Competitions and grants for educational institutions. How to get a grant: a step-by-step scheme of actions

Auto 31.05.2019

Priority areas scientific research of the University

1. Development of entrepreneurship (Entrepreneurial Development), in particular: Economics of entrepreneurship (Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurialism), Sustainable development(Sustainable Development), Corporate Social Responsibility, Management of Technology and Innovation, Personnel Economics, Human Resource Management (Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management), Corporate Finance (Corporate Finance), Financial Engineering (Financial Engineering), Logistics and Transport (Transportation & Logistic), Tourism, Leisure, Hospitality Management (Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management), Health Economics (Health Economics), Economics of Trade (Economics of Trade);

2. State Participation in the Economy Development, in particular: Development of National Economy, Economics of Crime, Energy and Environmental Policy Research, International Trade and investments (International Trade and Investment), International Finance and Macroeconomics (International Finance & Macroeconomics);

3. Regional Economics (Regional Economics), in particular: Regional Economics (Regional Economics), Urban Economics (Urban Economics), Agricultural Economics (Rural Economics);

4. Quality of life, quality and safety of consumer goods and services (Quality of Life, Quality and Safety of Goods and Services), in particular: Consumer Behavior, Demographic Economics, Environmental Economics , Commodity Research, Food Science, Polymers and Plastics;

5. Statistical Study, in particular: Probability Theory and Statistics (Statistics and Probability), Econometric Modeling (Econometric Modeling);

6. Knowledge management system. Information technology and applied informatics (Knowledge management. Information Technology and Applied Information Science), in particular: Knowledge Management, Decision Science, Big Data, Business Information Systems ;

7. Education management and economics of education, in particular: Economics of Education, Knowledge Economy.

How to get a grant - where to apply + what you need for this + what documents to provide + and what to do with the money received.

Do you have a crazy idea for starting a business, as well as a great desire to work?

But at the same time you do not have enough money for this?

And you do not want to get into debt to friends or take a loan from a bank?

Then you will be very useful information about how to get a grant.

It is no secret that many business projects were able to materialize thanks to just such financial support.

If you also want to get this opportunity, then get ready for the fact that you will have to put in a lot of effort, but the result will be worth it.

What is a grant?

Before talking about how to get a grant, you need to understand the very concept of what it is.

A grant is either in kind or in kind to start or expand a business.

Important distinctive feature such support is that it does not require a return, that is, it is gratuitous.

Grants for opening or developing a business can be issued by:

  • state;
  • private foundations;
  • foreign organizations.

Based on this, you need to understand that these organizations may put forward different requirements for receiving a grant.

So don't waste your energy on applying everywhere you can.

Choose the source that will fit your field of activity and work on fulfilling its conditions.

Where to apply to get a grant?

“Half of what separates successful entrepreneurs from unsuccessful ones is perseverance.”
Steve Jobs

As mentioned above, there are three main categories of organizations that are willing to provide money or other assets.

But there are nuances here, using which you can understand where you should go first.

You should also understand that those funds that are ready to provide financial support have different goals.

Features of issuing grants by state organizations

  1. When issuing grants, state funds give preference to socially unprotected categories:
    • university graduates,
    • those who are in the employment center,
    • who have been made redundant,
    • retired military,
    • single mothers,
    • disabled people
    • young professionals under the age of 30-35 years.
  2. The state does not give the full amount to open your business.

    Preference is given to those entrepreneurs who are willing to invest their own funds as well.

  3. Preference is given to social spheres, as well as production and agriculture.
  4. Most often, the state is ready to finance the purchase of equipment or raw materials, but at the same time refuses to cover the costs of paying wages.
  5. When issuing a grant for business development, the state pays attention to the period of operation of the enterprise, and it should not exceed 1-2 years, as well as to whether the entrepreneur is able to hire additional people.

