World of Tanks: where to pierce Japanese heavies? How to play oho level 8.

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7-03-2017, 01:00

Good day to all and welcome to the site! Tankers, now we are going to talk about a promising new vehicle, the French heavy premium tank of the eighth level, in front of you Somua SM guide.

This device has long been issued for testing by supertesters, and I think you all noticed from the picture that the newcomer is very similar to his pumped classmate - although, external differences yet there are. However, looks aren't everything, so let's take a look. Somua SM specifications, let's talk about what this tank will be capable of, but please do not forget that its characteristics may still change.

TTX Somua SM

We will start our acquaintance with the new representative of the French heavyweights with the fact that it has a slightly lower safety margin (identical to the AMX 50 100), as well as a frankly low basic view of 350 meters.

Despite the outward similarity of the two classmates, they differ very much in terms of survivability and this is expressed in the fact that Somua SM TTX reservations are somewhat more serious than those of the AMX 50 100.

As expected, the strongest armor is in the frontal projection of the hull, and if we talk about the tower, then the declared 70 millimeters is an inclined yellow surface, which in the reduction reaches about 125 millimeters of thickness. At the same time Somua SM World of Tanks there is the so-called base of the tower (red color), the reduced armor of which varies from 150 to 205 millimeters.

The strongest part of the tank is the upper frontal part, nominally the thickness of this armor plate is 120 millimeters. However, VLD Somua SM WoT has a good slope, due to which its thickness ranges from 210 to 220 millimeters. If we talk about NLD, then the slope is even stronger, and even though this plate is thinner, the reduction here reaches 263 millimeters.

The side projection in our Frenchman is much worse protected, the thickness of the side panels is only 50 millimeters, that is, everyone will pierce them at a right angle, and land mines and even artillery “suitcases” that exploded nearby will be able to inflict huge amounts of damage. tank sideways French heavy tank Somua SM maybe, but only if you put the case at a very sharp angle. Keep in mind that if you don't roll the bead enough, you'll get punched, so it's best not to experiment with it at all.

Summing up the booking, it is worth saying that Somua SM tank will be able to withstand the blows of classmates and some nines with the upper frontal part, if the hull is slightly tightened, and the turret may also ricochet. But in general, he hopes not to have to armor, since most of the 9-10 levels will pierce us without problems, and you especially need to take care of the sides.

If we talk about the driving performance of this car, everything is very good. First of all, I would like to note the excellent top speed. In addition to the maximum speed tank Somua SM WoT got very good dynamics for a heavy load, but we have serious problems with maneuverability.

Somua SM gun

The armament of this Frenchman deserves special attention, if only because this is the first heavy tank at the eighth level, which has a loading drum. Looking ahead, I’ll say that our gun is very similar to the one on the AMX 50 100, now you yourself will understand everything.

So, at Somua SM gun endowed with a good alpha, and if you remember that there are as many as 6 shells in the drum, involuntary admiration appears. Yes, we have very long intervals between shots, but still, the ability to inflict 1800 damage for 20 seconds is worth a lot, because in theory we can send almost any classmate of one drum to the hangar.

However, for this privilege heavy tank Somua SM pays with a really long reload of the entire magazine, which takes more than 40 seconds without equipment and perks, of course, with a 100% crew.

The penetration of our cannon is in perfect order, it is the same as that of the AMX 50 10, but now we have a premium tank in front of us, apparently with excellent potential for farming silver. So, armor-piercing shells Somua SM World of Tanks quite enough to fight even against nines, but you need to carry 2-3 gold drums with you, in case you get down the list.

If our relative is very tense with accuracy, according to current data Somua SM tank devoid of such problems. The spread of the gun is neat, it comes down incredibly quickly, and you can only find fault with the spread. Of course, such parameters make the implementation of the drum very convenient, most likely, the accuracy of the Frenchman will still be cut.

By the way, Somua SM WoT got more and great angles vertical aiming, the barrel bends down 10 degrees, making it extremely comfortable to play from the terrain, the AMX 50 100 is deprived of such privileges.

Advantages and disadvantages of Somua SM

As can be seen from the well-known this moment general characteristics and parameters of weapons, we have a really strong and promising tank. But to complete the picture, it is worth highlighting the strong and weak sides Somua SM World of Tanks which is what we're going to do.
Excellent for heavy mobility;
Not bad armored VLD;
Very dangerous drum for 1800 damage;
Excellent penetration for a premium tank;
Good accuracy (scatter and convergence;
Comfortable vertical aiming angles.
In general, weak booking;
Frankly low viewing range;
Poor maneuverability;
Large intervals between shots;
Long recharge of the entire drum;
Not preferential level fights.

