Type 5 heavy which gun is better. Equipment and gear

the beauty 11.08.2019
the beauty

23-02-2017, 18:12

Hello everyone and welcome to the site! Today we will talk about a very interesting car, a formidable and frightening car only with its appearance, Japanese tank tenth level and Type 5 Heavy guide.

With the advent of this giant in our game, the famous heavyweights Maus and E100 have lost their status as the largest vehicles in the World of Tanks. However, the huge dimensions are not the only feature of the tank to play it well, you should know Type 5 Heavy performance characteristics, to understand to be able to handle the advantages and disadvantages of a giant, that is, to know as much as possible about it.

TTX Type 5 Heavy

It is quite obvious that we will begin the review with the fact that this unit is the owner of a very impressive margin of safety, as well as a standard good baseline review of 400 meters for top-end equipment.

Now let's talk about the most important quality of any weight - survivability, and there really is something to linger on the eye. At Type 5 Heavy specifications bookings with the release of patch have changed to better side, you can see the changes.

Now the frontal projection of the tower has a thickness of 280 millimeters, that is, if you slightly tighten this armor plate that does not have slopes, there is every chance that it will not even penetrate us top tank destroyer tenth level. Forehead of the hull Type 5 Heavy World of Tanks also became less vulnerable, and again, when turning and setting the car in a rhombus, it will be with great difficulty to pierce us with ordinary shells. However, we must not forget about the presence of gold cartridges in our game, and now they will pierce us, not in 100% of cases, but still.

Moreover, vulnerable cheeks that used to break through when rhomboiding also received armor AP, which means that Type 5 Heavy penetration zones now they are less vulnerable and you can turn the hull and turret without fear.

As for the side projection, as you know, almost the entire side of ours is protected by a 30-mm screen, behind which there are very wide harps and then the main armor follows. Now, with proper hull placement, it will be even harder to break into the side, and a wonderful screen will allow you to “eat up” a huge amount of enemy cumulative shells.

As for the driving characteristics of this giant, it is quite obvious that from this side the tank looks less profitable. Of course, with such huge dimensions and weight Type 5 Heavy WoT tank has a small maximum speed, very weak dynamics and extremely poor maneuverability. Because of these shortcomings and all the same sheds, we are the favorite target of any gunner.


15 cm/45 41st Year Type

In update, changes have affected not only the armor of this giant, but also its weapons. I must say that now the gun instills fear in the hearts of all tankers and at the same time is interesting feature Japanese.

So, at Type 5 Heavy gun- This is a powerful high-explosive with an incredibly powerful alpha strike for a heavy tank, but at the same time a poor rate of fire. I would like to say that this does not affect the DPM in any way with such and such a one-time damage, but there is a nuance.

The nuance lies in breaking through, because the choice heavy tank Type 5 Heavy WoT received two types of shells: land mines and gold mines. The penetration ability of each cartridge is very weak and it will be extremely rare to inflict full damage, however, even shooting at the E100, you can consistently shoot down 500-600 HP. In other words, Penetration Type 5 Heavy does not interfere with dealing damage, the numbers still turn out to be stunning.

With such a hellish alpha and a huge caliber, it is quite expected to have poor accuracy, which our heavy is fully consistent with. Scatter at Type 5 Heavy World of Tanks huge, stabilization leaves much to be desired, and mixing is slow.

But there is another very positive factor in our arsenal - angles vertical aiming. The ability to lower the cannon 10 degrees down makes Type 5 Heavy tank very comfortable to use, and to anyone who decides to join us in the clinch, we will quickly explain the fallacy of the decision.

14 cm/50 3rd Year Type

In addition, our gigantic sumo wrestler has one more weapon - let's call it an alternative, although this is the old cannon already familiar to everyone. First of all, this barrel differs from the previous one in a less formidable alpha strike, but with a more tolerable rate of fire and relatively stable damage per minute.

This stability lies in the fact that with the same trunk Type 5 Heavy tank shoots normal projectiles with good penetration. Standard BB will be enough for you in most cases if you aim vulnerabilities, but you also need to carry gold with you, in case of a confrontation with armored vehicles enemy.

In addition to excellent penetration with this gun Type 5 Heavy WoT gets improved accuracy. We converge faster, we have a more pleasant spread, but with stabilization the situation remains the same.

