Far Eastern Amur leopard description. Far Eastern leopard (Amur leopard)

Career and finance 24.07.2019
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The Far Eastern leopard, also known as the Amur, East Siberian, Manchurian leopard or leopard, is enough large mammal belonging to the cat family and to the class of predators.

Today, the animal is on the verge of extinction and has an extremely limited habitat, and most of it is located in the Russian Federation.


This animal is the rarest subspecies of the panther family. In Latin, its name sounds like Panthera pardus orientalis- this is how the beast is called in international determinants.

The animal is distinguished by a rather large size (body up to 136 cm in length, and weight up to 50 kg) and leads a secretive, twilight lifestyle. Every year, the habitat of this magnificent predator is reduced, which is associated with the expansion of human possessions: the construction of highways, logging and hunting for potential animal food.

Since the 20th century, the animal has been protected by the World Conservation Fund and is listed in the International and Russian Red Book.

Given the love of wealthy citizens for exotic pets, this mammal is included in the list I CITES, which makes it possible to prevent its capture from the habitat and the maintenance of this representative of the fauna in private nurseries.

Far Eastern leopards are predators leading a nocturnal or twilight lifestyle. He is not whimsical in food, and almost all representatives of the fauna are included in his diet. South Primorye. The exception is large predators, which compete with the leopard for hunting grounds. However, these animals do not pose a significant danger to the life of this species, since cases of interspecific fights are the exception rather than the rule.

Habitat range

Less than 50 years ago, the leopard was encountered in southern regions Usuri region, in the North-East of China and on the Korean Peninsula. But due to the active human settlement and deforestation, the population of this predator has significantly decreased and the habitat was divided into 3 isolated areas - 3 populations of the species.

Today, the situation has only worsened, since these impressive predators can only be found in an isolated area of ​​​​10-15 thousand km2, located on the border of the Russian Federation, China and the DPRK. In Russia, the wild animal is the most common, and the number of individuals is 40 - 50 animals. This is the highest figure, because 8-11 animals are supposed to live in China.

This information is often questionable, since it is highly likely that these feline representatives simply wandered into the lands of the PRC from the Russian Primorye in search of prey. On the territory of the Korean Peninsula, wild cats have not been observed for a long time. Although the hedgehog in the twentieth century, it was argued that about 40 individuals of this species successfully live within the reservation located near Paektusan.

However, studies by zoologists conducted in the 90s of the last century could not prove this statement, since no reliable traces of this animal were found.


This representative of the cat family rightfully belongs to one of the most beautiful inhabitants of our planet. After all, this animal is the owner of luxurious wool, with an incredible pattern. The animal has a slender, flexible silhouette, which is complemented by a long tail. The body of the animal is slightly elongated and complemented by a rounded head. The leopard is silent, due to the presence of slender and powerful paws.

The sizes of males and females have some differences. So, the representatives of the stronger sex are larger: the length of the body is up to 136 cm, and the tail is up to 90 cm. Females are slightly smaller. The length of their body is up to 112 cm, and the tail is up to 73 cm. The mass of the Far Eastern leopard is controversial issue. According to various sources, their weight can be up to 53 - 60 kg.

This parameter is determined by the traces found, the depth and size of which indicate the estimated parameters of the past animal. The height of the animal at the withers is 64 - 78 cm. The length of the hind foot reaches 24 - 27 cm. The wool of animals is striking in its beauty. In a physically healthy representative of this species, it is smooth and shiny. In summer, the length of the coat is up to 2.5 cm.

With the onset of cold weather, the Far Eastern leopard warms up. The density of its coat increases, and the length of the cover is already 5 - 7 cm. Sexual dimorphism is manifested only in the size of individuals, while the coloration in representatives of this species does not differ in males and females.

The color of the animal may vary. In the cold season, shades from pale yellow to rusty tones with splashes of gold predominate. With warming, the color becomes brighter and more saturated. Against this background, black rings or spots are visualized.

Far Eastern leopards impress with yellow eyes with oval-shaped pupils arranged vertically. With the onset of night, a standard reaction is observed, accompanied by dilated pupils. This is due to the need to perceive less concentrated light sources and see in the dark. The claws of the animal have a light shade, reminiscent of the color of wax, with whitish tips.

These murder weapons are impressive in size: up to 55 mm. However, it shows them only if necessary; at rest, the claws are hidden between the pads on the paws. This ensures noiseless movement, and keeps the weapon of the beast sharp.


This feline is not comfortable in every landscape. The first factor that matters is privacy, lack of road noise and the almost complete exclusion of a person. Also, a wild predator is demanding on the availability of a sufficient amount of food. Therefore, the minimum population of roe deer in his holdings should be at least 10-11 individuals per 1000 m2.

