Animal world of Africa short description. Animals in Africa

diets 06.07.2019

Appearance which surprises, and habits - alarming. Of course, each continent has its own unique fauna, but Africa is truly inhabited by some incredible animals that can only be found here. It is about them that will be discussed below. So, we present to your attention a list of the ten most amazing animals in Africa.

The hyena dog is a predatory mammal from the canine family. They live in arid regions south of the Sahara in northern Botswana, western Zimbabwe, eastern Namibia, northern Tanzania and Mozambique. They live in packs of 7-15 individuals. They lead a nomadic lifestyle within the hunting area, which covers 100-200 square meters. km. They are excellent runners. They are able to pursue their prey over long distances while developing speeds of up to 50–55 km/h. The basis of the life of a hyena-like dog is made up of medium-sized antelopes, sometimes they hunt hares, rodents or other small animals. The main natural enemies are lions and spotted hyenas.
Their body length is about 1 m, the height at the withers is up to 78 cm, and the weight is 18–36 kg. Males are 3–7% larger than females.

Okapi - artiodactyl mammal from the giraffe family, living in dense tropical forests only on the territory of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. They are reserved, very timid and solitary animals that only come together to breed. Like giraffes, okapi feed primarily on tree leaves, sometimes grass, ferns, mushrooms, and fruits. Able to reach speeds up to 55 km / h. Its main natural enemy is the leopard. Unfortunately, the International Union for Conservation of Nature and natural resources classifies these beautiful creatures as endangered.
The average body length of an adult okapi is about 2.5 m, the height at the withers is 1.5 m, and the weight ranges from 200 to 350 kg.

Jumpers are a family of small insectivores widely distributed throughout southern Africa. It is one of the fastest small mammals. They are able to move at a speed of 28.8 km / h. They live alone or form monogamous pairs that actively guard their territory. They feed mainly on invertebrates, such as spiders, ants, termites, centipedes, etc. Some species of jumping birds practically do not drink water.
The length of their body ranges from 10-12 to 30-31.5 cm, tail 8-26.5 cm, weight - 40-540 g.

Greater kudu is a species of antelope that is widespread primarily in the savannahs throughout eastern and southern Africa. Lead sedentary life, forming small herds (from 6 to 20 individuals). They are active mainly at night, during the day they hide deep in the thickets. They feed mainly on leaves and young branches. Kudu's main enemies are lions, leopards and wild dogs.
Greater kudu is one of the most large species antelopes. Their body length is 185–245 cm. The height at the withers is 1.40 m. The weight of males is 190–270 kg, females 120–210 kg. In males, large horns grow on their heads, reaching a height of up to 1 meter.

Gerenuk or giraffe gazelle is a species of African antelope, distributed primarily in the dry territories of East Africa from Ethiopia and Somalia to Tanzania. Representatives of this species have a characteristic, very thin shape of the neck and legs, so that they cannot be confused with other antelopes. Generuki are active in the morning and evening. They feed exclusively on leaves, buds and young shoots of shrubs and trees growing in their habitats. They can go without water for a very long time.
Their body length is 140–160 cm, height at the withers 95 cm, weight of males 31–52 kg, females 28–45 kg. Horns are present only in males. They reach a length of 25–44 cm.


Galago is a rather unusual genus of primates, widespread in Africa. Possibly the most numerous primates on the continent. These nocturnal animals live in almost every large forest area, they are also found in savannahs and dense bushes. They live alone in the trees, sometimes descend to the ground. All species feed mainly on insects and tree sap.
Their body length is 12–21 cm, tail 16–30 cm; weight of males 150–300 g, females 95–250 g.

The African civet is a nocturnal mammal that inhabits the savannas and forests of southern and central Africa. Often found near villages. It is the largest representative of the African viveri, which, moreover, has a unique coloration: black and white spots on the body, black stripes surrounding the eyes, disproportionately large hind limbs and a short mane (2.5–10 cm) that rises when the animal is scared. Civet is omnivorous and indiscriminate in nutrition. Its diet includes insects, wild fruits, small rodents, reptiles, eggs, birds and carrion. It also preys on poisonous invertebrates (such as centipedes) and snakes.
Their body length is 120–140 cm, tail length is 40–60 cm, shoulder height is 40 cm, and weight is 9–15 kg.

