Husband of Galina Yudashkina whose son. Petr Maksakov: biography, personal life, wife, children, photos

Career and finance 09.07.2019
Career and finance

The life of the offspring of famous and famous people has always been under the scrutiny of the public. Today, the trend is to observe those who regularly attend social events and public "hangouts". This category, no doubt, includes "star" children - Galina Yudashkina and Pyotr Maksakov. What was everyone's surprise when the grandson of a famous actress and the daughter of a popular fashion designer announced their desire to tie the knot. Journalists literally "knocked down" in the hope of finding out the details of the love story of Yudashkina and Maksakov. Meanwhile, if more or less detailed is written about Galina's biography in the sources, then there is not so much about her husband's life. So who is he - Maksakov Peter, and what is known about his personal life? Let's consider this question in more detail.

A person with a rich pedigree

Maksakov Peter is a native of the Russian capital. He was born on January 5, 1990. The young man is the grandson of the famous actress of the USSR - Lyudmila Maksakova.

However, Peter's relatives are entirely public people: there are diplomats, and politicians, and artists. For example, my aunt (Maria Maksakova - Igenbergs) sings professionally on the opera stage and at the same time is engaged in lawmaking in the State Duma.

And who are the parents of Peter Maksakov? His father is in the advertising business. However, not everything is smooth in his biography. The fact is that the son of a famous actress was accused of fraud and, as a punishment, was placed in a pre-trial detention center for a while. Nothing is known about the scope of the mother of Peter Maksakov.

Years of childhood and youth

The period of early youth, the future chosen one of Galina Yudashkina, spent in Bryusov Lane. He often went for a walk with his nanny, and their promenade usually took place in the vicinity of the Church of the Ascension. Surprisingly, Galina also walked in these places as a child and even played with Peter in the same sandbox. Turns out she lived nearby. But for some reason, real friendship did not happen at that moment ...

Maksakov Peter studied at an elite school, and quite well. However, after some time, the parents, prophesying to the offspring brilliant career, gave him to "gnaw the granite of science" in a prestigious school located in the English city of Andl.

Professional psychologist and diplomat

Then Maksakov Peter decided to study psychology at the English University of Durham. Having received the coveted diploma, the young man wished for a second higher education but already at home. Pyotr Maksakov, whose biography is little known to the general public, submits documents to MGIMO and becomes a student of this university.

Successful businessman

After it successful completion the young man tried his hand at the field of entrepreneurship.

And it should be recognized that Peter Maksakov succeeded in some of his projects. What does the grandson of a famous actress do? Several directions. For example, in the company of Valentin Yudashkin, he is a business consultant. With his friends, a young man within the created legal entity"SmiT" is engaged in the promotion of startups. With business partner Ilan Shor, Pyotr Maksakov, whose biography is partially discussed above, came up with the brand "Kremlevskaya Vodka" known today.


Galina Yudashkina also boasts some significant achievements in life. The girl is a graduate of the history department of Moscow State University. She is a professional art expert. For some time she worked in her father's company as an art director. But after Galina realized that she was in a position, she changed her priorities in life, putting her career on the back burner.

Dating history

Their relationship developed rapidly. Peter, having received a prestigious education abroad, was mentally ready for marriage, especially with such a beauty as Galina Yudashkina. And they met not somewhere on the street, but in the virtual world. Moreover, the daughter of the famous fashion designer was the first to write to Maksakov on the social network Facebook and added him as a friend. But, as it turned out, the girl was just ahead of young man, who himself wanted to initiate acquaintance with Galina. She has long liked Peter.

Reproaching himself a little for indecision, the young man decided to invite Galina on a date. Peter called her to a cafe, where they enjoyed each other's company for seven hours. Some time later, they arranged another bright romantic date by visiting the Van Gogh exhibition. And in the spring of 2014, the couple announced their engagement. Moreover, the fashion designer's daughter informed the metropolitan beau monde about this: a photo with her lover appeared on her page on the social network. Galina signed the picture with one single word in English: Engaged! ("Engaged!").