Equipment for Somua SM

The great potential of this tank is noticeable to the naked eye, but, as always, there is no ideal vehicle in our game, our shortcomings are also significant and require adjustment. To make the gameplay more comfortable, on Somua SM tank equipment should put the following:
1. is a very good option for mobile vehicles with this kind of firepower, which will allow you to deal damage more confidently at the expense of improved accuracy.
2. - a comprehensive boost of characteristics, and especially an accelerated reloading of the drum, will never be superfluous, we take it without hesitation.
3. - Another good option for mobile vehicles that have serious problems with the viewing range.

Somua SM Crew Training

The process of leveling a crew is always very time consuming, partly for this reason it is important not to make mistakes in this aspect. In addition, with the right skills, the comfort of the game will increase even more, so for Somua SM Perks it is better to download in the following order:
Commander (loader) - , , , .
Gunner (loader) - , , , .
Driver mechanic - , , , .
Radio operator (loader) - , , , .

Equipment for Somua SM

The choice of consumables is carried out according to a knurled scheme, and if you want to farm as much as possible on this premium tank, it is better to take , , . However, for players who do not have problems with the supply of silver, it is recommended to give preference to a more versatile and reliable option, in which case Somua SM gear it is better to carry from,,. In addition, this unit should not differ in particular fire hazard, that is, you can change the fire extinguisher to.

Game tactics on Somua SM

The car in front of us is strong, but not at all simple, that is, it’s good to play on it, and even more so to farm, not everyone will be able to use this tank. Most of all, this device is suitable for those who know how and love to play the AMX 50 100, since Somua SM tactics The combat is very similar, as is the style of play.

Despite the fact that booking with us is more serious than with the closest relative, it is important to understand that you should not rely on this fact. Under favorable circumstances or when necessary heavy tank Somua SM can hold off a couple of classmates' shots with his VLD if he becomes a small diamond, but generally it's better not to focus fire on yourself.

In addition, on Somua SM World of Tanks a lot depends on your drum, which should always be monitored as closely as possible. You have to get used to reloading inside the drum and remember about the duration of a full reload, because if the “clip” ends at the wrong moment, you will have a very hard time.

Otherwise, if you get used to the drum and learn how to handle it, you can work wonders. Somua SM tank he can easily send a full enemy of his level to the hangar or punish several wounded enemies, everything will depend on you.

Since we can't rely on armor, pay more attention to your mobility. Change the direction of attack, bypass the opponent, twist, deceive and do not forget to deal damage, in this regard Somua SM WoT very good, it allows its owner to win with unpredictability and creativity.

Of course, you should always keep an eye on what is happening around you, keep an eye on the mini-map, assess your forces sensibly before each entry into battle, and always be wary of artillery. Finally, I just want to remind you that World of Tanks Somua SM tank strong, but its characteristics may still change.

7-07-2016, 00:10

Hello to all fans of heavy loads and the game World of Tanks! Now we will talk about a rather unusual, one might even say strange car, a Japanese heavy tank of the eighth level - before you O-Ho guide.

As usual with the Japanese, we once again had an incredibly huge and once again the heaviest tank on the level in our hands. In addition to the strange-sounding name for a Russian person, this unit has many contradictory sides, and considering the O-Ho performance characteristics and also the entire guide as a whole, you will understand what is at stake.


To begin with, we will touch on important parameters, which do not have to be said much. This giant has an excellent margin of safety and a good basic vision of 380 meters for its level, which can be easily increased if you wish.

Now let's look at the O-Ho booking characteristics, but everything is very typical here and not much different from the previous car. Powerful circular armor of the tower with the hardest place in the forehead. The hull also has an armored forehead (even turrets), but it’s better not to let anyone into the sides and stern, it’s easy to break through us here. Yes, one more thing, our armor is good only in the top, if the battle is at the bottom of the list, it will not be difficult to break through us.

In terms of mobility, again, no changes, everything is familiar. The maximum speed is very low, there is no dynamics, and they are not rich in maneuverability, because the O-Ho tank is huge and heavy, such parameters are natural and expected.


The real oddities lie in the theme of the armament of this giant. We again have two guns at our disposal, each of which has the full right to life, but first things first.

The first O-Ho gun that we will talk about is the top one. The main unusual side of this gun is that it is completely devoid of gold shells, they simply do not exist here. In addition, she has good armor penetration, but only by the standards of her classmates, it is difficult to fight with nines, and even more so with dozens.

The one-time damage of this barrel is small, and given that it is capable of firing about 7 rounds per minute, the DPM is so-so, but rather big.

In terms of accuracy, the O-Ho World of Tanks tank is not a champion. In this variant, we have a fairly large scatter, relative to for a long time information, but not bad stabilization considering equipment and perks. The main oddity lies in the vertical aiming angles. We were given -10 degrees down, but the turrets in front and behind the hull do not allow the gun to be tilted completely, in some places it turns out to be -5 degrees, this will greatly hinder you in battles.

