Design of a small room with a balcony. Benefits of roller blinds for balconies Thread curtains - ideas for the living room, kitchen bedroom

Design and interior 24.05.2018
Design and interior

In modern apartments, balconies have become a field for the implementation of various design ideas. If you plan to use it as a pantry or warehouse, then you will not need any design for the balcony. The insulated and beautifully decorated loggia expands the living space, and properly selected curtains will bring comfort and zest to the loggia.

There are many options for curtains:

  • Roman;
  • roll;
  • pleated.

But which curtains are best?

They are bought based on the following parameters:

  • room assignments;
  • the size of the living space;
  • the amount of natural light;
  • features of the design of an apartment or house.

Regardless of which curtains you hang, the main task is to protect the room from prying eyes and from the sun. Before wondering which one to choose: long or short curtains, Roman or roller blinds, you need to understand their varieties and be able to correctly combine beauty and practicality. Only in this way will each hostess achieve aesthetics. It is important that the curtains are a decoration in the room, but do not draw attention to themselves.

Choosing curtains for a window with a balcony door

In most modern apartments, access to the balcony is built through the kitchen or living room. When purchasing curtains for a window with a balcony in the living room, you need to consider a lot of nuances:

  • area and design of the room;
  • host preferences;
  • principles of operation of a balcony door.

Important! It is better to choose easy-to-use curtains for decorating a balcony door in order to easily set the right lighting in the building.

It is important to combine the design of curtains for a balcony exit with the style of the living room, choosing the right color and shape. Follow these tips:

  • saturated and bright colors are suitable for energetic and active owners;
  • light colors eliminate fatigue, create a calm environment for tea drinking and conversations, and visually expand the size of the room;
  • dark curtains in the sun warm up faster and are not suitable for small rooms;
  • when choosing a solid curtain for the opening, take into account the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wall and add 1-2 m to create beautiful folds.

Advice! Give preference to materials that are durable and resistant to dust and dirt for a window with a door to a balcony (velvet, linen, cotton, satin), as you will often move it.

Good decisions when choosing a design will be the following:

  • light fabrics in the form of tulle;
  • vertical blinds made of fabric, plastic or bamboo weaving;
  • rolled - a dense product with a special box in which they are assembled.

As additional element decor fit asymmetrical curtains (with uneven edges, for example, longer on the left than on the right), which will add charm to any living room.

As for the decoration of the balcony with curtains, the features of the frame itself and the window opening mechanism are taken into account. For example, inexpensive solutions with a simple texture are suitable for an open balcony. The French balcony is a field for a wide flight of fantasies and the use of exclusive curtains with a non-standard design.

When deciding on curtains for a balcony frame, proceed from the size and side of the loggia. If the windows face north side, it is advisable to use thin and light materials (nylon, tulle), and for the south side - dense fabrics (satin, jacquard, brocade). A great idea that is suitable for standard and sliding windows is blinds.

Photo - 15 Roller blinds - bright decoration of the balcony frame

Benefits of roller blinds for balconies

Roll products for balcony doors and windows have a number of advantages:

  • versatility of fastening - the possibility of fixing on the ceiling, frame or opening;
  • unique design;
  • special treatment with dust-repellent impregnation for ease of care;
  • ease of adjustment;
  • do not create barriers to passage.

Advice! Roll curtains without additional decor look somewhat formal; light curtains that do not block the exit are suitable for framing.

Before choosing roll models for a balcony door, it is necessary to make all measurements. Roll curtains for a loggia with sliding windows are installed inside the opening, so when choosing a length, remove 2 cm from the total height of the window frame. If you plan to install roller blinds that go beyond the window openings, remove 10-15 cm.

The ideal solution is to attach vertical fabric curtains to the balcony on plastic windows. Installing them on balcony windows, you will save space, create comfort and originality in the room, and they will last at least 20 years.

Features of Roman blinds for a balcony

Common products for the design of a balcony door are Roman. They gather in several neat folds at the top. They are attached to special Velcro installed on the frame or wall.

If you appreciate environmentally friendly materials, try bamboo Roman blinds, they will surely brighten up any room. Bamboo Roman is a canvas of woven stems and has no analogues.

How to sew curtains on the balcony with your own hands

If you creative person, and want to realize your fantasies, try sewing curtains yourself. To get the expected result, you need to know the answers to three questions:

  • how to sew?
  • how to hang?
  • how to arrange?

