What awaits the factories that have rid the country of the chemical threat. Complete disarmament

Auto 20.06.2019

Kizner. Udmurtia. In Kizner, the last artillery shell with chemical weapons in Russia, equipped with VX, was destroyed. It happened on Wednesday, September 27th.

“This is a huge step towards making the world a safer place. Russia strictly fulfills its international obligations, we are well aware of the risks of an arms race, we are always open to questions global security. We hope that Russia, upon liquidation chemical weapons will serve as an example for other countries,” Russian President Vladimir Putin said during the teleconference.

In Kizner, chemical munitions for cannon and rocket artillery were stored, equipped with organophosphorus chemical warfare agents with a nerve agent (sarin, soman and VX-type agents, as well as lewisite). About 5.7 thousand tons of poisonous substances (14.2% of all stocks of chemical weapons in Russia) were subject to destruction. The area of ​​the territory of placement - about 600 hectares. 2 thousand people worked at the facility, most of them local residents.

The CWD plant in Kizner was the last of the seven facilities to be commissioned in December 2013. In addition, there were objects: "Gorny" in the Saratov region, "Kambarka" in Udmurtia, "Pochep" in the Bryansk region, "Maradykovsky" in Kirov region, "Leonidovka" in Penza and "Pike" in the Kurgan region.

In total, 4.4 million chemical munitions were destroyed in Russia.

In Udmurtia, a plant for the destruction of chemical weapons, which is considered the best in the world in terms of equipment, has been launched. Specialists plan to dispose of more than two million artillery shells large caliber with toxic substances left over from the time Soviet Union. This is the seventh in a row and the last such facility built under the federal target program.

The first ammunition is already waiting for its turn on the conveyor. In the central control room, you can see everything that happens in the shops for the disposal of chemical weapons. New complex in Udmurt village Kizner is completing a federal program to destroy stockpiles of poisonous substances.

Valery Kapashin, head of the Federal Directorate for the Safe Storage and Destruction of Chemical Weapons, says: "There are about 5.5 thousand tons of poisonous substances here. The caliber of shells is 122 mm. The shells are filled with the poisonous substance sarin. Sarin reserves are the largest."

Russia is one of the initiators of the signing international convention on the prohibition of chemical weapons. More than forty thousand tons of toxic substances have so far been stored in warehouses in different regions countries. Some ammunition was fired during the Great Patriotic War their expiration date has long since expired.

It was decided to build complexes for the destruction of chemical weapons next to each of the seven arsenals. Today, most of the reserves have already been eliminated.

head part 240mm rocket projectile. Ammunition weighs about forty kilograms, inside - dangerous Chemical substance sarin. The process of destruction of chemical weapons at the enterprise is fully automated. The process is controlled in a special hardware room. It takes about a day to dispose of one ammunition.

Viktor Kholstov, deputy head of the Federal Agency for Industry, explains: "The poisonous substance is destroyed in one stage: the poisonous substance is extracted and immediately detoxification occurs - the activity of the poisonous substance decreases."

At the final stage, the empty shells are deformed under a special press. The entire destruction process is being supervised by foreign experts from the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. There is strict control.

"Each state determines its capabilities and priorities for destruction. Our priorities have been built, voiced, and we have no other alternative than the destruction of chemical weapons as soon as possible," Viktor Kholstov says.

The company conducts strict environmental control. Air samples are taken three times a day, a mobile laboratory operates. Also in different parts of the complex there are so-called bio-indicators - arctic foxes, mice and minks react better than any devices to harmful substances. Animals are very susceptible to changes in the environment.

The company guarantees the safety of its employees, as well as the local population. Residents of Kizner say that with the advent of the complex, life in the village has changed. Per Last year new schools, a cultural center were built here, a hospital was modernized.

“When we arrived here, the infrastructure was not very developed here. We took the eldest child, now 9 years old, to the kindergarten by bus. And now the kindergarten is literally under our windows,” said Natalya Labutina, a resident of the village of Kizner.

In Russia, all stockpiles of chemical weapons must be destroyed by 2015, the enterprises themselves must be closed. But local authorities we are confident that all complexes will be converted to military or civilian needs.

