong to the World of Glory (high and ultra-high energies) and are responsible for the Spirit:
7) Mouth 8) Chelo 9) Spring

When a person has all the chakras working, including the highest ones, then he is "Spiritual". A person who lives only with the three highest chakras, without developing and not using the lower ones, as a rule, becomes a hermit, he is cut off from the World, and this is no longer a harmonious person. The lower energy centers feed the upper ones, so the Slavs have always developed harmoniously and used all the centers:
the lower ones provide a connection with Nature;
Souls connect with other people;
Spiritual ones make it possible to look at the World from the outside and realize the structures behind our Explicit World.
NATURE, when all energy centers were activated, did not program the aging system in a person.

1. "Spring" or "Rod" - the first chakra , associated with the sparks of England. When a baby is just born, then on his crown [Temya - Dungeon "I", or "There I am", that is, our true "I" - Spirit is located there] you can observe a pulsating hole, called in the common people "font", covered with only with a thin skin and not yet overgrown with a cranial bone. This chakra is connected with the Great Triglav of the Gods, it is the beginning of the descending Heavenly energy. The source of the indivisible White Light, which the Germans call B-od - the divine Source, and the Slavs call it R-od - the radiance of the Source or Vyshen, in the Indian Vedas It is called Vishna (the Highest). It is from Him that the undifferentiated life-giving Light of England comes, which the Germans call Bor (the divine "Ra" - Light), the Slavs Sva-ra-g ("Sva" - ancient Russian Heaven, "Go" - high, supreme; hence - Heavenly Light of the Supreme). Mathematically means zero (the point expanding goes to zero). He begins the division and the Scandinavians call the first hypostasis God Odin (First), the Russians God Perun or Pervun (First), the Balts - Perkun (First), the Indians Purusha (Purva in Sanskrit means Ancient, Initial). The English say “First” - First, and in Russian, instead of “f”, “p” is heard and pronounced, i.e. “Perst”, in Russian they say “one is like a finger”, i.e. “First”. Perun is one of the Supreme Gods. Grandfather of the Gods from the community of Ases.

The number associated with this chakra is called one or first. Cvet white.

2. "Chelo" - the second chakra . "Che" - hidden, secret or transcendent thought-wisdom - knowledge. "Lo" means place. That is the place of secret wisdom, secret forces. Who owns the energy of this chakra, he has the power of prophecy, clairvoyance (third eye), etc. This is an intellectual chakra, controls the brain, processes images and thoughts. Energy flows without sensual coloring work here. The sensitive system of this chakra is beyond human perception. Also responsible for energy vision. Location - forehead (between the eyebrows). The Cossack name Shvah means "Sh" - the condescension of heavenly forces into a person, "Va" - surprise - unusualness, power, "Ha" - the highest, positive energy. Possessing this chakra, with the help of Heavenly forces and energies, a person creates unusual and amazing (both creation and destruction). When the Cossacks come across a difficult task, they say “Dilo seams” in their balachka. It means to exert all your knowledge and all your wisdom in order to do a certain job or to win a battle. Gods associated with this chakra:

Div, (Dy, Pater Diy, Deus/Diespiter (lat.), Deiwas), is also one of supreme gods. The grandfather of the Gods from the community of Devas (Vans). God is the Patron of heavenly expanse and space. The guardian of the paths between the worlds, along which the Gods visit the inhabited Worlds. Patron of the hidden wisdom of the Gods. In some old Russian legends (“Walking of the Virgin”), it is said about the worship of the god Diva (Dyyu) and his wife Divia (Dave). He also has children - the daughter of Laima, the son of the Thunderer Indra, etc. Dyi - in some Eastern myths the ruler of the Universe, but in the Christian tradition He was turned into a devil. Many legends about the creation of the world are associated with Him, as well as the number Two (the first vowel in the Old Russian letter, as in the samskryt, was omitted).