Kitoglav is a sedentary bird common in tropical regions of East Africa. Lives year-round in seasonal lowland swamps, where papyrus dominates among the vegetation in combination with reeds, cattails and various herbaceous plants. It feeds mainly on fish, sometimes frogs, young crocodiles and water snakes, as well as rodents and young waterfowl. It usually lives singly or in pairs, rarely in small groups.
In height, an adult shoebill grows 110–140 cm, individual individuals can reach 152 cm. Body length (from tail to beak tip) is within 100–140 cm, wingspan is 230–260 cm. Weight is from 4 to 7 kg. Males are larger than females.

In second place among the most amazing animals in Africa is the eastern crowned crane. This bird lives in river valleys and on the coast of large lakes in sub-Saharan Africa. Often found near human habitation and agricultural land. Omnivorous. They feed on plants, seeds, insects, frogs, worms, snakes, and small fish. Is one of national symbols Uganda.
The Eastern crowned crane grows to about 1 m in height and weighs 3.5 kg. Its wingspan reaches 2 m.

The Eastern colobus is a species of primate found in montane tropical rainforests in central Africa. These are diurnal animals that live mainly in trees, but occasionally descend to the ground in search of food. They form harem groups of 8–15 individuals, which consist of one male, several females and cubs. Young leaves make up the bulk of their diet. To a lesser extent, they also eat mature leaves, fruits, flowers, and invertebrates. The main enemy hunting these primates is the most dangerous bird of prey in the world - the crowned eagle.
Eastern colobus males weigh 9.3–13.5 kg, females: 7.8–9.2 kg, male head and body length: 54.3–69.9 cm, females: 52.1–67.3 cm , tail length varies from 52 to 100 cm. These are large, relatively strong animals.

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Elena Smirnova
Synopsis of the GCD "Animals of Africa"

Synopsis of GCD

occupation - entertainment « Animals of Africa»

Target: Consolidate children's ideas about African animals.


O. o. "Communication"

Improving speech, the ability to more accurately characterize the object.

Developing the ability to defend one's point of view.

Enrich children's speech with nouns denoting names animals, tropical climatic zones.

Enrich children's speech with adjectives that characterize appearance, habits animals and ways of feeding them.

Improving the ability to distinguish by ear and in pronunciation all the sounds of the native language. Improvement of phonemic hearing.

Practice matching nouns with adjectives in gender and number.

Exercise children in the formation and use of possessive adjectives in speech.

Improve the dialogic form of speech.

To consolidate the skill of compiling compound sentences with conjunctions a, and.

To form the skill of compiling a story - descriptions according to the scheme.

Develop logical thinking.

O. o. "Knowledge"

Formation complete picture the world, expanding the horizons of children. Consolidation of children's ideas about African animals.

Continue to develop the ability to compare animals identify their similarities and differences.

O. o. "Socialization"

To improve the ability to work in pairs, in a team, to carry out a common cause.

Continue to enrich the experience of cooperation, friendly relationships with peers.

O. o. "Health"

Preserve and strengthen the physical and mental health of children through the implementation of physical training minutes.

O. o. "Physical Culture"

To form in children the correct posture, the ability to consciously perform movements.

Improve children's motor skills and abilities.

Methods and techniques:



verbal (conversations);

Problem-search questions;

Surprise moment.

Forms of organizing joint activities



Problem solving:


Musical - artistic

Materials and equipment:

Subject pictures depicting wild animals of hot countries, figurines animals, globe, stencils animals and their footprints, pictures - juice, bow, cloud, scissors. ; Pictures animals, cut into pieces; scheme - description animal; microphone; video camera; simple pencils; plasticine.

Course progress.

L: - Guys, do you like to travel? (children answer).

I invite you to take a trip to Africa to find out about animals living there.

Let's find Africa on the globe and see our route.

(Children stand around the table on which the globe stands; we look where Russia is, Africa)

L: - What type of transport will we need?

(Answer children : train, plane, ship)

Let's go by plane. Do you agree?

The eyes are closing

Wings spread out.

The plane flies forward

AT Africa hurry people.

And to make it more fun for us to fly, we are with you let's play:

Finger gymnastics "Visiting".

african hippopotamus

Goes to visit the elephant.

Definitely on the way

He also wants to go:

To the zebra, lion and rhinoceros.

Show him the way!

(children perform movements, reciting poems, first in a whisper, and then in a full voice.)

L: - Dear passengers! Our aircraft is reducing speed and altitude. Be careful not to fall down.

