Integrated lesson for the middle group “Looking for a surprise. Complex classes in kindergarten

Interesting 13.10.2019

Pursuit modern man to the analysis and synthesis of the surrounding world dictates new approaches to the educational process, starting from kindergarten. Such approaches are integrated and complex classes. But not everyone is able to clearly separate these concepts and draw up the correct structure of each of the types of classes.

Basics of integrated and comprehensive activities in kindergarten

All classes in kindergarten subdivided into subject and meta-subject (or interdisciplinary). And if subject classes are narrow-focused classes, then a meta-subject lesson means a combination of different conceptual bases. That is, children in such classes develop the ability to consider the same concept with different points vision.

For example, a circle is a geometric figure, a circle is the core of a flower, a circle is a face (we took into account mathematics, the world and drawing).

Interdisciplinary classes, in turn, are divided into:

  • integrated,
  • complex,
  • combined.

Combined classes are a combination of different forms of classes or different topics that do not have a relationship with each other. Example: first, children draw on an arbitrary topic, and then they dance to music that has nothing to do with the topic of drawing. This activity is used to develop different skills of the child.

The conceptual boundary between integrated and complex classes is very vague, so many often replace one concept with another, which is not correct. An integrated lesson is a lesson that considers the topic as a whole, combining several forms and methods of revealing the direction through their mutual penetration into each other.

An integrated lesson is characterized by the development of associative links between concepts. So, the children in this lesson begin to understand that the concept of "forest" is large, and when we pronounce it, it means a large number of trees, these trees will be different. The forest is a home for birds and animals. At the same time, the forest is a place where mushrooms and berries grow, which we can pick while walking. So, the forest is a place for walking. In a deciduous forest it is lighter, and in a coniferous forest it is darker. At different times of the year during the walk we will see a different forest. In summer we will be able to listen to the sounds of the forest, and in winter we will see footprints of animals that live in the forest in the snow. This sequence of images, themes and terms is formed into an intellectual map, which the educator must draw for the children. At the same time, the concept of the forest becomes multifaceted, broad and develops into a full-fledged image of the forest. But this is possible if children are already familiar with the concepts included in the mind map.

The teacher may not show the children the prepared mind map, but conduct the lesson in such a way that such a map will become its result.

A full-fledged image is formed that allows the child, at the mention of the word "forest", to imagine a large number of different options for understanding this word. In this case, the number of activities and their clear change will not matter.

A complex lesson is an lesson that consistently combines different forms and methods of the educational process, combined common theme. The theme will be present in all consecutive activities, accompanying them and helping to remember and understand the terms. But the main thing is to develop the skills of pupils.

Comparing a complex and integrated lesson, it becomes obvious that the first does not go beyond the scope of the topic, and the second, with the help of related topics, reveals and supplements the content of this topic.


Table: comparison of integrated and integrated classes

Comprehensive Integrated
Orientation Versatile consideration of the topic of the lesson with a special focus on skills development. A holistic study of the material with the formation of an image.
  • Developing children's skills through successive successive activities.
  • Development of meaningful perception of the material.
  • Awakening interest in the topic.
  • The development of children through the integration of various concepts, united by a single theme, and the penetration of different types of activities one into another.
  • Creating a positive emotional background.
  • Development of mental abilities: analysis, synthesis, comparison, etc.
  • Development of skills for independent development and application of new information in practice.
  • Systematization of the obtained data.
  • Development of creative abilities.
  • Awakening interest in the topic.
  • Consistent connection of various activities in the classroom.
  • Clear topic formation.
  • Carrying out associative thematic links between the applied activities.
  • A selection of key questions based on different disciplines.
  • Sequential assembly of the studied concepts.
  • Harmonious combination of various pedagogical methods.
  • Creation of an intellectual map - a model in the center of which is a thematic concept, and around it the terms associated with it.
  • Integration of various forms of education.
  • Close grouping of the studied material.
  • Centralization of comparative analysis.

Open integrated and complex lesson in different age groups

For the successful implementation of an integrated lesson, it is necessary that children already own a significant conceptual apparatus and various types of activities. At the same time, a complex lesson may contain elements of the development of activities. Thus, the ability to discuss a topic develops gradually from many different activities, where discussion is used as an activity. The preparation of the lesson begins with an adequate assessment of the abilities of the pupils and the level of their activity skills.

At the age of 1.5 to 3 years, everything is just beginning:

  • speech begins to form;
  • vocabulary is built up;
  • improves coordination;
  • games are becoming more and more diverse;
  • images are formed, etc.

Not all children of the same age perceive the same material in the same way, but over time, everyone will achieve a positive result.

Children of the first younger group are more focused on complex classes, and integrated ones are best used as a debriefing.

At the age of 3 years, the first significant psychological conflict arises - “I myself!”. This is a time of self-awareness in society, a difficult period in the life of a baby. The actions of kids become intentional, diverse. The arms and legs begin to obey the way you want - the coordination of movements improves. Rhythm and poetry find an emotional response, and fantasies smoothly enter life based on the emerging visual-figurative thinking. In the second junior group, in addition to the final integrated classes, you can conduct 1-2 generalizing integrated classes during the year.

The development of motor skills at the age of 3 contributes to the improvement of a large number of skills, opening up new opportunities for children.

With pupils middle group we can already talk about conducting classes in the sense that is characteristic of most adults. At this time, educational areas can be distinguished. For example, the world around, elementary mathematical representations, speech development, etc. At the age of 3 to 4 years, children begin to interact more actively with each other, their own communication environment develops. Emotions come and go quite strongly. Stacked up friendly relations, there is sympathy, empathy with peers. The sea of ​​feelings and emotions at times overwhelms the child. At the same time, the baby is able to consciously remember the rules and follow them.