The second, alternative gun is still the same high-explosive that was on the sixth and seventh levels, and it is really relevant. The heavy tank O-Ho WoT with this gun feels no worse, and maybe even better. The fact is that it is endowed with a huge alpha strike, and even when shooting at Mouse, you will be guaranteed to deal damage wherever you hit, while the top gun simply won’t pierce most opponents of level 10.

As you understand, there is nothing to talk about armor penetration, but it is not required, we shoot with land mines. Regarding accuracy, everything is also very bad here. In this configuration, O-Ho WoT is even more oblique, since the dispersion is greater, the convergence is longer, the stabilization is slightly worse and the same embarrassment with UVNs.

Of course, it's up to you, but a high-explosive is really capable of a lot, and if there is any "borscht" or "grill" in the sight, it is quite capable of taking 1000 damage, which is good news.

Advantages and disadvantages

Looking at all of the above, we can make a preliminary conclusion that this unit feels best not with a top gun, but with a high-explosive. However, in order to play it more or less effectively, you need to clearly understand the strengths and weaknesses of O-But WoT, and now we will analyze them separately.
The presence of a high-explosive gun with guaranteed damage;
Good frontal armor;
Decent review;
Large margin of safety.
Huge dimensions;
Weak mobility, dynamics and maneuverability;
Problematic elevation angles;
Mediocre weapons;
Bad accuracy.

Equipment for O-Ho

As you can see, this Japanese heavyweight has an impressive set of shortcomings and our main task will be to compensate for them as much as possible. For this reason, it is worth putting equipment on O-Ho as follows:
1. - a long reload is always a minus, otherwise we will speed it up a bit and raise our DPM.
2. - the best option for improving accuracy, which will sometimes allow you to shoot right away.
3. - another beneficial module, because it will give a boost to many characteristics at once.

There is a good replacement for the third point, which will allow us to suffer less from artillery hits on us and increase survival - this is. In addition, with this module, rams will be more pleasant, but the main thing is less damage from artillery, because she loves us very much.

Crew training

Regarding the choice of skills for the crew, everything is exactly the same as in the case of the previous machine. We have 6 tankers in our tank, one of which is an extra radio operator. Despite this, it is necessary to get the maximum benefit from everything, so the following perks are learned on O-Ho:
Commander - , , , .
Gunner - , , , .
Driver mechanic - , , , .
Radio operator - , , , .
Radio operator - , , , .
Loader - , , , .

Equipment for O-Ho

You can select consumables guided by generally recognized standards, and if you do not have large reserves of silver, take , , . But in view of the fact that we will have to tank a lot and often, artillery will still be thrown at us, and a large number of crew members threaten with concussions, it is better to carry premium equipment on O-Ho and, if desired, replace the fire extinguisher with .

O-Ho tactics

We have at our disposal a very large, slow, clumsy and heavy tank with not the most formidable weapons and intricate vertical aiming angles. It's not easy to play, but it's possible.

So, on O-Ho, combat tactics are mostly about sticking to the front line. We are really strong at the top of the list and in such realities you can successfully front-tank most opponents by simply rolling forward, taking a shot and going into cover.

When we are talking about the battle against levels 9-10, everything is much more complicated, but the tactics do not change much, you just need to act more carefully. The Japanese heavy tank O-Ho again plays from alpha, but it is worth rolling out at the enemy when he is not looking or reloading. In such situations, you can just hit the silhouette of the tank and you are guaranteed to inflict damage, of course, if you ride with a HE.

Regarding general advice, you need to understand that O-Ho WoT tank- this is a machine of one direction and you need to choose it carefully, counting on the fact that there is where to hide from artillery. When engaging in close combat, do not let the enemy into your side or stern, enlist the support of your allies and press the direction, but not thoughtlessly, the margin of safety should always be protected.

And one more very important nuance regarding the angles of vertical aiming. When driving at the enemy, it is better if he is to the right, because it is on the right side in the frontal projection japanese tank O-Ho World of Tanks can go down by 10 degrees, and so we automatically stand in a small rhombus to the enemy. Of course, the gun leans well from the side, but this is our weak spot and you can turn it towards the opponent only when he does not see you.

Good luck on the battlefield, keep an eye on the mini-map and beware of the artillery, this is the only way to succeed even on this Japanese heavy.

When playing World of Tanks, everyone wants to deal more damage. But it doesn't always work out. New tanks appear in the game, which are difficult to defeat. You need to find out where to punch Japanese strands, because these are the most armored vehicles in WOT. They are not “sewn” anywhere, you need to know certain areas. But first, let's take a look at their history.

History of Japanese tanks

Appeared in 1918. These were machines created and brought specifically for this country. In the late 1920s, Japanese designers decided to create their own models, and already in 1929 the first tank was produced. Despite the low level of funding, the production of iron machines grew. By the end of World War II, Japan ranked fifth in the world in tank production.

