Weapon of the Gods. Electromagnetic weapons of Russia

the beauty 20.09.2019
the beauty

Used directly to hit the target.

In the first case, the magnetic field is used as an alternative explosives in firearms. In the second, the possibility of inducing high voltage currents and disabling electrical and electronic equipment as a result of the resulting overvoltage, or causing pain effects or other effects in humans, is used. Weapons of the second type are positioned as safe for people and serve to disable enemy equipment or render enemy manpower incapacitated; belongs to the category of non-lethal weapons.

The French shipbuilding company DCNS is developing the Advansea program, during which it is planned to create a fully electrified combat surface ship with laser and electromagnetic weapons by 2025.


Electromagnetic weapons classified according to the following features:

  • the use of a projectile or the direct use of energy to hit a target for the second type
  • lethality of exposure to humans
  • orientation to defeat manpower or equipment

Hitting the target with radiation

  • microwave gun
  • An electromagnetic bomb using UVI, VMMG, or PGCh in the warhead.

see also

  • Electromagnetic accelerator


  • Heavy-duty electromagnetic gun tested, cnews.ru, 01.02.08

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

  • Mengden, Georg von
  • Miami

See what "Electromagnetic weapon" is in other dictionaries:

    ELECTROMAGNETIC WEAPONS- (microwave weapon), a powerful electronic pulse that covers an area within a radius of 50 km from the center of application. Penetrates inside buildings through seams and cracks in the finish. Damages key elements electrical circuits, bringing the whole system to ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    ELECTROMAGNETIC WEAPONS- ELECTROMAGNETIC (MICROWAVE) WEAPON A powerful electronic pulse that covers an area within a radius of 50 km from the center of application. Penetrates inside buildings through seams and cracks in the finish. Damages key elements of electrical circuits, causing the entire ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    ELECTROMAGNETIC WEAPONS- a weapon that affects the horn is a powerful, usually pulsed, flow of e-mail. magn. radio frequency waves (see Microwave weapons), coherent optical. (cm. laser weapons) and incoherent optical. (cm.… … Encyclopedia of the Strategic Missile Forces

    Directed Energy Weapon- (eng. Directed energy weapon, DEW) a weapon that radiates energy in a given direction without the use of wires, darts and other conductors, to achieve a lethal or non-lethal effect. This type of weapon exists, but ... ... Wikipedia

    non-lethal weapon- Weapons of non-lethal (non-lethal) action (OND), conditionally called “humane” in the media, these weapons are designed to destroy equipment, as well as temporarily incapacitate enemy manpower, without causing ... ... Wikipedia

    Weapons based on new physical principles- (non-traditional weapons) new types of weapons, the damaging effect of which is based on processes and phenomena that were not previously used in weapons. By the end of the 20th century genetic weapons were in various stages of research and development, ... ...

    Weapons of non-lethal action- (non-lethal) special types of weapons capable of briefly or for a long time depriving the enemy of the ability to conduct fighting without inflicting irretrievable losses on him. Intended for those cases when the use of conventional weapons, ... ... Emergencies Dictionary

    NON-LETHAL WEAPONS- special types of weapons capable of briefly or for a long time depriving the enemy of the opportunity to conduct combat operations without inflicting irretrievable losses on him. It is intended for those cases when the use of conventional weapons, and even more so ... ... Legal Encyclopedia

    Weapon- This term has other meanings, see Weapon ... Wikipedia

Pulse electromagnetic weapons, or the so-called. "jammers", is a real, already being tested, type of weapons of the Russian army. The United States and Israel are also conducting successful developments in this area, however, they have relied on the use of EMP systems to generate kinetic energy warhead.

We have taken the straight path damaging factor and created prototypes of several combat systems at once - for the ground forces, air force and navy. According to the specialists working on the project, the development of the technology has already passed the stage of field tests, but now there is work on the bugs and an attempt to increase the power, accuracy and range of radiation.