Peculiarities of issuing grants by private and foreign foundations

  1. Private and foreign funds are very demanding in terms of reporting, that is, they must see that the money issued will go to cover certain expenses, and not in your "pocket".
  2. Such organizations willingly agree to issue a grant for the payment of wages, in contrast to the state.
  3. If funds are needed to finance innovations in the economy and business, then domestic private funds most often specialize in this issue.

    But you can safely apply to foreign ones if you need to open or develop a business related to ecology, art, culture, society, IT-sphere.

  4. Such funds practice issuing grants in tranches, that is, money comes gradually for the implementation of certain stages.

Required documents to receive a grant

Each business financing and support organization requires its own list of documents, but most often they overlap with each other.

So, the following documents may be required from you:

  • correctly executed application for participation in the selection for a grant;
  • copies of documents confirming your identity, as well as, if necessary, the participant's questionnaire;
  • copies of documents that confirm that you have knowledge in the field of economics (diploma, certificate of completion of specialized courses);
  • copies of documents evidencing the registration and registration of the business with the tax service, as well as entry into the register; copies of documents confirming the creation and availability of jobs - this is necessary if you are applying for business development;

This list of documents can be supplemented, so be careful when submitting it.

If something is incorrectly compiled or something is missing, the foundation has every right to refuse your participation.

How to get a grant: what to do?

So, you have already come close to the question: " How to get a grant?”, then you should know the order of your actions:

    Choose an organization that suits you, where you can get a grant.

    It must be relevant to your area of ​​work.

  1. Learn where the organization has already given out money, in what amount and for what projects.
  2. Study the requirements that the fund puts forward, as well as the rules for drafting an application for participation in the selection.
  3. Prepare all necessary documents.
  4. Write a credible business plan that clearly spells out goals, problems, and solutions.

    Focus on the financial side.

  5. Prepare a convincing and detailed presentation of your future project.

You just have to wait.

In most cases, after the application deadline has expired, foundations are given 3 months to review applications received.

How are grant applications decided?

The first few days are given to check the correctness of the preparation and availability of all necessary documents.

And only then the fund starts studying business plans.

Most often, funds use their own developed scoring scale, thanks to which they can form a rating of participants.

By revising Special attention is given not only to the set goals and problems, but also to their solution.

The reliability of the given calculations is also checked.

State funds take note of those entrepreneurs who themselves can contribute a certain amount to the development or opening of a business.

And business plans that require full funding are most often rejected.

As for the financing of an already operating business, attention is also drawn to the dynamics of development.

If an enterprise has performed poorly during the period that it has existed, then it is likely to be refused.

Additional points in the "piggy bank" can be received by those projects that have already received funds from the selected fund.

Notifications are sent to the winners, and information about them appears on the official website of the fund.

How realistic is it to receive a grant from the state for the development of your business,

told in the video:

What to do with the money received?

The received grant is already an agreement between a businessman who needs money and an investor.

Therefore, the first has certain obligations that require fulfillment:

  • the funds received must be used exclusively for the purposes for which they are issued;
  • all necessary reporting must be submitted within a strictly specified time frame;
  • in the event of force majeure or if it is impossible to complete a certain part of the project, you must immediately contact the fund to make adjustments;
  • during checks, the commission cannot be hindered and it is necessary to provide all information that relates to the funds received.

In case of misuse of the grant or failure to comply with other conditions of the agreement, the organization may demand to terminate it and apply to the court with a claim for the return of all allocated funds.

Thus, you should not only be interested in how to get a grant, but also how to fulfill all the conditions of the fund that will give you money.

Know that this is a great chance to get additional funding for your business, so take it seriously.

You will get an opportunity not only for your own development, but also contribute to the improvement of the economic situation in your region.

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During 2017-2018, many competitions with tempting grants will be held in Russia. Of course, we will not be able to list all of them, but we will definitely present the most interesting ones, in our opinion, in this material. Further, the text will provide up-to-date information on competitions on various topics that will be held on the territory of the Russian Federation, starting from the summer of 2017 and ending in 2018.