L: - And so our plane landed. What country are we in? (children's answers)

L: - Africa, Africa- magical continent

All over the big planet

There is no more beautiful land!

L: - We guys ended up in the center Africa - in the savannah.

The game "Whose footprints?"

There are many different animals. Look, someone's footprints. I will name the owners of the tracks, and you will form adjectives from them.




The game "Say a word"

Children, do you know what animals live in africa?

Well, then listen carefully and respond in unison.

hot Africa lives clumsy ... hippopotamus

He does not need many dishes, he is full of dry thorns .... camel

Among the animals, he is reputed to be a king, his name is a maned ... lion

He wears a horn on his nose and is called .... rhinoceros

Clumsy, but strong huge, good-natured ... elephant

A green crocodile often visited us

A huge closet has outgrown a wonderful ... giraffe

Oranges and bananas are very fond of ... monkey

And now the most difficult riddles. Listen carefully.

You won’t find a longer neck, it will pluck any branch ... (hedgehog - giraffe)

As I jumped into my mother’s bag in the bus salon to my mother ... (elephant - kangaroo)

Above the forest, the ray of the sun went out, the king of beasts sneaks ... (rooster - lion)

The thick-skinned one takes fruit with its trunk .... (hippopotamus - elephant)

Leading: We remembered African animals,

and now all together let's do the massage.

Massage « Africa»

Giraffes have spots, spots,

spots, spots everywhere. clapping hands all over the body

Is on the noses bellies, knees and socks. both indexes

fingers touch body parts

Elephants have folds, folds,

creases, creases everywhere. pinching themselves, as if collecting folds

Is on the noses bellies, knees and socks

And a big trunk. hand depict trunk

And the zebra has stripes

there are stripes everywhere. run the edges of the palm over the body

On the forehead, ears, neck, elbows,

Is on the noses bellies, knees and socks.

And the zebra also has hooves - they depict the running of a zebra.

And the lion has fur, fur,

wool, wool everywhere. stroking themselves, smoothing the fur

On the forehead, ears on the neck, on the elbows,

Is on the noses bellies, knees and socks

And a large mane on the head depicts a mane with spread fingers.

The game "Guess the word"

We rested a little, and here is a new task. You need to guess the encrypted word. Pictures on the board (juice, bow, cloud, scissors). Name the first sound in the words and read what is written here. We have deciphered the word, and now I propose to draw up a sound scheme for the word ELEPHANT. Who guessed how many sounds in our word? What is the first, second, third, fourth? How many vowels? How many consonants?

Didactic game "True False"

Q. Now let's check what you know about African animals?.

The giraffe has the longest neck. (yes, it's true that the giraffe has the longest neck)

Elephant is the biggest animal. (Yes, it's true, the elephant is the biggest animal)

Lions eat grass. (No, lie, lions do not eat grass, they are predators)

At the crocodile sharp teeth. (Yes, it’s true, he is a predator, he needs sharp teeth to feed him)

Didactic game "Collect animal»

AT: Look, there's something wrong with animals. Do you think we can help them? What should be done?

Children pick up the body to the head the animal is called whose head, whose body, whose paws, whose tail

finger game "Naughty Monkeys" (E. Chistyakova)

Naughty monkeys in the wild jungle in the clearing

(jumps in a circle, hands with outstretched palms)

They jump, somersault, climb the trunks,

They throw bananas, swing on their tails.

(for each word-action we bend one finger on both hands)

These are the monkeys having fun in the clearing.

(clapping hands) .

Drawing up a story-comparison based on a diagram.

AT: How many interesting things in Africa. I have idea: let's talk about animals and send this message to television. Who will be the journalist? (role distribution).

Speaker: Dear viewers, we are in African savannah. Our journalists will tell you how its inhabitants differ from each other. I pass the microphone to the journalist.

Journalist: Giraffe is a herbivore animal, eats leaves, and the crocodile is predatory, attacks others animals. The giraffe lives in the savannah, and the crocodile lives in the swamp. The giraffe is tall and the crocodile is long. giraffe covered in yellow spotted skin, and the crocodile - green skin. The giraffe runs and the crocodile swims and dives. giraffe has one little cub, and a crocodile hatches several small babies from eggs.

Speaker: You were listening to a message from a distant hot Africa.

Painting without a brush "Amulet".