New armored cars were used in both the Sino-Japanese and World War II. The problems began when funding became even smaller, and the cars became of lower quality. In addition, their number has significantly decreased. This largely influenced further military operations. Tank troops could no longer be a strike force in battles, and the country capitulated.

A new breath of tank building in Japan began in 1954. At the same time, the designers had to create projects for armored vehicles from scratch.

Type 4 Heavy

This is a Japanese heavy tank that existed in actual development. AT game world of Tanks, it takes level 9. In life, it has a second name - Type 2604. The main task in battles is to break through fortifications and defend.

Before we figure out where to punch Japanese heavys, we need to consider the Type 4 Heavy and other "Japanese" from the point of view performance characteristics. As it has already become clear, the tank has a high armor rate and a pretty good weapon. The main task is to slowly go ahead, absorbing all the enemy damage.

Dangerous for the Type 4 Heavy are small tanks that can cuddle up to the hull and shoot at the Japanese, while the cannon will not lower to take the fly of a small enemy. The advantages include good UVNs, a large number of shells, excellent average damage and penetration. Also, the tank can see quite a lot and convey to the allies.

But of the main shortcomings, of course, are the speed of rotation of the tower, long mixing, weak dynamics, reloading and, of course, dimensions. If the tank is in the light, then the artillery will easily shoot it, since it is not difficult to get into it.

Where to pierce Type 4 Heavy?

When the Japanese heavyweight "Type 4 Heavy" appeared in the game, no one knew where to punch it. It was later that the players themselves began to find weaknesses or simply charged the gold. Of course, if you don't have a lot of resources, it's better to find out the tank's weaknesses.

It is worth noting that the Type 4 Heavy is a redesigned O-I in its own way. If he met you head-on, then write it down. front weaknesses you can’t find a strand, since the reservation here is from 260 mm. But if you are a little more careful, you can see the plane of the body. If an iron monster is placed in a rhombus, its armor is reduced to 200 mm.

The sad thing is that there is a BC next to it, which can be blown up and the tank taken out of battle. Of course, as mentioned earlier, it can be pierced with gold shells. If you are on a level 10 vehicle, then the chances of dealing damage are even greater.

Other Japanese heavyweights

Before and after the Type 4 Heavy, there are other equally powerful tanks that players have problems with. Next, we will find out where to punch Japanese strands, but first we will get to know them a little.

It's worth mentioning that the Japanese Heavy branch starts at Tier 3 of the Type 91 Heavy. Further behind him was a Type 95 Heavy. These tanks are quite similar to each other, so it makes no sense to talk about them separately. Cardinal and absolutely different before us was the fifth level - O-I Experimental. Of course, now everyone already knows what kind of colossus it is and how to deal with it. But immediately after the appearance, this monster caused a shock.

Behind him are two strong armored vehicles: O-I - the sixth level and O-Ni - the seventh. Here you can also add a powerful O-Ho. Sometimes embarrassment happens with these tanks. Inexperienced players do not know how to deal with them, and often receive land mines from them at full health.

The ninth and tenth levels were occupied by Type 4 Heavy and Type 5 Heavy. These vehicles are well armored, and the fireflies cannot handle them. Only levels 9-10 can fight them, and in some cases even gold shells in WoT. Where to break through the Japanese strands, we will understand further.

Where to punch?

Experienced players always find the weaknesses of new tanks themselves. Now everyone knows where to break through Japanese strands of 3-4 level, and this is easy to do on any machine. But older tanks can already bring a lot of problems. The least harmful can be considered O-I Experimental of the fifth level. If the tank has become sideways, it can be pierced at a right angle without difficulty. If he rushes head-on towards you, then it is better to aim at the turrets of the radio operators.

When the O-I was added to the world of tanks, no one knew where to pierce the Japanese heavyweights. If other armored vehicles could be targeted at some default places, then starting from the 6th level of the Japanese TT branch, questions began to arise. If you face this monster head-on, aim for the bar under the main turret, otherwise you can try to shoot at the tank, or at the sides at a right angle.

Basically, the armor scheme of the tank, starting from the fifth level, practically does not change with the strands. The roof of the "Japanese" remains cardboard, a little stronger than its feed, and not the lower part, but the middle. If the cord has become a rhombus, you need to aim at the near corner of the upper armor plate, or the near part of the tower.

In theory, Japanese heavyweights are fearsome and rebellious, but in practice they are easy to defeat and knock the enemy out of the fight.

23-10-2016, 22:29

Hello lovers of the new, the site is with you! More recently, from the supertest, information was received about the release of a new heavy American premium tank, so now in front of you Т26Е5 guide for World of Tanks.

As you can see in the picture above, this unit is another prototype of the familiar pershing, however, T26E5 characteristics hull and turret armor have become more serious, and we will find out how serious these changes are now.

The tank has a twin brother T26E5 Patriot. It differs only in the presence of .


Let's start with the fact that we have a good, but absolutely typical for a heavy level eight margin of safety, as well as not the best, but quite decent basic vision of 390 meters.