Volos - Veles [Volos, Veli (ger), Velnias/Vielona (lit.), Velns/Vels (Latvian), Veles (Czech), Vala (Ind.)] the second God associated with this chakra is the God of the clan Asov. The patron of shepherding, wealth, wisdom, bookishness, protection, will, trade, witchcraft, fortune-telling. He is the chief judge of human Souls at the posthumous Judgment, in the Boyan hymn there is a line "We cannot avoid Veles." His name is associated with the words: command, will, possession of power, great. Veles, or Volos, is the second most important after Perun. He is the personification of the master's wisdom. Veles was also known as a great healer. It is also believed that Veles is the Progenitor of the giants: Volots, Velets, because the word "Veliy" means big, great. He is also the owner of the unread book of the Earth, which is otherwise called the Conscience [Joint Message received from the Gods and Ancestors] or the Clear Field, and in modern terms - the "energy-informational field of the earth." Sometimes he is also called God Tur, hence the word hero (before they said bogatur) and the English numeral Two [rus. prod. "Tu"] - two or the second (Veles-Tour).

Siva God - in the Vedic tradition He is known as Shiva God. This is a harsh God who punished sinners, but at the same time allowed them to correct themselves and continue the ascent of the soul along the Golden Path. “His wings are like fierce snakes, and on His hand is a golden and silver-plated bracelet.” When He was angry, the Black Year came, a sacrifice was paid to him in a circle so that He would not send evil to people.

The number associated with this chakra is called two or two.The color of the chakra is purple.

3. "Mouth" - the third chakra. "U" - bonds, connection, "Sta" - constancy, or what is approved by the Gods. It follows that this is an organ through which a person communicates with the outside world. Covers the throat. This chakra gives out sound energy, is responsible for the materialization of thought (speech), and also receives and transmits the energy of sensual images. The Cossack name "Tar" also means to speak - to chatter (Tar is a sound, loudness; torit - to create, to produce). This chakra is associated with air element(we breathe with our nose and mouth), so it is controlled by Stribog (Behold the third God). Among the ancient Slavs, this was the name of the Mighty God of hurricanes and the guardian of the border separating the Worlds. He is also a sender of visions and ghosts. He monitors the observance of the moral laws established by Svarog. Stribog was also revered as a destroyer of all kinds of atrocities, a destroyer of malevolence, he severely punished sinners by sending them to Hell (and the righteous went to Glory). The Western Slavs also have a female character - Striba. The large sanctuary of Stribog was located not far from the place where Rostov the Great is now. Another God Viy [Vi (Scand.), Vei-opatis (Baltic), Vayu (Ind.)] is also associated with this chakra. The Celts called this God with a murderous look Ballor (we still determine the strength of hurricanes in balls). Since this chakra is also associated with the production of sound, it is also controlled by God Tarkh (among the Celts and Cossacks, Tar (x) means thunder-loudness).

The numerical value of this energy center is three, the third.The color of the chakra is blue.The first three chakras in a person are associated with the Spirit.

4. "Lelya" - the fourth chakra, means the place of feelings. It is located in the region of the left chest. Regulates the work of the heart, and also receives the energy of intuition. Provides intuitive knowledge of the world of Reveal, intuitive creativity and foreboding. Therefore, a person says: “I feel with my heart.” The Cossack name for this chakra is Kalen. It is associated with the soul, which is centered in the region of the heart. God Kolyada [Kaleda, Kolodiy (Serb.), Calenda (lat.)] is associated with it. they trace their genealogy from Kolyada, He is their Ancestor, and our Ancestors were also called Churami or Schurami, hence the word Ancestor by the way.

Kolo ("K" - round, "Lo" - place) - the oldest name for the sun, the circle - "Kol", it is also one of folk names polar star. Kolyada means round (in ancient times it was pronounced as “Kolenda”, with a nasal “n”, from “kolo” - a circle, hence “cola” - a wagon, wheel, kolach, kolobok. Therefore, Kolyada - ancient god As, who personifies the revival of the winter Sun and Nature. According to Cossack sources, it was believed that Kolyada and Khors were the sons of Dazhdbog. And one is associated with the day winter solstice, and the other (Khors) with the day of the summer solstice (in the human body, these are the left and right breasts).

The numerical value is four (even is two; re is a repetition, that is, repeated two).Blue color.

5. "Lada" - the fifth chakra, giving harmony, harmony . Located in the area of ​​​​the right chest. Covers armpits, shoulder joint. Accepts and radiates the energies of Love, kindness, tenderness. In addition, this chakra is responsible for performance (mechanical perception). The Cossack name of the chakra "Khor" (Ha-positive, ra - radiance) does not need clarification, because when it is good for everyone, then everyone is good.

