Plyatsevoy Alexander Mikhailovich and Elena Podkaminskaya. Resignation of the President: Alexander Plyatsevoy left the Ratek Association

Health 25.06.2019

Elena Podkaminskaya - famous Russian actress theater and cinema. This actress impressed fans with her beauty and incredible talent. She has been acting in films for more than fifteen years and during this time has become insanely popular with both male and female audiences.

During her career, Elena starred in films of completely different genres: dramas, historical and military films, melodramas, dramas and comedies. Each heroine of Podkaminskaya is a separate person who comes to life on the screen, thanks to the charisma, character, and talent of the actress. Elena starred not only in films, but also in multi-part serials.

It so happened in the life of the actress that the first years she firmly starred in detective stories, so fans of the detective genre immediately noticed her. A beautiful brown-haired woman with bright green eyes, Elena has always been the subject of admiration for fans.

The woman possesses slim figure, has beautiful long legs, lush hair and some kind of elusive natural charm, so it’s not surprising that the public wants to know everything about their favorite: what she eats, how she looks after beauty, what kind of cuisine she prefers, whether she plays sports, and also just her parameters: height, weight, age. How old is Elena Podkaminskaya is a rather popular question on the net, and it is not difficult to find an answer to it. Today, the actress is 39 years old, her height is 170 cm, and her weight is about 50 kg.

Biography of Elena Podkaminskaya

The biography of Elena Podkaminskaya begins in 1979 in the capital of Russia, Moscow. The girl grew up in a family of musicians, so her entire childhood was strongly associated with music. Already pretty early age the girl realized that she wanted to connect her life to the theater, where she and her mother often went to children's performances. Lena admired the beauty of young actresses on stage, as if spellbound, she looked at their bright costumes in sequins and sequins, and closing her eyes, she immediately imagined herself on stage. Podkaminskaya sang well and also played the piano. The girl did a lot of work, as she hoped that this would help her in her future profession.

After school, the future actress enters the theater institute, the famous Moscow "Pike". Elena already had a base for training, before that she went to a theater studio, so it was not scary and not new for the girl to take exams. Lena was one of the best students of the course of Alexander Shirvindt, the maestro himself repeatedly told the girl that she had a great future in the art world, and she had to work hard to deserve it. The great actor became a mentor and teacher for the girl, and also helped her find roles in the early years of her theatrical work. By the way, he never regretted that he took Podkaminskaya “under the wing”, he was not ashamed of the student. Lena performed on the stage of Shchukinsky in various performances, and a year before graduation, again on the instructions of Shirvindt, she got into the Satire Theater, where she already played on the same stage with the master.

On the stage of the theater, Elena opened up, performed diverse roles, and played in such well-known performances as "Especially Married Taxi Driver", "Dog in the Manger", and "The Cabal of the Hypocrites". Lena loves the classics much more than contemporary art, but in one of the modern performances, "Homo Erectus", she played a prostitute, stepping over herself, and for a new image.

Filmography: films starring Elena Podkaminskaya

At the same time as the artist got on the stage of the theater, she began to go to different auditions, trying out for roles in the cinema. The first year was not successful, and the roles floated right from under the nose of the actress, but in 2002 Podkaminskaya's filmography begins, and since then she has been acting in films all the time. The actress played in the film "Poirot's Failure" where she played a maid, and then beautiful girl directors noticed. Several times the actress played in historical films, even in Eldar Ryazanov's fairy tale. She liked this kind of work the most. In 2005, she appeared in the historical drama Adjutants of Love, and a year later in the fairy tale Andersen. Life without love."

In 2008, the actress was invited to shoot the film adaptation of the Strugatsky brothers, "Inhabited Island". The film comes out just after the New Year and during the Christmas weekend is going to be a huge box office. A year later, the actress plays in the TV series The Brothers Karamazov, and then she is invited to play the role of the wife of the protagonist in the film What Men Talk About. Podkaminskaya has already starred in three episodes of the film, each of which causes a serious stir among the public, so these tapes have added popularity to the actress. In 2018, the third part of the film was released.

Personal life of Elena Podkaminskaya

Such beautiful woman, like Lena Podkaminskaya, cannot but attract the attention of men, so if the actress were a little windy, perhaps her novels would not be counted. However, the artist does not like to talk about her personal life, and generally prefers to give interviews on the topic of her films or creativity. The actress has been married twice, she has eldest daughter from her first marriage, and she is still married to her second husband.