AT: Guys, it's time for us to go home. But in memory of our journey, we will make real African amulets. They will protect us during our travels.

(Children choose stencils animals, circle them along the contour, lay out plasticine.)

AT: Amulets are ready. You can go back.

Goodbye, Africa,


It was interesting here

Great and wonderful

But we have to go home!

Animals of Africa in photos (17 photos)
Report on animals of Africa for children.

AFRICA- a vast continent located on both sides of the equator. Here big variety natural landscapes: deserts, savannahs, rainforests, where animals live, many of which are not found on other continents. In Africa there are major rivers, there are many marshy swamps and large lakes. Animals and birds quench their thirst in reservoirs; here they feed and hunt for prey.

Part of the African continent is occupied savannas, sprouted with grass, often fading from the sun, and small shrubs. There are almost no trees here, only thick baobabs and acacias grow with umbrella-shaped branches. At the end of spring comes the rainy season; It is at this time that vegetation develops rapidly. In some places, reservoirs are even formed, where various animals come to bathe singly or in whole groups.

Pink flamingo
Colonies of pink flamingos inhabit the shores of the great African lakes. These large birds, representatives of the order of the ankles, draw water with their beaks and filter out edible algae. The pigment contained in these algae gives the plumage of birds such a bright color.
Before taking off, flamingos stretch their necks forward and scatter; they all leave the ground together, rushing in the same direction.

Zebras have striped not only the body, but even the mane, tail and skin. Only the tips of the muzzle and tail are black. However, there are no identical zebras - each of them has its own black and white pattern. This coloring helps zebras hide, because their worst enemies - lions and panthers - are always on the alert!

A giraffe with its long neck is no less than two-storey house. With such growth, it is not difficult for him to detect an approaching lion from afar. The long neck helps the animal to pluck the juicy foliage of tall acacias. But to get drunk, the giraffe has a hard time: he needs to spread his front legs and bend his neck strongly - only then will he be able to reach the water.

African crocodile
A crocodile is a large freshwater reptile, or reptile. And besides, it's very dangerous. In appearance, a sleepy crocodile rushes at the victim with lightning. The female lays her eggs on the shore, and carries the hatched cubs in her mouth.
Too frisky crocodile cubs - the mother calms them down by throwing them up.

Lion and lioness
The lion is the largest feline in Africa. This king of beasts is not afraid of anyone. Its roar can be heard for many kilometers around. Surprisingly, it is not lions that hunt, but lionesses. At one time, the lion eats over 10 kg of meat.

Eagle Fisherman
The fisher's eagle has a large hooked beak and strong claws. This predator has excellent eyesight: it can easily notice a fish swimming under water. Then he rushes down and grabs prey, sometimes without even soaking his feathers. And the little eagles, who still cannot fish on their own, are patiently waiting for their father in the nest, located on the top of the acacia.

Rhinos are not very friendly. These animals are easily recognizable by their two horns - large and small. After eating, the rhinoceros rests somewhere in the shade, hiding from the scorching sun. He also likes to wallow in the mud - this is how the animal protects itself from the bites of annoying insects.

The cheetah is a big fan of antelopes. He is not as strong as a panther, but he is a great runner. This is the fastest mammal on the planet: the cheetah can reach speeds of up to 100 km/h.

African elephant
The elephant is the largest animal that lives on land. It can weigh 6 tons. Elephant tusks grow throughout their lives. The ears of an African elephant are much larger than those of an Asian elephant and are also used for fanning. However, the most important thing is the trunk: with the trunk, the elephant draws water for drinking, pours over his body from the shower, nibbles grass, and plucks leaves from tall trees.

Antelope Kudu
Kudu is one of the antelopes living in the vast savannah. Always, before running away from the enemy, these antelopes make impressive jumps.

Hippopotamus (or hippopotamus) in translation means "river horse". And this is true: almost all the time the hippopotamus spends in the lake or in the river. Often the animal is completely submerged, and only the nostrils and eyes remain visible on the surface. Sometimes the hippopotamus opens its mouth and exposes formidable fangs. This huge mammal weighing over three tons can cross the river along the bottom and hold its breath for more than 3 minutes.

Buffaloes are strong African bulls that live in the tropics, near water bodies. They were nicknamed the "Viking helmet" - for large curved horns.
Buffaloes stand in the water for hours or even bathe in the mud to get rid of annoying mosquitoes and other biting insects.

