German infantry company (Schuetzenkompanie). Sniper

Health 03.07.2019

A candidate for the profession of a sniper must have a number of personal qualities and skills, without which successful training and obtaining a profession is impossible. In the armies and police units of different countries of the world, there are similar requirements for candidates for sniping training, since the specifics of this profession involve selecting the best of the best.

General requirements.

Lack of mental illness, mania, phobias, resistance to stress, stressful conditions and situations, emotional balance.

Excellent physical form, delivery of the required standards for physical fitness for the mark "excellent" during the selection.

No dependence on drugs, cigarettes, alcohol.

100% or not less than 20/20 vision in both eyes and 100% hearing in both ears, no color blindness.

Pass a special test to determine the level of IQ (mental development).

The candidate must possess such qualities as discipline, determination, initiative.

Selection of candidates for training in the profession of "sniper-saboteur" in units and formations of the Land Forces of the Russian Federation.

The selection begins with a thorough study of the personal file of each candidate, observation of the serviceman during his service and in everyday life, personal conversations. Priority is given to military personnel who have and possess the following qualities:

Shooting range.

100% vision and hearing.

From childhood they were attached to hunting.

Observation, emotional stability, calm temperament.

They are above average in physical fitness.

They showed excellent results in the main subjects of training at the final stage of the single training of soldiers (primarily in shooting).

The personal files of such military personnel as candidates for snipers are submitted to the headquarters of the unit by the commander of the combined unit.

Qualification requirements for the candidate.

For health reasons, he is fit for service in the reconnaissance units of the SV / Airborne Forces (ground / airborne troops).

For military personnel serving on conscription (conscripts) - at least 12 months of service in deployed motorized rifle, airborne, reconnaissance and airborne, reconnaissance units, special forces (army special forces, GRU special forces, special forces of the Airborne Forces, etc.) units marines who expressed a desire to continue serving on a contract basis.

For military personnel serving on a contract basis, in addition to the above requirements, preferably with experience in combat operations in zones of local conflicts. Age group - the first (up to 35 years).

Sports category is preferably the first, but not less than the second. Sports - bullet sports shooting, all-around GTO, biathlon, athletics, tourism, mountain tourism, orienteering.

Single (priority).

Non-smokers (priority).

Non-Muslims (priority).

Are not only child in the family / sole breadwinner.

Successfully passed the test for psychological fitness for the profession "sniper".

Successfully passed tests on:

  • Shooting from SVD and AK.
  • Physical training in volumes and according to the standards of the VSK (Military Sports Complex) 1 tbsp.
  • general education base.

Practical tests and standards.

Physical fitness.

Level physical development a candidate for training in the profession of "sniper" is determined by three main exercises of the NFP:

  • Running for a distance of 300 m = 13 seconds.
  • Pull-ups on the crossbar with an average overhand grip = 17 times (clean, without jerking).
  • Running for a distance of 3000 m = 12 min. 30 sec. (field uniform).

The above exercises are performed sequentially, with the necessary time for rest in order to restore the normal rhythm of breathing and the body as a whole.

The assessment of passing the standards by candidates is made up of the marks they received and is determined in accordance with the requirements of the NFP (Physical Training Manual). Overall rating:

  • "Excellent" - two "Excellent", one "Good".
  • "Good" - two "Good", one "Satisfactory".
  • "Satisfactory" - two "Satisfactory" and no "Unsatisfactory" rating, or one "Unsatisfactory" rating, and the remaining ratings are positive, one of which is "Good".
  • "Unsatisfactory" - more than two ratings "Unsatisfactory".

Candidates with a score of at least "Good" will be admitted.

Test for visual memory and observation.

Ten stealth targets are set in the 200x1000 observation band. Candidates are given 10 minutes to observe and locate targets, after which they are asked to move into cover so that the observation strip is not in their field of view.

At this time, at least half of the targets are moved to other places in the lane and additionally masked. The candidates are then asked to re-observe and study this band for 10 minutes. The test is considered passed if, during repeated observation and study of the strip, the candidate detects all ten targets and fixes a permutation of at least three of them.

Lack of reaction to the shot.

The reason for the occurrence of such a reaction is purely psychological: the shooter, knowing that a shot from a rifle is accompanied by a recoil of the weapon in the shoulder and a loud bang (if the rifle is not equipped with a tactical silencer), involuntarily prepares for experiencing these unpleasant sensations and, in anticipation of the moment when they should occur, involuntarily makes a compensatory movement towards them.

The manifestation of a reaction to a shot can be of the most diverse nature: frequent blinking, a nervous tic and / or closing the eyes before a shot, trembling of one or both hands, involuntary movements of various parts of the body (most often the shoulder), a sharp descent trigger sniper rifle, etc.

All these manifestations are the result of the presence of a reaction to a shot, which can lead to the discovery of one's positions in front of the enemy (unmasking), an inaccurate shot, failure of a combat mission, injury or death of the sniper himself and / or those whom he covers with fire.

The presence of a pronounced reaction to a shot from a sniper-saboteur and a sniper in general is unacceptable, since when performing a combat mission this can cost the health and life of both the sniper himself, his partner, and members of the reconnaissance and sabotage group, of which he is a member.

Therefore, when selecting candidates for training in the "sniper" profession, the unit commander takes note of those who, in his opinion, performed all technical actions with weapons as correctly as possible at the firing line before and after firing a shot, and then compares the results of target shooting with the results of their observations .

To determine the presence of a reaction to a shot, the following proven method is used: one training cartridge is loaded into the magazine of a rifle or machine gun. The shooter, not having information about whether the weapon is loaded or not, aims at the target and releases the trigger. At the same time, it is clearly visible to the supervisor observing from the side whether the shooter makes compensating movements towards the shot, preparing for recoil and the loud sound of the shot. And since the shot as such does not occur, this movement or movements are also clearly visible to the shooter himself.

Selection of candidates for training in the profession of "police sniper" in special departments of internal affairs RF.

A police sniper is trained to fight against especially dangerous armed criminals, terrorists who have taken civilians hostage. main feature The work of a police sniper, unlike an army sniper, consists in working on targets located at a distance of no more than 200-300 meters from their position. Very important are spatial orientation, precise coordination of movements, well-developed functions of perception, the ability to quickly assess a rapidly changing situation and navigate it, correctly identify the target, hostages or random persons who are close to the criminal.

The candidate for training is selected from the employees law enforcement who have significant experience in the police and are well versed in all areas of its activities. Priorities in the selection of candidates:

  • Emotional balance, calmness, patience.
  • Good physical preparation.
  • IQ above average (more than 100 units).
  • Non-smoker and non-alcoholic.
  • Possessing practical knowledge in bvlistike.
  • Occupying prizes in various sports and shooting competitions.

Psychophysiological contraindications to candidates for the position of a police sniper.

  • Chronic physical and mental illnesses.
  • Emotional-vegetative instability (sweating, permanent trembling of the limbs, frequent redness / blanching of the skin of the face.
  • Tendency to mental maladaptation, reduced psychological stability.
  • Increased anxiety, anxiety, fear, feeling of persecution.
  • A tendency to negative emotional and evaluative reactions, increased resentment, irritability.
  • Lack of emotional restraint, increased impulsiveness, a tendency to publicly spectacular response to external stimuli.

Evaluation of the qualities of candidates for the position of a police sniper.

  • Moral principles and priorities (value-legal orientation).
  • Professional sense of duty and purposefulness.
  • Willingness to solve complex professional problems (intensity of motivation).
  • The level of intelligence, heuristic and operational thinking.
  • Social maturity, confidence in oneself and in one's actions, adequacy of self-esteem.
  • High level of mental and physical self-control.
  • Resistance to physical and mental stress.

Qualification standards and tests.

Physical fitness.

  • Running for a distance of 3000 m = 13 min.
  • Pull-ups on the crossbar with an average upper grip = 16 times.
  • Push-ups from the floor / ground = 50 times in 60 seconds.
  • Pulling the legs to the chest = 50 to 60 times in 60 seconds.

Target shooting.