Summing up the armament, I would like to say that you have the right to independently choose which weapon to ride with. But in my opinion, the high explosive looks more advantageous, because although it is slanting, it is still not so demanding on kissing and very often does no less damage from one shot than an alternative barrel.

Advantages and disadvantages

It is already clearly seen that the machine in our hands is unusually strong and in capable hands it can show very serious results. But to achieve these results, you need to have a clear understanding of the strengths and weaknesses WoT Type 5 Heavy, so it is better to highlight these nuances separately.
Serious booking;
Very powerful lifestrike;
good review;
Large margin of safety;
Comfortable vertical aiming angles;
The ability to ram perfectly due to the mass and dimensions of the tank.
Huge dimensions (we are easy to hit);
Extremely weak mobility;
Low rate of fire;
Weak penetration by all types of projectiles;
Bad accuracy.

Equipment for Type 5 Heavy

Going into battle in a vehicle of the tenth level, and even so formidable, it is very important to properly equip additional modules taking into account all the pros and cons. In our case, there are not so many really reasonable alternatives, in general, tank Type 5 Heavy equipment it is better to put the following:
- the importance of this module in our case is obvious, because such a hellish alpha needs to be implemented as often as possible, especially with such a weak rate of fire.
- also a very logical option with such poor accuracy parameters of the gun, which will improve stabilization, and at the same time the initial spread.
- everything is very simple here, because we get a 5% boost to all characteristics, which is never superfluous.

However, the third point is not the only correct one. Given the huge dimensions of the tank, its weight and poor mobility, you can put . In this way, World of Tanks Type 5 Heavy becomes somewhat less vulnerable to artillery and high explosives like ours, and will also be able to ram more confidently, if necessary.

Crew training

If not more important, what is certainly more important in the game on any top tank is the distribution of skills between crew members. In our case, this aspect requires much more attention, if only because there are 6 tankers in the tank. So for Type 5 Heavy perks study in the following order:
Commander - , , , .
Gunner - , , , .
Driver mechanic - , , , .
Radio operator - , , , .
Loader - , , , .
Loader - , , , .

Equipment for Type 5 Heavy

In the choice of consumables, there are only two reasonable options. If you don't have much silver and need to save money, you can go into battle with , , . But you will have to tank a lot on this giant, artillery hits are not uncommon, so for comfort and safety it is better to carry on Type 5 Heavy equipment from , , . And for thrill-seekers, the fire extinguisher can be replaced with, our Japanese burns infrequently.

Game tactics on Type 5 Heavy

The unit in our hands is very formidable, but one appearance not enough to win. Going into battle, you should always remember the advantages and disadvantages World of Tanks Type 5 Heavy, because it is on this knowledge that the strategy of behavior in battle is built.

The first thing you should think about is that the Japanese is very large, clumsy and slow, which means that he is a car of one direction, which you need to choose very carefully. For us, the ideal city maps, on which for Type 5 Heavy tactics comes down to taking good positions between houses, holding back the enemy with your armor and powerful weapons, and pushing through at the right time, launching an attack with the support of allies.

open cards are a real test for us and then gently choose the direction so that it had at least a few shelters in which japanese heavy white tank Type 5 Heavy will be able to defend itself qualitatively and will be hidden from direct hits by artillerymen.

In tanking, you should always try to turn your hull slightly, or if you decide to hold the enemy with a diamond, you need to show Board Type 5 Heavy World of Tanks because of the buildings at an acute angle. In both the first and second cases, we increase the given armor values ​​in order to make it as difficult as possible to break through us.

When it comes to dealing damage, no matter what type of projectile is used, you just have to hit the silhouette of an enemy tank and the damage is guaranteed. But in order to knock out more strength points from the enemy, Type 5 Heavy tank WoT still should target the most vulnerable spots. In extreme cases, if there is a heavily armored heavy in front of you, shoot it right under the bottom, the mine will explode and cause about 500 damage, which is much more effective than just shooting in the forehead.

Otherwise, you should always keep an eye on the mini-map, pay attention to what is happening around, try to play in tandem with allied vehicles and always be wary of enemy artillery. AT WoT Type 5 Heavy has become a really strong machine, you just need to play it right.

Official designation: no data
Alternative designation: 2604, 2605
Start of design: 1944\45
Date of construction of the first prototype: preliminary designs
Completion stage: no data.

