Learning to shoot. Trigger release (39572)

Tourism and rest 09.08.2019
Tourism and rest

The release of the trigger in terms of its specific weight in the production of a well-aimed shot is of paramount importance and is a determining indicator of the degree of preparedness of the shooter. All shooting errors are solely due to incorrect processing of the trigger release. Aiming errors and weapon oscillations allow you to show decent enough results, but trigger errors inevitably lead to a sharp increase in dispersion and even misses.

Mastering the technique of proper triggering is the cornerstone of the art of accurate shooting with any handgun. Only those who understand this and consciously master the technique of pulling the trigger will confidently hit any targets, in any condition will be able to show high results and fully realize combat properties personal weapons.

Pulling the trigger is the most difficult element to master, requiring the longest and most painstaking work.

Recall that when considering the phenomenon of recoil in Section 2.2, it was found that when a bullet leaves the bore, the bolt moves back by 2 mm, and there is no effect on the hand at this time. The bullet flies to where the weapon was aimed at the moment it leaves the bore. Therefore, it is correct to click on trigger- this is to perform such actions in which the weapon does not change its aiming position in the period from the trigger to the release of the bullet from the barrel.

The time from trigger release to bullet departure is very short and is approximately 0.0045 s, of which 0.0038 s is the time of rotation of the trigger and 0.00053-0.00061 s is the time of passage of the bullet along the barrel. Nevertheless, in such a short time period, with errors in trigger processing, the weapon manages to deviate from the aiming position.

What are these errors, and what are the reasons for their appearance? To clarify this issue, it is necessary to consider the ergonomic system: shooter-weapon, while two groups of causes of errors should be distinguished.

  1. Technical reasons - errors due to the imperfection of serial weapons (gaps between moving parts, poor surface finish, clogging of mechanisms, barrel wear, imperfection and poor debugging of the firing mechanism, etc.)
  2. The reasons human factor- mistakes directly by a person, due to various physiological and psycho-emotional characteristics of the body of each person.

Both groups of causes of errors are closely related to each other, manifest themselves in a complex and entail one another. Of the first group of technical errors, the most tangible role that negatively affects the result is played by the imperfection of the trigger mechanism, the disadvantages of which include:

  • increased trigger pull force (more than 2.5 kg), which leads to excessive trimmer, especially for poorly trained shooters;
  • stepped trigger stroke due to poor processing of rubbing surfaces involved in trigger release;
  • failure of the trigger when the trigger is released, which leads to a contraction of the muscles involved in holding the weapon, and, as a result, to angular deviations.

Technical causes are eliminated quite easily when debugging the trigger mechanism by an experienced gunsmith. It is clear that from a debugged weapon it is easier to show nice results than from an ordinary pistol with a poorly debugged trigger.

The errors of the shooter himself are due to the peculiarities of his physiological systems, knowledge of theoretical positions and practical skills, and the frequency of errors and their magnitude depend on the level of preparedness of the shooter and his experience.

There are a number of characteristic errors that are characteristic of shooters of various qualifications:

  1. Incorrect direction of force on the trigger.
  2. Rough pull on the trigger.
  3. Timed shot delay.
  4. The reaction of the body to the expected shot.
  5. Catching "tens".

1. Incorrect direction of the force of the index finger on the trigger.

Pressing should be carried out in such a way that when the trigger is moved, the front sight remains level in the slot of the rear sight, and when the trigger is released, the weapon does not make angular deviations. To do this, it is necessary to exclude the effect of disturbing moments on the weapon. This is possible only if the line of action of force on the trigger passes through the center of holding the weapon, located in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe "asterisk" (or under the nail of the middle finger). This is true from a mechanical point of view. In order for the line of action of the force to pass through the center of the hold, it is necessary to feel how the index finger develops the force lying in the vertical plane of the weapon in the direction of the back crease of the palm (Fig. 14. Point "A").

Usually in all shooting manuals it is said that the line of action of the force must be parallel to the axis of the bore. However, it is easy to see that in this case a moment arises, which, especially when pressed quickly, will deflect the front sight upwards. This can lead to separation during high-speed shooting.

If, however, the force is not developed in the plane of the weapon, then lateral deviations of the holes will appear in the appropriate direction.

It should be noted that everyone should try various ways pressing the trigger and determine for yourself such a direction of effort in which the front sight will remain in the slot even with intensive processing of the working stroke.