  • From a prone position from a stop at a distance of 300 m on a head target measuring 30x20 cm, which appears for 5-6 seconds in the window opening - defeat from the first shot.
  • From a prone position with support at a distance of 300 m along a chest figure 150 cm high - hitting the target in the chest area.
  • From a prone position with support at a distance of 200 m on a target measuring 12x12 cm.
  • From a prone position at a distance of 100 m on a target-square 4x4 cm: 6 shots = 6 hits (all bullets must be placed on the target).

Additional combined tests.

  • Instantaneous shooting on the "fire" command at stationary and moving targets (working out the "surprise factor").
  • Running in combat gear at a distance of 100 m and shooting from a prone position at a target-circle with a diameter of 8 cm.

Selection of snipers for special forces units of the Internal Troops Russian Federation.

Snipers of special forces of the Internal Troops of the Russian Federation support the capture group with fire, destroy armed members of gangs and terrorists. This type of sniper operates autonomously with a partner who corrects fire on targets, maintains constant communication with the commander of the cover group and the command headquarters of the combat special operation.

The commander of the special forces group personally selects candidates for the position of snipers from among volunteers and tests them for compliance with the position. The group of candidates includes special forces fighters who show consistently high results in automatic shooting, former sportsmen in bullet shooting, and hunters.

A sniper of a special forces unit of the RF Internal Troops must have the following personal qualities:

  • Decisiveness.
  • Discipline.
  • Emotional stability.
  • The temperament of a sanguine person with a bias towards the phlegmatic.
  • Able to quickly make the right decision in accordance with the current situation.

Testing of candidates is carried out in three stages on one day for 6 hours without a break. Shooting is carried out from machine guns at chest targets No. 4 measuring 50x50 cm.

First stage.

Obtaining background comparative results. Shooting. Testing under normal conditions. There is no load.


Shooting prone from the hand without stop.

Target: target number 4 (chest figure).

Distance: 100 meters.

Ammunition: 10 rounds.

Order of execution: the fighter is given 10 live cartridges, the target number is indicated, after the command "To the firing line - to battle!", the fighter takes the starting position, equips the machine shop and opens fire on the target indicated to him.

Exercise time: 60 seconds with magazine equipment.

Shooting at targets in an arbitrarily specified sequence (transfer of fire).

Targets: five #4 targets spaced 1 meter apart.

Distance: 100 m.

Ammunition: 25 rounds.

the fighter is given 25 live rounds, the command "Equip the store!" Sounds. Then the command "To battle!" Follows, the fighter takes his starting position, sends the cartridge into the chamber of the weapon and waits for the command. The Range Officer randomly calls out the target number (eg 5; 2; 4; 1; 3; 2; 5; 1, etc.), the shooter must hit them.

2 seconds for 1 shot.

Shooting from a waiting state.

Target: target number 4.

Distance: 100 m.

Ammunition: 5 rounds.

The order of the exercise: the fighter equips the magazine with cartridges. At the command "To the firing line, to battle!", the shooter takes his original position, sends the cartridge into the chamber and waits for the command "Fire!", Which follows at various intervals, for example, on the 5th, 9th, 18th, 24 -th and 27th minutes (at the discretion of the chief of fire). 5 shots are fired in 30 minutes, the time for one shot is 2 seconds.

Time to complete the exercise: 30 minutes.

Second phase.

Soldiers equipped in the SIB (personal armor protection equipment), with a loaded weapon, make a forced march over a distance of 20 km under the guidance of an officer of a special forces unit, assisted by 3-4 instructors for special training and a military doctor. No more than 5 fighters are assigned to each of the instructors. The instructors carefully observe the behavior and actions of each of the fighters and evaluate their actions. In the course of the forced march, the standards for:

  • overcoming a section of rough terrain by dashes.
  • overcoming a piece of terrain in a plastunski way (crawling).
  • out of enemy fire.


  • to overcome areas of difficult wetlands.
  • to overcome water obstacles of various depths.
  • for carrying the wounded.

During the march, 6 stops are made at pre-selected points: 3 stops for 5 minutes to draw up a card with a schematic designation of the area, landmarks and indicate the distance to them (sniper cards); 3 stops of 3 minutes each to practice camouflage under the terrain using improvised means and objects.

Third stage.

The end of the march is at the firing line, the above three exercises are performed on the move: thus, testing takes place after significant psychological and physical stress received by the fighters (against the background of fatigue).

The results of all three stages are studied by the officers of the unit. Preference is given to fighters who showed the highest results at all three stages of testing-selection, both without load and against the background of fatigue: those who most accurately compiled a sniper card, showed initiative, endurance, endurance and courage at the second and third stages of testing.

If the results are stable or have not deteriorated, then the fighter's nervous system is able to withstand strong loads and stresses, thereby maintaining the body in a normal combat-ready state for combat missions.

If a fighter showed excellent results when testing without load, and a significant deterioration followed against the background of fatigue, it means that he has a weak nervous system and cannot remain an effective combat unit after testing strong physical and psychological stress, be resistant to stressful conditions.

Accuracy - politeness of saboteurs

The idea of ​​creating separate sniper companies in each brigade of the Russian Armed Forces was announced four years ago. As a source in the Ministry of Defense told MK, now "the implementation of this idea has reached the finish line and the formation of such units will be completed in 2015." They became necessary because of the growing role of snipers in the conduct of hostilities, especially in cities.

"MK" decided to figure out how they prepare and what they equip professional snipers at the present stage.

History of the snipe hunters

If you delve into history, then the definition of "sniper" first appeared in English army in the 18th century. It comes from the English snipe - "snipe". This is a small and nimble bird, the flight path of which is almost unpredictable, so the shot must be carried out “offhand”. I could only get into a snipe on the fly experienced hunter who owns weapons above the average level, and even then only in the case of an exceptionally favorable set of circumstances. The term "snipe shooting" has gradually been reduced to the shorter term "sniping" (sniping). By the end of the 18th century, the word "sniper" was already present in the letters of British officers serving in India.

By the way, during the Anglo-Boer War of 1899-1902, the Boers with their long-range rifles got the British at any time of the day and, it would seem, in the safest places. The unspoken rule "three from one match does not light up" was born on the British positions in the Transvaal Republic. At night, when the officers were smoking cigars, the Boer sniper spotted the flash of a lit match and the flame of a cigar when the first one lit it, then the second officer lit it - the match flame moved, the second cigar lit up, the sniper took the lead to shift the fire. He lit a third and immediately received a bullet in the head.

Intelligence, nerves of steel and iron health

A candidate for professional sniper must meet fairly strict criteria, comparable, perhaps, with the selection of astronauts.

So, the age should not exceed 35 years. The applicant must have a sports category not lower than the second. Welcome ranks in bullet sports shooting, biathlon, athletics, tourism, mountain tourism, orienteering. Then service experience is taken into account. For example, a sniper candidate from among the conscripts must first serve the actual full term of his service (12 months) in deployed motorized rifle, airborne, reconnaissance and airborne, reconnaissance units, special forces units, and marine infantry units. It is preferable for contractors to also have experience in combat operations in zones of local conflicts.

If we talk more about physical training, then it is evaluated according to three standards: running for a distance of 100 m - 13 seconds, running for a distance of 3 km - 12 minutes. 30 sec., pull-ups on the crossbar with an average upper grip - 17 times.

In addition, the candidate must not be married, not have bad habits, must not be the only child in the family or the sole breadwinner.

In addition to experience, health and excellent grades in shooting, you must have unlimited endurance and nerves of steel. After all, the life of a sniper depends on self-control and calmness. As the professionals say, the most experienced shooters on long distance- these are people with an analytical mindset, patient, dispassionate, planning their every step. Of course, they have emotions, but they have learned to overcome them in order to mentally send stress and anxiety into oblivion. Trained patience allows the sniper to lie still in the snow, rain and heat for hours, waiting for a shot that may not come. These requirements are very specific, and therefore not all candidates pass the psychological fitness test.

By the way, the knowledge gained at school is also carefully checked. Intelligence is also considered a sniper's weapon.

Army sniper classification

Of course, the most famous type of sniper is the saboteur sniper. This is, as they say, "piece goods". It takes years of painstaking training to prepare it. Such a sniper operates alone or with a partner (performing fire cover and target designation), often far from the bulk of the troops, in the rear or on enemy territory. Tasks - covert incapacitation of important targets - officers, sentinels, valuable equipment, disruption of an enemy attack, sniper terror (inducing panic on an ordinary personnel, obstruction of observation, moral suppression).