A 4-year-old child is able to correlate his actions and deeds with the actions of his peers.

At the age of 4, socially significant skills are instilled, such as the rules of behavior in certain places, etiquette, etc.

Age 5–6 years - time for why and big people. A lot can be discussed with these children, they have their own opinion about many things. Attention, memory and thinking are already subject to the child, and he can consciously learn a poem for a significant event for him.

Games become more intense, roles are meaningful, and children are able to assess the situation and solve the problem.

The age of 6–7 years is almost a schoolboy. The child has access to educational activities, he can control himself. New opportunities for intellectual activity become available to the baby. At this age, the opinions of others not only influence the child's behavior at a particular moment, but also his actions in similar situations. The range of possibilities and skills is wide, so a small person can successfully master new concepts and whole complexes of images. Children with great pleasure participate in theatrical productions.

The child can successfully complete the work not only within the conditions set by adults, but also creatively approach the task received.

Assessing the possibilities of children, we can say that for pupils of 4 years and older, integrated classes are recommended to be carried out in any quantities. The question is only in the expediency of a large number of such studies. It will be more effective to combine different forms of holding. There can be no age restrictions: both complex and integrated classes can be successfully carried out.

Conducting an open integrated and comprehensive lesson in a preschool educational institution

Any open session is held on general rules that are important to follow. Preparing an open lesson is painstaking work and a huge psycho-emotional load. After all, a person not only finds himself under captious and close attention, but also becomes the personification of the institution in which he works. Parents often associate the institution with the personality of the teacher (which, of course, is erroneous, but this is not felt at the time of the lesson). Each parent goes to an open lesson with their own expectations, and the teacher tries not to disappoint them. This is where the teacher should stop. The lesson is held for children, and parents are spectators. Do not try to please everyone and show everything at once.

The scheme of the basic rules for preparing an open lesson allows you not to lose sight of anything important

The educator must understand that the little things in this case can not be. The simple absence of an extension cord will make it impossible to apply some of the didactic or other material. It is important to understand the fact that there is a technical failure. Therefore, it is necessary not only to check the equipment in advance, but also to think over the moments of possible failures in advance. If the child is sick, and he has most of the desired poem, then the lesson is also in danger of failure.

When preparing an open lesson, think through possible unplanned moments. This will allow the teacher to get out of any situation with dignity.

Currently, Internet technologies are developing and there are opportunities for online broadcasting of an open lesson. In this case, the main thing is to set the camera correctly and conduct the lesson so that the children are in the frame all the time.

There are a number of obvious advantages when broadcasting online or demonstrating in a recording of an open lesson:

  • It eliminates the preparation of materials for parents and their notification and instruction, which allows more time to be devoted to the study of the lesson itself.
  • Allows caregivers to avoid difficult situations with parents. Especially in those moments when parents are trying to help the child cope with the task, mistakenly assuming that he cannot do it.
  • Children are not distracted by the presence of strangers.
  • Subsequently, video recording allows you to competently and comprehensively analyze the lesson.
  • The lesson takes place in a familiar environment for children.
  • The parent has the opportunity not only to this moment watch your child, but also keep the record in the archive for a long memory.

Final open lesson

A distinctive feature of the final lessons is that they should clearly demonstrate to both children and adults what they managed to learn during the reporting period. In kindergarten, most often such classes are held at the end of each semester. It would be a big mistake to try to make a lesson out of everything that the pupils managed to teach. It is best to take as a basis a topic (in this case it will be more convenient to use a complex form) or a section (an integrated lesson is suitable here) and collect those forms that are most effective for the whole group. We must not forget that personal achievements and group achievements are different concepts. The teacher in an open lesson shows the work of the group as a whole, and not of individual children.

Logically and correctly selected material is the basis of a good open final lesson

Another mistake would be a wrong start. If you have chosen a topic, then you should not try to make an integrated lesson out of it, it is better to make a high-quality comprehensive one. If the concept was taken as a basis and its consideration from the points of view of different topics, then special attention should be paid to a logical and consistent presentation.

Structure and time of the lesson

When preparing any lesson, the SanPiN rules apply, which clearly regulate the duration of the event. Considering that open integrated and complex classes are recommended for children aged 3–4 years and older, the duration of such a lesson can vary from 15 minutes in the second younger group to 30 minutes in the preparatory one.

You can learn more about integrated and comprehensive classes in the senior group from our article -.

The rules and norms of SanPiN take into account all the psychophysiological characteristics of children of different ages, so it is undesirable to violate them

The structure of any lesson in a preschool educational institution consists of 3 consecutive stages:

  1. Introductory part - 2–5 minutes. The teacher shows the children something bright, interesting, exciting.
  2. The main part is 12–25 minutes. Includes several activities and a musical or physical education break.
  3. The final part is 2–5 minutes. Summing up and reflection.

In order to conduct an integrated lesson, several different classes can be combined (for example, cognitive, musical, physical education, etc.). At the same time, one type of activity in time should not exceed the interval recommended by regulatory documents, and there must be an alternation of dynamic and static moments.

Photo gallery: lesson structure diagrams

In a complex lesson, you can notice a clear sequence of changing types of activities. An integrated lesson has a number of clear rules and requirements. In this lesson, not only the conceptual base is connected (vegetables and fruits), but also the concepts of bad and good are laid down. Any lesson in a preschool educational institution consists of three stages

Table: plan for the complex lesson "Hello, birdie" for children 3-4 years old

Stage Kind of activity
Introductory The teacher calls the topic of the lesson, shows a pre-prepared poster “About birds” and offers to do a little warm-up. Finger gymnastics "Magpie cooked porridge."
Main part Talk about birds and their characteristics. Children touch realistic toys in the form of birds and look at models or models of birds (stuffed animals can be used).
The teacher distributes the contours of the birds (you can cartoon ones) and asks the children to color them with pencils or felt-tip pens. Drawing.
final The teacher collects coloring work and asks 5–6 questions summarizing the topic. Final survey.

