Decor with filament curtains. How to combine filament curtains with tulle?

Design and interior 18.01.2018
Design and interior

AT recent times curtains-threads in the interior are becoming more and more popular, photos with tulle and additional elements decorations are often found on the Internet. This is due to the fact that the oriental style has become in demand all over the world in recent decades, and these curtains appeared precisely in the East. Therefore, if you want to give an oriental flavor to an apartment or a room, then you should purchase such curtains. On the territory of Russia, such curtains are called muslin.

Thread curtains are threads or ropes fixed on a base and decorated with beads or knots. They are a great alternative to traditional curtains as they can shade rooms without completely blocking out sunlight. In addition, they do not interfere with the natural circulation of air in the room, which classic curtains cannot provide.

Since they consist of threads, you can update them if necessary, changing or supplementing the ornament or decor of the product. If you yourself are fond of needlework, you can independently make similar curtains with the pattern that is most suitable for the interior of a particular room. At the same time, if you choose the right place for placing curtain-threads, then with their help you can very successfully divide the room into zones. They can also be used as a barrier against insects that can enter the room from the street.

On a note! Usually the upper part of the muslin is sewn from a fabric tape, which allows you to attach the curtain to almost any type of cornice.

In addition, this type of curtain goes well with Roman or roller blinds. This creates huge opportunities in terms of decorating almost any room, which is impossible when using classic curtains.

Many sites specializing in design allow you to get an idea of ​​such curtains as thread curtains in the interior, photos of them help to decorate even the most modest living spaces. For example, they can be decorated with feathers, beads or beads. If you know how to work with rhinestones, metal or stones, they can also be used for decorative purposes. As a result, you can weave very intricate lambrequins.

If you decide to move, the kisei can be very easily removed and put in luggage. Curtains do not take up much space and can be quickly hung in a new place of residence. They can be safely used to decorate interior passages, as well as parts of the building that are open for viewing, such as a veranda. As a result, you will protect yourself from excessive exposure to sunlight and ensure the flow of fresh air into the room. Do not forget about decorative components.

Types of thread curtains

To hang thread curtains in the kitchen, it is not enough to have their photo and develop a design, you also need to understand exactly what types of such curtains you can use in a particular case. To date, the following varieties are known:

  • With solid components, consisting of decorative elements.
  • Made entirely of yarn. Such curtains are perfectly woven into braids and go well with almost any curtains.
  • Decorative and fabric strings.

In order for the curtains-threads in the interior, the photos of which you have selected in the catalog, to fit your room, you should know that they can be:

  • one color;
  • with rainbow effect
  • contrasting colors;
  • with decorative elements - beads, glass beads, beads, feathers.

As for the material from which the threads for the described products are made, these are:

  • wool;
  • bast;
  • viscose;
  • polyester.

At the same time, natural materials are good in that they do not emit unpleasant odors when heated. From the point of view of practicality, artificial threads outperform them, as they are not afraid of moisture. As a result, you can use these curtains in rooms with high humidity.

Important! The use of filament curtains of one kind or another depends entirely on the interior of the room where you want to hang them. For example, in an interior where there is a predominance of chrome-plated decorative elements or appliances, the use of curtains made of metal threads will be optimal. If you, for example, are a lover of the exotic, you should pay attention to curtains made in the Japanese style.

Separately, it is worth talking about the methods of attaching the described products to the cornices. The most common is fastening with hooks or Velcro, made of textiles. It is simple and understandable even for people who do not know how to perform complex technical operations. Moreover, due to this circumstance filament curtains if necessary, they can be easily removed and transferred to a new place. As for classic curtains, they require, at a minimum, drilling, which is inconvenient, noisy and takes a lot of time.

By the way, the designers believe that the best option the use of muslin will be its inclusion as a decorative element in the oriental style of the interior. This is not surprising, because it was invented just in the East. It is worth using it to organize “eastern” corners in the room.

Pros and cons of filament curtains

If we talk about the pros and cons of muslin curtains, then the positive aspects of their use include:

  1. The possibility of fastening in a variety of ways - from Velcro tape to ordinary carnations or buttons. For example, if you want to hold filament curtains in place, you can simply thread a round shaped curtain rod through the double top tape.
  2. Light weight of this design.
  3. The ability to easily adjust the length of the curtain. For example, the industry usually sends products 2.2-3 meters long to the shelves. In order to shorten them, simply cut with scissors to the desired level. After such shortening, they will not unwind and do not form an ugly fringe.
  4. Low price compared to other curtains.
  5. Unpretentiousness during operation. To bring such curtains in order, it is necessary to remove them from the mount, weave them into braids and wash them in a special bag, setting the washing machine to manual mode. The thing will need to be straightened and hung to dry. You can wash such a curtain by hand, but it will also need to be braided without fail.

The disadvantages of filament curtains include:

  1. Bad appearance one curtain. In order to get a good decorative picture, you need to use more than one set of filament curtains.
  2. Threads are prone to tangling if stored or washed improperly. Moreover, if the knots on them are too tangled, and the threads are thin, it will be very difficult to untie them.
  3. Kisei is prone to the accumulation of static electricity, as a result of which it perfectly attracts dust. This circumstance is especially noticeable where curtains should play the role of a separator of working areas, as well as in interior transitions. However, it is quite easy to remove such contaminants, again due to their structure.

