Moscow Security Conference. Moscow Conference on International Security

Recipes 06.09.2019


Representatives of more than 80 countries took part in the Moscow Security Conference

At the Moscow Conference on international security, which completed its work on April 27, was attended by more than 800 guests from 86 countries, Deputy Defense Minister of Russia Alexander Fomin told reporters.

“More than 800 guests from 86 countries from all over the world took part in the conference. 56 official military delegations arrived in Moscow, 22 delegations were personally headed by the heads of defense departments,” Fomin said.

According to him, more than 200 foreign and Russian representatives took part in the conference...


CSTO announced the movement of militants from Syria to Afghanistan

Militants operating in Syria have begun moving to Afghanistan, he said. about. Secretary General of the United Nations Treaty Organization collective security(CSTO) Valery Semerikov.

“Today, a stream of IS fighters (a terrorist group banned in Russia. - RNS) who have not been killed in Syria and Iraq rushed to Afghanistan, which over time can turn this country into a springboard for expansion into the territory of the CSTO member states,” Semerikov said at the VI Moscow Conference for international security, organizations...


Philippine Defense Minister spoke about the importance of Russia's participation in resolving the situation with the DPRK

All superpowers, including Russia, should take part in resolving the situation on the Korean Peninsula, Philippine National Defense Minister Delphine Lorenzana said at the 6th Moscow Conference on International Security organized by the Russian Defense Ministry.

"It is necessary to involve superpowers, including Russia, for a peaceful settlement of the situation on this peninsula (Korean. - RNS)", Lorenzana said.

Earlier, Lorenzana met with Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu. At the end of the meeting, he...


The head of the Foreign Intelligence Service announced the transformation of the world into a "zone of global danger"

International terrorism remains the most important challenge to the international security system, Director of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service Sergei Naryshkin said at the VI Moscow Conference on International Security, organized by the Russian Ministry of Defense.

“In keeping with the spirit of the times, terrorist activity is also globalizing. As shown by the activity of terrorists in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, the recent tragic events in London, Berlin, Brussels and Stockholm, the last vile terrorist attack in St.


The head of the Foreign Intelligence Service predicts the aggravation of information wars

The prospect of weakening the information confrontation in the near future is not yet visible, director of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service Sergei Naryshkin said at the VI Moscow Conference on International Security, organized by the Russian Ministry of Defense.

“On the contrary, the struggle for minds will become even more intense, cover new areas, it will be accompanied by an ever-wider spread of so-called fake news, the introduction of innovative technologies for influencing the masses, the merging of objective and virtual r...


Naryshkin compared the activity of the DPRK in the nuclear sphere with the US withdrawal from the ABM treaty

The withdrawal of the DPRK from the nuclear non-proliferation treaty is no different from the actions of the United States in relation to the anti-missile defense treaty, said Sergey Naryshkin, director of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service.

“This step by Pyongyang (withdrawal from the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and activity in nuclear sphere. - RNS) is not much different from Washington's decision to withdraw from the missile defense treaty," Naryshkin said at the 6th Moscow Conference on International Security.

He noted that the US actions were...


Foreign Intelligence Service chief: US missile strike in Syria casts doubt on the sincerity of Trump's campaign promises

The recent US missile attack on an air base in Syria casts doubt on the campaign promises of US President Donald Trump, Director of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service Sergei Naryshkin said at the VI Moscow Conference on International Security, organized by the Russian Ministry of Defense.

“With the advent of a new administration in the United States, there was a glimmer of hope that the situation in the Middle East would finally begin to gradually normalize. However, the recent American strike with "Tomohawks" on an air base in Syria, which ...


Naryshkin: Western countries could not abandon the selfish view of international relations

Western countries have not been able to abandon the selfish view of international relationships, Director of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service Sergei Naryshkin said at the VI Moscow Conference on International Security, organized by the Russian Ministry of Defense.

“We have to admit that our partners in the West have not been able to overcome inertia and abandon their inherent egoistic view of international relations,” Naryshkin said.

According to him, Western countries continue to engage in dialogue from a position of strength and...


Senator Klintsevich commented on the statement of the General Staff of the Russian Federation on a possible US nuclear strike

Frants Klintsevich, First Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Defense and Security, commented on the statement of the General Staff that anti-missile system(ABM) allows the US to inflict a surprise nuclear strike across Russia.