Table: plan for an integrated lesson on the topic "Products" for children 4-5 years old

Video: integrated lesson in the first junior group using ICT "Magic Journey"

Video can't be loaded: A comprehensive lesson on the development of speech and drawing in preparatory group Spring Has Come (

Both integrated and comprehensive classes meet the standards modern education. They really comprehensively develop the personality of the child, but they have a number of differences in the approach to this development. The topics of these classes in the preschool educational institution may be different. However, when creating such an activity, you need to clearly understand the goal and the end result that the teacher wants to achieve. And also it is impossible to conduct such classes often, as they will lose quality and novelty for the pupils.

| Integrated lessons. Abstracts

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In integrated classes, different activities are combined into one whole and complement each other. Such activities teach children the opportunity to consider the same phenomenon from different points of view. To solve one, specific problem, children can apply knowledge from various areas. With the help of such activities, children develop the ability for independent research. Classes of an integrated nature arouse children's interest and help relieve overstrain and fatigue by switching attention to a variety of activities, aimed at learning new material, but with the possibility of planning classes on a common topic for several subjects and different teachers.

The rubric contains all classes with integration from different areas, which were conducted by educators and users of our site. We will be glad if you share the author's material on this topic.

In order for your material to fall into this category, publish the material on your personal blog and write the word in the tags integrated classes

Integrated lesson "Looking for a surprise" Cf. Group
1. To bring joy and pleasure to children from educational games.
2. Maintain interest in intellectual activity, desire to play, showing perseverance, purposefulness, mutual assistance.
3. Consolidate knowledge gained earlier.
Educational tasks:
-Clarify the idea of ​​the account (within 5).
- Practice counting sounds by ear.
-To consolidate ideas about the sequence of parts of the day: morning, afternoon, evening, night.
- Exercise in the ability to name and distinguish familiar geometric shapes: ball, cylinder, cone, cube and geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, oval, rectangle).
Developmental tasks: continue to develop logical thinking, attention, speech, orientation in space;
Educational tasks: to cultivate independence, the ability to work in a team.
Integration of educational areas: "Cognition", "Communication", "Socialization", "Physical culture"
Circle of joy - "smile" (emotional mood).
A balloon flies into the group, and an envelope is tied to the thread.
- Guys, look what is it? (the envelope is not signed). Some strange envelope, nothing is written on it.
Let's open the envelope and see what's in there. (the teacher opens the envelope, the envelope contains a split picture and a letter).
- There are split pictures in the envelope, let's collect them, and then, maybe, we will find out who it is from. (Children collect pictures, the picture shows a wizard).
- Everything is clear, so the letter was sent to us by the Wizard. Now we can read it with you. (The teacher reads the letter).
“Hello, dear guys! Very little is left before the warm hot summer, which you are all looking forward to. Correctly?! and today, I have prepared a surprise for you, you can find it if you pass all the tests. Assignments will be difficult, but interesting; after completing them, you will find out where the treasure lies. Are you ready to travel? Good luck then. I give you a hint:
The balls are in the basket,
And the basket by the window.
(Children find a basket with balls, there is a number on each ball, and the numbers corresponding to the numbers on the balls are pre-arranged throughout the group, each number is assigned a task that needs to be completed.) During the entire journey, the guys take out balls and complete tasks. And let's count how many tasks we need to complete ??
Children count in Russian and Tatar. And vice versa.
Exercise 1
Put the numbers in order.
Task 2 (Parts of the day).
Oh, and here, guys, riddles.
Educator: Do you know the parts of the day?
Children: Yes.
Educator: I will make riddles for you, and you guess what time of day it happens.
1. Dew falls on the grass,
Well, it's time for us to get up.
Get on the charger
To better start the day. (morning)
2. We are already yawning sweetly,
Shadows scurry here and there
Cleaning teeth for order
And getting ready for bed. (evening)
3. Nothing was visible,

Like someone with a blanket

Wrapped up our heads.

What time of day is this? (night)

4. At noon the sun is at its zenith,

He has rays like threads,

The earth is generously warmed

Everyone is invited to dine. (day)

Repeat parts of the day in order. (Morning afternoon Evening Night)

Task 3

Orientation in space.

Place on the easel:

The ball is in the middle

On the right is a banana

Left: lemon

Above is a cat

Below is a bear

Cat, - upper left corner (Bu whom?) - Pesi

Dog, - lower right corner (Bu whom?) - Fl

Hare, - upper right corner (Bu whom?) - Kuyan

Bear - lower left corner (Boo whom?) - Ayu

Physical education minute

We'll stomp first
And then we'll clap
And then we'll turn around
And we all smile together.

Task 4

Magic bag.

Take geometric shapes out of the bag one at a time, name and give examples of what they look like, and where they can be found, where such figures have been seen.

Task 5

Did you manage the previous tasks, but will you cope with the last one???

Guys, look, there is something here, and again a letter.

Guys, this is a present for my grandson. He is studying to be a wizard. But I did not have time to decorate it, help me, please.

Guys the magician asks to decorate a hat for his grandson! Let's help?!

Children can draw and color the hat as they wish.

Prototype development in Uncategorized and published on 24th March, 2016
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The organization of the educational process in modern innovative conditions requires the teacher to improve practical activities by searching for new value priorities in determining the content, forms and methods of organizing the cognitive activity of children.

One of the areas of methodological renewal of preschool education is the design and conduct of integrated and comprehensive classes based on the integration of educational material from several spheres of children's life around one topic or concept.

