Book edition. Illustrative book edition

Recipes 26.07.2019



Theoretical basis

1General theoretical foundations of compositional construction

2. Illustrating children's publications, features of their layout and editing

2.1 General concepts and principles of creating children's book publications

2.2 The process of registration of the printed edition

2.3 Artistic design and illustration of books for children.

The concept and graphic solution of the book edition

1 Key features of the edition

2.2 Stages of work on the project

3 Text selection

4 Main character

5Creating illustrations

6 Composition solution

7 Artistic and imaginative solution

8 Use of ornaments and textures

9 Color scheme

10Edition of the edition

3.Technological part

4. Economic part





The main task when working on the topic "Illustrated book edition" was to create a book that meets the basic principles of the compositional structure and artistic and figurative solution of a book edition. Since the theme was "History of the Vologda region for children", an important task was also to develop the concept of design and presentation of historical material, taking into account the peculiarities of children's perception.

As a result of work on the topic, historical material was selected, the concept of the publication was formulated, illustrations and layout of the publication itself were made, and presentation materials representing the project were developed.


AT modern world filled with products of mass culture, we all want to give our children all the best, kind, valuable, to educate morally pure and widely developed citizens of our big country. Therefore, we choose for children those toys, books, educational materials that will help them learn something new and at the same time teach them to be honest and open, to love their neighbors and their homeland.

The main task of the work was to create a small manual for first-graders, telling about the history of the Vologda region. Also among the main tasks set before starting work, we can distinguish:

search for analogues, their study and comparison;

review and analysis of historical materials, selection and editing of texts taking into account the peculiarities of children's perception;

studying the features of creating illustrations for children's publications of preschool and primary school age;

creation of illustrations and layout of the book edition.

Also an important task was the interpretation of historical images and texts in the language of illustrations, understandable and interesting. modern child which is intended to serve the revival of folklore traditions, the development of the mental abilities of children, the formation of a civic position, patriotism, as well as the development of moral attitudes and spiritual world children.

Among the main objectives of the work are:

propaganda of love for the native country, its history and traditions;

the formation of interest in history in children of primary school age native land;

development of children's intellectual abilities and research thinking;

formation of the civil position of the child;

development of the aesthetic taste of children;

development of the artistic and imaginative world of the child, his creative abilities, speech skills;

instilling certain moral attitudes focused on love and kindness;

development of a figurative world reflecting historical material; rethinking of traditional plots in author's illustrations; creating an interpretation that is understandable to modern child;

revival of ancient Russian folklore traditions.

The main idea can be called that in our world there is much more good than evil, you just need to believe in the good, act according to your conscience and treat everything with love. The Vologda land is rich in gifts, famous throughout the world for its crafts, the history of this region contains many interesting facts and fascinating legends. It is important to convey all this to the children who will live on this earth in the new century, work and develop their hometown.

The main target audience is first-graders and their parents living in Vologda and the Vologda region. Thanks to this book, the child will be able for the first time to get acquainted with the history of the region in which he was born and raised. Also, the book will be useful to employees of kindergartens, nannies and all people who work with children. It can also be a great gift for a family with small children who are about to go to school.

In 2012 Vologda will celebrate its 865th anniversary. The name "Vologda" from the Finno-Ugric language is translated as "quiet", "clear", "bright". It was first mentioned in sources under 1147. This is one of the oldest Russian cities, located on the picturesque banks of a small calm river of the same name.

The study of the history of the native country and native land has always been an integral part of the education of children. The relevance and significance of this knowledge has been recognized and emphasized by society at all times, since it is the study, knowledge and understanding of the history of the native land that contributes to the transfer of sociocultural experience, folk traditions and values ​​from generation to generation. Successful assimilation by students of historically formed values ​​and knowledge of their own culture serve important components civil, political and cultural socialization of the younger generation, which is the natural heir to the traditions and wisdom of its people.

Learning the history of their native land, schoolchildren not only expand their horizons, acquire the necessary research skills in the future and master various scientific methods, but also adopt, master and comprehend the traditions, values ​​and norms that have historically emerged in their country. native land, learn to appreciate their culture, perceiving it as a unique, original and valuable system of material and non-material benefits of the labor of their ancestors. Awareness of oneself as a part of an ancient, historically established, independent system and knowledge of the peculiarities of one's origin contribute to the formation and stimulation of a sense of patriotism among students, inextricably linking them with the history of their native land.

The historical space, considered within the framework of local history, is directly related to the real life of the child, his parents, acquaintances, it is close and understandable to him. In this space, he begins to realize himself as a representation of his people, a part of the world around him. Therefore, it is advisable to start the initial acquaintance with history as a subject with the history of the native city, street and family. The study of one’s small homeland helps the younger schoolchild to realize the importance of this world, his place in it, and allows him to comprehend the familiar in a new way. The widespread use of local history material helps to assimilate the idea that the history of the big and small Motherland are closely interconnected, and also helps children to realize the connection of the studied material with their lives, forms a value attitude to the past.

Nowadays, when the world around us is filled with goods from the West, we are losing patriotism, love for our native country, its glorious traditions. Appeal to the age-old experience of the people, to its spiritual heritage is acquiring no less importance in our time than the sharpest environmental problems conservation natural resources, ecological balance. Our history and traditions are our spiritual wealth, our inner ecological environment, which in the same way requires protection and preservation, restoration of the natural ties of a person with the historical and spiritual heritage of his people, the past with the present. Therefore, it is so important for the younger generation to remember the traditions of our ancestors so that we can teach our children to love their neighbors, their homeland, to be open, cheerful, kind, decent, in a word, Russian people.

1. Theoretical foundations

.1 General theoretical foundations of compositional construction

The creation of a work of art in any field of art is impossible without compositional construction, without bringing to wholeness and harmony all its parts, all its components. By composition we understand the purposeful construction of the whole, where the arrangement and interconnection of parts are determined by the meaning, content, purpose and harmony of the whole.

The task of the compositional construction of a work is to distribute the material of the future work in such a way and in such a sequence, in such an interconnection of the parts of the work and all elements of the artistic form, so that the best way reveal the meaning and purpose of the work and create an expressive and harmonious artistic form. Harmonizing the form, the compositional structure thereby enriches the content and increases the value of the work as a whole.

Interconnection and subordination of parts is achieved with the help of harmonization tools based on the comparison of elements according to the principle of similarity or difference. So, symmetry emphasizes similarity, contrast - difference, nuance - and similarity and difference. Proportions and rhythm show patterns of successive changes.

The means of harmonization can conditionally be divided into several groups, based on what kind of relationship between the elements of the whole they represent.

1.symmetry and asymmetry - a group that is characterized by the location of elements relative to the axis or center of rotation.

2.identity, proportions, module, scale - a group that is characterized by dimensional relationships between parts of the whole and between parts and the whole.

.nuance and contrast - a group that indicates the degree of difference and the nature of the difference between the parts and elements of the work.

.meter and rhythm - a group that characterizes movement.

Another very important definition in compositional construction is the concept pictorial field. We call the pictorial field a limited surface, a plane where the image is located. A characteristic feature of the pictorial field is that it is not neutral in relation to what is depicted on it, but has a certain effect on it, since not all points of this field are equivalent. The unevenness of the field stems from the peculiarities of our visual perception. As a result, some areas of the field are in the zone of active perception, while others are outside it.

It is known that our gaze, moving within a field that has not yet been filled with an image, makes a series of movements, sliding along imaginary curves and straight lines. This movement cannot be called chaotic, since it has a certain direction, primarily dependent on geometric shape fields. For example, in a vertically elongated rectangle, the most characteristic movement is S-shaped.

1.2 Illustrating children's publications, features of their layout and editing

.2.1 General concepts and principles for creating children's book publications

Print edition - this is a document that has undergone editorial and publishing processing, made by printing, imprint or in another way, containing information intended for distribution, and corresponding to State standards. The composition of printed products determines its external form, and the totality of all characteristics refers it to a specific type. When working on the design of the publication, the most significant is the content, target and readership. The design is based on the type of literature.

Publications are classified according to the following criteria:


- Socio-functional: official, scientific, practical, scientific, reference, literary and artistic and advertising.

- Readers: for a wide range of readers (mass edition), for children and youth, library editions, editions, editions for the blind.

Information signs (text, musical, cartographic and pictorial)

Analytical and synthetic reworking of information (informational, bibliographic, abstract, digests)

External signs:

- Volume (books, brochures, leaflets)

- Form: book, magazine, sheet (newspaper, card, booklet, poster), toy books, complete.