This feline prefers mixed forests Manchu type. These are predominantly coniferous and broad-leaved trees growing in rough terrain. Also, the wild animal prefers lands with the presence of rocky ledges, slopes, various reservoirs, rivers - places where you can hide and easily hide from the threat.


This feline representative is a predator leading a solitary lifestyle. One adult individual has hunting grounds, which are 239 - 509 km2. Usually such massive possessions belong to males, while females have much smaller possessions - up to 128 km2. A wild animal can coexist with representatives of the opposite sex, rigidly guarding the center of its land from fellows of the same sex.

This feline representative protects his possessions only from capture attempts. So, a male may attack another male if he tries to mark his territory. Young members of the same sex are allowed to cross the possessions of the dominant male and even hunt them.

Scientists note the presence of hunting trails, which are used by several leopards at once. It leads a crepuscular or nocturnal lifestyle, leaving its shelter approximately 2 hours before sunset and returning to it by the middle of the night. But several cases of daytime leopard hunting have been recorded. This is more the exception than the rule. Animals usually form dens on a permanent basis. They do not leave their shelters throughout their lives or several years.


Leopards are not too bitter in food, because the population of potential victims is rapidly decreasing, so the animal does not disdain small prey. The basis of the diet of a predator consists of such representatives of the fauna:

  1. Roe deer.
  2. Noble deer.
  3. Seals.
  4. or piglets.
  5. Red deer calves.

In the absence of the main objects of hunting, the animal easily switches to badgers, hares, raccoon dogs, pheasants and hazel grouses. Also, scientists have recorded cases of leopard attacks on small elks, cubs or wounded bears. They do not disdain carrion. After all, the hunger strike of an adult can last no more than 14 days. Plants are also included in the animal's diet.

This information was obtained by examining feces, in which traces of representatives of the flora were found. Usually the animal eats grass to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract, and not as a necessary addition to the diet.


Achieving puberty in this feline occurs at 24 - 36 months - not earlier. And the opportunity for conception in females occurs only once every 3 years, which is extremely small for representatives of the animal world.


The Far Eastern leopard is on the verge of extinction due to extremely slow reproduction, because pregnancy occurs only in 80% of cases, and the number of grown cubs in a female usually consists of 1 - 2 kittens. In comparison, other felines usually have 3-6 kittens. In addition, the number of mature individuals ready for reproduction is extremely small.

These wild animals are polygamous. Pairs of Far Eastern leopards form only for the period of mating, coinciding with estrus in females: the end of autumn - the beginning of winter. It is during the rut for animals that it is easier to find, since males actively make themselves felt with a loud roar and roar, which often leads to fights for the right to possess a representative of the opposite sex.

Spotted cats for mating and mating chooses January. Males prefer females with an already adult brood, kittens from which are ready to start an independent life. Therefore, mating occurs after the expulsion of the previous offspring or right at it. After mating is completed, the female equips the den. For this, the animal chooses rock crevices, caves.

Pregnancy of the female lasts an average of 90 - 105 days, after which kittens are born. Normally, a litter consists of 1 to 4 kittens. However, the percentage of early mortality is high, so by the time she leaves the den (2–3 months after birth), the female has 1–2 cubs.

A formidable predator is born weighing only 400 - 600 g. Kittens are initially blind and begin to see only 7-9 days after birth. From 12 to 15 days they actively crawl, and from 35 days they walk. The lactation period for the female is 3-6 months, after which the kittens are transferred to meat. Starting from 2 to 3 months after birth, the mother regurgitates semi-digested food to make it easier for babies to eat it.

But then the young leopard is transferred to raw meat. From 8 months, learning the basics of hunting and searching for prey begins. Already by 10 - 11 months, kittens are ready for independent hunting trips. Kittens usually stay with their mother until 13 - 14 months, after which they begin an independent, solitary life.


The leopard is included in the general biological classification. This species is on the verge of extinction., therefore, in addition to standardizing it according to certain characteristics, scientists regularly monitor the dynamics of an increase or decrease in an animal population.

The place of the Far Eastern leopard in the general taxonomy looks like this:

  1. Eukaryote.
  2. Animal.
  3. chordate.
  4. Mammal.
  5. Predator.
  6. Feline.
  7. Panther.
  8. Leopard.
  9. Far Eastern leopard.

The scientists also systematized observations of the dynamics of the development of the animal population. So, from 2007-2013, an increase in the number of predator individuals was recorded from 33-36 to 34-50. Which is already a success. However, the positive dynamics does not indicate the disappearance of the threat of extinction.


Predators are the orderlies of the forest. After all, the beast not only hunts, but also helps to eliminate carrion from the landscape, which helps to reduce the spread various diseases and dangerous infections among forest dwellers.

