Rocket liner specifications. "Liner" for strategic savings

Health 19.07.2019

Vladimir Degtyar, General Designer of OAO "GRTs Makeeva": "We are carrying out initiative studies to create a promising strategic naval missile system."

Responsible tasks within the framework of the State Armaments Program are being solved by one of the leading enterprises of the Russian rocket industry - JSC "State Missile Center (GRC) Makeeva" (Miass, Chelyabinsk region). He told Interfax-AVN about his main developments in the field of strategic missile systems with sea and land-based ballistic missiles in the interests of the Navy and the Strategic Missile Forces, as well as rocket and space systems CEO, general designer of OAO "GRTS Makeeva", corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir DEGTYAR.

- Vladimir Grigoryevich, not so long ago, another successful launch of the Sineva sea-based strategic missile developed and manufactured by the Makeyev GRC was carried out. What tasks were set during this launch?

November 5, 2014 at 9:30 Moscow time from the Barents Sea on board a missile submarine strategic purpose"Tula" from a submerged position was carried out a successful launch of the intercontinental ballistic missile "Sineva". The launch was carried out according to the combat training plans and combined with other work in the interests of the Ministry of Defense. All the tasks assigned to JSC "GRC Makeeva" have been fulfilled, and this is undoubtedly another well-deserved success of cooperation between industrial enterprises and the Navy.

Earlier it was reported that the Sineva naval missile, which was put into service in 2007, has a great modernization potential. Is there any work being done to develop this medium?

Indeed, the modernization potential of the Sineva naval missile is large, which was shown by the development and development of the new Liner naval missile complex carried out at the SRC, carried out in the interests of the Ministry of Defense. In terms of energy-mass perfection, the Liner rocket surpasses all modern strategic missiles Great Britain, China, Russia, the United States and France, and in terms of combat equipment it is not inferior (under START-3 conditions) to the American Trident-2.

The Liner missile can be equipped with a mixed configuration of warheads of various power classes. In January 2014, by order of the President of the Russian Federation, the complex missile weapons D-9RMU2.1 with R-29RMU2.1 "Liner" missile was put into service.

The Liner rocket, having the highest energy-mass perfection among domestic and foreign sea and land strategic missiles, has a number of new qualities. These are the increased sizes of the circular and arbitrary zones for breeding warheads; the use of flat trajectories in the entire range of firing ranges in astroinertial and astroradioinertial (with correction by GLONASS satellites) modes of operation of the control system. There are several options for combat equipment Russian missile"Liner": ten warheads of a small power class with anti-missile defense systems; eight warheads of a small power class with more than effective means anti-missile defense; four warheads of the middle power class with anti-missile defense systems. The versatility of combat equipment will make it possible to adequately respond to changes in the foreign policy situation related to the deployment of an anti-missile defense system or contractual restrictions on the number of warheads.

In 2008, Sineva set a world record for firing range for naval missiles - over 11.5 thousand km. Are there plans to improve this indicator in the future?

The modernization potential and high energy capabilities of the Sineva missile and complex were demonstrated in 2008 during the presidential firing by launching at a distance of more than 11 thousand km across the water area in pacific ocean. The purpose of launching naval missiles in Peaceful time determined by the solution of certain problems. Firstly, these are serial shootings, secondly, the development of new technical solutions, and thirdly, the training of submarine personnel. As for setting "world records", this is rather a pleasant addition to the harsh everyday life of submariners.

Speaking more broadly about the cumulative result of missile launches, then this, of course, is not only the delivery of warheads to a given area. This is also a confirmation of the importance of the scientific, production and technological potential of the SRC and cooperation enterprises, the domestic rocket and space industry as a whole; convincing evidence of our ability to implement any task of developing strategic weapons and thus ensuring reliable defense of our Motherland in a far from simple modern military-political situation.

Returning to your question, I can answer this: the Sineva and Liner naval missiles have the technical capabilities to update the "world record".