- The structure or method of laying down texts (serials, single-volume and multi-volume, collections of publications)

- The level of artistic design and the method of printing (miniature, gift, facsimile)

- Complexity of the main text (mono-edition, collections)

- Quantity (first edition, stereotyped edition, reissue).


- Periodicals (newspaper; magazine)

- Non-periodic (monograph, preprint, statute, instruction)

- Serial (thematic, collections of works)

- With continuation (bulletin, bulletin-chronicle, calendar)

At their core, print products have much in common, but each of them has specific qualities that distinguish them from many others. Each type of printed matter has a specific internal and external structure, which is the basis of its design.

Failure to comply with specific norms and standards when creating publishing products leads to the fact that the printed product comes out of poor quality, inconvenient and does not meet the requirements of the reader. For the reader, in addition to compliance with a given topic, such publication indicators as format, readability, illustrativeness, volume, power, ease of search are important. It is these requirements of the reader that must be taken into account when changing the author's text into a material product - a printed publication.

1.2.2 The process of registration of the printed edition

The process of designing a printed publication consists of three consecutive stages:

.The preparatory stage at which the concept of design appears and develops: the origin and formation of the concept; transformation of the idea into a design project; converting the project into a design model - layout.

The stage of execution and editing of the original design: the content and graphic characteristics of the covers are formed; dust jacket; varnish; interior design, images: work on sketches or search and selection of illustrations and photographs; work with originals, their layout and bringing them into a single pictorial series. This is the artistic editing stage.

Compositional and technical stage: typing and layout, preparation of the laid-out material for the printing stage. Compliance of all elements of the publication with existing norms and standards, checking the contents.

The author's original, which was received by the editorial office, has the form of a combination of texts and images. The task of the artistic and technical editors at the first stage is to determine the meaning and place of each of these materials in the publication in accordance with the intention and assign graphic characteristics to them, and their interaction, hierarchical structure and their display in the heading system.

All textual material of the publication is divided into main, auxiliary and additional auxiliary. Each of these types of text plays its own role in the publication and requires special processing by art and technical editors.

The visual material of the publication is divided into mandatory and optional, documentary, thematic and abstract. Mandatory pictorial material is one that carries the main meaning, which means it has its own structure, sequence, orderliness, or it is clearly attached to the text, complements and comments on it, and is necessary because without such images the text becomes incomprehensible. Optional visual material is not tied to specific pages of the publication or text fragments, which means that it can be placed arbitrarily: on any page, on tabs and inserts, as supplements, at the end of the publication, on separate spreads, etc.

At the second stage, the task of a harmonious combination of images, texts, internal and external design is set. At this stage, all illustrations are selected, classified, processed, layouts of covers, palettes, title elements, pages filled with decorative, graphic and text elements are created.

The entire graphic and pictorial range should connect the heterogeneous text part and create an inseparable unity, and the publication should be perceived as a whole and uniquely. The final arrangement of text and graphic materials, their compliance with established norms and standards, laws and patterns occurs at the third stage. Then the original layout is already created, which is transferred to the printing company for printing. But even at the printing stage, art and technical editors can coordinate emerging issues.

Shaping the future design of the book and determining the main lines of its development is a creative process that the artist of the book and its art editor are engaged in. The idea of ​​the design of any book of any kind of literature, which should then be embodied in a real project, should always proceed from the fact that for each literary work such a design can be found, which, being in active relationship with it, with the exact purpose of the edition and with the existing real economic and technical conditions will be the best.

1.2.3 Artistic design and illustration of books for children

The basic principles of layout and design of publications for children are regulated by state documents OST 29.127-96 and SanPiN (see Appendix A). According to these documents, children's publications are divided into four groups according to the age of the children. Since the topic of this thesis is the creation of a book edition for first-graders, we will focus on the features of the first two age groups: children of preschool and primary school age. The very moment of the child's first visit to school is an important transitional stage in his development, therefore, based on the peculiarities of the perception of book publications by children preschool age, it is necessary to take into account the subsequent changes in their minds associated with the beginning of schooling.

Basic principles for designing books for preschool children

Preschoolers include children aged two to five and children aged five to seven. At this age, a small reader can hardly overcome the text, putting words together in warehouses. After a short text, after almost every phrase, he wants to pause, relax, look at the picture. If the child cannot read, then he leafs through the book, examines the pictures, the text in this case is also perceived as a picture, but the picture is incomprehensible. Therefore, decoration and illustrations in books for preschoolers are of particular importance - they can take the main place and play a major role in comparison with the text. Books without texts are also acceptable - picture books. This is the specificity of children's books.

For preschool and primary school age, the game is the leading mental activity. In psychology, the game is scientifically explained as a kind of children's activity, it is a form of active reflection by the child of the environment. As A. Potebnya noted, “the child does not yet double his activity into work and fun, he does not yet know any other work but play; the game is preparation for work, the game for him exhausts the best part of his life, and therefore he highly appreciates it.

Among the qualities close to child psychology, anthropomorphism should be noted - endowing animals, plants and phenomena inanimate nature human properties. This technique is widely used by authors of children's books. Enough to remember the characters folk tales about animals, heroes of children's animalistic books. Tales about animals have long combined centuries-old observations of their habits with the assimilation of animals to human types and characters. This is how traditional ideas about cunning fox, stupid wolf, cowardly bunny.

Considering this peculiarity of children's perception of reality, the principle of anthropomorphism should also receive consistent artistic development in the work of an illustrator, who reveals in a figurative form the intention of the author of the book.

Psychologists single out as characteristic features the specificity of thinking and the generalization of perception in preschool children. Therefore, in particular, the things and phenomena depicted in the illustrations should not lose their concreteness and recognizability. Understanding in a young child is often achieved by recognizing what is being said in the text, through an illustration, its visibility. The image serves as the basis for the story.

Psychologists say that children recognize objects both in reality and in the image by the most characteristic details, just as they remember, for example, words by the first and most accentuated syllable (“characteristic” features of the word). Children's perception is turned to the main thing and discards everything secondary. As B. Zhitkov noted, “... it is necessary to depict the main thing, and add the rest to the main thing, and then only for the benefit of the main thing. The main thing in a bull is horns. They start with porov. This requirement also applies to the work of an artist with a book for preschoolers in general. An illustration that emphasizes characteristic details is easier for a child to perceive and remember.

It is also necessary to take into account such a characteristic feature of the child's consciousness as animism - the child perceives reality as animated and alive. “The blanket ran away, the sheet flew away…”; “An evil fire roars and swells, two firefighters were thrown off the roof ...” - these words are perceived by the child not as a metaphor, an image, but as a living reality.

The form of presenting text and illustrations, which is especially close to preschool children, is a fairy tale, it is in it that the qualities mentioned above are most clearly manifested - anthropomorphism and animism. Through fairy tales, the child learns to build an imaginary reality, through fairy tales the best folk traditions and folk wisdom are transmitted. In the fairy tale, the spatial and temporal definitions and restrictions inherent in other genres are removed. These are classic fairy tales, and those fairy tales that are written to children about nature, about animals, about the “miracles” of the world around them. book edition composite illustration

The genre of the fairy tale determines some features that should be present in the illustrations. This is a special brightness and fullness of colors, an exact division of moral values, light and dark, which is in the text. At the same time, uncertainties in assessing situations, too detailed analysis and blurring of the image are inappropriate.

The presence of color in the illustrations and design of the book is one of the main requirements for books for preschoolers. A color image has wider emotional, cognitive and decorative possibilities, a color illustration is easier for children to perceive.

The above requirements for the design and illustration of books for preschoolers serve as objective prerequisites that determine the specifics of the artist's work with the book, and are the basis of the methodology for designing books for preschoolers.

The text of books for preschoolers is typed, as a rule, in large font sizes - 16, 14, 12, requiring a long line, which is not inconvenient for a slowly reading child. Typesetting, "loaded" with small size, is unacceptable in a children's book - it is difficult to read it, and it psychologically scares the child away from reading by the amount of text.

The complexity of assimilation of textual material by a child determines, on the one hand, the need to reduce the text volume of books, on the other hand, their abundant illustration. The attention of the child should be drawn to every step of the story, illustrations usually follow the text relentlessly, are inextricably linked with it.

Both features of children's books - large print and a large number of illustrations - lead to the need to use large formats, which are characterized by spacious pages with wide proportions, convenient for placing figures in the text and for arranging centerfold illustrations.

The size of the formats harmonizes well with large font sizes and with a long (7-10 square meters) line. The ability to choose a format allows you to design children's books in a variety of ways, approach the choice of format individually, depending on the nature and number of illustrations, etc.

