Armed forces of the Russian Federation vkontakte. Russian Air Force: how the system works

diets 06.09.2019

Armed forces is an armed organization whose main goal is defense of the state and its territory in the event of a war.

The armed forces arose during the collapse of the primitive communal system caused by the emergence of private property. At first it was associated with attacks on other states to acquire new slaves (economic relation). But their essence remained unchanged - they also remained an instrument for strengthening the rule of slavery. There were several types of troops: light, heavy, mixed. In some, fleets were organized (small).

Structure of the Armed Forces Russian Federation

A strong leap in the development of weapons was highlighted during the first and second world wars. At this time, tanks began to appear rapidly, improved artillery, shipbuilding intensified and, thereby, the fleet strengthened, the appearance of aircraft, helicopters and improved equipment of the soldiers themselves. The main advance in armament was the appearance of " nuclear weapons"And this contributed to the creation of new special types of troops.
The armed forces consisted of ground troops (ground troops) and naturally naval troops. With the development of states and their industries, new types of troops appeared and the existing ones strengthened.

So on this moment in Armed Forces of the Russian Federation there are the following which are divided into types of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and types of troops.

  • Introduction
  • Appointment and composition of the Armed Forces
  • Structure of the Russian Armed Forces
  • Types and types of troops of the Russian Armed Forces
  • Combat readiness of the Russian Armed Forces

6. Conclusion

OBJ teacher

Kovalev Alexander Prokofievich

Secondary School No. 2


The Russian Armed Forces are the state military organization which forms the basis of the country's defense.

They are designed to repel aggression against the state, armed defense of the integrity and inviolability of the territory of Russia and its allies, the implementation of peacekeeping activities both independently and as part of international organizations.

The tasks facing the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation can be structured according to four main areas:

Deterrence of military and military-political threats to the security or interests of the Russian Federation.

Ensuring the economic and political interests of Russia.

Implementation of military operations in peacetime.

Application military force to ensure the security of the Russian Federation.

Special Role

Russian Armed Forces

1. Appointment


2. System


President of the Russian Federation - Commander-in-Chief of the RF Armed Forces

Protection national interests Russia

3. Status

Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - power department

Features of the development of the military-political situation in the world make it possible for the fulfillment of one task to grow into another, since the most problematic points of view of the security of the Russian Federation military-political situations are complex and multiplanned.

Today, one of the priorities in the development of the Russian Armed Forces is still the preservation of the potential of the strategic deterrence forces.

The main goal of the policy of the Russian Federation in this area is to prevent any kind of forceful pressure and aggression against Russia or its allies, and in case of unleashing it, to guarantee the protection of its sovereignty, territorial integrity and other vital national interests of the state.

This policy of the Russian Federation in the field of strategic deterrence is the core of the entire system national security country and is based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the current Russian legislation.

In accordance with the main provisions of the military doctrine of Russia, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation can also be used to counter internal sources of military threats and to assist the country's population in the aftermath of accidents, catastrophes and natural disasters.

The leadership of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is carried out by the President of the Russian Federation - the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are controlled by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation and the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are central authorities military administration, associations, formations, military units and organizations that are included in the types and types of troops of the Armed Forces, in the Logistics of the Armed Forces and special troops that are not related to the types and types of troops.

President of the Russian Federation

Commander-in-Chief of the RF Armed Forces

Minister of Defense

General Staff of the RF Armed Forces







Types of troops

armed forces

armed forces


armed forces

Rod SV

Ground troops

Strategic Missile Forces

Air force




Types of the Air Force


Types of the Navy

Type of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation- it's theirs component, which is distinguished by special weapons and is designed to perform the tasks assigned to them.

The types of the Armed Forces include: Ground Forces, Air Force (Air Force), Navy (Navy).

Type of army- part of the service of the Armed Forces, which differs in the main armament, technical equipment, organized structure, the nature of training and the ability to perform specific combat missions for interaction with other branches of the armed forces.

The branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation include: Space Forces, Rocket troops strategic purpose, Airborne Troops.

Special Troops serve to provide the types and branches of troops and assist them in the performance of combat missions.

These include: engineering troops, chemical troops, radio engineering troops, signal troops, automobile troops, road troops and a number of other .

Military district is a territorial combined-arms association of military units, formations, educational institutions, military institutions of various types and types of troops of the Armed Forces.

A military district, as a rule, covers the territory of several subjects of the Russian Federation.

Fleet is the highest operating group Navy. Commanders of districts and fleets direct their troops (forces) through headquarters subordinate to them.

Associations- this is military units, including several connections or associations of a smaller scale, as well as parts and institutions, The association includes an army, a flotilla, as well as a military district - a territorial combined arms association and a fleet - a naval association.

connections are military formations consisting of several units or formations of a smaller composition, usually various branches of the troops (forces), special branches of the troops (services), as well as units (subdivisions) of support and maintenance.

Formations include corps, divisions, brigades and other equivalent military formations.

Military Unit- an organizationally independent combat and administrative-economic unit in all types and branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Military units include all regiments, ships of 1st, 2nd and 3rd ranks, separate battalions (divisions, squadrons) as well as separate companies not included in the battalions and regiments.

Regiments, separate battalions, divisions and squadrons are awarded the Battle Banner, and the ships of the Navy - the Naval Flag.

To institutions The Ministries of Defense include such structures for ensuring the vital activity of the Armed Forces, such as military medical institutions, Officers' Houses, military museums, editorial offices of military publications, sanatoriums, rest houses, camp sites, etc.

to military schools include military academies, military universities, military institutes and their branches, Suvorov schools, the Nakhimov Naval School, the Moscow Military Music School and cadet corps.