“There is no doubt that such statements have certain addressees. First recipient - global community. Secondly, a clear signal has been sent to the US leadership that any development of events will not come as a surprise to us. I think that this reminder will not be superfluous. Let, as they say, they know what we know”, -...


The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation announced the strengthening of ISIS in Afghanistan

The IS group, banned in Russia, is strengthening its positions in Afghanistan, Igor Korobov, head of the main department of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, said at the 6th Moscow Conference on International Security organized by the Russian Ministry of Defense.

“The strengthening of IS positions in Afghanistan is of particular concern. This is facilitated by the difficult socio-economic situation and the susceptibility of the population to the ideas of radical Islam,” Korobov said.

He noted that the strengthening of the positions of the group in Afghanistan...


Russian Defense Ministry proposes to consolidate international efforts in Afghanistan

The security situation in Afghanistan speaks of the need to consolidate the forces of the international community to normalize the situation in the country, Igor Korobov, head of the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, said at the 6th Moscow Conference on International Security organized by the Russian Ministry of Defense.

"It seems expedient to consolidate the efforts of all countries in the interests of normalizing the situation in Afghanistan," Korobov said.

According to him, for this...


US and Russian military maintain direct contact to prevent incidents in Syria

Russian and American military personnel have a direct telephone line to prevent incidents in the skies of Syria, Sergei Rudskoy, head of the Main Operations Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, said at the 6th Moscow Conference on International Security organized by the Russian Ministry of Defense.

According to him, earlier a memorandum was in force between Moscow and Washington on preventing incidents in airspace Syria, but its operation was suspended after the attack of the armed forces ...


Yarovaya compared information weapons with weapons of mass destruction

The modern information space is global, comprehensive, but it does not have legal regulation and established rules, State Duma deputy Irina Yarovaya said at the VI Moscow Conference on International Security, organized by the Russian Ministry of Defense.

“It completely violates sovereignty, and in fact today information weapons are weapons mass destruction", - said Yarovaya.

According to her, “the information space that is not protected international agreements, today is not just vulnerable ...


Russia has withdrawn almost half of its aviation group from Syria

Almost half of the Russian aviation group was withdrawn from the Khmeimim air base in Syria, Sergei Rudskoy, head of the Main Operational Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, said during the Moscow Conference on International Security.

“The maximum number of combat aviation, taking into account the aircraft of the shipborne aircraft carrier group, which performed tasks from November 10, 2016 to January 10, 2017, did not exceed 35 aircraft in total. And with the introduction of the cessation of hostilities and stabilization of the situation,...


Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation: the information space has become a new theater of war

Cybersecurity threats are becoming increasingly greater value, Major General Igor Delevsky, Deputy Chief of the Main Operational Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, said at the VI Moscow Conference on International Security.

“The information space has become a new theater of war,” Delevsky said.

He noted that more than 120 countries are developing information weapons.

As an example of cyber aggression, the general named the information impact on the nuclear complex of Iran, which was taken away ...


Since the beginning of the operation in Syria, the Russian Aerospace Forces have carried out over 70,000 airstrikes

Since September 30, 2015, the aviation of the Russian Aerospace Forces has carried out more than 23,000 sorties in Syria, said Sergey Rudskoy, head of the Main Operations Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, during the Moscow Conference on International Security.

“In total, since the beginning of the military operation, the aviation of the Russian Aerospace Forces has made more than 23,000 sorties and delivered about 77,000 air strikes,” Rudskoy said.


Russia will help Laos in demining the territory

Russian Defense Minister General of the Army Sergei Shoigu and head of the military department of Laos Tyansamon Tannyalat discussed the issue of demining the territory of the republic, Tyannyalat told reporters following a meeting at the VI Moscow International Security Conference in Moscow.

“One of the issues of cooperation is the issue of demining the territory of Laos from unexploded ordnance left over from the time of the Indochina war. This cooperation will be carried out both in a bilateral format and in the format of a working group on humani...


Russia's permanent representative to NATO called Europe's defense spending prohibitive

European defense spending exceeds the combined military spending of China and Russia, Russia's Permanent Representative to NATO Alexander Grushko said during the Moscow Conference on International Security.

“Of course, we must not forget that the $250 billion spent by European countries for their own defense, these are exorbitant amounts that exceed, for a moment, the combined military spending of Russia and China. If the European countries of NATO and Canada comply with the Warsaw standard, this will mean another increase in military ...


