Anti-corruption education in the Russian Federation as one of the main areas of corruption prevention. Anti-corruption education of citizens Corruption prevention and anti-corruption education

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Damm I.A. — Anti-corruption education in the educational organization of higher education: main directions and problems of implementation // Administrative and municipal law. - 2018. - No. 6. - P. 36 - 48. DOI: 10.7256/2454-0595.2018.6.26763 URL:

Anti-Corruption Education in an Educational Institution of Higher Education: Main Directions and Problems of Implementation

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The subject of the study is the norms of the legislation of the Russian Federation on combating corruption, by-laws and departmental regulations, as well as local regulations that provide for the content, as well as the procedure for implementing anti-corruption education measures. The article discusses in detail the legal and organizational possibilities of an educational organization of higher education in the implementation of measures for anti-corruption education. Special attention is given to highlighting the most successful practices of conducting anti-corruption educational events aimed at both employees of an educational organization and students. The author used the dialectical method of cognition, as well as system-structural, formal-logical and other methods of scientific cognition. The study made it possible to establish that educational organizations face methodological, legal and organizational difficulties in the implementation of anti-corruption education activities. The article presents the main directions of the work of the Siberian Federal University on the implementation of anti-corruption education of employees and students, identifies key problems and suggests ways to solve them.

Keywords: corruption, prevention, education, educational organizations, employees, students, duties, prohibitions, restrictions, anti-corruption standards of conduct


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The subject of the research is the statutory provisions of the Russian Federation legislation on corruption prevention, regulatory and departmental normative legal acts as well as local normative acts that focus on the contents and anti-corruption procedure education. In his research Damm focuses on legal and organizing capacities of a higher educational organization to implement anti-corruption education. The researcher pays special attention at describing successful practices of anti-corruption educational activities oriented at both educational organization employees and students. In his research the author has used the dialectical research method as well as structured system analysis, formal logic method, and others. The research carried out has demonstrated that educational organizations face difficultyis of methodological, legal and organizational nature when they implement anti-corruption education. In his research Damm describes the basic trends of the Siberian Federal University in anti-corruption education of employees and students, defines the key problems and offers his solutions thereto.


Prohibitions, duties, students, workers, educational organizations, education, prevention, corruption, restrictions, anti-corruption standards of conduct


Effective formation and implementation of anti-corruption policy is achieved not simply through legislative formalization (rationing), but as a result of a practical approach verified in criminological assessments of the use of certain anti-corruption measures taken.

Anti-corruption security of educational relations can be ensured through the scientific validity of the applied set of measures to prevent corruption in educational organizations, as well as effective use organizational and human resources for its implementation.

As follows from Art. 6 of the Federal Law of December 25, 2008 No. 273-FZ “On Combating Corruption”, the formation of intolerance towards corrupt behavior in society is one of the priority measures for the prevention of corruption. One of the ways to form intolerance to corrupt behavior is anti-corruption education.

The study of topical issues of the organization of educational and educational activities The works of many specialists are devoted to anti-corruption content: R. A. Abramov, E. A. Akunchenko, I. I. Bikeeva, M. A. Volkova, S. A. Vorontsova, I. M. Garipov, Yu. P. Garmaeva, A A. Evlakhova, Z. Z. Zinatullina, P. A. Kabanova, E. B. Kozlova, V. A. Kostromina, T. G. Slyusareva, N. V. Syuzeva, Yu. Falileeva, E. S. Fortygina, L. R. Khairutdinova, M. V. Shediy, E. S. Shugrina, M. R. Yusupova and others. At the same time, the forms and methods of implementing anti-corruption educational activities in general and in an educational organization in particular are an issue that causes significant difficulties in practice.

Educational organizations, whose core activity is not the prevention of corruption, experience methodological, legal and organizational difficulties in providing anti-corruption educational activities.

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Siberian Federal University" (hereinafter referred to as the Siberian Federal University) in accordance with the provisions of clause 8 of the National Anti-Corruption Plan for 2016-2017, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 147 dated April 1, 2016, The Anti-Corruption Education Program for 2014-2016, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 816-p dated May 14, 2014, implemented a set of anti-corruption measures.

Analysis of the provisions of the anti-corruption education program for 2014-2016. (hereinafter referred to as the Anti-Corruption Education Program), conducted by the anti-corruption specialists of the Siberian Federal University in 2014, made it possible to determine the structure and content of the institution's anti-corruption policy. Activities to form employees and students intolerance to corrupt behavior and reduce the risks of corrupt relations in the process of educational activities at the Siberian Federal University are built on a systematic basis and involve an interdisciplinary approach, as well as multi-level interaction with representatives of state bodies, local governments, and civil society institutions and organizations.

Main part

Guided by the organizational plan provided for in the Anti-Corruption Education Program, the Siberian Federal University conducts anti-corruption preventive work in the following areas:

1. Study of the problems of moral orientation and legal awareness of citizens (paragraph 2 of the Anti-Corruption Education Program).

Siberian Federal University regularly monitors manifestations of corruption and the level of perception of corruption by teachers. The first events dedicated to this issue were held long before the approval of the Anti-Corruption Education Program and dated back to the 2009/10 academic year.