Regardless of which one you choose (cornice, Roman or roll), it is important to make all the calculations correctly and choose the right fabric for curtains on the balcony. It is advisable to buy materials that are easily cleaned from street dust (satin, linen).

We offer you a master class on the manufacture of roll products with your own hands. You will need:

  • ribbons or braid;
  • a bar with a length equal to the width of the curtain;
  • wooden plank as a weight;
  • sewing accessories (threads, scissors, machine);
  • furniture stapler.

Video - sew roller blinds with your own hands

Follow the following step by step instructions:

  1. Measure each sash. The width of the future curtain should be 2 cm more, and the length - 15 cm.
  2. Make a cutout.
  3. Sew inside out and turn out.
  4. Set the bar in the free edge and sew.
  5. Above the floor, cm from the bar, stitch the workpiece.
  6. Wrap upper edge curtains around the bar and secure with a stapler.
  7. Measure the tape equal to the length two products.
  8. Slip the tape over the top edge and secure with staples or thread.
  9. Attach the timber to the window frame.

Now you will not wonder how to make curtains with your own hands. It is allowed to use ordinary tulle for your work, and if everything is done correctly, home-made products will protect the room from the sun no worse than purchased ones.

To date, there are various models of designer curtains for the loggia on sale, regardless of its size (6 meters or 3 meters). But, having some skills in working with fabrics and a sewing tool, you can sew a product with your own hands.

Today we have already told you how to make and how to hang homemade curtains, the main thing is to be creative in the process.

Before sewing, you need to understand the design features of the frame. For example, it is advisable to hang non-home-made products on the loggia on the compartment windows. And on the panoramic windows on the loggia, you can use Roman or rolled, asymmetric curtains, tulle or lambrequins.

There are many window design ideas, it is important to choose solutions that are stylish for young or family people. Properly selected and installed curtains on the balcony will protect your room from the sun and give a special touch to the interior.

Photo - 50 Roman blinds in stripes on a window with a balcony

The main requirement that curtains on a window with a balcony door must meet is ease of use. It is important that the desire to effectively decorate the window does not cause violations of the functionality of the balcony block.

Successfully selected curtains meet a number of criteria:

  • move freely along the eaves;
  • dense and practical;
  • govern solar streams entering the room;
  • mask the entrance to the balcony, leaving access to it free.

What can be the design of a window with a balcony in the kitchen, living room and bedroom? Interesting ideas below.

Balcony block in the bedroom - decor options

In the bedroom Special attention focus on creating a calm and comfortable atmosphere conducive to relaxation. Curtains in the bedroom must be able to cope even with the bright daytime sun, tightly closing the window, creating twilight if necessary. That is why the curtains in the room for rest and sleep must be selected from dense, opaque fabrics.

However, the constant twilight is tiring and in some ways even depressing, therefore, complete with thick curtains for the bedroom, it is advisable to purchase a light tulle that allows light to penetrate the room.

In the mornings, when it is important to cheer up and recharge with the energy of a new day, the curtains can be moved aside, letting the rays of the morning sun into the room, refreshing and even visually expanding the space.

By adjusting the light fluxes with a combination of thick curtains and tulle, you can create the right atmosphere in the bedroom at any time of the day.

In order for the textiles used in the sleeping room to last as long as possible, while maintaining a presentable appearance, cutting flaps are used for decoration. Colored tulle, for example, looks festive and spectacular, but at the same time it is more convenient to use due to its resistance to dirt.

Decoration of the balcony block in the hall - features

A balcony in the hall or living room is a frequent occurrence for apartment buildings. Usually it is this room that has the largest quadrature and is intended for receiving guests, active pastime of family members.

You can choose curtains for a hall with a balcony door using ready-made photos, or you can come up with your own options for combining products, taking into account the features of the interior. Unlike the bedroom, in the hall you can do without heavy curtains made of dense fabric that protect from the sun. Rather, on the contrary, in this room it would be right to choose light-transmitting canvases that expand the space.

What kind of curtain options will be appropriate? Much depends on the features of the interior, on the size of the window-balcony unit, the shape of the windows. From the curtain options below, you can choose the one that will be combined with the balcony door in the living room in the best way.

Classic curtains in the living room - elegant and always fashionable

Classic curtains for a window with a balcony door (see photo) do not go out of fashion. The main thing is to choose products that emphasize the features of the interior, decorated in the same style.