Shoigu spoke about the importance of cooperation between Russia and Israel in the fight against terrorism

Cooperation between Russia and Israel will be aimed at strengthening the fight against terrorism, Russian Defense Minister General of the Army Sergei Shoigu said at a meeting with his Israeli counterpart Avigdor Lieberman.

“Our countries are connected by many things, and in many regions we are aimed at developing partnership with Israel as a key partner and player in the Middle East. We have been cooperating for a long time in solving regional and global problems," Shoigu said, quoted by the press service of the Russian Defense Ministry.

He recalled that the Russian Federation and...


The General Staff of the Russian Federation formulated pessimistic and optimistic security scenarios in Europe

The General Staff of the RF Armed Forces sees two options for developing the prospects for European security, Chief of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces Valery Gerasimov said during the Moscow Conference on International Security.

“As for the prospects for European security. Realistically assessing the current situation, we see two options for its development,” Gerasimov said.

According to him, the first option is pessimistic, since the existing contradictions between Russia and NATO continue to deepen and the alliance is further expanding, preserving...


The Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Federation warned NATO about possible errors in determining the perpetrators of cyber attacks

NATO's goal of finding and punishing the perpetrators of cyber attacks is technically unrealizable and can lead to dangerous mistakes, General of the Army Valery Gerasimov, Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, said at the 6th Moscow Conference on International Security organized by the Russian Ministry of Defense.

“In modern conditions, the true sources of such attacks are almost impossible to identify. In this regard, it becomes possible to “appoint” the perpetrators absolutely without evidence and influence them with military methods ...


The General Staff of the Russian Federation announced the activation of NATO intelligence near the borders of Russia

Relations between Russia and NATO are now at their lowest point since the end of cold war, said Valery Gerasimov, Chief of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces, during the Moscow Conference on International Security.

“The intelligence activity of the alliance along the perimeter of the borders is being activated. Russian Federation", - said Gerasimov.

According to him, offensive weapons are also being accumulated along the entire line of contact between Russia and NATO. He also noted that Negative influence plans for regional security...


Former Afghan President Says It's Impossible to Assess Damage from U.S. Use of 'Mother of All Bombs'

Afghanistan does not have the necessary technology to assess the damage from the use of the "mother of all bombs" by the United States on the territory of the country, former Afghan President Hamid Karzai said during the Moscow Conference on International Security.

“The United States of America dropped the most powerful non-nuclear bomb on the territory of Afghanistan, the so-called “mother of all bombs”. The damage that was done to people, as well as environment and, of course, for us Afghans it will be difficult to assess, because we do not have the technology that could ...


Iranian Defense Minister calls for Israeli nuclear disarmament

Iran is in favor of nuclear disarmament and demands that Israel renounce the possession of weapons of mass destruction, Iranian Defense Minister Hossein Dekhan said at the VI Moscow Conference on International Security, organized by the Russian Defense Ministry.

“We are confident that an international will must be formed for nuclear disarmament. At least in the Middle East, Israel should be disarmed, deprived of any weapons of mass destruction, including chemical, nuclear, in order to guarantee ...


Iranian Defense Minister warns US against military scenario against North Korea

A military solution to the North Korean nuclear problem could lead to dangerous global consequences, Iranian Defense Minister Hossein Dekhan said at the 6th Moscow Conference on International Security organized by the Russian Defense Ministry.

“We are convinced that if the crisis on the Korean Peninsula shifts towards military options, it will have devastating global implications", - said the Iranian minister.


Iranian Defense Minister accuses US of trying to create new fascism

Iranian Defense Minister Hossein Dehkan, in his speech at the Moscow Conference on International Security, compared the US foreign policy with the ideology of fascism.

"In this process, the Americans, with the help of a new police doctrine of the commercialization of security, are trying to present a new form of world fascism and fix their role in the world order," Dehkan said.

According to him, the result of such US policy is "the creation of false and imaginary threats and the division of labor between regional and outside ...


Lavrov: the party of war is gaining the upper hand in Kyiv

The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs expects that the Western partners of the Russian Federation will be able to force Ukraine to carry out the actions provided for by the Minsk agreements, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said during the Moscow Conference on International Security.

“Unfortunately, the war party is gaining the upper hand in Kyiv. Armed provocations continue along the line of contact, as evidenced by the reports of the OSCE special monitoring mission. A blockade has been introduced against the Donbass, the damage from which is caused not only to this region, but also to Ukraine.