Perhaps we will open our review from the photo contest, simply called "Water Treasures of Russia". As the name implies, in order to take part in it, you need to photograph water landscapes of any region of the Russian Federation. The event is organized by the Federal Agency for Water Resources.

Applicant must be 16 years of age at the time of application. However, for children aged 6 to 16 there is a separate nomination: "Water through the eyes of a child." Otherwise, the prizes are awarded in such categories as: "Landscapes", "People and Water", "Civilization and Water", "Hydraulic Structures", "Water is the Cradle of Life", "Water as an Element", "Propaganda environmental safety"and" Take care of the coast.

The deadline for accepting photos is October 1, 2017. Prizes will be awarded to winners between December 1st and 31st.

Photo contest "National holidays of the peoples of Russia"

Another competition in Russia, held in the period 2017-2018, which is related to photography, is the National Holidays of the Peoples of Russia. Actually, by the name you can understand that the purpose of this event is to improve the knowledge of Russians and guests Russian Federation about local customs and traditions, so to speak, a brief, but at the same time capacious acquaintance with the culture. The organizer is the Agency for Press and Mass Communications of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Applicant must be 18 years of age at the time of application. You can win here in the nominations "Best Shot", "Series of Photographs" and "Portrait".

The deadline for accepting photographs is July 1, 2017. The following grants were established as prizes for the winners: 1st degree diploma with a monetary reward of 35,000 rubles, 2nd degree diploma with a monetary reward of 25,000 rubles and a 3rd degree diploma with a monetary reward of 15,000 rubles.

Competition of photography, painting and design "Golden Turtle"

For lovers of photography, applications for participation in the Golden Turtle contest are open until June 30. It will be of interest to both photographers and artists and designers. There are no restrictions for participants of the event by country. The organizer is charitable foundation"My equator".

In 2017 the festival will be held in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod and Kazan. One of its goals is to draw the attention of a wide audience to the protection of nature and the conservation of rare and endangered species of animals.

The proceeds from the sale of tickets and souvenirs will go to the needs of the curators and wards of the My Equator Foundation.

Travel Story Contest Russia 2017

Finishing with the topic of photography, we want to immediately move on to covering the topics of stories. The open competition about unique trips "Russia 2017" is remarkable precisely because in order to take part in it, you need to come up with a fascinating story about your past unforgettable adventures. The organizer of the event is the site "Tourister".

A contestant can submit only one work. His story should be about the journey that was made no earlier than January 1, 2017. The amount of text is at least 10,000 characters without spaces.

The story must be tied to the subjects of the Russian Federation, presented in the following categories: " central Russia”, “Golden Ring”, “South of Russia”, “Altai and Baikal”, “ Far East”, “Siberia”, “Ural”, “Volga region”, “North-West of Russia and Kaliningrad” and “Caucasus”. There is also a separate category "Crimea". The main part of the text should be tied directly to one of the presented subjects.

As a prize, the winners in each nomination will be awarded a gift certificate in the amount of 15,000 rubles for purchases in the Ozon online store, which is valid for one calendar year.

Dmitry Gorchev Literary Prize

For lovers of literature, the organizer, represented by the Dmitry Gorchev Literary Prize Committee, has established a competition for absolutely all authors who feel feelings and emotions boiling in them, ready to break out.

Each participant has the right to send no more than two texts with a maximum of 2000 words each. The main nomination of the Prize is "Beauty/Abomination". The genre of the text can be very different: a story, an essay, a travel diary, a fairy tale, a grotesque, or even absurd realism.

In 2017, the amount of monetary reward to the winners of the competition is 7, 5 and 3 thousand rubles, respectively. In addition to this, the Russian Gulliver publishing house will reward its own winner with an amount of 10,000 rubles.

Literary award "NOS"

The organizer, represented by the Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation, is holding new competition traditional literary prize"New Literature" / "NOS". Deadline - July 31, 2017.