Information about super-heavy Japanese tanks with indexes "2604" and "2605" is not particularly reliable, since the only mention of them is present only in the "Help: cooling systems for Japanese projects of heavy tanks", found quite recently in the former Soviet archives (numerical indices refer to the years according to the Japanese calendar, which corresponds to 1944 and 1945 according to the world chronology respectively). It is very interesting that in foreign reference books there is no information on these machines at all. AT game world of Tanks, which shows both tanks, also states that they were designed for coastal defense, but this statement needs to be verified.

The “Help” itself (of course, if this document is not a fake) contains a brief descriptive part of the individual units of three Japanese heavy tanks, without any clarification regarding the design of the hull, chassis and weapons.

"Tank type" 2604 "has two twelve-cylinder carburetor liquid-cooled engines of BMW design, the cooling system includes three sections of tubular water radiators for each engine, one section of an oil cooler, blown by two centrifugal suction fans driven by a belt drive from the main gearbox.
Air is taken in through the grilles located in the center of the engine compartment, passes through the sections of the radiators, located in a sealed casing, blows over the engine and is ejected through the grill in the aft part of the tank. To ensure the repair and maintenance of the tank, any of the sections of the radiators can be folded up with the engine compartment cover removed.

The advantage of the layout is high degree protection of the power plant from a combustible mixture.
The disadvantage is not rational use volume."

From this document it is not at all clear what kind of "carburetor liquid-cooled engines designed by BMW" were meant? Perhaps it was a 550 hp Kawasaki Type 98, which was a derated version of the 800 hp aircraft engine previously developed by BMW. This power plant was supposed to be installed on medium tank Type 5 "Chi-ri", so it is likely that he was mentioned in the Help.

The description of the cooling system for the 2605 tank is maintained in a similar spirit.

The layout of the tank type "2605" differs from the type "2604" in the engine compartment by 35% less volume, while maintaining the same type of power plant. This has led to a very cramped situation. The block of radiators in four sections is shifted to the stern and, together with separate oil coolers, is blown by a common multi-bladed axial fan driven by the main gearbox by a cardan shaft passing between the engines. Air is taken in through the vertical shutters of the engine compartment, passes through vertically located radiators and is thrown into the stern of the tank. In the event of a fan failure, air is blown through in part by the ejection effect of the exhaust gases, for which the exhaust of the outer cylinders of both engines is equipped with a nozzle-type ejector mounted on the exhaust manifold.

The advantage of the layout is the rational use of the volume of the engine compartment, ease of drive and adjustment of the large diameter (D 980 mm) of the fan.

The disadvantage is the lack of airflow of the engine units leading to overheating of the generator and the main gearbox and a small number of sections (4) of the radiator.

It is interesting to note that with respect to "2605" we are talking not just about a sketch, but about a layout (by the way, the same applies to Tank O-I). True, it is not indicated whether this model was large-scale or life-size. In addition, it is not entirely clear where and under what circumstances the Japanese design documentation for this machine was discovered and why not a single photo of the unique layout was taken. However, the above fragments of the "Help" give a more detailed idea of ​​​​the projects of Japanese super-heavy tanks, which were in development during 1944-1945.

Based on the existing drawing, we can say that the frontal horizontal armor plates, as well as the lower aft armor plate of the hull, were installed at an angle. At the same time, the sides and the upper armor plate of the stern were vertical. The only tower was mounted on a fairly high turret box. Apparently, fencing niches were supposed to be along almost the entire length of the hull. The thickness of the reservation was estimated at 150-200 mm. Chassis, as applied to one side, included: 10 dual road wheels, front steering wheel, rear driving wheel and a caterpillar made of steel tracks. The crew is now estimated at 11 people, which is clearly excessive for a single-turret tank. If the projects of tanks "2604" \ "2605" really existed, then it would be more reasonable to place a crew of 6-7 people: a driver, a commander, a gunner, two loaders and a radio operator.