Alexander Plyatsev and Elena Podkaminskaya, whose photos can be found on the net, lived together for 6 years. In 2014, when the actress was still married to her first husband, rumors spread in the media that the actress had an affair on the side with her partner on the set, Mark Bogatyrev. The actress denied the connection between them, and the man admitted to reporters that he was in love with Lena, but the actress gave no reason to doubt her fidelity to her husband, and Bogatyrev did not meddle with a married woman. Whether this is true or not is unknown, but a year later Elena left her husband. Maybe the romance still took place, just the relationship between the couple of actors did not work out, and Podkaminskaya realized that she no longer loved her husband.

For a few more years, the actress was alone, and then the fans were stunned by the news on the network that Elena Podkaminskaya was pregnant with her second child in 2017. At first, the actress did not comment on this news in any way, but when the star’s clearly growing belly began to look through, she confirmed that she was expecting a baby. Six months ago, the actress gave birth to a daughter. The artist has not yet given an interview, she only said that the baby was named Eva.

Family of Elena Podkaminskaya

The fact that Lena became an actress is not only her personal merit, but also her parents. The family of Elena Podkaminskaya, that is, both of her parents, are musicians. Father, Ilya Mikhailovich, has his own art school, which is called "Rainbow" and is located on Shcherbinka. And the mother, Svetlana Evgenievna, is the head of the musical circle at this school, as well as a deputy of the city council.

Lena herself went to her father's art school, graduated from several different classes in music, as well as acting, so she went to the Shchukin school already prepared. On the stage of the school, the girl played in performances, played music and sang a little, Lena imagined herself a real artist, and, probably, the burning and great desire of the girl to become a professional actress gave her the strength to study at the theater.

Children of Elena Podkaminskaya

Actress for a long time she made a career and the star did not think about having children for a long time. She had about the same situation with her personal life, the actress got married at 31, and before that, if she had any novels, then the fans do not know anything about it. Lena was firmly engaged in her career, starred a lot, performed in the theater and constantly went on tour or filming all over Russia, so the actress did not even think about continuing her offspring up to 30 years old. At that time, she met with businessmen Alexander Plyatsev, and unexpectedly, she became pregnant. There was no fear, because Elena was already over 30. Nine months later, the first daughter of the actress was born, and in 2017 Lena gave birth to a second girl.

Today, the children of Elena Podkaminskaya live with the actress. Lena has not yet told reporters how her eldest daughter reacted to her newborn sister.

Daughter of Elena Podkaminskaya - Polina Plyatseva

The daughter of Elena Podkaminskaya - Polina Plyatseva was born in 2010. Today the girl is 8, she goes to the second grade and is her mother's pride. When her parents divorced, Polina went through a lot of stress, but Elena does everything so that her daughter does not feel abandoned. She and her ex-husband shared hours of custody over their daughter, and Paul often sees Alexander, the man takes the girl for the weekend, and also raises her daughter on a par with her mother.

The actress recently shared a photo eldest daughter on Instagram, and fans immediately dubbed the girl a little fashionista. Elena herself is one of the most stylish stars of Russian cinema, and her daughter, apparently, takes over the ability to dress beautifully from her mother.

Former Husband of Elena Podkaminskaya - Alexander Plyatsev

Lena and the businessman met quite by accident. The man, like many representatives of the stronger sex, was a fan of Lena's talent, and after meeting the actress live, he immediately fell in love. They had a beautiful romance, Sasha courted smartly, gave armfuls of roses and made such compliments that Podkaminskaya had not heard from anyone before. Soon she became pregnant and Alexander made a marriage proposal.

The ex-husband of Elena Podkaminskaya, Alexander Plyatsev, did not even come for a divorce, all the documents were signed for him by a lawyer. The husband read in the media that Lena had an affair with a partner on the set, and then the media also reported that Elena Podkaminskaya and Mark Bogatyrev got married, so former spouse stars just pissed off.