Potential admirers of the fashion designer's daughter

It should be noted that in the past, Yudashkina did not lack male attention. As a child, she was friends with Nikita Presnyakov, who, either jokingly or seriously, said that they should definitely get married. And in 2010, information appeared on the pages of the capital's press that the daughter of couturier Yudashkin was getting married.

Yes, not for anyone, but for the handsome millionaire Ruslan Fakhriev! But in reality it was all just a fantasy. Sharks of the pen, until recently, did not stop fantasizing on the topic "The marriage of Galina Yudashkina is the No. 1 event in social life."

It's done...

Despite all the fables that the press tirelessly recounted, the daughter of a famous fashion designer could not get married, as they like to say now, “by calculation”. She herself is not from the poor, but the girls of her circle also want great and pure love. Galina hoped that a miracle would happen in her life too. From childhood, she was a witness to what quivering feelings for each other her parents have, who have been happy for many years in family life. And one day she met Peter Maksakov. The wedding was pompous and enchanting. The groom proposed to the bride at the end of May 2014. And in early September, the newlyweds were stamped in their passports at the Griboedovsky registry office. But the celebration of the wedding was prepared carefully and in advance.

The bride did not forget to pay tribute to the tradition and organized a bachelorette party for her friends, and not just anywhere, but in France. But her chosen one refused to gather friends for a bachelor party, considering this event unnecessary.

On June 5, 2015, the wedding ceremony was scheduled, which took place in the church of the Holy Martyr Clement of the Pope. Two days later, numerous guests came to the Gostiny Dvor of the capital to congratulate the couple in love. The role of the toastmaster was performed by the singer Nikolai Baskov. All those present were struck by the bride's wedding dress, which weighed about 7 kilograms. The thing is that 44 meters of elite silk were spent on the dress. The outfit was manually decorated with 293,370 beads and 34,100 pearls. The veil was adorned with pearls and diamonds. Wedding Dress ordered in advance from the Italian supplier of all royal courts. The bride and her father traveled to New York for the fitting. The rings were ordered from the eminent jeweler Alex Sushkin. However, Petr Maksakov's parents also contributed to the organization of the event by taking care of the wedding menu in advance.

Guests at the feast were served delicious dishes. The wedding cake struck me with its unusual dimensions: 2 meters high and weighing 300 kilograms. The secular beau monde was entertained by the groom's aunt with operatic singing. The newlyweds spun in a wedding dance, which was very liked by all those present. It turned out to be not quite ordinary - a kind of symbiosis of Charleston and boogie-woogie.

Pyotr Maksakov, whose personal life has developed the best way, after all the toasts and congratulations, went with his young wife on a honeymoon trip. The lovers had a romantic time in the American Los Angeles.


In April 2016, the son Anatoly was born in the Maksakov family, who had already managed to visit Valentin Yudashkin's fashion show with his mother in Paris. The couple is not against having a second child, but only after 2-3 years. There is a complete idyll in their family, since Galina Yudashkina and Pyotr Maksakov try to give in to each other in controversial situations, achieving complete mutual understanding between themselves.

March 25, 2014, 11:12 am

So, as we learned from Light's post, Galina Yudashkina got new boyfriend- MGIMO graduate Pyotr Maksakov.

No one doubts that Galina cannot opt ​​for a simple guy. Galya needs a rich man with connections who can provide the daughter of a famous couturier with a comfortable existence.

Let's look at the family ties of Peter Maksakov.

Grandma Petra - famous actress Lyudmila Maksakova. Her first husband is Lev Zbarsky (Zbarsky's father embalmed Lenin). In this marriage, the son Maxim was born, who at first bore the surname Zbarsky, but after his father left for the United States, the family decided to return to the Maksakov surname.

Maxim - Peter's father, was convicted of fraud.

Under the suspicion of the Main Directorate economic security and combating corruption of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the winners of competitions held by the Ministry of Sports for the development of budgetary funds within the framework of the federal target program "Development physical education and sports in Russian Federation for 2006-2015". Annually for the promotion of sports and healthy lifestyle life on television and in printed publications the ministry allocates about 80 million rubles.

