Magic stones for the sign Aries: how to choose and wear a talisman. Stones suitable for Aries - choose a talisman according to the horoscope

Design and interior 20.10.2019
Design and interior

The signs of the zodiac begin with Aries. It enters into force on March 21 and completely expires on April 20. The personal characteristics of Aries are determined by Mars, the Sun and Venus. Aries are pioneers, organizers and heroes. They plunge headlong into both work and love. Unbridled generosity - feature people of the "spring" sign. Aries often do not complete their undertakings. "Lambs" lack patience and delicacy. They do not always know how to restrain anger, outbursts of jealousy. The exuberant energy of Aries needs to be controlled and contained. But they do not tolerate power over themselves. Stones selected according to the horoscope bring good luck, protect against diseases and other misfortunes. They are designed to correct the personality of a person for the better.


The sacred power of gems is recognized by all astrologers and is taken into account even by notorious nihilists. Opinions about the specific action of each natural mineral under certain conditions may differ, but the influence of a stone on a representative of a particular zodiac sign is beyond doubt. The same stone can develop positive qualities in one person, and only suppress them in another. In order not to unconsciously make a harmful gift to yourself or close person, it is better to find out which stones will become a talisman, which ones will be a simple decoration, and which ones will only bring harm.

A person born under the sign of Aries is distinguished by confidence in his abilities and the correctness of his judgments, perseverance in achieving his goal, high efficiency and an active life position. Aries are energetic and sociable, loving attention and able to create a good reputation for themselves. They are loved for their positive mood, faith in a bright future and straightforwardness. At the same time, Aries' pride can easily reach tactless selfishness, and excessive emotionality and impulsiveness often prevent the completion of the work begun. Aries talisman stone should not conflict with inner world the owner, but must restrain the manifestation of negative character traits that interfere in public or private life. Astrologers recommend fiery Aries stones with strong energy: ruby ​​and diamond, as well as zircon and citrine. The use of other minerals as faithful amulets depends on individual features identity and date of birth.


Develops wisdom. Protects against depression. Gives energy to conquer the heights of life. Ruby restrains the aggressiveness of Aries. The stone has healing properties. It improves well-being in hypertension and heart disease. A change in the color of a mineral is a danger warning. Ruby "does not get along" with any of the stones. It cannot be combined with other gems.

Ruby also favors Aries, enhancing generosity and compassion, helps to cope with mental pain and revive lost interest to life. Ruby is a scarlet transparent stone, valued in the East above diamond. Its main magical property is to give rise to an attraction to the great. On the hand of a noble person, he leads to victories, gives happiness in love and warns of danger by changing color. It gives protection from negative energies, strengthens the heart, returns lost strength, drives away melancholy, gives women fertility and prevents nightmares. However, it must be taken into account that this is a stone of pure thoughts and self-confidence.

(cut diamond)

Diamond is a symbol of victories that Aries strive for so much. The mineral will become a powerful amulet if it comes into contact with the skin. It is advisable to wear it on the left hand or around the neck. When the thoughts and spiritual qualities of a person do not correspond to the impeccable purity of a diamond, the powerful energy of the stone will harm him.

Its name originates in the Greek word "adamas", which means "indestructible", "irresistible".
Such a stone makes Aries even stronger, more purposeful, energetic and lucky, helps to experience moments of weakness and confusion less often. Diamond is able to stop a series of life failures, tames the anger of people of this zodiac sign, makes their negative emotions less pronounced. The stone can act as a talisman against external negative impact, helps the owner to fight his own vices, does not allow him to fall into the abyss of alcoholism and drug addiction.

Diamond is not only very strong in terms of energy, but is also a stone with character. It is noticed that he is not inclined to help ordinary people is the stone of the chosen. But he can descend to mere mortals if he was not bought, but inherited or donated, however, active help from him will have to wait for more than one year. Such a stone for Aries and other owners can be dangerous if treated without due respect; spiritually primitive people, with impure thoughts, as well as criminals, he will purposefully harm.

The use of amethyst as a talisman stone helps Aries to streamline his own desires. It helps in strengthening undermined immunity, accumulation of vital energy, it also helps Aries to calm down, get rid of internal tension, anxiety and aggression. Amethyst seems to take away the sorrows and anxieties of its owner. His strength will come in handy when you need to make an important decision - he will help Aries to do it prudently, and not rush and get excited, as usual.

Amethyst has a property to influence people's relationships. The selfish actions of Aries may not make the most pleasant impression on others, but due to the influence of this stone, it is smoothed out, the authority of the people of this zodiac sign not only does not fall, but is also strengthened.