Elena Podkaminskaya's husband - Denis Gushchin

Although the actress is public person, a woman chooses unknown men as her legal spouses. Lena says that constant camera flashes already affect her life in the family. She cannot walk around the city with her daughter, the ubiquitous journalists scare the child, and the actress imagines that if her husband were a famous person, they would be forced to stay at home. The second husband of Elena Podkaminskaya, Denis Gushchin, is also a businessman, engaged in construction. He and Lena met when the actress was doing repairs in the apartment.

Denis immediately liked the woman and he began to court, and Lena was insanely easy with him. After Podkaminskaya gave birth to a businessman's daughter last year, he proposed, and in January 2018, the actress remarried.

Elena Podkaminskaya nude

The collapse of the star's first marriage was ordeal for the actress, despite the fact that she had long understood that this could not be avoided. Their marriage would have been happy if not for one "but" - the man did not want the actress Podkaminskaya, but his wife and housewife. He was jealous of his wife for going out, fenced off from publicity and at one point simply forbade her to act in films. He made scandals when he saw footage from films where Elena Podkaminskaya was naked, and repeatedly said that he did not want a woman to work at all, saying that a man should be the head of the family, and let her raise her daughter.

You can’t close a free bird in a cage, Lena breathed the theater, and madly wanted to be on the set again, she and her husband began to move away, conversations became less and less, and then the actress realized that it was pointless to pull the rubber, it was necessary to file for divorce.

Despite the fact that her husband was very zealous about the career of an actress and forbade her a lot, the star still accepted offers from frank magazines that offered the actress a shoot. So in 2013, a photo of Elena Podkaminskaya appeared in the Maxim magazine.

The actress does a lot of work and maintains her figure, so she doesn’t see anything reprehensible in showing candid photos with a gorgeous figure. In the pictures, the actress appears almost naked and in a very open swimsuit. She says that she is already past the age when you can be afraid of someone and not follow your dream for the sake of someone else, so she does not refuse filming offers.

Instagram and Wikipedia Elena Podkaminskaya

Despite the long list of films in which the talented Elena Podkaminskaya took part, crazy popularity came to her not after the films, but after the comedy series "Kitchen", which aired on STS. This year, the actress is already working on two films, which are still in production, but should be released by the end of the year. This is the "Diary of a New Russian", and "IP Pirogov".

Instagram and Wikipedia of Elena Podkaminskaya will tell a lot of interesting things about the star, her work, private life and creativity. On the network you can see photos of the actress from film sets or from her personal life.

Elena Podkaminskaya filed for divorce in October, explaining that she could no longer endure her husband's jealousy. Plyatseva wanted his wife to spend more time at home, but Elena, after she started acting in the TV series "Kitchen", happened career takeoff. The actress was in great demand.

- The man was very jealous of my love for my work. My husband was ruined by the desire to make me "pocket". Maybe that's why I'm not with this person. I think it is very important to respect the other person's freedom and choice.

As a result, Podkaminskaya decided to leave her husband. Fortunately, there were no scandals and a public showdown: on November 16, the Moscow City Court divorced the couple by mutual agreement. Five-year-old Polina stayed with her mother.

The meeting was attended by lawyers Elena Podkaminskaya and Alexander Plyatsevoi. The couple themselves chose not to appear in court.

“On July 17, 2009, a marriage was concluded, in 2010 a daughter, Polina, was born. Didn't work out living together. By mutual agreement, they decided to dissolve the marriage. There is an agreement on the division of property, ”the actress’s lawyer commented in court on the divorce.

The judge decided to dissolve the marriage, but added that within a month the decision could be appealed: all of a sudden, the couple will come to their senses and reconcile. But since the marriage is terminated by agreement of the parties, the representatives asked that all the dots be placed at this meeting.


Let me remind you that a couple of years ago, the domestic media was stirred up by information that a popular actor, star of the series "Kitchen" Mark Bogatyrev tried to commit suicide. Allegedly, the reason was a difficult romance with a film colleague, actress Elena Podkaminskaya.

Two years later, Mark decided to talk about that difficult period of time. " I was dying. In the truest sense of the word. A huge amount of work, exhaustion - both physical and moral. During the day I constantly wanted to sleep, but I couldn’t - shooting. And at night he could not sleep. Condition and appearance were like zombies. Huge bruises under my eyes, pale, if not white - as if the blood had been sucked out of me. Could make three appointments at the same time in different ends Moscow. I drove and forgot where I was going and why. Stopped talking to friends.