KIZNER: Features of the region

Kiznersky district is the youngest in the republic, it is only 70 years old. But these years contained a lot of events that the region experienced together with Russia and Udmurtia. The Kiznerites helped the front by working in the fields and military factories, using Komsomol vouchers to rebuild war-ravaged cities, strengthen their collective farms, build schools, and raise children.
Today, the people of Kizner are proud not only of the glorious past, but also of the good present: modern schools, trading enterprises, solid residential buildings, our unique clinic, growing timber processing enterprises.
All this is the merit of Kizner residents - hardworking, talented, loving their area.
It is very important that the ongoing plant for the destruction of chemical weapons will also help the further development of the region. Visible evidence of this is the modern Bemyzh district hospital with residential building for medical staff, the completion of the full gasification of the district center, the reconstruction of the village water supply, the improvement of the streets of the village. Kizner. And, of course, the construction of a beautiful Palace of Culture for 500 seats with a gym, at the final stage the construction of the District Department of Internal Affairs, etc.
The fulfillment of the entire program will give the Kiznerites mood, optimism, and new strength for successful work.

Geographical position
Kiznersky district is located in the southwestern part of Udmurtia, bordering on the Kirov region, the Republic of Tatarstan, Vavozhsky, Mozhginsky and Grakhovsky districts of the Udmurt Republic. The area of ​​the entire territory of the district is 226,455 hectares.
The regional center is located in the village. Kizner, which is located on the river. Luga, 145 km from the capital of the Udmurt Republic. Through the village Kizner passes Railway Kazan-Yekaterinburg. The village is connected with Izhevsk by a road through the village. Bemyzh and the city of Mozhgu.

Kizner - the land of living keys
Nature of the area
In the vicinity of Kizner there is a deposit of boron-bromine, hydrogen sulfide, hydrocarbonate mineral waters. A deposit of healing mud has been discovered in the floodplain of the Lyuga River. Not far from the swamp, the Bizek spring beats.
The water is healing, low-mineralized type "Zaporozhskaya". It can be used for inhalation in the treatment of diseases respiratory system. In the village Kizner drilled wells for hydrogen sulfide, iodine-bromine, medicinal and drinking water.
At present, the RBVL State Health Institution is the only state institution in the republic that uses unique natural healing factors- peat mud and mineral water, similar in composition to the mud and waters of the resorts of Palanga (Latvia), Kemeri (Lithuania).
The hospital has 65 beds. Every year about 1800 patients undergo treatment at the RBVL, more of them are residents of rural areas of Udmurtia. Dirt possesses medicinal properties used to treat diseases of the peripheral nervous system, spine, bones, muscles, joints.
natural conditions
Kiznersky district is located in the southern part of the republic on the border of two zones: forest and forest-steppe. The climate is temperate continental.
The relief of the territory of the region is slightly wavy with a configuration of hills and small hilly elevations, there are plains.
The soils are fairly uniform.

The hydrographic network in the region is relatively well developed.
most major river is the Vyatka River, which flows along the western border of the region for 20 km and flows into the Kama. The tributaries of the Vyatka River include the rivers Lyuga, Pyzhmanka, Lubyanka, Yamyshka, Umyak, Kazanka.

Minerals: oil, clay, limestone, peat.

Monuments of nature Kiznersky district
AT different times There were 16 natural monuments in the region.
Currently 11 natural monuments.

Agriculture is the leading industry in the region. Currently, 9 agricultural enterprises and 3 peasant farms are engaged in the production of agricultural products in the region.
About 14 enterprises are engaged in the production of products in the region. The largest of them is a fur farm, the Kizner flax plant, the Reshetnikovskaya oil company, a bakery, a confectionery factory, etc.
In the structure of the education department of the administration of the municipality "Kiznersky district" there are 14 secondary, 6 basic, 5 primary schools, 22 kindergarten, House of Children's Creativity, orphanage, children's and youth sports school, School of Music, and since 1993 opened the doors of the first institution of primary vocational education- Kizner vocational school №30.

Healthy future
Outpatient care for the population of the Kiznersky district is provided by the polyclinic of the Central District Hospital, the Bemyzh district hospital, three medical outpatient clinics, and 27 FAPs. Each medical outpatient clinic and district hospital is staffed with doctors, each has an ambulance transport. In the polyclinic of the Central District Hospital, 43 specialists provide assistance in 27 specialties.