Is work being done to extend the service life of RSM-52 and RSM-54 missile systems? Until what year can they be on combat duty in the Russian Navy?

Currently, work is underway to extend the service life of RSM-54 missiles to the deadlines established by the tactical and technical assignment of the Ministry of Defense. The RSM-52 missiles were successfully eliminated (the last one in September 2012) as part of the Russian-American joint threat reduction program under contract No. HDTRA-07-ะก-0014 dated June 1, 2007.

Makeev's GRTs has been identified as the lead developer of a promising ground-based heavy liquid-propellant missile, which should replace the RS-20V "Voevoda" missiles in the Strategic Missile Forces grouping. At what stage is this work?

In accordance with the agreement between the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and JSC "GRTs Makeeva", experimental design work is being carried out to create a strategic ground-based silo-based missile system. The first stage of work has been completed - the development and protection of a preliminary design. The development of design and technological documentation is underway, the material part of prototypes is being manufactured and experimental testing is being carried out.

OJSC "Krasmash" was chosen as the head manufacturer of the rocket, a number of new performers were added to the traditional cooperation of OJSC "GRTs Makeev". Financing of development work is in full in accordance with the contract.

What new task on shaping the shape of strategic nuclear forces deterrence associated with the development of a promising heavy ground-based missile, entrusted by the country's leadership to the State Rocket Center, is a confirmation of the high scientific and technical potential of the enterprise, its authority as the largest scientific and design center in Russia for the development of rocket and space technology.

With the commissioning of the promising Borey submarines into the combat structure of the Russian Navy, the basis of the nuclear submarine strike group will be solid rockets"Mace" developed by the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering. Does this mean that the Makeev State Research Center will no longer be engaged in work on its former main topic - sea-based ballistic missiles?

The Bulava missile for the Borey submarines was developed by the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering, OJSC "GRTs Makeeva" is the lead developer of the 3R-21 shipborne combat launch complex, which ensures the launch of this missile from under water and surface position and consists of a shipboard complex of control systems, protection systems of a complex, a functional complex, a control system for a functional complex, etc.

The 3R-21 complex is designed to provide conditions for storage, pre-launch preparation and launch of the Bulava, including during salvo operation from one to full ammunition under any weather conditions.

In the 3R-21 complex, for the first time, in comparison with similar complexes of previous generations, advanced solutions were introduced, which made it possible to significantly improve its technical and operational characteristics. it centralized system power supply; unified information system; unified computing facilities; automatic retargeting; software analysis of documented information; fiber-optic transmission line of special information; new methods of maintaining the storage temperature of the Bulava rocket; fittings with single-position controls.

During the construction of missile submarines of the Borey project, OJSC "GRTs Makeeva" with the cooperation of enterprises ensured the manufacture, supply, installation supervision and commissioning of the 3R-21 complex, as well as technical support and participation in work with the complex during mooring, factory and state tests of missile submarines. The Makeeva SRC is carrying out work on the placement and manufacture of the 3R-21 complex for the missile submarine cruiser of the Borey-A project.

As the lead developer of liquid and solid-propellant strategic missile systems with ballistic missiles, the creator of three generations of naval strategic missiles, OAO "GRTs Makeeva" naturally carries out initiative studies to create a promising strategic marine missile system. The creation of a new complex is a lengthy and costly process that requires the military-political leadership of the country to realize the need to develop such a complex, include work on its development in the State Armaments Program, issue a technical assignment to the Ministry of Defense for its competitive development, conduct a competition and determine the winner. Currently, interested bodies are discussing the inclusion of work on a promising marine complex to the State Armaments Program.

Previously, the Makeev SRC was actively engaged in the retrofitting of existing ballistic missiles submarines into space carriers. In particular, the R-29R and R-29RM rockets were retrofitted into the Shtil and Volna space rockets. Is this project ongoing?