Today, our Alabuga, having exploded at an altitude of 200-300 meters, is able to turn off all electronic equipment within a radius of 3.5 km and leave military unit battalion / regiment scale without means of communication, control, fire guidance, while turning all the available enemy equipment into a pile of useless scrap metal. Except how to surrender and give to the advancing units Russian army heavy weapons as trophies, there are essentially no options left.

"Jammer" of electronics

For the first time, the world saw a real-life prototype of electromagnetic weapons at the LIMA-2001 arms exhibition in Malaysia. An export version of the domestic Ranets-E complex was presented there. It is made on the MAZ-543 chassis, has a mass of about 5 tons, provides a guaranteed defeat of ground target electronics, an aircraft or a guided munition at ranges up to 14 kilometers and disruption in its operation at a distance of up to 40 km.

Despite the fact that the first-born made a splash in the world media, experts noted a number of its shortcomings. Firstly, the size of an effectively hit target does not exceed 30 meters in diameter, and, secondly, the weapon is disposable - reloading takes more than 20 minutes, during which the miracle cannon has already been shot 15 times from the air, and it can only work on targets on open area, without the slightest visual obstruction.

It is probably for these reasons that the Americans abandoned the creation of such directional EMP weapons, concentrating on laser technologies. Our gunsmiths decided to try their luck and try to "bring to mind" the technology of directed EMP radiation.

A specialist of the Rostec concern, who, for obvious reasons, did not want to disclose his name, in an interview with Expert Online expressed the opinion that electromagnetic pulse weapons- is already a reality, but the whole problem lies in the methods of its delivery to the goal. “We have a project for the development of a complex electronic warfare classified as "OV" under the name "Alabuga". This is a rocket, the warhead of which is a high-frequency electric generator magnetic field high power.

Based on active pulsed radiation, a similarity of a nuclear explosion is obtained, only without a radioactive component. Field tests have shown the high efficiency of the unit - not only radio-electronic, but also conventional electronic equipment of wired architecture, fails within a radius of 3.5 km. That is, it not only removes the main communication headsets from normal operation, blinding and stunning the enemy, but actually leaves the whole unit without any local electronic control systems, including weapons.

The advantages of such a "non-lethal" defeat are obvious - the enemy will only have to surrender, and the equipment can be obtained as a trophy. The only problem is effective means delivery of this charge - it has a relatively large mass and the missile must be large enough, and, as a result, very vulnerable to hitting air defense / missile defense systems, ”the expert explained.

Interesting are the developments of NIIRP (now a division of the Almaz-Antey Air Defense Concern) and the Physico-Technical Institute. Ioffe. Investigating the impact of powerful microwave radiation from the earth on air objects (targets), the specialists of these institutions unexpectedly received local plasma formations, which were obtained at the intersection of radiation flows from several sources.

Upon contact with these formations, air targets underwent huge dynamic overloads and were destroyed. The coordinated work of microwave radiation sources made it possible to quickly change the focus point, that is, to retarget at great speed or to accompany objects of almost any aerodynamic characteristics. Experiments have shown that the impact is effective even on warheads of ICBMs. In fact, this is not even a microwave weapon, but combat plasmoids.

Unfortunately, when in 1993 a team of authors submitted a draft air defense / missile defense system based on these principles to the state for consideration, Boris Yeltsins immediately proposed a joint development to the American president. And although cooperation on the project did not take place, perhaps this was what prompted the Americans to create a complex in Alaska HAARP (High frequency Active Auroral Research Program)— research project for the study of the ionosphere and auroras. Note that for some reason that peaceful project has funding from the agency DARPA Pentagon.

Already entering service with the Russian army

To understand what place the topic of electronic warfare occupies in the military-technical strategy of the Russian military department, just look at the State Armaments Program until 2020. Of the 21 trillion. rubles of the general budget of the SAP, 3.2 trillion. (about 15%) is planned to be directed to the development and production of attack and defense systems using sources of electromagnetic radiation. For comparison, in the Pentagon's budget, according to experts, this share is much less - up to 10%.

Now let's look at what you can already "feel", that is, those products that have reached the series and entered service over the past few years.