As part of the next study in November - In December 2016, employees of the Center for Combating Corruption and Legal Expertise conducted an anonymous questionnaire survey of 2,525 full-time students (bachelor's, specialist's and master's degree) of the Siberian Federal University in order to identify the level and determine the dynamics of perception of corruption and manifestations of corruption in the institution. The results show the following:

1. More than half (53.13%) of the students surveyed consider corruption negative phenomenon, 5.98% of students - a positive phenomenon, and 40.89% called it a neutral phenomenon. Compared to the results of the survey conducted in 2010, the proportion of students who have a negative attitude towards corruption has increased by 8.2%, while the proportion of students who have a positive attitude towards this phenomenon has decreased by 7.22%. The number of those who are neutral remained almost at the same level (see Figure 1).

Figure 1 - "Corruption in the university for you?"

2. As corruption, students most often perceive “payment by students to receive grades (test)” - 89.2%; “obtaining grades (exams), entering a university through connections, acquaintances” - 56.3%; “forcing students by teachers to acquire written by them study guides"- 45.4%. “Gifts (sweets, champagne, etc. before the session)” were attributed to corruption by 24.8% of students. A smaller number consider “providing tutoring services by teachers taking exams (test) to students” as corruption, only 13.6% of respondents chose this answer option. At the same time, all these options are forms of corrupt relations in the field of education (see Figure 2).

Figure 2 - “Which of the following relationships, in your opinion, are related to corruption? (multiple response set)"

3. Increasing teachers' salaries as the main measure to prevent corruption was chosen by 47.1% of respondents. In addition, students consider it important to introduce anti-corruption prohibitions and restrictions on students and teachers (34.9%); the creation of a “helpline” (33.8%), as well as the holding of written exams with the coding of the name of the examiner, the results of which are checked by independent teachers (commissions) (28.2%) (see Figure 3).

Figure 3 - “Which measures to prevent corruption in the education system, in your opinion, are the most effective (multiple response set)”

Comparison of the survey data of 2016 with the results of a similar survey conducted in 2010 indicates a positive trend in the formation of anti-corruption consciousness among students. At the same time, the presented results indicate the need to continue work in this direction.

2. Introduction into the learning process of elements related to the observance by citizens of anti-corruption standards of behavior, the formation of an anti-corruption worldview (paragraphs 4, 7 of the Anti-Corruption Education Program).

Various methods of forming intolerance to corrupt behavior are included in educational and enlightenment programs. Experience shows that the most effective of them are "Business game" and "Case-study".

Business games allow in an accessible form not only to disseminate anti-corruption information among students, but also to ensure the formation of their skills to identify and prevent corruption situations in various areas of public life. The following business games have been developed and successfully implemented at the Siberian Federal University:

- "Time to choose!" The game is based on the imitation of electoral procedures that are most susceptible to corruption. The variability of the behavior of players, due to playing roles, makes it possible to demonstrate the negative legal and social consequences of entering into corrupt relations, as well as to form basic knowledge among young and future voters about the basics of the Russian electoral process;

- Corruption Trial. The game is a model court session, during which the parties to the process consider a difficult life situation and try to establish a causal relationship between the consequences that have occurred and the participation of characters in corrupt relationships. The educational task is to form a systemic understanding among the players about the negative consequences of corruption, which is widespread throughout society.

- "Who? Where? How?" The game is aimed at the formation of students of non-legal specialties basic knowledge about corruption, its signs and negative consequences. The gameplay allows not only to identify defects in the participants' understanding of the nature, concept, types and extent of corruption, but also to teach them to identify corruption factors in various life situations.

Case solving is used in the implementation of educational programs of additional vocational education employees of the Siberian Federal University and is a substantive review of the most common examples from judicial practice in order to implement the criminal law principle of general prevention and the formation of target audience necessary skills to identify and prevent corruption in the educational process.

In addition, anti-corruption academic disciplines have been included in educational programs implemented at the Institute of Law and the Institute of Economics, Management and Environmental Management of the Siberian Federal University since 2013:

- "State anti-corruption policy";

- "Anti-corruption";

- "Combating corruption in the judiciary";

- "Ethics of state and municipal service" and others.

3. Publication of methodological manuals and printed materials on the promotion of anti-corruption standards of conduct (clause 9 of the Anti-Corruption Education Program).

The team of the Center for Combating Corruption and Legal Expertise together with the Krasnoyarsk regional branch of the All-Russian public organization "Knowledge Society of Russia" with the support of the Agency youth policy and implementation of community development programs Krasnoyarsk Territory the educational methodological complex "Fundamentals of anti-corruption education in the field of education" was developed and introduced into the activities of regional educational institutions.

The idea of ​​the project is that experts in the field of combating corruption, criminal law, criminology, psychology and other sciences will jointly develop an Anti-Corruption Educational Methodological Complex. Further, the developers of the complex will train employees of educational organizations to use it, who, “armed” with the materials of the complex, will independently conduct anti-corruption educational sessions for their colleagues.