Starting from 2009, firms affiliated with entrepreneur Maxim Maksakov became the winners of the relevant competitions. To win the auctions, the alleged scammers acted in a very primitive way. In particular, to participate in the auction they declared three or four firms registered to their friends, acquaintances or relatives, one of which became the winner.

As it became known, most of the allocated funds settled directly with Maxim Maksakov, for which he was brought to trial and sent under house arrest.

Why Maksakov was not punished for fraud? There is a version that the case was suspended due to the personal connections of Lyudmila Maksakova with the Mutko family.

Now, for most of the year, Maxim Maksakov lives in Italy with his new wife and two daughters.

The daughter of Lyudmila Maksakova from her second marriage to Peter Igenbergs - Maria - Opera singer, as well as a State Duma deputy from the United Russia party.

Maria Maksakova is married to Vladimir Tyurin (nickname - Tyurik). Although she officially denies it.

While Maria sang at the Mariinsky Theater and was a deputy in the Duma, Tyurin was put on the international wanted list by Interpol.

... Tyurin V.A. through firms and intermediaries - individuals, through the implementation of commercial activities for the sale of property, invested in the territory of Spain the money obtained by criminal means, mainly in the territory of Georgia and Russia. Thus it is Tyurin The.A. committed crimes under Art. 515.1, 517, 301.1, 302.1 (participation in criminal community, legalization and laundering Money) of the Criminal Code of the Kingdom of Spain.

According to the "primaries" of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Vladimir Tyurin is allegedly one of the ten most famous kings of the Russian criminal world along with Ded Khasan, Zakhar Kalashov and Tariel Oniani.

Tyurin's convictions:
- On November 1, 1974, he was convicted by the Irkutsk Regional Court for complicity in gang rape;
- On June 11, 1980, he was convicted by the Bratsk City Court for complicity in burglary and malicious hooliganism;
- On October 28, 1985, he was convicted by the Bratsk City Court for engaging in prohibited fishing, involving minors in criminal activities.

Here in such a beautiful and friendly family grows new galin groom - Petya Maksakov.

Before Galina, Petya met with Tata Mamiashvili for some time.

The Maksakov family in the collection:

top row - the second wife of Maxim Maksakov, son Peter, Maxim Maksakov himself, in front of Peter - Vasilisa, Maxim's daughter from his second marriage

bottom row - Lyudmila and Maria Maksakovs (they have Maria's children on their laps - son Ilya and daughter Lyudmila Maksakovs (for obvious reasons, children do not bear the name Tyurins)

Updated on 25/03/14 12:42:

As it turned out, Tyurin was not in the photo with Maria Maksakova.

Now it’s for sure that he is an officially crowned thief in law (the date of coronation is 06/29/1993). Coronation is a thieves concept, so other thieves recognize undivided leadership this person. He must certainly have several convictions and unquestioned authority in the criminal environment.

Native Muscovite, businessman Pyotr Maksakov, whose name became known general public after marrying the daughter of Valentin Yudashkin, he himself was born in famous family in 1990, January 5th. My paternal grandmother, Lyudmila Vasilievna Maksakova, has been working in the Vakhtangov Theater since the 1960s and has played many roles in films, including “ Bat"," Ten Negro "," Tatyana's Day. " My great-grandmother and great-grandfather were opera singers. Aunt Petra, Maria Maksakova, followed in their footsteps.

Father, Maxim Lvovich, is the son of Lyudmila Vasilievna from her first marriage, with the artist Lev Zbarsky, who later emigrated to the United States. held office CEO PR+Sport and was convicted in 2014 of fraud with money allocated by the Ministry of Sports to advertise a healthy lifestyle.

To save her son from trial and prison, the actress used personal connections. After spending some time under house arrest, he was released, married a second time and left for Italy. There he had two daughters. The son stayed with his grandmother, in an apartment in Bryusov Lane.