Since 2001, the State Rocket Center has been launching experimental vehicles to test advanced technologies in a real space flight. Together with the Navy, more than ten launches of research spacecraft with retrofitted rockets were carried out at the end of their service life. And today it is possible to perform such tasks with the help of R-29RM ("Shtil") and R-29R ("Volna") missiles.

This is a consequence of the high adaptability of our rockets, which allows us to carry out a variety of experiments in outer space. We have proposals from foreign and domestic firms for research launches. I am sure that with the arrival of a new team at the Ministry of Defense, as well as thanks to the past recent times reorganizations in the rocket and space industry, such launches will continue.

Are you continuing to work on the implementation of the Air Launch project, which was once supported by the scientific and technical council of Roscosmos?

Continue. It should be noted that the creation of such a complex would ensure the maintenance of multifunctionality and rational interchangeability of launch vehicle systems in order to achieve guaranteed independent access to space in order to national security and expanded the possibilities of providing services to the world market. It is natural that investors who are ready to participate in the project raise the issue of confirming its technical implementation.

Given that one of the most difficult technical tasks is landing a hundred-ton rocket from an aircraft, in order to eliminate technical risk and expand opportunities for attracting investors, design and development work is being carried out at the initial phase of the program to develop the main innovative component of the project - new technology high-altitude landing missiles ("Technology Demonstrator"). It is planned to provide under natural conditions for the release of a mass-sized model of a rocket from an aircraft, which, if the result is positive, will be a convincing argument in favor of the project. And we would like to complete this stage within the framework of a public-private partnership, which is now being talked about a lot, but concrete results unfortunately not enough.

We do not lose optimism, and we are working with potential customers for the launch services of the air launch rocket complex for space purposes "Air Launch". Memorandums of intent were signed with SSTL (Great Britain), ONV-Systems (Germany), Japanese companies "Mitsubishi Electric", "Hi Corporation" on the launch of payloads. Bilateral protocols were also signed on the possibility of basing the Air Launch airborne missile system at the air bases of the islands of Biak (Indonesia) and Cam Ranh (Vietnam), as close as possible to the equator, which increases the possibility of launching spacecraft into geostationary orbit.

- Is the Rossiyanka heavy launch vehicle with a reusable first stage being developed?

To solve the problems of reducing the unit cost of launching and reducing the number of impact zones provided for by the FKP for 2006-2015, in 2007, the Makeev State Research Center developed materials for the Rossiyanka space rocket with a reusable first stage. Distinctive feature The proposed version of the space rocket is a method of returning to the cosmodrome area and landing a reusable first stage by re-launching the regular stage liquid-propellant rocket engines (reusability rocket scheme), for which the necessary fuel supply is provided in the tanks. Subsequently, such technical solution confirmed by the creation and testing of the reusable first stage of the Falkon space rocket in the United States.

OAO "GRTS Makeeva" continued work in this direction. In 2013, during the development of the "Oblik - SRTs" project, it was proposed to modernize the disposable first stage of a heavy class space rocket into a reusable one by installing additional units and assemblies on the stages to ensure its reusable use. In 2014, during the development of materials "Oblik-LK-GRTs" for the consideration of options for a space rocket of light and ultralight classes, it was proposed, among other things, a variant of an ultralight class rocket with a reusable first stage according to the scheme space rocket"Rossiyanka". At the same time, it is envisaged that such a stage will play the role of a demonstrator of key technologies, preceding the development of a heavy and super-heavy space rocket with a reusable first stage.

At the time, the Makeev SRC developed a universal small-sized space platform, on the basis of which the Compass and Compass-2 spacecraft were created, designed for short-term earthquake forecasts using space tools. Are there ongoing work on this topic?

The State Rocket Center takes part in various competitions to create satellite systems remote sensing of the Earth, using the experience gained in the creation of the spacecraft "Compass". At one time, system projects were released in the interests of Uzbekistan, South Korea, commissioned by the Federal Space Agency. This work has not received practical continuation, but we are ready to participate in such projects as to provide launch vehicles for spacecraft (launch vehicles of the "Shtil" family, created by retrofitting serially used RSM-54 SLBMs), and in the creation of spacecraft for various purposes based on the Compass platform or its modifications.

