Guide about the Japanese tiger. Japanese Tiger - Heavy Tank No

Technique and Internet 10.08.2019
Technique and Internet

In military affairs, Japan followed the path characteristic of any island state. In the first place in importance for her were the fleet and aviation. The ground forces were not exactly in the position of poor relatives, but they were definitely inferior in technical equipment European armies "sharpened" for war in the land theater of operations.

This was very well seen in the example of armored vehicles. Even the most advanced Japanese mass-produced vehicle, the Shinhoto Chi-Ha, looked pale against the backdrop of Soviet T-34s and German Pz.Kpfw. IV and American Shermans. The Japanese did not have serial heavy tanks at all.

The metropolis is in danger

Japan's lagging behind in terms of tanks was not the result of a command error. The Japanese fought mainly in the Pacific Islands. Tanks and all supporting infrastructure had to be delivered there by sea, which inevitably imposed restrictions on the mass of combat vehicles. The features of the island landscape also did not favor the use of heavy and bulky tanks. Japan's only major continental adversary, China, was poorly armed, and against its troops, combat power Japanese tanks also more than enough.

On December 7, 1941, Japan attacked the United States. After that, the victorious march of the imperial army across the Pacific islands began. The Japanese captured the Philippines, many islands of Oceania, partially conquered New Guinea. In order to change the situation, the Allied forces had to spend a lot of time and effort.

During its dominance pacific ocean the Japanese created a kind of defensive perimeter, in which the islands played the role of strongholds. Then the Americans gradually began to “recoup” In June 42, the Japanese lost four aircraft carriers in the Battle of Midway. The six-month battle for the island of Guadalcanal, which ended in February 1943 with the victory of the United States, deprived Japan of a strategic initiative. Then the defensive perimeter crackled under the blows, and the Americans slowly, island by island, began to approach the Japanese islands.

In 1943, Japan, which did not have its own heavy tanks, decided to seek help from its German allies, who developed one of the most effective tanks of World War II - the Tiger.

In such a situation, the military elite of the empire had to think about the danger of landing US troops on the Japanese islands. To resist a possible invasion, heavy tanks were needed, which were present in Japan only in projects, none of which was embodied in metal. But the allies from Germany already had and successfully fought a new formidable tank - Pz.Kpfw. VI Tiger.

Cargo without prospects

At first, Germany responded rather willingly to the request of the Axis allies. The Japanese Ambassador Hiroshi Oshima was invited to the training ground in Kummersdorf, they showed the production of "Tigers" at the Henschel factories - in general, they got to know the product quite closely. The ambassador was delighted and entered into negotiations with the German Ministry of Armaments.

Two sets of technical documentation on microfilm were handed over to the Japanese in 1943. The question arose about the purchase of the tank itself. The cost of the "Tiger" in 1943 prices was approximately 300 thousand Reichsmarks. The Ministry of Armaments and the Henschel company asked for 645 thousand for the tank. The price is exorbitant, but not the fact that the Germans decided to simply cash in on their overseas allies. Firstly, the tank was sold fully equipped - with ammunition, optics and a radio station. Secondly, the Germans were ready to independently disassemble and pack the tank before sending it to Japan. Plus, apparently, the cost of technical documentation was also included here.

Why disassemble? Then the main difficulty was not the purchase itself, but the delivery of the Tiger to Japan. The idea of ​​transportation on a surface ship was immediately rejected: too dangerous, the Allies dominate the Mediterranean and the Atlantic. We decided to use a submarine. But here, too, there was a question: what kind of boat can withstand a huge, almost 30-ton hull? Submarine aircraft carriers capable of carrying such a cargo were still under construction at that moment. So the Tiger could not be in Japan very soon. With the most optimistic forecasts, buyers had to count on December 44th.