Mom, Ekaterina Dobrynina, did not become famous for anything special. However, the biography of her grandfather Anatoly Dobrynin, a well-known Soviet diplomat, the USSR ambassador to the United States (1962-1986), is noteworthy. Thanks to this man, according to the media, the third World War. He helped resolve the Cuban Missile Crisis and improve relations between the two warring countries.


When the parents did not have enough time to deal with the boy, Lyudmila Vasilievna took her grandson with her to the theater with pleasure. As an adult, the guy visited him already of his own free will. But, as the actress put it in an interview, "he is a forced theatergoer."

On the playground the boy played with the children of others Soviet celebrities who lived in the neighborhood. His future wife, Galina, lived nearby. Despite the fact that their relatives knew each other, the children never got to know each other.

Relations with relatives

Pyotr Maksakov with his sister Anna, grandmother Lyudmila Maksakova, mother Ekaterina Dobrynina and aunt Maria Maksakova

When the young man's grandfather Lev Zbarsky died, he was just in New York, where he came to his pregnant wife Galina. Together with cousin Anna, Peter decided to go to the funeral, although he never met or communicated with the artist, because he did not show interest in relatives who remained in Russia.

Petr Maksakov with relatives

Maksakov did not refuse to be related to Aunt Maria, who fled to Ukraine. After tragic death the singer's husband, he said that he sympathized with her and was always ready to support her as a native person.


Peter first studied at Moscow school No. 20, and then he was sent to England, where he attended a prestigious private school Oundle School, located in Northamptonshire. educational institution was opened in 1556 by the Lord Mayor of London, William Laxton.

Having received a certificate, the young man did not return to Russia, but continued to study in England. The choice fell on Durham University, which began accepting students in the 19th century and is considered the third most prestigious in the UK. Over the years spent abroad, the guy mastered the profession of a psychologist and perfectly mastered the English language.

When Peter arrived home, he became a student of the MGIMO MBA program. The guy spent 20 months at a Moscow university. According to some websites, he additionally studied in Washington.


Little is known about Maksakov's professional career. On the Vkontakte page, the place of work of Sibur is indicated. They write that he also managed to work in the Ministry of Construction, promoted the brand "Kremlevskaya Vodka", the profit from the sale of which, among other beneficiaries, was received by his father-in-law, Valentin Yudashkin. Peter's business partner was Elon Shor. Later, he founded his own start-up firm Smith with friends.

The father-in-law made Maksakov a business consultant for his firm, responsible for promoting the fashion brand Valentin Yudashkin on the international market. Spouses often flew together on business abroad.

Personal life

Pyotr Maksakov and Galina Yudashkina

With his first love, Tata Mamiashvili, the Muscovite did not meet for long and broke up for unknown reasons. The girl married a member of another famous family - Sergei Bondarchuk.

With Galina Yudashkina (date of birth: 12/22/1990), the businessman met through mutual friends, and he immediately liked the pretty same age. But the first step was taken by Yudashkina, although not in real life, and in social network Facebook, where both registered a long time ago and gained a huge number of friends. From surprise, the guy did not know what to answer, and thought for 20 minutes.

The young people went to the Van Gogh exhibition together, and then spent 8 hours in a cafe talking. It turned out that they have many common interests, so there were enough topics for conversation. After 4 months, the guy decided to get married. Galina was just supposed to return from Milan, where the show of the new collection of the family firm was taking place.

Proposal, acquaintance with relatives

By the crucial moment, Peter carefully prepared. For the sake of such an occasion, grandmother Lyudmila allowed her ring to be redone. Jewelers replaced the usual gold in the frame with white and added diamonds. With this gift and flowers, the Muscovite went to meet Galina at the airport and there, right in the waiting room, knelt down and asked for the hand of his beloved, which surprised both her and the surrounding public. The guy was afraid of rejection, but Yudashkin's daughter said yes.