This hellish period continued whole year. It was as if I had fallen into slavery - I lived with the oppressive feeling that I constantly had to, had to, had to ... Work out shifts, smile at the camera, pretend that I was cool and a star, and everything was fine with me. Plus superimposed a difficult situation in personal life..."

The actor explained that he considered himself worthless and unnecessary, that he did not succeed, that he did not even remember his text. Then Mark decided to open the veins, but he did not succeed. Bleeding, he drank sleeping pills. However, the thirst for life took its toll, and Bogatyrev called the assistant director. She quickly arrived, simultaneously calling ambulance. The artist was pumped out and taken to a psychiatric hospital.

One of the most powerful lobbying structures of the Russian consumer market has changed its leadership. Yesterday, Alexander Plyatsevoi announced his resignation from the post of president of the RATEK association, which unites participants in the consumer electronics market.

Market participants hope that Plyatsevoy's departure will not affect the activities of RATEK.

Plyatseva announced his resignation on Monday at a general meeting of members of the Association of Trading Companies and Producers of Electrical Household and Computer Equipment (RATEK). Now the ex-head of RATEK will focus on own business- he owns the development company Dial Stroy Invest. "AT recent times the association had a lot of workload, at some point I realized that it was almost impossible to be closely involved in both RATEK and business at the same time, ”says Plyatseva. Alexander Onischuk, who previously held the post of vice president, became the new president of the association.

Alexander Plyatsevoy came to RATEK from business: he was one of the co-owners of the large retail chain Dial Electronics. After the 1998 crisis, Plyatseva and his partners sold the network to Technosila. Plyatseva returned to business only in 2003: then Dial Stroy Invest took up development. Last year, its turnover reached $100 million.

Market participants say that under the leadership of Plyatsev, RATEK has become a serious lobbying structure.

Recall that RATEK was one of the main initiators of the campaign to combat "gray" imports of cell phones and electronics, which was launched last fall by the Federal Customs Service.

“Plyatsevy’s decision was unexpected: under his leadership, RATEK became important element market,” says Mikhail Fandeev, head of the Russian representative office of Sony.

“Plyatseva is a good example of a leader public organization with entrepreneurial experience who knows the market from the inside. Thanks to him, in the person of RATEK, we have received an extremely rare example of an association that is not just “serving a number”, but is engaged in a real and necessary business,” says Alexander Tynkovan, president of the M.Video network. Plyatsevoi fit in well with the role of the main industry lobbyist: his main business quality is the ability to convince a person to do what he would be reluctant to do, echoes Oleg Pronin, president of the development company Hyperestate, who collaborated with Dial in the mid-1990s.

However, market participants hope that Plyatsev's departure will not affect RATEK's activities. Of course, the market will miss Plyatsev's charisma, admits Dmitry Timanov, CEO of TPK Consumer Electronics Sokol. “However, we are used to solving practical issues with Alexander Onischuk, so I think the work will continue normally,” says Timanov.

Elena Podkaminskaya grew up in an educated, intelligent family, only daughter raised by lovers happy parents, maybe that's why this actress at the moment is a harmoniously developed personality, whole and looks like a very self-confident woman?

Although Elena Podkaminskaya broadcasts in her interviews that she is a doubting, reflective, nervous and searching person, nevertheless, a certain strong steel core is clearly present in her character.

It is possible that the support of her parents in her life has become a decisive factor leading her to success, because even as an adult, she constantly consults with her father, who helps her with all problems and important questions spread out on shelves.

The parents of Elena Podkaminskaya organized an art school in one of the districts of Moscow, where they taught music to children through a unique system of integral artistic development, but then this school was taken away from them, the building of the creative workshop was demolished. The Podkaminskys had a hard time enduring such perfidy on the part of local authorities, but found the strength in themselves to continue to realize their creative ideas, and after all these events they began to live happily again.

Elena Podkaminskaya's mother has always been very feminine and many of the rules of her behavior were adopted by her daughter. Quiet, calm, insinuating voice, smooth movements, soft smile, perfect sense of style, grooming, posture, feminine delicacy. Pay attention to how Elena Podkaminskaya dresses to go on the red carpet, this woman is always sexy, but never looks vulgar and defiant.

On this thin, graceful figure, any outfit looks great, but Elena Podkaminskaya treats the choice of dresses with great responsibility, she does not have any mistakes with the choice of images.