The error in the direction of effort is eliminated by long training, when the skill of pressing the trigger is developed with a feeling of development of effort in the plane of the weapon through the center of retention. But in order to show consistently high results in any exercise, the control of pressing and development of force on the trigger must be carried out with each processing of the trigger, even when they are brought to the level of automatic execution.

2. Unsmooth trigger pull.

Many novice shooters are mistaken, identifying the concepts of smooth and slow pressing. By smooth pressing it is necessary to understand such processing of the descent, in which the weapon does not change its aiming position.

Each shooter performs the descent in his own way. It can be fast and slow, with a quick press at the beginning of the working stroke with a slowdown at the end and vice versa, stepped or pulsating (Fig. 15). The choice of pressing option depends on the shooting conditions, the exercise being performed, the type of weapon and the experience of the shooter.

Fig.15. Trigger pull options

In the first lessons, it is advisable to start learning the trigger release with a uniform pressure at a constant speed of about 0.5 mm per second. After aiming the weapon at the aiming area, fixing the brush and choosing an idle, all attention is focused on non-stop pressing the trigger with the index finger, regardless of the position of the sight on the target. The movement of the index finger should be observed as if from the side. If the shooter feels that the finger has stopped, it is necessary to postpone the shot, for which release the trigger and lower the hand. After a pause, you need to resume processing the descent. Several attempts to press from one arm raise will lead to a delay in the shot and, ultimately, to more gross errors than shifting the sight from the aiming area.

3. Delaying the shot in time.

The amplitudes of vibrations of the hand and weapon are constantly changing. They can fade, disappear altogether and reappear, or bursts appear. But, as observations and experience show, there are periods when fluctuations are minimal. Obviously, the most accurate shooting will be in the production of shots during periods of minimal fluctuations.

After raising the arm and aiming the weapon, the oscillations begin to fade and continue to be insignificant for some time, and then increase and their separate bursts appear. In addition, over time, the eye gets tired, and the aiming device becomes blurry, which makes it difficult to control the position. level fly in the slot. Weakened control of the sight against the background of increasing oscillations and bursts leads to distant breaks and misses.

One of the options for weapon oscillation is shown in Figure 16, which shows the period of minimum amplitude, which is most favorable for a well-aimed shot. Often this period lasts from 5 to 20 seconds.

It is during this period that a "bold" pull on the trigger should occur with control of the constant movement of the index finger with a fixed position of the muscles of the hand, without paying attention to the position of the weapon on the target. The shot should come as a complete surprise to the shooter.

For a better understanding of the concept of an unexpected shot, you can introduce the concept of an element of surprise (Fig. 17).

Fig.16. Shot production scheme

Fig.17. The element of surprise shot.

The shooter knows that the shot will occur in a period, say, from 5 to 20 seconds, but does not know at what particular second. When the trigger is evenly pressed without boosting and undermining, the time for breaking the trigger for any series of shots will have different values, but it must necessarily fall within the specified time interval.

Without purposeful boosting, it is impossible to repeat the trigger release in exactly the same time (every time at the same moment from the start of pressing the trigger). And the time characteristic for each trigger release at a certain interval is the element of surprise of the shot, or in other words, the probability of the occurrence of the trigger pull event. Those. the moment of descent is a random event on a time interval from 5 to 20 seconds.

With slow shooting, the element of surprise can reach up to several seconds, and with high-speed shooting - up to hundredths of a second. But in any case, the shot should be unexpected, which is a necessary condition for avoiding gross errors that are the result of waiting for a shot.

4. The reaction of the body to the expected shot.

The most gross errors, often leading to long breaks and misses, are caused by the body's reaction to the expected shot.

The recoil and loud sound that accompany the phenomenon of a shot cause a certain fear in the shooter, as a result of which convulsive contractions of various muscle groups occur, leading to significant angular deviations of the weapon from the aiming position until the bullet leaves the bore. Often, the deflection of the weapon begins before the moment the trigger is released from the cocking, or approximately at the beginning of its failure.

The time from trigger release to bullet departure is very short and, for example, for the IZH-71 pistol is only 0.0046 s. Therefore, it is difficult for an inexperienced shooter to see their mistakes. Although it is possible, if you focus on the top of the fly, and follow its "nod" before the kickback occurs. By the mark of the fly offset, it is possible with a very high probability to determine the dignity of the hole even before it is visually detected on the target.