Such a stone of Aries helps to prolong love attraction, acquiring greater depth and tenderness. Amethyst also reflects unfriendly attempts to interfere in the personal, intimate relationships of the one who possesses it. A long and happy family life awaits whoever gets the lucky chance to find the right shape amethyst.

Sapphire, like ruby, symbolizes wisdom. He prompts his owner prudent way out. A pure and calm sapphire helps Aries compensate for their lack of insight, foresight and wisdom. Especially young representatives of the fire sign, the stone is able to teach to behave more restrained and prudent, to control themselves, their frequent and unpredictable outbursts of anger.

Blue and green sapphires have a great influence on Aries. Their primary energy needs cold-blooded management. In addition to the pacifying ardor effect, sapphire supports honest and disinterested spiritual impulses in Aries, strengthening sincere friendship and faith in the best. The natural curiosity of Aries for everything new perfectly matches the ability of sapphires to awaken a thirst for knowledge. Their joint search for truth will surely succeed!

Sapphire is beautiful, pleasing to the eye and has a beneficial effect on its owner. Sapphire returns lost strength and helps the body recover. This stone not only heals, but also brings victory, and returns the ability to give birth to women. Sapphires have the ability to change color depending on the light.

Agate is an excellent talisman for students. Focuses on learning, develops self-discipline. The best choice is agates of “sunny” color: red, orange, yellow.

Aries is always busy with big things, big projects and a lot of ideas are swarming in his head. To become more eloquent and develop intuition, astrologers recommend wearing agate stone to Aries. However, you should carefully choose this stone for yourself. Before buying an agate product for himself, Aries should hold the stone in his palms a little and feel if it suits him. If the stone responds with warmth, you can safely buy yourself an agate jewelry. If the stone is “silent” or causes negative emotions, then Aries should refrain from buying agate. For some Aries, agate stone can provide invaluable help, while for some it is not suitable in principle. So Aries should choose a talisman from agate very pedantically and scrupulously, listening to their feelings.

If Aries liked agate, then he probably wants to learn flexibility and develop diplomatic skills - very necessary qualities for typical representatives of this sign! It is better to give preference to white and gray varieties of stone.

On the other hand, agate can over-activate the impulsiveness of Aries in speech and action. Unbalanced Aries should treat agate - especially its colored varieties with caution.

A typical flaw of Aries is a lack of understanding of other people, the inability to feel them. emotional condition. This leads to conflicts. Precious quartz will teach the impatient and straightforward Aries tact and sensitivity.

Purposeful Aries stone rock crystal will give more insight and wisdom. This stone is especially good for Aries, who are prone to expression, rash acts and very active. For these people, rock crystal stone can become a wonderful talisman. Also, for some Aries, this stone can help open psychic abilities. For medicinal purposes, this stone is used to relieve fever during colds. It is enough to attach a stone to the “third eye” area and lie down for several minutes, relaxing, and headache with a cold go away for a long time.

For representatives of the Aries sign, rock crystal is a great helper in carrying out their interests in life. The stone, due to its connection with all the chakras (energy centers) of a person and the ability to harmonize them, is able to support a person and set him up for further development. However, Aries needs to keep in mind that since the influence of rock crystal is associated with the theme of partnership, Aries first needs to deal with his ability or inability to dialogue with people on an equal footing. Rock crystal softens the character of its owner, making him more benevolent and gentle, and fair, more compliant.

If these qualities are demanded by Aries, then rhinestone is definitely suitable, but if the Aries person is not a typical representative of the sign and, on the contrary, he wants to strengthen his position in order to have less doubt about the decisions made and not succumb to persuasion from the outside, then rhinestone may will only increase indecision and activate creativity.

Choose what suits you best and keep in mind that rock crystal will always accept the energy of its owner and will not harm him - you just have to love him and look for those advantages that he will still bring with his presence in the life of Aries.

Zircon will support the already strong and self-confident Aries. This stone brings Aries inspiration and helps to find a non-standard way out of difficult situations. Zircon comes in different shades and colors. Therefore, zircon will be equally valuable for Aries, regardless of color. As a talisman, this stone is able to bring good luck to Aries in all important transactions, so people involved in frequent negotiations are advised to wear at least one zircon jewelry.

Like diamond, for which it is considered a substitute, zircon is a symbol of steadfastness and courage. In lithotherapy, the science of stone treatment, it is associated with the head, which, by the way, is the anatomical correspondence of Aries. Zircon gives the representatives of the sign Aries clarity of mind and iron restraint, so necessary for their uncontrolled outbursts of aggression. With him, a person looks at things objectively in any situation. Zircon helps Aries to concentrate their energy on the goal and go towards it no matter what. By this, he compensates for the habit inherent in this sign of taking on several things at the same time and not leading them to the end, quickly losing interest.