In order not to give away his position, the shooter often shoots under the cover of background noise (weather events, third-party shots, explosions, etc.). The distance of defeat is from 500 meters and more. Under favorable conditions, a person can be destroyed from a distance of 1.5-2 km from large-caliber 12.7-mm rifles. However, shooting at single targets of such small sizes from a similar distance is practically not carried out due to the large spread even for the best samples. sniper weapons. Saboteur sniper's weapon is a precision rifle with a telescopic sight, sometimes with a silencer, usually with manual reloading. Position masking plays a big role, so it is done with great care. As a disguise, materials at hand (branches, bushes, earth, dirt, garbage, etc.), a special “shaggy” camouflage coat, as it is called in the troops, “goblin suit”, or ready-made shelters can be used as a disguise.

And the most common type of sniper is the infantry sniper. It first appeared in the USSR in the 60s. Such a sniper, like a machine gunner or grenade launcher, operates as part of a unit. Sometimes paired with a machine gunner or a couple of machine gunners (cover group). Tasks - increasing the infantry combat radius, destroying important targets (machine gunners, other snipers, grenade launchers, ATGM crews, signalmen). As a rule, does not have time to select a target; shoots at everyone in sight.

The combat distance rarely exceeds 400 meters. Weapon: self-loading rifle, the main emphasis on light weight and reliability. Sometimes such snipers are supplied with serial machine guns, which are selected at the arms factory according to the criterion of “hit accuracy” and receive an optical sight. Infantry sniper rifles are rarely equipped with silencers.

Extremely mobile, often changes position. As a rule, it has the same means of disguise as the rest of the soldiers.

Sniper weaponry

Now a professional sniper is provided the latest weapons and special equipment. For example, a sniper pair is equipped with optical-electronic surveillance equipment - a small-sized laser reconnaissance device, binoculars and means for determining the initial data for firing.

If we talk about weapons, then snipers are armed with, for example, 6S8 or ASVK sniper systems of 12.7x108mm caliber, which can hit a target at a distance of one and a half kilometers. There is also a special VSS sniper rifle and its development - a low-noise VAL assault rifle and a modernized VSSM rifle.

But with the classic rifle, which a professional sniper should be armed with, the troops have not yet decided. The controversy that the current sniper rifles are obsolete and it is high time for the Russian one to be re-equipped with new-style sniper systems has been going on for more than a year. The "classic of the genre", the SVD rifle, has been in service for more than 50 years, and many experts believe that it is high time to hand over this weapon to the museum, and not to use it in real combat conditions. However, it is not yet possible to arrange a “sniper revolution” and replace the “good old” Dragunov rifle with a fundamentally new weapon.

SVD, or as it is also called “paddle” in the troops, according to weapons experts, is one of the best in the world in the class of self-loading sniper weapons in terms of such parameters as accuracy and accuracy of fire, simplicity of design and reliability of automation. Of course, it has a number of disadvantages, but the world has not yet created an inexpensive self-loading sniper rifle that has a higher accuracy of fire while maintaining the same reliability of automation as that of the SVD in a variety of climatic conditions. The disadvantages of the rifle include the fact that it does not provide the necessary accuracy of shooting at distances of more than 400 meters, the accuracy of the SVD is no longer sufficient to solve a number of sniper tasks.

High-end snipers need a rifle chambered for a more powerful cartridge, such as the .338 Lapua Magnum (8.6×70 mm), which allows you to confidently hit targets at a distance of more than a kilometer with high accuracy, which are also protected by means of personal armor protection. Now the Russian arms industry is ready to submit several promising sniper rifles to the Defense Ministry. We can recall the development of the Kalashnikov concern - the SV-98 sniper rifle, designed to equip the Russian armed forces, or the ORSIS T-5000 rifle. Probably both of these models will be used by new sniper units.

The art of being invincible

“The sniper is a hunter. The hunter must be invisible. The sniper's invulnerability demoralizes the enemy. Your method is stealth. Your working tool is patience. Learn to endure hunger, cold, pain, immobility. Only this will allow you to destroy the enemy everywhere, even in the depths of his defenses. The enemy is a beast. Track him down and lure him out for a shot. The enemy is cunning - be smarter than him. He's tough - be tougher than him. Your profession is art. You can do what others cannot. You are trusted. Behind you - . Be ruthless. You will win because you must win! The sniper is obliged not only to destroy the enemy's manpower, but also to paralyze the enemy's organization of current combat work with accurate shooting. To do this, destroy his officers; arrange an hourly hunt for his scouts, observers, signalmen, artillery spotters; smash their observation devices; blind the enemy; wean him from walking to his full height; make him crawl; do not let him lean out; sow panic among the lower ranks. The ultimate goal of a sniper is fear. Appear where you are not expected. Remember: the enemy must be afraid!

This instruction was compiled during the Great Patriotic War, during the defense of Stalingrad, the commander of the 62nd Army, General Vasily Ivanovich Chuikov. It is written harshly, but it clearly articulates the goals and objectives of the sniper. And in modern realities this admonition of the legendary commander has not lost its relevance.

It is no secret that in connection with the introduction into the composition of combined arms formations Ground forces special sniper units , the formation of a phased and multi-level system for the selection and training of snipers began in the troops. After completing the recruitment phase of individual sniper companies, all snipers will undergo special training in training centers with a frequency of once every 3-4 years. Curricula have been developed for the sniper training schools that are being formed, providing for the mastery of a set of knowledge, skills and abilities, including artillery fire adjustment, army aviation guidance and counter-sniper training. The instructors, from among whom the newly formed sniper training schools will be recruited by December 1 at the district training centers (OTC), have completed a special fire training cycle (TsOPS) in the city of Solnechnogorsk.

At the finish line, a trained sniper will be able to act both as part of a unit and independently (or in pairs). The formation of sniper units in the Ground Forces, staffed by professional contracted military personnel and undergoing systematic training at sniper schools at the training center and at the TsOPS (Solnechnogorsk), is scheduled to be fully completed in 2016.

Due to the variety of fire missions performed, the sniper units are armed with several types of rifles with different indicators of the main combat properties. In addition, each sniper is given a personal weapon - a pistol. In addition to weapons and sights, the sniper pair is equipped with optoelectronic surveillance equipment - a small-sized laser reconnaissance device, binoculars and means for determining the initial data for firing. Individual and group equipment of a sniper pair includes a sniper complex, uniforms, equipment and other equipment necessary to complete tasks and maintain life.

We managed to get into one of these newly formed separate sniper companies (27th brigade) in order to find out how live firing of snipers is carried out, including in pairs and with the use of fire support, what happens in tactical-special classes (movement, equipment and camouflage of the firing position ), why psychological testing of snipers is needed and how things are with medical training.

For future fighters of individual sniper units, several qualifications have been introduced, one of which is psychological. A specially trained civilian psychologist (in the past - an officer), with the help of proven methods for predicting the behavior of a fighter at an early stage, identifies people who do not have the proper level of neuropsychic stability. Testing is normal. Each candidate receives a form, the psychologist reads the questions-statements, the subject answers. For example, one of the tests, consisting of 86 questions, allows you to divide all candidates into 4 groups. Of these, only those included in groups 1 and 2 can be recommended for enrollment with subsequent admission to combat sniper weapons. Psychological selection during acquisition, as the psychologist said, is very strict.

After being enrolled in a sniper company, a psychologist monitors each fighter individually. If necessary, individual training sessions are again conducted with a sniper, during which it is possible to adjust such an indicator as, for example, “determination” and issue the necessary recommendations. If correction is not possible and serious issues of psychological fitness arise, the psychologist may make a proposal to remove the sniper from service in a separate sniper company. Individual therapy is possible, and as a standard this kind of therapy is carried out weekly for small groups. Nothing "cinematic" is brought into the mental training of a sniper: no one eats live frogs and does not wrap the enemy's warm intestines around his fist. They say that such training is not required for a modern military sniper.