Traditionally classic curtains are heavy flowing fabrics, elegant lambrequins, tails and fringe. A window with a balcony, decorated in this way, looks noble and luxurious, but they will only be appropriate in spacious rooms with high ceilings.

Given the need for regular use of a balcony door, classic curtains must be selected with a special incision at its location.

Only in this case it will be possible to freely pass to the balcony without shifting the entire structure. It is appropriate to place in the exit area only a tulle for the hall with a balcony door (as in the photo), through which it will be easier to pass to the balcony.

Roller blinds, roman and blinds - options

In the design of modern interiors, roller blinds on the balcony door are used quite often. The high level of demand is primarily associated with the simplicity and practicality of the design. Curtains are easily mounted on the balcony block without blocking the exit to the balcony. Easy-to-care products regularly cope with the main functions for many years, they look stylish and fashionable, and most importantly, they are suitable for decorating a hall in almost any style.

Roman and roller blinds for a room with a balcony door (see photo) are made of dense fabrics, they can have textured patterns, stylish decor from ribbons, lace, lambrequins. Depending on the needs and mood, the curtains can be raised, semi-lowered or lowered completely. In any form, they look impressive and outstanding.

As for the blinds, vertical-type products made of fabrics, bamboo, plastic or wood are more suitable for decorating a living room or hall. The length is adjusted, as well as the width of the slats. The convenience of the design lies in the mechanism of operation. The exit to the balcony is easy to open, just move the blinds to the side. The designs are easy to care for, practical, reliably protect from the sun and are a complete completion of the interior picture of the room.

Both Roman blinds and roller blinds or blinds will be appropriate not only in the hall, but also in the bedroom or in the kitchen, subject to the correct selection of fabric and shade.

Thread curtains - ideas for the living room, kitchen bedroom

Analyzing the options for curtains suitable for decorating a balcony block, it is worth noting a novelty - filament ones. Their main advantage is lightness. Products weigh almost nothing, easy to care for and practical to use. Curtains are the best fit for decorating a window block with a balcony, as they leave free access to the balcony.

You can decorate the opening with filament curtains not only in the kitchen, but also in the living room and even the bedroom. AT last case it is important to choose products made of dense threads that can cope with the ruthless morning sun. As an option, you can additionally consider tulle on the window in combination with curtains or blinds to solve the problem of sun protection.

Filament curtains not only add exclusivity to the interior, they visually expand the room.

Products are successfully combined with various elements of decor, ranging from classic ones - photos of lambrequins in a composition with muslin only confirm this and ending with newfangled ones - butterflies, flowers, elegant brooches.

Pleated curtains - original and functional design

A worthy solution for a room with a balcony block is pleated curtains. Such curtains on a balcony door without a window are the best fit. The mechanism of operation of products is similar to that of blinds - horizontal strips of dense fabric rise to the desired level, which, as a result, strongly resembles the usual pleating.

It is easy to operate the system with ordinary cords, opening and closing. It is possible to regulate the light flux by stretching the fabric folds.

Such curtains in the hall will fit just as well as in the bedroom, in the kitchen and even in the nursery. A wide choice of colors, as well as the ability to order products with individual colors, prints and coatings, allow you to choose not to be limited. To extend the service life, pleated blinds are treated with anti-dust compounds, so using them is simple and convenient.

Curtains for a kitchen window with a balcony - interesting ideas

If curtains are selected for the living room with a balcony door, guided primarily by showiness and style decisions, then curtains for the kitchen need practical and easy to use.

A good option is the roller blinds described above. They meet the requirements for practicality, perfectly complement the kitchen interior, making it modern and cozy at the same time.

It is necessary to select the design of roll-type curtains, taking into account the design of the kitchen. These can be classic options with plain canvases, or exclusive products with original prints and textures. Roller blinds will be appropriate indoors, regardless of the height of the ceilings and the quadrature.

An equally good option for the kitchen is Roman-style window curtains. In combination with classic fabric canvases, they will look more than spectacular without blocking access to the balcony.

Adherents rational use each square meter in the kitchen will appreciate the functionality of Japanese curtains. Simple and convenient sliding design will fit perfectly into modern interior design. Such curtains are compact and practical, look aesthetically pleasing and stylish.

In a classic kitchen with a balcony, asymmetric curtains on the grommets will be appropriate. The asymmetry of the products will add some sharpness to the traditional interior design, and the method of fastening will not become an obstacle to using the balcony.

