Reserves and national parks of different countries. Reserves and national parks of Russia: domestic wonders of nature

Tourism and rest 10.07.2019
Tourism and rest

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There are enough amazing places on our planet that have preserved their original beauty for centuries, despite all human attempts to destroy it.

Almost every country has own examples reserves and national parks, but only a few of them can boast of being included in the list of the largest on earth.

Greenland National Park

The largest national park in the world is located closest to all its competitors from North Pole. Its territory is 972 thousand km². As an example, one hundred and sixty-three countries of the world have a smaller area than this reserve.

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It was founded in 1974. Ordinary people no one lives here, only the staff. It is inhabited by about 10,000 musk oxen - at least 40% of the total world population. In addition, here you can meet walrus and polar bear, reindeer, stoats, arctic hare, etc. Vegetable world The area is represented mainly by lichens and mosses. In some places there are even birches and dwarf willows.

Wrangell St. Elias (USA)

Continues the list of the largest reserve in America, which is located in Alaska, protected by UNESCO. It occupies 53 thousand km² - 9 states could be located on the lands of St. Elias.

Formed in 1980. Here are nine of the sixteen highest mountain peaks in the United States, and the 2nd highest mountain in Canada. Wrangell St. Elias is visited by 60,000 tourists a year. They are attracted by spacious plains, snow-capped mountain peaks, glaciers, of which there are more than one hundred and fifty.

Limpopo Transboundary Park

The territory covers the lands of several African countries (Zimbabwe, Mozambique, South Africa) and consists of ten different zones, forming one of the largest national parks in the world (37,000 km²). To date, the territory of the reserve has not yet been fully established, the 2nd phase of its development involves expanding to 100 thousand km².

The Limpopo Transfrontier Park was created relatively recently, in 2000. And representatives of the fauna began to appear here a year later. Here you can see leopards, giraffes, African elephants, spotted hyenas, cheetahs and other equally exotic animals.

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Kruger (South Africa)

national park Kruger name is a typical example of African wildlife. One of the most beloved nature reserves among travelers (a million guests a year) brings a very good profit. Founded in 1898, it is the oldest in South Africa, located in the northeastern part of the country. The length is 340 km, the total area is 19 thousand km². It is formed from three parts located between the rivers Sabie and Olifants. Included in the UNESCO heritage list.

The Kruger Reserve boasts an interesting variation of the African "unarmed" safari. Most animals can be seen in the central part of the huge national park. Here you can meet hippos, giraffes, elephants, leopards, crocodiles, white rhinos, as many as 17 species of antelopes, more than 400 different birds.

Serengeti (Tanzania)

One of the most famous and largest national parks in the world is considered an example of perhaps the most complete ecosystem on the planet. Africa's oldest nature reserve was established in 1929. The territory is almost 15,000 km².

It is home to 3 million large animals and almost 500 species of birds. The Serengeti is also famous for annual migrations million wildebeests, two hundred thousand gazelles and zebras - during the resettlement, animals overcome over 3,000 km.

Yellowstone (USA)

The next of the largest and oldest national parks in the world was founded back in 1872 in the American Rocky Mountains. First of all, it is known for its geothermal springs, geysers and eruptions. Nearly 3 million tourists visit Yellowstone every year. different countries Fortunately, all conditions have been created for this.

On the vast area of ​​the reserve you can see rivers, waterfalls, lakes, caves, mountains, canyons, and even a volcano. Almost 2000 grow here. different plants. The local fauna is no less diverse: 311 species of birds, almost 60 examples of mammals, including pronghorns, elk, deer, grizzly bears, bison ...

Snowdonia (UK)

The next reserve on the list is located in the north of Wales. It is named after the highest place in Wales - Mount Snowdon (1085 meters). Created in 1951. The area is over 2,000 km². Snowdonia has a population of 26,000 and is visited by 6 million tourists every year.

One of the largest national parks in the world has more than 2,000 km of open hiking trails, as well as 260 km of trails for hiking and horseback riding. The summit of Mount Snowdon can be reached both by funicular and by a 13 km long hiking trail. Several historic rail routes run through Snowdonia.

Bwindi (Uganda)

The area of ​​the reserve is 331 km², it is the “smallest” of the list of the largest national parks in the world. It is located in the jungle in the southwest of the country. It can only be traveled on foot. Consists of forests located in the mountains and on the plains. Included in the list world heritage UNESCO.