A preschooler perceives the world around him holistically. For him, objects do not exist separately only within the academic subject: animals and plants are from “getting acquainted with the environment”, numbers and geometric shapes are “mathematics”, etc.

Integrated and complex classes: common features

The purpose of integrated and complex classes, built on the interdisciplinary connection of concepts, should be a versatile study of an object (object or phenomenon), a meaningful perception of the world around, bringing the formed knowledge into the appropriate system, inciting fantasy, creativity and interest, maintaining a positive emotional mood.

Classes that include interdisciplinary knowledge achieve efficiency if such didactic conditions for their organization and conduct are implemented:

  • building integrated and comprehensive lessons based on the concentration of content around one topic
  • specification of tasks at each stage of the lesson
  • consistent formation of concepts and skills with a common content
  • rational use of various means of activating the cognitive activity of children.

N. Gavrish, a researcher of preschool childhood, in her book "Modern Occupation" provides a detailed analysis of the integration process, categorical, semantic, structural properties of modern occupation.

She distinguishes the following types of classes according to the direction of the content:

  • unidirectional - subject
  • multidirectional - integrated and complex classes.

Therefore, complex and integrated classes are multidirectional . The main tasks in such classes are: the comprehensive development of the child, the formation of a holistic view of a particular subject based on the integration of different concepts with the involvement of children in various activities. However, these types of classes have a number of differences.

Integrated knowledge can be included in classes as a fragment (we remember the names of animals that begin with the sound [k]), a separate stage (updating knowledge about true and erroneous natural phenomena when working with fairy tales), throughout the lesson (forming a holistic image of the concept " Forest", "Insects", etc.).

- this is an activity that is aimed at revealing the holistic essence of a particular topic by means of different types of activities that are combined in a wide information field of the activity through mutual penetration and enrichment [N. Gavrish / 1, p. 22].

The structure of integrated classes requires particular clarity, thoughtful and logical interconnection of material from different disciplines at all stages of studying the topic. This is achieved under the condition of a compact, concentrated use of the program material, the use of modern ways organization of children in the classroom, interactive work.

At the stage of preparation for an integrated lesson, in order to comply with the systemic nature of knowledge, educators use the method of mind maps or maps of mental actions.

smart card- a structural-logical scheme of the content-procedural aspects of the study of a certain topic, in which the links of the key concept, which is located in the center, with other concepts of this topic (problem) are reflected in a radial form (together they form an inseparable unity) [N. Gavrish / 1, p. 58].

These maps (schemes for studying a concept or topic) help to reveal the essence of the concept that is being studied in the lesson, and its relationship with other objects (phenomena, processes, objects). The developed map is the basis for further modeling and conducting a lesson or a series of lessons (if the topic is very large in volume).

For example, for the integrated lesson "Sea", the main concept, which is located in the center, will be "sea". Words will depart from this concept that reveal the essence of the central concept - this environment, marine inhabitants, entertainment, maritime transport, properties of sea water (see diagram 1).

This diagram can also be extended concrete examples: names of animals, plants, vehicles, diving equipment, sports, etc.

Scheme 1. Theme "Sea".

Such maps to the topic can be compiled from the prepared material in the process of conducting the lesson with the children. Of course, in this version it is best to use all kinds of images.

It should be noted that the conduct of integrated classes requires special preparation from the educator and the already formed stock of knowledge and skills in children on the relevant topic. Therefore, carrying out such classes every day is very difficult.

Examples of topics of integrated activities for conducting with children :

  • "Water is the source of life"
  • "Time in Nature"
  • "Far close"
  • "Kin" (classes of the animal world)
  • "What is this ball?" (study of various round objects)
  • "Adults and their cubs" (animal world).

Several integrated lessons with indicative content :

"Diversity of Leaves".

Cognitive activity - analysis of the form, size and number of representatives of the plant world (Red Book), grouping of plants (flowers, trees, bushes, herbs), physical activity - outdoor game "Day and night plants", speech game- compiling a warning story “Caution! Predatory Plants! (or medicinal plants etc.), artistic activity - application "November" (selection of geometric shapes, in accordance with the shape of the leaves).

"Symmetry in Nature".

Lexical work with the word “same”, experience with mirrors, performing tasks on a mosaic (creating snowflakes), searching for symmetry in drawings (depicting representatives of the animal and plant world), making snowflakes, leaves (mirror symmetry) by cutting and imprinting paint on paper, folding patterns from the “Fold the pattern” material, performing symmetry tasks in pairs, subgroups “You are my reflection”.

"Christmas tree".

Guessing and compiling riddles about the Christmas tree (determination of characteristic properties - the presence of needles, smell, thorny branches, evergreen), analysis of shape, size and color, diversity coniferous trees(“Christmas Tree Relatives”), creating a Christmas tree from geometric shapes, from puzzle material (“Tangram”, “Pythagoras”), reasoning on the topic “Why are Christmas trees sad after the holidays”? (ecological education).


It is desirable to carry out this activity on the street, watching a real snail.

Analysis of the shape (spiral, circle), size (small), observation of the speed of movement (slow), didactic game "Who is the slowest?" (comparison of the speed of movement of different animals), the outdoor game "Snail" (children draw snails on asphalt with chalk (a path twisted into a spiral), distribute it into squares and jump in turn), visual activity - coloring with chalk or cutting a spiral from colored paper.