Romantics and connoisseurs of vintage art can experiment with curtains made of fabric with tiebacks. On the kitchen window they will look harmonious in combination with short tulle. The design is convenient and practical, allows you to freely use the exit to the balcony.

An interesting solution for the kitchen is bamboo curtains for the balcony door. With their help, you can elegantly and in a new way design a window opening completely natural and environmentally friendly. pure material. For the manufacture of curtains, reed, straw, bamboo are used. The structures are different:

  • ease;
  • moisture resistance;
  • ease of use;
  • exoticism.

The interior with the addition of bamboo curtains becomes warm, cozy and homely, which is especially important when we are talking about the design of the kitchen.

Colors and accessories - what is useful to know

To design a kitchen, bedroom or living room with a balcony, it is important to use curtains that are in harmony in color with the shades in the room. It is important not to overdo it with colors, taking into account the texture of fabrics, design, design features that can act as independent, complete compositions.

If original filament curtains or single pendants were used to decorate the window, additionally suitable for decor:

  • beads;
  • bamboo sticks;
  • paper clips with particles of colored postcards in retro style;
  • avant-garde knotted twine;
  • shells, etc.

You can save and decorate a window with a balcony in an apartment in a unique way with elements of the chosen style if you sew curtains with your own hands. The easiest option is roller blinds. Even a person without special education and experience in such work will be able to carve out products.

The system is easy to fix on the wall, it does not “eat up” space and requires a small amount (preferably natural dense) fabric, fittings.

In conclusion, we note that the fashionable decoration in the room, the spectacular glazing of a balcony or loggia will seem incomplete if the decoration of the balcony block with curtains is ignored. Right choice curtains for window decoration with a balcony door guarantees the creation of a beautiful interior.

Jan 14, 2015

Balcony - both in a city apartment and in country house- is an undeniable architectural advantage, an advantageous addition to the room. Here you can relax in the summer, arrange an original winter Garden or office. However, special curtains are required for a window with a balcony door - such that they can really ennoble the room, creating an aesthetic and comfortable composition.

What curtains can be used to decorate a balcony block

First of all, the design of a window with a balcony door should be practical and not impede access to this room. The aesthetic component also plays a role. Several popular designs meet these criteria:

Read more about one of the interesting modern options for window decoration in our article. What are they and what types are there.

And you will learn from our separate article. It describes step-by-step instruction, which is supplemented by a video.

And the technology of self-production roller blinds How are they different from the Roman ones?

Window decoration with a balcony door in the kitchen

A similar design in the kitchen leads to the fact that curtains for a window with a balcony door must be chosen with great care.

Tip: The textile panel should not interfere with access to the door, and therefore massive lambrequins, curtains made of dense heavy fabric, multi-layered or voluminous draperies are immediately excluded from the list. options curtains for the kitchen with a balcony.

Do not forget about the kitchen microclimate - here, humidity and soot are constantly present in the air, which has a detrimental effect on tissues. Respectively, materials should be chosen so that they can be easily cleaned- immediately on site (like blinds) or in washing machine. It is also worth choosing a curtain fabric that will not deform from temperature changes or fade under prolonged exposure to sunlight.

Too long panels are also inappropriate in the kitchen, as they can get on a working stove as a result of an accidental gust of wind. To protect the premises from fire, it is worth giving preference to natural materials that are less combustible than modern light synthetic ones. A special fire-resistant fabric would also be a good solution.

As for the color and style of the composition, it is better to choose them not for wallpaper, but for furniture facades or tile on the apron.

Balcony door and window in the living room

When choosing curtains for a window with a balcony door for the living room, you need to take into account a lot of requirements, including the style, size of the room, and so on.

In particular, dark fabrics will be out of place in a small room or if natural light does not pass well through small windows. Also, do not forget that part of the sun's rays will immediately be lost on the glazed balcony. As for textiles, the design of the balcony itself and the living room or hall adjacent to it should be in harmony. Therefore, the best options here are:

  • Roman curtains;
  • blinds;
  • roller blinds;
  • small tulle curtains;
  • Austrian curtains with magnificent horizontal tails to the middle of the window.

Important: Curtains for the hall should be easy to raise and lower (or move apart) so that you can freely adjust the level of illumination.