If we consider T26E5 TTX armor in the form in which they are now, we can immediately say that the armor has become much thicker. Our tyazh received a fairly strong turret with a huge gun mantlet, and perhaps this is not a cast-iron plate, like a fellow T32, but it should hold a blow.

Regarding the body, VLD Т26Е5 World of Tanks although it boasts a fairly decent thickness plate, the angle of inclination of this element is not very good. Most likely, it will be possible to confidently hold back the blows of classmates, of course, when the hull is turned, but tanks of the 9th and 10th levels should penetrate us without any problems.

As for the sides, it is better to hide them or show them at a very sharp angle, the thickness of the armor in these places is small, but there is a chance that the damage will eat the harp. However, in update 0.9.17 we added armor on the sides of the turret (screenshot below), which is also very nice, but still try not to expose the hull.

The last thing to say about the plan general characteristics- mobility. The screenshot shows that heavy tank Т26Е5 WoT got a good maximum speed when moving both forward and backward, but our heavyweight will have serious problems with the dynamics, even 11 horsepower per ton of weight is not the best indicator, and we will not spin very fast.

T26E5 gun

In terms of weapons, everything is quite familiar, we have a 90mm cannon on board, similar to the one on the T26E4 Super Pershing, but our barrel will be better.

So, T26E5 gun has a standard alpha strike for most prems of the eighth level, however, here we are pleasantly surprised by the DPM, which is approximately 1900 damage per minute.

If you pay attention to the parameters of armor penetration, they are also very worthy. This characteristic Т26Е5 WoT significantly outperformed the Super Pershing and even the regular US heavyweight T32 lags behind, for premium equipment such results are the ultimate dream. Of course, there is no preferential level of battles here, but with such penetration it is not needed, this unit can confidently be called an excellent farmer.

Everything is relative when it comes to accuracy. If the spread per 100 meters in our case is still quite good, then it reduces tank Т26Е5 World of Tanks long and stabilization is rather weak. We are very pleased with the excellent vertical aiming angles, the gun leans down by 10 degrees and this gives us the opportunity to play well from a strong tower.

Advantages and disadvantages of T26E5

It is possible that the above characteristics of this strand may still change slightly, however, the general trends are already visible quite well. Thus, it is already possible to talk about what T26E5 tank has strengths and weaknesses.
Good frontal armor (especially in the turret);
Decent basic review;
Good DPM;
Good parameters of armor penetration;
Comfortable vertical aiming angles.
Mediocre mobility;
Small one-time damage;
Weak accuracy;
Not a preferential level of fights.

Equipment for T26E5

An excellent method of raising the combat effectiveness of a vehicle in combat conditions is to install additional modules. Of course, it is not worth acting thoughtlessly in this direction, and in order not to make mistakes, T26E5 equipment it is better to put the following:
1. is always a popular option, because this is how we significantly increase our CSA.
2. - this band has a lack of accuracy, so an improvement in stabilization will be very useful.
3. - also a fairly relevant module that will help solve a small drawback with the review.

An alternative to the third option may well be, because it great way make DPM even more enjoyable, as well as improve the speed of aiming and tighten the viewing range.

Crew training Т26Е5

The distribution of skills between crew members always remains an even more crucial moment, because the pumping process takes quite a lot of time. However, we have a standard crew of 5 at our disposal, so T26E5 perks swing normally:
Commander - , , , .
Gunner - , , , .
Driver mechanic - , , , .
Radio operator - , , , .
Loader - , , , .

Equipment for Т26Е5

In choosing consumables for this machine, as usual, you can follow two paths. If you don’t have large reserves of silver at your disposal, you can ride with a set of , , . However, it is much more efficient and safer to carry on T26E5 equipment in the form , , , where the fire extinguisher can be replaced by .

Game tactics on Т26Е5

Since this unit has not yet been released to the masses, it is difficult to talk about its use in combat, however, general tips You can give them and most likely they will be effective, because there are such tanks in our game.

First of all, it is necessary to try to use as many of the strengths of our American as possible, for this reason T26E5 tactics combat on this machine involves playing from the tower. The strongest part of the vehicle is the turret, so it is advisable to hide the hull and try to tank with this element.

At the same time, do not forget about the rather mediocre accuracy, on Т26Е5 World of Tanks it is easier to implement DPM in combat at medium and short distances. But be careful, due to mediocre mobility, we can be bypassed, driven into the stern, or simply spin more mobile tanks.

Of course, you must understand heavy tank Т26Е5 not preferential, you will periodically have to fight against tenth levels and despite the good potential of the farmer, in such cases you will have to charge the gold, so take at least 7-10 shells with you.

For everything else, the advice is simple: watch the mini-map, beware of art, try to help your allies, but remember that Т26Е5 WoT weak dynamics and quickly changing flank or returning to defend the base will not work, in such cases you should not move too far.