Krasukha-4 mobile electronic warfare systems suppress spy satellites, ground-based radars and AWACS aviation systems, completely block radar detection for 150-300 km, and can also inflict radar damage on enemy electronic warfare and communications equipment. The operation of the complex is based on the creation of powerful interference at the main frequencies of radars and other radio-emitting sources. Manufacturer: OJSC "Bryansk Electromechanical Plant" (BEMZ).

The TK-25E sea-based electronic warfare system provides effective protection for ships of various classes. The complex is designed to provide radio-electronic protection of an object from radio-controlled air and ship-based weapons by creating active interference. The interface of the complex with various systems protected object, such as a navigation complex, a radar station, automated system combat control. The TK-25E equipment provides for the creation of various types of interference with a spectrum width from 64 to 2000 MHz, as well as impulse misinformation and imitation interference using signal copies. The complex is capable of simultaneously analyzing up to 256 targets. Equipping the protected object with the TK-25E complex reduces the probability of its destruction by three or more times.

Concern "Constellation" produces a series of small-sized (portable, transportable, autonomous) jamming transmitters of the RP-377 series. They can be used to jam signals. GPS, and in a standalone version, equipped with power sources, also placing the transmitters on a certain area, limited only by the number of transmitters.

Now an export version of a more powerful suppression system is being prepared. GPS and weapon control channels. It is already a system of object and area protection against high-precision weapons. It was built on a modular principle, which allows you to vary the areas and objects of protection.

From unclassified developments, MNIRTI products are also known - "Sniper-M", "I-140 / 64" and "Gigawatt", made on the basis of car trailers. They, in particular, are used to develop means of protecting radio and digital systems of military, special and civilian purpose from the defeat of EMP.

The element base of the RES is very sensitive to energy overloads, and the flow of electromagnetic energy is sufficient high density capable of burning out semiconductor junctions, completely or partially disrupting their normal functioning.

Low-frequency EMO creates electromagnetic pulsed radiation at frequencies below 1 MHz, high-frequency EMO affects microwave radiation - both pulsed and continuous. Low-frequency EMO affects the object through pickups on wired infrastructure, including telephone lines, cables external power supply, submission and removal of information. High-frequency EMO directly penetrates the object's electronic equipment through its antenna system.

In addition to affecting the enemy's RES, high-frequency EMO can also affect the skin and internal organs of a person. At the same time, as a result of their heating in the body, chromosomal and genetic changes, activation and deactivation of viruses, transformation of immunological and behavioral reactions are possible.

chief technical means to obtain powerful electromagnetic pulses, which form the basis of low-frequency EMO, is a generator with explosive compression of the magnetic field. Another potential type of high level low frequency magnetic energy source could be a magnetodynamic generator driven by propellant or explosive.

When implementing high-frequency EMO, such electronic devices as broadband magnetrons and klystrons, gyrotrons operating in the millimeter range, virtual cathode generators (vircators) using the centimeter range, free electron lasers and broadband plasma-beam lasers can be used as a generator of high-power microwave radiation. generators.


Electromagnetic weapons, EMI

Electromagnetic gun "Angara", test

electronic bombfantasy weapon Russia

More detailed and varied information about the events taking place in Russia, Ukraine and other countries of our beautiful planet, can be obtained at the Internet Conferences that are constantly held on the website "Keys of Knowledge". All Conferences are open and absolutely free. We invite all waking up and interested

February 26, 2016

Electromagnetic weapons: what the Russian army is ahead of competitors

Pulse electromagnetic weapons, or the so-called. "jammers", is a real, already being tested, type of weapons of the Russian army. The United States and Israel are also conducting successful developments in this area, but they have relied on the use of EMP systems to generate the kinetic energy of a warhead.

In our country, we took the path of a direct damaging factor and created prototypes of several combat systems at once - for ground forces, Air Force and Navy. According to the specialists working on the project, the development of the technology has already passed the stage of field tests, but now there is work on the bugs and an attempt to increase the power, accuracy and range of radiation.