The status of this animal: on the verge of extinction. Therefore, people are doing everything possible to preserve its population. After all, each representative of the fauna plays a role. So, wild cat regulates the population of herbivores, which contributes to the development of forests. Indeed, in the absence of predators, roe deer and deer would easily destroy all plantations, moving to gardens and fields of national importance. Which would lead to food shortages.


the wild beast is tolerant of competing predators. However, encounters with some animals may end in a fight. Potentially dangerous animals include:

  • Domestic dogs.
  • Wolves.
  • Tigers.

Domestic dogs are the most dangerous for this predator. After all, the spotted beast most often becomes a victim of their attacks. Meetings with a starving pack of wolves can also end sadly. Fights with tigers and bears are extremely rare.


The leopard is listed in the International and Russian Red Book. He was assigned the first category, which indicates the extreme vulnerability of the species and its extinction. To protect and restore the animal population, international and Russian programs. Scientists and the government have strictly banned the hunting of this animal, as well as its capture or sale to private nurseries.

The territory where the spotted beauty lives is protected by law, so any agricultural activity, as well as deforestation, is strictly prohibited on it. Due to the spread of poaching, the government has tightened the punishment for 1 killed Amur leopard. So, if the culprit is a single hunter, he faces a fine and up to 3 years in prison.

If a group of people hunted, then the term of imprisonment is increased to 7 years, and the fine - up to 2 million.

  1. The wild animal is one of the most secretive animals.
  2. To monitor him, scientists use hidden cameras that turn on when motion sensors are triggered.
  3. This is due to the fact that the beast usually notices people located in the shadows and simply bypasses them.
  4. An additional factor for research are the traces of the animal. Of these, scientists make casts, which are studied in detail in the laboratory.
  5. By their depth and size, zoologists can calculate the approximate size, weight and age of the individual.
  6. Another interesting fact is the originality of the drawing.
  7. Each wild animal has an individual location and number of spots.
  8. There are no two identical individuals in the world.
  9. It is by drawing that scientists distinguish animals whose images were obtained from hidden cameras.

Is the most intelligent marine inhabitants. They can talk to each other, hunt well in a group, and have excellent tactics.

Leopard is a colorful, graceful, incredibly majestic and cunning cat. This is a fast and cautious animal. Has a strong, muscular, strong body. Possesses excellent eyesight, excellent vision different time days. The main weapon of the leopard: very sharp claws and teeth that feed it. The body length of the animal reaches 80-180 cm, and the weight is 50 kg (female) and 70 kg (male). The main advantage: elegant fur, which easily hides the predator, making it invisible to the victim. Today, leopards are listed in the Red Book as endangered species.

They feed mainly on roe deer, antelopes and zebras, although they can also eat rodents, monkeys or birds in times of famine The leopard is an incredibly skilled fisherman! Leads a solitary lifestyle, the peak of activity occurs at night.

Of all the fellow cats, the leopard is the best athlete. He remarkably climbs trees and mountains, easily overcomes high barriers. The duration of pregnancy is 3 months. On average, three beautiful kittens are born, which are fully taken care of by a leopard mother. The life expectancy of leopards is 10-11 years.

Leopards are very valuable in the fur market due to their delicate skin. Every hunter dreams of owning a leopard trophy. Unfortunately, people very often pursue these predators as dangerous animals, which has led to a significant reduction in their numbers. The leopard is indispensable for nature: it restrains the reproduction of pests such as monkeys.

The Far Eastern leopard (Panthera pardus orientalis) is considered the rarest cat in the world. Previously, it was assumed that leopards form up to 35 subspecies, which differ in color and spotting. But recently, scientists have shown that only 8-9 can be considered sufficiently isolated. All individuals of the leopard are under the auspices of the International Union for Conservation of Nature.

Black Panther is not separate view, but just a leopard or jaguar with a dark color. Black cougars have not been seen alive, but it is possible that they exist.

The snow leopard or snow leopard lives in the mountains of Central Asia.

Film: The Challengers.

A leopard (leopard) is an animal that belongs to the class of mammals, the order of carnivores, the cat family, the subfamily of big cats, and the genus panther.

International scientific name: Panthera pardus (Linnaeus, 1758).

The Greek word πάνθηρ, from which comes the word "panther", another name for the leopard, consists of two bases: πάν (everything, everywhere) and θήρα (beast, predator), that is, literally "full-fledged predator." Although it is believed that the word "panther" comes from the Sanskrit pundarikam - "tiger", "yellowish beast". Prefix leo from Greek Λέων indicates a relationship with. In Russia, the leopard was known as the leopard, pard and pardus, although the last two names also applied to another animal - the cheetah. The word leopard, which is also called this type of mammal, is of Turkic origin.