The former nanny and the girl's parents immediately liked the groom. They always wanted Galya to marry a guy from a decent family. In turn, the mother and famous grandmother approved of Peter's choice. An excellent recommendation was given to the bride by Nelly Kobzon, who had known her since childhood.

lavish wedding

The wedding of Peter Maksakov and Galina Yudashkina

The couple signed in September, but the wedding took place only a year later, after the wedding in the church of the Great Martyr Clement, Pope of Rome. Parents arranged a luxurious celebration for the newlyweds in Gostiny Dvor, where 550 guests gathered.

They were congratulated by such famous people as:

  • Philip Kirkorov,
  • Maksim Galkin,
  • Nikolai Baskov (toastmaster)
  • Alexander Buynov,
  • Dmitry Medvedev's wife
  • Ksenia Sobchak,
  • Kirill Lavrov and others.

The native brides took care of the rich table, while Valentin Yudashkin was responsible for the decoration of the hall and wedding dresses. The young people surprised the guests with an impeccable performance of a fast dance, which they had been learning for a whole year.

Birth of children

Pyotr Maksakov, Galina Yudashkina and son Anatoly

When Galya became pregnant, she had to leave for work in the United States. Her husband visited her there and missed her very much. Soon in New York (April 2016), little Anatoly was born, named after his great-grandfather, a diplomat. A couple of months later, the family was reunited. The newly-made dad helped his wife in every possible way. At night, the couple did not sleep in turn. In the morning they got up and went to work. A nanny took care of the baby during the day.

Maksakov supported Galina even when she decided to get in shape after pregnancy. A young mother, who had miniature height and weight, gained 20 kg. The lovers went in for sports together. A personal trainer suggested what to do in the gym. In the morning, the couple ran along the embankment.

Young people have limited themselves in the consumption of sweets, but they have not completely abandoned goodies. Sometimes they allowed themselves to eat a piece of cake or a bun. Thanks to an active lifestyle, extra pounds are gone and do not accumulate.

The second son, Arkady, was born in Miami in 2018. The boy was baptized in the church of St. Clement, located on Pyatnitskaya. After 2 months, my mother went to work, to manage her own recently opened beauty salon.

Relationships in the family

Petr Maksakos wife and son

“There is no home for me if there is no Gali, no Tolya,” Maksakov said when his eldest son was one year old. Wife and children are his happiness. The main thing for the head of the family is mutual support and understanding. Peter greatly appreciates his wife's love, admires her kind attitude towards strangers. The happy family was photographed for Hello magazine. The photo graced the cover of the April 2017 issue.

A woman often receives flowers, expensive gifts from her husband. For the wedding year, he presented his beloved with a ring even richer than the engagement ring, with a 7-carat diamond. The value of the jewel remains a mystery.

Together, the spouses are present not only at shows fashion clothes. Often they attend various social and cultural events, among them:

  1. Premiere of the musical Anna Karenina at the popular Moscow Operetta Theatre.
  2. Charity ball of the Stars for Children Foundation.
  3. Opening of a boutique of souvenirs and children's toys Moonsters & Florist Gump on the Patriarch's Ponds.
  4. Party for the Damiani Jewelers' Exhibition.
  5. Presentation of LG equipment.
  6. Glamor Awards Ceremony.

Descendant by nature famous artists and politicians are serious, do not like to talk about themselves. The man does not update the Vkontakte and Facebook pages he created and rarely gives interviews to journalists. Personal life is described by him with restraint. Before the wedding, Maksakov even refused to have a bachelor party, although Galina had a fun bachelorette party with her friends.

The nationality of the businessman is mixed. Known relatives include Jews, Russians and Germans.

Petr Maksakov: biography, personal life, wife, children, photos

“I don’t care what kind of family they have, it’s not our family, but someone else’s,” said Marina Yudashkina.


According to the fashion designer's wife, they stopped communicating with Maksakova a long time ago, and her nephew Peter did not see the opera diva. “No one met her, she left a long time ago,” quotes Marina Yudashkina.

The fashion designer's wife explained that her family was not even aware of Maksakova's plans to flee to Kyiv. “She didn’t consult with us about what to do, none of her relatives spoke to her. If we knew that we would have to answer such questions, we would have done something,” she said.