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This reserve is the largest example of an African ecosystem. About 340 gorillas live here (almost half of their population), 120 species of mammals, 346 different birds. Bwindi is famous for exotic butterflies, of which there are over 200 varieties. The fauna is also multifaceted - 163 types of trees and more than a hundred species of ferns grow on the local land.

Nature reserves and natural parks are wonderful scenic spots. They attract many visitors every year. Such places are attractive for the possibility of recreation and tourism in the bosom of nature. For this reason, they are in demand among the inhabitants of noisy megacities, tired of the incessant movement and fuss.

In the zones protected by the state, you can get acquainted with the unique species of flora and fauna, as well as learn a reasonable attitude towards natural wealth. Reserves and national parks of Russia (names will be presented later) - this is the topic of our article.

curonian spit

This is a small national park, but it is popular with tourists. About a million visitors visit the park every year.

The park is a long narrow peninsula covered with sand. The spit separates the Curonian Lagoon and the Baltic Sea. Moose, hares, wild boars, wolves live in these places.

A local attraction is the dancing forest. It is formed by dozens of pine trees with interesting curves. If you go along the route called "The Height of Efa", you can go to the crest of the dune and listen to the "singing sands". The trail is named after a scientist who studied moving sands.

To visit curonian spit, you need to go by bus from Kaliningrad. You can get from Svetlogorsk.


Speaking about the reserves and national parks of Russia (the names are listed in the article), we should dwell on this. It is located in the very heart of Siberia. Its area is about 500 sq. km.

The reserve consists of 189 high rocks. Since the 19th century, the place has been valued by climbers. Fans of this sport often risked their lives by performing tricks without insurance. A memorial was opened in the reserve in memory of the dead extremals.

Numerous walking paths traversing the protected area are accompanied by rest areas. To get to this unique place, you need to take a bus from Krasnoyarsk.


The list of names of national parks and reserves in Russia is complemented by this corner of nature, located on the Valdai Upland. Here are the sources of the rivers Volga, Western Dvina, Dnieper. There are also many lakes on the territory of which you can conduct sports hunting and fishing.

This area is known for the fact that rare birds recorded in the Red Book live here. Also live foxes, wolves, wild boars, lynxes.

You can get to the park by bus from St. Petersburg.


Continuing to talk about reserves and national parks in Russia with names, it is worth paying attention to this one. It is located in the Northern Urals.

In the reserve there is a monument of geology - Manpupuner with "Mansiysk blockheads". These are seven pillars that are sacred objects for the Mansi people.

Helicopters from Perm and Ukhta fly to the reserve. There is also a bus from Troitsko-Pechorsk to these places.


We continue to give examples of nature reserves and national parks in Russia. Sikhote-Alin is a system of mountains with three winding ridges. Territories are difficult to access for human visits. Himalayan and brown bears, lynxes, Amur tigers, and seals live here.

In untouched cedar forests are located ecological trails leading to the habitats of seals and unique birds on Lake Blagodatnoye.

Getting to the reserve is difficult. From Vladivostok there is a bus, the travel time on which takes 14 hours.

I wonder what other reserves and National parks is in Russia?


The main object of this reserve is the picturesque Lake Baikal. Hundreds of species of animals live in the surrounding forests. In Baikal, there is a freshwater seal - a seal.

The reserve has been given international status.


We continue to consider the list of reserves and national parks in Russia. Altai Biosphere is located in the Altai Republic.

Its area is 2000 hectares. The reserve is located on the shores of Lake Teletskoye.

Waterfalls and alpine lakes adorn this natural area.


This reserve is located in Kamchatka, the way to it lies through the sea or by air - by helicopter.

The state has protected the territory since 1934. In the reserve there are mountain ranges, a valley of geysers, formidable volcanoes.

In this natural area you can hunt sable.


The reserve is located in the Stavropol Territory. The year of its foundation is 1954, the area is 282.5 thousand hectares.

This protected corner of nature is located on the slopes of the Western Caucasus. It is filled with a network of mountain landscapes. On the mountain peaks snow always lies, glaciers and avalanches often descend. Most of the territory is covered with forests.

Big Arctic

The reserve is located in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, in the Taimyr Autonomous Okrug. Its area is huge - 4169.2 thousand hectares. The reserve consists of seven cluster sections and 35 contours formed by islands, peninsulas, bays, bays.