Information about the armament has not been preserved, but there is reason to believe that the tank "2604" could be equipped with a 149-mm gun. Indirect evidence in favor of this version are two photographs that also appeared on the Internet just a few years ago. It is alleged that they depict the turrets from super-heavy tanks that were installed on the Manchurian-Soviet border at the end of the war. However, upon closer examination of these photographs, the following facts are revealed:

- it really depicts a 15 cm gun in a coastal defense turret, but it is not a tank gun, since “In Manchuria, in the Khutous fortified area, there were four such guns, each of which was mounted in a special rotating armored turret assembled on bolts. During the assault on the fortified area, they all fought until the last moment and were destroyed by our heavy artillery ... " (source Japanese 15 cm gun Type 45 on Paramushir Island). Therefore, this picture has nothing to do with the 2604 tank.

- a very dubious photo, more like a photomontage. At least in the forums dedicated to fortification and armored vehicles, there is no consensus on this occasion. There was also a version that this was a tower from the O-I tank of the 1944 model, which was allegedly built, but then dismantled. Thus, the final clarity on Japanese super-heavy tanks has yet to be made.

In conclusion, I would like to say a few words about tanks Type 4 and Type 5 from the online game World of Tanks. Of course, the interpretations of the developers on the theme of "2604" and "2605" turned out to be very beautiful, but in the absence of original drawings, they represent only their imagination. One gets the impression that only a single-tower scheme was borrowed from the sketch, and everything else was adjusted to fit the continuity with O-I, although the Help does not explicitly indicate that they belonged to the same development branch.

For the record: On tier 10 Japanese heavy tank
tank brigade
War Thunder Forum: Japanese Super Heavy Type 4/5
War Thunder Forum: Type 4/5 vs Maus. How would they compare?
Tank Encyclopedia: Mi-To, O-I, Type 2604 and 2605 Japanese Super Heavy Tanks

Design performance characteristics of the super-heavy tank 2605 model 1945

COMBAT WEIGHT ~200000 kg
CREW, pers. ~6
Length, mm ~10000
Width, mm ~4000
Height, mm ~4000
Clearance, mm ~500
WEAPONS one 149 mm gun
AIMING DEVICES telescopic gun sight
BOOKING forehead of the hull - ~ 200 mm
corpus feed - ?
side of the hull?
forehead of the tower - ?
turret side?
roof - ?
bottom - ?
ENGINE two BMWs, 12-cylinder, carbureted, liquid-cooled
CHASSIS (on one side) 10 dual road wheels, front guide and rear drive wheel, steel track caterpillar
SPEED ~20 km/h
Climb angle, deg. ?
Wall height, m ?
Ford depth, m ?
Ditch width, m ?

Type 5 Heavy Japanese heavy tank level 10 in World of tanks. This combat vehicle belong to the class of super-heavy tanks, because its mass can reach 160 tons. Such a heavy weight is due to the presence of thick armor, which reaches 260 mm in the frontal part of the hull and turret.

The Type 5 Heavy is in many ways similar to other super-heavy tanks featured in world of tanks- German Maus and E 100. Therefore, considering the characteristics of the new Japanese car will compare them with German competitors.

Reservation tank Type 5 Heavy

Hull armor thickness Tank Type 5 Heavy is 260mm in the frontal part of the hull, 140mm in the side, 150mm in the stern. In the frontal part of the tank, the armor plates are located both at an angle and at a right angle. From the sides, the tank is protected by additional screens.

Reservation of the turret of the Type 5 Heavy tank - 260mm in the front, 210 in the side, 200 in the stern.

For comparison, the armor of the Mouse hull is 200/185/160, and the turret is 240/210/210 (front / side / stern). It turns out that the Type 5 Heavy is better protected from the front and slightly weaker from the sides. In general, we can say that the Japanese heavy tank is more rationally armored than the German one. The frontal armor of the Japanese is able to save more than once from enemy shells.


The characteristics of the Type 5 Heavy tank gun are shown in the figure.

Perhaps the main drawback of the Type 5 weapons is the lack of HEAT shells and sub-caliber shells. Two types of armor-piercing and one type of high-explosive shells are available for this tank. The average armor penetration of a projectile for gold is 282 mm, which is not always enough to penetrate level 10 vehicles.

For comparison, consider a 12.8 cm gun that can be installed on the E100 and Mouse.

The armor-piercing shell penetration of the Maus and Type 5 tank guns is almost the same, but the German gun can fire sub-caliber shells with an average armor penetration of 311 mm.

Average Damage from being hit by an armor-piercing projectile of a tank Type 5 Heavy is 600 units. So when breaking through an opponent, the desire to attack your war machine will certainly weaken.