The leopard is able to attack a person. But man-eating leopards are much less common than those attacking people and lions. Only an old or sick animal can do this. A healthy and young animal attacks a person only if it is wounded.

A leopard eats up to 20 kg of meat per day. Killing big booty, he feeds on it for another 4-5 days. Only after that the leopard goes on the next hunt.

Leopards drink a lot, especially after eating. In this regard, they always settle in those places where there is constant water. Cats go to the watering hole, as a rule, at night.

In addition to animal meat, leopards eat grass to cleanse gastrointestinal tract from the wool that is swallowed while cleaning their fur.

How do leopards hunt?

Leopards are nocturnal hunters. But sometimes they can hunt during the day, especially in cloudy weather. Leopards go for prey in the pre-sunset hours and hunt in the first half of the night. If the hunt was unsuccessful, they continue it in the pre-morning time.

These predators are able to attack a variety of animals, acting cunningly and swiftly. They lie in wait for victims, mainly on the ground, but at the same time, they perfectly climb trees, overtaking prey there as well. The gait of these feline representatives is silent. They try to watch for their prey on animal trails or at a watering place, on salt licks or even on a tree branch. Leopards quietly and deftly sneak up on the object of hunting, approaching it by 2 meters, and make a decisive throw. The leopard does not like to pursue the victim: for the beast attacked from an ambush, he most often runs no more than 40-50 meters. Leopards kill small animals with a bite to the neck. Jumping on the back of a large animal, they knock it down, lean with the whole weight of the body, wrap their paws around the neck of the victim and bite through her throat or back of the head.

Leopards usually hunt alone. The female can go hunting with adult children, while the family has not yet broken up. As a rule, leopards kill one animal without touching or frightening the rest. If the leopard does not eat the killed victim immediately, then he can drag the remnants of the meal up a tree to protect him from and other corpse-eaters. But usually they carry the remains several hundred meters away and hide them in thickets of plants. These predators do not compete with other big cats for food, as they feed on more than just large ungulates.

Leopard breeding

In the southern regions of their habitat, leopards breed all year round. On the Far East they mate in January. During the mating season, male leopards are aggressive, often fight, roar loudly. Leopards arrange a lair for offspring in the most remote and secluded places. These can be various recesses: under trees, under stones, in rocks. Before the appearance of the babies, the female lines the bottom of the den with dry leaves and grass.

The pregnancy of a leopard lasts 3 months. Childbirth occurs at night and lasts 6-10 hours. Usually there are 1-4 babies in the litter weighing 500-700 g and body length up to 15 cm, but up to 6 newborn kittens may appear. Leopard cubs are born blind and helpless, covered with long, thick brownish fur with dark spots. They begin to see clearly after 1.5 weeks, and get up on their feet only after 2 weeks, crawling along the den. Leopard kittens meow like their domestic relatives. If the female leopard feels danger, she hides the kittens in another place, carrying them in her teeth one by one. Until 6-8 weeks, the female keeps the babies in a shelter, and then they begin to leave the den to play. The female feeds them meat food: first by regurgitating half-digested food, and then bringing them killed small animals and birds. At 5-6 months, after the mother stops feeding the cubs with milk, she begins to lead them to the killed prey.

The brood follow their mother for over a year, learning how to hunt and survive before she goes into heat. Young leopards from the same brood stay together for some time. They become sexually mature after 2 years, and females are slightly earlier than males. During this period, young animals disperse and settle in other places.

Subspecies of leopards, photos and names

The leopard is a type of animal from the genus Panther. In this form, several subspecies are distinguished:

  1. Panthera pardus delacouri (Pocock, 1930) - Indochinese leopard,
  2. Panthera pardus fusca (Meyer, 1794) - Indian leopard,
  3. Panthera pardus japonensis (J. E. Gray, 1862) - northern Chinese leopard,
  4. Panthera pardus kotiya (Deraniyagala, 1956) - Ceylon leopard,
  5. Panthera pardus melas (G. Cuvier, 1809) - Javan leopard,
  6. Panthera pardus nimr (Hemprich and Ehrenberg, 1833) - South Arabian leopard,
  7. Panthera pardus orientalis (Schlegel, 1857) - Far Eastern leopard, Amur leopard, East Siberian leopard,
  8. Panthera pardus pardus (Linnaeus, 1758) - African leopard,
  9. Panthera pardus saxicolor (Pocock, 1927) is the Persian leopard. At present, the Persian leopard (Caucasian leopard) (lat. Panthera pardus tulliana, Panthera pardus ciscaucasica) is also combined with Persian.

Below is short description each subspecies.

  • Indochinese leopard (lat.Panthera pardus delacouri) - a subspecies that often has a black color. The predator lives in Southeast Asia (Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand). According to data from 2016 (Rostro-García et al., 2016), it is no longer found in Singapore, may have been eradicated in Laos and Vietnam, and has almost disappeared from Cambodia and southern China.