The anti-corruption methodological educational complex includes:

Presentation for an educational event in an educational organization. The presentation sequentially reveals three main educational modules: "Corruption", "Prevention of corruption", "Main corruption stereotypes". In each module, the main material is presented in a simple and accessible form, which is supported by the necessary images and diagrams. Most difficult questions, such as the distinction between a gift and a bribe, the minimum amount of a bribe, the legality of providing tutoring services, and others, are explained in video consultations by representatives of the Prosecutor's Office of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee for the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Doctors of Law Institute of Siberian Federal University, International Institute for Educational Planning UNESCO;

3. A systematic study of the level of perception of corruption by students of the Siberian Federal University indicates that this category of students has an insufficient level of knowledge about corruption as a social and legal phenomenon, as well as about anti-corruption standards of behavior in a corruption situation. In this regard, it seems necessary to include the academic discipline "Fundamentals of Corruption Prevention" in the main educational programs of all areas of training.



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"Old Fairy Tales" new way»



The form: theatrical performance.


Location: auditorium.

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“Theatrical production on anti-corruption topics: “Old fairy tales in a new way””

Theatrical production on anti-corruption topics:

"Old Tales in a New Way"


propaganda among students of an anti-corruption worldview;

formation of anti-corruption stability of the individual; education of honesty, decency.


show on concrete examples What are the consequences of corruption?

reveal the “unprofitability” of corrupt behavior for each member of society;

identify the most effective ways combating various forms of manifestation of corruption in Everyday life.

The form: theatrical performance.

Members: teachers; 7th grade students.

Location: auditorium.

Event progress

“Not everything in the world is valued by money”

Leading: Guys, today we will talk about corruption. Let's understand what corruption is and why all adults say: "Corruption is bad."

Tell me, have you heard this word? Is it familiar to you? Why is this punishable by law, that is, illegal? To answer these questions, we will resort to the help of well-known literary characters from fairy tales, but the other way around.

Main characters: Dr. Aibolit and Monkey.

Dr. Aibolit in his spacious office. Monkey runs. Monkey: Trouble! Trouble! Quicker! Save!

Aibolit: Take your time, Monkey, tell everything in order.

Monkey: Trouble! In Africa, all our kids got sick! Their tummies hurt!

Aibolit: Yes, it is most likely an epidemic! Well, let's think about how we can solve this issue.

Monkey: What is there to think, flew rather to Africa!

Aibolit: You know, Monkey, first of all, I don't have time. Second, there are no drugs. And thirdly - there is no money, finally!

monkey:Horror! Horror! Horror! What will happen to our kids? Can't think of anything, Doctor?

Aibolit: Possible! Gather me one truckload of bananas, then I'll cure your kids.

Monkey: Dr. Aibolit! You are a good Aibolit! How can we collect so many bananas, because our children are sick?

Aibolit: I don’t know anything, either bananas, or I won’t treat them!

Dr. Aibolit leaves, Monkey runs after him, crying.

Leading: Guys, you watched the plot from a familiar fairy tale, but in a new way. Did you like this Dr. Aibolit? If "yes" - raise right hand if "no" - left.

Why did you many raise your left?

Children's answers: Because Aibolit did not help the monkeys.

Leading: Guys, Aibolit doesn't want to treat monkeys until bananas are collected for him. He takes advantage of his position. This is what is called corruption - a bribe.

Corruption- the use by an official of his powers and rights for personal gain, which is contrary to the law, that is, the law.

Aibolit acts illegally.

Based on the Russian folk tale "Terem-Teremok"Main characters: Frog-frog Mouse-norushka Bear .

Near the teremka Mouse-norushka. The frog is running.

wah: Terem-teremok, who lives in the terem?

mouse: I, the Mouse - norushka, and who are you?

wah: And I'm a Frog-Wah, let me live with you.

Mouse: Do you have money to pay your rent? Will it be 30 dollars?

wah: Mouse, what are you? In a fairy tale, we live here for free!

Mouse: We used to live like this, but now we live differently! Either pay or leave!

The crying frog leaves.

Enter Bear.

Bear: Mouse - norushka, did you pay me for your Teremok standing on my land?

Mouse: Mishenka, I paid taxes to the state!

Bear: So what. You pay me too! Pay or I'll break Teremok!

Mouse: (crying) Now… (takes out money and pays)

The bear, counting the money, leaves. Behind him, showing him his fist, the Mouse leaves.

Leading: Did you like the fairy tale ? Name the main characters .

Leading: Guys, in this scene we also encountered corruption. Hands up. Did you like Mouse?

Leading: The mouse takes advantage of the fact that it was the first to find Teremok and began to take money for accommodation. She took advantage of her powers and commits an act that is contrary to moral principles. The bear is here in the role of a racketeer, that is, an extortionist using threats. We will help fairy tale characters: Mouse, Frog, Bear. Each team will draw their own tower on a piece of paper. You will build houses for all the heroes. Students draw pictures of fairy houses. The team that completes the drawing first wins.

Based on the poem by S. Mikhalkov "Uncle Styopa" and Russian folk tale"According to the command of the pike."

Main characters: Emelya, Uncle Styopa.

Emelya rides on the stove. Enter Uncle Styopa - a policeman.