This area is protected reindeer, geese, gulls, partridges.

The main part of the land is classified as arctic tundra, the northern territories are classified as arctic deserts.

Far Eastern Marine

This territory is located south of Vladivostok and includes 11 islands. Rocky capes, bays and peninsulas are located on the coastal areas.

Visitors are presented with beautiful sandy beaches, habitats for seabirds and animals, unusual rocks, picturesque forests, streams and wetlands.

More than 3,000 species of animals live here, more than 200 species of fish. There are even sharks and sea snakes. Mollusks, jellyfish, anemones, octopuses are also interesting.

So, we have listed the main names of reserves and national parks in Russia, gave them a description and indicated the features inherent in these places.

National parks and reserves are one of the few places with almost untouched nature. Virgin forests, pristine lakes, rare and endangered species of animals - all this can be seen with your own eyes for a small price or even free of charge. We want to tell you about the largest and most remarkable natural parks and reserves in different natural areas ah Russia.

  • Square: 269 ​​thousand ha
  • Location: The Republic of Buryatia
  • Foundation date: September 12, 1986
  • Average temperature: in January −18…−19 °С, in July +12…+14 °С
  • Animal world: white hare, muskrat, squirrel, Brown bear, elk, ermine

There are animals listed in the Red Book here - there are more than 40 rare and endangered species in the Zabaikalsky Park. The world of birds is also diverse: a black crane, a black stork, a whooper swan can be found in the park. Vegetation is of particular value: many pine, cedar and fir forests are over 200 years old. On the territory of the park there are many unique natural monuments - capes, islands, caves, water sources, as well as archaeological sites, such as traces of ancient settlements.

The park includes several natural complexes: Svyatoy Nos peninsula, islands of the Chivyrkuisky Gulf, Ushkany Islands. The latter, by the way, were especially chosen by ants: there are more than six thousand anthills on the islands, some of them reach the height of human growth! The Ushkany Islands are also famous for seals: in summer, hundreds of individuals gather on large stones. Seals are shy animals, so the park administration protects them from excessive attention of visitors - it will not be possible to get to the islands without special permission.

  • Square: 881 thousand ha
  • Location: Republic of Altai, Altai mountains
  • Foundation date: April 16, 1932
  • Average temperature: in January -8.3 °C, in July +16.8 °C
  • Animal world: bear, sable, wolverine, deer, ermine, squirrel, roe deer

Thinking about what reserves there are in Russia, one cannot but recall the Altai Reserve. It has a rather difficult fate: twice, in 1951 and 1961, it was disbanded, but invariably restored. Its main goals are the preservation of Lake Teletskoye, the protection of forests, the rescue of sable, deer, snow leopard and other endangered animals. There are many streams and springs on the territory of the reserve. clean water. The pride of the reserve is cedar forests: their age reaches 450 years.

The territory of the reserve is practically impassable, only occasionally there are narrow paths, which are guided only by foresters and some employees. This is one of the largest reserves in Russia, its area is 9.4% of the total area of ​​the Altai Republic. The reserve is included in the list of virgin or little changed ecological regions of the world.

  • Square: 121 thousand ha
  • Location: Primorsky Krai, Lazo village
  • Foundation date: February 10, 1935
  • Average temperature: in January −5.1…−12.5 °C, in August +17.4…+23.5 °C
  • Animal world: spotted deer, red deer, goral, Amur tiger

Lazovsky State nature reserve Russia is named after its second director, Lev Georgievich Kaplanov. He was one of the first to study the Amur tigers, which to this day are the pride of the reserve. In 1943, Kaplanov was killed by poachers who spread to the territory of the reserve during the Great Patriotic War.

Lazovsky Reserve is the second largest in Primorye. Forests occupy 96% of the territory of the reserve. It is the preservation and study of coniferous-deciduous forests that is one of the main goals of creating the reserve. In addition, employees are trying to preserve populations of animal species listed in the Red Book. For example, on the territory of the reserve there are 14 adult Amur tigers and more than 200 gorals, an artiodactyl animal of the goat subfamily.