The history of the creation of a facility for the storage and destruction of chemical weapons in the village. Kizner of the Udmurt Republic
In November 1941, due to the sharp aggravation of military and political events in the world State Committee Defense of the USSR (GKO USSR) adopted Decree No. 889 on the formation of a military base at the Kukmor station of the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in order to expand and disperse the network of bases and arsenals that were engaged in supplying the front with ammunition.
Subsequently, the military base was renamed into a military unit. However, due to insufficient natural camouflage of the object in November 1942, the State Defense Committee of the SSR decides to relocate the military base from the Kukmor station to the Kizner station of the Udmurt Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, in a forest area northeast of the village.
Starting from 1943, construction of the necessary industrial and social security facilities began on the site of a small brick factory. Production departments where assembly was carried out rockets, were originally located on the railway line between the current trading base of Kizneragrosnab, right in the cars, here were the machines and the necessary equipment.
The two-story building of the district executive committee, which was located on the site of the existing building of the district administration, housed the headquarters of the base, the soldiers' barracks and the medical unit. Work was carried out day and night. Every day, a large number of wagons with shells for the legendary Katyushas were sent to the front.
The war ended, and life began to return to normal, but artillery shells and mines, both Soviet and foreign, continued to come from the front.
The base continued to perform its functions, including the neutralization (disposal) of unnecessary captured weapons.
Since 1950, the construction of a military camp with all the engineering infrastructure began with the simultaneous accumulation of artillery ammunition of conventional equipment. Until 1954, only conventional ammunition for cannon artillery.
Then the first batches of shells filled with poisonous substances (OS) such as sarin and lewisite began to arrive. Later, they were supplemented with formulations of agents of the soman Vx-gases type, at present, about 5.6 thousand tons are in storage, which is 14.2% of the agents of the total amount of poisonous substances to be destroyed.
October 24, 2005 by Government Decree Russian Federation in the federal target program "Destruction of stockpiles of chemical weapons in the Russian Federation", provides for the construction of a facility for the destruction of all types of ammunition for cannon and rocket artillery, equipped with organophosphorus poisonous substances, as well as lewisite, in the village. Kizner of the Udmurt Republic.
In June 2005, the administration of the Kiznersky district signed a declaration on the construction of a facility for the destruction of chemical weapons stockpiles, on the selection of a site for the construction of a facility for the destruction of chemical weapons.
In March 2006, an Anglo-Canadian delegation visited the village. Kizner. Familiarization with the conditions of the forthcoming construction of a chemical waste disposal facility in order to further consider the issue of financial assistance at the level of their governments within the framework of the Global Partnership.
In June in the village Kizner of the Udmurt Republic, public hearings were held on the EIA section of the feasibility study for the construction of a CWDF in the Kizner region.
The Kizner Chemical Weapons Storage and Destruction Facility is designed to destroy artillery chemical munitions filled with organophosphorus agents. Two million munitions in the equipment of OV - Vx, sarin, soman are subject to destruction.
At the beginning of 2008, preparatory work for the construction of a facility for the destruction of chemical weapons began in the Kiznersky district, and already on May 21 the first pile of the main production building was driven.
The foundations of production and administrative buildings are being laid.
Currently, work is underway to build industrial facilities and the infrastructure of this facility.
Construction of houses and infrastructure is underway to accommodate the facility's operating personnel.

Warfare destruction technology
Safety is the main condition
One of the main requirements for the production of chemical weapons destruction (CW) is to ensure the safety of service personnel, residents of nearby settlements and the natural environment.
The technology implemented in the design and working documentation received a positive opinion from expert commissions, as well as the approval of the International Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), as providing the necessary level of protection for workers, the local population, and the natural environment.
The process of destruction of chemical munitions begins with their delivery to the production building. Delivery of ammunition is carried out in sealed transport and technological containers, on specially equipped vehicles, in compliance with all safety measures required by the legislation of the Russian Federation for the transport of dangerous goods.
At the first stage, ammunition is checked and prepared for destruction in the production premises.
After carrying out operations to prepare the ammunition for destruction, it is moved to the demilitarization unit, in which the body of the ammunition is reamed and the poisonous substance is extracted.
The extracted poisonous substance is reloaded into the reactor, in which the detoxification process is carried out to obtain reaction masses. The process of detoxification is irreversible and the return of the poisonous substance is impossible. The entire process of chemical neutralization of poisonous substances is under strict analytical control, which ensures the completeness of the neutralization of the chemical.
The resulting reaction masses are subject to further processing, which consists in their thermal decomposition with a multi-stage system for cleaning gaseous emissions.
After removing the poisonous substance, the ammunition is repeatedly washed with a degassing solution, thereby achieving complete degassing. At the next stage, the ammunition is subjected to heat treatment, during which the thermal destruction of the remnants of poisonous substances in micropores and in paintwork body, which guarantees the safe conduct of further operations. At the final stage, the hulls of ammunition are sent to irreversible deformation, where they are brought into a state unsuitable for further use.
The technological regulation of production provides for a thorough control of the tightness of flanged joints of pipelines and equipment, which ensures the safe conduct of the technological process.
If the threshold concentrations of the poisonous substance in the air of industrial premises are exceeded, emergency ventilation is automatically switched on, and measures are taken to eliminate gas contamination. Gas contamination is constantly monitored by automatic gas control devices, and air sampling is carried out every shift in various places of the production facility, followed by an analysis for the presence of a toxic substance.
The air of the working area before being released into the atmosphere passes through carbon filters, and then is sent to the contact apparatus for complete cleaning.
This technology, developed by the Institute of FSUE "GosNIIOKhT", allows, without prejudice to environment and health of people, to carry out the destruction of ammunition filled with poisonous substances.