17:16 / 02.04.14

The Russian Navy adopted new rocket"Liner"

Navy Russia adopted missile system with an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) "Liner".

It was developed by the Makeev State Rocket Center. The new complexes will appear on Project 667BDRM nuclear missile submarines.

R-29RMU2.1 "Layner" - a modification of the Russian ballistic missile "Sineva" for placement on submarines, with new capabilities to overcome missile defense, as well as the ability to combine combat load. Developed by OAO "GRC Makeeva" and manufactured by OAO "Krasnoyarsk Machine-Building Plant".

The first launch was made on May 20, 2011 at 18:00. 50 min. Moscow time, according to the program of state flight tests (ROC "Liner") from the strategic nuclear submarine of the Northern Fleet "Ekaterinburg" from the Barents Sea to combat range"Kura", located on the Kamchatka Peninsula.

The launch was considered successful. The second launch was made on September 29, 2011 under the program of state flight tests (ROC "Liner") from the strategic nuclear submarine of the Northern Fleet "Tula" from the Barents Sea at the combat range "Kura". The launch was considered successful.

In October 2011, the missile tests were declared successful and the missile was approved for serial production and operation and recommended for adoption. It is planned to adopt the Liner missile system into service with the Northern Fleet.

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation plans that in the future all strategic nuclear submarines (BDRM "Delfin" and BDR "Kalmar") will be re-equipped with modernized Liner ballistic missiles. Thanks to the re-equipment with the Liner, the existence of the northwestern grouping of Dolphin submarines can be extended until 2025-2030.

In February 2012, Commander-in-Chief of the Navy V. Vysotsky said that the Liner should not be put into service, since "this is an existing missile that is undergoing modernization."

According to him, the first to receive the upgraded missile were strategic submarines on combat duty in the oceans, but in the future, all ships of projects 667BDRM Dolphin and 667BDR Kalmar will be re-equipped with the Liner.

R-29RMU2.1 "Liner" - a modification of the Russian ballistic missile "Sineva" for placement on submarines, with new capabilities to overcome missile defense, as well as the ability to combine combat load

Konstantin Bogdanov, military observer for RIA Novosti.

Russia has created a new submarine-launched ballistic missile called Liner. According to the developers from the Makeev Center, the new missile is more powerful than the Bulava. In recent years, the Russian defense industry has often presented surprises in the field of strategic weapons: for example, in 2007, the newest ground-based missile system RS-24 Yars, equipped with a multiple reentry vehicle, was suddenly tested. The test caused a slight stir among the expert community. What is new behind the new surprise, now in the naval component of the strategic nuclear triad?

News out of the blue

On Tuesday, August 9, some Russian media With reference to the Makeev State Rocket Center (Miass, Chelyabinsk region), they reported on the creation of a new missile, which "in terms of energy-mass perfection surpasses all modern solid-propellant strategic missiles of Great Britain, China, Russia, the USA and France." The missile "can be equipped with 1.5-2 times more warheads of a small power class than the Bulava missile."

But in essence, nothing breakthrough happened. As far as one can judge this moment(the fact of work on the "Liner" topic was made public back in May of this year, and since then information on the rocket has not increased) we have another deep modernization of the numerous family of R-29R / RM / RMU missiles.

The predecessors of the Liner, the R-29RMU2 Sineva (developed in the late 1990s), are now on the strategic nuclear submarines of Project 667BDRM Dolphin. In the near future, these submarines will have to be sent for medium or even major repairs to extend their service life. It is for them that the new rocket is intended.

"Our strategic submarine missile carriers of project 667BDRM, military service which continues, are armed with Sineva liquid-fuel missiles, and their further improvement, in particular, on the Liner theme, will allow these submarines to remain in combat strength fleet for many more years, until complete re-equipment with the latest Borey-class submarines (project 955)," RIA Novosti explained.