In general, the advantages of kisei outweigh their disadvantages, and the popularity of this method of decorating various door and window openings is only growing. In addition, this popularity is facilitated by the fact that you can pick up curtains of completely different colors. As a result, you can completely transform even the most dull and standard environment in just a matter of minutes.

How to make Kisei yourself?

If you know how beautiful it is to hang curtains-threads, but standard curtains not enough for you, you can get out of the situation by making such a curtain yourself. For lovers self made it is not difficult, although there are some nuances. If you take them into account when working, the curtain will turn out no worse than a factory product.

To begin with, you will have to choose the right material, namely threads. For this, silky iris is usually used, but this will require a lot of threads. For example, to make a curtain 1 meter long, you will need at least 270 meters of threads. As for the frequency of their fastening, it should be about 8-10 pieces per 1 cm of your cornice.

In order to attach such a curtain to a flat cornice-bar, it is necessary, having folded the threads in half, to pass its free ends through the loop. If you do this, you can get the job done twice as fast. At the same time, it is worth noting: the larger your curtain is in size, the more your threads will tangle. Therefore, for starters, do not take non-slip thread as a material for curtains.

Note! When cutting threads for muslin, you do not need to rush. Prepare materials in small portions so that the threads do not get tangled.

If this work is somewhat difficult for you, do not try to deal with it, but rather start decorating finished products. This will give you the necessary skills and allow you to make original curtains for your home.

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The latest trends in interior fashion revolve around filament curtains, which have become quite popular in a short time. An unusual combination looks especially elegant - thread curtains with tulle. It would seem that an incompatible combination of curtains of the same structure actually looks simply incomparable.

Advantages of filament curtains

The canvas, consisting of threads or simple ropes, decorated with a variety of beads and rhinestones, is used not only for hanging, but also for zoning.

Kisei has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • passes well Sun rays while shading the room at the same time;
  • promote air circulation;
  • suitable for any interior;
  • cut without damage to the curtains;
  • combined with all types of curtains;
  • easily erased;
  • lasts a long time due to its high strength.

Of course, the main disadvantage is the possibility of tangling the threads, however, with the right attitude, this imperfection can be avoided.

The use of muslin with tulle also has practical significance:

  • decoratively draped threads do not have to be pulled up, because the tulle will save you from the bright sun;
  • tulle helps protect the room from street dust and humidity.

Mounting on the curtain and caring for the muslin

Before hanging still packed new filament curtains, take out upper part then hang it on hooks. After they take out the rest and untie the ropes. All these manipulations are done with one goal: so that the curtain ropes do not get tangled.

To shorten the curtain, you must first leave it hanging for a few days to align the threads. Then, pressing it to the floor with thick cardboard, cut off the excess with scissors.

Caring for filament curtains is simple: they are usually washed in washing machine warm water using gentle mode.

Products decorated with glass beads are washed by hand. To do this, they are first soaked in soapy water and then rinse thoroughly. After they are hung on the cornice until completely dry. Before washing, the curtains must be tied with ropes, which are removed only after fastening.

Combined with almost all curtains, muslin with tulle look especially impressive and chic. Initially, it is even difficult to imagine this composition, because the type of curtains is very similar. But translucent threads perfectly complement the airy tulle, creating a unique combination of classic and modern. It is this interesting effect that explains the growing popularity of using filament curtains in interior design together with tulle.

Kisei is convenient for use in any room. Its practical significance is due to quick and easy washing. It can also be dried by hanging it on a cornice, which creates convenience in terms of the lack of a special place for drying. vertical pattern thread curtains visually increases low ceilings.

Due to the translucency of both curtains, it is better to hang them on a window that does not require strong blackout. For this reason, they should not be used in the bedroom. Hanging filament curtains in the bedroom can be done by those whose private room windows do not face the street, or the apartment is located on the top floor away from prying eyes.

To make filament curtains less transparent, they need to be hung tighter.

When combining thread curtains with tulle, it should be borne in mind that tulle will be the main thing in this union, muslin is used for decoration. The threads located on top of the tulle are beautifully gathered, then fastened with various knots or pretty hairpins. To give special sophistication and sophistication, choose curtains with lurex interweaving. To convey a great game sunlight, you can use curtains decorated with beads and glass beads.

When buying curtains, you need to consider that they must fit the interior of the room.

The combination of transparent or white tulle against the background of dark threads looks great. One-color curtains simply mix up, losing all the originality of the design. To prevent this from happening, it is better to hang another muslin, but in a contrasting color, and drape beautifully. A filament curtain to match the pattern on tulle will look unusual and interesting.

The color scheme of the curtains also affects the perception of the room. The unity of color design emphasizes the integrity and harmony of the space. Contrasting colors make the room brighter and more eccentric.

The use of filament curtains in the interior has many advantages. And paired with tulle, the advantages become even greater. The combination of classics in the form of tulle with fashionable threads will make the room picturesque and original.

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