World of Tanks is a new branch of Czechoslovakia. Czech branch in World of Tanks

Recipes 10.08.2019

World of Tanks: review of Czech tanks

The Czech branch is actively in demand in the first quarter of 2017. Players use different tanks, despite the fact that Czechoslovak updates do not come out often. Today we will look at the light and medium tanks of Czechoslovakia, which were actively used in hostilities.

Light tanks.
Czech tanks are famous for their mobility. In the Czech branch, tanks of three levels are presented. The first level is famous for the Kolohousenka tank. This is most likely due to its appearance. The vehicle does not have any special characteristics, the armor in it is weak, the mobility is low, this is typical for all tanks of the first line. If you start playing as Czechoslovakia and you have basic requirements for a tank, it's an accurate gun and good aiming parameters, then you need to use this tank. But we do not recommend playing it for beginners.

The second level is occupied by LT vz. 35. The tank is very similar both in terms of characteristics and external parameters to a German second-level fighting vehicle. The 37 mm tank differs from the German combat vehicle in its gun and comfortable aiming angles. For the second level, the tank has good flotation through the forests, we do not recommend using it in urban areas.
The third level housed the LT Vz. 38. It is also an analogue of the German tank. According to the characteristics, it is better modified. The high-speed turn of the cannon makes it possible to shoot and hit accurately on the go. Reloading occurs in 3 seconds. Despite the fact that light tanks do not have particularly different performance characteristics, battle tanks refer to those who pass. After the third level, medium tanks move towards the Czech direction.

Medium tanks.
The fourth level is occupied by ST vz.39. The tank is ideal for those who like to play against weak German vehicles. If you encounter vehicles of the 5th and 6th levels in battle, you can count on a negative result. First, maneuverability will not give you an edge over your opponent. Secondly, the performance of the machine is average. The armor in the tank is weak. If you are shot directly from behind, the tank will instantly catch fire. best recommendation we can give is to use the tool on fast speed. The tank has an accurate cannon, the angles of inclination are increased with the help of additional armor.

The fifth level features a prototype of the German version of the T-24. This is a strong, powerful tank of the middle level, which immediately makes clear all the advantages of playing for the Czech direction. Skoda T-24 is accurate, the speed in the tank is fast, the caliber is large, the viewing radius is increased compared to the T-24. The main disadvantage among medium tanks is weak armor.
The sixth level is the Skoda T-25. It differs from other Czech medium tanks in its fast drum reloading. Reloading in the tank takes 7-8 seconds.

In seventh place among medium tanks is the Konstrukta T-34-100, which is very similar to the Soviet T-43 tank. From the characteristics of the tank it is fashionable to note good booking, separate armor strips on the gun. Of the minuses, the first thing to note is the armor throughout the tank. Despite the cannon, the armor in the tank is weak and it is unrealistic to “play” on maneuverability and fast shots. Ideal for an allied team. The car is not suitable for 1v1 confrontation. The accuracy of the shot is high, but we will not focus on this.

Eighth place - TVP VTU Сoncept. Because of what the developers attributed this model to the middle class is a mystery. The armor in the tank is weak, the armor penetration is strong. The tank lights up quickly, it takes a long time to repair, only good dynamic qualities can be distinguished from the advantages. Mobility in the tank is also high. The speed in the tank is probably the only plus. Accelerates up to 55 km per hour. The rest of the characteristics of the tank - a complete frustration and minus.

The strongest mid-tier tanks in the Czech branch are tier 9 and 10 tanks. This is a Skoda T-50. The tank is not well equipped with armor, but the reloading in the tank is German, the drum includes three shells. The speed in the tank is fast, acceleration to 50 km per hour is possible in any terrain except swamps. Enemy opponents will be disabled if you choose this model in battle and take a privileged position. Even heavy german tanks will be disabled if you shoot them 3 accurate times.

World of Tanks - an exciting tank virtual battle in which players fight on tanks of the Second World War, which existed in reality and are on the design blanks. The game develops every time and offers a completely new technology, so it is not surprising that the game's tank fleet is constantly growing and already has more than 400 tanks. But today we will talk about the most recent development branch, which is known as the Czech tank branch. She came out not so long ago and was able to surprise many, first of all, with her interesting approach to creating tanks.

A bit of history

The Czech branch of tanks has not so many representatives of combat vehicles in the vastness of the game World of Tanks , but even the first tanks make it clear that this nation did not particularly use in original ways creation of combat vehicles and basically copied tanks from other nations: Germany and the USSR. But such a trend is observed only at the initial levels, after the 5th level of development, it is clear that tanks begin to take shape and are already created by the personal engineers of the nation. Quite an interesting development of tank building, but enough words, it's time to look at the tanks themselves.

1 ur. - Kolohousenka

How to accept it in all nations, the first thing we are met by a prototype initial tanks which always causes tenderness or laughter. This time we are offered to ride on Kolohousenka - a tank, which is newly created on the basis of a tractor, however, with an integrated protection bias. This small "coffin" on wheels does not stand out from other tanks and is practically useless in combat. Perhaps there will be fans of the “trinket”, but it definitely does not fit as an effective tank.

