What does it mean to dry the body. An example of a circuit workout. Circuit training for beginners.

the beauty 06.11.2017
the beauty

Proper drying of the body is a way to get beautiful figure with minimal damage to health. About how to dry your body will be discussed in this article.

Initially, body drying was done exclusively by competitive athletes. Now, both men and women who are not associated with bodybuilding are drying on this low-carb diet.

Of course, the drying results speak for themselves: you can finally see your abs, relief and muscle section. But what mistakes are often made by those who want to dry out by the summer?

  • fat deficiency

We have already spoken before. Due to the fact that 1 gram of fat contains 9 kcal, many people are simply afraid of fat. No need to go to extremes. If you are not a performing athlete, but just getting ready for the beach season or a photo shoot, you should not throw away egg yolks (as bodybuilders do).

With a deficiency of fat, joints suffer, hair loses its natural shine, becomes dry and brittle. The lack of healthy fats in the body directly affects the recovery process of the body after training, which is associated with a lack of building material for cell membranes.

First of all, women should take care of the sufficient intake of fats in the body, since often during the period of pre-competitive preparation, the cycle in women goes astray. This fact is worth considering if you are interested in the question: How to dry yourself properly for girls.

  • No carbs

Unfortunately, there is a misconception about drying the body. It must be understood that none of the nutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) can be excluded. If this is practiced among bodybuilders, it is only on the eve of the competition itself that such carbohydrate starvation lasts one or several days.

  • Are you sure you have something to dry?
  • Sharp cuts in calories (mainly carbohydrates)

It is necessary to gradually reduce the amount of carbohydrates consumed, cutting them every week. The body does not like sudden changes (for many, drying the body stretches up to 3-5 months).

  • And again breasts

In order not to break off the diet, and more or less enjoy life, diversify the drying menu. You can turn on your imagination or read about it.

What is on the dry

Meat: lean beef

Bird: chicken, turkey

Fish: telapia, hake, pollock, perch, tuna

Seafood: squid, shrimp, crab

Eggs (possible with yolks), soft-boiled, hard-boiled eggs, omelettes

Dairy products: (in the first 2 weeks) cottage cheese, cheese, kefir

  • Sources of carbohydrates:

Cereals: oatmeal, buckwheat, brown or wild rice

Durum wheat pasta


Fruits: green apples, grapefruit, lemon, pomegranate, kiwi (in the first weeks). Choose fruits and berries with a low glycemic index

Vegetables: all non-starchy and green vegetables (cucumbers, lettuce, zucchini, cabbage, herbs), tomatoes, radishes, eggplants, green beans, green pea

Olive or linseed oil

1. The ratio of BJU.

You should consume 2-2.5 grams of protein (animal source) per 1 kg of your own weight. Cut carbohydrates gradually. AT for 2 weeks, consume 2.5 - 2 grams of carbohydrates per 1 kg of weight, and only from the 3rd week reduce to 1 gram. The amount of fat is not desirable to reduce less than 0.5 per 1 kg of weight.

2. Fractional nutrition.

Eat 5-7 times a day, every 2-2.5 hours. Frequent eating prevents catabolism and maintains optimal blood sugar levels. In addition, you boost your metabolism, which is important in order to burn fat.

3. About Creatine.

If your goal is to dry out, you need to stop taking creatine, as it retains water in the body.

4. Vitamins and trace elements.

After the first weeks, you will have to give up fruits. Their deficiency must be replenished with a vitamin-mineral complex.

5. Water.

Drink at least 2 liters of pure water, especially if you sweat in the gym. In order for excess fluid not to be retained by the body, reduce salt intake to a minimum. pure form, and exclude completely its hidden forms (canned food).

6. Sports nutrition.

To save the muscles acquired by blood and sweat, sports supplements will help. It will not be superfluous to use BCAA amino acids, which will not only prevent muscle catabolism, but will provide you with additional energy, which will have a positive effect on strength indicators.

This also includes the use of Omega 3 essential acids, which have a beneficial effect on maintaining muscles on drying.

Menu for proper drying of the body

The given figures (grams) are approximate, since you should focus on the BJU and caloric content recommended to you based on individual parameters (gender, age, weight, height, physical activity) and taste preferences.

An exemplary body drying menu looks like this:

Option 1:

  • Protein or amino acids in free form
  • 50 gr cereals + eggs
  • Curd with berries
  • 250 gr turkey + 50 gr cereals
  • 8 egg whites with 1-2 yolks + vegetables
  • 200 gr cottage cheese + vegetables
  • Casein (optional)

Option 2:

  • Oatmeal on the water with berries
  • Fried eggs + bread
  • Baked fish + green vegetables
  • Curd with greens
  • Egg whites + kefir

Option 3:

  • Natural yogurt + bread
  • Cheesecakes without flour and semolina + berries
  • Omelet with vegetables
  • Chicken breast baked in kefir
  • Tuna in own juice+ cucumbers

On this, I consider the question of How to properly dry the body - open. If the article seemed useful to you, please share it on social networks.

The concept of “drying the body” is a term introduced into use by bodybuilders and refers to a process aimed at simultaneously reducing subcutaneous fat and creating a beautiful body relief through muscle training. A feature of this weight loss scheme is that recommendations for additional physical activity in this case have the status of an obligatory element of the program. Diet and training are, respectively, the first and second 50% of drying success.

The main principle of drying is fat burning without damage to muscles and the formation of beautiful body reliefs.


The task of drying is to remove fat and make beautiful reliefs. The essence of the program is proper nutrition and strength physical activity. Both are done according to certain specially designed schemes, taking into account individual characteristics. It is necessary to correctly distribute the intake of proteins and carbohydrates into the body depending on the time of day and training, adjust their total amount weekly, correctly calculate and arrange aerobic and power loads. All carbohydrates, and they are needed for a beautiful figure, are transferred to the first half of the day, and the proteins are distributed throughout the day with an emphasis on the second half.

At the same time, you should clearly understand what is being done and why, in order to avoid mistakes in important points of the program and correctly correct the menu and workouts in a timely manner.

Who needs and who does not need body drying?

Everyone wants to have a beautiful toned body, with rare exceptions. But this method is not suitable for everyone. If a woman weighs 80 or more kilograms, then she needs not to dry, but to lose weight, and these are fundamentally different things. You should not start following this technique for very thin girls, for example, having a weight of 45-47 kg. The drying process assumes the presence of a certain initial volume of subcutaneous fat.

So, this method is for you if:

  • You are a professional sportsman. In this case, it is better to alternate drying with periods of mass gain.
  • You have enough muscle mass that you want to emphasize, and the percentage of subcutaneous fat is about 20% or a little more, but you are not obviously overweight.

This is not for you if:

  • You don't exercise but are overweight. In this case, first you just need to lose weight, otherwise the drying idea will be useless.
  • You are underweight, even if you don't like belly fat. The wrong diet is to blame for this, and it needs to be brought back to normal.

How long does body drying last?

The duration of the program is usually 4-5 weeks, but can be extended up to 3 months. If necessary and desire to increase this time, experts recommend alternating it with building muscle mass. In this case, one should adhere to such a ratio in time: drying should be shorter than the build-up period by half!

How to understand the presented menu options?

Three basic nutrition schemes will be described in detail, depending on the initial parameters of the body - large, medium and female. In all three, the recommendations will be given for better visibility on the example of the same set of products. This does not mean that you need to constantly eat the same thing. To better understand this fact, another alternative menu option for the week is described.

As a variety of menus and to speed up metabolism, you can combine two cycles proper nutrition, fundamentally different in the consumption of proteins and carbohydrates.

  1. Daily diet with the exception of carbohydrates in the afternoon (3 options mentioned above).
  2. Carbohydrate alternation (an alternative menu option corresponds to it).

What is body drying for and how does it differ from conventional low-carb diets?

This program is needed in order to remove excess subcutaneous fat, partially pumping it into the muscles and preserve muscle mass, preventing its loss.

Carbohydrates are the easiest way for our body to get energy from. If there is an excess of carbohydrates in the diet, the glucose obtained as a result of metabolic reactions in the form of glycogen is retained for a long time in the liver and muscle tissues. As a result, all this is converted into hated fat. Carbohydrate-free nutrition leads to the fact that the body first begins to process the glycogen supplied with food, and if it is scarce, it starts the process of splitting fats.

However, with a rigid low-carbohydrate diet, there is a slowdown in metabolism, a decrease in muscle volume and even some internal organs. Decreased metabolic rate is associated with the body's response to extreme conditions- he begins to save money, trying to survive and prevent starvation. Because of this, a couple of weeks after the start of losing weight, weight stagnation usually occurs (plateau effect), health may worsen, a headache, weakness, etc. can be felt. The process of burning calories slows down or stops altogether.