Uncle Stepa:(stops stove).

Senior traffic police inspector - Uncle Styopa! Your documents?

Emelya: Please please!

Uncle Stepa: Is there a first aid kit?

Emelya: There is, look.

Uncle Stepa: Why not buckled up?

Emelya: (laughs) Ha-ha-ha! How can you buckle up here, there is no belt on the stove!

Uncle Stepa: Disorder! Well, how are we going to draw up a protocol?

Emelya: Maybe we should not?

Uncle Stepa: Necessary! Order is order. Always wear a seat belt for safety. ( coughing in side) Well, there is, of course, one way out ...

Emelya: What is the way out? Uncle Styopa :( diverts in side and in a whisper He speaks) 5000 tenge pay ...

Emelya: Yes, I don't have that kind of money. Emelya fast leaving on the stove, and Uncle Styopa runs after him and whistles.

Leading: Guys, raise your hands, did Emelya do the right thing? Did you like Uncle Styopa?

Leading: Yes, guys, Emelya broke the rules traffic. And Uncle Styopa took advantage of his official duties in his favor - instead of punishing the offender, he took a bribe from him. And if every person breaks the rules, then there will be a mess on the roads!

Let's make a conclusion. Corruption is bad! It's illegal! A person must always be honest. Taking bribes, extorting money is against the law! For this they are punished. There may be a large fine or even jail time.

Anti-corruption education: concept, goals and meaning

The study in the field of anti-corruption education of subjects of legal relations contains a theoretical justification that will allow formulating a strategy and assessing the impact of the efforts of state and municipal authorities in the development of civil activity in combating corruption.

The creation of a system of anti-corruption education is a contribution to building a democratic state, the ability to stimulate the participation of subjects of legal relations in the life of society and the state as a whole, contributing to building leadership potential and developing the value of tolerance, which is a function of internal democratic methods.

It is required to study the reasons under which social trust flourishes and decreases under certain conditions of the politics and economy of the state.

In the case of a passive civil society, incompetent state power will contribute to the erosion of the social order. This process can have extremely adverse consequences, not only for democracy, but also for the state itself.

The fight against corruption at the national and local levels is one of the most big problems. From government controlled, business, law and economics, organization of technical and engineering professions, the fight against corruption is part of the educational and educational program. Most programs cannot be explicitly related to anti-corruption, they are all implicitly related to it in that they address moral issues and provide concepts such as public goods and social justice, which are key to understanding the need to fight corruption. The main goal of the anti-corruption education campaign is to increase the public's knowledge and understanding of corruption and the implementation of mechanisms to prevent corruption. The anti-corruption education campaign will be implemented in an integrated way of communication through various communication channels: television, radio, internet, leaflets, posters, brochures, and specific activities.

Raising public awareness of corruption, its negative effects on society, the economy and relevant laws, is possible by improving and increasing public control and vigilance of trusted officials. For this you need:

  • - Provide funding for efforts to promote cooperation between government agencies and civil society, i.e. through partnership in the formation and implementation of anti-corruption public education and awareness raising;
  • - Provide training and organize a workshop for public outreach groups to build awareness on legislative initiative in the fight against corruption.

The goal is to inform the public about the consequences of corruption and how it can affect them and what they should do to do so. Civic activity means that every member of civil society - directly or indirectly - must contribute to the development of the rule of law.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 14, 2014 No. 816-r “On Approval of the Program for Anti-Corruption Education for 2014-2016”, includes just the activities of the elements to popularize anti-corruption standards of behavior, education and upbringing, aimed at shaping the anti-corruption behavior of a citizen , as well as organizing interaction with international organizations, foreign departments, scientific and educational structures to disseminate relevant best practices, informing citizens about the main foreign legal systems, the legal mechanisms for anti-corruption education of citizens provided for in them by posting information on the website of the Ministry of Justice of Russia in the information and telecommunication network "Internet", providing, within the framework of the activities of the working group on joint participation in combating corruption, representatives of the business community and government bodies under the Presidium of the Council under the President of Russia Anti-Corruption Federation to consider the issues of introducing an anti-corruption behavior model into the practice of the business community through the implementation of the Anti-Corruption Charter of Russian Business, etc. Thus, the priority role in anti-corruption education belongs to the authorities in the distribution of responsibilities among structural units.

For example, the program on anti-corruption education in the Republic of Dagestan for 2014-2016 includes the following activities: monitoring the enforcement of the provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation related to the daily needs of citizens in order to identify contradictions, excessive regulation and difficult-to-perceive provisions that contribute to manifestations of corruption and hinder the development of legal literacy of citizens; monitoring the results of introducing elements into the learning process that supplement the exemplary basic educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education with provisions related to the observance by citizens of anti-corruption standards of behavior, the formation of an anti-corruption worldview and an increase in the general level of legal awareness and legal culture of citizens; informing citizens about the main foreign legal systems, the legal mechanisms for anti-corruption education of citizens provided for in them by posting information on the website of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Dagestan in the information and telecommunication network "Internet"; publication of methodological manuals and printed materials on the issues of raising the level of legal awareness of citizens and popularizing anti-corruption standards of behavior based on knowledge of general rights and obligations, as well as providing educational organizations with methodological manuals and printed materials on these issues, etc.