"Tiger" wanted to be taken out approximately on such a submarine of the I-400 project

Nevertheless, the tank was sent to the French port of Bordeaux. In February 1944, the Japanese paid for the order, and the tank officially became theirs. But it remained a dead weight with an unclear future. And in the summer of the 44th, the Allies landed in Normandy, putting Germany in a difficult position.

decision of the High Command ground forces dated September 21, 1944, the Germans rented the Japanese "Tiger" (according to other sources - requisitioned) and transferred it to the active army. So he got lost somewhere on the Western Front.

In World of Tanks, in addition to the German tech tree, the Tiger is also represented in the Japanese branch as a Tier 6 premium heavy tank. Read a review of the premium tank here, and you can find a guide for it here.


Baryatinsky M. Heavy tank "Tiger". The deadly weapon of the Reich.
Germany's Tiger Tanks. Thomas L. Jentz, Hilary L. Doyle.

With the release of update 9.9 on the battlefields World games of Tanks, the first Japanese heavy tank, Heavy Tank No. VI, which can be purchased in the Premium Shop. Under the long and unusual name is the younger brother of the German heavy tank Tiger I. In this article, we will talk about the main salient features and features combat use new heavy tank.

Character traits

Firepower. A fast-firing gun with excellent damage of 1885 HP/min. Accurate, with fast mixing, it is an excellent example of German military thought.

Excellent review.Best Review among classmates at his level - 370 meters. Thanks to him, the "Tiger" with Japanese citizenship will be able to control the defended direction without any problems or "highlight" the enemies during the attack. Headache from the fire of an invisible enemy - an uncharacteristic diagnosis for the Japanese "strand".

Accelerated crew development. Due to the features of premium vehicles, Heavy Tank No. VI. not only increased earnings of game credits, but also accelerated crew leveling. This is especially true on the eve of the introduction of a full-fledged line of Japanese heavy tanks into the game.

A large number of points of strength. This is one of the "thickest" heavy tanks of the 6th level. Thanks to his pool of durability points, "number six" will be a deadly opponent in the top. A real "tank", capable of pushing through the direction and retaining a sufficient number of durability points for further actions.

Mobility. For a heavy tank, the Japanese Predator has impressive mobility. With a declared top speed of 40 km/h, Heavy Tank No. VI standard keeps cruising 30-35 km/h. This is quite enough to occupy strategic positions and move around the map, if the situation in battle requires it.

Large ammo load and inexpensive base ammo. The heavy tank's ammunition load has room for 92 rounds. If you multiply their number by the rate of fire, then the result will be more than 13 minutes of continuous firing. The size of the ammunition load allows you to fire at the most popular positions without fear that the shells will run out in the heat of battle. At the same time, the cost of shells is purely symbolic - 240 in-game credits for armor-piercing shells, so active firing will not affect the main task of the Japanese premium - "farming".

Tank booking. Krupp steel armor was inherited by the Japanese newcomer from his older brother, a heavy tank. Level VII Tiger I. At the same time, unlike its German relative, the heavyweight from the Land of the Rising Sun lives at Tier VI. Therefore, the booking can be considered satisfactory. Being at the top of the list, the Japanese at number 6 is quite capable of playing from armor - put the body in a rhombus, and luck will smile at you in all 30 tiger teeth. In a duel with vehicles of Tiers VII and VIII, you should play much more carefully, since 100 millimeters of steel, albeit from the production of the Krupp concern, will not help much when meeting the enemy face to face.

Tactical role in combat

The scenario of using the Imperial Tiger on the battlefield directly depends on the position of the tank in the team list.

Top of the list. Being in the top, the Japanese is capable of a lot: artillery duels on long distances, breaking through enemy defenses and holding back superior enemy forces. All this is within the power of a heavily armed samurai. Heavy Tank No. VI - dominant among Tier VI vehicles. Getting into the top lines of the list of teams, you must understand: the outcome of the battle depends only on you. It doesn't matter who is on the opposite team, we have the same goal - to win and earn credits.