To conduct integrated classes as Topics can choose:

1. Single concepts - names of certain animals, plants, natural phenomena, household items, holidays

2. Generalized concepts , which include a certain system of objects:

  • forest: a collection of animals, plants, recreation;
  • sea: the totality of animals, plants, transport, entertainment;
  • shop: goods, sellers, buyers, price, money;
  • construction: workers, machines, equipment;
  • wildlife class: animal, vegetable world, characteristic properties, conditions of existence, protection, benefit and harm;
  • bakery: workers, equipment, products;
  • park: design, entertainment, plants;
  • museum: exhibits, tour, employees, rules of conduct, etc.

When considering one concept in the lesson, its comprehensive disclosure is carried out, integration is realized. If the basic concept is generalized, as a result of an integrated lesson, children form a holistic picture on a specific topic.

Complex classes

Comprehensive is an occupation aimed at versatile disclosure of the essence of a particular topic by means of different types of activities that consistently change each other [N. Gavrish / 1, p. 22].

Comprehensive and integrated classes are necessarily thematic, in which the chosen topic or key concept is the basis for combining tasks from different types of activities.

Therefore, in an integrated and comprehensive lesson, the presence of different types of children's activities, combining knowledge from different industries is provided. But these types of classes differ significantly from one another, although both are based on interdisciplinary (intersubject) connections.

A complex lesson provides for the episodic inclusion of questions and tasks from different disciplines, from different types of activity. It promotes in-depth perception and comprehension specific concept. For example, when studying the topic “Spring. Seasonal changes in nature ”, the teacher activates the knowledge of children through conversation, accompanying the conversation with children's drawings and works of artists.

If the main goal of the lesson is to create a holistic image of "spring", it will integrate content from different disciplines, include tasks with different types of activities. The peculiarity of such an integrated lesson is that blocks of knowledge from different disciplines are combined in order to create an integral system of knowledge on a specific topic.

It is also believed that the main goal of integrated classes is to create conditions for a comprehensive consideration by children of a particular object, concept, phenomenon, the formation of systemic thinking, the awakening of the imagination, and a positive emotional attitude to cognition.

“In an integrated lesson, association occurs with the penetration of elements of one activity into another, that is, the limits of such association are blurred. In such a lesson, it is almost impossible, at least very difficult, to separate one activity from another. In a complex lesson, one activity replaces another, and this transition is palpable: we drew, now we will play, and then listen to a fairy tale. A complex occupation resembles a multi-layered pie, in which each of the layers remains separate” [N. Gavrish / 1, p. 23].

The difference between an integrated lesson and a complex one

The content of complex and integrated classes differs in that in an integrated lesson it is very difficult to divide the task by type of activity. So, for example, in a complex lesson called "Chicken's Adventure in the Forest" (or "Chicken"), the chicken will simply be the main character who will be the key figure in the lesson. Children can be offered such tasks with different types of activities: cognitive - Chick's conversation with Pinocchio to update knowledge about the rules of behavior in the forest; physical - physical education or an outdoor game "Who is faster?"; musical - singing a song about a stream, imitation of the sounds of forest nature, the game "Guess who said?", counting activity "What is more in the forest?" etc.

Accordingly, each of the tasks is related to a common theme, but fulfills its specific goal in accordance with the type of activity: physical - to develop psychophysical properties (speed, endurance, etc.); artistic - to teach to convey an artistic image different means art, etc. And most importantly, when completing these tasks, children's knowledge on the topic "Chicken" is not systematized and most likely does not expand.

On the same topic "Chicken" in an integrated lesson, you can offer the following tasks:

  • a conversation to update knowledge about the character of the lesson or the game "Guess who I am?" (working with cards showing various properties: color, texture, habitat, size, etc.);
  • compiling the story "Why does the chicken squeak?" (you can use the picture)
  • performance of tasks such as "What was - what is - what will be?" (to establish a logical sequence of events - the necessary conditions for the appearance of a chicken (incubator));
  • didactic game "Who is friends with whom?" or "Russell Animals" (domestic and wild animals, birds)
  • solving simple arithmetic and logical problems (“A chicken eats half a glass of millet a day. How many glasses does a chicken need for 2 days?” etc.)
  • construction from geometric shapes (taking into account the shape, size, composition of elements from separate parts) - this task can combine artistic, cognitive and speech activities of children
  • proof of the statement “a chicken cannot swim” (consideration of structural features).

In the mentioned tasks, it is difficult to determine which goal is the main one, since they are integrated in nature, allow you to consider the main concept (topic) with different parties, reveal the main properties and features of the object.

Performing all these tasks, children systematize their knowledge on the topic "Chicken", have the opportunity to learn something new.

Taking into account the age characteristics of children when conducting integrated and complex classes

There are no age restrictions for conducting complex and integrated classes with children. The main thing is the ability of the educator to organize the work of children in the classroom, the correct choice of the topic of the lesson and its content.

The above-described approximate content of the integrated and complex lesson "Chicken", with an appropriate level of preparation and selection of tasks appropriate for the age of children, the teacher can also conduct in the younger group.

Moreover, we note that almost all activities with young children are complex.

When planning in your work to conduct integrated and comprehensive classes, it should be remembered that such classes require special training for both children and the educator. Accordingly, the daily conduct of such classes is a colossal burden, primarily on the educator.

When preparing an integrated and comprehensive lesson, you need to know the basic requirements for planning and organizing their conduct:

  • highlight in the program from each discipline (sphere of life) similar topics or topics that have common aspects;
  • identify links between similar elements of knowledge;
  • change the sequence of studying the topic, if necessary;
  • take into account specific tasks in the process of studying the topic for each of the disciplines;
  • when planning a lesson, formulate the main goal and task;
  • to model the lesson (analysis, selection, verification) of the content of the lesson, fill it with material that meets the purpose of the lesson;
  • identify the optimal load of children (mental, physical, speech activities, etc.).