As for colors and materials, much depends on the style and the mood created in the interior. It is important that all interior components are combined with each other, allowing you to perceive the living room as a place with a pleasant atmosphere. The main recommendations for choosing curtains here are:

  • the living room of energetic people requires bright and rich colors - fruity, floral, summer;
  • if the room should be conducive to unhurried tea drinking, conversations and relaxation, then light materials are selected that eliminate fatigue, creating a deep and complete atmosphere of tranquility;
  • in the case when one solid curtain is selected for the opening, it is necessary to take into account not the size of the opening, but the full dimensions of the entire wall plus 1-2 meters to create beautiful folds.

Curtains here should be selected with great care. The material of curtains for the bedroom must be durable and resistant to dirt, because it will often have to be moved. In addition, the whole design should allow, if necessary, to remove the curtains for washing.

In most cases, curtain designs are chosen that can protect from sunlight, but curtains made of thick fabric for a balcony door are still undesirable. A good solution would be:

  • light fabrics such as tulle;
  • vertical blinds made of bamboo, plastic, fabric or wood - practical, modern and durable designs;
  • roller blinds - they can be placed not only in the opening, but also on the glazed balcony; they are complemented by a practical opening mechanism and can be lowered or fixed at any required height. Roller blinds are a canvas treated with dustproof impregnation, as well as a box fixed at the top, collecting this canvas, or an open shaft designed for the same purpose.

In the bedroom, a combination of designs will look cozy - blinds in window opening, complemented by a light tulle and a charming lambrequin. It is important that the product moves apart in the middle - where the window and the door connect. You can also combine Japanese panels with Roman blinds - the main thing is that identical materials are used for their tailoring.

And yet, light curtains are a classic solution. In the bedroom, experts recommend using two canvases. As for the color scheme, it is selected according to the general interior design. In the bedroom, you can additionally use drapery to create a romantic and cozy atmosphere. Canvases of different lengths, decorated in the same style, will also look great.

Curtain options with drapery, as well as multilayer solutions consisting of pelmets, tulle and side curtains, will also be an appropriate solution for this room. At the same time, part of the structure near the balcony window is necessarily movable.

Interesting solutions for the design of the door

Often, textile structures for decorating a block consisting of a window and a balcony door are made asymmetrical - for example, the curtain fabric is fixed with garters near the window. However, this does not preclude adding aesthetics to the door to the balcony, using a variety of ways to decorate it.

There are two main reasons to decorate a window with a balcony door. Firstly, you need to close it from the views from the street, and secondly, this is required by the design of the room. Making an exit to the balcony is much more difficult than a regular window, since it has an asymmetric design consisting of two levels: a balcony door and a window opening. The difficulty lies in the fact that the door should open freely, and the curtains can be a hindrance to this. Consider how to solve the problem and make using the balcony comfortable.

What curtains to choose for the balcony

As well as in the case of a conventional window opening, curtains for a window with a balcony door are selected based on the purpose of the room and the interior used in its design. Each room has its own design rules, which should be followed when choosing fabric for curtains and cuts.

Balcony in the bedroom

In the interior of the bedroom, it is inherent to use soft, delicate shades, and this rule also applies to curtains. They are chosen a couple of tones darker than the wallpaper, or in harmony with the pattern on the walls. Also, curtains can be of the same tone with bedspreads, a modular picture on the wall, a panel above the head of the bed. A special charm in the bedroom is achieved by using lambrequins - they will bring homeliness and comfort to the design of the bedroom.

To make the rest complete, the window in the bedroom is decorated with two types of curtains, night and light. The first of them are sewn from heavy fabric that does not let in daylight. Light curtains cover the window during the day, creating a special atmosphere of airiness and transparency. Instead of night curtains, you can hang roller blinds, horizontal blinds or Roman blinds. But it should be noted that horizontal and Roman types of curtains will close only the window, and the glass of the balcony door will remain open. For apartments located on the lower floors, this can be a problem, so it is better to stay on roller blinds or thick fabric curtains.

Important. Curtains for exit to the balcony always consist of two strips. They converge opposite the door handle - this makes it possible to go out onto the balcony without moving the curtain along the eaves to the side.

Balcony in the living room

In the living room, when you make an exit to the balcony, you should be guided by the style in which the room is made. In the spacious living room, you can use maximum imagination and hang curtains with lush draperies, lambrequins, and all kinds of folds. In a room of modest size, the bulk of the folds will look out of place, although, thinking through the design of the curtains, you can also give free rein to your imagination.