The population, which does not exceed 2503 individuals, is constantly under the threat of destruction. Due to deforestation, the area that is the habitual habitat of this species is shrinking. Poaching and the illegal wildlife trade also have a negative impact on the number of the Indochinese leopard.

  • Indian leopard (lat.Panthera pardus fusca).

The body length of males reaches 128-142 cm, the length of the tail is 71-92 cm, the maximum weight of the leopard does not exceed 77 kg. The length of the females is 104-117 cm, the length of the tail is 76-88 cm, the females weigh 29-34 kg.

The Indian leopard lives in Northern India and adjacent countries: in Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Pakistan, and southern China. Indian leopards have long been famous as cannibals. Perhaps, in the old days, this was due to the fact that they ate the unburied corpses of people who died during epidemics, and then, after tasting human meat, they continued to attack.

  • Northern Chinese leopard (lat.Panthera pardus japonensis) has the same dimensions as the Amur leopard: body length up to 136 cm, tail - up to 90, weight up to 75 kg. The average weight of males is 50 kg, females - 32 kg.

Northern Chinese leopards are found in the forests and mountains of central and northeastern China. According to data from 2015 (Laguardia et al., 2015), the number of predators is 174-348 individuals. For comparison: in 1998 their number reached about 1000 individuals.

Males reach a length of 142 cm, females 114 cm. Male tail length - up to 96.5 cm, females - up to 84 cm. Maximum weight male up to 77 kg, females - up to 44 kg.

This species got its name from its only habitat - the island of Ceylon, which is now called Sri Lanka. AT wild nature live from 700 to 950 individuals (data for 2015).

  • Javan leopard (lat.Panthera pardus melas) - one of the endangered subspecies, lives only on the island of Java in Indonesia. Dying out due to the reduction of the territory of residence, which is just over 3000 square meters. km and continues to decrease. According to data from 2008 (Ario et al., 2008), there are from 350 to 525 individuals in nature.

Previously, it was believed that the Javan leopard is exclusively black, but then it was found that spotted colors are also found among them.

  • South Arabian leopard (lat.Panthera pardus nimr) - this is the smallest leopard, which reaches a length of no more than 140 cm and weighs up to 20 kg (for females) and up to 30 kg (for males). The color background can be either pale yellow or bright gold. Rosettes are patterned.

Once a predator was widespread in the Middle East. Currently, South Arabian leopards live only in small areas in the western part of the Arabian Peninsula. An endangered subspecies in dire need of protection. According to data from 2008, no more than 45-200 South Arabian leopards live in the wild.

  • Far Eastern leopard (Amur, East Siberian) (lat.Panthera pardus orientalis) also has the names Manchurian leopard or Korean leopard. Small subspecies. Body length 107 - 136 cm, tail length 82-90 cm, shoulder height up to 78 cm. The average weight of a leopard is 32-48 kg, but can reach 75 kg. It differs from other subspecies in softer and longer fur: 30-50 mm on the back and up to 70 mm on the belly. In winter, the color of the animal is lighter than in summer. The background varies from cream to golden. The sides are lighter, and the belly and the inside of the limbs are white. In summer, the color of the coat is more saturated. The predator's skull is strongly compressed in the interorbital region.

Currently, Far Eastern leopards live in a small area on the border of three states - Russia, China and North Korea. A century ago, the habitat occupied the entire Korean Peninsula, Primorye and areas in northern China. As of 2014, no more than 50-60 individuals remained in the wild. This is the rarest living leopard. Active efforts are currently underway to conserve and restore the population both in captivity and in the wild. Reserves have been created in the south of Primorsky Krai to preserve this rarest animal.

  • African leopard (lat.Panthera pardus pardus) - the most common subspecies. Body length - up to 180 cm, tail - up to 110 cm. The maximum weight of males reaches 91 kg, while the average weight is 60 kg. Females weigh on average 35 to 40 kg.

The predator occupies vast territories in Africa, meeting in the mountains, savannahs, semi-deserts, wet tropical forests. Avoids desert areas in which there are no permanent sources of water. It is not found in the Sahara and in the desert regions of northern Africa and Namibia.

  • Persian leopard ( he is Persian leopard, Caucasian leopard) (lat.Panthera pardus Saxicolor) - a large animal with a body length of up to 183 cm (according to the site www.inaturalist.org up to 259 cm) and a tail length of up to 116 cm. The mass of a leopard reaches 60 kg. The winter fur of the animal is pale, dull, the background is grayish-ocher, the spots are relatively rare, of a brownish hue. Summer fur can be of two types - lighter and darker.