The head of the FSB announced the formation of a new global network by terrorists

International terrorism is changing tactics and geography of actions, said the director Federal Service Security of the Russian Federation Alexander Bortnikov at the VI Moscow Conference on International Security, organized by the Russian Ministry of Defense.

"Practically we are talking on the formation of a new large-scale terrorist network,” said the director of the FSB.

He noted that the leaders of ISIS and other terrorist organizations banned in the Russian Federation are actively transferring militants to Afghanistan, Yemen and deep into the African continent.

"Except t...


Lavrov: Russia is in favor of a trade embargo against IS-controlled territories

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that Russia is in favor of introducing a trade and economic embargo against IS-controlled territories.

“We are in favor of introducing a comprehensive trade and economic embargo against the territories under the control of IS in accordance with Article 41 of the UN Charter, which would provide for sanctions against violators,” Lavrov said during the Moscow Conference on International Security.

Acts of information aggression by individual countries pose a particular threat to international security, said Nikolai Patrushev, Secretary of the Russian Security Council, during the Moscow Conference on International Security.

“Acts of information aggression on the part of individual countries pose a particular threat to international security. The juggling of facts and falsification of data have become the hallmark of those who, on the basis of fabricated information, allow themselves to encroach on the sovereignty and territorial integrity of...

Russia and NATO have not yet discussed the possibility of holding another meeting at the ambassadorial level, Russia's Permanent Representative to NATO Alexander Grushko told reporters on the sidelines of the Moscow Conference on International Security.

“Not discussed yet. We haven't started consultations yet,” Grushko said, answering a question about when the next meeting of the Russia-NATO Council at the level of ambassadors could take place.

He noted that representatives of the military departments participate in meetings of the Russia-NATO Council, but I don’t meet separately ...

TASS-DOSIER /Valery Korneev/. On April 27-28, 2016, the V Moscow Conference on International Security will be held in the congress park of the Moscow Radisson Royal Hotel ("Radisson Royal", until 2010 - the Ukraine Hotel).

The main topic of the forum will be the fight against terrorism. At the conference, it is planned to raise the topic of security in the Asia-Pacific region, discuss the problems of war and peace in Europe, consider issues global security and military cooperation. Special attention is planned to be paid to the situation in the Middle East, the role of the armed forces in countering "color revolutions", and ensuring security in Central Asia.

Moscow Conference on International Security(Moscow Conference on International Security, MCIS) is an annual event held by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

The goals of the forum are to strengthen the interaction of military departments different countries and search for joint ways to counter new challenges and threats. Held with the participation of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, General of the Army Sergei Shoigu, ministers of defense or their deputies from the CSTO, SCO, NATO, countries of the Middle East, Europe and Asia, leaders international organizations, as well as representatives of academia and non-governmental experts.

Since 2014, the military leadership of most NATO countries has refused to participate in the conference and European Union. Russian President Vladimir Putin usually sends a welcoming message to the conference participants.

Event History

The first international conference was held on May 3-4 2012 The event was called "Missile defense factor in the formation of a new security space."

About 200 leading politicians, military experts and experts from 50 countries were invited to the forum (the total number of participants was not published). The conference delegates discussed the issues of anti-missile defense (ABM), assessing the threats of the proliferation of missile technologies and identifying areas of cooperation in this area.

May 23-24 2013 The Russian Defense Ministry held the Moscow Conference on European Security. The forum discussed various aspects this topic, including the problems of missile defense, conventional arms control in Europe, interaction between Russia and NATO.

During the plenary session, Head of the Russian Presidential Administration Sergei Ivanov, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces Valery Gerasimov, OSCE Secretary General Lamberto Zannier, heads of defense departments of European states and high-ranking officials of international organizations spoke at the plenary session.

The US Department of Defense was represented at the conference by Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Russian, Ukrainian and Eurasian Affairs Evelyn Farkas. All NATO countries were also represented at the forum.

AT 2014 the event took its current name. The conference held on May 23-24 was devoted to strengthening global security and ways to resolve regional crises with an emphasis on the situation in the Middle East, North Africa, and around Afghanistan.

Particular attention was paid to the analysis of the phenomenon of "color" revolutions. More than 300 delegates from more than 40 countries took part in the forum meetings. About a hundred foreign participants, accompanied by the Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Anatoly Antonov, visited the 2nd Guards Motorized Rifle Division Tamanskaya in Alabino near Moscow.