During the day, the curtains are open, and at this time they can be assembled in a special way, using decorative ties with magnets, ribbons, twisted cords with tassels and fringes. All kinds of accessories for curtains allow you to decorate the exit to the balcony with a twist, to make it unique.

Important. No matter how much you want to hang the first model of curtains you like on the window in the living room, first of all, you should correlate their design with the interior of the room. The window and door to the balcony should not stand out from the overall design.

A novelty in the world of curtains - filament curtains. They are threads attached to a dense fabric strip. They are made in different colors, come with a pattern, with threads of different thicknesses, can be decorated with glass beads, beads and other decor. In addition to decorative filament curtains I have another advantage - you can go through them anywhere, simply by spreading the threads with your hands, and they will return to their original position again. Going out to the balcony, you do not need to move the curtain along the eaves.

Balcony in the kitchen

If the kitchen has access to the balcony, this is a great advantage, the dream of every housewife. When decorating a window with a balcony door, the size of the room should be taken into account. Usually it is not spacious, so it should be designed as concisely as possible. Roller blinds will help with this. They are installed on the frame and cover only the glass, so they do not take up extra space.

Roller blinds are mounted both on the window and on the glass part of the door. So that the canvas does not deviate on the window open in the ventilation mode, magnets are mounted at the bottom of the sash, which attract a metal bar built into the lower edge of the curtain. In this case, the fabric web will fit snugly against the frame and not sway from the wind.

Advice. To brighten up the severity of roller blinds, the opening is decorated with transparent curtains up to the window sill. They can be of different cuts: diagonally, in the form of an arch, with hanging corners. The cut of the curtains must be thought out so that they do not interfere with opening the door and keeping it in the open position.

In the design of the exit to the balcony from the kitchen, multilayer textile curtains with complex draperies are not used, it is especially not recommended to use long curtains. Textiles absorb odors, attract particles of fat, burning, emanating from the stove during cooking, so they will often have to be washed, which makes it much more difficult to maintain cleanliness in the kitchen.

Blinds - an extraordinary solution for decorating access to the balcony

Previously, blinds were considered exclusively an office accessory, but with the advent of new models with modern design, they began to be used in residential premises. There are several types of blinds that can be successfully used in the design of a window with a balcony door.

Types of blinds:

  • Roll;
  • Horizontal;
  • vertical;

All models are an excellent solution for small rooms, as they practically do not take up space near the window. Let's take a closer look at each of the three types of blinds, their features and how they are used in decorating a window with a balcony door.

Roller blinds

This type of blind is attached directly to the window frame, with a separate sheet for each sash. In the assembled position, they are wound on the shaft, and in the open position they tightly close the glass. Management is carried out using a decorative chain. The fabric from which they are made roller blinds, can be dense and not very, plain and with a pattern.

Roller blinds, even from the most decorative fabric, are rarely used as independent blinds. Almost always they are an addition to ordinary curtains. There are two options for using roller blinds: they are mounted on the window, but not on the door, or on the window and on the door. In the second case, the length of the blinds on the door covers only its glass part.

Horizontal blinds

These are the old-timers in the world of blinds. They are made of metal or plastic, they look like horizontal strips fastened with twine. Blinds are mounted on a non-opening window frame, and the opening is additionally decorated with curtains.

New models horizontal blinds mounted inside the double-glazed window, and controlled by a mechanism brought out. Such models can be installed between glass and in the window frame, and in the door. Naturally, such blinds are also used in conjunction with fabric curtains. But in this case, it is allowed to hang only light curtains made of tulle, organza, lace or other transparent material. They will serve the sole purpose of creating a cozy environment.

Vertical blinds

This type of blind did not have to fight for its popularity - it came immediately and does not go away over the years. Vertical slats are attached to wall cornice above the window or to the ceiling, they easily turn to any position in relation to the window, and if necessary, open a view from the balcony, they are assembled from one side. To decorate the balcony opening, long (to the floor) vertical blinds and short ones (to the windowsill) are used.

Only vertical blinds can be an alternative to fabric curtains. They are made from jacquard polyester in different colors, so they are easy to match with the interior of the bedroom, living room and any other room with a balcony. Vertical blinds are easy to match with any style of room, both modern and conservative, and if they do not fit into the interior design, they can be hidden behind thin curtains.