Decree No. 53 dated August 28, 2014 “On Amendments to the Decree of the Governor Vladimir region dated December 23, 2011 No. 43 "On the program of the Vladimir region" Combating corruption in the Vladimir region for 2012-2014 ", anti-corruption education includes activities and competent authorities: identification of contradictions, excessive regulation and difficult-to-perceive provisions that contribute to manifestations of corruption and hinder the development of legal literacy of citizens (State Legal Committee); Monitoring the results of the introduction into the learning process of elements that supplement the exemplary basic educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education with provisions related to the observance by citizens of anti-corruption standards of behavior, the formation of an anti-corruption worldview and an increase in the general level of legal awareness and legal culture of citizens (Department of Education); Organization of "direct lines" with citizens on anti-corruption education related to the area of ​​activity of state bodies of the region (Anti-Corruption Department); Generalization of experience and dissemination of the best practice in media coverage of the anti-corruption activities of state bodies of the region (Committee of Public Relations and Mass Media).

In other existing and standard programs there is no such category as anti-corruption education, however, some activities, such as legal education, anti-corruption education, anti-corruption education, affect some part of anti-corruption education.

It is noted that the legislation does not disclose the legal category of "anti-corruption education", but lists the names of events and their performers, as well as the methods of such education.

In our opinion, anti-corruption education is the activity of competent subjects of legal relations (representatives of state and municipal authorities), aimed at legal training and a system of beliefs for the implementation of anti-corruption education and education of citizens, by observing anti-corruption standards of behavior, forming an anti-corruption worldview and raising the general level of legal awareness and legal culture of citizens.

The subjects of anti-corruption education are: the Ministry of Justice of Russia, federal executive authorities in the established field of activity together with educational and scientific organizations and professional legal communities, the Ministry of Labor of Russia, the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Culture of Russia, the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia, Rospechat, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

An important task is to develop a theoretical understanding of the interrelated areas of social entrepreneurship and civil society, covering the perspectives of social capital and civic engagement.

Civil society contributes directly to the stability of the state by encouraging citizens to solve their problems through democratic political processes, including elections. For example, civil society seeks to hold accountable security forces who use arbitrary or excessive force against civilians, which tends to cause more political polarization. Civil society must also fight corruption, which fuels social discontent and often diverts much of foreign aid from public good and personal gain.

Over the past decades, civil society has become increasingly important for socio-economic development and political mobilization in developing countries. Civil society is made up of many active groups and individuals. Conflicts between different groups can be as intense as between civil society and the state.

Inevitably disputed by many theorists and the very concept of "civil society". Civil society is defined as a space: a public sphere where debates and discussions allow, through negotiations, to come to mutual agreement and interest.

The nature, level, causes and consequences of legal conflict is the main process of studying the constructive ways in which society can prevent the manifestation of corruption.

Civil society organizations are created on the initiative of representatives of civil society institutions themselves and strive to achieve goals for the benefit of society. The main tasks of which are social work, education, combating corruption, informing about human rights, etc. The organizational and legal form includes various forms organizations such as foundations, associations or unions. Anti-corruption education should be aimed at making a positive contribution to civil society for the implementation and stabilization of democracy.

anti-corruption education legal

Bibliographic list

  • 1. Kabanov P. A. Public control in the field of combating corruption: scientific category and its content // Actual problems of economics and law. 2014. No. 3 (31). pp. 178-185.
  • 2. Kabanov P. A. Anti-corruption propaganda as a tool to combat corruption in the Republic of Tatarstan: issues of improving the quality of legal regulation // Law and Politics. 2013. No. 9. 1130-1138.
  • 3. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 14, 2014 No. 816-r “On Approval of the Anti-Corruption Education Program for 2014-2016” // Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation. 2014. No. 21. Art. 2721.
  • 4. Decree of the Governor of the Vladimir Region of August 28, 2014 No. 53 “On Amendments to the Decree of the Governor of the Vladimir Region of December 23, 2011 No. 43 “On the Program of the Vladimir Region “Combating Corruption in the Vladimir Region for 2012-2014” // Vladimirskiye Vedomosti . 2014. No. 174.
  • 5. Kabanov P.A. Anti-corruption education as a legal category of regional anti-corruption legislation: an experience of critical analysis // Police activity. 2014. No. 1. S. 81-92.
, as well as the authority, opportunities, connections associated with this official status for personal gain, contrary tolegislation and moral installations. Corruption is also called bribery of officials, their corruption, corruption, which is typical formafia states . The corresponding term in European languages ​​usually has a broader semantics , arising from the primary meaning of the original Latin word.

The hallmark of corruption is conflict between the actions of an official and the interests of his employer, or a conflict between actions elective faces and interests societies . Many types of corruption are similar fraud committed by an official and are classified as crimes against state power.

Corruption can affect anyoneexecutive discretionary power[approx. one] in the sphere of distribution of any resources that do not belong to him at his own discretion ( official, deputy, judge, employee law enforcement, administrator etc.). The main incentive for corruption is the possibility of obtaining economic arrived (rent) associated with the use of power, and the main deterrent is the risk of exposure and punishment.