Environmental control and monitoring
The main requirement for the process of destruction of chemical weapons is to ensure the safety of the personnel of the facility for the destruction of chemical weapons, the population living in the zone of protective measures of the facility for the destruction of chemical weapons, and the protection of the environment. One of the main elements of ensuring security at the facility for the destruction of chemical weapons is industrial environmental control and environmental monitoring.
To ensure the implementation of industrial environmental control and monitoring at the facility for the storage of chemical weapons, the following has been created and is functioning:
- environmental monitoring laboratory (intended for environmental monitoring);
According to the data obtained as a result of industrial environmental monitoring of the state of the environment in the area where the chemical weapons storage facility is located, the environmental situation in the Kiznersky district remains stable, no cases of exceeding environmental quality standards for specific indicators have been recorded.

Medical monitoring
In the system of state measures aimed at the implementation of the federal target program "Destruction of stockpiles of chemical weapons in the Russian Federation", an important place is occupied by the issues of preserving and strengthening the health of both the facility personnel and the population living and working in the protective measures zones (PZM) of storage facilities and destruction of chemical weapons.
The purpose of monitoring the health of residents is dynamic monitoring of the health status of the population living and working in the ZZM, identifying high-risk groups, organizing dispensary monitoring of them, and carrying out the necessary preventive and rehabilitation measures. The analysis of the health status of the population of the Kiznersky district is carried out by the FGUZ "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Udmurt Republic", the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia (Volgograd) and the specialists of the Federal State Institution "Children's Clinical Hospital No. 38" of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia (Moscow).

Our common home - Kizner
The command of the military units of the Kiznersky district is in constant contact with the area. This is not only mutual understanding with the leaders of the district, but also cooperation and mutual assistance in various areas. So. Traditional are the Days of the draftee, which take place in the unit. On this day, future conscripts are invited here along with their parents and friends. Excursions are held for them, during which they get acquainted with the life of military personnel, the traditions of the unit. There are also joint sports competitions for conscripts and conscripts, then a concert at the club.
The military oath taking is solemnly organized in the units, for which relatives called up for service in our units come from different regions and republics. For them, a display of weapons, military equipment, clothing support for military personnel, theatrical performances about the history of chemical weapons are held. Relatives are introduced to the conditions of life in which their sons will serve, they are treated to a soldier's dinner.
On May 9, military personnel are the decoration of the rally and parade. A brass band of military units, a rapid response platoon perform at events of the district and republican scales (rural sport games), Presidential games, village day, etc.)
The servicemen help the orphanage, the cadet class of school No. 1, and other organizations in preparing events and solving various problems.

In the village of Kizner (Udmurtia), the last plant in Russia was put into operation for the destruction of chemical arsenals stored since Soviet times. Now in Kizner there is about 15% of the entire chemical arsenal of the country. The destruction and subsequent work on the ecological rehabilitation of the territory will last for several years.

Industrial facilities in the village of Kizner (Udmurtia), designed to destroy chemical weapons, began work on Thursday. Their only job is to destroy adopted by Russia international agreements accumulated arsenals of chemical weapons.

Since 1997, Russia has begun work on chemical disarmament. Since then, seven specialized facilities have already been built, they were erected in those places where Soviet army stockpiled its stocks - thousands of tons of ammunition filled with mustard gas, tabun, sarin, zaman, lewisite. Two of these plants are located in Udmurtia. The first facility in the village of Kambarka has already completed its work, and the new one, in Kizner, has begun to destroy the accumulated chemical arsenals.

For the republic, for the Kiznersky district, this is very important. This is the work of several promising years to destroy chemical weapons. This is a colossal production, this is a large number of jobs. This is a social infrastructure that has already been created within the framework of the program, and it will continue to be created.

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The chemical weapons arsenal at the Kizner station of the Udmurt Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic began to form in November 1942. In 1950, the creation of a military camp began with the entire engineering infrastructure and the simultaneous accumulation of artillery ammunition of conventional equipment. Now 5.8 thousand tons of chemical warfare agents are stored in Kizner. These are sarin, soman, VX, viscous lewisite. Chemical weapons in Russia were stockpiled and massively stored at seven sites: in the city of Kambarka and the village of Kizner (Udmurtia), in the villages of Gorny ( Saratov region), Leonidovka (Penza region), Maradykovsky (Kirov region), Shchuchye (Kurgan region) and Pochep ( Bryansk region). On the this moment Russia has already destroyed more than 77.5% of Soviet stocks of poisonous substances. The final destruction of chemical weapons on the territory of the country should be completed by December 31, 2015.