Level 2 - LT vz. 35

And here is the first representative of the German copy, the LT vz. 35. He reminds German technology Not only appearance, but also with characteristics that, under strange circumstances, are slightly underestimated. There is nothing special to say about him, and in terms of efficiency, he is not very good, so we boldly hang the label “passer” on him and move on.

Level 3 - LT vz. 38

LT vz. 38 is the first attempt to create modifications for their tanks, which seem to have shown themselves well, but not enough in terms of competition. Yes, tank LT vz. 38 is very good in terms of convenience and pleasant play. It has good dynamics, has an excellent gun capable of penetrating 85 mm armor, but the accuracy of this tank is very lame and the damage is not so high, only 40 HP in average equivalent. One thing pleases, you will pass this tank, you will quickly not notice how you will go into battle already at the 4th level of development.

4 ur. - ST vz. 39

ST vz. 39 is the first medium tank this branch of development, which by right cannot be good. The initial experimental tanks were never very good, the main thing was that they moved and could shoot. ST vz. 39 perfectly fulfills these conditions, however, the design of the tank itself is not so strong, there is poor visibility and a weak gun, but this tank is frisky and nimble, which, in principle, does not negate all its disadvantages.

Level 5 - Škoda T 24

And here is the first successful example of the Czech tech tree - Škoda T 24. This tank was created based on the data of the Soviet T-34 tank and the clone was a success. Škoda T 24 has excellent dynamics and maneuverability, rapid-fire armament and weak armor. Everything is like the Soviet prototype, but there is one unpleasant difference, the Škoda T 24 has a weak gun aiming indicator, which sometimes makes it impossible to conduct long-range fire, so you need to act on it aggressively, confidently and, not forgetting that your ammo rack is ready to explode from any enemy shot, as it is practically unprotected. But in terms of convenience and capabilities, you will definitely like this tank.

6 ur. - T-25

Have you ever wondered why the prototypes for this tech tree were mostly German tanks? It's simple, Germany quickly captured this state and quickly established the production framework according to the available drawings, which did not allow this nation to have time to create something original and effective of its own. We have already reached level 6, where the T-25 meets us. This tank immediately gives us interesting feature, which consists in the presence of a loading drum for 3 shells. A trifle, but how pleasant and effective! But don't rejoice so much, because the damage and armor penetration indicators of this tank are not as high as we would like, so it will not be possible to give out colossal damage values. The second unpleasant moment is poor maneuverability, which immediately resets your speed to a minimum. These shortcomings aside, the T-25 is a great fun tank if you can handle it.

Level 7 - Konstrukta T-34/100

The next representative of the Czech branch of development is the Konštrukta T-34/100 tank, which was created on the basis of the Soviet T-34-85 tank. The designers wanted to improve the copy and created a 100 mm gun for the tank, which justified itself. True, the problem of weak booking remained with this branch of development as the main one. Konštrukta T-34/100 is a convenient, nimble and interesting tank that has a small stock of shells. The initial ammunition load is sorely lacking for an effective game, the poet has to calculate his actions and think in advance who exactly should be humiliated. Fortunately, a 100 mm gun has acceptable damage and good indicator rate of fire.

Level 8 - TVP VTU Сoncept

And here is the first representative of our own developments, the TVP VTU Сoncept tank. Finally, the designers decided and created an interesting combat copy that was supposed to please many, and he did it. The tank is doing well, except for the aiming of the gun and accuracy. We do not take into account weak booking, as this is a national feature. As for the dynamics, damage, rate of fire and other technical indicators, they are at the proper level. This tank is effective in combat, however, if it is used strictly according to the class use of medium combat vehicles. But this tank does not like improvisation, so always think about what you are doing.

Level 9 - Skoda T-50

And here is the first pearl of this development branch, which will appeal to many players and will certainly be included in the collection good tanks in your hangar. The Škoda T-50 combat vehicle is designed specifically to support its allies and shoot single targets. The tank has excellent speed and maneuverability, has a 3-round loading drum that takes only 21 seconds to reload, and excellent damage of 350 HP. This combat vehicle is capable of destroying gaping targets and finishing off careless opponents like a storm. We can’t say bad things about this tank, as we really liked it, and we recommend it to absolutely everyone.

10 ur. - T50/T51

T50/T51 is an improved version of T50, in which only armor penetration, accuracy and the presence of shells in the drum were affected. Now you can fire 4 projectiles at intervals of 1.5 seconds, and the drum itself will reload in 24 seconds. Therefore, this tank is also recommended to you in the collection, rather, it will become your cherished tank from the whole nation.

The Czech branch of tanks is pumped slowly and mostly causes negative emotions at first. But as soon as you get to the TOP representative, all the negativity immediately disappears, and you will be satisfied with your work. Is it worth downloading this development branch? Definitely worth it, since the top T50/T51 is quite original and interesting to play.