Roman curtains

Unlike blinds, Roman blinds are not as concise, so they can be used as an independent element, without traditional textile curtains. Thanks to stiffening ribs (thin strips sewn into the fabric), they are assembled into horizontal folds of the original form, and are attractive in terms of design. Raising and lowering curtains is done manually or using the control panel.

Advantages of Roman blinds:

  • Variety of colors and patterns;
  • Easy to install;
  • Reliability of the control mechanism;
  • Resistant to pollution.

Making out the exit to the balcony with Roman curtains, two canvases are used - one for the window, and the second for the door. The downside of Roman blinds is that they cannot be deflected to the side to look out the window, and you can also open the door to the balcony only after the curtain has been assembled, otherwise it will interfere.

Curtains throughout the wall

In small rooms, a special technique is used to visually expand the room - curtains across the entire width of the wall. They completely cover the doorway of the balcony door and the window, creating the appearance that a wall is hidden behind the drapery. There are two types of curtains that can cover the entire wall.

fabric curtains

Ordinary textile curtains are hung on ceiling cornice from wall to wall. For sewing curtains, heavy, but elastic fabrics are used, falling down with soft tails. Drapery is more effective when the fabric is gathered on curtain tape small folds, and the fabric hangs evenly.

The lower edge of the curtains is weighted with beads or a special cord sewn into the edge. If full-wall curtains are used in the bedroom, they can be made 20 cm longer than the desired size, and then it will fall picturesquely to the floor. The material is selected to match the walls or a contrasting color, depending on the design of the room.

Important. This technique of using curtains can be applied in the living room, office or bedroom. For the kitchen, wall-to-wall curtains are not suitable due to the specifics of the room.

Japanese curtains

Japanese curtains are recognized as an ideal option for decorating a window with a balcony door. They consist of two or more canvases moving in a vertical plane, and occupying the entire wall in the closed position. If necessary, open the door to the balcony, one of the canvases simply moves to the side.

Such curtains are made of light, translucent fabric through which daylight freely penetrates, so there is no need to keep them open during the day. To prevent what is happening in the room from being seen on the street in the evening, roller blinds are mounted on the windows, identical or similar in color to Japanese curtains. If the apartment is located on the upper floors, and the balcony is glazed, you can not use roller blinds.

Mosquito nets - a necessary detail in the design of access to the balcony

A necessary attribute of a balcony door is a mosquito net. It is a reliable barrier to insects, and first of all to flies and mosquitoes, therefore it allows you to keep the balcony door open in the evening, and even at night. Usually, a removable mosquito net is ordered together with a metal-plastic block for a balcony, mounted in a doorway on hinges from the outside and opens according to the principle of a conventional swing door. It is lightweight and can be taken off on its own. winter period, and with the advent of spring set again.

If the door block is wooden, modern models of mosquito nets with magnets are used. They consist of two canvases, with magnets built into the edges, they open easily, and when a person crosses the threshold, they connect themselves. You need to know that mosquito nets are not an alternative to curtains, since they do not perform a decorative function and do not close the doorway from prying eyes. This is an independent element of a seasonal destination.

You can make the exit to the balcony unusual by changing the shape of the door and window opening. But this is a laborious process, including the manufacture of a new balcony block of a suitable configuration, usually an arch or semi-arch. To make such cardinal changes, the existing upper slope and part of the side slopes are broken, and after installing a new window and balcony door, they finish with designer drywall.

After the work done, it makes no sense to close the exit to the balcony with thick blinders, so it is usually left as is or decorated with transparent curtains made of modern fabrics or filament curtains.

Unusual in the design of the balcony door and window can be achieved using stained glass film. It is simply glued to the glass from the side of the room. This method of decoration is usually used to decorate a balcony window located on the sunny side. The film simultaneously shades the room and is an original decorative element.

An infinite number of design options for a window with a balcony door will naturally fit it into any interior. You can use textile heavy curtains and light transparent curtains of various lengths, thread and rope curtains and different types blinds.

Do-it-yourself curtains for the balcony are considered by professionals to be a special type of decor. To get a beautiful and cozy balcony, you need to consider several important details. Roller blinds on the balcony are suitable in cases where the balcony is located on the sunny side. If the room is located on the dark side, you can sew curtains on the balcony from transparent organza.

Consider several options for curtains that are suitable for the design of windows on the balcony. Roman blinds or rolled structures can not be hung on the balcony in all cases.

Advice! When choosing a curtain for your balcony, consider the purpose of the room, as well as the type of glazing.