In his message to the forum participants, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called the conference in Moscow "a useful forum for exchanging views on current and emerging crises."

The theme of the fourth conference (April 16-17 2015) was formulated as "Global Security: Challenges and Perspectives". More than 400 delegates from 70 countries discussed the threats of international terrorism and the possibilities of military-political instruments, international military cooperation to ensure regional and global stability.

Most NATO countries were represented at the level of military attaches. At the same time, Panos Kammenos, Minister of Defense of Greece, a member of the North Atlantic Alliance, took part in the forum.

And Chief of the General Staff Valery Gerasimov outlined three ways to deal with it

On Wednesday, the VI Moscow Conference on International Security MCIS-2017, organized by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, began its work in Moscow, which brought together 708 participants from 83 countries. According to the head of the military department, Sergei Shoigu, the conference has become "an annual forum that brings together representatives of defense departments, international organizations and non-governmental experts in search of answers to key global security issues." The correspondent of "MK" was also present at the conference.

The meeting was opened by the Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, Nikolai Patrushev, who read out the address of the President of Russia. In this message, Vladimir Putin noted that the forum “has firmly established itself as a sought-after platform for professional discussions on a wide range problems of global and regional security, the search for optimal ways to solve them. …At the center of your agenda is the topic of combating international terrorism, which has assumed unprecedented proportions and, in fact, has challenged civilization.”

Nikolai Patrushev himself also noted that in the current conditions, the course of individual states towards unilateral actions and interference in the internal affairs of other countries seems especially dangerous. According to him, this leads not only to the emergence of wars and international conflicts but also to the intensification of terrorism - main threat security at present. Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu dwelled on the threats in his speech in more detail, drawing Special attention to such global security challenges as “the development of missile defense systems and lightning global impact using high-precision non-nuclear means large radius actions comparable in effect to nuclear weapons". In addition, the number one global threat in the modern world, according to Shoigu, is terrorism. He condemned "flirting" with terrorists and supporting them in any form, saying that the elimination of terrorists is one of the priorities of the Russian Ministry of Defense, an example of which is the operation of our Aerospace Forces in Syria. The minister said that as a result of this operation, terrorist organizations such as the Islamic State and Jabhat al-Nusra (organizations banned in Russia) were dealt a "powerful blow" and conditions were created to launch the process of political settlement in the country. In this regard, he positively assessed the interaction with the United States on the Syrian issue, at the same time noting that cooperation between Russia and NATO was frozen. And it happened not at the initiative of our country. "A tough and uncompromising information war is being waged against Russia," Shoigu said. He recalled that the countries of the North Atlantic Alliance have begun to deploy military infrastructure near the borders of Russia and are implementing dangerous strategic schemes. Minister Shoigu called the US missile attack on Syria a security threat to the Russian military. He said that "such steps force us to take additional measures to ensure the safety of personnel.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, in his speech at the conference, also spoke about the problems of terrorism, emphasizing it international aspect. He paid special attention to the need to "work on the mistakes" and to recognize as untenable the actions and decisions that pushed the Middle East and North Africa "on an inclined plane of general degradation of the situation with an as yet unclear outcome." To do this, according to Lavrov, it is necessary to recognize the cultural and civilizational diversity of countries modern world and refuse to impose values ​​from outside.

In particular, Minister Lavrov drew attention to the danger that manifested itself in recent times. According to him, the terrorists had at their disposal technical documentation and production facilities for creating chemical weapons which they already use. In this regard, he recalled the Russian initiative to develop within the framework of the Conference on Disarmament international convention on combating acts of chemical terrorism and on a proposal to expand the possible scope of the convention to include measures to counter biological terrorist threats.

The chief of the General Staff, General of the Army Valery Gerasimov, also spoke about the growth of the terrorist threat in his speech, noting that Russia has extensive experience in combating it. In the Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation of 2014, the growing activity global terrorism was first identified as a military hazard. Russia is one of the first countries, since the 1990s, to gain experience in combating terrorists on its territory. “We repelled that first attack of terrorism and drew several conclusions for ourselves: firstly, it is necessary to prepare the armed forces for the fight against terrorist formations in advance; secondly, terrorism must be beaten preemptively, on early stages formation of a threat, preventing its ideology from penetrating the minds of the population, developing and capturing new territories; thirdly, terrorism cannot be eliminated without the use of military force, but it cannot be defeated by military force alone,” said the Chief of the General Staff.