The specificity of children's perception makes the subject system of the image the most organic for book illustrations. The artist must build a pictorial story as objectively as possible and without a background, which makes all movements, all gestures of figures especially clear and free. The attention of the child is first of all drawn to the contour, i.e. to the most characteristic, and is somewhat distracted from small individual traits, contributing to the concreteness of thinking and the generalization of perception, which were mentioned above.

The drawing can be very general, flat (fitting well on paper), but it should never be a diagram full of details. The environment in which the characters in the book operate can be "explained" to the best of their ability and should not be loaded to the detriment of the characters. The page should attract attention as a whole; details are read only after understanding the general plan.

The pronounced imagery in the approach to visual material requires the artist to carefully study nature, carefully observe the real characters in children's books. At the same time, nature can only help create an image, and the image itself is impossible without fantasy and invention of the inherent qualities of a children's book.

A special role in the formation of an artistic image in a book for preschoolers is given to color. Picturesqueness, brightness of colors enhance the emotional impact of illustrations on the child, awaken his imagination and fantasy. However, children are sensitive observers, just the brightness and variegation of the image is not enough for them, and the clarity and concreteness of relationships should be preserved in the color composition.

Principles for Designing Books for Primary School Children

Books for this age group are intended for students in grades 1-4. But among these children, two subgroups must be singled out: schoolchildren in grades 1-2, who are only mastering independent reading, and students in grades 3-4, who read relatively fluently.

Many of the requirements noted earlier and specific to preschool books remain valid for books of primary school age.

Playful moments remain important in the psychology of the child; they do not so actively influence the design of the book, retaining their significance only for the construction of illustrations. Such qualities of child psychology as anthropomorphism and animism, the unity of perception of the fairy-tale and real world, the concreteness of perception are not so clearly manifested, but they remain important and influence the artist’s creative attitudes, especially when he is working on books for primary schoolchildren of the first subgroup.

The thinking of a child under 7 years old largely depends on his perception. It is characterized by concreteness and emotionality, the child thinks in forms, colors, sounds, sensations in general. Abstract concepts are also available to this age, but the story in the text and the story in pictures must be built on vivid, concrete examples.

After 7-8 years, the child is more and more able to overcome the influence of perception and masters the ability to apply logical thinking to specific situations, although perception still plays a large role in the child's thinking.

At primary school age, the leading activity in the mental development of children is education. The best incentive to read is interest. Without reader activity directed at the subject of the book, it will not be read. The measure of the desire to learn, to read in a child increases with the degree of "novelty" and entertaining of what is said in the book. Entertaining cannot be an end in itself for the writer and artist of a children's book, but in order to keep the child's attention, it is very necessary. Entertaining in a book is a catalyst for attention, imagination, and interest in the subject of the book. Attention is activated by an emotionally built book, an entertaining book is an emotionally influencing book.

Children of preschool and primary school age are characterized by a "role" attitude to reality, to the book in particular. They completely transform into the heroes of the book, completely surrendering to what they perceive, worrying about the characters as if they were themselves. Therefore, it is especially interesting for a child to see children of his own age in the illustrations in the book.

The peculiarity of the mental development of children of this age lies in the practical, effective nature of their attitude to reality, they vividly empathize with events, actively respond to what is happening. Therefore, the emotional element should be present in the illustrations, in the design of the book, although it should be noted that this quality of illustrations is important for readers of all ages.

The literary text in books for elementary school students begins to play a dominant role. In these books, the font size is somewhat reduced (12-10 points), but it remains within the limits of the greatest readability for children. The line gets shorter. Book formats - desktop and portable.

The factor of limiting the volume of a book by the difficulties of reading a child at this age is already losing its significance. On the contrary, younger students love "thick" books that promise a long, multifaceted development of the plot.

In the context of increasing the proportion of text in a book for younger students, illustrations do not lose their dominant position. On the contrary, the increase in the complexity of the content of the book forces the artist to reveal all the diversity of the relationship between the image and the text, both in revealing the semantic structure of the book and in conveying emotional states. All this predetermines a more complex compositional solution of the pictorial material.

Primary school students already have an idea about the simple phenomena of life and simple things, so the drawings in books from simple forms that have cognitive significance gradually move to forms of more complex content, the interpretation of the content in books can be partially metaphorical or symbolic. At this age, the story is of great importance, both in illustrations and in the text. Illustrations, on the one hand, should not literally reveal the content of the book, on the other hand, they should supplement the story with various details, details that are not in the text.

Entertaining as a necessary condition for increasing a child's interest in a book can be achieved by a variety of means of design and illustration.

It is important, for example, the "beginning" of the book - its cover, title, first pages - how they introduce the theme of the book, its emotional mood. When designing a book, an artist must expressively build the external design, content of the book, its annotation, i.e. those elements that, revealing the content, can attract, interest the reader.

You can attract a child, tell him the mood by problematic construction of illustrations, i.e. one that unusually poses a problem and puts forward ways to solve it. This can be an introduction to design, illustrations of "inexplicable" moments that intrigue the reader, the use of mysterious drawings, photographs, posing questions, etc.

The role of color in the design and illustration of books for younger students is somewhat changing. As they grow older, children less and less love and appreciate bright, open colors that “embellish” nature. The realism of the image is becoming more and more important for young readers. The same can be said about the shape of the depicted objects.

The acquired life experience determines the appearance in the child of a critical attitude to what he saw in the book. The role of aesthetic evaluations is also growing. These qualities of young readers increase the responsibility of the illustrator, make them scrupulously study the depicted objects, become a full-fledged co-author of the writer, deepening the knowledge gained by the child.

2. Graphic solution

.1 Main characteristics of the publication:

The book edition has a size of 297x420 mm, the size of one strip is 210x297 mm. The press is full-color, glossy. Paper density 150 g/m2, for cover - 250 g/m2. Number of lanes - 16.

The features of the publication are a large number of color author's illustrations on all pages, a small amount of text, free layout, different layout of spreads, lack of stereotypes.

2.2 Stages of work on the project

1.Development of the concept of the publication

1 Setting goals and objectives

3 Development of the publication concept

.Work with historical material, text selection

.Illustration development

1 Drawing up a plan and determining the total number of illustrations

2 Drawings from life to study the features of the anatomy of people and animals, the structure of a plant, architectural features

3 Sketches for spread compositions

4 Development of ornaments and textures

5 Creating graphic illustrations

Edition layout

1 Choice of format, fonts

2 Layout of text blocks and illustrations

.Preparing the layout for printing

.Development of presentation materials

2.3 Text selection

One of the most important stages of the work was the selection and editing of the text. After studying the historical material on the history of the Vologda region, a plan was drawn up for the main chapters of the book:

Vologda in antiquity

The struggle for the Vologda throne

The legend about Belarusians

Vologda under Tsar Ivan the Terrible

Time of Troubles

Peter I in Vologda

wood carving

Vologda lace

Symbols of the city of Vologda

Vologodskaya Oblast

The chapters include a historical overview of the most important periods in the history of the Vologda region, a description of famous Vologda crafts, information about the official symbols of the city, as well as a brief geographical excursion around the region. Thus, information about all the most important aspects of the history, geography and administrative structure of the Vologda Oblast is presented in the most generalized and understandable form for a child. When compiling the chapters, the importance of each section against the general historical background, the accuracy of the factual material, the figurativeness of the plots, as well as the extent to which this or information may be of interest to a child of 6-7 years old, were taken into account.

The basis of historical knowledge is facts , the foundation of facts is time and space. The most important point when working on editing texts, there was an accurate statement of the facts, an indication of the time when events occurred. Responsibility for the correct presentation of facts is very high, since this book is most likely the first source of knowledge about the native land for a first-grader, and his literacy in the future depends on how he remembers them at an early age.

An equally important feature of the children's book, which is reflected in this edition, is the presence of images that express ideas about objects, people, historical events. Images accumulate in themselves not only historical knowledge, but also the emotions associated with them. Due to this, they serve as a support for primary school students in the formation of historical concepts and ideas.

In order to make the book more exciting and interesting for the child, along with the most important facts, small everyday stories and legends were selected that complement the basic information and make the perception of historical material simpler, closer to life. For example, the chapter on the period of the reign of Peter the Great includes a story about Vologda carpenters, one of whom the emperor gave a valuable gift. Of course, this small fact is not so important against the general background of the development of Vologda, but it certainly makes the whole chapter more interesting and makes it easier to remember the first part of the section, where there are no stand-out images.