The systemic nature of corruption is manifested in its coercive nature for those who work in state organizations covered by it.

According to macroeconomic and political economy research, corruption causes significant damage and hinders economic growth and development for the benefit of society as a whole .

Corruption in many countriescriminally punishable .

Corruption in Russia

In early 1999, Deputy Prosecutor General of Russia Yu. Ya. Chaika stated that Russia is one of the ten most corrupt countries in the world and that corruption is one of the most destructive forces in the Russian state. In 1999, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences D. S. Lvov and doctor economic sciences Yu. V. Ovsienko assessed corruption in Russia as "total".

In 2006, First Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian FederationAlexander Buksman said that according to some expert estimates, the volume of the corruption market in Russia is estimated at more than 240 billion US dollars According to the fund's estimates INDEM , this value is even higher: only in business area In Russia, the volume of corruption increased between 2001 and 2005. from approximately $33 billion to $316 billion per year (excluding corruption at the level of federal politicians and the business elite). According to the same fund, average level bribe, which Russian businessmen give to officials, increased in that period from 10 to 136 thousand dollars.

In 2000, the ratecorruption perception index compiled by the organization Transparency International ”, was 2.6 (out of 10), in 2009 - 2.2 (the higher the indicator, the lower the level of corruption). The New York Times claims that the main problems of withdrawing huge amounts of money from circulation and investment opportunities, or the export of capital from Russia, are corruption. .

In 2007, Chairman of the National Anti-Corruption Committee of Russia Kirill Kabanov stated that there is no fight against corruption in Russia: the arrests of mid-level officials do not violate the bribery system, and no anti-corruption policy has been developed.

In the ranking of perceptions of corruption in the countries of the world, compiled annually by Transparency International, Russia in 2010 took 154th place out of 180 with an index of 2.1 points (index 0 means the maximum level of corruption, 10 - no corruption). CEO Elena Panfilova of Transparency International in Russia noted: “Last year, Russia ranked 146th in this ranking. Conclusion - nothing has changed in a year with the exception of our neighbors in the rating - Papua New Guinea, Kenya, Laos and Tajikistan" .

It should be noted that in many articles and discussions, when mentioning the name of this index, the word “perception” (Perception) is usually omitted, resulting in the false impression that the index reflects the real state of affairs in the field of corruption, while in fact it is , in fact, about the level of public concern about corruption.

To areas of activity (in addition to those listed in the sectionEnrichment areas ), which are most prone to corruption in Russia, include:

customs services: passing through the border of goods prohibited for transportation; return of confiscated goods and currency; understatement of customs duties; understating the customs value of goods; unreasonable delays in customs payments ;

medical organizations: purchase of equipment and medicines at inflated prices; issuance of untrue medical reports; priority service for some citizens at the expense of others;

traffic police: unreasonable granting of licenses ( driving license, certificates of technical inspection); lack of legal punishment for violators of the rules for using roads; falsification of information and conclusions about road accidents in favor of stakeholders;

judiciary: biased examination of the circumstances of the case; making unjust decisions; violation of procedural norms; opposite decisions of different courts in the same case; use of courts as a tool raiding;

tax authorities: non-collection of taxes in full; return of VAT; inspection caused by competitors and stoppage of production;

law enforcement agencies: initiation and termination of criminal cases, as well as sending them for additional investigation; lack of legal punishment for offenses of varying severity;

licensing and registration of entrepreneurial activity;

issuance of permits for the placement and holding banking operations with budgetary funds;

obtaining loans;

obtaining export quotas;

tenders for the purchase of goods/services at the expense of budgetary funds;

construction and repair at the expense of budgetary funds;

notarial certification of transactions;

monitoring compliance with licensing conditions;

supervision of compliance with the rules of hunting and fishing;

exemption from conscription for military service in the armed forces;

admission to state higher educational institutions (mainly legal and economic specializations);

state registration, attestation and accreditation of non-state higher educational institutions;

admission to specialized general education schools and preschool educational institutions;

recruitment to a service that allows you to have a significant illegal income from positions in state and municipal institutions;

formation of party electoral lists. Transparency International Russia in 2010 ranked 154th out of 178 possible. In 2009, Transparency International estimated the corruption market in Russia at $300 billion. .

According to a study by a British audit company Ernst & Young conducted in the spring of 2012, in 2011 corruption risks in Russia have significantly decreased and in many respects have become below the global average. Over 1,500 top managers took part in the Ernst & Young study largest companies from 43 countries of the world. So, if in 2011 39% of managers surveyed in Russia stated the need to give bribes in cash to protect business or achieve corporate benefits, then in 2012 this figure was 16%.