The only thing is that it seems to me that this incredible attractive woman much more go long hair and in vain she once cut them so short. But it seems that our heroine herself understood this, and now her head is again decorated with magnificent hair. Well, Elena Podkaminskaya’s mother always carefully looked after herself, now many beauties can afford beauty salons and purchase high-quality face and body care products, and then, in order to remain young and fresh, Lenin’s mother drove into her face with bold, precise claps, a Soviet cream with a vigorous smell, always moisturized the skin of her hands, carefully watched her figure, and was an adherent of separate nutrition. Elena Podkaminskaya adopted many beauty secrets from her mother's arsenal, for example, she does not give her children sweet, the only purchased delicacy that they can afford to eat without upsetting their mother is biologically clean cookies from a special store, well, and separate food, of course.

Elena Podkaminskaya stands up for natural motherhood, she wanted to give birth to her first child at home, but did not dare, and the experience of giving birth to a child in one of the best maternity hospitals in Moscow did not please her, so what should I tell you about this fact? And you yourself know how in the post-Soviet world everything with childbearing is rude, humiliating and disgusting. The first husband of Elena Podkaminskaya in 2010 was present at the birth of his wife, he was next to his beloved for 23 hours, as a result, daughter Polina was born.

Elena fed her for 2 years and 4 months, which she is incredibly proud of and talks about this fact in all her interviews, in addition, mother and daughter slept together for a very long time, there was no place for Podkaminskaya's poor husband at this celebration of life. He was so very jealous of his wife for her creative life: theaters, filming in movies and TV shows, projects "Dancing with the Stars" (First place! And my husband's thoughts: "Oh Gods !!!") and "Ice Age", to colleagues, to fans.

In 2007, Elena Podkaminskaya and her future husband Alexander Plyatseva met for the first time, he came to theatrical production with her participation, brought an armful of roses and handed them over at the end of the performance. Or maybe it wasn’t quite like that, maybe he liked her at first in the play, and did he bring flowers next time? One way or another, Alexander Plyatseva sought the hand and heart of Elena Podkamenskaya for two whole years, and he was older than her, by the way, by 13 years, in the past he was married and has children. That is, she was 28 when he met her, and he was 41. Of course, my uncle already wanted comfort, quiet family gatherings, peace and kindness, because at that time Elena Podkaminskaya was not yet famous.

But in 2010, the daughter Polina was born, and in 2012 the TV series "Kitchen" was released, then in 2013 the projects "Dancing with the Stars", in 2014 "Ice Age". And daughter Polina is very small, and her partner in the TV series "Kitchen" is such a cute handsome ...

Everything spun and spun, and now Mark Bogatyrev is trying to commit suicide, of course, he says that his partner in the series has nothing to do with it, the reason for this is a difficult work schedule. Many articles appear in the press on the topic that Elena Podkaminskaya is unfaithful to her husband. Later, the actress will say that all this was a PR campaign, and with Mark Bogatyrev they are just friends. But in 2015, Mark Bogatyrev himself, in one of his interviews, admits that he was madly in love with Elena Podkaminskaya, while keeping silent about what feelings she had for him. But, apparently, they are not strong, since the boy decided to leave at such a young age for another world.

This whole situation is now hushed up and forgotten by the public, and once it was very exaggerated in the press. So in the end, nothing is clear, Elena Podkaminskaya was not clearly caught anywhere, but there were always rumors about her novels, imagine how painful it was for the jealous first husband to listen to all this?

A year after the divorce, Lena was no longer alone, she married businessman Denis Gushchin, and another year later, at the age of 37, she gave birth to a daughter, Eva. Nevertheless, I am for childbirth in the maternity hospital, and Elena has her strong convictions - to give life to children only at home! She gave birth to her second daughter just like that.

