Scientific and artistic story about the fox. Description of the fox: appearance, nutrition, habits

Helpful Hints 07.07.2019
Helpful Hints

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Fairy Tale "The Fox and the Walking Boots"

There lived a fox. She once found walking boots in the forest. Who lost? The fox took them to the hare. He refused to take it, said that he was running so fast, he didn’t need walking boots.

The fox thought, and offered walking boots to her chatterbox friend magpie, but she said that it was more convenient to fly without boots.

Then the fox herself put on the magic boots and went to the magic forest. In the magical forest, she flew like a bird. The fox looked down and wondered how beautiful it was! Then she went to her native forest. “How did I not notice the beauty that surrounded me every day before? It was worth being in a magical forest to understand how beautiful the world is!

Questions and tasks for the fairy tale

What magical item did the fox find in the forest?

To whom did the fox offer walking boots?

In which forest did the fox fly?

What discovery did the fox make for himself?

The main idea of ​​the tale is that the world is really beautiful. Sometimes, in order to understand this, you need to put on magic boots and find yourself in a magical forest. But it sometimes happens that the magical forest is no different from the real one. The forest is always a little magical. What events are taking place there, behind tall pines, centuries-old oaks and sprawling birches? Various. This is from the realm of mystery ...

What proverbs and famous expressions fit the fairy tale?

Beauty is sweeter than simplicity.
Beauty is not a burden, but a joy.
Life is beauty. Admire her!

Who is this fox? How she looks, where she lives and what she eats, what habits she has - our message will tell about all this.

What kind of animal is this. What does a fox look like

The fox is a carnivorous animal that belongs to the canine family.

Externally similar to a medium-sized dog, but her habits are more cat-like. On her flexible body is a neat head with a sharp muzzle and mobile, always alert, large dark ears, legs are short, thin, but strong.

The fur coat of this animal deserves special attention - it is magnificent, beautiful, the color can be different. Most often there are bright red foxes, but there may also be black, black-brown, silver. There is a rule: in northern regions the fur of these animals is thick and bright, but the farther south, the more modest it is both in density and in color. And the tail of the foxes is very beautiful - long, up to 60 cm, fluffy, always with a white tip. Foxes are only hunted for their valuable fur.

Hearing and sight, smell and touch

Foxes have excellent hearing. She can hear the rustling of a mouse in a hole, the distant flapping of wings and the murmur of a hare from a hundred paces away. Her large ears, like locators, are very good at identifying the source of a sound. The fox also knows how to determine the distance from where the sound flew to it.

This animal has an interesting vision: far-sighted eyes are adapted to notice even the smallest movement of a blade of grass, see well in the dark but the fox does not distinguish colors well, so it can come very close to a motionless person.

She has a good sense of smell, but many other animals have a much sharper sense of smell.

Very good for foxes developed sense of touch softly and inaudibly stepping on the ground, leaves or snow, they feel the smallest details with their springy paws. They can find a hole or with their paws alone.

Where live

Foxes can be found all over northern hemisphere Earth, even in

They are dig holes for themselves with multiple entrances and exits and underground tunnels that lead to the nest.

Sometimes they occupy other people's dwellings, for example, badger holes. Here they breed and take refuge from danger. They spend a lot of time in the den in the open, under a bush, in grass or snow. They sleep very soundly.

What do they eat

Fox - predator, excellent, very fast and dexterous hunter. From the very process of hunting, she gets great pleasure. Its prey is small rodents, moles,. He likes to feast on eggs, eats insects, their larvae, worms, catches fish, crayfish. In times of famine, it does not disdain carrion. Can diversify the diet with berries and fruits.

By the way, exterminating rodents and beetles, the fox brings great benefits to agriculture.


The mating season for foxes falls on January-February. Several males take care of one female at once, who fight to the point of blood among themselves. With the winner, the fox creates a pair. Foxes are good parents. They do everything together - dig a hole, raise offspring, get food.

Pregnancy of the female lasts 2 months, in early spring in a hole 5-7 blind and deaf puppies are born(the so-called fox cubs). At 2 weeks, puppies begin to see and hear, their teeth erupt. But for a month and a half, the babies do not leave the hole, eating mother's milk. Only in June, the cubs begin to go outside with their parents. They play and frolic in the sun, learning to hunt.