From this follow two necessary rules for losing weight:

  1. Spending more energy than gaining.
  2. Prevent a decrease in metabolic rate.

The main difference between cutting and other low-carb nutrition programs is that both rules are followed. In particular, great attention is given to the second point, which is usually ignored in diets. From here, by the way, “legs grow” and the sad tradition of returning weight after the end of most diets. The metabolism is still "sleeping", and the number of incoming calories increases dramatically.

Individual calculation of the required amount of energy consumed

Before proceeding with the practice, it is necessary to consider some assumptions, since the drying of the body must be individual, completely personalized. It is almost impossible to take into account all the individual characteristics of everyone who starts the program, so everyone must observe the reactions of their own body to loads and restrictions on their own.

Assumptions are differences in the amount of energy each person needs. This indicator is extremely important, since it is from it that one should build on, competently creating an energy deficit in the body. There is no general, suitable for everyone and everyone figure in this regard. Recommendations about required amount Calories per day may not suit absolutely everyone. Someone will continue to gain weight at the daily intake at which the other will effectively lose weight.

There are a lot of individual factors influencing this indicator. We will consider only two main directions of their influence.

Basic metabolism:

  • age;
  • initial weight;
  • body constitution;
  • food habits;
  • the ratio of muscle volume to the amount of fat reserves;
  • endurance, ability to withstand physical activity, etc.
  • physical;
  • mental;
  • moral (stress), etc.

Precise recommendations for each of these items, in principle, do not exist. They can be given by an individual trainer, but since we give a practical guide for drying the body at home, the exact calculation of the calories needed per day and their optimal deficit will need to be done by yourself, watching your body.

So, monitoring your body and its reactions to restrictions and loads is the main criterion for accurately calculating the required daily calories!

How to calculate calories?

The energy value of the daily volume of food should correspond to the daily norms of proteins (1.5-2 g per 1 kg of body weight) and carbohydrates (2-2.5 g). Carbohydrates should be slow, these include cereals and vegetables.

The largest number of calories should be in the first and second breakfast. Then their number decreases, the last meal should be completely carbohydrate-free.

Keep a food diary! A good help in calculating calories can be mobile applications, of which there are many.

Fat burning correction

Any proposed meal plan is just a menu, a set of products. To carry out the correct process of drying the body, a constant correction of the number of calories consumed is necessary.

It is known that there are only two ways to reduce subcutaneous reserves - to increase the expenditure of calories consumed or to reduce their intake. The first is training, the second is diet. Physical activity on the body is an effective assistant to lose weight, however, by itself, it burns a small number of calories. This is so, even if someone convinced you otherwise. The main way to lose weight is diet, reducing the intake of calories. Therefore, it is necessary to correct the process from this side.

Regular weekly weighing should show how the drying process is progressing.

  • Correct result. If every week there is a decrease in weight by 0.5-1 kg, then everything is normal and you can continue the diet without adjusting anything.
  • No effect. If it takes less, you need to reduce the calorie content of the daily diet.
  • Too fast weight loss. Weight loss of two kg or more, in 7 days - too bad indicator. This means that in the near future metabolic processes will slow down, and a "plateau" will come. The result will either be lower than desired, or the weight will fall into place. At the same time, a single weight loss of 2 kg should not necessarily lead to a correction in nutrition. Wait another 7 days, weigh yourself, listen to your well-being and only then draw conclusions.

Choose a day of the week for yourself, for example, it will be Saturday. So, every Saturday you weigh in and decide whether something needs to be changed in the next week's menu or not.

Why make a correction?

It is best to reduce or increase the daily calorie intake due to the amount of complex carbohydrates. It is better not to touch proteins, our muscles need them. Therefore, we adjust the menu with rice (depending on the menu - oatmeal or buckwheat).

Experience shows that it is best to stay closer to the lower calorie allowance. Those. if the fork looks like 1500-2000 kcal, then the calorie content of the menu of 1500 kcal is more desirable. But this must be done gradually! At first, focus on the upper limit, and then adjust the diet so as to go down to the lower one.

Monthly diet adjustments

All the drying menus offered, and there are many options for them, will not be ideal for you personally. You can take them as a basis, as a starting point, but subsequently must constantly adjust your diet based on the results. Below is a diagram that you can refer to if the drying goes according to plan and shows working results. In this case, you just have to adjust it to your weight, based on the recommended ratios.

Week 1

The beginning should not be strict, it is necessary to enter the drying program gently. For 1 kg of initial body weight, it is supposed to consume 2-2.5 g of carbohydrates per day. More vegetables, white lean meats, egg whites (some whole eggs), cottage cheese 0-1%.

2 weeks

During the second week, the amount of carbohydrates should be reduced by almost half and brought to 1 g per 1 kg of body weight. At the same time, in the same ratio, we increase protein products. It is better to do this at the expense of fish, boiled meat (veal, chicken breasts). Don't forget greens and vegetables. At this stage, we completely exclude all sweets and limit salt as much as possible.

3 week

The third week is the most rigorous. We leave the amount of protein products at the level of the previous week, and reduce carbohydrates to 0.5 g per 1 kg of weight.

4 week

We begin to gradually move towards the exit. We return to the menu of the second week and follow its rules.

Beginning with 5th week, we finally exit the drying mode, but it is very desirable to do this not immediately, but by repeating the menu of the first week.

Boosting Your Metabolism - Cheat Meal and No Carb Day

For this, the “carrot and stick” method is used. Periodically arrange yourself a cheat meal - a day on which one, preferably a morning meal, you "break away", eat whatever your heart desires, even if it's chips, cakes, fried potatoes or dumplings. You can arrange this holiday of the abdomen once a week for those who have a percentage of subcutaneous fat of 15% or less. If this indicator is 20% or higher, it is recommended to carry out a cheat meal once every two weeks.

We eat “everything in a row” not all day, but only in one meal, i.e. 1 time!

This will not only cheer you up and color the dullness of everyday life in bright colors, but also accelerate the slowed down metabolism.

Another shake-up for the body is a day without carbohydrates. It should not be carried out immediately after the cheat meal, but at least every other day. These days will be difficult and sad, but the drying process, after shaking, will go faster again.

Three options for the basis of the scheme

What is the main scheme?

The main scheme is the starting point from which everyone can start their journey to harmony. It is not unshakable and ideal, but it can be considered optimal for a start, without knowing the individual characteristics of each. Several variants of schemes will be given - and everyone will choose for himself the starting point that he considers most suitable for himself.

  • The first option, which can be taken as the standard drying option, is designed for a man with an average energy expenditure and a natural weight of up to 80 kg. The consumption rate in this case is set in the range of 1500-2000 kcal per day.
  • The second is designed for men with increased energy consumption (heavy physical labor, big weight, a significant predominance of muscle mass, etc.). The indicator increases to 2000-2500 kcal.
  • The third is for women. They have less energy consumption due to a smaller volume of muscle mass, heat transfer, etc. The daily norm in this scheme will be 1000-1500 kcal. The drying program is designed for women weighing 55-60 kg. If this indicator is higher, it may make sense to consider the first option.

Even if you chose the main scheme according to the 2nd and 3rd options, you still have to study the Standard program. It gives the main recommendations, and in the description of the other two - their differences and features.

If you are in doubt about which drying option to start with, start with the standard one.

You will make the correction of the initially set figures yourself in the process, adjusting the mass of food consumed and physical activity, based on your own well-being and results.

Stages of proper nutrition correction

  1. Replacing the usual foods with the right ones.
  2. Reducing their calorie content to the upper limit of the selected scheme. The beginning of the weight loss process.
  3. Gradual, smooth transition to the lower limit. The lower limit at this stage is set individually and can be either higher or lower than the recommended one, depending on the indicators of the weekly weighing.

Basic scheme "Standard"

Designed for men up to 80 kg with average, standard energy consumption and women with a large initial body weight.

Products for the day

Everything except cottage cheese and vegetables should be boiled!

  • 200 g (1 cup) rice: dry volume, i.e. you need to cook 1 cup of dry rice.
  • 500 g chicken breast: only white meat from the breast!
  • 7 egg whites: both for egg whites and whole eggs should be as large as you can buy (75g per 1 piece).
  • 3 whole chicken eggs (with yolk): see above.
  • 200 g cottage cheese: fat-free is better, but up to 1% is allowed.
  • 300 g - 500 g of vegetables: cucumbers, tomatoes and lettuce.