According to 2008 data, there are from 870 to 1290 adults in the world. Persian leopards live in Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, eastern Turkey, Turkmenistan (in the Kopetdag mountains); in Azerbaijan: in Nakhichevan, in the Talysh mountains, in Karabakh; in Armenia and in the mountains of the Greater Caucasus on the territory of Georgia. The habitat of leopards is the bases of rocks and placers of stones, sometimes plains overgrown with shrubs.

Individuals that were previously widespread in the North Caucasus were completely exterminated in the middle of the 20th century. But one can hope that predators will return to these places again, since since 2007 a program has been launched in Russia to restore the population of the Persian (Caucasian) leopard. On the territory of Sochi national park the Center for Leopard Restoration in the Caucasus is operating, and its first pets have already been released into the wild. The Persian leopard is included in the Red Book of Russia as an endangered species.

The Far Eastern leopard, or as the Amur leopard also calls it, is the rarest representative of the subspecies.

They remained in the southwest of Primorsky Krai.

The first ancestor of the leopard appeared over 3.5 million years ago.


These large spotted predators have chosen mountainous areas as their habitat with deciduous forests and taiga regions in:

  • Far East;
  • Korea;
  • Northeast China.


Far Eastern leopards have a slender, flexible, elongated body, a rounded head and slender, very strong legs. The average length of the body of these predators is from 100 to 135 centimeters. In these feline representatives a long tail reaching up to 90cm in length.

Far Eastern leopard in winter photo

Male Amur leopards weigh an average of 32 to 48 kg. Females weigh much less than males - from 25 to 43 kg. The fur of these predators is thick, long and soft. AT winter period the fur is much longer than in summer. On the belly, the fur is longer than on the back of the animal.

Coloring of Far Eastern leopards:

  • the skin of an animal of a pale yellow hue;
  • paw pads, belly and breast are lighter than body color;
  • the skin is decorated with black spots;
  • on the sides and back, the spots are closely pressed against each other, and between them there are pieces of a yellowish-red color.

In winter, the coat color of the Amur leopard is light, reddish-yellow. But in the summer, the wool is painted in brighter and more saturated colors. The blue-green color of the eyes of leopards is considered their distinctive feature.

Lifestyle. Food

The Far Eastern leopard leads a solitary nocturnal lifestyle. With representatives of the female article, males converge only during the mating season. However, there are times when the male after mating stays with his female and helps her in raising babies.

Far Eastern leopards photo

Hearing and vision are well developed, as befits all representatives of the cat family. Claws and teeth are sharp and strong. Each individual has its own territory, quite extensive, the possession of females is 4 times less than that of males.

The diet of the Far Eastern leopard consists of: spotted deer; raccoon dog; roe deer; badgers; hares. Hunts by sitting in ambush, hiding in tall grass or in the canopy of trees. Then he makes a jump, if the victim runs away, he does not pursue her.

Far Eastern leopard in the forest photo

Unfortunately, these giant felines involuntarily change habitats, due to the inability to provide for themselves necessary quantity food. Amur leopards often die from poachers and starvation. Because of its beautiful spotted fur, the Far Eastern leopard is constantly subject to illegal hunting.


The mating season for these cats usually falls in January. The female bears kittens for 3 months. A pregnant female is looking for a suitable lair: a crevice between stones; deepening in the ground; cave. Kittens are born in spring.

Usually there are 2-3 cubs in a litter, the weight of one kitten is about 500 grams. They are born blind, but the skin of the babies is already covered with spots. Eyes open in a week. In two months they will come out of hiding for the first time.

Far Eastern leopard with a kitten photo

They get acquainted with the world around them, smells. They follow their mother, learn the skills of survival and hunting. Mother's milk is fed for 5 months, meat complementary foods are received at the age of 6 weeks. Young leopards live with their mother for 2 years. At the age of 3 years they have a period of puberty.

  • Each representative of this species has its own unique spotted pattern. Thanks to this fact, scientists can distinguish between these predators.
  • Leopards hear 5 times better than humans.
  • On the tall tree these cats can drag prey up to 3 times their own weight.
  • Far Eastern leopards do not drink often, as they have enough liquid obtained from food.
  • If a person appears on the territory of a leopard, the predator leaves this territory forever.
  • Since the Far Eastern leopard is a very rare animal (the number of which is approximately 35 individuals), and this animal is protected and listed in the Red Book.


In the wild, the Far Eastern leopard lives 10-12 years.

  • Class - Mammals
  • Squad - Carnivores
  • Family - Feline
  • Genus - Panthers
  • View - Leopard
  • Subspecies - Far Eastern leopard

A predator that belongs to the cat family. The Far Eastern leopard is a large animal, the body length of the male can be 136 cm (females are slightly smaller). Weight ranges from 50 kg to 60 kg. Distributed in the mountain taiga forests of the Far East, on the border of three countries - China, Russia and North Korea. In our time, the Far Eastern (Amur) leopard is on the verge of extinction. This is the rarest of the subspecies: according to some sources, no more than 40 individuals have survived in nature.