The main qualities that the psychologist works to consolidate and develop are decisiveness, courage, and an adequate response to any new situations. Particular attention is paid to the actions of a sniper in a future battle, the most important of which is a clear and quick prioritization.

"SVD" 7.62 mm Dragunov sniper rifle

"SVD" 7.62 mm Dragunov sniper rifle

Contract Sergeant Velmatkin. Having served in the army for military service, not at all as a sniper, he was demobilized, thought about it and returned to the army again. I wanted to be a sniper. And became.

Contract Sergeant Velmatkin. Having served in the army for military service, not at all as a sniper, he was demobilized, thought about it and returned to the army again. I wanted to be a sniper. And became.

Fighters should be able to prepare this kind of camouflage suits with masks for themselves, best of all - from improvised means. The main task is to hide the silhouette of the fighter and weapons, to protect the face and hands. Of course, there are a lot of special suits on sale today, but as the pros say, they are really good and do not need finishing and “customization” - no. And the price tag usually invigorates. 5-6 thousand will have to lay out. It is, of course, available if you are an airsoft manager (this is without irony and jokes, if anything). What about a contract sergeant? Those who want to make a suitable and correct suit for themselves can go here . By the way - my friends from the police special forces, who fought a lot, made homemade sniper outfits are not neglected .

To begin with, snipers led by a young officer demonstrated typical measures to mask their position. The situation has become much more complicated weather conditions It snowed overnight and started to melt in the morning. Wet, dirty, not autumn and not winter. But it's raining. The snipers had to get out as in battle. A white camouflage coat is poorly suited for spaces not covered with snow, and green for snowy ones. To the question - But what if you need to immediately go into battle?”, the officer said that instead of a white coat, bandages and underwear would fit, and instead of a green one, equipment that was not visible from the side "beds" and special barriers.

The first of the snipers chose a place for the future "beds". A hole large enough to hide a lying person was covered with heat-insulating "foam" and a raincoat. The fighter lies on his stomach and nests in a way convenient for him, and his comrade covers the lying one with a simple mat. We are, of course, talking about wicker "local" branches, twigs and clods of snow flat design. Approximately above the head of a lying sniper, a bump is arranged using the same method. A sniper sticks a rifle into this very bump so that a sector of fire and observation is visible through the scope. In such cases, the barrel is bandaged so that the blued rifle does not stand out in the snow. In such a shelter, a sniper can spend from several hours to several days.

Depending on the length of stay, a reserve is made in terms of the volume of shelter so that the lying fighter could warm up a little, eat, drink. In winter, being in such a bed, as they said, is surprisingly not cold, unless, of course, the sniper has properly insulated himself. Great for isolation "local" spruce branches under a raincoat. A small ventilation hole allows you to breathe, and if inside is closed on all sides "beds" Also light a candle - it gets warmer. Including in the soul, as the sniper officer said. The question about natural needs was answered in the affirmative. Yes. And where to go?

A nearby open position was taken by a sniper with a white paper mask on his face (cheap and cheerful) and a piece of wire tied to a dummy. The dummy is additionally equipped with a micromirror responsible for bright reflections. He pulled the wire - the mirror glared. An enemy sniper may well shoot at the flash, and then he will be revealed by simple observation. Well, then - how lucky.

In an open field, a simple wire structure was installed with branches braided into it and bunches of dried grass. On a complete "lack of fish" and such a disguise is good. It is light, mobile and, with skillful manufacture, impenetrable to an outside observer.

Old, broken armored vehicles are a great place to equip a position. Often snipers prepare for themselves the so-called "kick". It can be either a real hollow stump or a stump made by hand on a frame. From under it, you can observe without fear of being seen, and shoot if necessary. Pro "kick", of course, all snipers know, therefore, before entering a position, they are often "shoot through" alone or with the help of infantry. Protecting yourself from enemy snipers is never superfluous. Sniper hideouts are often armored on your own and hand tools. In general, there are no limits to tricks. Now in the course of wire "spider". Metal rods on a single bolt, assembled into an umbrella-like design. He laid it out, disguised it, covered himself - that's it, the position is ready. You observe from there, you find a goal - it's a pity and go to a new place. Disguise is life.

Everything mysterious gives rise to legends. The art of a military sniper is similar to mysticism. The result of his work is terrible, and the ability to appear at the most unexpected point and instantly disappear after a shot seems supernatural. Legends about the capabilities of the best snipers are based on reality. A professional sniper can really do things that others can't.

The Russian sniper is a long knife in the enemy's heart; too long and too cruel to be ignored. You can’t ignore a sniper, neither body armor nor distance will save you, even the guards are powerless against a sniper bullet.

The best sniper on the battlefield can change the situation radically, in the political process he is able to put the necessary point and can neutralize a terrorist with the precision of a surgeon. The threat of the participation of snipers in battle puts pressure on the psyche of the enemy and makes him bend down. The very fact of his impunity and inaccessibility is depressing. A real sniper is merciless, invisible and elusive. His work is romantic, just as the process of shooting is romantic on a free hunt. We appreciate the work of snipers and the Voenpro military department has highlighted a special Sniper section in the product catalog, where thematic products are presented, here you can buy a Sniper flag "Black Berets" or buy a Sniper T-shirt of the right size.

Sniper terror organized by Soviet snipers against the Wehrmacht

Always and in all armies of the world, well-trained snipers were valued, the importance of snipers especially increased during the Great Patriotic War. As the results of this war showed, the Soviet snipers turned out to be the most productive and prepared, who, in many respects, were better than the snipers of other armies and the German Wehrmacht. The Soviet Union, as it turned out, was almost the only state in the world where they seriously and constantly taught shooting business, it was included in pre-conscription training even before the war, the older generation should remember the sign "Voroshilovsky shooter". The quality of this training was tested by the war, the Soviet snipers presented all their skills.

In the middle of 1942, Soviet snipers, who were already actively working on all fronts of the Second World War, unleashed real sniper terror against the German troops, our snipers had a huge moral impact on enemy soldiers, and this is understandable, because enemy soldiers were fired upon by our snipers almost every day and almost every minute.

The most famous Soviet sniper, Hero of Stalingrad Vasily Zaitsev, destroyed 242 German officers and soldiers, including Major Konings, head of the Berlin sniper school. Zaitsev's group for 4 months of fighting destroyed 1126 military enemies. It should be noted that the main merit of Zaitsev was not only in his personal combat account, but also in the fact that he deployed a sniper movement among the ruins of Stalingrad. By 1943, there were more than a thousand women among Soviet snipers, they had more than 12,000 killed enemies on their account, Lyudmila Mikhailovna Pavlyuchenko is considered the best of women snipers, she destroyed 309 Nazis, of which 36 were German snipers.

During the war years, a total of 428,335 excellent snipers were trained, no other army in the world can boast of such a huge number. Soviet snipers significantly increased the combat ranks of rifle units. 9534 highly qualified snipers graduated from training organizations of central subordination. Lieutenant General G.F. Morozov made a great contribution to the creation of a centralized training of sniper military.

Heroes Soviet Union during the Second World War, 87 snipers became, and 39 snipers became holders of the Order of Glory.

Combat use of snipers

The sniper is a legendary military specialty, the sniper is respected by his own, and hated by his enemies. This combat unit is autonomous, in many cases completely self-sufficient. The sniper collects information, successfully analyzes it and effectively uses it to accomplish the assigned combat mission - the elimination of the enemy, key figures, whether it be an army commander or a platoon commander.

When performing certain tasks, they use different categories snipers. Each "Policeman" sniper works alone or in pairs. When they are used, a separate radio network of police snipers is created, which goes to the head of the operation. Snipers are divided into sectors, and enemies (terrorists) are numbered. During the operation, each sniper continuously reports on the sector where the enemy is located. When destroying a criminal, a sniper attack or a volley is used. A sniper salvo was successfully used in 1976 in Djibouti during the liberation of a bus with children by the French group GIGN.

When training and using military snipers, the experience of previous military conflicts is often taken into account. For example, during the Great Patriotic War, snipers had extremely varied tactics. They acted singly, in pairs, in separate groups and as part of subunits. They were independent and could realize personal initiative. So, during the defense of the Kursk salient, in the summer of 1943, in rifle regiments prepared special sniper groups of 25-30 people. Sometimes snipers solved very original tasks: they fired at aircraft and other atypical targets.