The latest news and relevant information can be found on the official website of the specialized organization National Anti-Corruption Council of the Russian Federation

One of the main tasks of federal state authorities, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, civil society institutions, organizations and individuals in the field of combating corruption is the prevention of corruption, including the identification and subsequent elimination of the causes of corruption (corruption prevention). Prevention of corruption is carried out, among other things, through the formation of intolerance towards corrupt behavior in society (paragraph 1 of Article 6 of the Federal Law of December 25, 2008 No. 273-FZ "On Combating Corruption"). Most countries of the world, using the accumulated international, national and regional experience, form and implement their own national anti-corruption policy, actively using the anti-corruption tools at their disposal. Among them, anti-corruption education occupies a special place. The presence of a good legislative framework is not enough to create a healthy legal basis for the life of society.

A person's attitude to corruption is based on a moral and spiritual foundation, level of education and culture. Legal nihilism serves as a breeding ground for many negative social phenomena, including corruption. Therefore, it is so important to increase the level of legal consciousness and legal culture of citizens. The main goals of anti-corruption education are: educational work in society on the issues of confronting corruption in any of its manifestations; fostering in society a sense of civic responsibility for the fate of ongoing anti-corruption programs; building confidence in government. At the same time, the implementation of a whole range of measures is needed, and not a pinpoint solution of pressing issues in this area. The Anti-Corruption Education Program for 2014-2016, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 14, 2014 No. 816-r, was aimed at achieving these goals. It should be noted that the approval of this Program was a continuation of the policy pursued by the state to enhance anti-corruption education of citizens in connection with the provisions of the National Anti-Corruption Plan for 2014-2015, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 11, 2014 No. 226. federal and regional government bodies. Taking into account the position of educational and scientific organizations, professional legal communities and other institutions of civil society, issues of increasing the level of legal literacy in Russian society, formation of intolerance to corruption manifestations among citizens, education and popularization of anti-corruption standards of behavior. The result of the implementation of the activities envisaged by the Program was closer interaction on anti-corruption issues of federal government bodies, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation with citizens through the organization of "helplines", holding "hot lines" with citizens, the formation of sections "Anti-Corruption" on official websites » with the possibility of interactive treatment. One of the leading roles in anti-corruption education is played by the mass media.

According to the Ministry of Communications of Russia, in 2014, more than 104,000 materials were published in the media based on data received from law enforcement agencies with the facts of the detention of persons suspected of crimes of a corruption nature; for 2015 - more than 100 thousand materials; for 2016 - more than 120 thousand materials. This work was organized by both federal and regional media. The stories about the detentions of persons suspected of corruption crimes were broadcast on all leading federal television channels, on regional television channels, and were published on the pages of " Russian newspaper”, tapes of news agencies, subsequently widely distributed on the Internet. By decision of the Expert Council of Rospechat, state support is provided to a number of mass media. Among them: television, radio programs, electronic media and periodicals printed editions not only from the capital region, but also from other subjects of the Russian Federation. According to Rospechat, during the period of the Program, state support for the implementation of socially significant projects on the topics “Information support for measures to eradicate corruption and acquisitiveness in the country, including through active civic participation and public control” and “Protection of the legal rights of citizens of the Russian Federation and ensuring the effectiveness of constitutional guarantees for their implementation” received 10 projects in the field of electronic media and 147 socially significant projects in the print media.

The Government of the Russian Federation instructed, as part of the implementation of the Program, to publish methodological manuals and printed materials on raising the level of legal awareness of citizens and popularizing anti-corruption standards of behavior based on knowledge of general rights and obligations, as well as to provide educational organizations with methodological manuals and printed materials on the indicated questions. Many federal and regional government bodies have prepared and published various editions of reference and training manuals, manuals, brochures, memos in the field of combating corruption. For its part, the Ministry of Justice of Russia, with the direct participation of the FBU "Scientific Center for Legal Information under the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation", developed and posted on the website of the Ministry of Justice of Russia educational materials intended for the most different categories of the population: “What is corruption and how to fight it”, “To the civil servant about corruption”, “Start into adulthood”, “To a teenager about his rights, duties and responsibilities”, “Our rights and obligations: we study together”, workbook to the brochure “Our Rights and Responsibilities: We Study Together”, as well as guidelines for organizing legal education of participants in the educational process, guidelines for the legal education of students in primary school(grades 1 - 4). A number of interested persons, bodies and organizations were additionally informed about materials prepared within the framework of the activities of the Ministry of Justice of Russia on anti-corruption education.

For example, this information has been brought to the attention of independent experts accredited by the Ministry of Justice of Russia for the purpose of conducting an anti-corruption examination, the offices of the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation and the Commissioner for Children's Rights under the President of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Moscow State Law University named after O .E. Kutafin, all-Russian public organizations, such as the Association of Lawyers of Russia, the Russian Union of Youth, the Association of Law Teachers, the Educational and Methodological Association for General Education, and the Educational and Methodological Association for the Directions of Pedagogical Education. Back in 2014, in the subsection “Free legal assistance” of the “Legal assistance” section of the official website of the Ministry of Justice of Russia, an interactive Internet map was introduced that displays participants in the state and non-state system of free legal assistance. Currently, the Internet map contains information on 85 executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation authorized in the field of providing free legal assistance to citizens, 85 bar and notary chambers of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 24 state legal bureaus and 180 non-state centers for providing free legal assistance. In the process of carrying out the activities provided for by the Program, the Ministry of Justice of Russia interacted with a large number of federal executive authorities and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. As part of monitoring the measures taken to create conditions for raising the level of legal awareness of citizens and popularizing anti-corruption standards of behavior, I would like to especially note the joint work of the Ministry of Justice of Russia and the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, which has significant experience in conducting sociological surveys to find out public opinion about corruption.