Red Book: Amur leopard

The predator has thick long fur. Especially noticeable in winter attire. This beautiful cat is one of the most beautiful and very rare cats in the world. Recently, this animal has replenished the Red Book of Russia. The Far Eastern leopard has received the status of an endangered species. This circumstance is of great concern to environmentalists and animal advocates. Today, efforts are being made to preserve the subspecies and increase its numbers.

The Far Eastern leopard, whose photo adorns many publications telling about predators in Russia, is listed in the IUCN Red List, as well as in the Appendix International Convention CITES.

Despite the efforts made, today experts consider the situation with these magnificent beauties to be catastrophic. And there is every reason for this. For only two recent decades The habitat of the leopard in our country has halved, and its numbers have decreased tenfold. Today in Russia there are no more than 30 individuals. In China, according to the latest data, no more than 10 animals. There is no information about the presence of these animals in Korea.

Predisposition to change the range and abundance of this beautiful animal recent years looks menacing. The last, once reliable refuge of the Far Eastern leopard in our country, the south of Primorsky Krai, is not protected either. Deforestation is not declining, but gaining momentum, vegetation is systematically burned out, new roads are being reconstructed and laid, individuals that cause damage to deer herds are destroyed, there are frequent cases when the Far Eastern leopard falls into traps intended for other animals.

Cases of poaching have become more frequent, which is stimulated by the fashion for luxurious skins of these animals.

External signs of a leopard

Many special editions place its description on their pages. The Far Eastern leopard is an unusually graceful and slender cat with a thick and fluffy fur coat. it rarest species felines on earth.

His body is slender, with incredible flexibility. The head is rounded, the correct form.

The predator sheds twice a year. His summer outfit is distinguished by shorter hair (2.5 cm), the winter coat is rather dull, long, with a thick undercoat (from 5 to 7 cm).

Paws are strong and slender, with strong retractable claws.


The coat varies with the season. In winter, the Far Eastern (Amur) leopard is dressed in a rusty, red with golden or light yellow fur coat. In summer, it acquires more saturated tones. Clearly defined rings or black spots are scattered over the skin. The eyes are blue-green or gray-blue.


When people think of leopards, most of them think of the African savannas. Despite this, there is a rare subspecies of these animals that lives in the forests of the Far East and northern China. That is why he was called the Far Eastern leopard, often called the Amur leopard. As already mentioned, the population is in critical condition, but there is still hope for the restoration of this subspecies. Recall the fact that his equally magnificent cousin - Amur tiger- increased the population in less than 60 years. But once tigers also numbered less than 40 individuals.

Experts believe that the Far Eastern leopard, whose photo you see in the article, can be saved if conservation projects are implemented.

This beautiful predator lives in temperate forests with a wide temperature range. Today, the leopard lives on an area of ​​​​about 5000 square meters. km. A viable population of this subspecies in the wild has been preserved in Primorsky Krai (RF), between China and Vladivostok.

Main Threats

According to scientists who are concerned about the life of the Far Eastern leopard, for 13 years (1970 - 1983) this predator has lost more than 80% of its habitat.

Fortunately, today there are forested areas that are suitable for the life of a leopard. These territories should be protected from harmful human influence.

Lack of loot

On the land of China there are vast areas that would be quite suitable for these animals. However, the level of the food base of these territories is insufficient to maintain the population at the proper level. It is possible to increase the amount of prey, but for this it is necessary to regulate the use of forests by humans and take urgent and effective measures to protect ungulates from poachers. In order for the population of the Far Eastern leopard to recover, it needs to replenish its former habitat.


The leopard of the Far East, like no other predator, is subject to illegal hunting because of its beautiful and expensive fur. An undercover investigation team conducted an experiment: they recreated the skin of a female and male of this animal, and then sold them for $5,000 and $10,000, respectively. The “deal” took place in the village of Barabash, not far from the Kedrovaya Pad nature reserve.

This experiment showed that even today there are illegal markets for such products located in animal habitats. In these areas, poaching becomes a much more serious problem than in areas remote from people.

Conflict with a person

Amur leopards are very vulnerable, as deer become part of their diet. In the Far East, man has made his "contribution" to the reduction of the deer population. This is due to the special value of the horns of these animals in Asian medicine. In turn, this does not allow the leopard to get enough food. In this regard, animals often wander into reindeer farms in search of food. It is only natural that farm owners protect their investments and kill predators.