Conducting integrated and complex classes provides ample opportunities for the use of a variety of visualization in the classroom. So the teacher can use children's drawings to create examples and model tasks. Using the same drawings, you can compose short stories and fairy tales with children.


  1. Today's employment in the preschool mortgage: navch.-method. posib. / for ed. N. V. Gavrish; ed. coll.: N. V. Gavrish, O. O. Linnik, N. V. Gubanova. − Lugansk: Alma mater, 2007. − 496 p.

Sazonova Anastasia

State educational institution of additional


education (advanced training) of specialists

Kuzbass Regional Institute for Advanced Studies

and retraining of educators.

Faculty of advanced training

Department of preschool education

Integrated classes in kindergarten


Demin Elena Alexandrovna,

Educator MDOU

Novoromanovsky Kindergarten



Rothermel Victoria


Methodist MOU "IMC


In the 70s. the question arose of activating the cognitive activity of schoolchildren, overcoming the contradiction of artificial dismemberment according to subject matter. The student did not perceive holistically either the educational material or the picture of the surrounding world. This led to active search interdisciplinary connections, their use in differentiated learning.

At the moment, the question arises of using an integrative approach to the education of preschool children, organizing integrated classes.

The relevance of integrated classes lies in the fact that there is a differentiation of the capabilities of the teaching staff in approaches to building an optimal model of the educational process.

The main tasks in the use of integrated classes in the educational process are: creating a holistic picture of the world in children; improving the quality of the educational process; formation of the personality of the teacher and the child; increasing the professional competence of teachers.

Chapter 1 Integration of the content of preschool education

The objective side of integration, as the analysis of pedagogical literature shows, is reflected directly in the content of education and determines the approach to the selection and arrangement of educational material of interconnected educational areas in such a way that the knowledge and skills gained in the study of one or more areas are the basis for the assimilation of others. or fixed in their study. Here they should act in the unity of the interpretation of the concepts disclosed in the programs of interrelated areas and the rational selection of educational material.

The works of L.I. Balashova, M.N. Berulava, G.F. Hegel, V.V. Kraevsky, I.Ya. Lerner and others I.Ya. Lerner, V.V. Kraevsky. In them, the authors consider the content of education as:

A system of knowledge about properties, phenomena, regularities, laws, concepts, categories that must be built on the principle of concentricity, which implies the growth and expansion of these categories of knowledge;

A system of ways of knowing the world around us, which could represent their interconnection and transfer to various educational spheres;

Emotional and value attitude of the individual to the objects of knowledge, reflecting a diverse range of feelings, emotions, protective and saving actions;

Socio-cultural creative experience that develops on the basis of ways and feelings, allowing the child to transfer existing knowledge and ways to new types of life.

The conceptual ideas of three attempts to implement an integrative approach to education are of undoubted interest for developing the content of integrated knowledge. In the field of natural sciences, such knowledge, according to L.Ya. Danilyuk, there are ideas about the system-level organization of nature, the physical, chemical and biological picture of the world, conjugation and general patterns of processes occurring in inanimate and living nature. In the field of humanitarian knowledge, the principles of cultural and cultural conformity are leading, supplemented by a common integrator of natural science and humanitarian knowledge - a methodological approach of a person to the study of being, the study of matter (nature) and ideas (spirit).

Despite the multiplicity and complexity of the content of integrated knowledge, it should reflect a number of worldview aspects, the main of which, according to A.V. Teremova, the following:

Moral - axiological view of the world, where the life and work of each individual is considered as an independent value, and knowledge and faith - as a condition for the harmonious development of the individual and the formation of a scientific worldview;

A reasonable attitude to the processes of transformation of the world, when a person, being a part of nature, possessing the power of reason and the ability to generate energy comparable to the energy of natural phenomena, actively participates in local and global processes, and most importantly, begins to understand responsibility for what is happening, for the fate of the world.

Sections of the program in the preschool educational institution, being multidimensional, in their educational value, can be multifacetedly interconnected along the line:

cognitive activity. One of the manifestations of the basic component in education is its end-to-end presence in all, without exception, educational areas. Applied to the cognitive activity of children, this means that the system of knowledge acquired by children about surrounding reality contained in all sections of the program without exception, which requires the organization of their relationship in order to obtain a holistic view of the surrounding reality;

Formation of the child's personality. Each program as a whole, each section separately, makes its own special contribution, not replaced by the study of other sections;

practical significance. Each section of the program has practical aspects that play an accumulative role.

The effectiveness of convergence and close connection of various areas can be achieved by developing the content of integrated knowledge directly for each section of the program, as well as by including knowledge from additional partial programs used in working with preschoolers due to the presence in the preschool educational institution of any priority direction work.

Integration can take place in the following areas:

speech development - expansion and systematization vocabulary, development of initiative speech, improvement of the grammatical structure of speech;

familiarization with the outside world - systematization and deepening of knowledge about objects and phenomena, the development of cognitive motivation, the formation of interest in various forms knowledge of the world: modeling and experimentation, observation, reading, discussion, productive activity;

preparation for teaching literacy - development of speech hearing, sensory development of the child in the field of language, the formation of sound analysis and synthesis, familiarization with the sentence and the word in the sentence;

productive activity - the realization of impressions, knowledge, emotional state in a role-playing game, fine art, dramatizations, the implementation of communication skills in joint gaming and creative activities, the development of sensory standards;

musical education, to a greater extent than any other kind of art, is accessible to a child, since in the process of listening to music, children form the perception of musical images, they learn to correlate them with literary and expressive images of various types of fine arts (painting, graphics, sculpture, arts and crafts). art); learning songs enriches the child's vocabulary, helps to consolidate it;

acquaintance with fiction, which acts as a kind of basis in relation to other types of art, connected with song, opera and ballet by common plots and images; a large number of paintings were created based on myths, legends, fairy tales, so literature “as if suddenly and not separately uses all the means that are given separately to each of the other arts” (V. Belinsky); works of literature in this case can act as a kind of core that unites other types of art;

fine art contributes to the development of attention, observation, detailing of the perceived image, movement, the ability to notice the transfer of signs of objects by artists, sculptors, individual characteristics objects, develops a vision of a given object or phenomenon, emotional coloring;

dramatization connects artistic creativity with personal experiences and allows you to get acquainted with the world around you through images, colors, sounds;

Practice confirms that the following combinations of subjects provide good grounds for conducting integrated classes:

music + mathematics; literacy + mathematics; fiction + speech development + literacy; speech development + music + drawing; mathematics + labor; familiarization with the environment + music + drawing + work; familiarization with the environment + reading fiction and etc.