In mid-autumn, foxes leave the family for an independent life. At 2 years old, they are already able to breed.

fox species

All in nature there are more than 20 types these animals. The most common is the common Red fox. There are also African, Bengal, gray, sandy, small, Brazilian and other types of foxes.

One of the most interesting is Fenech. This is a miniature fox with an interesting appearance, it is even smaller in size than a cat .. Lives in North Africa.


Why in all fairy tales, the fox is quick-witted, cunning and insidious, dexterous and smart? Because she really is. One can only wonder how this beast can confuse tracks, deceive game, pretend and dodge. Although you should not attribute any incredible abilities to the fox.

Intelligence and cunning are just an animal instinct that nature endowed her with so that the fox could survive.

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The fox is one of the animals that adapt very well to a wide variety of climatic conditions. Therefore, in Africa, and in America, in Europe and in Asia - everywhere you can meet this predator. Only in Europe there are up to 15 subspecies of foxes inhabiting almost all geographical areas and differ in size and color.

Description of the fox

This is one of the most common red fox. It differs from other members of the genus in more large size and bright coloring.

In animals living in the northern regions, the coat is very rich, almost red. In foxes living to the south, the color is much more modest. The fluffy tail with a white tip reaches 60 cm in length. On the flexible and refined body of the fox, there is a neat head with a sharp muzzle and always alert big ears.

A description of a fox cannot be complete without a description of its hunting abilities. Paws play a big role here. Appearing a little short in relation to the body, they are very strong and muscular. Thanks to such paws and a strong tail, the fox can make fairly large jumps in pursuit of its prey. This feature of the fox allows it to be as viable as other predators. The way a fox looks externally explains its well-known hunting talents.

Where does the fox live

It is believed that the fox lives in a hole. In fact, this dwelling is used only for breeding and in rare cases as a shelter from danger, and the rest of the time the foxes spend in a den located in an open area, in grass or in snow.

Burrows are dug independently, usually on the slopes of ravines with sandy soil, but sometimes they use dwellings that belonged to other animals - marmots, badgers, arctic foxes. Nora necessarily has several inlets, through which through underground tunnels you can get to the nest. The old fox, as a rule, has several holes, where he can always hide in case of danger.

What does a fox eat

The description of the fox characterizes it as a very dexterous and excellent hunter. The main prey of this predator are small animals - mice, hares, and sometimes reptiles. With pleasure he catches fox and fish, crayfish, and sometimes digs up earthworms. The diet necessarily includes berries, fruits and other plant foods. In summer, the fox can also eat insects, especially its cubs love to feast on various bugs, exterminating pests of agricultural plants in large numbers.

In winter, the main food is mouse-like rodents, the squeak of which a fox can hear from 100 m away. Photos of a predator digging up mice can be found quite often. Foxes hunt birds very interestingly. They usually do this in pairs - one fox carries out distracting maneuvers, rolling on the ground, while the other catches gaping birds. No wonder the fox in all folk tales symbolizes cunning and dexterity. Often in the snow you can see fox tracks that are difficult to confuse with someone else's. The predator puts its hind legs exactly in the footprint of the front ones, forming an even chain. The area where the fox hunts has its own boundaries and is carefully protected from strangers.

fox cubs

In spring, from 3 to 12 small cubs are born in a fox hole. Like wolves, puppies are born once a year. Newborns are very similar to cubs, if you do not pay attention to the main difference that is necessarily included in the description of the fox - the white tip of the tail. For a month and a half, the cubs sit in a hole, feeding on their mother's milk, then they begin to slowly leave the shelter and even look for prey together with their parents, accustoming themselves to ordinary food.

Both parents participate in the educational process. The male is an exemplary family man, carefully cares for his female and offspring. The cubs finally get out of their holes at the age of 6 months, and already next spring some of them have their cubs. But usually they reach puberty in the second year of life. Foxes live in stable pairs. If it happens that the breadwinner dies, another male takes care of the family.