From the super-heavy Type 5 Heavy tank, you should not expect good mobility in World of tanks. The maximum speed is 25 km/h. Type 5 is slightly faster and more agile than Mouse, it is more comfortable to move on it.

Visibility of the Type 5 tank in WoT

The huge dimensions make the Type 5 Heavy a large and noticeable target in Wot, and a shot from a large-caliber gun will illuminate our tank at a great distance. So when playing Type 5, you should not rely on his disguise.

General impression

Type 5 Heavy justifies the title of super-heavy tank in World of tanks, his armor is felt, and quite often helps out, however, there is a weak spot in the defense - a turret on the roof, I'm glad that it is small in size. One of the main disadvantages of the Type 5 Heavy, in my opinion, is the lack of cumulatives and sub-caliber shells. As befits a super-heavy tank, the Japanese top is slow, but not catastrophic, it is able to climb a mountain and, if necessary, change its location.

maybe Type 5 Heavy still waiting for balance changes, do you like it new tank time will tell the players.

With the advent of Japanese tanks in the game, including the Type 5 Heavy, players had to seriously rethink their priorities. In particular, the legendary giants E-100 and MAUS have lost their status as the heaviest and most invulnerable vehicles. The Type 5 Heavy is larger than the formidable Germans, but its bulky silhouette is far from its only advantage.

To curb the indestructible "Japanese", it is important to know everything TTX of the tank to intelligently manipulate its strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, we will try to find out as much information about this unknown machine as possible.

TYPE 5 HEAVY guide

It is worth starting the review with an impressive margin of safety in 2,900 units. This significantly increases the survivability of vehicles in battles. In addition, the developers awarded the tank with quite a decent view in 400 meters. This indicator exceeds the characteristics of some medium tanks in the game, which is also an undeniable advantage. Not surprisingly, outstanding armor performance comes at the price of agility and dynamics. These indicators are considered the weakest on the level. In addition, low maximum speed makes the formidable Japanese a tasty morsel for enemy artillery.

Type 5 Heavy guns

The positive changes of the last update affected not only the armor, but also the armament of the Type 5 Heavy. The tank got a powerful gun 15cm/45 41 Year Type, casting sadness and despondency on the opposing team.

In particular, the steel giant is armed with an incredibly powerful high-explosive gun with a phenomenal alpha strike, but a disastrously low cooldown. It is curious that due to the impressive one-time damage, a long reload should not affect DPM, however, there is one important detail. The tank can be loaded with a choice of two types of shells: conventional high explosives and gold counterparts. At the same time, in both cases, one can notice a surprisingly low penetrating power.
Accordingly, to enter with full damage, shells will be extremely rare. At the same time, do not forget that the gun is loaded with high explosives, so even without particularly targeting the vulnerable spots of the E-100, you can lighten the German’s margin of safety by 500-600 units with each shot. Therefore, even with weak armor penetration, the tank can deal literally tons of damage.
It's natural for a crushing alpha to be marred by low accuracy and huge spread. So fire on long distances would be tantamount to shooting in the air. However, the cord received unexpectedly good air pressure: the barrel drops 10 degrees, which gives undeniable advantage in the clinch.
It is worth noting that the Type 5 Heavy has another weapon in its arsenal that cannot boast of a deadly alpha strike, but has an excellent rate of fire, which ensures a good distribution of damage per minute. We're talking about a gun 14cm/50 3RD Year Type, which removes 600 damage per hit. Here you can highlight quite comfortable armor penetration with a base projectile of 249 millimeters, higher accuracy and relatively good aiming speed. The gun is capable of dealing consistent damage to enemy tanks, especially if you diligently target weak spots. However, do not forget about gold, which will allow you to feel more confident when confronting hard armored vehicles enemy.
The choice of weapons is up to the player, but the high explosive looks a little more attractive. This gun does not require searching for vulnerable areas of the enemy tank, allowing you to simply hit the silhouette.

Type 5 Heavy penetration zones

The armor parameters also look impressive: the reduced frontal armor of the turret is 280 mm, while the armor plate has no protrusions. Accordingly, an easy rotation of the turret, and shells from PT 10 will no longer be able to enter with damage. The frontal projection of the body also looks very impressive.