In addition to factual information, the basis of an educational publication for elementary grades should be practical tasks aimed at generating interest in the subject being studied and encouraging schoolchildren to creative and scientific and practical activities within the framework of a given topic. .. Taking into account the fact that for a child aged 6-7 years, the game moment in the presentation of information significantly reveals its perception, in the book edition elements are used that involve the young reader in action. For example, the chapter on woodcarving is provided with a diagram of the main elements of wooden construction, which can certainly interest a child and entice him to study and compare the diagram with real Vologda houses. Some sections contain questions and motivational appeals to the reader. For example, "Do you want to New Year did your wish come true? Write a letter to Santa Claus!. This allows you to enter into a dialogue with the child, which is very important for attracting attention and including game moments in the process of learning the material.

The stylistic features of the language in which the texts of the publication are written include figurativeness and references to ancient Russian legends, which are reflected in the use of obsolete forms of verbal expressions and the repositioning of words in a sentence. (“However, the fighting did not subside, and in the year 1397 he came to the land of Vologda ...”). All texts are written in the most understandable language for the child, all Difficult words and turns of speech.

In the course of work on the publication, it became necessary to combine all the chapters with one line in order to create an atmosphere of a fairy tale narrative, which greatly facilitates the perception of disparate facts and descriptions. Therefore, it was decided to include in the book the main character, on whose behalf the story will be conducted.

2.4 Main character

Several concepts have been proposed to combine the chapters of the publication. One of them, for example, was the use of the image of a ball that begins to roll along the pages of a book, unraveling the thread and braiding the lace. But as a result of the work, it was decided to focus on the image of an animal that would tell stories about the Vologda land and accompany the reader throughout the book. This character was an owl.

Eagle owls are wise calm birds, they personify the age-old folk wisdom, mental clarity and intuition. Among the people, the eagle owl is considered the most intelligent bird. Eagle owls have the ability to see at night, to see everything around them, without moving, but only by turning their heads. This is a bird for which there are no secrets even under the cover of night.

The eagle owl has also become the mascot of student children. At present, it is the emblem of insight and book erudition. In modern use, a frequent symbol of brand names and emblems of enterprises and organizations related to education, enlightenment and science.

To give the owl human features, first of all, he was given a name - Philemon. Philemon in translation from ancient Greek means " Darling". This meaning casts its light on the figurative perception of the name, painting it in soft, kind tones. Today this name is used very rarely, which suggests that the character was really born many years ago, he is wise and knows everything about the Vologda Territory. Also, the word "Philimon" itself is consonant in its phonetic structure with the word "owl", which gives the combination "owl Filimon" a rhythmic coloring, making it more memorable.

In the artistic and figurative solution, several concepts were also developed, ranging from a realistic image to an extremely stylized one. Some variants of the proposed graphic solutions can be seen in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Variants of the character's graphic solution.

As a result, a stylized version of the character was chosen, similar to the cartoon characters that children love (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Selected character.

In the course of the story, the graphic solution of the main character changes. So in the chapter devoted to the most ancient period in the history of Vologda, the eagle owl is depicted in a more traditional way, which indicates that the owl itself has changed over its long life span, and is also due to the need to more organically fit the character into the environment.

The eagle owl acquires anthropomorphic features, that is, he, like a person, performs certain actions, for example, holds a briefcase or drags a log. This technique is a feature of publications for preschool children, because it is easier for a child to perceive material that is presented in a fairy tale way, and in fairy tales, as you know, animals that behave like people are often acting characters.

The character often appears on the pages of books, commenting or participating in the narration, which introduces an element of a comic book into the artistic solution of the publication.

Comic (from English.<#"center">2.5 Creating illustrations

An important place in the publication for children of primary school age is occupied by illustrations. This is one of the main forms of visualization in teaching. Together with the text, they reveal the content of the material, but they do it by means of figurative and symbolic visualization. The visual image has a huge psychological basis on which ideas about the history of the native land are built. In addition, a clear and stable visual image also has the ability to activate the mental activity of children to the maximum extent.

When creating illustrations for a book edition, first of all, sketches of spreads were created according to the plan of chapters, determined in the process of working on the text. The illustrations are directly related to the text, they depict the events described in the chapters, which is important for the child's assimilation of the material and serves for the best memorization of facts.

When developing a graphic solution for all illustrations, a large number of analogues were reviewed and analyzed. First of all, these were the works of the most famous illustrators and artists who worked on editions for children, as well as those with folklore themes. For example, famous illustrations by I.Ya. Bilibin. Besides great attention was given to historical material, for example, miniatures from chronicles (Figure 3). Some scenes from the ancient history of Vologda are solved in the style of these miniatures.

Figure 3. Miniatures from Russian Chronicles

When working on some fragments of the illustrations, it was necessary to study the features of the military equipment of ancient warriors, the anatomy of horses, the main elements of ships and vessels of different historical eras. Accurate observance of historical details is of great importance, since the publication has an educational function.

The history of the Vologda region includes a number of rather dramatic events associated with wars, devastation, sieges, and disasters. An important task was to present this material in a non-aggressive form. Therefore, in the illustrations, the fighting warriors have the features of toy soldiers, the siege scene is solved in light warm colors with the inclusion of green lace trees, and foreign warriors who tried to capture Vologda in troubled times are likened to a big cloud hanging over the city.

2.6 Composition solution

The compositional decision determines the choice of format, the location on the picture field of the main and secondary in the image, the location of the dominant and all semantic and formal elements in accordance with the general compositional scheme dictated by the content - the idea and interpretation of the theme.

The compositional solution of the publication is based mainly on the principle of asymmetry. The use of this technique emphasizes the concept of the book as a living and exciting material for children and their parents. Most of the strips and spreads contain graphic images, which are located in large non-uniform spots on the sheet space and enter into a relationship with the pictorial field - empty space. The variety of these ratios makes each reversal unique, unlike the previous one, which in turn is important condition to create the rhythm of the pages. Asymmetrical compositions alternate with stripes filled with ornaments, which also helps to diversify overall structure spreads and makes sequential reading of the book more fun.

Rhythm plays a very important role in the children's edition, as it makes reading a book more interesting, helps to captivate the child. The creation of rhythm is facilitated by the active use of ornaments and textures, the alternation of illustrated and text spreads, and color repetitions. However, the rhythmic movement is freer than the traditional methods of symmetrical alternation in the design of classical folk works, where all patterns have a clear pattern and strict repetition. A more lively performance and dynamic alternation make the design of the book more modern, understandable for the children of our time, and simplifies the perception of texts.

The modular grid in the publication has a simplified look. This is due to the need to use a large size of text blocks (which leaves little freedom for the layout of the text), as well as the concept of publication, which aims to make each spread unique, original, direct.

The format of the book corresponds to the A4 format, one page has a size of 210x297 mm. This size of the book edition is optimal for complying with all the norms for the size of the font for small children, and also leaves room for bright large illustrations.

2.7 Artistic and imaginative solution

The artistic and figurative solution of the theme is manifested in the interpretation of the plot, in the characterization of the characters in determining the relationship between the semantic components of the image. It is carried out with the help of artistic and figurative language, through poetic allegorical speech, the signs of which are comparisons, metaphors, hyperbole, etc. comparing, bringing together, contrasting, expressing one through the other. An artistic-figurative solution is associated in complete picture compositional construction with the help of harmonization tools.

The interpretation of historical texts in the publication includes both classical and author's elements. This is due to the fact that it is difficult to captivate a modern child with a book decorated in traditional ancient Russian ornaments. Therefore, all images, characters and their environment received the author's lively interpretation and style.

An important element that unites all spreads is the use of ornaments gravitating towards the theme of Vologda lace.

Vologda lace is a special phenomenon in the folk art of the Russian North. Wealth and variety of patterns, purity of lines, measured rhythms of ornaments, high skill - such is his artistic originality. Poems and songs have been written about Vologda lace, films have been made, and colorful booklets have been published. Vologda lace known all over the world for a long time it personified the glory of Russian lace .

