What can you say about the fox. A short fairy tale about a fox

Design and interior 07.07.2019
Design and interior

Lisa is always busy with something. The cheater has no free time at all. Look around, look around, she has no time. But one day, magical events made her take a fresh look at the world ...

Fairy Tale "The Fox and the Walking Boots"

There lived a fox. She once found walking boots in the forest. Who lost? The fox took them to the hare. He refused to take it, said that he was running so fast, he didn’t need walking boots.

The fox thought, and offered walking boots to her chatterbox friend magpie, but she said that it was more convenient to fly without boots.

Then the fox herself put on the magic boots and went to the magic forest. In the magical forest, she flew like a bird. The fox looked down and wondered how beautiful it was! Then she went to her native forest. “How did I not notice the beauty that surrounded me every day before? It was worth being in a magical forest to understand how beautiful the world is!

Questions and tasks for the fairy tale

What magical item did the fox find in the forest?

To whom did the fox offer walking boots?

In which forest did the fox fly?

What discovery did the fox make for himself?

The main idea of ​​the tale is that the world is really beautiful. Sometimes, in order to understand this, you need to put on magic boots and find yourself in a magical forest. But it sometimes happens that the magical forest is no different from the real one. The forest is always a little magical. What events are taking place there, behind tall pines, centuries-old oaks and sprawling birches? Various. This is from the realm of mystery ...

What proverbs and famous expressions fit the fairy tale?

Beauty is sweeter than simplicity.
Beauty is not a burden, but a joy.
Life is beauty. Admire her!

Describing a fox in an artistic or scientific style for children will help you write essays and prepare for the lesson.

Brief description of the fox

The fox is a beautiful animal. Her body is covered with thick red hair. The fox has a luxurious fluffy tail. She has short legs and a sharp muzzle. The eyes of the fox are beady, glow with cunning fire.

She lives in abandoned minks of ground squirrels and badgers, prefers meadow areas. The fox feeds on mice and hares. A sleepy owner drags chickens.

Fox is an excellent swimmer. She runs away from enemies in zigzags. The fox runs very fast.

The fox is the hero of many fairy tales, where she performs a not very plausible role - she steals chickens, is cunning, hunts birds, etc. In fairy tales, they call her - gossip, Patrikeevna, cheat, prankster, etc.

Description of the fox for children

The fox likes it everywhere - in the field, in the forest, in the meadow, on the shore of the reservoir. It is impossible to confuse it with another animal. Well, tell me, who else has such a gorgeous red fur coat and a long fluffy tail with a white speck at the end?

Lisa is a big fashionista. She has two fur coats - winter and summer. Moreover, the winter one is much warmer: its fur is thicker and longer than that of the summer one.

It is to the honor of the fox that it is distinguished by great intelligence, cunning.
This beast has excellent hearing. In winter, the fox carefully listens to various sounds and accurately determines where the mouse is tinkering under the snow. The fox immediately rakes the snow and overtakes the prey. They say that the fox "mouse".

The fox is a typical predator. In the summer, the diet of the fox is made up of frogs, small birds, and animals. And if you get into the habit of running to the farm - beware! He will carry hens and cockerels.

The fox, preparing to bring out the cubs, becomes a real builder for a while. She digs (builds) long, intricate holes with several exits. You never know! But sometimes the fox is lazy. Without building anything, he uses a ready-made hole, the one dug by a badger or some other animal.

Have you heard the voice of the fox? He is sonorous, she “yapps”. And if it comes to a fight, then the foxes squeal so piercingly that it won’t seem enough. Fox dad and fox mom caring parents. The male takes care of the female with the cubs.

The fox story

Lisa is a real beauty. She has a warm red coat. Narrow curious muzzle. Her ears and paws are black. But the fox is proud of its tail - large, fluffy.

The tail is also red, and the tip can be dark or white. When a fox runs or jumps, the tail helps it keep its balance.

The fox is really smart, observant, dexterous and cunning animal. The red-haired "cheater" prefers to live not in a dense forest, but closer to the edge. Or where there are fields, ravines, small copses.

Often a fox lives next to a person - not far from the village and even the city. In order not to catch the eye of a person or relatives - dogs, both dexterity and cunning are required.

An observant fox knows that when a dog sits on a chain, there is no need to be afraid of it. Let yourself lie! And she minds her own business. The fox may not pay attention to the people working in the field: they are not up to her.

But if she is in danger, the fox, almost flattened in running above the ground, stretching her fluffy tail, quickly runs away. Get the fox! Hold on! And she was gone!

Sometimes hunters look for a cheat in forest thickets, along ravines, and she will run away into a field sown with tall wheat or oats and hide. Very close to the village where the grief-hunters live.

Some are sure that the fox only hunts by stealing chickens. Of course, the fox will not refuse chicken, but this does not happen so often. The fox's main food is mice.