The Special Communications and Information Service of the Federal Security Service of Russia regularly sends statistical information to interested authorities as it analyzes public opinion on the work of the authorities to combat corruption at the federal, regional and municipal levels. In this regard, at the initiative of the Ministry of Justice of Russia, a list of questions on the implementation of the Program was prepared, which were included in the sociological survey of the Federal Security Service of Russia, conducted in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on September 19 - 23, 2016 as part of an all-Russian sociological survey on the topic: “Public opinion on corruption and activities of authorities to combat corruption”.

The results of the joint work made it possible to study public opinion in 42 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, representing all federal districts, in this area of ​​activity. According to the results of the survey, only 26.8% of the respondents (including their children, relatives, acquaintances) are familiar with the elements of anti-corruption education, 51.4% answered this question in the negative.

More than 55% of respondents learn about changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation related to combating corruption from television programs. In second place in popularity is such a source of information as the information and telecommunications network "Internet" (41.5%). Over the past 2-3 years, awareness of anti-corruption measures has become higher among 26.1% of respondents. At the same time, 65% of the respondents said that their awareness of the above activities remained at the same level. More than half of the respondents found it difficult to answer whether “straight lines” of regional authorities with citizens on anti-corruption issues are being held in their region of residence (only 14.2% confirmed the fact of their holding and 32.7% stated that they are not held). According to respondents, anti-corruption education of citizens should be carried out, first of all, in institutions of secondary and higher professional education (45.2%), then at the place of work - 40.4%, in secondary educational institutions - 36.0%, in the family - 30.5%. The results of this survey show that it is necessary to be more actively involved in anti-corruption education in general and that it is in the educational process of the younger generation that the state's efforts to introduce anti-corruption standards should be concentrated. The laying of the moral and legal foundations should take place from childhood.

It is almost impossible to correct an already formed mature person with vicious and unprincipled inclinations, and he is mainly frightened only by the threat of criminal punishment. In this regard, it is also necessary to note the words of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin at a meeting of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation on Combating Corruption on January 26 last year: school bench". The work of the Moscow State Law University named after O.E. Kutafin aimed at developing guidelines on the formation of an anti-corruption worldview among schoolchildren and students, which are recommended by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science for use in institutions of secondary and higher education.

Of course, anti-corruption education requires consistency, it is advisable to fix anti-corruption standards not only in recommendations for schools and universities, but also at the level of regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, which are mandatory for all participants in the educational process. At present, according to the information of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, as part of the implementation of the Anti-Corruption Education Program, a draft order has been prepared to amend the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia “On Approval of the Federal State Educational Standard of Secondary General Education” (dated May 17, 2012 No. 413), in which norms are included in terms of detailing the requirements for personal results of mastering the basic educational program secondary general education, including anti-corruption standards in obtaining secondary general education. According to the Ministry of Education and Science, similar changes are planned to be made to the federal state educational standard for basic general education by the end of 2017. At present, it can be concluded that the Program has shown its effectiveness and made it possible to quickly organize work with the population in the field of anti-corruption education at a higher level.

Moreover, with the end of the Program implementation period, the work on anti-corruption education does not stop. Some of the activities are included in the departmental and regional anti-corruption plans for the relevant years. Interaction public organizations dealing with issues of combating corruption, is carried out within the framework of the activities of the working group of the Presidium of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation on combating corruption on interaction with civil society structures (the working group of the Presidium), which was organized in the Ministry of Justice of Russia in accordance with the decision of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation on combating corruption of April 6, 2010 under the leadership of the Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation Konovalov A.V. In order to ensure a unified public policy in the field of combating corruption By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated July 15, 2015 No. 364 “On measures to improve the organization of activities in the field of combating corruption”, the Model Regulations on the Commission for Coordinating Anti-Corruption Work in a Subject of the Russian Federation, the Model Regulations on a division of a federal state body for the Prevention of Corruption and Other Offenses, as well as the Standard Regulations on the Body of a Subject of the Russian Federation for the Prevention of Corruption and Other Offenses.

In order to fulfill the tasks assigned to them, these structures are endowed with a number of powers, among which an important place is occupied by the powers to organize anti-corruption education. The effectiveness of the fight against corruption directly depends on the quality organization of anti-corruption education activities carried out by the above structures at the federal and regional levels throughout Russia.

Summing up my speech, I would like to say the following. Of course, it is impossible to completely eliminate corruption phenomena, but this cannot be an excuse for the ineffectiveness of countering them. The situation in this case in many ways similar to the fight against crime in general: it is impossible to get rid of it completely, but the uncompromising fight against it shows a strong defensive reaction of the state (in this case, it can be compared with the body's immune system). The real goal of combating corruption can be to reduce it to a level that will not hinder the development of the country, our society, politics, and public administration. Thank you for attention.

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