In patch 9.10, a branch of Japanese heavy tanks is introduced into our game, which surprise with their appearance, power and colossal size. The out-of-the-box thinking and the tendency of Japanese engineers to gigantism are most clearly manifested in high-level tanks of this branch. It is about the machines located from levels VII to X that will be discussed in this review.

A general look at the high-level TTs of Japan

All new Japanese heavyweights from Tier VII to X have a few things in common. In particular, vehicles from Tier VII to IX are equipped with two engines:

  • Pre-top - 2x Kawasaki Type 98 V-12 1100;
  • Top - 2x Kawasaki Type 98 V-12 1200.

These motors are pumped out on tank V level O-I Exp., and more about power unit no need to think. On the one hand, this is good, since you have to spend less experience to bring the tank to the top. On the other hand, this is a serious drawback, since with each level the mass of the tank grows (from about 100 tons to VII level and up to 165 tons at Tier X), which, with the same engine power, leads to a decrease in the power-to-weight ratio. That is, the higher the level of the tank, the slower and more clumsy it is.

The Tier X tank has a modernized 2x Kawasaki Type 98 V-12 1200 Kai engine, it is identical in performance to the previous engines, and differs only in hidden characteristics.

Another one feature of all tanks - their large dimensions and height. Due to its size, the Japanese heavy can occupy some passage with its carcass and hold the whole direction, and in case of death, it will cover the allies with its carcass. And the height makes it possible to shoot at the most vulnerabilities low tanks - in the roof of the tower and hull. For example, on Tier IX and X TTs, you can confidently shoot at the roof of the turret of all Soviet, American and Chinese tanks, as well as all tank destroyers, regardless of the nation, in the clinch.

The high location of the gun makes it possible to inflict damage through hatches / turrets on enemy towers. For example, on a low tank it is quite difficult to hit and pierce the turret on the turret of the American T29 and T34 TTs, however, the Japanese cannon is in a more advantageous position, from their angle and the area of ​​​​the commander's turrets is larger, and the reduced armor is less, which means it is easier to penetrate them. This advantage must be taken advantage of.

Such a characteristic as strength also stretches behind the dimensions - almost all Japanese TTs have more strength points than the same-level “classmates”. The only exception is the Type 5 Heavy with its 2800 HP - it is stronger than the heavier Maus, which has as much as 3000 HP. The rest of the branch tanks have an average of 100 - 300 hit points more than the vehicles of other nations.

Also, all tanks are displayed in the top and pumped according to the same scheme:

  • Pumped out through the gun;
  • They have only one tower;
  • To get to the top, you need to upgrade only the chassis and guns.

Moreover, to install top-end guns and engines, there is no need to pump out the undercarriage - its carrying capacity is quite enough for this. However, stock tracks do not allow you to install all the necessary additional equipment, so only the top running gear makes the game as comfortable as possible.

And only the Tier X Type 5 Heavy tank does not need to be brought to the top - it is an elite one and immediately gets it in a complete set.

The rest of the Japanese heavy tanks VII, VIII, IX and X levels differ, and in some cases these differences are significant.

O-ni (VII level)

Perhaps this is one of the most controversial tanks of the entire branch. On the one hand, it has good guns and not the worst dynamics, but on the other hand, the vehicle has serious problems with the HPV and armor that is rather bad for its level. Looking ahead, let's say that O-Ni is a typical "cactus", which will surely cause negativity in the vast majority of players pumping it.

Firepower. The tank has a choice of three guns:

  • Tier VII 10 cm Cannon Type 92 with 175/201/53 penetration and 300/300/360 damage (premium shells - regular AP);
  • Tier VII 15 cm howitzer from O-I tank;
  • Tier VIII 10 cm Experimental Tank Gun with 190/215/53 penetration and 330/330/430 damage (premium shells are also AP).

It doesn't make sense to install a high explosive on a tank, it was a certain pleasure at Tier VI, but at Tier VII it only worsens the tank's capabilities. The top gun does not improve the game much either - it often lacks basic and gold penetration, although good accuracy allows you to target weak spots of opponents.

But the biggest problem of the tank lies in the simply terrifying vertical aiming angles of its guns. The worst situation with the UVN is in the frontal projection - here, due to the presence of turrets, the gun almost does not lower at all. The gun descends somewhat better along the sides, but this is not always enough.

All this, combined with the high height of the tank, leads to unexpected consequences: low opponents can drive up close to the tank, and you, due to the impossibility of lowering the cannon, simply cannot shoot back from them! It’s good if there is a bump nearby that you can run into with the stern and lower the gun, but in the city and in open areas, the O-Ni simply will not have a chance. Drivers of some high-level Art SPGs are familiar with this situation, and now it will become a pain for Japanese Heavy drivers as well.