The participant can send his work written in the genre of prose text, previously published in a book, magazine, newspaper or electronic media.

The winner receives a monetary reward in the amount of 700,000 rubles along with a gift - a figurine symbol of the Prize. In addition, there are other prizes, but with smaller amounts: 40,000 for the shortlist finalists and 200,000 each for the Reader's Choice Award and the Critical Community Prize.

James Dyson Competition

The James Dyson Charitable Foundation is happy to support innovative engineering inventions. One of the goals of the event is that such an invention should help solve one of the pressing problems of mankind. Deadline - July 20, 2017.

Doing more with less is the main principle that will guide the selection of the winner. National winners will be given the chance to compete for a $2,500 cash prize, while internationally top engineers will be able to compete for $40,000, while another $6,000 goes to the lucky winner's university. The finalists who have reached competitions at the international level receive the same amount.

Competition for women in science from L'ORÉAL-UNESCO

In 2017, it will already be 10 years since the first competition "For Women in Science" was held. Deadline - July 15, 2017.

Competitors must meet the following criteria: to be successful in science, to be of significance and practical value for scientific research, and also to wish to fully connect their lives with the scientific environment in the future.

The main prize of the competition is 500,000 rubles.

Competition for personal scholarships for the 2017-2018 academic year from the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia

The Ministry of Education and Science of Russia gives everyone the opportunity to receive during 2017-2018 a personal scholarship named after A. A. Voznesensky, E.T. Gaidar, D.S. Likhachev, Yu.D. Maslyukova, A.A. Sobchak, A.I. Solzhenitsyn and V.A. Tumanov.

Grants from NUST MISIS 2017-2018 for inviting leading scientists

The National Research Technological University "MISiS" gives an opportunity to everyone at the international level to receive grants to support scientific research in the field of scientific direction together with leading scientists invited for a short period.

Grants are allocated from July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018. The short term for inviting a leading scientist to conduct joint scientific research is from two weeks to four months. The amount of monetary reward is 0.2-1.6 million rubles.

2018 project competition organized by RFBR

The 2018 project competition within the framework of international associated laboratories and international scientific associations, held jointly by the RFBR and National Center scientific research in France. It will be held within the framework of International Associated Laboratories (IAL) and International Scientific Associations (ISO). Its main task is the development of international scientific cooperation.

The competition is open to projects of fundamental scientific research, which were agreed in advance by scientists from Russia and France, enrolled in the MAL and MPE.

Until December 31, 2018, it will be possible to submit your project for a subsequent grant on the following topics: "From the molecular to the cellular picture in human pathologies", "Nanostructures of semiconductor compounds: synthesis, properties, devices", "Absorption spectroscopy of molecules of interest to physics planetary atmospheres, including the Earth's atmosphere: from the development of experimental methods to global modeling and databases", "Collective phenomena in semiconductor nanostructures in the terahertz and mid-infrared ranges", "Kinetics and physics of pulsed discharge plasma and their afterglow", "Ion-exchange membranes and processes ”, “Laboratory of macrocyclic systems and materials based on them”, “Innovative materials and nanomaterials based on special functional building blocks”, “Directional transport of RNA into mitochondria: from mechanism to therapy of mitochondrial diseases”, “Helioplasma”, “Interdisciplinary studies of prehistoric art in E vrazii” and “Co-evolution of man and the environment in Eastern Siberia”.

For topics such as Element Separation Perspectives, Glacier Archives of Climate Data and environment“Vostok”, “Catalytic processing of biomass into valuable products” and “French-Russian laboratory for research in the field of oncogenesis: study of epigenetic markers and nuclear structure in carcinogenesis”, agreements are valid until the end of 2019 inclusive.

Until December 2020, experiments related to the topic "Critical and supercritical phenomena in functional electronics, acoustics, fluidics" will be carried out, and until 2021 - "Large-scale aerial observations of the Siberian region".