Battles involving Tier VII tanks. Battles against Tier VII tanks are much more interesting and varied than in the top. Agree, it is much better to test your strength in battle with dangerous opponents than to offend the kids from the neighboring sandbox. The German heritage that the Japanese heavyweight boasts provides all the necessary conditions for victory: with excellent visibility and the famous “aht-aht”, the new Japanese will be a formidable opponent even for vehicles at a higher level. Almost all Tier VII vehicles are vulnerable to its frontal fire. Victory will require a little more caution and mini-map control: frontal attacks will have to be excluded from the set of tactical decisions, since 100 millimeters of armor in the front projection and the lack of a tilt angle make the tank, albeit heavy, vulnerable to enemy fire.

Tank battles Tier VIII. Almost all Tier VIII vehicles are extremely dangerous for a newcomer to the Japanese branch. Therefore, it is worth remembering the first commandment of the Bushido code: “ True courage lies in living when it is right to live and dying when it is right to die.” You should not rush at the enemy in the forefront together with other heavy tanks. The best application of Heavy Tank No. VI. there will be support for groups of allied medium tanks and the use of positions suitable for firing at vulnerabilities enemy technology. Stay behind your allies, keep a close eye on the progress of the battle on the mini-map, and victory will be yours.


The new Japanese does not differ in original gameplay that requires something supernatural from the player. This is an ordinary heavy tank-workaholic. In battle, he just does his job - deals damage, "tanks" and, most importantly, earns credits.

The main difference Heavy Tank No. VI can be called its level: with almost identical to Tiger I performance characteristics the beginner is at level VI and feels just fine there. Among other things, new fighting machine able to prepare a well-trained crew for new branch heavy tanks of Japan, the release of which was announced in the changelog of version 9.10.

Meet! The Emperor's Tiger enters the arena - Heavy Tank No. VI!

With the release of update 9.9, the first Japanese heavy tank appeared on the battlefields of World of Tanks - Heavy Tank No. VI, which can be purchased in the Premium Shop. Under the long and unusual name is the younger brother of the German heavy tank Tiger I. In this article, we will talk about the main characteristics and features of the combat use of the new heavy tank. Also read our guide on this tank. And screenshots of this machine can be seen here.

Character traits

Firepower. A fast-firing gun with excellent damage of 1885 HP/min. Accurate, with fast mixing, it is an excellent example of German military thought.

Excellent review. The best review among classmates at his level - 370 meters. Thanks to him, the "Tiger" with Japanese citizenship will be able to control the defended direction without any problems or "highlight" the enemies during the attack. Headache from the fire of an invisible enemy is an uncharacteristic diagnosis for the Japanese "strand".

Accelerated crew development. Due to the features of premium vehicles, Heavy Tank No. VI. not only increased earnings of game credits, but also accelerated crew leveling. This is especially true on the eve of the introduction of a full-fledged line of Japanese heavy tanks into the game.

A large number of points of strength. This is one of the "thickest" heavy tanks of the 6th level. Thanks to his pool of durability points, "number six" will be a deadly opponent in the top. A real "tank", capable of pushing through the direction and retaining a sufficient number of durability points for further actions.

Mobility. For a heavy tank, the Japanese Predator has impressive mobility. With a declared top speed of 40 km/h, Heavy Tank No. VI standard keeps cruising 30-35 km / h. This is quite enough to occupy strategic positions and move around the map, if the situation in battle requires it.

Large ammo load and inexpensive base ammo. The heavy tank's ammunition load has room for 92 rounds. If you multiply their number by the rate of fire, then the result will be more than 13 minutes of continuous firing. The size of the ammunition load allows you to fire at the most popular positions without fear that the shells will run out in the heat of battle. At the same time, the cost of shells is purely symbolic - 240 game credits for armor-piercing, so active firing will not affect the main task of the Japanese premium - "farming".

Tank booking. The Krupp steel armor was inherited by the Japanese newcomer from his older brother, the Tier VII heavy tank Tiger I. At the same time, unlike his German relative, the heavyweight from the Land of the Rising Sun lives at Tier VI. Therefore, the booking can be considered satisfactory. Being at the top of the list, the Japanese at number 6 is quite capable of playing from armor - put the body in a rhombus, and luck will smile at you in all 30 tiger teeth. In a duel with vehicles of Tiers VII and VIII, you should play much more carefully, since 100 millimeters of steel, albeit from the production of the Krupp concern, will not help much when meeting the enemy face to face.