  • Square: 17 thousand ha
  • Location: Primorsky Krai
  • Foundation date: 1916
  • Average temperature: in January -13 °C, in August +21 °C
  • Animal world: Far Eastern leopard, Amur tiger, Far Eastern forest cat, Himalayan bear, roe deer, wild boar, exotic butterflies

"Kedrovaya Pad" is one of the the oldest reserves in Russia. At the beginning of the 20th century, after the creation of the Trans-Siberian Railway and the strengthening of Vladivostok as a trading port, the intensive development of Primorye began. Development was accompanied by deforestation, forest fires, random hunting - including rare animals. In 1910, a forestry was organized on the site of the reserve, which sought to preserve the unique virgin forests. Thanks to the foresters, deforestation, mining, and hunting stopped in Kedrovaya Pad, and soon the reserve itself was created.

More than 900 species of plants grow here; some of them are not found anywhere except the "Kedrovaya Pad". Forests occupy 73% of the area of ​​the reserve. Particularly noteworthy are black fir forests, which are almost impossible to find anywhere else. The black fir, which got its name from dark bark, is the largest tree on Far East. The fauna of the reserve is also diverse - from flying squirrels to Far Eastern leopard listed in the Red Book.

  • Square: 134 thousand ha
  • Location: Samara Region
  • Foundation date: April 28, 1984
  • Animal world: bat, golden eagle, elk, roe deer

On the territory of the park there are about 200 natural and historical monuments, among them mounds, mountains and caves. The park is also rich in archaeological finds. For example, burial mounds of the 7th-8th centuries and traces of the Murom town, settlements of the 9th-13th centuries were found on the territory of the Samarskaya Luka.

More than 30,000 animals live in old adits in the park. bats- a total of 15 species, some of them are listed in the Red Book. Many tourists, when visiting the galleries, made noise, kindled fires, took pictures of animals. Since bats are very sensitive, human intervention ended in death for many. To preserve the animal population, park officials have limited access to adits. However, the Park Science and Technology Council decided to create a "Bat Museum" so that visitors can still get to know the lifestyle of bats and their role in nature.

  • Square: 1,462.37 km2
  • Location: Smolensk region
  • Foundation date: April 15, 1992
  • Animal world: beaver, squirrel, mink, golden eagle

There are 35 glacial lakes on the territory of the park - hence the name "Smolensk Lakeland". This national park seeks not only to protect nature, but also to engage in environmental education. "Smolenskoye Poozerye" gladly accepts tourists, organizes cultural events: bard song festivals, marches, excursions. For example, in spring and autumn, a competition in sports ornithology is held among the guests of the park - this, roughly speaking, is a photo hunting for birds.

Sixty-five plant species of the "Smolensk Lakeland" are listed in the Red Book of the Smolensk Region, 10 of them are in the Red Book of Russia. Also rare are 26 species of birds and six species of mammals in the park.

  • Square: 6,621 ha
  • Location: Kaliningrad region
  • Foundation date: November 6, 1987
  • Animal world: elk, wild boar, roe deer, fox, badger, finch, starling

In the north, the Curonian Spit Park adjoins the Russian-Lithuanian border. This is a favorite vacation spot for Kaliningraders and guests of the Kaliningrad region: despite its small size, the Curonian Spit is one of the most visited national parks in the country. Once upon a time, Scandinavians, Germans, and Balts lived on its territory. Therefore, the "Curonian Spit" keeps a lot of archaeological monuments from different eras: burial grounds, sites, traces of ancient settlements.

The Curonian Spit can be called a "museum of natural areas" - after all, on its territory you can find a variety of landscapes, from birch forests to sand dunes. And only here you can see the "dancing forest": the pines planted in the park in the 60s of the XX century are fancifully bent, resembling the figures of dancing people.

  • Square: 1,585 km²
  • Location: Novgorod region
  • Foundation date: May 17, 1990
  • Average temperature: in January -10 °C, in July +16…+17 °C
  • Animal world: elk, marten, lynx, otter, bear, hare, badger, fox

Valdai National Park got its name from the city of Valdai, which is over 500 years old. In addition to 82 archaeological sites, the park is notable for architectural and architectural monuments - these are ancient estates, a monastery of the 17th century, and a church of the 18th century. Since the park is located close to Moscow and St. Petersburg, it is one of the most visited in Russia. Eighty-six percent of the area is occupied by forests, where spruce, birch, and pine mainly grow.

Valdai National Park holds many exhibitions and environmental education events, for example, game quests for schoolchildren. During the competition, children must carefully study the information about the park in order to find the treasure.