It's all. The approximate energy value of this set will be 2000 kcal. They will contain 170 g of carbohydrates and 200 g of protein.
Everything that needs to be cooked, it is better to cook it once for the whole day in the morning or in the evening. Then divide into equal portions, which should be at least six! For ease of use, take plastic containers according to the number of meals, spread out the daily allowance in equal portions and sign. If you eat often, but little by little, you will be able to deceive the body, creating the illusion of calorie abundance.

Fractional meals (often, but little by little) - essential condition in order to prevent a slowdown in metabolism during drying!

Daily food schedule

Conventionally, we consider that the morning begins at 8.00.

08.05 - 1/2 glass of water. Exactly this best time for cooking rice, chicken breast and eggs for the daily diet. The aromas of food will prepare your stomach for the first meal.

08.20 - 1st breakfast: 1/4 of the daily portion of rice, 150 g of chicken meat, 1/6 of the vegetables. After you have eaten, put the remaining food into containers (they need to be signed). Over time, you will no longer need it, but for a start it is very convenient. If you go to work, take the right food containers with you.

11.00 - 2nd breakfast: 1/4 of rice, 1 whole egg + 2 proteins, 1/6 of vegetables. Wherever you are, in class or at work, get the right portion and eat. You can't delay!

13.00 - lunch: 1/4 rice, 150 g chicken, 1/6 vegetables.

15.00 - afternoon snack: 1 whole egg + 2 proteins, 1/6 vegetables. This meal will be followed by a workout. By this time, it is desirable to reduce the level of sugar in order to activate fatty acid giving energy. When glycogen is used up, fats go more slowly. Therefore, before strength training, we eat light proteins and vegetables. With them, the body receives the necessary amino acids, which will not allow muscles to decrease. And the lack of sugar will lead to active burning of the unnecessary subcutaneous layer.

17.00-18.00 - training.

18.05 - "fast" proteins: 1 whole egg + 1 protein. After exercise, it is recommended to take carbohydrates. This is because at this stage of drying they will not be converted into fat. However, if they are complex, then their absorption will be difficult due to the outflow of blood from the stomach. It takes about an hour for her to return. Eating simple, fast carbohydrates, sugar from which does not go through the process of digestion, but enters the bloodstream immediately, can be recommended only during the period of weight gain, and when drying the body, this is also unacceptable. Therefore, after training, it remains to take only fast protein, so that the muscles we carefully cultivate do not burn out in the flaming energy furnace of the body. At the same time, amino acids (BCAAs or others) should be taken. They will be discussed separately.

19.00 - 1st dinner: 1/4 rice, 150 g chicken, 1/6 vegetables. By this time, the blood has finally returned from the muscles to the stomach, and it requires complex carbohydrates. This will be rice.

21.00 - 2nd dinner: 150g chicken, 2 proteins, 1/6 vegetables. At this time, we eat only protein foods.

23.40 (before going to bed) - "slow" proteins: 200 g of cottage cheese. The task of this snack is to get something that will smolder for a long time, maintaining strength and warming the blood with amino acids. Cottage cheese, which contains casein protein, does an excellent job with this task and may well replace the so-called night proteins.

Important notes to the section!

  • If you need to reduce your daily calorie intake, do so with rice.
  • If you feel like you're on the brink of a breakdown, increase your egg whites.
  • In case of poor digestion of lactose, night discomfort in the stomach, cottage cheese should be excluded and replaced with ready-made night proteins or a dozen egg whites.
  • Vegetables can be eaten not in equal portions, but most of them can be transferred to the second half of the day.
  • You need to drink a lot of water! Including while exercising in the gym. Will not be complete without water chemical reaction, at which fat is burned!
  • The diet is recommended! Maybe. You will have to reduce or increase the amount of food - watch yourself!

What to do if the training time does not match the recommended regimen?

In this case, you need to shift the intake of fast proteins and consume them immediately after the end of classes, and complex carbohydrates after another hour. You should always do this, no matter what time you go to swing. Everything else remains unchanged, given that in the morning we eat carbohydrates, and in the evening we focus on proteins.

Not counting the very beginning of the cutting period, since the start may not be an indicator, the weekly weight loss should be 1 kg (0.5 kg is acceptable). If you lose less, reduce the amount of rice eaten. If it takes more, then this can also be harmful to the metabolism - it can slow down. You need to add calories.

Menu options if you need to change ingredients

These options are not given for variety (although, of course, they can be used for this purpose), but as an alternative in cases where there is intolerance or rejection of one of the main ingredients - chicken or only its white meat, as well as cottage cheese.

Alternative menu "Fish"

If you don't like chicken or you're just sick of it, you can replace it with fish. Ideally, it will be pollock. At the same time, you will have to throw the remaining yolks into the trash can. At the same time, the protein indicator remains the same, and carbohydrates become smaller. The total energy value of the daily diet is also reduced. Thus, the fish version is even more strict.

So, the daily set of products in this case will be:

  • 1 st. rice (dry);
  • 700 g of boiled pollock;
  • 10 egg whites (no yolks!);
  • 200 g cottage cheese (0% -1%);
  • 300-500 g of vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce).

Changes are underlined.

Is it possible to alternate the standard menu with the "Fish" option? Can! But only if the ratio of calories consumed is evened out. Either reduced in the first case, or increased in the second. This should be done at the expense of rice, proteins (yolks) and fish. In this case, you can alternate them the way you want.

Alternative menu "Without cottage cheese"

Along with the cottage cheese, in this case, we also remove the chicken breast. It will be a good alternative for those who find these two products tasteless or who have other reasons not to like or eat them. At the same time, we replace cottage cheese with Night Protein, and chicken with beef and cod.

  • 200g rice (dry);
  • 300 g lean beef;
  • 200 g cod fish (boiled);
  • 7 egg whites;
  • 3 whole eggs with yolks;
  • 300-500 g of vegetables;
  • 50 g "Night protein".

Approximate yield - 2100 kcal.

What is Night Protein?

The second name is “12-hour protein”. This is an active nutritional supplement that includes the so-called "long" proteins. Their release into the blood occurs gradually, which ensures a uniform supply of substances necessary for the growth and formation of muscles. They are taken at night, because at this time the body is forced to do without food for a long time. You can buy such a drug in any sports nutrition store, it is produced by different manufacturers.

If desired, and with a competent selection of ingredients, you can create your own version of the menu, taking into account the biological composition of the products, the total daily calorie content, and so on. For example, rice can be replaced with buckwheat or oatmeal.

Scheme "Big"

It is aimed at "big" people - men with impressive muscle volume and / or large body weight. This category also includes those men who are engaged in heavy physical or strenuous mental work, spend a lot of energy. By the way, those who think that mental work does not require large energy costs are mistaken.

What is the difference between the "Large" menu and the "Standard"?

Just the portion size and nothing else. Our task is to remove excess without stress for the body, preventing a slowdown in metabolic processes. Therefore, at the beginning of the path, restrictions should not be critical.

So, the daily ration "Big"

  • 1.5 st. rice (dry);
  • 600 g of white chicken meat (breast);
  • 7 pcs. egg whites;
  • 3 whole eggs;
  • 300-500 g of vegetables (cucumber, tomatoes, lettuce);
  • 200 g of cottage cheese.

The energy value of this set is approximately 2500 kcal, 250 g of its weight are carbohydrates and 223 g are proteins.

Everything, as before, is used in boiled form.

The distribution of daily meals is the same as in the main drying scheme, just this time we share a larger amount of food.

For those whose weight is within 80-100 kg, but closer to the upper limit! You also better start with this amount of food, but no more than 5-7 days, gradually adjusting it to the standard version.

Scheme "Female"

The female body has less muscle and more fat, because it is naturally adapted to bearing and giving birth to offspring. This makes the drying process difficult, as it requires large caloric restrictions to avoid "emergency stocks".

From experience, a woman needs about 1000-1500 kcal per day and even less! Especially if the height does not exceed 170 cm. And it’s not even so important how this moment is its weight.

Overweight is caused by fat, not muscle. He doesn't need extra calories!

And yet, you should not rush "into the pool with your head" and immediately switch to a severe restriction in food. As mentioned above, the result will be a slowdown in metabolism and stagnation of weight.

Nutrition in this drying option does not differ from the standard one in any way, except for the amount of food.

Daily menu:

  • 1/2 cup rice (dry volume);
  • 400 g chicken breast;
  • 5 egg whites;
  • 3 whole eggs;
  • 300-500 g of vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce);
  • 200 g of cottage cheese.