The tank perfectly tanks with a rhombus against armor-piercing shells. If we talk about gold, such hits will go 50/50, depending on the caliber of the gun and the experience of the opponents.
Where to pierce type 5 heavy, probably into the bar between the turret and the upper armor plate, do not forget that in a rhombus it is no longer possible to pierce there, the penetration zones are marked in black on the images. It is worth noting that in the last update the tank was well uplifted, making the “cheeks” less vulnerable. Now you can safely turn the case without fear of penetration.
Let's talk about the sides, which are the most vulnerable zone for most tanks in the game. The Type 5 Heavy has 30 mm side shields, which, together with wide tracks, perfectly protect the main armor. Accordingly, with proper tanking, the Japanese heavy makes its way into the sides much more difficult than any tank in the game. In addition, the screens also absorb gold shells well.

Penetration Type 5 Heavy

Type 5 Heavy equipment and crew perks

Equipping a level ten heavy load into battle, you should not expect that your opponents will go in fear to drown themselves in the nearest reservoirs. On the contrary, every opponent will surely want to have Type 5 Heavy in their frag box. Therefore, it is necessary to select equipment in such a way as to level out all the shortcomings and increase the survivability of the vehicle under intense enemy fire.
In the case of the Japanese, the choice is obvious: rammer, lining and ventilation. This will help improve the performance of the gun. It is worth noting that it is possible to replace the ventilation with anti-fragmentation lining, which will make the cord less vulnerable to artillery salvos.

Crew skills are selected as standard to increase DPM and maneuverability of the vehicle. Therefore, you can stop at this choice:
In the case of equipment, there is not much choice, so we load a repair kit, a first aid kit and a fire extinguisher. The size of consumables depends on financial opportunities player. It is worth clarifying that the Japanese rarely burns, so the fire extinguisher can be replaced with a set of sushi
, which will bring a certain zest and drive to the game.

How to play Type 5 Heavy

So, we are dealing with a formidable heavyweight of the 10th level, but impressive dimensions are not enough to win. It is necessary to take into account all the advantages and disadvantages of the machine, and from this build your own strategy of behavior in battle.
Let's start with the fact that Type 5 Heavy is one of the slowest tanks in the game, so you can forget about changing the direction of attack. We build a route and slowly move towards the intended goal. The priority for the Japanese is city maps, where you can systematically squeeze the enemy out of the street, hiding vulnerable areas and exposing impenetrable armor plates to shells.
Open cards for the giant become a real test that can add gray hair. Here the direction is clearly chosen in the direction of any shelter that can protect against a hail of artillery shells: from above, the tank breaks through very well. However, you should not blindly move into a safe zone in splendid isolation. Without the support of teammates, nimble sts and fireflies will dismantle the giant in less than a minute, without even allowing the weapon to be reloaded.
When tanking damage, we always turn the hull or place the tank in a rhombus, substituting the side screens. In any case, the indicators of the reduced armor will increase significantly, which significantly increases the chances of survival.
We are trying to implement the crushing alpha strike to the maximum. Thanks to a high-explosive gun, it is enough to point the barrel at the silhouette of an enemy tank, wait for full information and shoot. Damage to the enemy will be provided in any case. However, it is better to still target vulnerable areas in order to increase the damage dealt to the maximum values. If we talk about the E-100 and MAUS mentioned at the beginning of the article, then these formidable Germans need to shoot right under the bottom. When exploded, a high explosive is guaranteed to lighten the enemy's safety margin by at least 500 points, which is much more effective than shooting at the frontal projection of a tank.
In general, you need to soberly assess the situation on the battlefield, try to play collectively. Serious danger Type 5 Heavy can only be delivered by artillery and nimble opponents. Therefore, we competently build the tactics of the game, and a lot of pleasure from playing in Japanese will be provided.

Type 5 Heavy reviews

The features discussed above are already enough to realize that we are dealing with a very strong machine that, in capable hands, can do a lot of things in a random house. However, to complete the picture, it is necessary to summarize the weaknesses and strengths of the tank.

Impressive booking options.
Terrifying alpha.
Surprisingly decent viewing radius for a heavy.
An acceptable margin of hit points.
Attractive gun elevation angles.
The ability to ram everyone and everything.
A huge silhouette that makes the tank an excellent target.
Turtle speed.
Disappointing rate of fire.
Relatively weak armor penetration.
Oblique tool.