Meanwhile, a year and a half ago, the opera diva literally danced to her heart's content at the "wedding of the year" of her nephew Pyotr Maksakov and Valentin Yudashkin's daughter Galina. Now Galina and Peter are already raising their little son Anatoly.

As the site wrote, a scandal involving Maksakova flared up after it became known that the opera singer and her husband, deputy Denis Voronenkov, fled to Ukraine. Spouse Maksakova is the main suspect in the criminal case of the raider seizure of the building. He is wanted.

Voronenkov himself explained his flight by the fact that he was afraid of persecution by the special services. According to the ex-deputy, the reason for this is his "too effective" activity in the Federal Drug Control Service.

Galina Yudashkina and Pyotr Maksakov: the first photo session with their son Anatoly

Over the past year, the life of Galina Yudashkina and Pyotr Maksakov has changed dramatically. The birth of a son and the decision to independently develop the Fashion House of Valentin Yudashkin - these events occurred in their family at the same time

Italians like to repeat: "Found a family - found a treasure." The success of fashion giants Fendi, Armani, Trussardi and Missoni - the best of that proof. In each of these cases, the prosperity of the brand is the result of well-coordinated work big family. It is unimaginable that they recruit employees for management positions by ad. So the master of Russian fashion, Valentin Yudashkin, decided to involve the younger generation in his work: recently his daughter Galina became the art director of the brand, and her husband, Pyotr Maksakov, is responsible for its promotion on the international market. The guys take care of the traditions, but still decided to change the fashionable vector. “We started rebranding! Now we focus more on the younger generation, but at the same time we try to keep our corporate identity,” says Galya. The youngest member of the family, one-year-old Tolya, is also in business. When the boy was six months old, he visited the Valentin Yudashkin show in Paris and even walked on the podium with his mother. Galina and Peter told HELLO! about the new stage in their lives.

Galya, Petya, how was your first year as young parents?

I will say this: every week it is new baby. He's growing up so fast. I want to be with him every minute, but the work does not allow it.

The year has been fun! But Galya is right: I want to be with the child much more often, and not leave and come home when he is sleeping. It's a pity we miss so many moments.

Galina Yudashkina and Pyotr Maksakov with their son

Perhaps it was difficult at first?

We were warned that there would be a catastrophic lack of sleep, we were ready for this mentally, but not physically. (Smiling.) Anatolka slept well from birth, but it was still difficult for me to get up and feed him at night. For the first couple of months, Petya and I walked around like zombies.

Marina Vladimirovna, Galina's mother, immediately told us: "On the first night, when you arrive home, immediately come running to me." And so it happened! And not because we wanted to sleep, we were just scared: whether the son lies correctly, how he breathes. But now this tremor is gone. As a father, I quickly felt confident, although they say that men come to this later. I can feed him myself, hold him in my arms. I never had the fear of "breaking" a child.

Did you attend the birth? Not every man will dare to do this.

Yes, but at the very important point Galya asked me to leave.

I think childbirth is such an intimate moment. There is nothing for a man to do!

Petya, are you talking to your son on English language, and Galya - in Russian ...

Yes, we immediately decided to communicate with him in two languages, so that later there would be no problems and there would be no need to quickly learn. Many people told us: "Well, how is it? It's still early! He's very small." No. On the contrary, children under the age of three learn all the information very quickly, and now we see that Tolya understands everything perfectly. If I say, "Come to me," he comes. And if Petya shouts in a minute: "Come to me!" he runs towards him.

Indeed, he learns everything very quickly and clearly knows what he wants. If he needs a car, he will go to it. If he falls on the road, he will get up and walk again. Purposeful fellow grows.

On the set, Anatoly was not at all capricious: he smiled, looked at the camera on command, and as soon as Frank Sinatra sang on the radio - New York, New York ..., he immediately began to dance

The birth of Anatoly coincided with the rebranding of the Valentin Yudashkin Fashion House. Accident?