The God associated with this chakra Horse [Khars, Khur (Ossetian), Kirt (German), Horse (Italian), Hers (Serbian), Horus (Czech), Horus (Egyptian)] - Solar God, who is in charge of the circular movement of the luminary (hence the round dance), he is also the patron of cattle (especially horses), hence the English. Norse- "horse", "horse".

Khors is the lord of positive radiance, independent of the source (coming even from above or below, not for nothing is this middle chakra), opposing chaos, darkness, non-existence. It is believed that the name Khors is of Aryan origin and goes back to the word "horo" - a moving circle. From the root "horo" came the words: round dance, horoshul, mansions (temple), good, etc. Mansions - originally it was a circular building for the performance of religious rites, later this word changed into the word "temple".

God Khors was depicted either as a sparkling white horse running across the sky, or as a sunny dog ​​(among the Cossacks, the dog is called a “hort”). However, Khors often appeared in the form of a wise old man, surrounded by white dogs or wolves. Some scholars believe that the name ancient city Korsun, or Tauric Chersonese (now Sevastopol), goes back to the cult of Khors. A very big holiday is dedicated to God Khors - this is the day of the summer solstice in the month of June, on this day a lighted wheel, a sign of the sun, was rolled down from the mountain to the river, as on the day of his brother Kolyada. The same functions of maintaining harmony were carried by the God Ladaad, whose holiday is also timed to coincide with the summer solstice.

The numerical value of this energy center is five (P is the path, yat is the separation, that is, this is the middle of the path of light streams coming from the bottom and top, where they are separated).The color of the radiation of this chakra is green, and the green color, as previously known scientists have confirmed, is calming, and a calm person is in harmony and harmony with himself, with Nature and those around him.

6. "Percy" - the sixth chakra . Perun's radiance, that is, the place where our Spirit, our "I" manifests its radiance. It radiates and absorbs creative energy. Responsible for breathing. Finding the chakra is the center of the chest (solar plexus). The Cossack name of the chakra "Ox" - strength, power. The god associated with this chakra is Volkh [Volkhov, Volkhovets, Wolf, Volga, Serpent Fire Wolf, Fire Vuk (Serb.)]. He is the God of sorcery, werewolf, war, daring, master of beasts, a beautiful God - a healer. Incarnation - grey Wolf, clear falcon, bay tour - golden horns. He - slavic god guardian of the Heavenly Abode of Volkhala. Mother Earth Syr gave birth to Volkh from Indra Dyevich. Svarog instructed him to guard the borders separating Dark Hell and Reality, Glory to the Light and Reality, and all the approaches to the garden of Vyria.

The numerical value is six. Ш - heavenly forces, there is - located in this place.The color of the chakra is yellow or they say golden.The second three chakras are associated with the Soul.

7. "Belly" - the seventh chakra . Alive - life-giving forces, from - from here. That is, the life-giving forces for our material body come from here. According to the Vedic teachings, there is an internal fire necessary for burning fuel - food. This is the place where life originates. Through this chakra, a person first receives energy in the womb, then the energy of the cosmos from his Master Star. Location - navel. The Cossack name of the chakra is "Sak" (Behold Agni Who - that is, fire). God patron Semargl. Semargl (Fire God, Fire, Agni); SE-MAR-G-L (Se-this, mar-Mary, g (a) - way, l (a) - place, that is, the dead left the earth through the fire of kroda) - the Most High God, the keeper of the Eternally Living Fire and the guardian exact observance of all the Fiery Rites and Fiery Purifications. Semargl accepts Fiery Gifts, Trebs and bloodless sacrifices at the ancient Slavic and Aryan holidays, being an intermediary between people and all the Heavenly Gods. Semargl is also called upon in the treatment of sick animals and people, in order to save the sick from various ailments and diseases. When a person's temperature rose, they said that the Fire God settled in the body of the sick person. For Semargl, like a Fire Dog, fiercely fights against ailments and diseases, which, like enemies, have made their way into the body or Soul of the sick person. This is the earthly embodiment of fire in its figurative meaning: that fiery force that inspires warriors in a fierce battle. Some tribes revered Semargl as the patron of vegetation and a rich harvest, and represented him as a seven-headed creature (“Se Mara heads”).

The numerical value of the chakra is seven (Se Mary number).Orange color.