Today, snipers exist in all the armies of the world, as well as in the special services and the police. Sniper fire is used by terrorists and criminals. So, in 2000, a sniper terrorized Washington for several weeks, who killed several people in order to obtain compensation from the authorities. The "Washington Sniper" practically worked on his own, only his adopted son helped him, however, the special services and the police for a long time couldn't catch him.

The current conflicts have dramatically increased the role of snipers in hostilities. As combat practice shows, several well-equipped and trained marksmen or a sniper group can play a decisive role in the outcome of a combat clash. For example, Carlos Hatchcock, a sergeant in the US Marine Corps, in 1967, together with his partner, conducted an unprecedented sniper operation for three days, they blocked a unit of the North Vietnamese army. After three days, almost forty people were killed, and the rest were completely demoralized. The rout was completed by an artillery raid called by radio snipers. The only Vietnamese who survived was later taken prisoner.

The panic fear of enemy snipers in many cases turns into hysteria, and any single shot from the enemy is perceived as confirmation of the sniper's work. However, not all enemy "shooters" are actually "super accurate". Here, for example: everyone has heard about the famous Finnish "cuckoos". They say that in 1940 on the Karelian Isthmus all the forests swarmed with these "cuckoos", everyone was afraid to raise their heads. And few people knew that the Finnish army had only about 200 rifles with a telescopic sight! This was the classic sniper terror: the enemy was so intimidated that he shied away from any shot. Nevertheless, a sniper hunter should prepare for a sniper duel not with an amateur, but with an experienced and serious opponent.

How significant the role of snipers was shown and fighting in Afghanistan, but snipers must be well prepared for such conflicts. It's time to stop learning only during the war.

The importance and role of snipers at the current stage of development of the Russian Armed Forces has increased immeasurably, in particular for solving topical problems in the fight against terrorism. Today, in all combined arms formations, sniper companies. Specialized units of this type did not yet exist in Russian Armed Forces. The final formation of these units, consisting entirely of professional military under contract, equipped with current weapons and uniforms, is planned to be completed in 2016.

The implementation of the developed concept of improving the system of employment and training of snipers will make it possible to establish a corps of highly professional snipers. Application of today's technical means and technologies will radically change the quality of the educational process in units and parts.

The FSO sniper is invisible, but he performs important state tasks, their responsible service is highly appreciated. Voentorg Voenpro offers to buy a FSO T-shirt with the image of an FSO sniper and the inscription: do not run from a sniper, you will die tired. In the FSO section, you can also choose other products with the image of a FSO sniper, for example, you can buy a gasoline FSO lighter, which will remind you of a well-known video on the Internet: A FSO sniper burned down at a parade.

Today, various competitions are often held, in which every MIA sniper, SOBR sniper, FSB sniper, reconnaissance sniper and OMON sniper can take part. Participants admit that such competitions help not only to exchange experience, but also provide an opportunity to test themselves at maximum loads, which helps to work better and better in real combat situations. For sportsmanship, the most accurate shooters are awarded with diplomas and valuable souvenirs. Being a marksman is one of the core professional qualities that every serviceman of different units and special services must possess.

Airborne snipers - the most trained and enterprising warriors

The sniper of the Airborne Forces belongs to the paratrooper unit. He can work both in conjunction with the parachute squad, and in a special group. The task can be performed by two snipers of the Airborne Forces together.

The combat mission of the Airborne Forces sniper includes the destruction of the most significant targets at the location of the enemy. Fire is fired from a sniper rifle at loopholes, bunkers, air targets, and observation posts. The sniper of the Airborne Forces not only has an impeccable command of sniper rifle, but also skillfully uses other types of weapons, and military equipment in an oncoming battle, on the offensive, on the defensive. The sniper of the Airborne Forces perfectly builds various kinds of shelters, makes camouflage, overcomes obstacles, etc.

The most difficult combat mission performed by a paratrooper sniper is the fight against an enemy sniper - a sniper duel. Success in this type of combat largely depends on the qualities of a warrior: perseverance, self-control, observation, restraint, cunning, dexterity. The sniper of the Airborne Forces is able to work in any conditions, in heat and cold, in windy rainy weather or in snowfall.

The Airborne Forces sniper performs his duty as part of the landing force, therefore he knows the parachute device well, knows how to make parachute jumps in all kinds of conditions and conducts combat operations immediately after landing. The snipers of the Airborne Forces are the most prepared, courageous and enterprising warriors, capable of fulfilling the assigned combat mission in any conditions.

In the Russian army, the 7.62 mm Dragunov sniper rifle is considered a traditional sniper weapon. Paratrooper snipers use the SVD-S, as well as a 9mm sniper rifle designed for silent shooting - VSS, which is known as the Vintorez.

Austrian sniper rifle MANNLICHER, STEYR SSG 04 is designed for some snipers who solve the tasks of hitting targets at a distance exceeding the potential of domestic sniper rifles. The similarity with the SVD lies in the fact that the Austrian sniper rifle also uses a 10-shot magazine and has the same caliber - 7.62 mm. However, Mannlicher uses a more powerful cartridge, which provides great aiming and lethal range - more than 1000 meters. The shutter of the Austrian sniper rifle is longitudinally sliding and requires continuous manual reloading, but provides better accuracy than the SVD.

According to Russian military personnel, foreign sniper novelty requires special training. Reconnaissance snipers practice special tactics and new usage procedures, as well as the potential for combining these two sniper rifles in various missions, during combat exercises.

A sniper is an ideal hunter, a person with a special temperament. The profession requires from a sniper great endurance, secrecy, observation, will, and the ability to think outside the box. A sniper must be able to make independent decisions, because he often performs tasks autonomously, in the absence of a commander. A sniper warrior knows how to disguise himself, when to change position, how to navigate the terrain, which sector is best to choose for observation and shelling. Physical training for a sniper, it is also a matter of life and death, because he has to not only track a target motionlessly for hours, but also often travel considerable distances during reconnaissance. And if you need to make an immediate sniper shot, this should not be prevented by stray breathing and a rapid heartbeat.

All these invaluable professional qualities can be formed only by systematic training - and only field conditions make them diverse, realistic and interesting. And the Voentorg Voenpro offers to visit the Sniper page and choose products with this theme as a gift. On Sniper Day or Airborne Forces Day, you can buy a Sniper flask for your acquaintances or friends who have chosen a worthy profession - a sniper.

Chechen sniper war

The first armed clashes in Chechnya revealed that Russian troops absolutely not prepared for sniper warfare. More than 26% of the wounds received by federal troops during the fighting were bullet wounds. According to eyewitnesses, in the battles for Grozny in January 1995 in the 8th Army Corps, almost all officers in the platoon-company unit were knocked out by sniper fire.

Chechen fighters prepared in advance to defend the city, including with the help of sniper warfare: positions were prepared and equipped, communications were established, all actions were coordinated and combat tactics were worked out. Chechen snipers acted very efficiently, competently and cruelly. Sniper pairs were mainly the basis of mobile firing groups, which included two submachine gunners, a grenade launcher and a machine gunner.

The result of the first month of battles showed that the Russian fighters were forced to start all over again from scratch and, at the cost of their blood, learn what they should have been persuaded to do long before the battles.

At the end of the “first Chechen war”, the military leadership made a logical conclusion: our servicemen lost the sniper war. For about half a century, the Russian Armed Forces did not have special training units for snipers; as a result, the experience and tactics of their use were lost. For a military sniper, the troops had neither weapons that met today's needs, nor equipment.

A training center was established in Solnechnogorsk in 1999. To staff this sniper school, officers were sent from the districts who were more trained in the field of sniping. After 6 months of training, the selected personnel received the title of sniper instructor. The main task of this training company was to train professional instructors for founded sniper schools in different military districts, and also developed training programs and tactical actions for sniper groups and single snipers in different types military actions.

"K-43" systematically sends its students to the Chechen Republic for military training. In 2000, during the assault on Grozny, this unit eliminated 51 militants, of which 8 were leading and 30 middle-level field commanders, as well as six mercenary instructors. Russian snipers eliminated 28 Chechen snipers, thereby saving the lives of dozens of soldiers.