But, according to the source, it is incorrect to compare the Liner with the Bulava. And this is so: they are structurally different ("Sineva" - liquid fuel, "Mace" - solid fuel); in addition, rockets "live" in different weights - the words "1,5-2 times more warheads" are impressive only until you compare at least the official data on the thrown mass (1150 kg for the Bulava and, according to various sources, up to 2500-2800 kg for the Sineva). But the Sineva is heavier (at least 4 tons) and more (about 3 meters).

The course for solid fuel

One more aspect. "Sineva" and its heirs are intended for the "outgoing" missile carriers of project 667BDRM ("Dolphin"). The boats will be modernized and, apparently, will serve the fleet for another twenty years at least. However, they do not plan to develop their line in offshore construction.

However, until the Navy received new ships of project 955 ("Boreas", the lead of which - "Yuri Dolgoruky" - on), it is the "Dolphins" that will bear the brunt combat duty. And for this they will need modern missile systems.

The hypothetical struggle between "Sineva" ("Liner") and "Bulava" for a place in the naval strategic component is "virtual" to a certain extent. Rockets on asymmetric dimethylhydrazine are indeed more powerful than solid propellants, but dangerous to handle. Especially in the conditions of the fleet.

For example, the explosion of a liquid-fuel rocket in the mine of the K-219 boat in October 1986 led to the poisoning of personnel and the subsequent sinking of the ship at sea. But there have repeatedly been other, more prosaic cases when rockets (simply huge "barrels" of fuel) were dropped from cargo booms and hit them against piers and boat hulls - with depressurization and the release of toxic components.

"Indeed, the Sineva liquid-fuel missile already in service has greater power and flight range than the solid-propellant Bulava, but Russia has set a course for the creation of solid-propellant naval ballistic missiles in the future," RIA Novosti was told in the defense department.

As far as can be judged, this is the general position of the military: it was decided to transfer the strategic nuclear fleet to a single solid-fuel carrier, and they chose the Bulava, and the long-suffering nuclear-powered ships of Project 955 will be used as a ship platform (they had to stay in their lifetime from a drawing board to going to sea "launching pads" for three missile systems at once).

Fights of local importance

Behind the somewhat hasty report on the creation of a "new missile" that is "more powerful" than the Bulava, lies a rather intriguing tangle of contradictions in the domestic defense complex.

For many years after the collapse of the USSR, the main "supplier of the yard" of Russian nuclear forces was practically no alternative to the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering (MIT) - the parent organization for solid-propellant mobile missiles, the developer of Topol, Yars, Bulava, and before that - no less famous and formidable "Pioneers", along with the "Pershings" who became the heroes of the "Eurostrategic" epic.

MIT had earned itself the status of the number one rocket corporation and was determined to continue to be in this state. MIT General Designer Yuri Solomonov is known for his tough stance and has repeatedly publicly stated that in the interests of Russia's strategic nuclear forces, only solid-propellant missile systems should be purchased.

Everything has literally changed Last year. Unexpectedly (and for some, on the contrary, it is expected and even "long-awaited"), the Russian military has a silo-based heavy liquid carrier to replace the rapidly aging R-36M2 / MUTTH - the legendary "Satan", the basis of the Soviet nuclear forces. Lead developer new technology, which received the code, according to various sources, either "Breakthrough", or "Inevitability", was appointed just by the Makeev SRC.

It seems that the Russian nuclear missile industry (no matter how paradoxical it sounds at first glance, given the degree of secrecy of the topic) is one of the most public in the domestic defense industry. Among the rocket scientists, heated meaningful discussions on how to live on are conducted with enviable regularity, giving food to observers and journalists.

An element of such a discussion seems to be demonstrated to us this time as well. MIT's competitors are raising their heads and claiming a place under the sun - especially now, in the face of growing state defense orders. It seems that competition in the intercontinental ballistic technology market is only getting worse, and in the very near future we will see more than one series of an exciting nuclear missile thriller.

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