When viewed from the side, it is clearly seen how the weapons of non-hitting shooters make significant nods just before the shot itself, mostly downwards. These deviations arise from the fact that the hand, waiting for a shot, while pressing the trigger, “grabs” the gun, automatically trying to resist the upcoming recoil. As a result, the weapon turns with the muzzle down, in addition, the shoulder moves forward, additionally lowering the arm (Fig. 18). Most often in such cases, the bullet hits below the target, and sometimes into the ground in front of the target. Although deviations in any other direction are possible.

In addition, the expected shot is accompanied by a blink of an eye, and then it is simply impossible to see your mistakes.

An experiment is very indicative, when a trainee is imperceptibly mixed with training cartridges among live cartridges in the magazine. In this case, the reaction of the body to a blank trigger will necessarily be the same as to a real shot, and the "twitching" of the weapon is clearly visible, and by the deflection of the front sight, one can approximately imagine the possible deflection of the hole, using the calculations given in section "3.1. Aiming".

With the correct execution of the shot, the weapon, after recoil and completion of the reload cycle, returns exactly to the aiming position due to the work of muscle memory. Visually for the shooter, the front sight returns to the slot, and the sight returns to the target. This is important when mastering the perception of the sensations of an unexpected shot, and is especially necessary when working on speed exercises with a series of shots.

If, after firing, the weapon does not return to the aiming position, this indicates a change in the efforts of the muscles holding the weapon, and it is necessary to identify the causes of these errors. For those shooters who constantly send bullets under the target, it is very clearly visible how the barrel of the weapon is turned down after the shot.

Fig.18. The reaction of the body to the expected shot

5. Catching "tens".

Any person, regardless of qualification, when he is on the firing line, subconsciously has a desire to make the next shot the most accurate in his life. I want to be sure to get into the top ten, and even better in its very center. it emotional condition leads to the fact that instead of technically correct processing of the trigger and control over their actions, the position of the weapon on the target begins to be clarified and an irresistible desire arises to quickly squeeze the trigger when the front sight is perfectly aligned with the aiming point. If the sight is even slightly shifted to the side, then the index finger automatically stops pressing and, at a favorable moment, pulls the trigger again. But the vestibular apparatus of a person is designed in such a way that the brain cannot give a command to contract only one muscle. For this reason, both nearby muscles and completely foreign ones will necessarily contract. As a result, angular deviations of the weapon occur with the appearance of separations, although the shooter saw that the weapon was perfectly aimed at the target. Therefore, in no case should you specify the position of the sight on the target and catch the so desired "top ten".

The most blunder aiming always gives a smaller hole deviation than the slightest trigger error! This axiom must be remembered before each shot. It is better to aim incorrectly and pull the trigger correctly than to aim the "ten" and pull the trigger. A more highly skilled shooter is different in that his shooting may be less accurate, but it will be stable and not have gaps. For consistent results, each shot must be fired boldly with confident and polished shooter movements. The fear of a bad shot and its delay will cause the Hand with the weapon to shudder, lead to haste in firing the shot and, as a result, to jerking the trigger. And in this case, the miss will be inevitable.

In order to analyze and better understand the actions performed during firing, the firing technique was considered according to individual elements. But it is quite obvious that the process of producing a well-aimed shot is an inseparable set of various components performed in parallel, most closely interconnected, the accuracy of the bullet hit and the guaranteed hitting of the target depend on the correct implementation of each of them.

Yu.N.Buryak (Militia Colonel, Deputy Head of the UPRR MOB GUVD of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region).

And the production of a shot. The trigger, as a rule, is a hammer, which, after being released from the combat platoon, performs rotary motion under the action of the mainspring and strikes the primer (directly or through the drummer). The name is borrowed from Polish, in which the word Kurek("cockerel" > "trigger") is a tracing paper from German Hahn("rooster" > "trigger").

Distinguish between open and hidden location of the trigger in the weapon. An open trigger usually has a protrusion (head, spoke) on the back that allows you to cock the trigger with your finger.

In some types of weapons, for example, in a rifle of the 1891-1930 model, the trigger is the tip at the rear end of the firing pin with a combat cock and with a finger grip.