One of characteristic features battles in the North Caucasus region were the massive use of snipers in guerrilla war. The scale of their effectiveness was such that the Russian military rightly called it a "sniper war." Not only Russian weapons SVD and VSS used Chechen shooters, but also sports rifles designed for sniping, as well as machine guns equipped with optics.

Chechen fighters on the territory of Dagestan actively used typical tactical ways use of snipers. The capture of dominant heights, passes, advantageous routes was practiced. Small fire groups were often used, which included a mortar crew, a grenade launcher and a sniper pair. At the same time, sniper fire was fired from caves and other shelters under the cover of the sounds of grenade and mortar shots.

Sniper groups were most effectively used by militants in battles in locality. They initially disabled officers, radio operators and drivers. Each sniper worked under the cover of 5-6 militants, among whom at least one was a grenade launcher. For shooting, positions were usually chosen according to the classical principle - in the depths of rooms on the middle floors of houses.

Among the Chechen snipers, a technique was very common to destroy a larger number of fighters, first one soldier was “shot down”, then the fighters who came to his aid received wounds in the limbs and, in the end, they were methodically finished off.

As another specific feature, it should be noted that the militants used the OSV-96 large-caliber sniper rifle and the VSK-94 and VSS sniper rifles.

And, nevertheless, Russian snipers, despite all the difficulties, confirmed their skills many times. So, sniper Alexander Chernyshov was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation for the heroism and courage shown while participating in the counter-terrorist operation in Chechnya.

In terms of shaping the tactics of the sniper groups, this war gave a lot, now it is important not to lose military experience, which was paid for with blood.

Snipers of the TsSN FSB department "A" - world champions

The eleventh World Championship among military and police snipers was held in Hungary from 1 to 5 June 2012. The most representative and large-scale competition was attended by active members of police and army units from around the world. In total there were 73 teams from such countries as Germany, China, USA, Italy, England, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, Israel, etc.

These competitions are distinguished from other tournaments by extremely difficult competitions. The number of exercises, their performance conditions were unknown in advance. Almost all exercises are carried out with one shot at the smallest or smallest targets, in a few seconds and from uncomfortable positions. The sniper requires the highest precision and filigree technique.

In fierce competition with last year's favorites, the Chinese team, as well as in rivalry with strong snipers from the United States and Western Europe, in such difficult conditions, the snipers of the FSB management of "Alpha" presented the best result. The FSB snipers took first place in the overall individual standings, and also received "gold" in the overall team and personal standings of police exercises. Per last years for the first time, representatives of Russia took first place in the competition, and received the title of the best snipers in the world.

This high result was won thanks to the ORSIS T-5000 sniper rifles produced by the Promtekhnologii group of companies. The T-5000 sniper rifle allows you to accurately hit targets at any distance. With any caliber, this rifle is comfortable and holds recoil well, with high-precision shooting this is very important. As the competitions showed, the T-5000 sniper rifle is convenient for brisk movement, has a small size and allows you to move over considerable distances.

In the FSB, this sniper weapon is not in service, now manufacturers are working fruitfully with the Central Security Service of the FSB of Russia in order to study the potential of a sniper rifle in order to detect operational properties and make modifications to the design. The T-5000 sniper rifle is used in field trials, manufacturers are constantly in contact with snipers testing the rifle and quickly respond to comments. The result of this work will be sniper rifles of the highest quality, which will be adopted by the Russian FSB instead of Finnish and English sniper rifles.

Now the FSB snipers have a high level of competence, a combination of both combat and sports experience. However, it must be remembered that a sniper rifle is only a tool, by itself it cannot shoot, the sniper shoots.

Today, work is also underway with the Border Service, the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Defense, the FSO and their special units. Soon, this development may become the best sniper rifle and will be purchased in service in many departments and troops.

Alfa officers, FSB snipers, showed composure, courage and an amazing will to win. They became the champions of the planet not only thanks to their skill, but also due to their fortitude. We are proud of the FSB snipers, honor and glory to them! Voentorg Voenpro offers to buy Sniper Chevron stickers and proudly celebrate the victory of our guys!

Sniper company of the 27th Motorized Rifle Brigade

Since in the course of the current hostilities the importance of sniper business is constantly growing, in combined arms formations ground forces sniper units are being introduced, which today are staffed by military personnel. All snipers of individual sniper companies will undergo special training at established training centers every 3-4 years. Each sniper school works according to special training programs that provide for the mastery of a set of skills, knowledge and skills. Instructors in these OTCs (district training centers) completed a fire training cycle in Solnechnogorsk.

A specially trained psychologist with the assistance of established methods identifies people who do not have the proper level of neuropsychic stability. The testing carried out in company 27 of the Motorized Rifle Brigade is the most ordinary. For example, one of the tests, which consists of 86 questions, is able to divide all candidate fighters into four groups, of which only those included in the first two groups are recommended for enrollment. When recruiting a sniper company, the psychological selection is very strict. The core qualities that the psychologist is working to consolidate and form are courage, decisiveness, and an adequate response to any new situations. For a sniper in combat, the most important thing is to be able to clearly and quickly prioritize.

Depending on external circumstances, the sniper must merge with the terrain. Soldiers of a sniper company should be able to prepare various camouflage suits on their own, from improvised means. The main task is to hide the silhouette and weapons, protect hands and face.

Despite the fact that there are factory kits, in order to achieve high results, the sniper adjusts his camouflage suit for himself, starting again from the formed current situation.

The sniper independently chooses the place from which he will shoot. It can be a tussock, a stump, a nest in a tree, any fold in the terrain or inside a building. In open areas, snipers use fans. They are lightweight and quick to assemble. Other vegetation and grass are wound on a wire frame, which allows you to collapse and deploy a firing point in a short time.

The standard of the training session also includes crawling and running across the battlefield as part of a sniper pair. The work of a sniper is covered by a submachine gunner. The sniper often operates in this mode, in particular to disorientate the enemy.

Shooting in the company of the 27th Motorized Rifle Brigade takes place 2-3 times a week. The unit is newly created, so the attention to it is appropriate, it is necessary to intensively train personnel. Outstanding results show 10% of fighters. In this case, practice alone is not enough, talent is also needed. There are well-aimed shooters among experienced contract soldiers and among conscripts who, before service, did not even come close to sniper weapons.

When training snipers, special attention is paid to the use of current night observation devices, as well as aimed fire at different distances. In addition, the sniper must be able to use high-caliber sniper rifles. You can hardly make a decent sniper out of an ordinary soldier. After all, snipers are the elite. Weeding happens all the time. Everyone cannot be the best. Sniper work is very painstaking. It is necessary to accurately and consciously “sharpen” the accumulated experience for yourself.

The "ideology" about the elite is deliberately imposed on the recruit, it is extremely important, it helps to develop as a warrior. A sniper rifle is also prestigious, it’s not in vain that they say that only a sniper has a rifle, the rest have just a weapon.

In addition, there are decals in the 27th Motorized Rifle Brigade. These are chevrons to be earned. In the entire brigade, only two companies wear them - snipers and release. The soldiers understand that the chevron is truly prestigious. Recently, the sniper company has its own motto: "Victory will be for the snipers!"

We believe that this will be the case. Voentorg Voenpro, like other military stores in Moscow, provides an opportunity to buy Sniper gas lighters or other products with this theme. High-quality products presented on the Sniper page will certainly become a pride for every owner.

Every boy dreams of becoming the best sniper

As a child, every boy dreams of becoming the best sniper, therefore, today in the world of flash games, sniper shooting games are very popular. These games are a great way to test your accuracy and self-control. In a sniper game, there can be various options for tasks, for example, you need to wait until the enemy appears in a predetermined place and eliminate him with just one shot. Sometimes the target needs to be found by specific signs in a crowd of people. There are also tasks where you need to shoot not at a specific enemy, but at different objects in order to distract the guards.

Sniper online provides an opportunity to shoot from a sniper rifle. Not in all shooter plots, the sniper playing is a killer who kills people on order. More often you will have to shoot at different villains, in particular, at terrorists. A sniper during military operations is a cover, he will shoot a dangerous enemy, preventing him from approaching the positions. The player, playing a sniper online, will feel like a real defender, on which the lives of ordinary citizens depend.