Distinctive feature traditional Vologda pair lace is a clear division of the "structure" of lace for pattern and background. As a result, large and smooth forms of ornamentation are very expressively distinguished by a continuous line, even in width along the entire length of the pattern. The contour is a dense vilyushka. The background is a lattice of hexagonal, round and square cells. In addition to the main pattern, individual rosettes and "branches" can be scattered across the background. In the early Vologda lace, stylized images of birds, the tree of life and other ancient motifs, characteristic of more ancient embroidery, varied as the leading ornament. The main pattern is flowers, trees, snowflakes. Lace elements have expressive local names: "money", "spider", "button", "birch". A common motif is a shrub with broad palmate leaves, covered with "flowers" of napkins with six or more petals. Sometimes the whole "bush" grows out of a "flower" - a rosette. This motif is borrowed from traditional Russian wall and spinning paintings. Plot motifs in the nineteenth century were distinguished by their traditional and archaic plots. One of the favorite motifs was the fabulous bird of happiness - peahen. Each craftswoman tried to create her own image of this fabulous creature, putting her own understanding of beauty into it. Today, Vologda lace is distinguished by a variety of ornaments, monumentality of forms and the predominance of floral motifs.

The theme of Vologda lace is expressed in the interpretation of everything flora- trees, fields, herbs - through ornamental motifs. Also, lace patterns act as a background for the story, frame the images, as, for example, it was done on the cover of the publication.

In general, the artistic and figurative solution of the publication is made in a lively figurative manner, has many references to traditional types of art - ornament, wood carving, popular print, ancient miniature. Against this background, the line of the main character of the publication, Filimon, the owl, stands out, which has a more modern look in the style of animated characters.

2.8 The use of ornaments and textures

The word "ornament" comes from the Latin "orno" - "I decorate". The ornament has characteristic patterns of structure that distinguish it from the “picture”, relatively speaking, type of image. The main feature is that it usually acts only as a “decoration”, that is, in synthesis with works of fine art. In my work, the ornament serves the role of enrichment, filling the world of the book with fabulous motifs, patterns, textures. Around the main characters grows an amazing world of flowers, plants, birds, houses with chimneys from which thick smoke pours - all this fills the space of the pages and creates an atmosphere of a fairy tale.

Floral ornament - a type of ornament, the main motifs of which are stylized flowers, shoots, leaves and branches of plants. On the pages of the book you can see a lot of fabulous flowers, buds, petals and twigs. However, the stylistic solution of the ornaments is far from the traditional "Russian style", which is used to decorate folklore works. The ornaments themselves could be called the modern term “pattern” or “texture”, because the repetition here is not as strict as in classical ornaments. Whole large planes of the drawing are copied here. The execution technique is also in the author's free manner, the lines of the drawing are lively and uneven, which gives a touch of "childishness", ease.

Examples of sawn textures are located in Appendix B.

2.9 Color solution

Each color has its own specific perception, emotional characteristics and even impact on the human body. The perception of colors by an adult and a child is also different. For example, in adults, red can be associated with a challenge, even aggression, while for a child it is the color of activity, confidence, and celebration. A child perceives color more literally and more clearly than an adult.

Despite the fact that children in everything prefer bright colors, the color scheme of the book edition dedicated to the history of the Vologda region should not be too bright. The main function of the book is to introduce the child to historical material, so the color scheme should be moderately calm, setting up for classes. It is believed that soft, pastel colors have a calming effect on the child: light green, light green, pale yellow, beige, light blue. Therefore, non-aggressive calm colors are taken as the basis - blue, light green, which at some points are diluted with a small presence of light orange and yellow, so as not to bring despondency and boredom to the child.

Blue, cyan, purple - soothing colors, make any perception less active. Blue is the color of the sky, flight, dreams. Has a calming effect. Blue is the color of constancy, trust, truth and depth. It personifies peace, harmony, novelty.

Orange can be called a color Have a good mood- open, friendly, emotional. Pastel shades of orange relieve stress. Yellow is the color of the sun, which means warmth and optimism. Yellow color is preferred by dreamy natures, dreamers and storytellers.

Green is the color of youth, growth, newness. Green calms, relaxes and has a beneficial effect on vision. It is often preferred by balanced, but persistent, purposeful people.

2.10 Edition layout

The layout of the publication was carried out on the basis of the developed modular grid in the Adobe Indesign program. Font size, number of words per line, line spacing and other formatting parameters were selected based on the requirements of the OST for book publications (see Appendix).

In the course of work on the layout of the text, some important rules of book typography were fixed. For example, the fact that in book editions one should not leave prepositions and conjunctions that begin a sentence at the end of a line, as well as one-letter unions and prepositions in the middle of sentences. Errors associated with the use of dashes, middle dashes and hyphens are also sorted out.

The work uses two types of fonts: decorative and sans-serif.

Sans-serif fonts lack trailers at the ends of strokes. The name sans-serif comes from the French sans - without. Sans-serif fonts are suitable for less formal communication and are perceived as modern and fresh. Since the book will be read by children, it was necessary to take into account that the font should be as convenient as possible for reading, the font size should be large enough.

The decorative font imitates lace patterns, which includes it in the space of the voting field. This font is used only for headings and covers, that is, for placement and accents and highlighting the most important text elements.

Most text fragments are separated from graphic compositions, which is necessary for better readability of the text and creating a rhythm between spreads. On pages dominated by text, graphics play a secondary role, only slightly decorating the page. Conversely, some text elements are included in spreads where the image dominates. Basically, these are important semantic phrases that are illustrated on the page, and which need to be emphasized.

3. Technological part

When working on the project, the main working programs were Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Indesign and CorelDRAW.

The first stage of the work was the creation of illustrations by hand on paper with ink or felt-tip pen. According to the approved sketch, based on historical sources, contour drawings of all plots were created. The images were then scanned and imported into Adobe Photoshop.

Adobe Photoshop - multifunctional graphic<#"center">4. Economic part

The book edition, as the final product of the work, has the features of a booklet, as it is a small paperback book on a paper clip. There are three types of booklets: promotional, corporate, and educational. This edition belongs to the third category. The concept of the project does not envisage any benefit from the distribution of the booklet. The book edition on the history of the Vologda region should be a gift for the first-graders of Vologda, who go to school for the first time and touch the world of knowledge and science. The task of the thesis was to create the original layout of the book edition with its subsequent presentation. Therefore, in economic terms, only work on the layout itself is considered, without calculating the cost of circulation.

For effective work on the project, first of all, it was necessary to answer a number of key questions regarding the concept of the publication, its purpose and target audience. These characteristics are presented in table 1.

Table 1. Key questions

What is this publication for? To acquaint first-graders with the history of their native land, teaching children. For whom is it created? Who will read it? Children 6-7 years old, first-graders and their parents, residents of the Vologda Territory. What is the main need of the client? Getting an education, new knowledge. What is the specialization of the publication? History, local history. How will it be distributed? As a handout in schools. How will the profit be made? Receiving commercial profit is not provided for by the project. What should the client do after reading it? Be interested in studying the history of the region.

The target audience of the book edition in the range of issues of this work can be divided into several parts: direct readers of the booklet, who are targeted by the information and educational function, representatives of the administration, who will decide on the further development of the project and the printing of a large edition of the publication, as well as residents of the Vologda Territory and other regions of Russia (Table 2).

Table 2. Target audience

Type of target audience Expectations from the product Representatives of the administration - The publication must disclose the subject and be meaningful - All the features of children's perception of information must be taken into account - The design of the publication must comply with state standards - The project must be economically feasible, the price of printing a circulation should be small Children 6-7 years- Edition must be richly illustrated - In addition to the facts, the publication must contain interesting stories, tasks, game moments - The content of the text should be interesting and exciting Parents of first graders - The publication should be liked by children and teach them to love their native land School teachers - The factual material should be presented accurately and without errors, illustrations should correspond to historical sources (elements of clothing, anatomy, etc. .) Residents of the Vologda Territory - The publication should help strengthen the image of the city and the region so that leafing through it, a person would be proud that he lives on the Vologda land Residents of other regions of Russia - The publication should help attract tourists to Vologda, people who would be interested in history, architectural monuments , famous crafts of the Vologda region

In the strategy of creating a book publication, an emphasis was placed on the emotional component, since without emotional coloring, the publication will not be interesting for the child, which crosses out the interest of all other groups of the target audience. When working on a book edition, possible benefits, emotions and motives should be taken into account. To do this, table 3 is filled in

Table 3. benefits, emotions and motives

TermSimplified definitionFactual characteristicsCharacteristicWhat the product possessesA book edition for children, a booklet about the history of the Vologda regionBenefitWhat the buyer wantsEducation, intellectual development, playEmotion What the buyer feelsInterest, curiosity, desire to playMotive Why the buyer will purchase a product, service · Thirst for knowledge · Intellectual or professional stimulation · social approval

Scheme 1 shows the stages of work on the publication with the designation of the ratio of time that took one or another stage.