The duration of the project participating in the competition is from 1 to 4 years. The maximum grant amount is 700,000 rubles. Registration of applications will end on December 1, 2017, and the results will be summed up in March 2018.

Competitions and grants 2017-2018 in Russia

With this material, we made it clear to you that in Russia in the period 2017-2018 there will be many competitions for the most different topics, in which both ordinary residents of the Russian Federation and foreign guests with an academic degree can take part. Choose the best for you! Is always.

Initiative and active people of any age try to use every chance to achieve their goals. This fully applies to students, true professionals and creative people. A large number of competitions and grants are held annually for them in Russia. The period 2018-2019 will not be an exception. Participation in these events makes it possible to use finance to conduct research in the chosen direction, get the opportunity to attend foreign conferences, become a student of a prestigious university or receive a cash award. Other participants want to make themselves known or satisfy personal ambitions and find out their level of ability.

Conduct levels

Grants are provided at four levels:

  • Private - the initiator is an individual or an organization with a private form of ownership. This may be a higher education institution, a private charitable or scientific foundation, a development fund, etc.
  • Municipal - covers a certain administrative-territorial region and can be initial stage higher levels.
  • Regional - covers a republic or an autonomous region, as well as a territory or region.
  • Federal - provides the greatest prospects for winners of competitions or recipients of grants, since it implies the support of government structures and ministries.
  • International - allows you to interact with contestants and organizers from other countries, with international organizations. Obtaining international level grants provides for the highest funding and trips to other countries.

In the period 2018-2019, competitions and grant programs in Russia will be held at all of the above levels.

Main directions

Participation in competitions and grants is possible in a huge range of fundamental scientific activity, creative and business projects.

Creative contests

The opportunity to bring your ideas to life in original projects, look at the world in a new way and show an extraordinary approach to creativity is available to all creative people in Russia. Schoolchildren, students and adults can show their strength, regardless of whether any of the types of creativity is their profession or remains at the level of a hobby.


Any genres and directions are offered for the contestants. Some organizers provide the opportunity to freely choose the style and presentation of the material.

The brightest offers:

  • "The Warmth of the Family" Author's essay on family values.
  • "Me and China" A joint project with the support of the Chinese Embassy. An essay about my view of China and its customs.
  • "A Closer Reading of Poetry". It is held in several nominations at once - “The best experience of reading one poem”, “The best essay on the work of a poet”, “The best review of a poetic book”, etc. Each author can participate in only one nomination.
  • “Symbols of Russia. Literary Anniversaries. Children and teenagers under 14 are invited to send questions about the works of writers who will have an anniversary in 2018. The list of writers is limited to the recommended educational program.
  • "Private bussiness". Scenarios in Russian for feature films or TV series, no more than four episodes long.
  • "The book closes - the story continues." It will be held as part of the popularization of the literary heritage of I.S. Turgenev. Competitors are required to rework or continue the classic in an original manner.

Photo and video

Photographs and video works can reveal the special creative potential of a person. Grants received through programs conducted in 2018-2019 will not only allow you to show your talents, but also receive rewards in the form of training or an amount that will become a springboard on the way to improving your work.

  • "Vicki loves the land." The objects are natural objects, landscapes, unique natural areas etc.
  • "You are not alone". Videos in gaming, social and acting genres, as well as the script for a social video. The duration of the video is up to three minutes.
  • "Turkey: Feel the taste of life." Photos taken in Turkey that reflect the diversity of this country. Landscapes, photographs of architectural structures and photographs dedicated to the culture and entertainment of Turkey are accepted.

Drawings and design

  • "Live in peace". One participant can present one work, which contains the slogan "Let peace prevail on Earth."
  • "The Rise of Technology". Illustrations of characters or elements of the project “Bersek. Heroes.
  • "I can! I'm drawing!". Competition for children with disabilities. Family members or teachers are welcome to help.