In such games, the boys hone their accuracy skills in order to shoot accurately and win. Despite the fact that the scope of a sniper rifle makes it possible to aim as accurately as possible, it is necessary to choose the direction and strength of the shot.

Sniper game is well trained reaction. In this kind of sniper games, you can apply your strategic skills and always be the winner and the hero. With such games, the boy will plunge into the everyday life of a professional sniper, filled with various tasks and interesting events.

And in order to replenish your strength during the game, a mug of tea or juice will not hurt, so the Voenpro military department recommends buying a Sniper mug, which will look great on the table of any sniper and inspire new victories. You can order mugs for your friends, and while drinking tea, discuss the further strategy in sniper shooting games together.

The longest and most accurate sniper shots

When declaring the best shots of snipers, first of all, the accuracy of the hit and the range of the shot are taken into account. Guns & Ammo magazine, guided by these criteria, published a rating of the eight most accurate and long-range sniper shots that were officially registered. Modern weapons today more than ever enables snipers to hit very distant targets. However, among the record-breaking shots there is one that was made more than 50 years ago, this confirms the importance of the professionalism and skills of each sniper. The ranges below are measured in yards, one yard equals 91 cm.

Eighth place in the ranking was occupied by a sniper shot made by an American participant in the war in Iraq, Petty Officer Jim Gilliland. The sniper range was 1367 yards, was produced in 2005 from the M24 sniper rifle using standard 7.62x51mm NATO cartridges.

Seventh place in the ranking was taken by a sniper shot fired by an unknown representative of the Norwegian military contingent. A sniper shot with a range of 1509 yards was fired in 2007 in Afghanistan during an armed conflict, from a Barrett M82A1 sniper rifle, using Raufoss NM140 MP cartridges.

Sixth place belongs to British Army Corporal Christopher Reynolds, who in August 2009 fired an accurate 2026 yard sniper shot from an Accuracy International L115A3 sniper rifle using 338 Lapua Magnum LockBase B408 rounds. responsible for a number of attacks on coalition armies in Afghanistan. The corporal was awarded a medal from the hands of the Queen of England, Elizabeth II.

Fifth place belongs to Sgt. Carlos Hatchhawk, with a sniper range of 2,500 yards. The historic shot was fired during the Vietnam conflict in February 1967 and made the sergeant a hero of his time. He fired an M2 Browning machine gun, using 50 BMG rounds. Carlos Hatchcock is still a legend in the American army today, ranking fourth on the list of the best snipers who hit the maximum number of targets. The Vietnamese once put a $30,000 bounty on his head.

Fourth place belongs to the American Sergeant Brian Kremer, his sniper shot had a range of 2515 yards. A sniper shot was fired in March 2004 from a Barrett M82A1 sniper weapon, using Raufoss NM140 MP cartridges. Brian Kremer fired two successful sniper shots over 2350 yards in 2 years in Iraq.

Bronze is awarded to a Canadian, Corporal Arron Perry. A 2526 yard sniper shot was fired in March 2002 with a McMillan Tac-50 sniper weapon, using Hornady A-MAX .50 (.50 BMG) rounds.

Silver belongs to a 2,657 yard sniper shot fired by Canadian Corporal Rob Furlong, matching the date of Arron Perry's record, from a similar sniper weapon using the same cartridges.

Gold belongs to Briton Craig Harrison. An unbeatable record was achieved in November 2009 during the Afghan conflict. A double sniper shot with a range of 2,707 yards was documented, the targets hit were two Taliban machine gunners killed in succession. Craig Harrison used an L115A3 Long Range Rifle 8.59 mm sniper rifle, which has a standard range of approximately 1100 m.

Snipers are special people. Being a good and accurate shooter does not mean being a sniper. This requires extraordinary endurance, great preparation, patience and waiting for days to make only one sniper shot, which is equal to one life. His work is respected by his associates and fearful to the enemy.

Voentorg Voentorg, expressing respect Russian snipers, provides the Sniper section in the catalog of its products, where everyone can buy a Sniper T-shirt of the required size, and other high-quality products with this theme.

We are proud of our snipers and wish them victory in all battles!

« At sniper courses, a trainer (or let's call him a sniper instructor) great attention pays not only technical, physical, but also PSYCHOLOGICAL training. A sniper lives with his cargo (killed people, God forbid, of course) all his life. He remembers everyone he worked for. And with this "photo album" not everyone can live in peace. Our shooting coach told a lot of stories about how people broke down after their first one and asked to go anywhere, but not with a “paddle” in the mountains. Psychologically, a person suitable for this military profession is very different from ordinary people.».

On the pages of our magazine, a special forces officer shares his opinion on modern use in the Armed Forces. Perhaps some of his conclusions may seem too harsh, but they are based on rich combat experience. The issues raised in the material seemed very relevant to us, so we invite everyone who is really interested in this topic to talk, the opinion of those who have real experience in sniper shooting is especially important to us. The author's style is preserved.

Well said. But it is only on one forum that a young man who decides to become a sniper is told that not everything is so simple. I've seen worse on other forums. Some young inadequate recruits immature minds into a super-duper secret office. And these "fragile minds", salivating, ask: " And there are sniper vacancies? In my opinion these minds will never get stronger.

An inquisitive young man must have such a picture before his eyes. Here he alone with a faithful sniper rifle makes his way through the territory controlled by members of illegal armed groups (fascists, zombies, orcs). He is wearing a shaggy cloak of the “goblin” type, and his physiognomy is all in streaks of camouflage makeup. And now he alone "performs" the figurant, having finally seen his face, distorted in anticipation of imminent death. Doesn't it remind you of anything? Yeah, the movie "Sniper" with Tom Berenger in the title role.

Another "sniping" romantic, who played both Doom and Contra on the computer, ran around with a paintball "bolt" and "performed" more than a dozen defendants, decides: here it is, mine! Moreover, spring is the time for conscription. Where do I go? In the army, in the snipers! Yep, right now. Well, let's start to get disappointed, shall we?

Taking off rose-colored glasses

Sniper course? Has anyone seen the named courses? For example, in civilian life? Naturally, no. There are sections of bullet shooting and the like. But they won't train a sniper there. The coach in the section may be a real master of sports or even a champion and a good teacher. If you have the makings and abilities, then you will be trained as an athlete, not a sniper. Of course, this gives skills, experience in handling weapons, determining the distance to targets, calculating corrections, and so on. But the experience, you see, is specific.

You will shoot from a sporting rifle, this time. You will perform sports exercises, and not on a live target, that's two. Your target will be either static or moving according to the conditions of the exercise and will be at the established ranges. You will be wearing a comfortable sports uniform, you will be full and well rested. Well, perhaps you, as a well-trained athlete, will become a little “melancholic”, and nothing will annoy you and distract you from the conditions of the exercise. But sport and the performance of a combat mission differ radically (more on that below).

If you, having experience in training in the shooting section, were drafted into the army and you were sent to specialized training (of which we have a couple of pieces left), no sniper instructor will train you PSYCHOLOGICALLY! Does he need it? Where is the "Instruction on the psychological preparation of a sniper"? There's no such thing. And all the dregs that roam the Internet as educational material, is not suitable.

About heavy photo album

Let's go back to the preface: The sniper lives with his load... ". Here's the poor thing! He has a photo album, you see, before his eyes, it interferes with life. Is such a "photo album" possible in principle?

From the SVD, for example, the optimal range when firing prone to hit the enemy's head is -400 meters. And who among us, even with a PSO-1 sight at such a distance, is able to see a face? What's a "photo album"? If someone has to shoot at a real target, then he will most likely see a dark figure that has fallen down - and nothing more. There are other snipers in order to shoot at the "subject-figurant" by seeing his face. And believe me, they serve in other structures, and not in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and not even in the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. But we are still talking about the Armed Forces, so we continue to analyze the preface.

Someone's coach said that after the "first" the sniper broke down and did not ask to "paddle through the mountains." And why, then, was he taken at all?

Imagine that the commander of the group broke down after the first battle, the reconnaissance sapper drank himself after the first “lifting” with a real result, the artilleryman went to the monastery after the first successful attack, etc. In my opinion, this is nonsense.