As an example, Valery Gerasimov named Syria: "the development of events in Syria according to the Libyan scenario would lead to the fact that a recently prosperous country would turn into a source of terrorist danger for the entire region." Russian intervention prevented this development. The general noted that Russian divisions are engaged in Syria exclusively in anti-terrorist activities, being there legally.

At the conference, speeches were also made by foreign guests. In particular, the Minister of Defense of China People's Republic Colonel General Chang Wangquan believes that to combat terrorism, comprehensive measures are needed to eliminate not only the symptoms, but also the causes of the problem - political, economic, cultural and diplomatic. The fight against terrorism, in his opinion, should receive the support of the people. At the same time, Chang Wangquan emphasized the danger of the growth of nuclear terrorism. He also called for abandoning double standards in the fight against terrorism and not dividing terrorists into "good" and "bad".

Minister of Defense and Support of the Armed Forces Islamic Republic Iran's Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan called "the Takfirist-Zionist forces supported by the United States, Israel and some countries of the Middle East, led by Saudi Arabia who are the creators and sponsors of terrorist groups.” The minister called Russia's presence in Syria "a symbol of international cooperation in the fight against terrorism."

The Minister of Defense of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Khawaja Muhammad Asif, paid special attention in his words to the socio-economic causes of terrorism. He said: “When people are robbed of their dignity, self-respect and subjected to social and economic injustice leading to inequality, the exploited begin to blindly follow the merchants of death, not only for money, but also to go against systems that have failed to respond. to their problems." He also stressed that low-intensity conflicts between states and irregular armed formations have become widespread today. Thus, modern wars there is no clear theater of operations and front line, - the minister believes. He stated that Pakistan supports the efforts of the Quadripartite Coordination Group on Afghanistan and is seriously concerned about inciting subversion and aiding terrorism by various intelligence agencies.

This topic was continued ex-president of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, Hamid Karzai, who began his speech with a story about the recent history of Afghanistan, which was heavily affected by external interference. After entering Soviet troops outside support for Islamist movements and groups began in Afghanistan, which continued after the withdrawal of Soviet units. As a result, extremists began to flock to Afghanistan from all over the world. After 15 years of the US military presence in Afghanistan, the crisis has not only not ended, but has begun to spread to neighboring countries. External interference, according to Karzai, led to the formation of the Islamic State. "Terrorism continues to be the product of a policy of thoughtlessly pursuing short-term and narrow national interests at the expense of others," the politician said.

The VI Moscow Conference on International Security MCIS-2017 will continue its work on Thursday, when the discussions will touch upon the issues of combating terrorism and radical Islamism in the Middle East, security of the information space, missile defense issues, security in Central Asia.

This section presents the largest and most significant security measures, key events in the transport and fuel and energy complex of Russia

Events of RIA Security Industry

The event is a key platform for discussing the requirements of the current legislation in the field of transport security and finding ways to implement them, exchange practical experience and technologies for ensuring transport security and countering terrorism.

Events calendar

The 25th International Exhibition of Lighting, Security Systems, Building Automation and Electrical Engineering will be held this year for the first time in the international Light+Building format. More than 400 exhibitors from different countries will be represented. As part of the business program, building automation technologies, smart home and cities will be discussed at the Electrotechnical Academy and Intersec Forum Russia.

The organizers are the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the Federal Security Service of Russia, the Russian Guard. The exposition will take place on the area of ​​25 500 sq.m. in three exhibition halls. More than 400 companies will present modern security systems and means at the Exhibition.
Leading experts in the field of security will speak at the business part of the event.

Business platform for the introduction of the latest developments in the field of public, information, fire and personal security.
The objective of the exhibition is to demonstrate the entire range of workwear, personal protective equipment, IP security solutions, access warning and control systems, video surveillance and much more.

The events are held in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1903-r dated September 10, 2016 by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation with the organizational support of the Business Dialog company for an open discussion of the most relevant transport issues and strengthening mutual understanding between government officials and the business community.

The exhibition is designed to demonstrate technological innovations and achievements modern systems automation, electrical and lighting engineering, energy and resource saving, to enable manufacturers and equipment suppliers to present their products and services in a rapidly developing region.

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