In older weapon systems, the role of the trigger is somewhat different.

  • In weapons with a wick lock, the trigger serves as a holder for the smoldering wick and, turning on its axis, presses the wick against the seed hole.
  • In weapons with a wheel and percussion flintlock, flint is fixed on the trigger.

In colloquial speech, the trigger is mistakenly called the trigger, when pressed, the trigger mechanism comes into action (for example, "pulled the trigger"). The trigger can be cocked, cocked (in the past they said "cocked"), lowered; clicking on it, in general, is useless.

A similarly shaped lever is also called a trigger, for example, a cocking lever in a camera.

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  • Material part small arms. Ed. A. A. Blagonravova. Moscow: Oborongiz NKAP, 1945
  • Zhuk A. B. Encyclopedia of small arms. - M .: Military Publishing House, 1998.

An excerpt characterizing the Trigger

“Meat, body, chair a canon [cannon fodder]! he thought, looking at his naked body, and shuddering not so much from the cold, but from an incomprehensible disgust and horror to him at the sight of this huge number of bodies rinsing in a dirty pond.
On August 7, Prince Bagration wrote the following in his camp at Mikhailovka on the Smolensk road:
“Dear sir, Count Alexei Andreevich.
(He wrote to Arakcheev, but he knew that his letter would be read by the sovereign, and therefore, as far as he was capable of doing so, he considered his every word.)
I think that the Minister has already reported on leaving Smolensk to the enemy. It hurts, sadly, and the whole army is in despair that the most important place was abandoned in vain. I, for my part, asked him personally in the most convincing way, and finally wrote; but nothing agreed with him. I swear to you on my honor that Napoleon was in such a bag as never before, and he could lose half the army, but not take Smolensk. Our troops have fought and are fighting like never before. I held on with 15,000 for over 35 hours and beat them; but he did not want to stay even 14 hours. It's a shame and a stain on our army; and he himself, it seems to me, should not live in the world. If he conveys that the loss is great, it is not true; maybe about 4 thousand, no more, but not even that. At least ten, how to be, war! But the enemy lost the abyss ...
What was it worth to stay two more days? At least they would have left; for they had no water to drink for men and horses. He gave me his word that he would not retreat, but suddenly sent a disposition that he was leaving into the night. Thus, it is impossible to fight, and we can soon bring the enemy to Moscow ...
Rumor has it that you think about the world. To reconcile, God forbid! After all the donations and after such extravagant retreats, make up your mind: you will turn the whole of Russia against you, and each of us, out of shame, will make him wear a uniform. If it has already gone like this, we must fight while Russia can and while people are on their feet ...
You have to lead one, not two. Your minister may be good in the ministry; but the general is not only bad, but trashy, and he was given the fate of our entire Fatherland ... I, really, go crazy with annoyance; Forgive me for writing boldly. It can be seen that he does not love the sovereign and wishes the death of all of us who advise to make peace and command the army to the minister. So, I am writing you the truth: prepare the militia. For the minister in the most skillful way leads the guest to the capital. Adjutant Wolzogen is giving the whole army a big suspicion. He, they say, is more Napoleonic than ours, and he advises everything to the minister. I am not only courteous against him, but I obey like a corporal, although older than him. It hurts; but, loving my benefactor and sovereign, I obey. It’s only a pity for the sovereign that he entrusts such a glorious army. Imagine that with our retreat we lost people from fatigue and more than 15 thousand in hospitals; and if they had attacked, it would not have happened. Say for God's sake that our Russia - our mother - will say that we are so afraid and why we give such a good and zealous Fatherland to bastards and instill hatred and shame in every subject. What to be afraid of and who to be afraid of?. It's not my fault that the minister is indecisive, a coward, stupid, slow and everything has bad qualities. The whole army is crying completely and scolding him to death ... "

Trigger and Trigger

The reason that prompted me to create this page and write this article was the stubborn repetition of the same mistake by most ignorant citizens. It just so happens that many, many people are sure that if firearms- be it a revolver, a pistol, a gun or something else - pull the trigger, then a shot will occur. This delusion is repeated everywhere and everywhere, with persistence worthy of better application, but not only at the everyday level - in conversations ordinary people, but also, worst of all, on television - announcers and presenters, in films - translators and from the stage - performers.