All this allows you to integrate different educational areas.

Chapter 2 Integrated Activities in Kindergarten

2.1 General characteristics of the classes

In the 70s. the question arose of activating the cognitive activity of schoolchildren, overcoming the contradiction of artificial dismemberment according to subject matter. The student did not perceive holistically either the educational material or the picture of the surrounding world. This led to an active search for interdisciplinary connections, their use in differentiated learning. At the moment, the question arises of using an integrative approach to the education of preschool children, organizing integrated classes. This need is due to a number of reasons.

1. The world surrounding children is known by them in its diversity and unity, and often sections of preschool educational program, aimed at studying the individual phenomena of this unity, do not give an idea of ​​the whole phenomenon, splitting it into disparate fragments.

2. Integrated classes develop the potential of the pupils themselves, encourage active knowledge of the surrounding reality, understanding and finding cause-and-effect relationships, developing logic, thinking, and communication skills.

3. The form of conducting integrated classes is non-standard, interesting. The use of various types of work during the lesson maintains the attention of pupils at a high level, which allows us to speak about the sufficient effectiveness of classes. Integrated classes reveal significant pedagogical opportunities, relieve fatigue, overstrain of pupils by switching to a variety of activities, significantly increase cognitive interest, serve to develop imagination, attention, thinking, speech and memory.

4. Integration in modern society explains the need for integration in education. Modern society needs highly qualified, well-trained specialists. To meet this need, the training of educated specialists must begin from kindergarten, elementary grades, which is facilitated by integration into the preschool educational institution, primary school.

5. By strengthening interdisciplinary connections, hours are released that can be used for studying foreign language, fine arts, music, for the developmental activities of pupils, as well as additional practical classes.

6. Integration provides an opportunity for self-realization, self-expression, creativity of the teacher, contributes to the disclosure of his abilities. “The world today lacks its own image, because this image can be formed with the help of universal system meanings - synthesis". The synthesis carried out at this level as interaction, connection (integration) is the main principle of constructing content and leads to such an important cognitive result as the formation of a holistic natural-science picture of the world. This leads to the emergence of a qualitatively new type of knowledge, which is expressed in general scientific concepts, categories, and approaches.

In the methodological literature on preschool education, there is no clear definition of the features of combined, complex and integrated types of classes, often one is replaced by another or an integrated lesson is confused with a complex, combined one.

An integrated lesson differs from the traditional one in the use of interdisciplinary connections, which provide for only occasional inclusion of material from other subjects. The subject of analysis in it are multifaceted objects, information about the essence of which is contained in various programs or sections of the program.

2.2 Sample lesson structure

Integrated classes are characterized by a mixed structure, which is a combination of linear, concentric and spiral structures. It allows you to maneuver in the organization of content, to present its individual parts in various ways.

1. Introduction. A problem situation is created that stimulates the activity of children to find its solution (for example, the question is asked: “Guys, what will happen if there is no water on Earth?”).

2. The main part. Children are given new knowledge necessary to solve a problematic issue (for example, the importance of water in nature and human life, etc.) based on the content of different sections of the program based on visibility. In parallel, work is underway to enrich and activate the vocabulary, teaching coherent speech.

3. Final part. Children are offered any practical work(didactic game, drawing, etc.) to consolidate the information received or update previously learned information.

Integrated classes give the pupil a fairly broad and vivid idea of ​​the world in which he lives, the relationship of phenomena and objects, mutual assistance, the existence of a diverse world of material and artistic culture. The main emphasis is not so much on the assimilation of certain knowledge, but on the development of figurative thinking. Integrated classes also require the mandatory development of the creative activity of pupils. This allows using the content of all sections of the program, attracting information from various fields of science, culture, art, referring to the phenomena and events of the surrounding life.

The main features of the integrated lesson include the synthesis of:

subjects of the educational cycle among themselves;

activities of two or more teachers, etc.

Integrated classes are built on the principles of integration both within and between subjects, through:

integration of the content of educational material in order to reveal the essence of knowledge, ideas;

teaching methods for the purpose of a comprehensive study of objects, phenomena;

theory and practice for the purpose of practical use of the knowledge acquired by children.

According to VT. Fomenko and E.Yu. Sukharevskaya, integration processes in preschool education are manifested at three levels: intra-, inter-subject, inter-system and have a high or low degree of integration, which significantly affects both the selection of content and the specific technologies of the teacher.