Eggs, rice and meat - boiled.

The approximate energy value is 1000-1500 kilocalories.

Focus on your well-being! If this food is not enough for you, and you feel weak, headache etc. or if, on the contrary, you can hardly force yourself to eat all this - adjust the number of products without changing the set! Catch the feeling of a slight shortage of food - this will be your best option.

Women do not need to focus on male indicators for correction and weight loss, they will have less of them. There is no need to strive for high performance, otherwise you can ruin everything. The saying about "quieter you go ..." in this case is the best suited to the situation.

The normal weekly plumb line for drying, for a woman, will be 0.5 kg! It's not slow - it's high quality!

Consider monthly cycle! Weight gain before menstruation, even an impressive one, is absolutely normal. The body is preparing to accept the "future child" and soon everything will fall into place.

If the increase associated with the cycle brings severe discomfort, temporarily reduce calorie intake 4-5 days before menstruation, reducing the amount of daily carbohydrates, while limiting physical activity.

You have every right to choose a different menu, based on a set of products that you like more than those offered here. The main thing is that they match in terms of protein, carbohydrate and calorie content. The replacement of chicken with fish and red meat was discussed above. See the rest of the tables below. You can complete them!

Products to replace the reference menu

The drying diet consists of protein and carbohydrate foods. Obviously, they are different, and they can be changed from one to another. You can replace one product with another, based on the data in the following tables.


Carbohydrates (per 100 grams of product)

Cereals are measured dry!

Eggs are an excellent product for weight loss and drying! It is a natural high-quality protein and the complete absence of carbohydrates. By removing the yolk, you completely eliminate fat from them!

When buying and eating eggs, you should be guided by their size, since they can differ very much, literally twice.

The ratio is indicated for large eggs of the highest category. If you buy eggs of a lower category, their quantity must be increased.

A few more figures for them are given in the table below.

For large eggs weighing 75 gr. and more (in grams)

How to make a replacement?

Choose a product from the list and find a replacement for it based on the calorie content from the same table. Theoretically, this can be done at least daily, but it is more convenient to make for yourself several standard acceptable sets of what you like more and change them as you get bored.

The three menu schemes proposed above are not a panacea and are given as an example with detailed comments. To fully understand this fact, we present another menu option for the week, which can also change according to your taste and desire, subject to the main drying conditions.

Additional menu option for a week in carbohydrate alternation mode for women

1st day:

  • This day is taken as the calculated norm.
  • 1st meal: 30 g of boiled rice, half an orange, 50-70 g of boiled fish, greens.
  • 2nd: one whole egg and two proteins (you can make an omelet), half a glass of milk.
  • 3rd: 60 g of boiled chicken breast, 30 g of buckwheat, 3 olives, 1 tomato (without salt).
  • 4th: 3 proteins, cucumber, green salad.
  • 5th: 100 g vegetables, 30 g chicken fillet.
  • 6th: 100 grams of cottage cheese 0%.

2nd and 3rd day:

  • We reduce the amount of carbohydrates.
  • 1st meal: 1 whole egg + 3 proteins, 0.5 cups of milk.
  • 2nd: 60 g of boiled beef, green leaf lettuce, a third of bell pepper.
  • 3rd: 80-90 g of pollock or cod, 150 g of broccoli (cauliflower, zucchini or asparagus), a circle of lemon.
  • 5th: 1.5 cups of kefir, 2 proteins.
  • 6th: 100 g 0% cottage cheese.

4th day:

  • We increase carbohydrates.
  • 1st meal: 30 g of oatmeal in milk with 1 tbsp. raisins, 3 pcs. prunes.
  • 2nd: 30 g of buckwheat, 3 protein, 0.5 orange or a circle of lemon, greens.
  • 3rd: 70 g of veal liver, 30 g of rice or buckwheat, 3 olives, cucumber, greens.
  • 4th: 3 squirrels, 1 tomato, greens.
  • 5th: 125 g natural yogurt without sugar and fruit fillers, 1 protein.
  • 6th: 120 g of cottage cheese 0-1%.

5th day:

  • We repeat the 1st, you can change rice for buckwheat or oatmeal, fish for chicken or veal, leaving the consumption rate the same.

6th and 7th day:

  • We eat similarly to the second and third days (we reduce the amount of carbohydrates) with possible equivalent replacements.

Starting from the eighth day, we increase carbohydrates, as on the 4th day and further according to the scheme. Thus, with carbohydrate alternation, the cycle is 4 days. In the third, most strict week, citrus fruits should be excluded even in such a small amount.

For men, you should increase the amount of food by about 1.5 times, while maintaining the proportions of carbohydrates and proteins.

Animal and vegetable proteins. How to dry the body for vegetarians?

For the correct construction of the diet, animal proteins are required, since they are complete, i.e. contain all the necessary amino acids. There are also many protein products among vegetable products, but they contain an incomplete list of essential amino acids, i.e. are inferior. With a shortage of at least one of the necessary acids of this series (lysine, threonine, methionine, etc.), it is impossible to obtain what is the goal of this drying program - beautiful body with developed muscles.

What about those who are vegetarians and, in principle, do not eat meat? In this case, you need to spend time studying the composition of plant protein products (nuts, seeds, mushrooms, grains and legumes, soy derivatives, etc.) in order to properly combine them. It is necessary to compose a diet in such a way that they complement each other in terms of all essential amino acids.

Training process

Theoretical basis

When presenting the basic nutrition schemes, the calculation was made for one day visit to the gym in the afternoon (evening) time. In fact, everyone trains at a convenient time for themselves, based on the individual daily routine. Therefore, we will give some recommendations to achieve best result drying.

Physical exercises can be carried out both at home and in gyms (sports halls), but it is best to combine them. At public places there is undeniable advantages— motivation by the presence of other people, incl. the opposite sex, the availability of all the necessary simulators, the opportunity to get advice from a coach or an experienced bodybuilder. Although the material side plays an important role here - you have to pay for the training base. You can conduct classes at home at any convenient time. The main thing at the same time is not to hack, taking advantage of the fact that no one sees you. But then everyone will see the result!

There are no fundamental differences between classes for men and women, the whole difference is only in their intensity and specific exercises. Therefore, if you are going to dry in pairs, all this can be done together.

There are a huge number of types of training, including strength training. There is no point in describing all of them in detail. Let us dwell on their main varieties, which are important for drying. There are two of them:

  1. Anaerobic training (power load).

Drying requires both types of load! Because the first of them uses fat as a fuel, and the second uses carbohydrates.

It would seem that we are striving to get rid of the sebaceous layer, why do we need iron? The fact is that you need to consider the process in the amount of not only one lesson in a gym or other gym, but the whole day as a whole. While running, we really burn fat, but as soon as we stop, this process also stops. When training with iron, energy is needed not only in the process of receiving a load, but also after it, in order to restore muscles.

It is logical that the greater the volume of muscles in a person, the more calories are spent when they work. That's what strength training is for. When losing weight only with the help of cardio, not only excess fat is burned, but muscles are also “eaten up”. The body weakens and becomes flabby. You have probably seen such thinners. Classes with iron actively prevent this, burning only what spoils the figure - fat.

And one more important point. There is a direct relationship between a person's weight and their insulin sensitivity. In obese people, it is significantly reduced, and therefore they lose weight with great difficulty. It is strength exercises that break this vicious circle, making the body more receptive to insulin at the cellular level - and an obese person on a diet begins to actively lose weight.

Power (anaerobic) load is in the first place. Aerobic - on the second. But both of them are extremely important for proper beautiful weight loss and drying!

Is it necessary to increase the intensity of power loads during drying?

At high power loads, energy reserves are actively burned. In an attempt to prevent this, the body begins to reduce the number of muscles, rightly seeing them as a threat to the absorption of reserves. From this it becomes obvious that by increasing the number of approaches to iron and increasing their intensity, we provoke our body to reduce muscle mass. He lets them "for firewood" and they burn. And we need to "heat fat." Therefore, you can increase the intensity of aerobic exercise, and with iron you need to leave everything as it is. This refers to situations when a person who started drying, and before that went to the gym.

Those who did not work with iron before drying will have to focus only on their preparedness, well-being and results. The best intensity of strength work will be the one to which your muscles respond with qualitative growth. At the first stage, it should be low!

The second important point is that it should be long! The body uses what it needs, but in very small quantities. Therefore, even at first, you need to do at least an hour. If it's hard - you need to reduce the intensity, but do not reduce the time!

Aerobic (cardio) exercise is a movement exercise that has a direct effect on the cardiovascular system of the body. It includes running, jumping, brisk walking, moving dances - everything from which the heartbeat quickens. Almost all athletics exercises can be attributed to this category.