Information about the new branch of tanks in the game.

Some of you probably remember - the man who made a lot of interesting information about the game. He went to great lengths to provide Wargaming with blueprints for Czech tanks, and he recently published an article in which he collected the latest more or less confirmed information.

Is the new branch officially confirmed?

Yes, Evilly recently confirmed.

Will it be a branch of Europe or an independent one?

It will be a separate tree with a flag on the tanks, Czech names and a national consumable.

What will it look like?

When released?

At the end of the year. Presumably, by the end of the summer they should make an announcement with the release of the premium tank T 40.

At what stage is the development of the tree?

The premium tank is ready and should be available in a couple of months. The rest are preparing for modeling, but now all the forces of WG are thrown on a branch heavy tanks Japan, due out in 0.9.10. Premium will be released in .

How historical is the thread?

As far as it's possible. It will not have absolutely invented tanks, but it will have to be pulled a little. From I to III levels were in mass production and operation, level IV was created in metal, adopted for service, but not mass-produced. Tanks from V to X levels were only at the design stage.

What are the main game features of the branch?

Depends on developers. Based on the main parameters, these are good mobility, powerful guns and weak / medium armor. Comparable to the French, but the armor is stronger and the drums are smaller. Something between French and Soviet tanks. Except for one tank Level VII with weak armor, mobility and a gun that does not bend down at all, all vehicles have good UVN.

What will be the first premium tank?

It will be a Škoda T 40 found in the archives by the Czechoslovakian historian J.Tintěra.

  • Engine power: 700 HP
  • Hull armor: 65/40/30
  • Turret armor: 65/40/20
  • Gun: 88mm L/56

What is a top?

This is a medium tank T 50/51.

  • Weight: 40 tons
  • Engine power: 1000 HP
  • Specific power: 25 HP/s
  • Maximum speed: 60 km/h
  • Hull armor: 93/75/40
  • Turret armor: 112/84/84
  • Gun: 100mm AK1 (automatic loader, barrel length 55 calibers, penetration about 265 mm, UVN -8/+20)

What is the base color of the tanks?

There are two real colors - brown (khaki) and olive drab, but the drab is similar to Soviet colors, so it would be logical to choose khaki. As far as I know, no color has been chosen yet.

2.5.2017 2613 Views

Most recently, the Czech branch of tanks was added to World of Tanks. Immediately after the appearance of new tanks, immediately a lot of tankers began to pump out new combat vehicles. Of course, the development tree of Czech tanks has its pros and cons, own features and characteristics, combat tactics and gameplay. Now among the Czech armored vehicles there are only light, medium and premium vehicles. I would like to note that absolutely all tanks of the Czech Republic took an active part during the Second World War.

Tanks of the Czech Republic can be divided into three types: vehicles that are built on the basis of Soviet tank building technology; equipment that is made on the basis of German tank building; own tank building. Therefore, the Czech branch of tanks absorbed the features of the Soviet, German and introduced its own. As a result, we get completely unique tanks. The main advantages of the Czech combat vehicles include excellent mobility, maneuverability, a wonderful weapon and good visibility. The only drawback is poor armor, but excellent mobility levels everything. You can find out more about the Czech tank branch below.

LT Czech Republic- this is a kind of class of equipment, because there are very few of them, but tanks have quite good mobility, a good gun, good angles vertical aiming, but at the same time quite bad booking. On the battlefield, these small vehicles are capable of performing a wide variety of functions, you can highlight enemy tanks, you can also conduct firefights at medium distances. In general, light tanks of the Czech Republic are practically in no way inferior to their classmates from other nations, but on the contrary, they have their own striking features. More details about Czech light tanks can be found in the corresponding section.

Medium armored vehicles of the Czech Republic are perhaps one of the best representatives of medium tanks in game world of tanks. Just great mobility, maneuverability light tank, a drum loading mechanism, a very convenient drum, quick reloading of the gun, excellent vertical aiming angles - all these are the advantages of a Czech medium tank. One really tangible disadvantage is armor, but if you use the terrain well, constantly monitor the mini-map and move from flank to flank, while taking the most advantageous positions, then the lack of armor can be easily leveled. In order to use this class of vehicles as efficiently as possible, you need to have straight arms and be quite an experienced tanker, so it is not recommended to start your tanker journey with medium tanks of the Czech Republic.

Czech premium tanks

Premium tanks of the Czech Republic are very few and are represented by only one tank - Skoda T40, which practically does not differ from classmates of other nations. And in terms of average damage and one-time damage, it completely surpasses them.

This branch has just been released and the developers of World of Tanks have already talked about the possible addition of heavy tanks, as well as anti-tank installations, to the Czech development tree. They will be as interesting and unique armored vehicles as the entire Czech branch. Looking forward to!

And finally, a video about Czech premium tanks Skoda T40 and TVP Concept - from Homish:

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