This magnificent predator is also under threat because its population in the wild is extremely small. This makes him vulnerable to various troubles - Forest fires, diseases, changes in the ratio of deaths and births, sex ratios (for example, cubs that were born within the last few years may be males). In addition, inbreeding depression is an important factor. Family ties have been registered, and this fact does not exclude possible genetic problems, including a decrease in the birth rate. Such matings are quite common in nature in some populations of big cats, but they by no means allow for outbreeding in very small populations, which undoubtedly include the Amur leopard.


The basis of the diet of this predator are wild artiodactyls - roe deer and sika deer. When food is scarce, the leopard feeds on badgers, Manchurian hares, wild boars, red foxes, etc.

The leopard is able to endure hunger for up to twenty days.


The Far Eastern leopard is a crepuscular animal. He goes hunting in the evening or at night. Rarely, but if very hungry, may pursue prey during the daytime.

It most often attacks its prey from an ambush. The predator approaches it very carefully, trying to use the local terrain to get closer. The leopard goes to the watering hole only when dusk sets in in the forest.

The beast has very sharp eyesight. He can see his prey at a great distance (up to 1.5 km). But with hearing and smell, the situation is somewhat worse.

The Far Eastern leopard is excellent at climbing trees. Even large prey is easily dragged onto the branches.

At short distances, it develops a very decent speed (55 km / h). This cat does not like to swim.

Often uses roads and paths made by man. He is not afraid of him, does not attack, but simply tries to get away unnoticed. He cannot stand the constant presence of a person - he leaves such places forever.

Lives in the same area for many years, walks along the same paths and uses the same brood dens.

social structure

Leopards prefer solitude, but can live in pairs and families.

On the domain of the male there are several sites of females, which reach an area of ​​60-100 sq. km. On this territory she lives with her offspring. Leopards regularly bypass their possessions, put their characteristic marks on trees on their borders. Often on the ground you can see the so-called scrapes.

Puberty and pregnancy

The animal reaches full maturity by 3 years. Males mature somewhat later than females. The female bears her cubs from 90 to 105 days.


Far Eastern leopards are polygamous. One male takes care of several females. Cubs appear at the female only once in two years. The predator builds a lair in caves, crevices, under the roots of fallen trees in secluded wilderness areas. The male is the father coming. He visits the female and kittens from time to time. Sometimes he helps to hunt.

Leopards breed throughout the year, but the peak is in January.


Usually 1-3 blind adorable spotted kittens are born. They weigh an average of 600 g, body length is 15-17 cm. Small predators open their eyes on the 7-9th day. When the cubs are a little over a month old, they first leave the lair. At two months, the mother begins to feed them with meat. At three months, the children's fur pattern changes to an adult (specks turn into rosettes). Offspring live with their mother for up to two years.

Human danger

Of all the representatives of this group, the Far Eastern leopard is the most peaceful. It does not attack a person - not a single case has been recorded in the last 50 years. Very rarely attacks pets.

From this it follows that this predator is not a threat to humans.

"Far Eastern leopard. Fight for the throne"

In December 2014, this amazing documentary created by Russian filmmakers came out on the screens of our country.

Every person on our planet should see this film. The Far Eastern leopard is shown in it in a way that no one has ever seen before. Cautious and elusive animals appear out of nowhere and rapidly disappear into nowhere, as if dissolving into the expanses of the wild and beautiful Far Eastern taiga.

For a long time (more than a year), the film crew collected unique material in order to shoot the very shots that no one else could do. This is a desperate struggle for survival, raising cubs, eating and hunting, details complex relationships in one family of leopards and their competition with other animals.

The main character of the film was the most beautiful, graceful female Kedrovka. Neighbors in the taiga forest began to constantly steal her prey, and predators seek to kill her kittens. A desperate mother is forced to leave the lair near the Kedrovaya River and lead her babies deep into the Ussuri taiga.

With the onset of winter, not far from the lair, which Kedrovka was forced to leave, a deer carcass suddenly appeared. Who got it? Kedrovka herself, one of her surviving and grown-up kittens, or maybe a new beast has appeared in these wild taiga regions, claiming the "taiga throne"?

In order to answer these numerous questions and at the same time shoot amazing shots from the life of the most mysterious predatory cats on earth, the My Planet studio team turned the territory of the Leopard Land park into an unusually large film set. The documentaries used the most advanced, truly unique, state-of-the-art technology and hidden cameras. It is especially important that the film crew observed essential condition- Preservation of calmness of predators, nothing should have frightened them and forced them to leave their habitual habitats.

Today we introduced you to the most beautiful and rarest predatory cat on Earth. I really want to believe that the Far Eastern leopard will survive, so that it does not happen that in a few years we will remember him in the past tense. The next generations should see them, they should know about this amazing animal, which man so ruthlessly exterminated.

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