Part of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation may be part of the joint Armed Forces or be under joint command in accordance with international treaties Russian Federation (for example, as part of the UN peacekeeping forces or the CIS collective peacekeeping forces in zones of local military conflicts).

The military organization of the state, the basis of which is the Armed Forces, their composition, condition, strength, depend on the degree and nature of existing and prospective threats, on the state of the country's economy, on the readiness and political will of the leaders of the state to pursue a particular policy, including elements of sovereignty countries.

combat readiness Armed Forces this is a multifaceted element of the existence of any army, and cannot concentrate all efforts on the implementation of one not the most important element.

This is a costly way of maintaining not only the army, but also the existence of the country as a whole, and the imitation of this element makes it possible to incorrectly formulate conclusions from the current situation and the nature of the threats, which can lead to inadequate results for the existence of the country as a whole.

The combat readiness of the Armed Forces implies the state of the entire military organism, which allows it to carry out the transfer of structural elements from peacetime to martial law within the established timeframes.

Combat readiness should include formations of constant combat readiness, reserve formations of reduced strength, mobilization formations of the personnel.

In addition, the RF Armed Forces must carry out peacekeeping operations - independently and as part of multinational contingents.

In the event of an aggravation of the military-political and military-strategic situation, the RF Armed Forces must ensure the strategic deployment of troops and contain the aggravation of the situation at the expense of strategic deterrence forces and forces of constant readiness.

Tasks of the Armed Forces in war time– cash forces to repel an aerospace attack of the enemy.

AT Peaceful time and at emergency situations The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, together with other troops, must be ready to repel an attack and defeat an aggressor, conduct both defensive and offensive active action in any variant of unleashing and waging wars (armed conflicts).

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation must be able to successfully solve tasks simultaneously in two armed conflicts without carrying out additional mobilization measures.

In addition, the RF Armed Forces must carry out peacekeeping operations - independently and as part of multinational contingents


§ 13 pp. 63-69

The decoding of the abbreviation “VKS”, which has recently appeared in the media, is known to almost everyone: “Aerospace Forces”. The Russian Aerospace Forces were formed in 2019. However, the prerequisites for the formation of these forces were outlined in the second half of 2008. Forcing Georgia to peace forced the command of the Russian armed forces to completely revise the structure of the Russian Air Force, which turned out to be obsolete and imperfect in practice.

The current state of the Russian Aerospace Forces

After August 1, 2015, as a result of the merger of the VVS and VKO, the the new kind armed forces- Russian Aerospace Forces. The commander of the Aerospace Forces was General Viktor Bondarev, who repeatedly participated in various military conflicts, Hero of the Russian Federation and Honored Pilot of the Russian Federation.

The creation of the Aerospace Forces made it possible to concentrate all the means of the country's air defense - the Air Force and Air Defense Forces, which have latest equipment, — in a single structure.

Air force today

Air Force The RF Aerospace Forces perform the following tasks:

  1. reconnaissance of the situation in the air and space;
  2. Detection of the beginning of hostilities against the country in aerospace. After detection, the aerospace forces must notify the authorities, and using all available weapons, repel the attack;
  3. Protection of important and strategic objects of management and economic regions of the country. In addition to defense, aerospace forces must strike at enemy strategic targets;
  4. Air support for other types of troops.

In addition to hostilities, the Russian Aerospace Forces must ensure the launch of vehicles into space and control them using the latest equipment.

Prospects for the modernization of the Air Force

Main Headquarters space defense stated that in the coming years, the aerospace forces will be understaffed with more than a hundred units of new aircraft, mainly for military purposes. This statement was made after the MAKS-2017 aerospace show. According to General Bondarev, Commander-in-Chief of the Aerospace Forces, the tasks of updating the fleet are being solved at an accelerated pace, and by 2019 it is planned to increase the combat capability of the Aerospace Forces aviation to 95 percent.

In addition to income new technology to military units, overhaul and modernization of older aircraft and helicopters is expected. Bondarenko emphasized that the equipment of the Russian Aerospace Forces is in no way inferior to the air fleets of world powers.

When asked whether the Aerospace Forces will receive increased funding and what is the general course of the state armament program until 2025, the general replied that there would be more than enough funds for equipping and performing the tasks of the Aerospace Forces. There was also a phrase that by 2025 80-90 percent of combat aviation will be latest models technology.

Air Force tactical level today

Today the air force fleet contains more than 3800 aircraft, 1400 helicopters various types and has the latest equipment, some models of which have no equal in the world. Given the total number of aircraft, it is not easy to believe that in 7 years it will be possible to replace more than 80 percent of it. Such colossal spending is beyond the power of even the NATO army. Although observing the renewal trend, which has been clearly seen since 2011, it should be recognized that every year the VKS department purchases hundreds of military units of equipment.

According to the information service of the VKS, each Training Center training pilots will receive in 2019 new Sr-10 training aircraft. They will be used in pilot training along with the Yak-152 and Yak-130. Since many of the latest fighters and bombers should appear in the Air Force in the coming years, for security airspace countries need not worry.

Problems of import substitution and ways to solve them

In the recent past, most helicopter engines were supplied to Russia from Ukraine. However, as a result of the aggravation of the situation and the change of power in Ukraine, these deliveries almost completely stopped. As a result of the tremendous work done by the United Engine Corporation, this problem solved in just three years. Now the production of helicopter engines has been established in Russia. Quick extension production capacity allowed to provide the entire Russian helicopter industry.

A similar situation arose with the production of engines for cruise missiles. Fast reaction Russian designers made it possible to solve this problem.

Unfortunately, not all problems with import substitution have been successfully solved. The military transport aviation of the Aerospace Forces was left without aircraft of the AN series. After the change of power in Ukraine, the joint program was curtailed, and there are no Russian analogues of the AN series military transport aircraft yet.

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