Tactical role in combat

The scenario of using the Imperial Tiger on the battlefield directly depends on the position of the tank in the team list.

Top of the list. Being in the top, the Japanese is capable of many things: artillery duels at long distances, breaking through enemy defenses and holding back superior enemy forces. All this is within the power of a heavily armed samurai. Heavy Tank No. VI - dominant among Tier VI vehicles. Getting into the top lines of the list of teams, you must understand: the outcome of the battle depends only on you. It doesn't matter who is on the opposite team, we have the same goal - to win and earn credits.

Battles involving Tier VII tanks. Battles against Tier VII tanks are much more interesting and varied than in the top. Agree, it is much better to test your strength in battle with dangerous opponents than to offend the kids from the neighboring sandbox. The German heritage that the Japanese heavyweight boasts provides all the necessary conditions for victory: with excellent visibility and the famous “aht-aht”, the new Japanese will be a formidable opponent even for vehicles at a higher level. Almost all Tier VII vehicles are vulnerable to its frontal fire. Victory will require a little more caution and mini-map control: frontal attacks will have to be excluded from the set of tactical decisions, since 100 millimeters of armor in the front projection and the lack of a tilt angle make the tank, albeit heavy, vulnerable to enemy fire.

Battles involving Tier VIII tanks. Almost all Tier VIII vehicles are extremely dangerous for a newcomer to the Japanese branch. Therefore, it is worth remembering the first precept of the Bushido code: "True courage consists in living when it is right to live, and dying when it is right to die." You should not rush at the enemy in the forefront together with other heavy tanks. The best application of Heavy Tank No. VI. there will be support for groups of allied medium tanks and the use of positions suitable for firing at vulnerable spots of enemy equipment. Stay behind your allies, keep a close eye on the progress of the battle on the mini-map, and victory will be yours.


The new Japanese does not differ in original gameplay that requires something supernatural from the player. This is an ordinary heavy tank-workaholic. In battle, he just does his job - deals damage, "tanks" and, most importantly, earns credits.

The main difference between Heavy Tank No. VI can be called its level: with almost identical tactical and technical characteristics to Tiger I, the beginner is at level VI and feels just fine there. Among other things, the new combat vehicle is capable of preparing a well-trained crew for the new branch of Japanese heavy tanks, the release of which was announced in the changelog of version 9.10.

Meet! The Emperor's Tiger enters the arena - Heavy Tank No. VI!

Hello everyone and welcome to the site! And today we will talk about the Japanese tiger, which was named Heavy Tank No. VI. Anyone will be able to purchase this tank through the Premium Shop after the release of Update 0.9.9. This guide, first of all, is designed to help you decide on the choice of perks, equipment and equipment - after buying a tank. Also give advice on early stages mastering this machine.

The tank in terms of performance characteristics is a complete analogue of other premium German Tier 6 Tigers: and .

TTX Heavy Tank No. VI

So, after transferring the German box to level 6 and all the corresponding rebalances, we have 950 durability points, which is not a record, but quite a good indicator at level 6. Reservation, of course, remained unchanged, but we could always be penetrated by tanks of a lower level anyway, nevertheless, building in a rhombus remains a useful thing. But what is really cool is that the mobility of the tank remained at a fairly high level, thanks to good cross-country performance and a 650 hp engine. Its maximum speed of 40 km/h Heavy Tank No. VI is gaining quite fast.