Today, our Alabuga, having exploded at an altitude of 200-300 meters, is able to turn off all electronic equipment within a radius of 3.5 km and leave a battalion / regiment-scale military unit without means of communication, control, fire guidance, while turning all available enemy equipment into pile of useless scrap metal. In fact, there are no options other than to surrender and give heavy weapons to the advancing units of the Russian army as trophies.

"Jammer" of electronics

For the first time, the world saw a real-life prototype of electromagnetic weapons at the LIMA-2001 arms exhibition in Malaysia. There was an export version domestic complex"Knapsack-E". It is made on the MAZ-543 chassis, has a mass of about 5 tons, provides a guaranteed defeat of ground target electronics, an aircraft or guided munition at ranges up to 14 kilometers and disturbances in its operation at a distance of up to 40 km.

Despite the fact that the first-born made a splash in the world media, experts noted a number of its shortcomings. Firstly, the size of an effectively hit target does not exceed 30 meters in diameter, and, secondly, the weapon is disposable - reloading takes more than 20 minutes, during which the miracle cannon has already been shot 15 times from the air, and it can only work on targets on open area, without the slightest visual obstruction.

It is probably for these reasons that the Americans abandoned the creation of such directional EMP weapons, concentrating on laser technologies. Our gunsmiths decided to try their luck and try to "bring to mind" the technology of directed EMP radiation.

A specialist of the Rostec concern, who, for obvious reasons, did not want to reveal his name, in an interview with Expert Online expressed the opinion that electromagnetic pulsed weapons are already a reality, but the whole problem lies in the methods of delivering them to the target. “We are working on a project to develop an electronic warfare complex classified as “OV” called “Alabuga”. This is a rocket, the warhead of which is a high-frequency high-power electromagnetic field generator.

Based on active pulsed radiation, a similarity is obtained nuclear explosion, but without the radioactive component. Field tests have shown the high efficiency of the block - not only radio-electronic, but also conventional electronic equipment of wired architecture, fails within a radius of 3.5 km. Those. not only removes the main communication headsets from normal operation, blinding and stunning the enemy, but actually leaves the whole unit without any local electronic control systems, including weapons.

The advantages of such a "non-lethal" defeat are obvious - the enemy will only have to surrender, and the equipment can be obtained as a trophy. The problem is only in the effective means of delivering this charge - it has a relatively large mass and the missile must be large enough, and, as a result, very vulnerable to hitting air defense / missile defense systems, ”the expert explained.

Interesting are the developments of NIIRP (now a division of the Almaz-Antey Air Defense Concern) and the Physico-Technical Institute. Ioffe. Investigating the impact of powerful microwave radiation from the earth on air objects (targets), the specialists of these institutions unexpectedly received local plasma formations, which were obtained at the intersection of radiation flows from several sources.

Upon contact with these formations, air targets underwent huge dynamic overloads and were destroyed. The coordinated work of microwave radiation sources made it possible to quickly change the focus point, that is, to retarget at great speed or to accompany objects of almost any aerodynamic characteristics. Experiments have shown that the impact is effective even on warheads of ICBMs. In fact, this is not even a microwave weapon, but combat plasmoids.

Unfortunately, when in 1993 a team of authors presented a draft air defense/missile defense system based on these principles for consideration by the state, Boris Yeltsin immediately proposed a joint development to the American president. And although cooperation on the project did not take place, perhaps this was what prompted the Americans to create the HAARP (High freguencu Active Auroral Research Program) complex in Alaska - a research project to study the ionosphere and auroras. Note that for some reason that peaceful project has funding from the Pentagon's DARPA agency.

Already entering service with the Russian army

To understand what place the topic of electronic warfare occupies in the military-technical strategy of the Russian military department, it is enough to look at the State Armaments Program until 2020. Of the 21 trillion. rubles of the general budget of the SAP, 3.2 trillion. (about 15%) is planned to be directed to the development and production of attack and defense systems using sources of electromagnetic radiation. For comparison, in the Pentagon's budget, according to experts, this share is much less - up to 10%.