  • Square: 659 thousand ha
  • Location: Irkutsk region
  • Foundation date: December 5, 1986
  • Average temperature: in January -15 °C, in July +14 °C
  • Animal world: bear, deer, lynx, wolf, white-tailed eagle, black stork

You can get to the Baikal-Lena Reserve only by water, by boat. The attraction of the reserve is the coast of brown bears. In May, from a ship or an observation tower, you can see how the owners of the taiga walk along the coastline. On the territory of the reserve there are also the oldest volcanoes in the world - they are more than a thousand million years old!

More than 300 species of vertebrates, more than 240 species of birds and 100 species of butterflies live in the reserve. In the administrative building of the Baikal-Lena Reserve, which is located in Irkutsk, there is a museum of nature and a visitor-information center.

  • Square: 303.8 km²
  • Location: Chelyabinsk region
  • Foundation date: May 14, 1920
  • Average temperature: in January -21 °C, in July +18 °C
  • Animal world: stoat, forest polecat, hare, brown bear, flying squirrel, wolf

The Ilmensky Reserve is interesting not only for tourists, but also for geologists. On its territory there are deposits precious stones and rare minerals: sapphire, zircon, topaz, aquamarine. It was here that 16 minerals were first discovered. Since 1930, a mineralogical museum has been open to visitors, which presents more than 200 minerals found in the reserve.

Since 1935, not only minerals, but also plants and animals have been protected in the reserve. You can get to the Ilmensky Reserve by car from Chelyabinsk or by public transport from Miass.

The first park appeared on earth before our era. But even today there are philanthropists who do not allow beauty to disappear from the face of the earth. The more man encroached on the values ​​of nature, the more actively the parks grew. In Europe, they appeared already in the 10th century, then - in the States, later - in Africa.

Countries where there are reserves and national parks make up the majority of all states. A national park or reserve is a part of pristine nature that civilization has not walked through. In the United States, parks were created exclusively for recreation, in Russia - for nature protection, in Asia - a combination of the first and second.

Man is a curious being. Avoid beauty? No, he's on his way.

Features of ecotourism

Traveling through parks and reserves is very different from other types of tourism. It has a name - ecological tourism. The name is conditional. It is also called “soft”, “green”, “natural”, the essence does not change. Some refer to it as "adventure travel" and, perhaps, come closest to the truth.

Millions travel every day! Few people venture into ecotourism. Sometimes such travelers are called "psychos". But isn't that a compliment? A person is alive as long as he is capable of doing crazy things.

The main feature of ecotourism is to give up comfort. Postulate - do not harm nature.

Important Factors

What does nature give people? I would like to say - everything. It enables him to understand the meaning of being, i.e. opportunity to look within. The further a person moves, the more the thirst grows in him, the needs become wider: to look into every corner, to get to the bottom. Few people decide on such a journey alone, that is, another opportunity appears - to better know who is next to you: friend or foe.

Ecological tourism is also our contribution to their safety.

Countries and continents

  • Voroninsky nature reserve, Russia.
  • Reserve "Kuznetsk Alatau", Russia.
  • Belovezhskaya Pushcha, Belarus.
  • Levens Hall, England.
  • Berchtesgaden National Park, Germany.
  • Oulanka park. Finland.
  • Swiss old park.
  • Rangel St. Elias, a park in the USA.
  • Greenland National Park, the largest in the world.
  • Limpopo Park, Africa.
  • Kruger Game Reserve, Africa.
  • The oldest African reserve Serengeti,
  • Snowdonia, North Wales.
  • Taman Negara, a park in Malaysia.
  • Alnwick Poison Garden, England.

Are you willing to take this trip?

Can a child go on such a journey? Quite if there is a reliable person nearby. This can be done by a pensioner, the main thing is to choose the right route. If you feel "thirsty", tired of the ordinary - go for it. You will not just relax, you will learn a lot of interesting things, you will look at the world with different eyes! Yes, for yourself too.

If you are going on a "green" journey, fit it:

  • Leave all care in your native land,
  • Imagine you're Robinson Crusoe
  • Think about how you will manage without the usual things,
  • Take what you can't do without
  • While traveling, eat the foods that will be offered to you,
  • Be patient, accept other concepts, another language, other rules, remember - you are a guest,
  • Be sure to keep a diary!


Why are nature reserves and national parks important? The ability to preserve originality.

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