The fox is of great value as a fur-bearing animal. The description of the animal necessarily mentions luxurious fur, which can be not only red, but also silver, and even black. But the main thing is that the fox is an exterminator of harmful rodents and insects, which brings invaluable benefits to agriculture.

Do you often tell fox children, of course, besides the fact that she is a cunning beauty from a fairy tale? I think it's rare! Let's correct our common mistake and tell the children about the fox, which has forever taken its place in good children's fairy tales.

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Description of the fox

Baby, today I will tell you about the fox.

Guess a riddle:

A very clever trick

Covers traces deftly,

Her red tail is a beauty!

And her name is (Fox).

The fox is a very beautiful animal. She has a soft and fluffy coat, which can be from gray-yellow to fiery red. The paws are black and the chest is white. In winter, the animal's coat becomes thicker and warmer.

The tail of the fox is very fluffy and beautiful. The muzzle is long and narrow. The scent is very well developed, she feels all the smells, and by smell she can find where the hare or mouse ran away. And the hearing of the fox is also very good, she hears what is happening in another part of the forest.

Foxes live in burrows that they dig for themselves or occupy the dwellings of other animals. From the inside they line their minks dry grass, moss and wool. Therefore, they are warm and comfortable there.

The fox family is like this. Dad is a fox, mom is a fox, and the children are foxes who live with mom and dad in a hole, love to play and frolic, and when they grow up, they go hunting with their parents.

Foxes feed on mice, rabbits, hares, after rain they dig up worms. They also catch fish or crayfish in the river. They also love to eat birds. Without fear, a fox can climb into a chicken coop and steal a hen or chicken. Can eat berries and vegetables.

From fairy tales, you probably already know that the fox is a very cunning animal, she comes up with all sorts of tricks and tricks, covers her tracks with a fluffy tail and confuses them so that it is difficult even for dogs to find her. If the hedgehog curls up so that the fox cannot eat it, the cunning beauty can roll the hedgehog into the water with her paw.

What fox stories do you know?

  • Wolf and fox.
  • Kolobok.
  • Fox and cockerel.
  • Fox and hare.
  • Fox and crane.
  • Fox and thrush.

The fox is one of the most beautiful predators. The color of the skin is red, the tail is long and fluffy, the muzzle is long and narrow, and the eyes are smart and cunning. The fox is about the size of a small dog. The color of the red cheat varies from fiery red to gray. In the north, foxes are almost red, in the steppe they are gray-yellow. Silver fox, by the way, is also an ordinary fox with some deviations from normal coloring. The most beautiful is black-brown fur. Therefore, silver fox has long been bred on farms.

The fox lives in Europe, and in Asia, and in America, and in Africa. This animal adapts well to different climatic conditions. Southern foxes are smaller than northern foxes, and besides, northern foxes have thicker and fluffier fur. The fox is an extremely agile and frisky animal. She runs so fast that it is difficult for dogs to catch up with her. In addition, this is a very cunning beast: she can indulge in various tricks, confusing her own tracks or getting her own food.

What does a fox eat. How the fox hunts

The fox is a great hunter. In addition to observation and ingenuity, she has an excellent memory, a good sense of smell and remarkably sharp hearing. The squeak of a vole, for example, a fox hears for 100 m. Being a predator, the fox eats a wide variety of animals. She eats mice, hares, rabbits, amphibians, reptiles with pleasure, digs up earthworms from the ground after rain, catches fish and crayfish in the river. But he especially loves red cheat enjoy the bird. Therefore, she often looks into chicken coops. By the way, the proximity of a person does not scare a fox at all, so you can often find a fox hole very close to the village. The fox successfully supplements the meat diet with berries, apples, and vegetables.

Each fox has its own individual feeding area. She jealously guards him from the intrusion of strangers and always knows what is happening near her hole. The fox usually hunts in the evening and at night, although there are exceptions. Some animals prefer to go around hare nesting sites during the day, hunt birds and feed exclusively on large game, neglecting mice or frogs.

Despite the fact that the fox will not miss the opportunity to feast on a gaping hare, catch a black grouse or ruin a bird's nest, in the forest it does much more good than harm. The main food of foxes is voles, mice, ground squirrels and other rodents that are harmful to agriculture. And the growing foxes exterminate the May beetles in large numbers - well-known pests in forest areas.