Now let's look at what you can already "feel", i.e. those products that have reached the series and entered service over the past few years.

Krasukha-4 mobile electronic warfare systems suppress spy satellites, ground-based radars and AWACS aviation systems, completely block radar detection for 150-300 km, and can also inflict radar damage on enemy electronic warfare and communications equipment. The operation of the complex is based on the creation of powerful interference at the main frequencies of radars and other radio-emitting sources. Manufacturer: OJSC "Bryansk Electromechanical Plant" (BEMZ).

The TK-25E sea-based electronic warfare system provides effective protection for ships of various classes. The complex is designed to provide radio-electronic protection of an object from radio-controlled air and ship-based weapons by creating active interference. The interface of the complex with various systems of the protected object, such as a navigation complex, a radar station, an automated combat control system, is provided.

The TK-25E equipment provides for the creation of various types of interference with a spectrum width from 64 to 2000 MHz, as well as impulse misinformation and imitation interference using signal copies. The complex is capable of simultaneously analyzing up to 256 targets. Equipping the protected object with the TK-25E complex reduces the probability of its destruction by three or more times.

The multifunctional complex "Mercury-BM" has been developed and produced at KRET enterprises since 2011 and is one of the most modern systems EW. The main purpose of the station is to protect manpower and equipment from single and salvo fire artillery ammunition equipped with radio fuses. Enterprise-developer: OAO All-Russian Scientific Research Institute Gradient (VNII Gradient). Similar devices are produced by Minsk "KB RADAR".

It should be noted that radio fuses are now equipped with up to 80% of Western field artillery shells, mines and unguided rockets and almost all precision munitions, these are enough simple means allow you to protect troops from defeat, including directly in the zone of contact with the enemy.

Concern "Constellation" produces a series of small-sized (portable, transportable, autonomous) jamming transmitters of the RP-377 series. With their help, you can jam GPS signals, and in a standalone version, equipped with power sources, you can also place transmitters in a certain area, limited only by the number of transmitters.

Now an export version of a more powerful GPS jamming system and weapon control channels is being prepared. It is already a system of object and area protection against high-precision weapons. It was built on a modular principle, which allows you to vary the areas and objects of protection.

From unclassified developments, MNIRTI products are also known - "Sniper-M", "I-140/64" and "Gigawatt", made on the basis of car trailers. They, in particular, are used to develop means of protecting radio engineering and digital systems for military, special and civilian purposes from EMP damage.


The element base of the RES is very sensitive to energy overloads, and the flow of electromagnetic energy of a sufficiently high density can burn out semiconductor junctions, completely or partially disrupting their normal functioning.

Low-frequency EMO creates electromagnetic pulsed radiation at frequencies below 1 MHz, high-frequency EMO affects microwave radiation - both pulsed and continuous. Low-frequency EMO affects the object through pickups on wired infrastructure, including telephone lines, external power cables, data supply and retrieval. High-frequency EMO directly penetrates the object's electronic equipment through its antenna system.

In addition to affecting the enemy's RES, high-frequency EMO can also affect the skin and internal organs of a person. At the same time, as a result of their heating in the body, chromosomal and genetic changes, activation and deactivation of viruses, transformation of immunological and behavioral reactions are possible.

The main technical means of obtaining powerful electromagnetic impulses, which form the basis of low-frequency EMO, is a generator with explosive compression of the magnetic field. Another potential type of high level low frequency magnetic energy source could be a magnetodynamic generator driven by propellant or explosive.

When implementing high-frequency EMO, such electronic devices as broadband magnetrons and klystrons, gyrotrons operating in the millimeter range, virtual cathode generators (vircators) using the centimeter range, free electron lasers and broadband plasma-beam lasers can be used as a generator of high-power microwave radiation. generators.

Electromagnetic weapons, EMI

Electromagnetic gun "Angara", test

Electronic bomb - a fantastic weapon of Russia

US Air Force general who called for a total confrontation with Russia leaves his post

AT Washington again heard the rhetoric " cold war". Speaking to congressmen, Philip Breedlove, commander of US and NATO forces in Europe, urged to total opposition to Russia.