8. The eighth chakra "Zarod" with the help of energies, which is the birth of new bodies in the mother's womb. It also receives the energy of other life essences, through which the male force enters the woman. In addition, this chakra perceives specially directed energy flows (evil eye, slander, curse, etc.). Located in the pubic region. The Cossack name "Malka" also speaks of its purpose for the creation of babies. Our ancestors knew that material life originated in water, so God Wodan (Don) is associated with this chakra. When naming this mysterious and forgotten deity, it is important to remember that in most Slavic languages, the stress in it is on the first syllable, and the words “leads” are associated with this name. In ancient times, Wodan was related to the water element, was the patron of the sea and river depths.

The number of this chakra, as it was called in ancient times, is “o-seven”, that is, about, next to seven (or now eight NEAR SEVEN).The color is red.

9. The ninth chakra "Source" means that the energy of the Earth begins to rise from it. Located in the coccyx area. Through it, a person receives the vital energy that flows from it. The Cossack name of the chakra "Dazh" refers us to the ancient Cossack tales, which say that the ancestors of the Cossacks arrived on our earth-planet from the planet Dazh - the earth (another name for Ingard-Earth), revolving aroundYarovelikogo Dazh-Sun (modern name Beta Leo). Associated with this chakra is Dazhbog [Daibog, Dazhbo, Even, Dacbog (zap. Slav.), Dabog, Dajbog (Serb.), Dagbra (Brit.), Dagda (Irl.)] - God of Light, rain, nature, giving. He was called the giving God for giving the people of the Great Race and the descendants of the Heavenly Clan Nine Santi (Books) that contain the Sacred Ancient Vedas. Dazhbog - giver

all blessings, happiness and prosperity and all the blessings of the earth. Moreover, the verb "give" means to give. The number of this chakra has the same meaning, because nine means giving.Chakra color is black.The last three chakras are associated with the material body.

Maximum working system The 4th and 5th chakras is the point between them, which is called the "point of the stone", here there is a reversal of energy. The energy passing by the Lada chakra is projected onto the brain system (left hemisphere) under the same sign (+), and the energy of the right hemisphere under the sign (-).

message 2008. Added 2 chakras - shoulder.

According to Meshalkin, Velichko "Slavic Hello":

Now consider the ideas of the ancient Slavs about the structure of man or "anatomy of subtle bodies", and in modern terminology - the spiritual and energy structure of a person.

Man has three Kingdoms of consciousness arranged vertically:

- lower - Silver, - middle - Copper, - upper - Gold.

The realms of consciousness are sometimes referred to as bubbles of Life, which are in turn located within the Settled Bubble. Each of the kingdoms has its own princess, and each kingdom has its own core of consciousness, or table.

The nuclei of consciousness are complex and multidimensional concepts. The core of consciousness, which is table of the Copper Kingdom, is the heart. Its other name is Yarlo, or Percy. The copper kingdom is also called the first crown. Here dwells the heart Power - Yara.

Table of the Silver Kingdom is the stomach - the center that controls the life processes. Zhiva lives here. Alive is considered the Force of life, the Force of the physical body.

Table of the Golden Kingdom is Chelo - the center of Smart Power (people familiar with Chinese culture, can see here an analogy with the three-term division of a person in Chinese medicine into Heaven, Man and Earth, where the Spirit corresponds to the Shen, the Soul corresponds to the Man - qi, the body corresponds to the Earth - li).

Each kingdom consists of three energy centers and has its own special design. The Silver Kingdom includes the Source, the Origin and the Belly.

The source is located in the region of the coccyx. It absorbs the most and radiates the least energy. It corresponds to black. Zarod is located in the region of the sacrum. Its color is red. The third energy center is located at the level of the navel. This is the Belly, and it corresponds to the color orange.

Source, Origin and Belly are connected with the World of Navi and draw from it Life Force . The Silver Kingdom corresponds to the Roots of the World Tree. The Source absorbs the Force of the Earth, providing the vital activity of the organic body. The Zarod receives energy from other living beings, and also absorbs and radiates the Power of reproduction. Through Zarod, the male Force enters the woman, and with it the Gift of Motherhood, the Female Share (the gift of love for her husband and children), Family Memory (intuitive insight into the accumulated experience of the Ancestors through the female line about creating and maintaining an atmosphere of Love and Lada in the family). The female Force enters the man through the Zarod, and with it the Gift of Fatherhood ( mutual love to his wife and children, the ability and ability to educate and train sons of life wisdom, martial arts, profession; the ability to educate a wife and children in the Spirit to bring them after him to God).