If the training takes place in the gym, there are special simulators for cardio. Many people buy them for the home. If there are no special simulators at home, running or brisk walking replaces them on the street. Indoors - running in place, dancing, jumping, bouncing, etc.

Cardio training is important not for its intensity, but for its duration! It is necessary for burning fat. If you can't run for a long time, then it's better to walk fast but for a long time!

The top three times of the day for cardio are:

  1. In the morning on an empty stomach, while there are no carbohydrates in the stomach.
  2. After strength training, when carbohydrates have already been spent.
  3. Before going to bed, because in the afternoon we limit their consumption.

All these periods have their pros and cons. Based on this, and taking into account the diet when drying the body, it is obvious that it would be optimal to carry out strength training with the addition of cardio loads in the afternoon. However, this is not mandatory, and everyone can plan their own classes on their own.

At least 40 minutes should elapse from the time of eating to classes. Better - twice as much.

This is all that loads the muscles. Strength exercises are best done in a circle - the so-called circuit training, which is a specific set of exercises performed in the same sequence over and over again. Its main advantage and main goal is the consistent and complete study of all muscles in one circle. The weights should be moderate due to the high intensity.

Whether you are working at home or in gym, the circle of exercises should not be drawn up randomly, but taking into account the alternate study of each muscle group. If it is compiled correctly and successfully, its implementation can be practiced without changes.

The pause between cycles is set independently depending on the intensity and well-being, but not more than 10 minutes.

Pauses between exercises range from 30 seconds to 1 minute and also depend on well-being and preparedness.

What is the best way to combine cardio and strength training?

In the morning on an empty stomach, there is practically no glycogen in the blood, so it is better to do cardio at this time. But this workout should not be the only one, otherwise you will lose muscle volume.

  • You can’t eat anything in front of them, especially carbohydrates.
  • Take a thermogenic half an hour before starting. If not - coffee without sugar, you can even double the dose.
  • Keep a low pace, especially at the beginning of the workout. It doesn't need to be fast and strong, it needs to be slow and long. You can run slowly, you can walk fast, but not less than an hour.
  • Do not eat anything that contains carbohydrates for as long as possible after the end of your workout.
  • Listen to yourself. If you think something is wrong, don't be afraid to correct it.

In the afternoon and evening, the combustion of subcutaneous deposits is much more efficient, which is why it is necessary to connect iron. Compared to the time in the morning, when glycogen was spent overnight for the internal needs of the body, now it is available and ready to work for you.

First you need to give strength to strength exercises, and when glycogen stores are used up, you can do cardio again. This will start fat burning processes and speed up metabolism.

Workout at home

About home cardio loads, it was said above - this is running, brisk walking, dancing, jumping rope and without, jumping out, etc. Choose what is acceptable in your specific conditions.

For strength work, you need to have at least elementary dumbbells at home (which, in extreme cases, can be replaced with water bottles). You can also do push-ups, pull-ups, swings, squats with and without free weights. It is good if there is a crossbar and a low wide bench available.

Examples of strength exercises for drying the body at home

Twisting while lying on the floor

Lying down, bend your knees and spread them a little. Feet are on the floor during the entire exercise, hands behind the head. It is not necessary to lift the body completely, the main thing is twisting, i.e. contraction of the rectus abdominis, quadriceps and rectus femoris muscles. When the head is fully raised to the knees, the iliopsoas muscle will be included in the work as much as possible. When lifting, you can turn your torso and touch your knee with your elbow.

Do 5-10 repetitions in 2-3 sets.

  • Legs can be kept straight, it's easier, but with bent - muscle contraction will be stronger.
  • Not everyone can hold their legs themselves, so you can shove them under a sofa or other support, or ask someone to hold them.
  • The maximum amplitude is reached when the shoulder blades touch the floor. You can lie down on the floor and relax the press - this will allow you to do more repetitions. But with continuous twisting, without relaxation, the intensity will be maximum. Who is more suitable - everyone decides for himself.
  • If you want to add weight, it should either be placed on your chest or held in your hands above your head (the second option is more difficult).
  • You can perform the exercise on an inclined bench.

Deadlift with dumbbells

High load on the lower back, buttocks and back of the thigh. An option for those who want to pump up the buttocks, but at the same time not increase the volume of the hips.
Feet shoulder-width apart, in the hands of a dumbbell, we bend forward, trying not to push our knees forward too much. The center of gravity is leveled with dumbbells (which is why they are preferable to a barbell) and buttocks that move backward.

  • The shoulders should not fall below the level of the buttocks (horizontal position of the back).
  • Straighten up to the end.
  • You can not leave your legs straight so as not to give excessive load on the hamstrings.
  • The more the legs bend at the knees, the more the buttocks work. Optimally dumbbells fall to the middle of the lower leg.
  • Dumbbells should be as close to the legs as possible, as if sliding on them (front, side or at an angle).
  • Exercise is contraindicated for back pain.

Dumbbell press sitting or standing

The maximum impact is on the anterior and lateral bundles of the deltoid muscles. Indirect - on triceps.

2-3 sets of 10-15 reps.

  • It is best to perform sitting in a chair with a back. The recommended angle of inclination is 80-90 degrees.
  • The palms can be turned both towards each other and forward.
  • Starting position: elbows - deployed, dumbbells - at eye level. The loin is slightly arched, the feet have a rigid support on the floor.
  • Up - on the exhale, down - on the inhale, the hands move in the same plane. In the upper position, the dumbbells practically touch each other - this increases the dynamics of muscle work.
  • An option for a greater load on the anterior bundle of the deltoid muscle: at the bottom, the elbows look forward, at the top they are deployed.
  • For beginners, it is easier to start with alternate lifting.
  • Important! If you need a pause, take it at the top, not at the bottom. From the bottom position, the dumbbells should immediately go up.

Back support push-ups

Sitting on the floor and leaning your hands on a bench or other low support standing behind, straighten your arms while doing push-ups.

  • For weak girls or people with a large mass, the legs can be bent at the knees. If the exercise is too easy for you, they need to be straightened or put on another bench or support.
  • Do 10-15 repetitions in 2-3 sets.
  • Make sure that the body does not move back and forth, but strictly up and down.
  • Keep your back as close to the rear support as possible.
  • Hands slightly wider than shoulders, elbows look back during execution.
  • The height of the support is chosen so that in the sitting position the shoulder is just below the elbow.
  • Straighten your arms completely.

Lunges with dumbbells

Lunges can be static or dynamic. In the first case, the legs are immediately placed in their original position and squats are made with dumbbells. In the second, in the starting position, they stand together, and a big step forward is taken with a squat alternately on one and the other leg (in any sequence). A static lunge is recommended for those who are gaining mass, so in this case it is better to do a dynamic option.

  • Load - on the buttock and muscles (most of all - on the front of the thigh) in front of the standing leg.
  • Contraindicated in sick knees and varicose veins. With caution - with back pain or protrusion of the discs.
  • For complication, you can put your foot on a slight elevation.
  • You can put your feet not on the same line, this will improve balance.
  • The back foot rises to the toe. This will reduce the load on the hamstrings and increase the load on the muscles in front of the standing leg.
  • You need to go down as much as possible. You can do a slight forward bend for better stretching of the buttocks.
  • The optimal position of the knee is flush with the toe.
  • For beginners, you can do lunges with one dumbbell, holding the support with your other hand.
  • Option: side lunges.

Side bends, standing with one dumbbell

The external oblique muscles work well. In the position of the legs wider than the shoulders, side bends are made, strictly in the plane of the body (you cannot lean forward). The hand on the side where the slope is made is behind the head, in the other hand is a dumbbell.

  • Girls are not recommended to get involved in this exercise and do it with a lot of weight in order to avoid an excessive increase in volume in an unnecessary place (at the waist).
  • The pelvis is maximally fixed in one position.
  • Do not try to complicate the task by taking dumbbells in both hands. This will have the opposite effect and will negate the efforts previously expended.
  • If you want to increase the load, raise both hands up and take one dumbbell with them.
  • The left and right sides are trained alternately.
  • You can perform tilts with empty hands, in which case they need to be straightened above your head.
  • Women are advised to take less weight, but increase the number of repetitions (15 is optimal). In this case, the risk of pumping up the waist will be less.

Broach with dumbbells standing

The front and middle delta, as well as the trapezoid, work.

Feet shoulder-width apart, arms with dumbbells below in front of the body (palms facing you). It is necessary to lift the dumbbells up to chest level and lower them back.