Close cooperation with international organizations for the prohibition of chemical weapons, inspectors who will carry out inspections here on a permanent basis, give us confidence that the process is carried out correctly, in accordance with the provisions of the Convention, meets international requirements and will be completed on time.

The Federal Agency for the Safe Storage and Destruction of Chemical Weapons reports that the destruction of sarin, soman, VX gases, and viscous lewisite found in Kizner's artillery shells will be carried out using Russian technology in two stages.

Specialists have a difficult job that requires strict adherence to technology and safety standards. All work will be carried out under the supervision of observers. international organization on the prohibition of chemical weapons.

The Kizner CWF facility is located near one of the military units on whose territory chemical munitions are stored. Work on its construction was started by specialists from Spetsstroy of Russia in the spring of 2008. From the moment the construction began to the present, spetsstroyevtsy has erected a complex of high-tech production buildings, administrative buildings, as well as a number of residential buildings, engineering infrastructure facilities and social and household facilities.

After the completion of the program chemical disarmament all destruction facilities will be dismantled, all materials will undergo heat treatment, and the land on the territory will be reclaimed. Further, the enterprises are re-profiling.

The creation by Spetsstroy of Russia of industrial capacities for the destruction of stockpiles of chemical weapons is planned to be completed by 2017. To this end, in 2014-2016 buildings for thermal waste neutralization, neutralization Wastewater and a landfill.

In addition to a plant for the destruction of hazardous substances, a complex of social facilities was built in the village. A new boiler house, fire extinguishing stations, a gas rescue station and a fire station have been put into operation. A residential building with 60 apartments, three soldiers' barracks, a canteen, kindergartens, schools, and the building of the District Department of Internal Affairs were built for the personnel of the facility.

During the implementation of the Federal Target Program "Destruction of chemical weapons in the Russian Federation", the builders of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "GUSST No. 8 at Spetsstroy of Russia" also built several social facilities, which became a significant contribution to improving the quality of life of the population of Kizner ... With the funds allocated in the social part of the FTP, in Kizner there will also be a fire station, a new residential building with 60 apartments and two preschool institutions.

According to Mikhail Babich, presidential envoy to the Volga Federal District, it is planned to move the Kazan Powder Plant to Kizner, which is now located on the outskirts of the capital of Tatarstan, but close to residential development.

This is not the only option, but the main one. Now it requires additional calculations and elaboration, - Babich explained.

It will take another 3-4 years to fully introduce the object into economic circulation. During this time, measures will be taken on the territory of the chemical weapons destruction plant in Kizner to eliminate the consequences of the destruction of chemical weapons, reorganize the territory of 600 hectares and destroy the equipment elements that were used in the process.

About 2,000 people have been working at the CWD plant in Kizner for the past four years. According to the head of the Federal Directorate for the Safe Storage and Destruction of Chemical Weapons, Colonel General Valery Kapashin, these are unique specialists who are not being trained anywhere now, so the main task to be done is to save jobs.

The project gave a new breath to the Kizner district. Significant funds were spent on social infrastructure, roads, gas, water (1.67 billion rubles. - Approx. "RG"). We are interested in using this complex in the future in the economy of Udmurtia. I hope that the personnel who work here will develop new economic projects in the future, - summed up the head of Udmurtia Alexander Brechalov.

O future fate CWD facilities were also reported to the head of state by Denis Manturov, Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. If we talk about the Volga Federal District, then it is planned to organize the production of pharmaceutical and chemical products at the Maradykovsky complex in the Kirov region.

In addition, the head of the department noted that at the moment in Russia there are actually no facilities for neutralizing industrial waste first and second class of danger, and a year it is almost 400 thousand tons. To ensure the processing of the bulk of this volume, it is planned to use interregional centers for the disposal of hazardous waste, in particular Kambarka, Gorny (Saratov Region), Shchuchye (Kurgan Region) and Leonidovka (Penza Region).

To ensure the transfer of all seven facilities to investors, there is a need to completely sanitize these enterprises, for which in 2018 the budget provides funds in the amount of 5.3 billion rubles, - explained Denis Manturov. - But, given the work to eliminate the consequences of the disposal of chemical weapons, we have prepared a separate subprogram, which is designed for the period from 2019 to 2024. We are ready to submit it to the government for consideration.

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