The stomach absorbs the Life Force - I live. The Silver Realm is the Realm of the Wrathful Knights. The Maiden of Pain rules there with the help of Longing and Fear through Justice in the form of Injustice.

If higher energy centers are not developed in a person, this is not yet a Human (“chelo” - “mind striving for knowledge”, “age” - “eternity”; “man” means “eternal mind”), but only Live (Inhabitant) .

The Copper Kingdom consists of the following three energy centers . Yarlo (the fourth center) is located in the area of ​​the solar plexus. It matches the golden color. The fifth center is located in the region of the left shoulder joint and armpit. Its name is Lada, and its color is green. The sixth center is located in the region of the right shoulder joint and armpit. It is called Lel, and the blue color corresponds to it.

Yarlo, Lada and Lel perceive and radiate energies of the World Reveal.

Yarlo (heart) receives and radiates the energy of creative creation, which allows creating objects of the Explicit World. The heart also governs the processes of acquiring and transferring military, industrial, administrative and management skills, the ability to creatively organize the living space around oneself (in the family, inner circle, etc.).

Lada receives and radiates the energies of Love, Happiness, Goodness. Lel provides intuitive knowledge of the World of Reveal and intuitive creativity in it (expressed modern language- technical inventions, scientific discoveries). In the Copper Kingdom, the Virgin Resentment rules with the help of Shame in the form of Shamelessness.

If a person has developed these three energy centers, we still do not have a Human, but only a Human (Ludina).

The last, Golden Kingdom includes three energy centers - the Throat, the Chelo and the Spring. The throat (seventh energy center) is located at the level of the second or third cervical vertebrae, it corresponds to the blue color. The eighth energy center is the forehead, located at the level between the eyebrows. Its color is purple. The last center located in the region of the crown is the Spring. It shines with a silvery white light.

The upper three centers receive and radiate the vital energies of the World of Glory. Glory - the highest levels of Light Navi.

The throat provides a person with the perception and transmission of the energy of sensory images, it is the center of the arts. Through it, beauty is brought to the World of Reveal from more high worlds. The Chelo perceives and transmits mental images that govern the higher intellectual and spiritual development of Man. Through Chelo are carried out psychic abilities. The spring perceives and radiates the Power of the Highest spiritual images of the World of Glory and the Spiritual images of the World of Rule. The Golden Kingdom is ruled by the princess - Silent Sophia.

The one who has developed mental and spiritual abilities in himself, consciously controls the Power of the Golden Kingdom, deserves to be called a Human.

Through the Kingdom in the center passes the axis of Mount Meru, sacred to the Slavs, or a spiritual axis in the form of a kind of rope (note that “rope” and “faith” are the same root words!) - Svili.

The seven energy centers located in the center are the seven compositions of man, the Seven Semions (Fig. 1).

See how the similarity of Slavic and Indian traditions can be traced: Seven Semions correspond to seven chakras. Seven Semions are a kind of seven steps that can be considered as stages of personal growth, development, movement of the human Spirit. These ascent steps are called the Russian stairs.

Nine rotating centers form a cross that a person carries. This cross is called the "Heart" or "Cross of Life". From hoary antiquity, the expression came to us: “There is no cross on you!”, Convicting someone that he has degraded from the Human level to the Human level.

I must say that the cross is one of the oldest symbols of mankind, which since prehistoric times has a cult protective role in almost all peoples of the world. This symbol arose as a sign of the Sun and came from the image of the crossbars - the spokes of the "solar wheel" (two circle diameters perpendicular to each other). As V.V. Pokhlebkin writes, “in this form, the cross was known to many pagan peoples (Hindus, Assyrians, Chinese, ancient Scandinavians, Germans, Etruscans and Phoenicians) long before the advent of Christianity, which made this sign its ideological symbol, taking advantage of the wide distribution it among many peoples and giving it its own meaning. In the ancient Slavic tradition, the cross symbolizes countless meanings, phenomena and images in all three Worlds: Navi, Reveal and Rule.

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