[Review] Type 5 Heavy - Maus guide didn't work!

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23-02-2017, 18:12

Hello everyone and welcome to the site! Today we will talk about a very interesting car, a formidable and intimidating car only by its appearance, a Japanese tank of the tenth level, and this Type 5 Heavy guide.

With the advent of this giant in our game, the famous heavyweights Maus and E100 have lost their status as the largest vehicles in the World of Tanks. However, the huge dimensions are not the only feature of the tank to play it well, you should know Type 5 Heavy performance characteristics, to understand to be able to handle the advantages and disadvantages of a giant, that is, to know as much as possible about it.

TTX Type 5 Heavy

It is quite obvious that we will begin the review with the fact that this unit is the owner of a very impressive margin of safety, as well as a standard good baseline review of 400 meters for top-end equipment.

Now let's talk about the most important quality of any weight - survivability, and there really is something to linger on the eye. At Type 5 Heavy specifications bookings with the release of patch have changed for the better, you can see the changes.

Now the frontal projection of the tower has a thickness of 280 millimeters, that is, if this armor plate that does not have slopes is slightly tightened, there is every chance that even the top tenth level tank destroyers will not penetrate us. Forehead of the hull Type 5 Heavy World of Tanks also became less vulnerable, and again, when turning and setting the car in a rhombus, it will be with great difficulty to pierce us with ordinary shells. However, we must not forget about the presence of gold cartridges in our game, and now they will pierce us, not in 100% of cases, but still.

Moreover, vulnerable cheeks that used to break through when rhomboiding also received armor AP, which means that Type 5 Heavy penetration zones now they are less vulnerable and you can turn the hull and turret without fear.

As for the side projection, as you know, almost the entire side of ours is protected by a 30-mm screen, behind which there are very wide harps and then the main armor follows. Now, with proper hull placement, it will be even harder to break into the side, and a wonderful screen will allow you to “eat up” a huge amount of enemy cumulative shells.

As for the driving characteristics of this giant, it is quite obvious that from this side the tank looks less profitable. Of course, with such huge dimensions and weight Type 5 Heavy tank WoT has a small maximum speed, very weak dynamics and extremely poor maneuverability. Because of these shortcomings and all the same sheds, we are the favorite target of any gunner.


15 cm/45 41st Year Type

In update, changes have affected not only the armor of this giant, but also its weapons. I must say that now the gun instills fear in the hearts of all tankers and at the same time is an interesting feature of the Japanese.

So, at Type 5 Heavy gun- This is a powerful high-explosive with an incredibly powerful alpha strike for a heavy tank, but at the same time a poor rate of fire. I would like to say that this does not affect the DPM in any way with such and such a one-time damage, but there is a nuance.

The nuance lies in breaking through, because the choice heavy tank Type 5 Heavy WoT received two types of shells: land mines and gold mines. The penetration ability of each cartridge is very weak and it will be extremely rare to inflict full damage, however, even shooting at the E100, you can consistently shoot down 500-600 HP. In other words, Penetration Type 5 Heavy does not interfere with dealing damage, the numbers still turn out to be stunning.

With such a hellish alpha and a huge caliber, it is quite expected to have poor accuracy, which our heavy is fully consistent with. Scatter at Type 5 Heavy World of Tanks huge, stabilization leaves much to be desired, and mixing is slow.

But there is another very positive factor in our arsenal - vertical aiming angles. The ability to lower the cannon 10 degrees down makes Type 5 Heavy tank very comfortable to use, and to anyone who decides to join us in the clinch, we will quickly explain the fallacy of the decision.

14 cm/50 3rd Year Type

In addition, our gigantic sumo wrestler has one more weapon - let's call it an alternative, although this is the old cannon already familiar to everyone. First of all, this barrel differs from the previous one in a less formidable alpha strike, but with a more tolerable rate of fire and relatively stable damage per minute.

This stability lies in the fact that with the same trunk Type 5 Heavy tank shoots normal projectiles with good penetration. Standard AP will be enough for you in most cases if you target weak spots, but you also need to carry gold with you in case of a confrontation with enemy armored vehicles.

In addition to excellent penetration with this gun Type 5 Heavy WoT gets improved accuracy. We converge faster, we have a more pleasant spread, but with stabilization the situation remains the same.