About our Tom, Berenger

Okay, let's leave the preface. Let's deal with Tom our Berenger. Cinema is cinema. Here the hero of Tom received the task of removing the head of the drug cartel. Our hero goes to carry out the task. Let's consider what he brings with him.

Well, the first, of course, is the rifle. In my opinion, M24, if not, correct me. Its curb weight is 7 kg and about 260 grams, this is with straps for transportation and with optics. Further, the ammunition for the task is at least one hundred rounds. The weight of the NATO 7.62 X51 cartridge is 15.7 grams. Total, together with the pouches for carrying them, another 3 kg. Tom's second weapon was the good old M1911 A Colt. Weight 1 kg 120 grams. 100 pieces of cartridges of 45 caliber for a pistol - another 1.5 kg. Signal and smoke rockets - 1 kilogram. Grenades, 4 pieces,   - another 3 kg. Means of technical intelligence, say, binoculars with a built-in range finder - 1 kg.

Means of communication. Since Tom is walking alone, he has a means of communication with the Combat Operations Control Center. The terrain is mountainous and wooded, and AN / PRC radios operating in the VHF band will not work, so something stronger is needed. Let's take a satellite station with a previously allocated channel. So, it will be AN / PSC-5, which is powered by two batteries, each weighing 2.04 kg, and the station itself weighs about 2.8 kg. Let's not forget about spare batteries, which means plus 4 kg. Well, the accumulation device, input-output, headset - another 1 kg.

Is it hard for you, Tom? But there is still a cape, a camouflage suit - this is 1.5 kg without branches and leaves. An individual first aid kit weighs 0.5 kg. Water, dry rations, interchangeable socks, a knife with a survival kit, a rug, a poncho, and so on give another seven kilograms.

And now let's count. I got under 40 kg. Taking into account the requirements of secrecy, a valiant sniper is landed 15 kilometers from the area of ​​​​the task. At the same time, he must stomp his legs, penetrate as close as possible to the object and destroy the subject. But in the movies, we see a peppy bison-sniper, absolutely not tired when moving in the humid atmosphere of a mountainous and wooded area. In the frame, only flirtatious stains of masking makeup.

How did you conduct additional reconnaissance of the object alone? How did you get in? Oh, how beautiful everything is in a movie!

But in fact? Have you tried to crawl up a hill with a load of at least 20 kg when the temperature is under 30-40 degrees, or even more? One man, of course, is less noticeable in the selva than a group, but even alone, if you are half Tom Berenger and half John Rambo, little will come of it. Too much fatigue, both moral and physical. Under favorable conditions, the transition on an unfamiliar route will last a day or more. This means that it is necessary to precisely coordinate and verify the timing of the withdrawal subgroup, to verify information from informers and intelligence to the smallest nuances. Take into account a bunch of factors, including force majeure.

The sniper, if he gets to the object in time and penetrates the perimeter, then most likely he will not be able to shoot. For a more or less successful liquidation of the subject, based on the practice of various units, a minimum of a couple is required, and a group of four is best. That's when something will look more or less believable.

How really

Now, for some realism. When did we still use snipers, and exactly as it is depicted on some Internet forums - as a free lone hunter?

In the North Caucasus region? I remember the first Chechen campaign. I had a sniper in my group. Do you think I let him go somewhere a few kilometers away for “free hunting”? In fact, a scout with a banal SVD departed a maximum of 100 meters from the group and was always in sight or audibility. He worked according to my target designations or according to whoever he notices. Often to my cry when I did not see the result: " Well, got?” followed the uncomplicated answer: “ Yes x .. he knows, he seems to have fallen».

When conducting reconnaissance and combat operations in urban conditions, I used a sniper on my own, as it turned out later, correctly. When moving in urban areas, he was always close to me in order of battle. A scout was always paired with him. During reconnaissance of any house, this couple did not go inside, they were used as an observation group. The second scout was left with a station and binoculars, several rocket-propelled grenades or. The couple monitored the windows, insured the exits.

A sniper with an SVD has nothing to do in the house. When conducting reconnaissance and search operations in a mountainous and wooded area, the sniper was in his regular place in the battle order of the group. In other special forces units, as far as I know, snipers acted in exactly the same way. They were exhibited "on the chip" in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe basing or PVD of the detachment, but no one went anywhere alone. True, there were exceptions, this concerned officers, but even those did not depart further than a kilometer from the detachment. The second campaign was exactly the same. I'm sure there will be a lot of people who want to challenge my opinion. For God's sake! I'm just dealing with facts.

About a conditional sniper in a real combat situation

So, you are the leader of the group. You have a regular number of snipers. Will you send your scout, conscript or contractor, one or two, someone to "execute"? The question is who? Does the group commander have information about some persons involved (leaders of the illegal armed formations) in the area of ​​​​responsibility of the detachment? It is unlikely, or rather, it does not.

It is good if the commander of the detachment and the head of the operational-intelligence department have established contact with the operational-intelligence groups operating in the area, with "operas" from other bodies and departments that have their own agents. Then the information will be available, but the commander of the detachment is unlikely to be able to implement it himself, and the commander of the group or the commander of the company even more so. In order to launch the RGSpN to complete the task, a combat order from a higher headquarters is necessary. And the order is signed by the chief of intelligence of the group and the chief of staff. Of course, the directive to the detachment draws up an order, and the head of the department checks.

The order is not made in a vacuum. Studying the situation in the detachment's area of ​​responsibility, collecting information from all sources, coordinating in all structures, verifying information on several types of intelligence (radio, intelligence, air thermal imaging), information from local, information from other interacting structures, and so on - this is what precedes the adoption specific solution. So, I have never made a single order to send a sniper (three times experienced). Yes, and other directions too. I'm talking about my combat experience from 2000 to last year 2012. And if I did, then the head of the department would twist it at the temple and send me ...

Well, what if you didn't send it? Imagine: for the sake of one person (even the most well-trained sniper), you need to start an operational case, coordinate artillery covering fires, and keep the group ready for evacuation. And the connection? He's a sniper, not a radio operator. And without it, there’s no way, we don’t have satellite small-sized stations, like Tom’s, which means that we have to carry the ARC station. Although no, you are going far, and she is dear, you will still lose. Therefore, you are wearing the familiar R-159 with the T-240 classification equipment and a set of spare batteries for it. And so on…

Given the realities, our sniper, unlike a movie hero, will carry a load of under 60 kilograms. But also helicopter sorties must be planned. But, as usual, there is no weather, and the board was given over to the commander, so the sniper will go on foot. Do you think he will go? No.

After all, among other things, he knows the stories about the scouts-murderers well. About those who exterminate local residents, and those who like to collect wild garlic far from home and with a machine gun in their hands. He remembers that after a couple of clashes, the entire detachment was overwhelmed by employees of the prosecutor's office and demanded to confess to criminal acts. The scout is now savvy, he is well aware that he has no legal basis for shying through the forests and eliminating the defendants.

Therefore, our experienced sniper will go out peacefully behind the parapet, equip a day room a hundred meters from the camp and will sit there all the time the group is performing a combat mission, waiting for target designation from the commander.

About weapons

What else? Why do I write about all the time, because we still have samples that are in service. For example, VSS. Range - 400 meters. The weapon is specialized and performed well, but in the context about which in question probably doesn't fit well with the material. There were cases when, in the presence of several VSS and AS in the RGSpN, very successful silent ambushes were carried out, but you must admit that for the “performance” of the person involved, there must be a certain margin both in range and in terms of application.

Well, for the rest of the rifles. The B-94 rifle weighs 11.7 kg, the effective range is almost two kilometers with a 13x scope. And now tell me, is this “fool” needed to be dragged in a group? It used to be dragged a couple of times, but quickly abandoned. In the forest, a range of two kilometers is useless. And the rifle is large-caliber and specific. To work with her, the sniper must be taught. Long and hard.

In the winter of 2000, guys from an adjacent department went with us, namely a sniper pair. They reached the forest and stopped, they themselves realized that there was no point in going any further. This rifle is good for combat operations in urban environments, and as an anti-sniper weapon. Her penetration is good, but for our sniper, who is on this moment It only lasts a year and is useless.

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