The fox also hunts hares, catches birds, ruins their nests. Will not refuse beetles and other insects. Will gladly swallow a frog, lizard or snake.

The fox loves to eat berries, fruits, some plants. Patrekeevna has a rich menu.

The fox has good hearing and sense of smell. In winter, the fox “mouses”: it runs across a snow-covered field and listens to see if a mouse squeaks under the snow. If he hears, he will dig and seize the prey.

Sometimes he will be so carried away by prey that he can let him close: the fox's eyesight is not so good.

A fox digs a hole to breed. But she herself does not want to work, and she often takes other people's holes. But he will definitely make several emergency exits: which does not happen in life!

Fox cubs are born blind, deaf and toothless. The fox feeds them with milk. And soon the cubs both see and hear. And they cut their teeth.

Grown up fox cubs do not sit in a hole for a long time. They are interested in exploring the world. But as soon as the fox barks, the cubs quickly hide in the hole. Or they run to their mother.

Foxes do not gather in flocks, they prefer to live alone.

The fox is one of the most beautiful predatory animals. She has a graceful elongated body, slender legs, a long fluffy tail. Head with pointed muzzle and large erect ears.

Common fox photo.

The fox is about the size of a small dog. The body length of an adult is from 60 to 90 cm, the length of the tail is from 40 to 60 cm. The weight of a fox usually does not exceed 10 kg. Foxes living in northern latitudes are often larger than their southern counterparts.

The fur of the fox is long and fluffy, for the most part colored red. The belly is more often white, less often black. The further north a fox lives, the brighter its color. Sometimes in nature there are foxes with unusual color- black-brown, white. During the year, foxes molt twice, changing their fur either for winter - thick and long, then for summer - rare and short.


Habitat red fox very wide. It is found in Europe and Asia, North America and North Africa. Foxes live in different landscapes - in forests and steppes, in deserts and tundra, in mountains and on flat terrain. But still they prefer open spaces with copses and ravines.

Fox in the forest photo.


Foxes live in pairs or families. They usually lead sedentary life, occupy a site on which they hunt and arrange a dwelling for themselves for the night and breeding. In deserts and tundras, where long distances have to be covered in search of food, foxes migrate from one place to another.

Foxes dig deep holes in the ground with narrow passages and a wide nesting chamber. They usually make their burrows on the slopes of ravines or hills, protected by dense grass and shrubs. Often, not one, but two or even more passages lead to the nesting chamber. This allows foxes to run away from pursuers in case of danger.

Fox with cubs near the hole photo.

The fox is a very cautious and intelligent animal, she easily leaves the chase, skillfully confusing the tracks and resorting to all sorts of tricks. The fox has a good sense of smell and hearing, thanks to which it easily detects its prey. The fox is able to make sounds reminiscent of the yapping barking of a dog.

Nutrition Features

Foxes are predators, so their main diet consists of animal food. Foxes prey on both small animals (voles, mice, hamsters) and larger ones (hares and roe deer cubs). On occasion, the fox will not refuse to catch a bird or a chick, it can willingly eat eggs from a nest found in the grass. With a lack of food, the fox can eat carrion.

Most often, voles, small mouse-like rodents, become prey for foxes. Usually they make up the main menu of foxes, especially in winter, when food is scarce and very difficult to get. In winter, the fox has developed its own way of hunting for small rodents, which is called mouse. This method consists in the fact that the fox listens to the rustles and sounds under the snow, and when he hears the squeak of a vole, he quickly jumps headlong into the snow, tears it apart with his paws and tries to catch the rodent.

Fox hunting photo.

Sometimes foxes drag poultry from the yards - geese or chickens, but this does not happen too often.

AT warm time foxes supplement their diet with plant foods - berries, herbs, fruits.

fox breeding

Foxes usually breed once a year. To that important event animals are prepared in advance - even in winter. Foxes find suitable places for holes and guard them from others.

Several males can take care of one female at once. They often fight among themselves, seeking the favor of the female.

The male chosen by the female becomes a good family man. He takes care of the female, helps her to improve the hole, and when the foxes appear, he participates in their upbringing.

A fox's pregnancy lasts from 49 to 58 days. After that, from 4 to 13 fox cubs are born. Cubs are born blind and deaf, but at the age of two weeks they begin to see and hear, by the same time their teeth erupt.

Fox cubs photo.

The fox feeds the cubs with milk for a month and a half. Gradually, fox cubs are accustomed to ordinary adult food. To do this, foxes have to hunt a lot to bring prey home.

If something happens to the fox father and he dies, then some other fox who has no offspring takes over his care. He takes care of both the female and the cubs.

When the cubs grow up, their parents take them hunting with them and teach them how to get food. By autumn, the cubs become independent and leave the parental hole.

Brief information about the fox.