Gun Heavy Tank No. VI

Separately, about the Heavy Tank No. VI

8.8 cm Kw.K. 36 L/56 is the standard weapon for many German tanks Level 6 and fortunately for the owners of this unit, in patch 0.9.15 it was upgraded by armor-piercing shell penetration, now it is 145 millimeters (against the previous 132). True, it still does not hurt to carry sub-calibers with you, because their penetration parameter is 171 mm. This is quite enough to deal with tanks of 7 and lower levels, but with 8 lvls this, sometimes it may simply not be enough, which is a significant disadvantage for us as a combat unit. So, when you get to the bottom of the list, you will have to target the vulnerable points of the enemy’s tops, or bypass them from the flanks, since good performance dynamics will allow us to do this quickly.

It is also worth noting another positive side of our guns is the rate of fire. 8.8 cm Kw.K. 36 L / 56 - has 8.57 rounds per minute, and this does not take into account various multipliers such as crew skills or equipment with consumables. Therefore, by approaching from the flank, we will be able to very quickly distribute quite good amounts of damage to the opponents, and if the enemy tank does not penetrate, we will very quickly have a chance to correct this mistake.

We divide the performance characteristics into pros and cons.

This is a tiger!
A large number of points of strength;
good review;
Good booking;
Very good, as for a heavy tank, dynamics;
high maximum speed at 40 km/h;
High DPM guns
Japanese heavy premium tank.

Very small angles of inclination of the armor;
Large dimensions of the tank;
The presence of many weaknesses.
The armor penetration of the gun is still not enough for a comfortable game against 8 levels;
Absence preferential level fights

Equipment Heavy Tank No. VI

The standard for me and the standard for many heavy tanks

gun rammer large caliber, improved ventilation and reinforced pickup drives.

Skills and skills of the crew of Heavy Tank No. VI

Standard and good choice will be:

Commander - Sixth Sense, Repair, Combat Brotherhood.
Gunner - Repair, Smooth turn of the tower Combat Brotherhood.
Driver - Repair, Smooth running, Combat brotherhood.
Radio operator - Repair, Radio interception, Combat brotherhood.
Loader - Repair, Non-contact ammo rack, Combat Brotherhood.

Equipment selection Heavy Tank No. VI

Here is another standard, namely: a small repair kit, a small first aid kit and a hand-held fire extinguisher. I advise you to use premium equipment, which is quite expensive, but can significantly increase the survivability of your vehicle in battle. So feel free to put a large repair kit, a large first aid kit and an automatic fire extinguisher on your tank. You can also put onigiri instead of an automatic fire extinguisher.

Tactics and play style of Heavy Tank No. VI

Playing a level 6 Tiger is not much different from playing a level 7 Tiger.

If we are in the top, then we can safely lead and push through the directions with allied heavy tanks, simultaneously distributing to everyone from our rapid-fire guns, or bypassing from the flanks along with medium tanks, hitting pain points enemy teams, the benefit of dynamics and maximum speed allows us to do this. But you should be careful, because even at level 6 there are tanks with guns that can quickly take a large amount of HP from us, not to mention ART SPGs - play carefully and carefully.

Against 7 levels, it’s already worth being more prudent and not rushing forward in vain, because our performance characteristics are no longer a serious concern for many 7 levels, even the same Tier 7 Tiger has 1500 HP against our 950. So there is support for their seventh levels from the second line and pushing through, again with medium tanks of the enemy's flanks.

Since random in World of Tanks will not always be on our side, we will have fights against 8 levels quite often. Here we will definitely need premium shells, and we play from 2 or even 3 lanes, standing in the bushes and portraying tank destroyers, or, again, remember the allied medium tanks and try to support them.

But never forget that no matter where you are thrown, you have a certain amount of durability points, which means that if necessary, you can provide serious support to the allied team when pushing directions.


Fans of German vehicles will definitely like the tank, because in fact it is a sample of an early production Tiger, many collectors will get it in their hangar immediately after the release of update 0.9.9. Also, the tank will appeal to those who like to ride at medium levels, because in terms of its performance characteristics it is an excellent representative of heavy tanks of the 6th level. Well, do not forget that this vehicle is taken in the first place to prepare the crew for the branch of Japanese heavy tanks, which we will see in update 0.9.10

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