Panther (leopard)
Panther, or leopard, is a lone predator that climbs trees beautifully. It is sitting on a tree that the panther loves to lie in wait for prey. Often, after a successful hunt, a predator drags prey up a tree, away from numerous voracious thieves.

Baboons live in families and constantly wander from place to place in search of food: plants, insects, birds, and even young gazelles. At night, while sleeping, baboons climb high up a tree so that the panther cannot find them. Sensing danger, baboons hiss and stick out their large fangs.

MADAGASCAR ISLAND, located east of Africa, is the habitat of amazing animals, very similar to monkeys. These animals are called lemurs.

Lemur Indri
Indri is the noisiest and largest of all lemurs. He rarely climbs down from trees, where he jumps from branch to branch. Sometimes a lemur jumps 10 meters to get a flower, fruit or succulent shoot. And his tail is one of the smallest.

ring-tailed lemur
The ring-tailed lemur is easily recognizable by its long striped tail. Noticing the danger, the lemur swings its tail, exuding an unpleasant odor, and this often scares off the enemy.

Lemur Little Arm Aue-aue

Lemur Armed Aue-Aue. His tail is like that of a squirrel, and his eyes are round, like beads. The animal feeds on insects and their larvae, as well as fruits.

A photo:
Baboons by Rich Lewis 🙂
Buffalo by BeechcraftMUC
Zebras by vixs pixs
Giraffe by Fran Caley
Hippo by Fran Caley
Chameleon by cowyeow
Elephant by ruejj123
Lion by ruejj123
Rhino by ruejj123
Pink flamingo by athena113
Eagle by Martha de Jong-Lantink
Ring-tailed lemur by Grant and Caroline's pix

Africa is the second largest continent in the world and is home to many wild animals. For many of us, this is a strange territory - dark, distant, hiding ancient secrets. More than 1100 live here. various kinds mammals and over 2,600 different bird species. And hundreds of amphibians, reptiles and insects ... Amazing, isn't it? The most famous mammals in Africa are called the "Big Five" - ​​these are the elephant, lion, rhinoceros, leopard and buffalo.

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Hippos are vegetarians

It's hard to believe, but hippos can consume 45 kg of plant food per day. And although hippos are quite aggressive towards humans, it is believed that they do not neglect cannibalism, in fact, hippos are herbivores. Little research has been done in this regard, scientists are still studying the behavior and eating habits of hippos in the wild.

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Did you say blue tongue? Cool!

Can you guess which animal has a blue tongue? Giraffe! The average length of a giraffe's tongue is about 50 cm, and yes, it is blue in color. The long tongue allows them to pluck leaves from higher branches on trees. Scientists believe that melanin, the pigment that provides dark skin pigmentation, is responsible for the blue/purple hue of the giraffe's tongue. There is still no definitive answer as to why giraffes actually have blue tongues, but it is believed that this color was obtained as a result of evolution in order to provide protection from the sun.

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Crocodile life

Did you know that crocodiles existed on earth before the dinosaurs? You can bet you don't! Crocodiles have a good digestive system and they can live without food for several months. They can also hold their breath underwater for more than ten minutes and are believed to have a very strong immune system. And crocodiles are lucky enough to have the greatest bite force of any animal on earth. Impressive, isn't it?

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African elephant

African elephants are the largest animals on earth. They differ from Asian elephants in the shape of their ears, which reach 1.2-1.5 meters in length and help the animal get rid of excess heat. These huge animals grow up to 7.5 meters in length and weigh up to seven tons. African elephants, unlike their Asian counterparts, also have two appendages at the end of their trunks. They live almost throughout the African continent, with the exception of North Africa.

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Penguins? In Africa?

The last thing to expect in Africa is penguins, but they are there! It is more common to see penguins against snow and ice, but African penguins have adapted to warmer climates. They live on the coast and islands of South Africa. They are also called donkey penguins due to their ability to communicate with a bleating sound similar to the sounds made by donkeys. African penguins are covered in water-repellent feathers and live in herds.

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Features of the pangolin language

Pangolins are mammals that belong to the order Pholidota. They are nocturnal and also very shy. They feed only on insects. The most amazing thing is that their tongues, long and sticky, can be folded into a kind of cover, which is additionally attached to their chest cavity. The muscles that control the movements of the tongue are located throughout abdominal cavity and even in the pelvis.