Summing up the armament, I would like to say that you have the right to independently choose which weapon to ride with. But in my opinion, the high explosive looks more advantageous, because although it is slanting, it is still not so demanding on kissing and very often does no less damage from one shot than an alternative barrel.

Advantages and disadvantages

It is already clearly seen that the machine in our hands is unusually strong and in capable hands it can show very serious results. But to achieve these results, you need to have a clear understanding of the strengths and weaknesses WoT Type 5 Heavy, so it is better to highlight these nuances separately.
Serious booking;
Very powerful lifestrike;
Good review;
Large margin of safety;
Comfortable vertical aiming angles;
The ability to ram perfectly due to the mass and dimensions of the tank.
Huge dimensions (we are easy to hit);
Extremely weak mobility;
Low rate of fire;
Weak penetration by all types of projectiles;
Bad accuracy.

Equipment for Type 5 Heavy

Going into battle on a vehicle of the tenth level, and even so formidable, it is very important to properly equip with additional modules, taking into account all the pros and cons. In our case, there are not so many really reasonable alternatives, in general, tank Type 5 Heavy equipment it is better to put the following:
- the importance of this module in our case is obvious, because such a hellish alpha needs to be implemented as often as possible, especially with such a weak rate of fire.
- also a very logical option with such poor accuracy parameters of the gun, which will improve stabilization, and at the same time the initial spread.
- everything is very simple here, because we get a 5% boost to all characteristics, which is never superfluous.

However, the third point is not the only correct one. Given the huge dimensions of the tank, its weight and poor mobility, you can put . In this way, World of Tanks Type 5 Heavy becomes somewhat less vulnerable to artillery and high explosives like ours, and will also be able to ram more confidently, if necessary.

Crew training

If not more important, what is certainly more important in the game on any top tank is the distribution of skills between crew members. In our case, this aspect requires much more attention, if only because there are 6 tankers in the tank. So for Type 5 Heavy perks study in the following order:
Commander - , , , .
Gunner - , , , .
Driver mechanic - , , , .
Radio operator - , , , .
Loader - , , , .
Loader - , , , .

Equipment for Type 5 Heavy

In the choice of consumables, there are only two reasonable options. If you don't have much silver and need to save money, you can go into battle with , , . But you will have to tank a lot on this giant, artillery hits are not uncommon, so for comfort and safety it is better to carry on Type 5 Heavy equipment from , , . And for thrill-seekers, the fire extinguisher can be replaced with, our Japanese burns infrequently.

Game tactics on Type 5 Heavy

The unit in our hands is very formidable, but appearance alone is not enough to win. Going into battle, you should always remember the advantages and disadvantages World of Tanks Type 5 Heavy, because it is on this knowledge that the strategy of behavior in battle is built.

The first thing you should think about is that the Japanese is very large, clumsy and slow, which means that he is a car of one direction, which you need to choose very carefully. For us, the ideal city maps, on which for Type 5 Heavy tactics comes down to taking good positions between houses, holding back the enemy with your armor and powerful weapons, and pushing through at the right time, launching an attack with the support of allies.

Open maps are a real test for us and here it is gentle to choose the direction so that it has at least a few shelters in which Japanese heavy tank Type 5 Heavy will be able to defend itself qualitatively and will be hidden from direct hits by artillerymen.

In tanking, you should always try to turn your hull slightly, or if you decide to hold the enemy with a diamond, you need to show Board Type 5 Heavy World of Tanks because of the buildings at an acute angle. In both the first and second cases, we increase the given armor values ​​in order to make it as difficult as possible to break through us.

When it comes to dealing damage, no matter what type of projectile is used, you just have to hit the silhouette of an enemy tank and the damage is guaranteed. But in order to knock out more strength points from the enemy, Type 5 Heavy tank WoT still should target the most vulnerable spots. In extreme cases, if there is a heavily armored heavy in front of you, shoot it right under the bottom, the mine will explode and cause about 500 damage, which is much more effective than just shooting in the forehead.

Otherwise, you should always keep an eye on the mini-map, pay attention to what is happening around, try to play in tandem with allied vehicles and always be wary of enemy artillery. AT WoT Type 5 Heavy has become a really strong machine, you just need to play it right.

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