Scientific grants

Not only scientists, but also students and schoolchildren can take advantage of scientific grants. As a reward, funding is often provided for a stay in a summer school in another country, or funding necessary to bring the declared project to life.

Grants are distributed in many areas of scientific activity:

  • humanities (history, philology, sociology, medicine, etc.);
  • exact sciences (physics, chemistry, mathematics, economics);
  • applied Science ( international relationships, information technology, etc.).

Among the proposed grants, you should pay attention to the following:

  • Conducting short research in various areas at Hosei University (Japan) for 6-12 months.
  • Education at Innopolis University (Russia) with a specialization in IT technologies.
  • Scholarship from Korea National University of Arts (Korea). Various areas of art are offered, such as dance, drama, music, cinema, etc.
  • Scholarship to study at the University of Queensland (Australia). Applicants - masters and graduate students.
  • Scholarship to study in Colombia. The grant from the state is given to bachelors, masters and graduate students.

Participation Benefits

Grant seekers and participants in various competitions do not just show their active position. They serve several purposes:

  • Carrying out fundamental and structured developments in selected areas. Participation in such events often leads to the desired format of the project or indicates the way of its implementation.
  • The opportunity to create a qualified group with other professionals in your industry or have access to new resources from other educational institutions.
  • Contact with members of the jury or scientific advisers, who are not just competent specialists, but the best representatives in their field. They can give advice, correct errors, and express constructive criticism of the work.
  • Research can take on a new format, changing from superficial and theoretical to confirmed by practical actions, experimental studies and field observations.

The winners have the opportunity to get a response in the right circles and enlist the support of leading experts. In addition to going to new level applicants can introduce their achievements or publish them in the form of scientific papers or articles in specialized publications and scientific periodicals.

How to get involved

In order to become a participant in a competition or scholarship program, you need to track their start and carefully read all the rules and requirements. It is best to do this on the official website of the program.

As a rule, the application for participation is submitted electronically. For more serious and large-scale grant programs, the list of documents submitted with the application can be quite extensive, so it may take time to prepare them. It is better to apply immediately after the start of admission: this way, participants and applicants will have a temporary margin for making amendments if necessary.

If the participant does not understand certain rules, he can send a written request to the organizers in order to most accurately fulfill all the requirements and provide materials and documents.

Examples of activities funded by grants

Training or internship

It involves studying or internship at an educational institution in the country or abroad. It can be calculated for a long period - 1-3 years (in this case, funds are issued in installments) or for a short period - weeks or months. Funding can cover all expenses, including travel, accommodation and meals (and even provide for a scholarship) or only partially, the student must pay the rest.

Tuition grants are quite popular among students. For countries with underdeveloped economies and Russia, more generous funding is often provided to cover all costs.


They are provided for a short period (months) and involve working with colleagues from other regions, access to the resources of universities and libraries. As a rule, they are issued to graduate students and doctors who are already working on a research or project and are able to prove the need for scientific work abroad or in another region.


Covers travel expenses for those who are invited to a conference, seminar or internship in another country or region.

Low-budget or short-term projects

The rent of premises and the rent or purchase of equipment, consumables, payment of invited specialists (scientists, engineers, technicians, translators, administrators), dissemination of information about the project (conferences, exhibitions, publications), transportation costs and expenses for accommodation and meals during trips related to the project. The project can be designed to support a single event (conferences, schools, testing of a technical installation or system, a field expedition, a survey public opinion etc.) or long-term support for research or a system of interventions. AT last case often provided funding through multiple grants or other sources.

The role of grants in the development of society

With the help of grants, the necessary support is provided for projects that are not profitable, but play an important role in the development of a society, a city or educational institution. Activities that do not receive adequate funding from the state can also be supported through grants. For example, non-profit organizations that exist in the country often rely on grants as the main or even the only source of their income (it is necessary to pay for premises and equipment, and the work of employees).