Trigger - a detail of the firing mechanism of hand firearms. To fire a shot, the shooter presses his finger on the tail of the trigger, the latter acts on the sear (directly or through intermediate parts) and the trigger or firing pin is released from the cocking. From accidental pressing, the tail of the trigger is usually protected by a trigger guard. In self-cocking mechanisms, by pressing the trigger, in addition, the trigger is set to the combat platoon. The trigger stroke and effort on it in this case is much greater.


Trigger - previously often used in machine guns, an example is Maxim's machine gun; at present, even heavy machine guns most often have a pistol grip and a conventional trigger.

The trigger is a detail of the trigger mechanism in modern firearms, designed to break the primer and fire a shot. The trigger, as a rule, is a hammer, which, after being released from the cocking, performs a rotational movement under the action of the mainspring and strikes the primer (directly or through the drummer).

Distinguish between open and hidden location of the trigger in the weapon. An open trigger usually has a protrusion (head, spoke) on the back that allows you to cock the trigger with your finger.

In colloquial speech, the trigger is mistakenly called the trigger, when pressed, the trigger mechanism comes into action (for example, “pulled the trigger”).

TRIGGER, trigger, husband. (decreased from chickens). The striking part of the mechanism in a firearm. Pull the trigger. Pull the trigger. Dictionary Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

Husband. in Vlad. sometimes hens, part of an arrow lock, kochetok, a grip for which the lock is cocked; flint was previously inserted into the trigger, now it serves as a hammer and breaks the cap when fired. | tver., east., sib. bolt, core, pin, on ... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

Puff, trigger, smoke break, clitoris Dictionary of Russian synonyms. trigger n., number of synonyms: 6 trigger (2) for ... Synonym dictionary

See Trigger Glossary of business terms. Akademik.ru. 2001 ... Glossary of business terms

KUROK, rka, husband. Part of the firing mechanism in a handgun. Click on k. Move down k. | adj. chicken, oh, oh. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

A part of the firing mechanism of a firearm designed to strike a cartridge primer or striker in order to ignite the powder charge when fired. Edwart. Explanatory Naval Dictionary, 2010 ... Marine Dictionary

See TRIGGER CREDIT Glossary of business terms. Akademik.ru. 2001 ... Glossary of business terms

TRIGGER- part of the lock (see (2)) or firing mechanism of the bolt (see (3)) of a firearm, designed to ignite the propellant charge when fired ... Great Polytechnic Encyclopedia

cock- Borrowing from the Polish language, where kurek - trigger is formed according to the tracing paper method from German, where Hahn - rooster is used in the meaning of a gun trigger. Thus, the hammer (of rifles) is akin to the word chicken ... Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language by Krylov

cock- Loans. in the 16th century from Polish. lang., where kurek (decrease caressing suf. derived from kur "cock") in the meaning of "trigger" is a semantic copy of German. Hahn "rooster" "trigger" ... Etymological dictionary of the Russian language


  • Cocked the trigger, Viktor Berkutov. In the novel Cocked the Trigger, the reader will meet Kurk again - Sergei Kvyatkovich, a former Afghan, ...
  • I pull the trigger... Selected Poems, Egor Rybakov. My new collection is dedicated to those people who changed my life once and for all. Only these people...

I was told that in a pistol, the part that needs to be pressed to fire is not called the "trigger" but the "trigger". What's the difference?


This is a very common mistake. Many people believe that the trigger of a firearm (revolver, pistol, shotgun, machine gun) is called a "trigger". And such a mistake is made not only in conversations, but also on television, in films, newspapers, books, and even in songs.

Of course it is not! What is pressed when firing is not the "trigger", but the "trigger". That's what it should be called.

And what then is the "trigger"? The trigger is a part of the firing mechanism of a weapon, designed to break the cartridge primer. The name "kurok" comes from the outward resemblance of its movement to the movement of a bird's head (Slavic "kur" is a rooster).

You have probably seen the triggers on vintage revolvers more than once. There, before the shot, they are “cocked” - they are pulled back. And by pressing the trigger, they are “lowered”. Probably the English expression "pull the trigger" (pull the trigger) and led to the erroneous opinion that the trigger is the trigger.

Interestingly, the trigger is also called a lever similar in shape in other mechanisms, for example, the cocking lever in a film camera. But even there it is used only for “cocking the shutter”, and not for photographing itself.

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