Fatal beauty this actress! Even at school, the boys went crazy for her, even fought for the right to dance a slow dance with her at an incendiary disco. But Elena Podkaminskaya did not consider herself beautiful. But the fact that the male sex is drawn to her, she took it for granted, she knew the power of femininity from childhood and developed it, improved it, reached unprecedented heights in this matter, it was not so easy for guys to fall at her feet in piles. A goal has been set. In any case, she claims that she was never abandoned - she always left herself, even if it hurt and she wanted to be patient and get used to the partner’s shortcomings. If there is no maximum emotional connection, deep emotional contact, emotional intimacy, physical attraction, Elena Podkaminskaya packs her suitcase and leaves! Well, a new relationship is not long in coming. With her first husband, Alexander Plyatsev, Elena Podkaminskaya lived for about six years, now next to Denis Gushchin. Elena Podkaminskaya is a fatal woman, men have always swarmed and will swarm around her, she attracts them, and then, having not received a true merger, she abandons them.

Elena Podkaminskaya can hardly be called a classic beauty, but at the same time she is unusually pretty. The figurine is charming, the legs are long and slender, despite her thinness, this actress’s breasts are no smaller than the size of the third, but how does this diva know how to present herself correctly? Manners, facial expressions, grace, smooth movements, the ability to behave It is not surprising that men are crazy about this woman. I didn’t talk much about the roles today, but in the end I want to say that Elena Podkaminskaya is a very talented actress, deeply touching the audience, very hard-working, responsible and multifaceted, you can’t say that she is the same everywhere, moreover, she is different and therefore in some of her roles you you may not recognize her. And all because each time is unlike the previous one! I would like to believe that Elena Podkaminskaya has found her female happiness, and all her best roles in cinema, TV series and theater are still ahead!

Elena Podkaminskaya is surprisingly similar to her grandmother!

Childhood photos of Elena Podkaminskaya.

Not afraid to be ugly in the frame!

And when I was young, I was like this...

And a couple of photos of Elena Podkaminskaya in a bathing suit.

Elena Podkaminskaya filed for divorce in October, explaining that she could no longer endure her husband's jealousy. Plyatseva wanted his wife to spend more time at home, but Elena, after she started acting in the TV series "Kitchen", had a career take-off. The actress was in great demand.

As a result, Podkaminskaya decided to leave her husband. Fortunately, there were no scandals and a public showdown: on November 16, the Moscow City Court divorced the couple by mutual agreement. Five-year-old Polina stayed with her mother.

Alexander Plyatsevoy

Photo: Alexei Nikolsky / RIA Novosti

Elena Podkaminskaya

The meeting was attended by lawyers Elena Podkaminskaya and Alexander Plyatsevoi. The couple themselves chose not to appear in court.

“On July 17, 2009, a marriage was concluded, in 2010 a daughter, Polina, was born. The life together did not work out. By mutual agreement, they decided to dissolve the marriage. There is an agreement on the division of property, ”the actress’s lawyer commented to Woman’s Day correspondents in court.

The judge decided to dissolve the marriage, but added that within a month the decision could be appealed: all of a sudden, the couple will come to their senses and reconcile. But since the marriage is terminated by agreement of the parties, the representatives asked that all the dots be placed at this meeting.

Alexander Plyatsevoi is the President of the Association of Trading Companies and Producers of Electrical Household and Computer Equipment. He met Elena Podkaminskaya nine years ago. Alexander came to the Theater of Satire for the play "Last Summer in Chulimsk", in which Elena played leading role. After the performance, he gave the actress a gorgeous bouquet of roses and invited her on a date.

The wedding was played three years after that. They rode in a helicopter, dissected in wedding dresses on a motorcycle. A year later, the lovers had a daughter, Polina. Friends of the couple said that after that the marriage of the actress and businessman became even stronger, they were generally called the perfect couple. Which, it seems, did not pass the test of fame.

In 2012, the series "Kitchen" was released, in which Podkaminskaya has one of the main roles. The project turned out to be so successful that even a film version was released, and all the actors became super popular. It is not surprising that the charming and sexy Podkaminskaya began to be torn apart, inviting to television projects and various events. And Elena shone everywhere. Appeared on the cover of the men's magazine Maxim, won the project "Dancing with the Stars", participated in " ice age”, Constantly gave interviews and struck on the spot with her images on the red carpet. At some point, Alexander Plyatseva became jealous of his wife. Moreover, the actress carefully guarded her personal life and did not talk about the family in any interview, and the spouses never had joint publications.

“The man was very jealous of me for my love for my work. Husband ruined the desire to make me pocket. That’s probably why I’m not with this person, ”Elena admitted in the“ You won’t believe ”program. “I think it’s very important to respect the other person’s freedom and choice.”

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