In Russia, grants received by non-profit organizations from foreign charities are not taxed.

Obtaining procedure

To receive a grant, the applicant writes detailed plan, indicating costs and deadlines, and also describes his contribution - that part of the costs that he will assume or be able to receive from other sources. Applications go through a review stage with the granting organization and, often, a competition between applications from different participants. The competition takes into account the weight of the justification for obtaining funding, the adequacy of the required expenses, the degree of preparation of the participant, the duration of the result, etc. The grantee reports on expenses by providing receipts, reports and objective results ( scientific work, publications, research, statistics). As a rule, this is an important and most part of the work on the application.

Grants have played a big role in Russia in supporting science, training specialists, and creating a network of non-profit organizations.

Examples of organizations providing grants


  • Global Fund for Women - International Foundation supporting programs for women. Information about the fund and its programs, application form for obtaining a grant.

In Russia

  • Russian Foundation for Basic Research - A state organization that supports fundamental research in the field of new scientific knowledge about nature, man and society. The site contains information about the foundation, its programs, competitions and grants.
  • Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation RGNF - established by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 8, 1994 No. 1023 "On the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation". The main goal of the Foundation is to support humanitarian scientific research and dissemination of humanitarian scientific knowledge in society.
  • StartFellows - grant for Internet startups from the founder social network Vkontakte Pavel Durov and the founder of the investment group DST Yuri Milner.

In the CIS

  • Eurasia Foundation, Moscow office - Information about the programs, recommendations for making a grant application.

In Europe

  • German Academic Exchange Service - Organization supports educational programs in different countries: payment of scholarships, exchange of students, teachers.
  • British Council - Information about the Council and the programs it supports in various fields (arts, economics, education, law, etc.), as well as for the study of English.


  • The Ford Foundation is the Moscow office of the Foundation. Operating principles, description of the application procedure.
  • - USAID - division Europe and Eurasia.
  • Fulbright Foundation - exchanges of scientists, internships for masters and graduate students, summer schools.
  • IREX (Moscow office) - Council for International Research and Exchanges. Provides scholarships for scientific research in the humanities and social sciences, mainly for specialists who already have higher education.
  • American Advice Center for Education in the USA - Information on exchange programs and activities of the center, as well as useful information about studying in the USA and the admission process to American universities.
  • - Information about the institute, its Russian projects, competitions, grants.
  • NATO Science Program - Programs at various levels, support for scientific research, young scientists and scientific organizations.
  • Project "Harmony" - The organization conducts training programs and competitions for students and teachers, maintains open access points on the Internet, and also carries out student exchanges.
  • ECA - Supports education in various countries, provides scholarships, organizes student exchange programs.
  • National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS) - Council for the Support of Education. On the server - information about the Council, its projects, contacts, grants.
  • National Forum Foundation - US national forum dedicated to supporting research in the field of politics, economics, education.
  • American Association for Higher Education for Women - Information about the Association and scholarships.
  • U.S. Civilian Research and Development Foundation - the foundation supports joint Eurasian-American projects in Russia and the CIS countries.

Additional Information

  • Scholarships and grants on UBO.RU Scholarships and grants for studying abroad.
  • All competitions ru The most complete and regularly updated catalog of grants, competitions, conferences and scholarship programs.
  • Grants in Russia The list of grants updated by grantors on the site
  • European grants Opportunities to receive funding from European Union for organizations from external countries (including Russia and other countries of the former USSR)
  • Study Abroad - informational and advisory site for study and academic education abroad.
  • Calendar of grants, scholarships and competitions in various directions of science.
  • Periodic Digest of Grants. Grants are being published with deadlines set to expire in the coming weeks.


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    Exist., m., use. infrequently Morphology: (no) what? grant for what? grant, (see) what? grant what? grant about what? about the grant pl. what? grants, (no) what? grants for what? grants, (see) what? grants what? grants, about what? about grants A grant is a special… … Dictionary Dmitrieva

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