Armor protection. If you look at the numbers, then the armor of the tank is not very bad - in the forehead of the hull the maximum thickness of the plates reaches 175 mm, in the sides - 70 mm, in the stern 150 mm, in the forehead of the tower - as much as 200 mm, and on the sides and in stern of the tower - 150 mm each. However, the lack of rational angles of inclination of armor plates and a large number of weak points significantly reduce the role of armor.

So when playing O-Ni, you should not rely entirely on armor. And it is very important to tank properly. The rhombus on the tank is ineffective, since the armor on the sides is very thin and even the presence of screens does not help much. And with the lapel of the tower, there is a risk of getting a projectile into the cheekbones at a right angle. If you really want to contain the projectile, then it is better to meet him face to face. Although, in principle, you cannot oppose anything to the shells of high-level opponents.

dynamics and agility. The tank has a maximum mass of up to 105 tons, which, with an engine of 1200 hp. gives a power-to-weight ratio of 11.4 hp / t. This indicator is worse than that of previous tanks, but better than all subsequent ones. And this is the last tank in new branch, which turns rather quickly on the spot, all of its high-level brothers are more clumsy.

What is the result? So, O-Ni is a potential "cactus" on which a very large number of players will stop in their movement to the top. We see this on the already existing branch of Japanese MTs - quite a few players abandon the branch on the Tier VII Chi-Ri tank, because it is unusual, complex and requires a special approach. Biggest Problem tank - its completely absent UVN in the frontal projection, combined with insufficient armor. Perhaps, players who have gone through the school of Chinese tanks, who also have practically no UVNs, will be able to easily get used to this feature of the Japanese.

O-Ni is not easy to use in combat, at the top of the list he can push or hold the direction, but in the middle and at the bottom of the list it is better not to go too far ahead. A good solution would be to play in a platoon. But it's best to just upgrade O-Ho and sell O-Ni with a light heart for a small pile of silver.

Oh-ho (VIII level)

Perhaps the O-Ho is a tank to aspire to, and one that many players will likely keep in their Garage. Yes, the machine is difficult to master and play, but it will be given to the most experienced and patient players who can find a use for it first of all. In many ways, O-Ho is similar to the previous O-Ni, however, it has some special appeal and less suffering, and the set of characteristics makes it quite interesting.

Firepower. The tank has three guns to choose from: stock and pre-top from O-Ni (moreover, in stock we get a stock gun from O-Ni, which seems a little strange), and a top gun 10 cm Experimental Tank Gun Kai. The peculiarity of the gun is that it has only armor-piercing and high-explosive shells, gold is not provided for him. At the same time, the characteristics of the gun are not too bad - the breakdown of the AP is 215 mm (RP - 53 mm) and the damage is 330 (RP-430).

When playing on a top-end weapon, there is a high probability of not penetrating high-level opponents, however, the absence of premium shells allows you to save silver and even farm. Or rather, the installation of a vertical aiming stabilizer (together with a fan and a rammer) will help to target weak areas.

However, the tank, as in the case of the O-Ni, has a significant drawback - no gun depression angles in the frontal projection with acceptable EHV from the sides. Therefore, the recommendations given for a Tier VII tank are also relevant for a Tier VIII vehicle.

Armor protection. After the O-Ni, the O-Ho armor pleases, in the frontal projection we find sheets up to 200 mm thick, on the sides - 105 mm, and in the stern - 150 mm, and the turret has 200 mm armor in a circle. And given the slopes of the armor, its reduced thickness in some places reaches 240, 260 and even 300 mm. So the machine confidently holds the shells of many single-level machines, and often beats off the blanks of high-level opponents.

However, it is on this tank that all the pain that artillery delivers is felt. The tank is large and clumsy, there is very little armor in the roof of its hull and turret, so artillery shells enter it with pleasure. It is extremely difficult to hide a huge O-Ho carcass, so in every battle the main damage comes from self-propelled guns.

dynamics and agility. Slowness and sluggishness are the key features of this tank. The maximum weight of the machine reaches 130 tons, which, with an engine of 1200 hp. gives a specific power of only 9.2 hp / t. However, slowness is not so bad. At a speed of 25 km / h, it is quite possible to live, but the tank is extremely reluctant to turn on the spot, so even a simple change in direction of movement is given with great difficulty.

What is the result? All in all, the O-Ho is a pretty interesting and enjoyable vehicle to play, which confidently performs the key functions of a heavy tank. He can push or hold a direction, deal and hold damage well, and at the same time feel comfortable on the battlefield. This is a typical single direction tank, it will not be able to quickly change flank and will not offer resistance when surrounded by several opponents. O-Ho is especially good at the top of the list, but at the very bottom he will not be easy prey.

Type 4 Heavy (IX level)

Perhaps, it is on the Type 4 Heavy that you can fully experience what a real Japanese heavy tank is - powerful, large, armored, but slow and attracting gold. This machine has a lot in common with the Type 5 Heavy, so you can get some practice on it before buying a Tier X Heavy. And it is quite possible that the players will be divided into two camps - those who prefer the pre-top car, and those who choose the "top ten" for the game.