We are ready to fight and win- said the Pentagon general. Breedlove has been talking about the so-called “Russian aggression” for many years. Now he remembered that Moscow is strengthening its position in the Arctic - and, according to Breedlove, something needs to be done about this.

X although the commander of the US troops does not yet have a specific plan. And even if he had, he still would not have had time to carry it out. Soon the 60-year-old general leaves his post. As clarified in Congress, he will take care of "other things elsewhere."

Original taken from geogen_mir in Weapon of the Gods. Electromagnetic weapons of Russia

Electromagnetic weapons: what the Russian army is ahead of competitors

Pulse electromagnetic weapons, or the so-called. "jammers", is a real, already being tested, type of weapons of the Russian army. The United States and Israel are also conducting successful developments in this area, but they have relied on the use of EMP systems to generate the kinetic energy of a warhead.

In our country, we took the path of a direct damaging factor and created prototypes of several combat complexes at once - for the ground forces, air force and navy. According to the experts working on the project, the development of the technology has already passed the stage of field tests, but now there is work on the bugs and an attempt to increase the power, accuracy and range of radiation.

Today our "Alabuga", exploding at an altitude of 200-300 meters, is capable of turning off all electronic equipment within a radius of 3.5 km and leaving a battalion / regiment-scale military unit without means of communication, control, and fire guidance, while turning all available enemy equipment into a pile of useless scrap metal. In fact, there are no options other than to surrender and give heavy weapons to the advancing units of the Russian army as trophies.

"Jammer" of electronics

The advantages of such a "non-lethal" defeat are obvious - the enemy will only have to surrender, and the equipment can be obtained as a trophy. The problem is only in the effective means of delivering this charge - it has a relatively large mass and the missile must be large enough, and, as a result, very vulnerable to hitting air defense / missile defense systems, ”the expert explained.

Interesting are the developments of NIIRP (now a division of the Almaz-Antey Air Defense Concern) and the Physico-Technical Institute. Ioffe. Investigating the impact of powerful microwave radiation from the earth on air objects (targets), the specialists of these institutions unexpectedly received local plasma formations, which were obtained at the intersection of radiation fluxes from several sources.

Upon contact with these formations, air targets underwent huge dynamic overloads and were destroyed. The coordinated work of microwave radiation sources made it possible to quickly change the focus point, that is, to retarget at great speed or to accompany objects of almost any aerodynamic characteristics. Experiments have shown that the impact is effective even on warheads of ICBMs. In fact, this is not even a microwave weapon, but combat plasmoids.

Unfortunately, when in 1993 a team of authors presented a draft air defense/missile defense system based on these principles for consideration by the state, Boris Yeltsin immediately proposed a joint development to the American president. And although cooperation on the project did not take place, perhaps this was what prompted the Americans to create a complex in Alaska HAARP (High frequency Active Auroral Research Program)- research project on the study of the ionosphere and auroras. Note that for some reason that peaceful project has funding from the agency DARPA Pentagon.

Already entering service with the Russian army

To understand what place the topic of electronic warfare occupies in the military-technical strategy of the Russian military department, it is enough to look at the State Armaments Program until 2020. From 21 trillion. rubles of the general budget of the SAP, 3.2 trillion. (about 15%) is planned to be directed to the development and production of attack and defense systems using sources of electromagnetic radiation. For comparison, in the Pentagon's budget, according to experts, this share is much less - up to 10%.

Now let's look at what you can already "feel", i.e. those products that have reached the series and entered service over the past few years.

Mobile electronic warfare systems "Krasukha-4" suppress spy satellites, ground-based radars and AWACS aviation systems, completely close from radar detection for 150-300 km, and can also inflict radar damage on enemy electronic warfare and communications equipment. The operation of the complex is based on the creation of powerful interference at the main frequencies of radars and other radio-emitting sources. Manufacturer: OJSC "Bryansk Electromechanical Plant" (BEMZ).