It is more convenient and more correct to use a barbell for this, but at home this is often not available.

  • The higher the elbows, the better the delta works. Therefore, it is better to raise not the load higher, but the elbows.
  • Strive for the closest possible distance between the hands.
  • Don't help yourself with your body.
  • The weight of the load is calculated so as to master 10 repetitions.

The above exercises are indicative and are given for example only. Everyone makes his own circle, based on the proportions of the body and personal wishes for their change. However, do not ignore the muscles that seem to you not so important. The ideal figure should be harmonious and proportional.


  • Diabetes.
  • Diseases of the kidneys and genitourinary system(protein overload is contraindicated).
  • Diseases of the pancreas, liver, gastrointestinal tract.
  • Pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding.
  • Musculoskeletal disorders should be taken into account when leaving the training program.

Fat burners and their components

Fat burners used during drying of the body would be better called accelerators, because their main purpose is to speed up the process that takes place due to proper nutrition and sports. By themselves, these substances do not help and do not lead to the cherished goal. Therefore, just drinking them is an empty undertaking. They improve the course of the process of losing weight and drying through the correct complex application.

All accelerators can be divided into two large groups:

  1. Thermogenics that raise body temperature once and thereby increase the metabolic rate during exercise.
  2. Lipotropics that stimulate the breakdown of fat to basic acids and / or block its synthesis and absorption.

Combinations of accelerators from both groups work most efficiently during drying.

Lipotropic components

There are a large number of drugs for this purpose, but you need to use them wisely and with a full understanding of what it is and why you are doing it. Practice shows that the most effective means for weight loss and drying are those that include the following components:


  • It is a natural substance obtained from coffee beans, tea leaves, and some other plants. It is the main component of fat burners, because it has the ability to speed up metabolism, which means throwing more calories into the furnace. Training against the background of its reception are more active, better and longer. Despite the lack of calories, you do not feel exhausted and weak sleepy fly.
  • Overdose is unacceptable! The norm is no more than 3 mg per 1 kg of weight. A dose of 5 mg or more is toxic to the body.
  • How to use? If with food, then at least an hour before training. On an empty stomach before a morning run - no less than 30 minutes - 1 hour. You can experiment with the exact time of admission, focusing on well-being.

Yohimbine (Yohimbine)

  • A natural natural stimulant derived from the yohimbe root. Its action is aimed at blocking the receptors that are responsible for the accumulation of fat. Thus, when taking this drug, fat cells become less active and accumulate less fat.
  • Allows you to increase the intensity of loads due to a pronounced stimulating effect.
  • Another plus is its ability to release essential fatty acids, which are used as an energy source during training.
  • A single dosage is 1-3 mg / 1 kg of its own weight.
  • Time of reception - on an empty stomach before training. It is taken (like all preparations based on it) on an empty stomach, since the insulin produced during meals blocks its action.
  • Has possible side effects: headaches, overexcitation, tremor of hands and feet.

Synephrine (Synephrine)

  • Obtained from orange leaves. It is a stimulant with an action similar to the now banned ephedrine. It acts on beta-adrenaline receptors, as a result of which they stimulate the production of catecholamines in the blood. The next step in this reaction is the process of lipolysis (removal of contents from fat cells). The released fat is burned as fuel in the workout.
  • Dosage 1-3mg/1kg of body weight.
  • It is taken half an hour, an hour before the start of intensive training.

L-Carnitine (L-Carnitine)

  • It is a vitamin-like substance of natural animal origin, from group B. The advantages of this component is the ability to stimulate physical activity and mental activity. Helps burn calories when combined with cardio. It is not recommended to take without training.

Capsaicin (Capsaicin)

  • Metabolism booster, which is the main active component of the pods hot pepper. It is taken with meals up to 3 times a day at a dosage of 2-3 mg / 1 kg of body weight.

Green Tea Extract

  • analogue of capsaicin. In addition, it has antioxidant and anti-carcinogenic properties.
  • The recommended daily dose is 150-250 mg.
  • It is taken half an hour - an hour before training.

Raspberry Ketones

  • A metabolic stimulating substance, an extract obtained from raspberries. It promotes not only burning, but also absorption, assimilation by the body of fats that come with food.

Yohimbine + Clenbuterol

Yohimbine blocks the activity of "bad" α-receptors that inhibit the process of burning fat, and clenbuterol, on the contrary, stimulates beneficial β-receptors that cause burning (lipolysis). The result is a complete and harmonious picture.

T3 (triiodothyranine) + Clenbuterol

The scheme is not harmless, but very effective. Accelerates metabolic processes and activates the work of β-receptors.

Caffeine + Aspirin + Synephrine

In the original, Eufilin should be in place of Synephrine, but since it was banned, you can draw up a diagram in this way, or you can use the following combination: Table 2. Caffeine + 0.5 tab. Aspirin + 20 ml broncholithin. It is taken once before training, but only against the background of the recommended diet for drying.

All of these components have contraindications and side effects. At the slightest problems with the heart, with the central nervous system, etc. Stop practicing them immediately!

The most effective ready-made sports fat burners recommended for cutting

Lipo-6 (Nutrex)

To date, this drug is the most popular and recommended for drying, although it is far from the cheapest. Of the above components, it included Caffeine, Yohimbine and Synephrine. Significantly increases the intensity of the load, gives lightness, vigor, helps to feel on the rise.

If the use is accompanied by headache, increased sweating, or excessive heart palpitations, it should be discontinued.

Animal Cuts by Universal Nutrition

Combines a tangible set of components, including some of the above. However, it lacks Yohimbine. Therefore, the option is good for those who cannot tolerate this drug. Due to the absence of yohimbine, the accelerating effect is less pronounced than that of Lipo.

Side effects: nausea, headaches, indigestion. May occur at the beginning of the reception, and then stop. Otherwise, the drug is considered individually intolerable.

OxyElite Pro

It contains Caffeine, it is recommended for accelerated "melting" of excess deposits in especially problematic areas losing weight. Has a blunting effect on hunger, promotes concentration on exercises. Side effects are typical for burners.

Muscletech Hydroxycut Hardcore Elite

A well-functioning fat burner, the advantage of which is a lower price.

In general, there are many other drugs for this purpose. We have described only some of the most popular ones, but everyone should choose them for himself. Many generally refuse to take accelerators, and this also has its undeniable advantages - first of all, in terms of health.

Drying the body

Very often, drying the body is mistakenly confused with a diet. But in order to have a beautiful figure, you can’t just sit on the couch and eat cucumbers. Only compliance with a whole set of rules will help you lose those extra pounds and emphasize muscle mass.

Designed specifically for drying the body for girls, a menu for a week at home, thanks to which you can have a beautiful figure!


  • remove fat accumulations;
  • tighten the muscles, giving them relief forms.

The essence of drying is to reduce the level of carbohydrate intake to a minimum. Then the body begins to break down fat reserves in order to obtain the missing energy.

For maximum effect, in addition to dieting, enhanced training is needed.

Principles of proper drying of the body:

  • ban on the use of carbohydrates;
  • regular physical activity;
  • predominantly protein food.

Dry your body properly! This means that it is strictly forbidden to immediately go on a strict diet and mock yourself with excessive strength exercises. The body needs to be prepared to avoid stress. It will also help reduce the potential for relapse.

Slim figure

Mandatory food items

Without them, it is impossible to effectively "sit" on the dryer.

  • boiled chicken meat and egg white, low-fat cottage cheese, some types of fish (sources of protein);
  • a small amount of olive or linseed oil(to maintain the desired level of fat in the body);
  • tomatoes, cucumbers and other vegetables that are poor in carbohydrates (remove toxins, normalizing the microflora);
  • green tea (for example, ginger);
  • more than 2 liters of water per day (will help to avoid dehydration).

It is necessary to exclude fried, flour, sweet, smoked, sauces, canned food, as well as alcohol.

Important! If you want to start improving the figure in this way, then for a start it is better to consult a doctor, since drying has a large number of contraindications. And only after his approval, you can start working.

Where does it start quality drying bodies for girls at home? Of course, from the compilation correct menu on hope.

You will have to say goodbye to the once-favorite foods and discover new dishes. for a week during the drying period will be noticeably different from what needs to be consumed, following, for example, one of the traditional diets.

It is also worth noting that the “drying” diet is designed not for one week, but for four or more weeks. It all depends on the current state of the body. It also directly depends on how quickly fat deposits go away and “muscles are exposed”.