Firepower. Here we meet two completely new weapons that were not there before:

  • 12.7 cm/50 3rd Year Type - 127 mm with 230/258/64 penetration and 450/450/610 damage (BB gold);
  • 14 cm/50 3rd Year Type - 139.7 mm with 249/282/70 penetration and 600/600/770 damage (BB gold).

Moreover, the top gun then goes to the Type 5 Heavy with some performance improvements, but even here it is pretty good. A good addition to the gun will be a vertical stabilizer.

By the way, the tank uses large naval guns, but our game is designed in such a way that we simply do not feel their size. And it's a pity, because the ninth and tenth Japanese are simply amazing!

Armor protection. Type 4 Heavy boasts good armor - 250 mm each in the front of the hull and in the forehead of the turret, 140 mm on the sides of the hull, 150 mm in the rear of the hull, and 200 mm each in the sides and rear of the turret. However, the armor shown here is more interesting - it reaches 260 - 280 mm, and in some places it even reaches half a meter! The ghost is especially felt by low tanks (due to an increase in the angle when viewed from below), although it is easier for them to target weak areas in the NLD.

The best armor of a tank is in its frontal projection, so it is better to meet opponents face to face. If you decide to tank with a diamond, then you increase the chance of breaking through the sides (although there are screens there). This feature is also typical for a Tier X tank.

But despite all the power of the armor, the tank, like the rest of the Japanese TT, suffers from self-propelled guns. This is frustrating, but, unfortunately, it is almost impossible to deal with artillery land mines. And in many ways, it is the self-propelled guns that are able to level the imbosity of these tanks.

dynamics and agility. In general, there is nothing to talk about here - the tank is slow and clumsy, it turns very poorly on the spot and accelerates from strength to 20 - 25 km / h. With a mass of 160 - 165 tons and a specific power of 7.2 hp / t, you should not expect anything else. However, due to its power and mass, the tank is able to move any enemy or ally out of the way, or even push destroyed tanks in front of it, using them as additional armor. This is quite an interesting gameplay feature that should be resorted to from time to time.

What is the result? In the face of Type 4 Heavy, we got a big and armored tank, capable of single-handedly pressing or holding an entire flank. In this case, you should always choose the right direction, because due to the slowness, it will not work to change it or return to the base. And, of course, you should by hook or by crook hide from artillery shells.

Type 5 Heavy (X level)

Everything said above about the Type 4 Heavy fully applies to the Type 5 Heavy, but with two caveats - the top Japanese heavy has a better gun and reinforced armor. All this makes the car a real mobile pillbox, which brings its ship's gun to the front line, and with competent actions, is able to turn the situation around in battle alone.

Firepower. The tank is equipped with a 14 cm/50 3rd Year Type gun, which has improved accuracy (0.4 versus 0.42 for the nine) and reduced aiming time (2.5 seconds versus 2.9 seconds for the nine). As you can see, this gun is better than the guns of many top heavy weapons in our game. However, due to the rather slow reload, the tank has a mediocre DPM and is by no means a damage dealer.

However, the gun has comfortable elevation angles, a hefty one-time damage of 600 points, and the accuracy is increased by the stabilizer, so it is very pleasant and uncomplicated in the game. Well, the sound of a ship's cannon shot is a special pleasure.

Armor protection. As for the armor, everything is just fine here. In the frontal projection of the hull, we find armor plates with a thickness of 260 mm, and in the sides and stern the same 140 and 150 mm. The tower also has 260 mm in the front, 210 mm in the sides and 200 mm in the stern. However, the given armor in some areas is simply amazing. For example, VLD can reach 617 mm, and the cheekbones of the tower - even 683 mm! On the other hand, the reduced NLD armor is 262 mm (and the transmission covers on the sides of the NLD are only 256 mm), top part forehead - 271 mm, and cheekbones of the body - 320 mm. The thickness of the armor in the commander's turret does not exceed 247 mm, which gives high-level tanks (and especially tank destroyers) a chance to deal damage with impunity.

The tank is characterized by the same feature as its younger counterparts - it tanks well with its forehead, and diamonds should be used with caution. And if you do everything right, then each post-battle statistic will delight you with thousands of points of tanked damage.

What is the result? In general, the Type 5 Heavy is an interesting tank that justifies the time and effort spent on pumping it. A real heavy, which is rare in the game - powerful, large, armored and clumsy. He is able to hold back the direction, especially when playing on city maps, and deal significant damage. And even for outnumbered opponents, this machine will become an insurmountable obstacle. Of course, artillery intervenes in the matter, but nothing can be done about it.

Well, we are looking forward to the release of update 9.10 and we want to test the new heavy tanks. After all, we have never seen such armored mastodons that can truly amaze.

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