Of course, we did not wait for the birth of the child to begin the change. (Smiling.) It's just time. We will make the brand more modern.

Yes, we retain our corporate identity, but now we are looking towards the millennials, we are starting to actively work with the Western audience.

English Vogue wrote that the new Valentin Yudashkin collection was created for young and stylish residents of the metropolis.

Yes, the collection is really different from what we did before. She is somewhat daring, but still elegant. We used leather, velvet and organza. The key element of the collection was the Orenburg shawl, but not in its usual form: the shawl was dyed and made into tops, shorts and jumpers. Collection received good feedback. So we are not working in vain.

Galya, recently you have been holding the post of art director of the Fashion House. Tell me what are your responsibilities?

We have a small team, so there are many responsibilities. I am working with celebrities, engaging young bloggers and developing a new line of accessories that will be more focused on a younger audience. Also, we will soon open a flagship store on Kutuzovsky Prospekt - after a major overhaul. It will be in high-tech style, like many boutiques of world brands in Europe.

Galina and Peter signed in September 2014, and they assure that during this time they never quarreled. "We are both very rational people and we are used to solving all issues before they become a problem," Galina explains.

Petya, you also entered the family business and now work at the Valentin Yudashkin Fashion House. What are your responsibilities?

I do everything boring in the company! (Laughs.) I manage the systematization of processes within the company, the distribution of business plans, communication with our international partners and the development of new lines.

Did you want to work in the fashion industry yourself, or did Valentin offer to continue the family business?

I adore fashion, because it is one of the biggest engines of the economy, and all this is very interesting to me. Moreover, many world houses are family businesses. Look at the American brand Ralph Lauren or the Italian brand Trussardi - where all family members work for the company. And, no matter what anyone says, no one is as interested in business development as his heirs.

The Valentin Yudashkin show in Paris has been running for 25 years. Last year, Valentin could not be there for health reasons, and you, Galya, had to present the collection alone. It must have been difficult?

Of course, despite the fact that I have been watching the process since childhood. No one has ever laid such a responsibility on me. I remember how dad called a few days before the show and said: "Galya, I won't come!" I suspected that this was possible, but until the last I believed that he would be able to fly to Paris. So I pulled myself together and did my best not to let him down.

How is Valentine feeling now?

Excellent! More energy than all of us. Dad is already actively working and traveling. The illness forced him to gather himself and take action. He proved that we can't be defeated just like that.

This year has been difficult for you. Recently it became known that Denis Voronenkov, the husband of Petya's aunt, Maria Maksakova, was shot dead in Kyiv ...

Denis Nikolaevich and I were not close and saw each other only a couple of times in our lives. It's all very unpleasant. Of course, I sympathize with my aunt, but he is a grown man and knew what he was saying and doing, he understood what it could lead to. As a human being, I feel sorry for him, because he is a son and a father ... We are always ready to support Masha, we are relatives.

Petya, you have a big Friendly family. People's Artist Lyudmila Vasilievna Maksakova is difficult to even call a grandmother, but she is already a great-grandmother. How does she feel in this role?

I never called her grandmother. For us, she is just Luda.

Lyudmila Vasilievna warned us right away: "I don't really like children." But, when she saw Tolya, she admitted that he conquered her.

Yes, now she happily walks with him and reads fables to him. Our parents are so active that they will give us a head start! (Laughs.) Their cheerfulness was transferred to Tolya. On the second day he began to smile! Usually, children begin to show emotions only in the third month.

It seems to me that after the birth of his grandson, dad changed a lot: he became softer. He enjoys playing with our son when he has time. Tolik is not a problem with us, and parents get a buzz from communicating with him.

Since everything is so simple and easy for you, do you think about a second child?

We already want! Why pull something?

Having married, Galina Yudashkina and Pyotr Maksakov united two famous dynasties. For the first New Year's dinner at the family mansion, Valentin Yudashkin invited HELLO! and new relatives: Petr's grandmother Lyudmila Maksakova, his mother, Ekaterina Dobrynina, and sister Anna, December 2014

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