Scheme 1. Stages of work

When calculating the cost of the designer's work, it was taken into account that all the above stages were completed, each of which provides for a monetary equivalent. The stage of creating illustrations turned out to be the most time-consuming, as the children's edition provides for a large number of pictures on all pages. The approximate total cost of the designer's work was 10,000 thousand rubles.

Table 4. project costs

TypeCharacteristicsCostDesigner's workCreation of the concept, selection and editing of texts, creation of illustrations, layout of the publication, prepress preparation10 000 rub. Format 420x297, 16 pages, full color printing. Printing of one spread 420x297 = 40 rubles. Printing of one edition = 40 rubles. x 16 (number of turns) = 640 rubles. Printing 3 editions = 640 rubles. x 3 pcs. = 1920 rub. Stitching 3 pcs. = 30 rubles. x 3 \u003d 90 rubles.

The total cost of printing 3 editions was 2010 rubles. Together with the cost of the designer's work, the cost of the project amounted to 12,010 rubles.

Summing up, we can say that the book edition on the history of the Vologda region meets all the standards, requirements and wishes for children's publications of this type, which makes it attractive to the main target audience. The format of the publication was chosen on the basis of economic feasibility and implies further reproduction in a large circulation.


The main result of the work was the creation of an illustrated book edition for children. First, a selection of historical material was made, the undoubted importance of studying the history of the native land in elementary school was analyzed, the features of studying local history by children of primary school age were highlighted, which is certainly important for the further practical use of this publication.

In a separate part of the thesis, the features of illustration, layout and editing of children's publications are considered. Working with children's books has always been distinguished by its specificity and subtlety. It is very difficult to imagine printing without literature intended for children of middle and preschool age. Making books for children is a very time-consuming process that requires certain skills.

In the course of work on the graphic design of the book, the basic concepts of design activity, the foundations of the compositional harmony of a work of art, and the means of harmonizing the art form were fixed.

The result of the work is an original example of the author's interpretation of historical material and an interesting guide to local history for Vologda first-graders.


1. Abrosimova E.L. Historical local history in elementary school. Festival of Pedagogical Ideas "Open Lesson", 2010

2. Vyrshchikov A.N. etc. Handbook on patriotic education of schoolchildren. M.: Globus, 2007

Gladarev B.S., Leykind O.L. Local history and civil society. Publishing house of the magazine "Star". St. Petersburg: 2004

Gloshchenyuk N.I. Why do you need local history in the school curriculum? // D.S. Likhachev

Gorbova M.A. Patriotic education by means of local history M.: "Globus", 2007.

Dreishina E.I. We nurture love for a small homeland // Elementary School. - 2004.

Zinchenko V.P. . Psychological foundations of pedagogy. M., 2002.

Imangulova T.V., Bezgina T.A. Search and study of local history material as a way of knowing the native land.//Geography in schools and universities of Kazakhstan. 2007. - No. 1.

Kasimova T.A., Yakovlev D.E. Patriotic education of schoolchildren. Moscow: Iris - press, 2005

Local History: A Teacher's Guide / A.V. Darinsky, L.N. Krivonosov, V.A. Kruglova, V.K. Lukanenkov; ed. A.V. Darinsky. - M.: Enlightenment, 1987

Likhachev D.S. Local history as a science and as an activity. Russian culture. M.: 2000

Regional component in the content of historical education: Programs of historical local history. / Aut. - comp. IN AND. Barkashkov. Novgorod: NRCRO, 1995

Saplin E.V. History in elementary school// Teaching history at school, 2003

Fedotova E.A. Local history work at school. Festival of Pedagogical Ideas "Open Lesson", 2010

Shatalova N.V. Experience in supporting local history research work of schoolchildren. // D.S. Likhachev

Kalugin V.I. Strings of Rokotakh: essays on Russian folklore - M .: Hood. Lit., 1987.

Folklore and its meaning. #"center"> Annex A

OST 29.127-96

Book editions for children*

* The appendix contains a selection of points of this standard that are of direct importance in the work on the layout and design of the book. Omitted standards for older age groups of children and some other formal aspects. FROM full text document can be found at the link #"justify"> 1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to book editions (hereinafter referred to as editions) issued using Russian and Latin graphic base fonts for children of preschool, junior, middle and senior (teenagers) school age.

This standard does not apply to textbooks and teaching aids, facsimile publications, miniature book publications.

4. Classification

4.1 Publications, depending on the age category of users, are divided into four groups:

· first group- publications for preschool children up to 6 years old inclusive

· second group- publications for children of primary school age from 7 to 10 years old inclusive

· third group- publications for children of secondary school age from 11 to 14 years old inclusive

· fourth group- publications for children of senior school age (teenagers) from 15 to 17 years old inclusive

5. General technical requirements It is forbidden to print text on a colored, gray background, areas of multi-color illustrations with a background optical density of more than 0.3. Permissible minimum margins on the pages of the publication are indicated in Table 1.

Table 1Field name Minimum field size on a page, mm for groups I and II for groups III and IV for formats 60x90/8 and 84x108/16 (except for formats 60x90/8 and 84x108/16)

5.1.2 Requirements for publications of the first group The length of the main text line, leading, typeface, depending on the font size of publications issued using Russian graphic base fonts, must comply with the requirements set forth in Table 2.

table 2Font size, points *) Leading increase, points Line length Font characteristics according to GOST 3489.1 Examples (analogues) of typefaces wide light straight Alphabet, ABC, Magazine chopped, School and others16, 184-66 1/21179 1/4167-"-6.0-"-ABC, Alphabet, School and others144-661088 1/2153Chopped6,7Wide or extra wide light straight , normal Alphabet, ABC and others*) 1 point = 0.376 mm **) 1 square = 48 points


· sans-serif fonts of a wide light roman style with a capacity of no more than 5 characters per line, 1 square long;

· font size not less than 20 points;

· line length from 7 to 9 1/2 squares. For the main text of the publication, issued using fonts of the Latin graphic basis, a font with a size of at least 16 points should be used in accordance with the requirements set forth in Table 2. It is forbidden to use for the main text: font inversion; colored paints;

multi-column set (except for poetry). For poems, a two-column set is allowed only if the distance between the columns is not less than 1/3 of the maximum line length in the columns. Font design (size, leading, line length, typeface) of text selections must comply with the requirements set forth in Table 2 and

It is allowed to reduce the length of the line up to 5 squares.

The following fonts are allowed:

· bold - when using a font size not less than the font size of the main text;

· italic - when using a font size 2 points larger than the font size of the main text.

When using hand-drawn fonts, their size must correspond to the font with a size of at least 20 points with an increase in leading of at least 6 points. It is allowed to print text highlights with colored inks on a colored, gray background, multi-color illustrations and use font reverse. In the publication, for the main text and text highlights (except for headings), no more than two typefaces or two styles of one typeface should be used. Font lines of the main text and selections relative to the spine fold on the double-page or page of the publication are not recommended to be placed in more than two directions. The area of ​​illustrations on the page of the publication must be at least 50%. The total area of ​​illustrations in the publication is recommended not less than 75%. But it is recommended to place illustrations in the lower half of the page under the text.

5.1.3 Requirements for publications of the second group The length of the line of the main text, leading, typeface, depending on the font size of publications issued using the fonts of the Russian graphic base, must comply with the requirements set forth in Table 3.

Table 3Font size, points *) Leading increase, points Line length Font characteristics according to GOST 3489.1 Examples (analogues) of typefaces , Magazine chopped, School, Academic, Bazhanovskaya and others16, 182-64 1/2819 1/2167-"-6.4-"--"-14 not less than 24 1/2818 1/2153-"-7.2-" -Letter, ABC, Magazine chopped, School and others12 no less than 24 1/2817 3/4140Chopped7,7Wide or extra wide light straight, normal Alphabet, Alphabet, Magazine chopped and others*) 1 point = 0.376 mm **) 1 square = 48 points To print the main text on a colored, gray background, multi-color illustrations, you must use the following font design:

· sans-serif fonts of a wide light roman style with a capacity of no more than 6.4 characters per line, 1 square long;

· font size not less than 16 points;

· increase in leading by at least 4 points;

· line length from 4 1/2 to 9 1/4 squares. For the main text of the publication, issued using fonts of the Latin graphic basis, a font with a size of at least 14 points should be used in accordance with the requirements set forth in Table 3. It is forbidden to use for the main text: font reversal; colored paints;

multi-column set (except for poetry and popular science publications). The two-column set is allowed to be used:

· for verses only if the distance between columns is not less than 1/3 of the maximum line length in the column;

· for popular science publications only with a line length of at least 4 squares, a distance between columns of at least 9 mm and an area of ​​illustrations on the page of at least 35%. The font design of text selections must comply with the requirements set forth in Table 3 and It is allowed to reduce the length of the line to 4 squares.