Use of blinds

You can hang such curtains on the balcony, fixing them on the window opening itself or on the wall. If desired, you can choose such designs that involve decorating each window opening separately. Such lamellas can be adjusted, while controlling the degree of illumination of the room.

If you hang such curtains, you can not be afraid of sudden changes in temperature. Among positive characteristics blinds offered by modern manufacturers, we also note their long operational period.

Attention! Among the main disadvantages of modern slats, we highlight the noise during ventilation, as well as problems with the full opening of window sashes.

Roller curtains

Such curtains on the balcony are made of fabric. In order to open a similar design, it is placed in an additional box, or rolled up. Cloths are attached separately to each window sash. Roller curtains are good because they have increased resistance to precipitation, do not accumulate dust, do not change their original color during operation.

Plastic, aluminum, wooden options for roll structures - best option for decorating windows on the balcony. Such curtains on the balcony do not need special additional care, sometimes it is enough to wipe them with a damp cloth.

Advice! When choosing the material from which the roller blinds will be made, do not forget to take into account the overall interior design of the apartment.

Roman curtains

A similar design option for window openings is suitable for luxurious loggias. Such hand-sewn curtains, when carefully assembled, form beautiful and even folds. Manufacturers of finished structures offer options with manual and automatic control. Romanesque curtains can be hung by any housewife, spending a minimum of physical effort for this. Roman blinds go well with light tulle. When choosing them, you can significantly save space on the balcony.

In order to find out which are the best options for curtains for windows on the balcony, to find ready-made options, carefully study the proposed video fragment

Advice! Romanesque curtains can be made with your own hands, significantly saving money.

Balcony curtain option

Let's analyze some of the novelties offered by interior specialists for decorating windows in such a room. To begin with, we highlight the main types of fabric that are optimal for use on balconies and loggias. If you have a spacious room, you can use cambric, tulle, silk, muslin, curtains, organza.

If the balcony room is combined with the room, then curtains can be chosen as the main piece of furniture.

For a loggia located in the dark, a special window design is necessary. Professionals recommend choosing light, transparent materials for windows that have a large and openwork pattern.

Advice! Choose a fabric that can be easily washed.

Space adjustment option

For those property owners who plan to visually adjust the size of a loggia or balcony, interior professionals recommend choosing pastel-colored curtains. These colors are ideal for decorating window openings on a balcony or loggia.

Last year, the leading position in the world of interior art belonged to the loft. This style is considered an industrial direction, which involves a sharp, rough version of window decoration.

Advice! With the right processing, you can combine graceful curtains with this rough interior style.

If a design project involves combining a room with a loft-style loggia space, in which case you need to choose contrasting transitions for curtains.

In the case of a standard loggia finish, you can choose modern curtain with vibrant photography. It is these curtains for the loggia and balcony, according to interior professionals, that have become fashion trend last season.

For spacious loggias, professionals advise choosing bright types of curtains for window decoration.

How to make curtains for a balcony with your own hands

If desired, you can make Roman blinds for the loggia on your own. On numerous design sites, you can pick up unusual and classic options for such curtains, based on them, make your own fashionable masterpiece.

Among the popular design options, there are two types. Single models are suitable for translucent or transparent fabrics that have unusual drawings. Even novice housewives can make them. Double Roman blinds are sewn for those loggias that are located on the sunny side.

When choosing the color of curtains for their loggias and balconies, professionals recommend urban real estate owners to be guided by their own taste preferences. With the help of Romanesque curtains, you can decorate any balcony block, discreetly fix the fabricated structure.

Advice! For fixing, it is better to choose a window frame or a wall above the window.

In order to get the desired result, not only to protect the loggia and the room from the scorching sun, but also to bring home comfort and harmony to the space being designed, we offer several useful tips offered by professional decorators.

First you need to measure the window opening. Next, you need to stretch the fabric that will be used for sewing curtains. After drying, ironing the fabric, you can proceed to the selection of the model. If your plans include tailoring Roman curtains, you need to decide on the number of folds that will be made on the curtains.

First, on the inside of the curtains, you need to carefully draw the folds, then proceed to stitching. To the finished fabric structure, you need to nail the bar, insert a special weighting agent to the curtain.


In order to choose beautiful and comfortable curtains for your balcony or loggia, you first need to carefully study all the options offered by professionals, and only after that proceed with the implementation of your plans.

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