Do you often tell fox children, of course, besides the fact that she is a cunning beauty from a fairy tale? I think it's rare! Let's correct our common mistake and tell the children about the fox, which has forever taken its place in good children's fairy tales.

To begin with, I propose download free presentation about the fox. And then read to your children about the fox - below I post fox description.

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Description of the fox

Baby, today I will tell you about the fox.

Guess a riddle:

A very clever trick

Covers traces deftly,

Her red tail is a beauty!

And her name is (Fox).

The fox is a very beautiful animal. She has a soft and fluffy coat, which can be from gray-yellow to fiery red. The paws are black and the chest is white. In winter, the animal's coat becomes thicker and warmer.

The tail of the fox is very fluffy and beautiful. The muzzle is long and narrow. The scent is very well developed, she feels all the smells, and by smell she can find where the hare or mouse ran away. And the hearing of the fox is also very good, she hears what is happening in another part of the forest.

Foxes live in burrows that they dig for themselves or occupy the dwellings of other animals. From the inside they line their minks dry grass, moss and wool. Therefore, they are warm and comfortable there.

The fox family is like this. Dad is a fox, mom is a fox, and the children are foxes who live with mom and dad in a hole, love to play and frolic, and when they grow up, they go hunting with their parents.

Foxes feed on mice, rabbits, hares, after rain they dig up worms. They also catch fish or crayfish in the river. They also love to eat birds. Without fear, a fox can climb into a chicken coop and steal a hen or chicken. Can eat berries and vegetables.

From fairy tales, you probably already know that the fox is a very cunning animal, she comes up with all sorts of tricks and tricks, covers her tracks with a fluffy tail and confuses them so that it is difficult even for dogs to find her. If the hedgehog curls up so that the fox cannot eat it, the cunning beauty can roll the hedgehog into the water with her paw.

What fox stories do you know?

  • Wolf and fox.
  • Kolobok.
  • Fox and cockerel.
  • Fox and hare.
  • Fox and crane.
  • Fox and thrush.

Foxes are found throughout Europe, Asia, North America and North Africa.

The fox is a carnivorous mammal and belongs to the canine family. Depending on the species, the size of this animal is up to 90 cm in length, and the weight can reach 10 kg.

The fox is distinguished by an elongated graceful body, an elongated muzzle, pointed ears and a fluffy tail. Large and elongated ears help foxes pick up sounds, and a long tail Helps keep balance while running and protects from the cold.

The fur of foxes most often has a yellow, sandy or red color. In summer, the fox sheds, and by winter it grows a new coat, thick and lush, necessary to protect against the cold. The winter coat of this animal is long and beautiful. In ancient times, fox hair was even equated with money.

The fox is a predator, it feeds on small rodents - mice, ground squirrels. It is generally accepted that rabbits are the favorite food of foxes, but this is not entirely true. Because of her short legs, it is difficult for her to catch up with such a fast animal as a hare. Although the fox is capable of reaching speeds of up to 50 km / h, it cannot pursue prey for a long time.

In addition to rodents and hares, the fox loves to eat birds, eggs from ruined nests, fruits and berries.

For hunting, foxes choose the dark time of the day or early morning. The fox relies mainly on touch and smell. Her eyes, although adapted to see in the dark, do not distinguish colors.

In winter, the fox is engaged in mousekeeping. This hunt requires all her dexterity, excellent hearing and quick wits. The fox is able to hear the animal over 100 m. She listens to the movement of a rodent under the snow and, as soon as she detects it, rises on her hind legs and, bringing her front paws close, dives sharply into the snow. If the thickness of the snow cover is small, then the fox simply digs it up and takes out the field mouse.

Having caught the prey, the fox does not chew the meat, but gnaws it into small pieces and swallows it.

Foxes are incapable of stockpiling, so if they catch a rodent but are full, they just play with the prey like cats until the rodent stops showing signs of life. Because of this feature, people used foxes in fruit fields to exterminate pest pests.

Foxes are mostly sedentary. Young individuals go no further than 20-30 km from the parental den. These animals prefer open areas, they are rarely found in wooded areas. Foxes live in a hole that they dig on the slopes of hills or floods of rivers. Several passages are made into the hole, which lead through long tunnels to a common nesting place. In it, foxes sleep and raise puppies.

Foxes find a mate to raise their offspring together. Puppies are born once a year. One brood can have up to 16 puppies. Fox cubs are born blind, toothless and deaf. After two weeks, they already begin to see, hear and bark. The mother feeds the babies with milk. Gradually, parents teach them to hunt and eat meat food.

The life span of foxes in nature is up to 10 years. In a zoo, a fox can live up to 20-25 years.

Questions about the report:

1. Where are foxes found?
2. What do they eat?
3. What is the name of the fox's house?
4. How many babies are born and how often?
5. How long do foxes live?

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