Mating season for foxes

The mating season for the fox begins in January - February. At this time, the female rushes to search for males, who declare their readiness to marry with a short, abrupt bark. During the rut, you can see an amazing group: a beautiful female runs ahead, and several males follow her at once. In the end, the patience of males is depleted, it's time to choose which of them is worthy to take a place next to the female. You can watch fierce fights between males, during which the fox patiently waits in the direction of the winner. Only the strongest fox gets the right to mate with a female. At the end of estrus, the foxes scatter to the sides.

fox cubs

Pregnancy in foxes lasts 51 - 52 days. By the end of this period, the paternal instinct wakes up in males. They search for pregnant females and again fight with rival males, now for the right to stay near the female. From now on, the winner takes all the hardships family life: helps to dig a hole, feeds the fox at a time when she still cannot leave newborns, shares with the female the responsibility for raising young foxes. Fox cubs usually appear in late April or early May.

At first they are brown in color and very similar to puppies, but they all have hallmark- white tip of the tail. The young generation is growing up quickly, by the 20th day of life they are already beginning to crawl out of the hole and feed not on mother's milk, but on live food. It is not easy for the father of the family to feed the voracious cubs, so the female also begins to help in the extraction of food. Parents not only bring live mice, birds and small animals into the hole, but also begin to teach the kids the basics of hunting. At first, the cubs prey on May beetles and grasshoppers, but gradually they become accustomed to preying on larger game: voles, lizards, and frogs.

Fox cubs grow rapidly, and already in August it is difficult to distinguish them from a distance from an adult animal. In November, young foxes begin an independent life and disperse in all directions.

Where does the fox live: the habits of the fox. fox holes

Foxes don't always live in burrows. They use these dwellings only when raising offspring, and spend the rest of the time in the open. Foxes have almost no feelings of home. They settle where they like, and even then not for long. The fox willingly digs holes near human dwellings, sometimes foxes wander even into big cities. The fox often does not want to dig a hole on its own and uses other people's dwellings, for example, the fox has great respect for comfortable burrows dug by a badger.

A mature fox acquires burrows not only in order to grow offspring in them or hide from prolonged bad weather. Often burrows serve as a refuge for them in case of danger.

The old fox, as usual, has not one hole where her brood is placed, but several at once, which provide her with a reliable refuge in exceptional cases.

Fox hatching holes are mainly located on the slopes of a ravine, not far from a stream, in a forest thicket, that is, where people usually do not wander. It happens that the fox from year to year returns to the hole dug by her once. Then such "apartments" are constantly expanding, being renovated, acquiring several additional "rooms", which are usually located on 2 - 3 floors. Hunters are well acquainted with such holes and call them "secular".

Usually, a fox hatching hole is equipped with several exits - otnorks, which allow it to leave its shelter unnoticed in case of danger. The main snout, which the fox regularly uses to enter and exit, is noticeable from afar. Usually this is a clean area, sprinkled with sand, which appeared here as a result of many years of cleaning the hole. Here you can often see playing foxes.

The fox's molting period

By the end of winter, the fox coat, previously shiny and fluffy, begins to fade and becomes rough. The fox begins a period of molting - hair falls out, and the beast loses its external attractiveness. Molting occurs quite quickly, and by May the foxes acquire a new fur coat - summer. If the fox is sick or thin, the molting period is extended, and then even in June you can see a fox with disheveled winter fur. Summer wool is not valued: it is coarse and rare, since there is practically no undercoat - with the beginning of autumn, the wool begins to thicken. And only with the onset of cold weather fox fur begins to be considered full-fledged.

Fox hunting. How to hunt a fox

For fox hunting to be successful, the hunter must learn about all the habits of this cunning beast. In addition, you need to learn how to unravel the fox trail and distinguish it from the dog. For an experienced tracker, a fox trail can tell a lot: about the age and gender of the past fox, about where the beast was and what he did, whether he was hungry or full. The tracker reads tracks like an open book, and this can only be learned through extensive practice.

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