Sea-based electronic warfare tool TK-25E provides effective protection for ships of various classes. The complex is designed to provide radio-electronic protection of an object from radio-controlled air and ship-based weapons by creating active interference. The interface of the complex with various systems of the protected object, such as a navigation complex, a radar station, an automated combat control system, is provided. The TK-25E equipment provides for the creation of various types of interference with a spectrum width from 64 to 2000 MHz, as well as impulse misinformation and imitation interference using signal copies. The complex is capable of simultaneously analyzing up to 256 targets. Equipping the protected object with the TK-25E complex three times or more reduces the likelihood of its defeat.

Multifunctional complex Mercury-BM developed and produced at KRET enterprises since 2011 and is one of the most modern electronic warfare systems. The main purpose of the station is to protect manpower and equipment from single and salvo fire of artillery ammunition equipped with radio fuses. Enterprise-developer: JSC "All-Russian "Gradient"(VNII "Gradient"). Similar devices are produced by Minsk "KB RADAR". Note that radio fuses are now equipped with up to 80% western field artillery shells, mines and unguided rockets and almost all precision-guided munitions, these fairly simple means make it possible to protect troops from defeat, including directly in the zone of contact with the enemy.

Concern "Constellation" produces a series of small-sized (portable, transportable, autonomous) jammers of the series RP-377. They can be used to jam signals. GPS, and in a stand-alone version, equipped with power sources, also placing the transmitters on a certain area, limited only by the number of transmitters.

Now an export version of a more powerful suppression system is being prepared. GPS and weapon control channels. It is already a system of object and area protection against high-precision weapons. It was built on a modular principle, which allows you to vary the areas and objects of protection.

From unclassified developments, MNIRTI products are also known - "Sniper-M","I-140/64" and "Gigawatt" made on the basis of car trailers. They, in particular, are used to develop means of protecting radio engineering and digital systems for military, special and civilian purposes from EMP damage.


The element base of the RES is very sensitive to energy overloads, and the flow of electromagnetic energy of a sufficiently high density can burn out semiconductor junctions, completely or partially disrupting their normal functioning.

Low-frequency EMO creates electromagnetic pulsed radiation at frequencies below 1 MHz, high-frequency EMO affects microwave radiation - both pulsed and continuous. Low-frequency EMO affects the object through pickups on wired infrastructure, including telephone lines, external power cables, data supply and retrieval. High-frequency EMO directly penetrates the object's electronic equipment through its antenna system.

In addition to affecting the enemy's RES, high-frequency EMO can also affect the skin and internal organs of a person. At the same time, as a result of their heating in the body, chromosomal and genetic changes, activation and deactivation of viruses, transformation of immunological and behavioral reactions are possible.

The main technical means of obtaining powerful electromagnetic pulses, which form the basis of low-frequency EMO, is a generator with explosive compression of the magnetic field. Another potential type of high level low frequency magnetic energy source could be a magnetodynamic generator driven by propellant or explosive.

When implementing high-frequency EMO, such electronic devices as broadband magnetrons and klystrons, gyrotrons operating in the millimeter range, virtual cathode generators (vircators) using the centimeter range, free electron lasers and broadband plasma-beam lasers can be used as a generator of high-power microwave radiation. generators.


Other types of electromagnetic weapons.

In addition to magnetic mass accelerators, there are many other weapon types that use electromagnetic energy to function. Consider the most famous and common types of them.

Electromagnetic mass accelerators.

In addition to "gauss guns", there are at least 2 types of mass accelerators - induction mass accelerators (Thompson coil) and rail mass accelerators, also known as "rail guns" (from the English "Rail gun" - rail gun).

The operation of the induction mass accelerator is based on the principle of electromagnetic induction. A rapidly increasing electric current is created in a flat winding, which causes an alternating magnetic field in the space around. A ferrite core is inserted into the winding, on the free end of which a ring of conductive material is put on. Under the action of an alternating magnetic flux penetrating the ring, an electric current arises in it, creating a magnetic field of the opposite direction relative to the winding field. With its field, the ring begins to repel from the winding field and accelerates, flying off the free end of the ferrite rod. The shorter and stronger the current pulse in the winding, the more powerful the ring flies out.