2.3 Methodology for preparing and conducting integrated classes

Before starting work on the implementation of integration into the DOE, it is necessary to perform a number of important actions:

determine the areas of knowledge, the integration of which is expedient and will contribute to the creation of a holistic view of the object of study in the child;

analyze and select from these areas such content, the integration of which is most important;

take into account program requirements and age characteristics of preschool children;

determine one or more basic directions for the integration of the content of education;

identify the basic principle of building a system of integrated classes (for example, thematic) and distribute the tasks and content of the lessons in accordance with it;

think over development tasks;

use a variety of activities that have the ability to integrate with each other (for example, dramatization of a fairy tale with construction from building material, musical accompaniment and the introduction of nominative and conceptual vocabulary into the active speech of children);

taking into account the peculiarities of the formation of different types of thinking of preschoolers, use a large amount of various visual and attribute material (demonstration, handout, game);

Use methods and techniques of a productive nature in working with children (problem situations, logical tasks experimentation, modeling, etc.);

take into account a student-centered approach in the process of building, organizing and conducting integrated classes.

When planning and organizing integrated classes, it is important for a teacher to consider the following conditions:

obligatory consideration of the content of the basic kindergarten program;

in an integrated lesson, blocks from various items Therefore, it is extremely important to correctly determine the main goal of the integrated lesson. If the overall goal is defined, then only the information that is necessary for its implementation is taken from the content of the subjects;

when developing a lesson, it is necessary to highlight the main thing and use knowledge from adjacent sections that contribute to the assimilation of the main material, eliminate duplication, use advanced differentiated knowledge;

when planning, a careful choice of the type and structure of the lesson, methods and means of teaching, as well as determining the optimal load by various types of activities for children in the lesson, is required;

integration helps to relieve stress, overload, fatigue of children by switching them to a variety of activities during the lesson. When planning, a careful determination of the optimal load by various types of activities of pupils in the classroom is required;

when planning and conducting an integrated lesson by teachers, careful coordination of actions is required;

it is necessary to maintain a positive-emotional style of relations between adults and children in an integrated lesson, take into account the age, individual and psychological characteristics of the children of the group;

in integrated classes, it is advisable to use a variety of didactic games, developmental exercises, complex tasks, assignments, etc.

One of the important principles of planning an integrated lesson is to determine the ratio of familiar and new material. The latter must necessarily be based on existing and well-learned knowledge, which contributes to the rapid construction of associations, involving the child in solving a problem situation from his own experience. Great importance in integrated classes, it is given to the development of a child's communication skills as one of the most important factors in his readiness for school.

Integrated classes are the most important part of the system of interdisciplinary connections. Each of these classes is taught by two or more teachers. The material of such classes shows the unity of the processes taking place in the surrounding world, allows students to see the interdependence of various sciences. Therefore, the main and initial activities of the preschool educational institution for the implementation of the cultural approach in the integration of education are the integration and coordination of the activities of preschool educational institutions (music director, additional education teachers, physical education instructor), the latter can initially be based only on the relationship of the content of education through integrated classes and integrated events (holidays, leisure).

The essence of the integration of teachers in teaching children lies in its interdisciplinary and interactivity basis in the implementation of program material.

2.4 Analysis of the integrated session

In the course of the analysis, the teacher gets the opportunity to look at his lesson as if from the outside, to realize it as a phenomenon as a whole, to purposefully comprehend the totality of his own theoretical knowledge, methods, methods of work in their practical refraction in interaction with the group and specific students. This is a reflection that allows you to assess your strengths and weaknesses, to clarify individual points of an individual style of activity.

Criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of an integrated lesson: the quality of knowledge on the topic (direction, etc.): completeness, correctness, awareness;

the ability to establish the relationship of objects, phenomena and processes;

the attitude of pupils to the object, phenomenon, occupation.

The specifics of the analysis (according to S.V. Kulnevich)

1. The object of integration (culture, science, local history, people, technology, etc.).

in creating a new section (program);

a cycle (block) of periodically repeated classes;

single integrative classes.

4. Level (stage) of content integration in a section or lesson:

4.1. organically united, whole new structure;

4.2. parallel existence in one lesson or program of various layers of material;

4.3. the stage of transition from the parallel connection of the material to an integral new structure.

5. The theme of the integrated lesson, the problem posed for children, the goal. novelty level.

6. Has the systematization of pupils' knowledge been achieved, has a holistic view of the subject (object, phenomenon) been formed?

7. Activities of teachers and pupils in preparation for an integrated lesson. Is this activity spontaneous or the result of careful preparation? What independent work or "homework" should have been done by the children before class; its purpose, scope, character? Do these classes facilitate the learning conditions for pupils or do they complicate their education in a preschool educational institution?

8. Forms of conducting an integrated lesson, types of activities of teachers and pupils. Do they combine reasonably, do they lead to the goal?

9. How many teachers participate in an integrated lesson?

Is cooperation between teachers carried out at an integrated level? How organic is it? Is someone pulling the "blanket" over themselves? Are the problems and the content of the lesson they conducted really the same? Are there any contradictions in the materials they use?

10. The results of the activities of children in an integrated lesson.

Have they developed a unified (integrated) view of the problem; the breadth of their horizons; culture of judgments, their argumentation; a culture of speech; emotional involvement in the problem.


Integrated classes in pedagogical activity preschool educational institution:

are effective tool formation of the personality of the teacher and the child; a means of increasing the professional competence of teachers;

lead to a decrease in static load through the use of different activities;

use the entire educational space not only of the group, but also of the kindergarten (offices, halls, hall, groups, territory of the kindergarten);

are used in the course of final lessons in order to generalize knowledge.

Due to the specifics of integrated classes that combine not only different types of activities, but also types of artistic creativity, there is a creative unity of children and teachers within the framework of any type of activity.

Integrated classes are a great opportunity to give children knowledge that is not in the program, but which require the implementation of the state standard, integrated classes provide an opportunity to give children knowledge in a complex, to form in children complete picture world, apply a variety of methods of working with children, use an individually differentiated approach to children.


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8.Martynova, M.V. Integrated learning. Pedagogical technologies. Types and forms of integrated lessons [text]: Tomsk, 2003.-153 p.

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