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What do giraffes have in common with humans?

It's hard to imagine that a giraffe could have anything in common with a human. As a rule, we do not compare them in any way, but giraffes and humans have been found to have the same number cervical vertebrae.

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Killer ostriches

No one can deny the fact that ostriches can kill people. They can literally beat a person to death, a paw strike easily breaks the spine and bones. But it has been observed that they can only hit in the forward direction, so it can be assumed that in the event of an attack it is safer to remain on your back and, if possible, be on the side of the bird.

Africa ... How many interesting and mysterious are its tropical forests and endless savannahs. Animals of huge sizes and very small and inconspicuous live here, although it is not a fact that some insect is completely harmless compared, for example, with huge elephant or a lion, close to which a rare daredevil dares to be. African animal world so colorful and amazing that the interest to touch it closer and learn more about its representatives will never run out. So, ZENUN will tell you who are the very best animals of Africa.

Africa's rarest animal

Okapi. The forest giraffe, or, as it was previously called, Johnson's horse, looks like a kind of hybrid of three animals at once: a horse, a giraffe and a zebra. For the first time, Henry Stanley, a well-known traveler and journalist, heard about these animals from local aborigines. When the skin of a forest giraffe fell into the hands of researchers, it was at first mistakenly attributed to the horse family, but a subsequent study of a rare and very shy animal led to the conclusion that the outlandish animal is more like a pygmy giraffe, miraculously preserved since the Ice Age.

An amazing animal with the body of a horse, long, painted like a zebra, legs, an outstretched neck and a clearly giraffe muzzle is hiding from human eyes in the Congo basin.

The most unusual animal in Africa

Belttail. That's really whose kind will surprise any connoisseur of nature. This lizard, found in rocky areas near the southern borders of the Sahara, is a surviving dragon child. Reaching a length of 70 cm, the girdle is as if assembled, like a designer, from rectangular plates-scales. There are up to 70 species of these spiny dragons, and each species has its own food preferences. Introducing video about these lizards:

Africa's most dangerous animal

Probably, no other continent is inhabited by so many especially dangerous animals. Snakes, poisonous flies, scorpions, mosquitoes, not to mention outright predators like lions and crocodiles. Even when hunting herbivorous buffalo giants, you can easily turn from a hunter into a victim. However, the most dangerous for a person who decides to walk around Africa is fly tse tse.

You won’t even realize how this rather large bloodsucker will bite you and infect you with sleeping sickness. Every year, tse tse sends almost a quarter of a million unfortunate people to another world, who, due to circumstances, have become a target for a flying death-bearer.

Africa's largest animal

Even a child can answer this question. Of course it is. The largest specimen that fell into the observation zone of the human race weighed 12 tons! Surprisingly, elephants communicate at ultra-low frequencies, which are simply beyond the reach of the human ear. And one more interesting fact about African giants: elephants are able to create seismic waves that spread within a radius of up to 2 km!

Africa's tallest animal

And even a kid from the nursery group will answer this question for you. Who does not know the spotted handsome man. The African "Uncle Styopa" can grow up to 6 meters in height. Moreover, this giant is dangerous, rather, only to trees, because in a day he can eat 63 kg of shoots and succulent leaves! Just think, one step of this giant is 4 meters, while it can accelerate to 50 km / h!

Africa's fastest animal

Handsome cheetah not only is it on the list of the rarest animals, it is also the leader of the 500 meters race. This graceful cat seems to be specially created for speed, however, it is the weakest representative of its kind. His appearance can be described in just two words: feline aristocrat. However, no one will be able to catch up with this handsome man, because he accelerates to 90 km / h!

The scariest animal in Africa

His name Gustav. - the cannibal is still alive and inspires quiet horror not only in souls local residents, because he kills people for fun and entertainment, and not at all from hunger. The Nile monster weighs a whole ton, it is almost 60 years old and the beast lives in African Burundi. The body of this monster is covered with welts and scars from knives and bullets, but all attempts to catch the dodgy and very cunning beast have ended in failure so far. He has never fallen into a single underwater trap. If you suddenly see a 6-meter crocodile with a dark spot on its forehead, run if you don't want to be another fun for Gustav.

This is the world of the most-most animals in Africa. Some of them you have known for a long time, and some you probably learned for the first time. And how much more amazing and unknown is hidden behind the stones, in the sands and on the trees of this hot continent, one can only guess.

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