It is allowed to use bold and italic fonts when using a font size not less than the font size of the main text.

When using hand-drawn fonts, their size must correspond to the font with a size of at least 16 points with an increase in leading by at least 4 points.

To print text highlights with colored inks, use a font size 2 points larger than the font size of the main text. It is not allowed to print text highlights with colored inks on a colored, gray background, multi-color illustrations and use font reverse. The font design of the main text should be the same throughout the volume of the publication. In the publication, for typing the main text and text selections (except for headings), no more than four different typefaces or their styles should be used. For captions under illustrations, it is recommended to use a font with a size of at least 12 points and place them from the edge of the illustration at a distance of at least 16 points. The total area of ​​illustrations in the publication is recommended not less than 30%.


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Twenty years ago, the Russian publishing market was quite modest. Today, as in other areas of commercial activity, there is high competition. Publishing enterprises differ from each other in size, subject matter of published literature and a number of other features. This article lists the main publishing houses in Russia. The list of such organizations will primarily be of interest to authors who dream of seeing their creations on paper, as well as entrepreneurs whose main activity is the sale of book products.

Electronic or paper media?

There is an opinion that electronic devices will soon replace paper media. The book in the classic version will turn into a rare thing. However, this opinion is refuted by an extensive list, which includes large and small publishing houses in Russia. The list of such companies with the development of computer technology is by no means reduced. Publishing is flourishing, despite the crazy popularity of various electronic media.

Who might be interested in publishing?

Selling books and creating fiction or journalistic works are completely different activities. In the first case, we are talking about the sale of products. The second is about the creative process. However, in any case, we are talking about making a profit from the sale of printed products. The first step for both the bookseller and the Russian-speaking writer should be to study the rating of organizations known by the phrase “publishing house of Russia”. A list of them is given below. However, before proceeding to the description of publishing houses, a few words should be said about the main types and specifics of their work.

Publisher and shop

Every business has its own rules, knowledge of which still does not guarantee success. For those who have decided to open their own bookstore, there is a difficult task. The range of printed products is quite wide. And when buying books, you should take into account not your own literary preferences, but the features of modern life. And therefore, the owners of the bookstore have to establish cooperation with a number of suppliers. Some publishing houses specialize in republishing others - in the works of contemporary authors. Under the logos of the third type of publishing houses, mainly educational materials are produced.

One of the most popular trends in literature today is fantasy. But if the shelves of the bookstore are filled exclusively with such publications, the businessman risks going bankrupt in a matter of months. Chekhov and Tolstoy are still read in Russia. The publication of the works of Zweig and Remarque is also carried out by many publishing houses in Russia. The list of these organizations should be known to a novice entrepreneur in the first place. After all, book production can be classified not only by subject, but by format, and, accordingly, by cost.

The novel "Crime and Punishment" can be purchased for one to two hundred rubles. But the cost of a publication with the same name is sometimes three or four times higher. Why such a difference? It's all about the various indicators of the quality of products produced by book publishing houses in Russia. The list you see in the "book catalog" section of one such organization's website may include items with identical titles but different prices. The price is formed on the basis of the type of binding and quality of design. In addition, there are highly specialized book publishing houses in Russia. The list of goods in such companies is limited to books in inexpensive paperback. There are also enterprises that produce exclusively expensive gift editions.

Publisher and author

Many novice and inexperienced authors are under the illusion that their creations are of interest to a wide range of readers. They come to this conviction on the basis of positive feedback from relatives and friends. The talented work was read by a close relative of the author and came to the conclusion that this masterpiece must certainly see the light of day. And the new writer believes that the publishing industry will eagerly take up the promotion of his book. In reality, the situation is somewhat different.

It is possible to divide all publishing houses of books in Russia into two categories. The list consists of commercial and budget organizations. In this article, we consider, first of all, publishing houses of the first category. Even if an aspiring author writes a really good book, this does not guarantee that it will end up on the shelf of a major bookstore. A publisher is a businessman who seeks to make profitable investments. Spending finances on the promotion of a little-known author is an event that cannot be called profitable.

Books that have not been published

There are many cases in history when works that are insanely popular today were published only after repeated painful attempts by their creators. More than ten times, JK Rowling submitted Harry Potter stories to publishers before she became famous. The famous novel was rejected by publishers more than thirty times. Nabokov's Lolita was rejected by the American book business for many years. And the author of "Lord of the Flies" received twenty-one refusals. And only the twenty-second attempt by Golding to publish his work was crowned with success.

Is publishing a book a daunting task? Yes and no. The road will be mastered by the walking one. But first, he must arm himself. Book publishing houses in Russia, the list of which is presented in this article, are rather specific organizations. A novice writer should have the most complete information about the activities of the largest and most significant of them. You need to understand that each of these companies is in constant search of authors whose work can bring profit.

There are many talented people in Russia. But even more graphomaniacs. That is why many manuscripts are looked through daily. Publishing a work by a new author is a huge risk. And therefore, even a talented writer must make a lot of efforts in order to pay attention to his creation. He must bypass more than one publisher. At the same time, contact precisely those organizations whose specialization corresponds to the topic of the manuscript.

Russian publishing houses: list

Fiction in bookstores is represented by products under various brand names. The largest publishers include the following companies:

  • "White City".
  • "Eksmo".
  • "Fiction".

Each of the above organizations has its own principles for working with new authors. And, of course, these publishing houses are not limited to cooperation with representatives of the genre of fiction.


On the publishing market this company is at the forefront. AST started its activity in 1990. The publishing house publishes about forty million copies annually. The main directions of AST:

  1. Fiction
  2. Children's literature
  3. Applied Literature.

The publishing house has a department specializing in the search for new authors. First of all, the employees of this company are interested in sentimental and action-packed prose. Computer and may also be of interest to specialists of the editorial department. Manuscripts are considered for up to three months and, as in other similar organizations, they are not reviewed. If the work of a new author is not of interest to the employees of the publishing house, they will not call, write, and even more so justify their refusal.

"White City"

This organization does not promote young authors. But "White City" occupies a special place in the printed matter market. Russian publishing houses, whose rating for several years has consistently included such names as "AST" and "EKSMO", is based on the activities of the twenty largest representatives of the book business. "White City" is also included in this twenty. This publishing house specializes in the production of gift copies. Various albums and collections predominate in the range of goods of the White City. The cost of a leather-bound gift edition can reach two hundred thousand rubles.


Books that feature this on the cover fill the shelves of bookstores across the country. "Eksmo" is included in the list of "The Best Publishing Houses of Russia". The list "Textbooks and other educational literature" consists of books published by various companies. But far from the last place in it is occupied by Eksmo. And this is despite the fact that the publishing house produces books of various genres. The range of its activities is extremely wide. Below is a list of genres. In terms of the diversity of its book assortment, Eksmo leaves other publishing houses in Russia far behind.

  • Educational literature.
  • Fiction.
  • Literature in foreign languages.
  • Cognitive literature.
  • Home and leisure.
  • Children's literature.
  • Business Literature.

Russian children's publishing houses deserve special attention. Their list is small and consists of companies that produce not only literature for young readers. Eksmo can also be included in this list. One of the largest publishing houses regularly replenishes its assortment with new book products for children. As a rule, these are works of Russian, Soviet and foreign classics. The employees of the Eksmo publishing house are of little interest to new authors writing in this genre. However, according to book professionals, children's literature, along with poetry, is the most unpromising genre for novice authors.

In addition to the above enterprises, other publishing houses in Russia are worthy of attention. The list of "Educational literature for open source software" is most fully represented in the assortment of the organization, which will be discussed below.

"Secondary vocational education"

This publishing house belongs to the category of non-commercial. Specialization "SPO" - the release of educational and methodical literature. Scientific publishing houses in Russia, the list of which is not so extensive compared to the list of companies publishing fiction, is headed by the non-profit organization "Secondary professional education". The activities of this publishing house are the publication of literature for scientists, teachers, university students and graduate students.

What other publishing houses in Russia are worth mentioning? The list, addresses and main focus of the most popular of them is presented below.

Publishers of literature for children

"Children's Literature" is the oldest organization among those that specialize in publishing books for children. The range of products includes educational, fiction and books for the little ones. Organization address: Moscow, 2nd Donskoy proezd, 4.

"Veche" is a publishing association created in the nineties of the last century. The organization specializes in educational literature. A special achievement of the publishing house is the release of a series of books in the genre of historical and documentary literature, dedicated to the sixtieth anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. Organization address: Moscow, st. d. 24.