Otherwise, the rail mass accelerator functions. In it, a conductive projectile moves between two rails - electrodes (from where it got its name - a railgun), through which current is supplied. The current source is connected to the rails at their base, so the current flows, as it were, in pursuit of the projectile and the magnetic field created around the current-carrying conductors is completely concentrated behind the conductive projectile. AT this case The projectile is a current-carrying conductor placed in a perpendicular magnetic field created by the rails. According to all the laws of physics, the Lorentz force acts on the projectile, directed in the direction opposite to the rail connection point and accelerating the projectile. A number of serious problems are associated with the manufacture of a railgun - the current pulse must be so powerful and sharp that the projectile would not have time to evaporate (after all, a huge current flows through it!), but an accelerating force would arise that accelerates it forward. Therefore, the material of the projectile and the rail should have the highest possible conductivity, the projectile should have as little mass as possible, and the current source should have as much power and lower inductance as possible. However, the peculiarity of the rail accelerator is that it is capable of accelerating ultra-small masses to super high speeds. In practice, rails are made of oxygen-free copper coated with silver, aluminum bars are used as projectiles, a battery of high-voltage capacitors is used as a power source, and before entering the rails, they try to give the projectile as much initial speed as possible, using pneumatic or gunshot guns.

In addition to mass accelerators, electromagnetic weapons include sources of powerful electromagnetic radiation such as lasers and magnetrons.

Everyone knows the laser. It consists of a working body in which an inverse population of quantum levels by electrons is created during a shot, a resonator for increasing the range of photons inside the working body and a generator that will create this very inverse population. In principle, an inverse population can be created in any substance, and in our time it is easier to say what lasers are NOT made of. Lasers can be classified according to the working fluid: ruby, CO2, argon, helium-neon, solid-state (GaAs), alcohol, etc., according to the mode of operation: pulsed, cw, pseudo-continuous, can be classified according to the number of quantum levels used: 3-level , 4-level, 5-level. Lasers are also classified according to the frequency of the generated radiation - microwave, infrared, green, ultraviolet, x-ray, etc. The laser efficiency usually does not exceed 0.5%, but now the situation has changed - semiconductor lasers (solid-state lasers based on GaAs) have an efficiency of over 30% and today can have an output power of up to 100 (!) W, i.e. comparable to powerful "classical" ruby ​​or CO2 lasers. In addition, there are gas-dynamic lasers that are least similar to other types of lasers. Their difference is that they are capable of producing a continuous beam of enormous power, which allows them to be used for military purposes. In essence, a gas-dynamic laser is a jet engine, in which there is a resonator perpendicular to the gas flow. The incandescent gas leaving the nozzle is in a state of population inversion. It is worth adding a resonator to it - and a multi-megawatt photon flux will fly into space.

Microwave guns - the main functional unit is the magnetron - a powerful source of microwave radiation. The disadvantage of microwave guns is their excessive danger of use even compared to lasers - microwave radiation is well reflected from obstacles, and in the case of shooting indoors, literally everything inside will be exposed to radiation! In addition, powerful microwave radiation is deadly for any electronics, which must also be taken into account.

And why, in fact, precisely the "gauss gun", and not Thompson disk launchers, railguns or beam weapons?

The fact is that of all types of electromagnetic weapons, it is the gauss gun that is the easiest to manufacture. In addition, it has a fairly high efficiency compared to other electromagnetic shooters and can operate at low voltages.

At the next level of complexity are induction accelerators - Thompson disk throwers (or transformers). Their operation requires slightly higher voltages than conventional Gaussians, then, perhaps, lasers and microwaves are the most complex, and in the very last place is the railgun, which requires expensive structural materials, impeccable calculation and manufacturing accuracy, an expensive and powerful source energy (a battery of high-voltage capacitors) and many other expensive things.

In addition, the gauss gun, despite its simplicity, has an incredibly large scope for design solutions and engineering research - so this direction is quite interesting and promising.

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