Menu for the week

1. Monday.

Monday morning should start with proteins, namely with two baked egg whites. Eggs are important to use with any diet, as they are minimal, and the benefits in the process of losing weight are enormous. For example, they can be cooked in the microwave or on fire by placing the eggs in a special bag and boiling them for several minutes.

It is also worth refueling with oatmeal. Fans of sweets will have to temporarily (or better forever) forget about their addictions. Sugar is taboo! We'll have to limit ourselves to unsweetened tea.

For lunch, steam chicken breast - it is best to do this in a slow cooker. In terms of time, cooking takes much less than cooking in any other way, while the breast does not lose its useful properties and palatability. As a side dish for meat, you can cook a vegetable salad. Just two ingredients are enough - cucumbers and herbs.

Treat yourself to buckwheat porridge for an afternoon snack. It should be boiled in water, without adding milk or sugar. Butter should also not be added. The porridge must be fresh.

For dinner, cook white fish and fresh cabbage salad. Fish, like chicken, can be cooked in a slow cooker. We have dinner, of course, without bread.

2. Tuesday.

Tuesday breakfast at drying for a girl echoes Monday breakfast - baked egg whites. Together with a baked egg, they eat tomatoes (by the way, did you know?) And drink a glass of fat-free kefir.

For lunch, you can afford a piece of beef. It is cooked like any other meat during drying - steamed. Together with the meat, a salad of vegetables is served - pepper, parsley and olive oil.

For lunch, they again eat boiled fish. You can also eat half a grapefruit.

For dinner - cottage cheese and kefir. Naturally fat free.

3. Wednesday.

On Wednesday morning, you can afford a whole boiled egg and buckwheat porridge. As readers have already noticed, the menu for drying the body for girls at home can be repeated. Moreover, the menu for the week is also suitable for the third week of drying.

For lunch, we eat lean fish soup. Do not add potatoes to soup. You can also complement the meal with a vegetable salad (vegetables of your choice).


4. Thursday.

Thursday morning breakfast of oatmeal. At the end of breakfast, you can drink a glass of milk with a minimum fat content.

For lunch we eat stewed squids seasoned with a spoonful of sour cream. In addition to squid, you can eat a salad of white cabbage and pepper.

For an afternoon snack, soup is served with buckwheat broth.

Dinner - cottage cheese and kefir.

5. Friday.

Friday morning during the drying of the body, you need to start with rice porridge. It is cooked in water. Serving for a girl - two tablespoons of cereals (cook). In addition, you can eat half a grapefruit and drink a glass of tea.

Lunch promises to be very tasty. You can cook a soup of mushrooms and herbs, and in addition to it - a piece of boiled brisket.

The afternoon snack is very modest - a salad of cucumbers and herbs.

For dinner - white fish. It can be stewed or boiled.

6. Saturday.

Continuing our body drying for girls, the menu for the week at home for Saturday will be as follows.

On Saturday mornings, one-egg scrambled eggs are served with tea. Eggs are one of the main products in drying the body for girls.

For lunch, they eat stewed peas and rabbit meat. Be sure to include greens in your diet.

For an afternoon snack, fat-free cottage cheese is served, for example, with an apple or raisins.

Dinner starts with buckwheat porridge. It can be washed down with a glass of fat-free kefir.

Drying of the body. How to eat right

7. Resurrection.

On the seventh day of the diet, oatmeal should be diversified with dried apricots and raisins. Wash it down with tea.

For lunch - veal and fresh bell pepper.

For an afternoon snack, you can cook a light vegetable salad.

For dinner - low-fat cottage cheese.

During the drying week, you can treat yourself to a small amount of almonds, eating them in the morning.

What exercises to do to dry the body?

Drying exercises

If you are new to drying your body at home and cannot figure out what the menu for the week should be, and what exercises should be in order for the body to really dry out, then you have come to the right place.

The basis of drying at home is cardio training. If the pulse is quickened, this is a signal that active fat burning will begin now. To start exercising at home, you do not need any special simulators. Being engaged in physical activity, sitting on the "drying", you can not stop exercising for a long time.

To make your workouts at home as fruitful as possible, you will need:

1. Jump rope.

2. Dumbbells.

3. Horizontal bar.

If there are no dumbbells at home, you can replace them with water bottles.

Speaking about what an approximate training program for drying at home should be, it is worth Special attention give exercises such as:

1. Squats.

You need to do three sets of thirty times. During the exercise, you need to spread your legs as much as possible. In this case, he will have the highest efficiency.

2. Lunges.

Lunges can be of two types. On the spot or on the move. Both exercises are very effective for pumping muscles. You need to do three sets at a time. Exercises are performed to complete fatigue.

3. Push-ups.

Women's push-ups are slightly different from men's. The girl can not focus to the end. It is enough that the hands are clenched halfway. In one workout, three sets are done, each of which includes twelve push-ups.

Having decided to dry the body at home, the menu for the week and exercises should be discussed at least once during a personal training session with an experienced trainer. He will tell you what exercises are needed to achieve the perfect figure.

Athletes quite often resort to the use of drying. But it also has a negative effect, which is to deplete the body. Activity decreases, performance decreases, so you often have to drink drinks containing caffeine.

Body drying exercises for girls (video)

Drying the body for girls: exercises and diet

Effective exercises for complex drying of the body for girls. What is body drying for?

Exercises for weight loss. Drying for girls

Drying the body for girls. fitness girls

Exercises for weight loss. Drying the body for girls

Contraindications for drying the body

  • diabetics;
  • pregnant women and women during lactation (breastfeeding);
  • in diseases gastrointestinal tract, of cardio-vascular system.

Drying the body for girls at home, subject to exercise, is enough effective method fight against excess weight and maintain a sports figure. But it is important to take into account all the positive and negative factors in order to avoid harming the body.

The goal of drying the body is to get rid of excess fat mass while maintaining full muscle mass.

With strength training, accompanied by weight gain, the increase in fat and muscle mass usually occurs in a 50/50 ratio. With the wrong training, you can gain 75% fat and 25% muscle. Gaining 75% muscle and only 25% fat is possible only when using.

Drying is quite a lot of stress for the body, so the question of how to dry properly should be approached very thoughtfully and drying should be carried out gradually.

It is desirable that the entire drying period does not have any serious stressful situations: job change, relocation, session, etc.

If a certain amount of muscle mass has not been gained, then it is pointless to dry. The main goal of drying is to keep the muscles at the same level. It is impossible to lose weight and at the same time build muscle mass, this is a myth.

Drying the body includes:

  • First, based on the low content of carbohydrates.
  • Secondly, change (adaptation) of the training regimen.

Reduced calorie intake

The standard advice is to consume 500-1000 calories less daily than usual. It is known that 1 kg of fat is equivalent to 7,000 calories, so such a reduction in calories will lead to a weight loss of 0.5 - 1 kg per week. More significant weight loss will take not only adipose tissue, but also water and muscle.

The transition to a new diet should not occur abruptly, but within 2-3 weeks.

You should gradually reduce the amount of carbohydrates in the diet and increase the amount of proteins. Ultimately, protein intake should be 2 grams per 1 kg of body weight. Fats and carbohydrates are sources of energy for human body, and their deficiency make him burn his natural reserves, that is, subcutaneous fat. Increased protein intake will help prevent muscle loss. You need to get out of drying just as gradually, little by little adding carbohydrates to your diet.

  • You can not achieve relief after drying - if you have not gained the desired muscle mass. And it is impossible to gain it without proper nutrition - no matter how much time you spend in the gym. By reading you will find out what is the difference between Protein and Gainer. And how to take them.
  • The standing barbell press is a great basic exercise for the deltoid muscles, but if it is not performed correctly, you can become disabled! The load on the shoulder joints is very serious. Do you want to learn how to do this exercise correctly? Then you.
  • During training, it is very easy to get injured, and very serious, if you do not pay due attention to stretching and warming up. How to properly stretch, you will learn.

During the drying period, you can:

  • green vegetables (cucumbers, cabbage, peppers, zucchini, celery);
  • sour fruits (lemons);
  • boiled eggs (mainly protein);
  • fat-free cottage cheese and kefir;
  • milk (no more than 100 ml per day);
  • boiled chicken meat chicken breast no skin)
  • lean fish in boiled and baked form;
  • mineral water, green tea;
  • mushrooms (once a week).

Salty, canned and smoked foods, as well as such a type of heat treatment as frying, should be excluded from the diet. Food should be steamed or boiled. Do not cook vegetables

Mode nutrition 4-6 once a day, in small portions, this will help to minimize insulin levels, which leads to more intense fat burning and suppresses hunger. Drink enough water. Water removes metabolic by-products and toxins from the body. The lack of water in a protein diet greatly strains the kidneys.