"Azbuka" is a publishing house whose main activity is the release of illustrated dictionaries and works of domestic and foreign authors. Under the well-known logo on sale you can see not only children's books, but also works of world classics of fiction. The Azbuka-Klassika series is especially popular, aimed at reprinting widely known stories and novels in paperback. Organization address: St. Petersburg, st. Reshetnikova, 15.

Other publishers

More than thirty percent of educational literature on the Russian market are books published by the Prosveshchenie publishing house. The organization was founded in the early thirties of the last century. It has a long history and was once the main Soviet enterprise in the field of book publishing. Little has changed in almost a hundred years of existence. And today "Enlightenment" is the leading educational and pedagogical publishing house.

Literature on the economic theme is published by the publishing house "Piter". In addition, under this brand in bookstores you can find books for many professional themes as well as tutorials and reference materials.

One of the oldest publishing houses is Progress. This organization was founded in 1931. The publishing house publishes literature in foreign languages.

The publication of literary translations of foreign authors is carried out by the company "Foreigner". This publishing house was founded in 2000. It was thanks to his activities that Russian-speaking readers learned about the work of J. K. Rowling, J. Moyes, Frederic Begbeder and other representatives of foreign modern prose.

The Hummingbird Publishing House has existed not so long ago. It was founded in 2006. The specialization of this organization is the release of non-fiction literature.

For managers, owners of medium-sized businesses, students and ordinary readers seeking self-development, the Mann, Ivanov and Ferber publishing house publishes literature on marketing and management. In addition, the organization publishes books on psychology, cooking and sports.

Books are divided into types according to several criteria, which is why each acts as a representative of many types at the same time, and this leaves an imprint of originality on its content, design, composition. book elements, circulation and other features. Not to take this into account means to publish books that will not be able to fully serve their purpose and their reader.

In GOST 7.60-90 and 7.0-84, as well as in OST 29.130-97, more than two hundred types of publications are defined, classified according to various criteria. Below are just a few of them.

I. Books differ in their social and functional significance:

ü popular science;

ü scientific;

ü political;

ü production;

ü reference;

ü educational;

ü literary and artistic.

II. Reader's address:

ü books for children;

ü books for adults. In this case, the adult reader is usually divided into two groups:

§ mass reader;

§ general reader;

§ narrow reader.

III. Depending on demand and category of readers:

ü scientific publications, popular science publications, informative, methodical, literary and artistic;

ü publications intended for different categories of readers (for children, for adults, for students, etc.);

ü Editions in the original language and editions translated.

IV. Depending on the type of execution:

ü Editions of a high type of execution (gift editions);

ü publications of different formats (large, medium, small);

ü special-purpose publications (album publications, cartographic publications, musical publications).

V. Types of publications by volume:

ü book - a book edition with a volume of more than 48-64 pages,

ü brochure - a book edition with a volume of more than 4, but not more than 48 pages.

VI. In order of publication:

the first edition;

ü Reissue.

VII. According to the composition of published works, books are divided into:

ü mono-edition (with one work);

ü poly-edition (with several or many works - collections, collected works).

VIII. Types of book publications according to the symbolic nature of information:

ü textual (the main content is expressed in text);

ü pictorial (the main content is expressed by images);

ü cartographic (the main content is expressed by cartographic images);

ü musical notation (the main content is conveyed by musical notation).

IX. Types of books for the special purpose of the issue:

ü gift;

ü anniversary;

ü experimental;

ü memorial;

ü export;

ü trial.

X. Depending on the type of printing:

ü letterpress printing method;

ü offset printing method;

by intaglio printing.

XI. Classification of books according to the method of financing and material support:

ü financed by the publishing house;

ü publications printed with the support of the author or sponsors;

ü custom-made editions - the costs are paid by the customer organization;

ü Publications printed by order of the state, departments, ministries.

The table below shows the classification of books according to the main criteria:

Stage Classification criteria Classification
I. Books differ in their social and functional significance: ü popular science; ü scientific; ü political; ü production; ü reference; ü educational; ü literary and artistic.
II. Reader's address: ü books for children; ü books for adults. At the same time, an adult reader is usually divided into two groups: o general reader; o general reader; o narrow reader.
III. Depending on demand and category of readers: ü scientific publications, popular science publications, informative, methodical, literary and artistic; ü publications intended for different categories of readers; ü Editions in the original language and editions translated. u
IV. Depending on the type of execution: ü publications of a high type of performance; publications of various formats; ü Special purpose publications;
v. Types of publications by volume: a book; a brochure.
VI. In order of publication: the first edition; ü Reissue.
VII. According to the composition of published works, books are divided into: ü mono-edition; poly edition.
VIII. Types of book publications according to the symbolic nature of information: ü text; ü pictorial; ü cartographic; ü musical notes.
IX. Types of books for the special purpose of the issue: ü gift; ü anniversary; ü experimental; ü memorial; ü export; ü trial.
x. Depending on the type of printing: ü letterpress printing method; ü offset printing method; by intaglio printing.
XI. Classification of books according to the method of financing and material support: ü financed by the publishing house; ü publications printed with the support of the author or sponsors; ü custom-made editions - the costs are paid by the customer organization; ü Publications printed by order of the state, departments, ministries.

, journalism , memoirs , plays , Orthodox books , books on medicine , technical literature , books for children , sports , scientific books .

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    What specific work do we do?

    Below is a list and short description everything we can do for you. Please note that we do not impose any mandatory work, you can choose only the ones you need. If you need anything special, please submit your request from the FAQ page and we will respond promptly.

    Typing from a manuscript or from an audio recording

    If you wrote your book on paper or spoke into a voice recorder, we will type your text on a computer.

    Text editing

    An experienced editor with a philological background will read your book, pay attention to incorrect turns of speech, plot inaccuracies and spelling errors. The last word will always be yours: only you will accept or not accept the editor's comments.

    Drawing illustrations for books

    We illustrated children's books, poems, prose, textbooks and monographs. Our artists draw in any technique both on a computer and on paper.

    To illustrate scientific books, we work with all known programs for modeling, preparing diagrams, graphs and diagrams.

    Photo processing and retouching

    All illustrations in the preparation of the book for publication are subject to mandatory processing. We can perform any artistic revision, as well as restore old and damaged photographs.

    Book page design

    Before starting work on the layout of the book, we develop and coordinate the design of headers and footers and pages, and the selection of fonts.

    Formula layout

    Technical books, textbooks on natural disciplines rarely do without formulas. We make books with formulas of any complexity.

    Layout of a book layout for printing on a digital or offset machine

    Layouts designed for different printing methods have different technical requirements. We know all the requirements, we know how to work with them, and we have created layouts for different printing machines many times.

    Book layout proofreading

    The editor-proofreader will correct all inaccuracies in the layout, find spelling errors, check all links and content. The last word will always be yours: only you will accept or not accept the proofreader's comments.

    Assignment of ISBN, LBC, UDC indices, copyright mark, copyright mark

    All required indexes will be assigned to your book in full. Read about ISBN, LBC, UDC codes here:

    We send obligatory copies of the book to the Russian Book Chamber

    If you think that your book will be of interest not only to modern readers, but will also remain a worthy creative heritage for future generations, then you should assign the book an international ISBN code and send 16 mandatory copies to the Russian Book Chamber (RKP). The RCP will send books to the largest libraries in Russia. The list of libraries can be found on the RCP website.

    The Federal Law of December 29, 1994 N 77-FZ “On the mandatory copy of documents” obliges to send a book that has been assigned the international ISBN code to the RCP. You can get acquainted with the text of the law.

    Please note that not all publishers fulfill their obligations. You can check the receipt of books in library collections on our website on the "Publishing Services" page in the "Search for books by ISBN" section.

    We place scientific books in the Russian National Citation Index

    The Russian National Citation Index, or RISC for short, is a bibliographic database of scientific publications containing descriptions of more than 9 million publications. We have concluded an agreement with and we place information in the RSCI database. Sample is possible.

    Creating a cover

    You can order a simple cover with your photo or photo collage, or any other. Our artists will draw you a cover in any drawing technique from watercolor to photorealistic graphics. For covers, we are looking for photos by keywords and buy on this site

    Printing a book on a digital or offset press, depending on the circulation

    What is the difference between digital printing and offset you can read.

    Creation of an electronic version of the book in epub, fb2, mobi formats

    Watch the video of how our e-books look on iPad and Android tablet screens.

    Read about how to quickly expand your book's readership.

    We place e-books in online stores

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