Drying time - no more than 3 months!

Oxygen is needed to burn fat, so the training program during this period should include (aerobics), at least 4 times a week. Aerobic training should be quite intense, but not more than 30 minutes in duration, otherwise the burning of muscle tissue will begin. Before training, absolutely no carbohydrates should be consumed.

After aerobic training should be carried out based on basic exercises. - these are those that include several muscle groups at the same time. You can work with less weight than usual, but increase the number of repetitions to keep the intensity of the workout at the same level. Power training should not last longer than 45 minutes, as this again will lead to the burning of muscle fibers.

We bring to your attention this rather long video about how to properly dry the body, how to eat right and how to do it right:

Tightened embossed body since the days of gladiators and ancient gods was a sign of health and excellence. In modern times, people also try to take care of their appearance, do yoga, bodybuilding, aerobics. But in order for the body to acquire a beautiful muscle relief, it is necessary to resort to drying the body.

The content of the article:

What is body drying and why is it needed

Many girls believe that only by exercising in the gym, it is possible to achieve a sculpted body. This judgment is erroneous. Of course, it will be possible to build muscle (anabolism), but if a woman has a large amount of subcutaneous fat, then the muscle mass will remain under it. As a result, instead of reducing the volume, the girl will receive extra centimeters to her waist. Here, drying the body or burning subcutaneous fat (catabolism) comes to the rescue. After all, excellent results from physical activity can only be achieved by adhering to a certain diet.

Drying the body is a diet that results in intensive fat burning due to the exclusion of carbohydrates. In this case, a complex of intense physical activity should be performed, as a result of which the figure acquires a beautiful relief.

Experienced bodybuilders, fitness instructors, fitness bikinists participating in competitions divide the training year into 2 stages: the first is intensive muscle building, the second is body drying. For a beginner, the second can be quite a difficult and exhausting process, so it should be under the supervision of an experienced instructor.

The principle of the drying of the body

Carbohydrates are an easily accessible source of energy for the body. In the process of digestion, carbohydrates break down to glucose, part of which the body absorbs with the help of insulin and converts it into energy. With heavy carbohydrate intake, excess glucose (in the form of glycogen) accumulates in the muscles and liver. When all the norms of carbohydrate intake are exceeded, and glycogen stores are full, glucose is converted into fat and begins to be deposited in fat cells.

Drying the body involves limiting the use of carbohydrates. Thus, the process of burning fat reserves begins in the body. First, glycogen in the liver and muscles, and then subcutaneous fat.

A carbohydrate-free diet should be compiled competently and professionally. You can not completely refuse carbohydrates for a long time, as intoxication of the body may occur and ketoacidosis may develop. The fact is that with a lack of glucose (which appears by the breakdown of carbohydrates), fat cells do not burn out completely, leaving ketone bodies, which, in turn, poison the body. At the beginning of the disease, the situation can be corrected by adding carbohydrates to the menu. As a result, ketones simply burn out due to fast energy. If you abuse a carbohydrate-free diet, then ketone particles accumulate in the blood and can even provoke a ketone coma.

How to dry the body: diet and allowed foods

Following a diet for drying the body for girls involves keeping a food diary. It is necessary to control the amount of carbohydrates consumed. For successful fat burning, the rate of carbohydrates consumed per day for a girl should be 1-2 grams per 1 kg of body weight. For example, if a woman weighs 60 kg, then her daily carbohydrate intake is from 60 to 120 grams. Eat carbohydrates in the form of cereals for breakfast to successfully burn them throughout the day.

Refusal of carbohydrates is recommended to be carried out gradually, as well as their reverse introduction. Bodybuilders spend drying for three months, while losing from 10 to 30 kg of fat. Girls who want to get in shape before beach season and to dry the body a little, it is recommended to use a shortened version of the diet from 2 to 3 weeks. During this time, it is possible to burn 3-8 kg of fat.

Divide the diet into three equal segments. In the first, take 2 gr. carbohydrates per kg. body weight, in the second 1 gr., in the third again 2 gr. It is worth remembering that a sharp rejection of carbohydrates can provoke poor health, dizziness, weakness, nervousness.

The basis of nutrition when drying the body is easily digestible protein:

  • Boiled or steamed white meat chicken or lean meat.
  • Boiled or baked white fish fillet, squid fillet.

Also in the daily menu, you must include products such as:

  • fat-free cottage cheese (no more than 5%) and kefir (1%);
  • slowly digestible carbohydrates for breakfast in the form of cereals (buckwheat porridge is a priority);
  • fruits a little and infrequently;
  • vegetables, greens can be consumed in large quantities, exclude potatoes;
  • legumes.

From drinks, pure water without restrictions and ginger tea. Once a day, you can afford a cup of coffee or black tea. Drying the body does not imply fluid restriction. That's why clean water Without gas, you can drink when and how much you want.

For the duration of the diet, the following should be excluded from the diet:

  • fast food;
  • chips, mayonnaise, ketchup;
  • smoked, salted, canned foods;
  • sugar;
  • animal fats - replace with fish;
  • sweets, pastries, cookies;
  • soda

1. Be sure to have breakfast in the morning. Breakfast kicks off the body's metabolism.

2. For girls, it is important not to completely remove fats from your menu. Since the lack of this substance can adversely affect the condition of hair, skin, nails. It is necessary to replace harmful fats with healthy ones found in fish.

3. Do not eat at night, if you feel very hungry, drink some fat-free kefir or eat one apple.

4. Eat small and often 5-6 times a day, so you avoid overeating and feeling hungry.

5. Do not take alcoholic drinks. They are high in empty calories and make you feel hungry.

6. The amount of fluid you drink per day should be at least 2.5 liters.

7. Go in for sports. Muscles are broken down by our body faster than body fat. Without physical activity, the body will first begin to convert muscles into energy. Therefore, in order to successfully burn only fat, intensive physical activity is necessary.

8. Keep a food diary. It is necessary to correctly compose your menu. The calorie rate for drying the body should be 300-400 calories less than your usual rate.

9. Refusal of carbohydrates should take place gradually, as well as their introduction back. In the first stage of the diet, carbohydrates are 30%, proteins 50%, fats 20%, in the second stage carbohydrates 20%, proteins 60%, fats 20%. The third stage is the same as the first.

10. Do not eat an hour before training and after the same time.

11. If during the drying of the body you feel unwell, dizzy, nausea, you should stop the diet. Carry a box of sweet juice with you, it will help invigorate the body.

12. Take a vitamin complex.

Who should not dry the body?

If you want to try body drying for the first time, it is recommended to consult a doctor about contraindications. Also resort to the help of an experienced instructor to draw up a competent training program and menu development.

Drying the body is contraindicated:

  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • patients with diabetes;
  • people suffering from gastrointestinal disease;
  • people with diseases of the kidneys, liver, pancreas;
  • underweight people.

Physical exercise

the most useful and effective workouts when drying the body are aerobic and power loads. To work out the relief of the muscles, intensive aerobic training is necessary. With aerobic exercise, the production of an “enzyme” increases, a substance that has excellent fat-burning abilities. It breaks down fat deposits, sending them to the blood, where fat is converted into energy. Also, aerobics contributes to the saturation of body tissues with oxygen, as a result of which fat is burned as efficiently as possible.

Intense aerobic training should be performed from 45 minutes to 1 hour 3-4 times a week.

For the best fat burning effect, you should resort to interval training. The bottom line is to alternate high-intensity activities for 1-2 minutes with low-intensity activities during the same period. This method maintains metabolic processes at a high level in the body for a long time after workout. Providing effective and fast burning of fat reserves. With the help of interval training, all muscle groups are worked out in a short time.

Effective and safe power loads should be developed by an instructor in the gym based on your physical data.

Perfectly burn fat and give the muscles a beautiful relief of cardio training and running. It is better not to run fast, but slowly. The duration of the run must be more than 35 minutes.

Anti-Inflammatory Products

With intense physical exertion, the body may begin inflammatory processes. In order to prevent such processes from developing, include foods rich in antioxidants in your diet. Usually these are vegetables, berries and fruits of rich bright colors:

  • citrus;
  • Strawberry;
  • raspberry;
  • cherry;
  • blueberry;
  • tomatoes;
  • kiwi;
  • apples;
  • mango;
  • green tea.

A toned, slender body with a beautiful muscle relief commands respect and admiration. Indeed, behind this visible beauty lies great willpower, patience, sacrifices and limitations. These tips will help you achieve your goal. Add patience and forward to health, tone, vigor and a beautiful figure.

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