Pomegranate helps active people, those who give all their strength to the struggle to achieve their goal. This is a stone of passionate people who give themselves without a trace to work. “The gods help those who walk” - this is what one of the old sayings says, so the pomegranate helps those who act.
This stone of a rare red or violet-red, cherry, purple and even pink hue nourishes its owner with special vital energy, gives a charge of vivacity, and maintains fortitude. The owners of this stone are distinguished by extraordinary cheerfulness and stamina, without bending, they meet and overcome all obstacles.

This stone has long been considered a talisman of noble and honest people, courageous warriors and pioneers, noble knights and robbers like Robin Hood.
Passion is a quality without which it is impossible to imagine love, so the pomegranate is considered a talisman of lovers, often jewelry with a pomegranate was given as a confirmation of love, fidelity and friendship. Remember, in Kuprin's "Garnet Bracelet" Zheltkov presented his beloved with a garnet bracelet.

This stone can also be worn as a reliever of all kinds of pains, headaches and teeth, and is considered a calming stone for neurasthenics, as its beneficial effect on shattered nerves is known.
Red pomegranate is best purchased on the 6th lunar day, and put on on the 21st lunar day, because it is then that the power of the talisman reaches its highest point.

Red jasper is also an Aries stone. This stone is useful for people born under the sign of Aries. Jasper helps Aries to quickly implement their plans, achieve recognition and respect due to their personal characteristics. Jasper is suitable for Aries, who rely only on their own strength, on their talent. The stone will support Aries in Hard time and will not let him lose heart and doubt.

Red jasper activates cardiac activity and the activity of endocrine glands. Avicenna advised to wear it on the stomach (on the solar plexus or navel) from stomach diseases. In some cases, the stone is used by men for inflammation of the prostate gland, and by women - for infertility and gynecological disorders. With jasper, it is especially easy to endure disappointments in love.

As an amulet, red jasper helps to overcome fever and epilepsy, heals memory, moderates the force of bleeding and helps to reduce women's suffering. There is a deep belief that the constant wearing of red jasper sharpens the sense of smell. However, some peoples prefer to wear amulets made of black jasper, which protects against poisoning.

As you can see, jasper turned out to be a difficult stone and is fraught with more than one mystery. The centuries-old observations of astrologers and the knowledge of alchemists have not fully clarified the effect of differently colored jaspers on humans. This is quite natural, because the color of the stone depends on the presence of certain minerals or elements in the rock structure. The impact on well-being will depend not only on the actual jasper as such, but also on those impurities that give it color.


03/21 - 03/31 (Mars) The favorites of Mars are bright leaders, always striving for victory. Negative character traits: selfishness, aggressiveness, excessive straightforwardness. The most favorable stones: agate of warm shades, rock crystal and jasper.

01.04 - 11.04 (Sun) Representatives of this decade are ambitious, generous, noble. Excellent organizers. Their main value is family. Disadvantages: authoritarianism, irascibility, jealous disposition. Excellent gifts for "sunny" Aries: amethyst, pomegranate.

12.04. - 20.04 (Venus) The romantic planet gives rise to ardent natures, obsessed with searches Great love. Venusian "lambs" are often characterized by a craving for adventure. Preferred choice: diamond; ruby; zircon; sapphire.


When choosing stones for an Aries woman, it is best to listen to yourself. There is no need to rush when choosing a gem or precious diamond, because minerals have a huge impact on who they belong to. Don't let nature take your energy. You need to find for yourself exactly the mineral that will bring harmony, love and good mood.

Ladies of the spring sign Aries always strive to be the center of attention. Their bright individuality is eloquently expressed by diamonds and rubies. A green diamond will help realize the dream of children. Diamonds are not suitable for unmarried girls. Transparent zircon will give good luck to young women. Yellow zircon will strengthen the strength of the representatives of mature age. Career women are encouraged to wear red jasper. The talisman contributes to the planning of workdays. Aries girl will be able to pay attention to family and household chores. After all, the fire sign often plunges headlong into work, forgetting about loved ones.

Women who wish to bring good luck into their lives should wear diamond, amethyst, ruby ​​and garnet. The stone, which is a symbol of motherhood and femininity, is called a green diamond. Women who wish to find a life partner and find harmony in all areas of life should wear a juicy pomegranate. Young lady Aries can also wear an amethyst. This stone represents loyalty. It also promotes the development of intuition. Representatives of this zodiac sign can purchase such a talisman only in lilac.

Sapphire is a precious stone of health and feminine charm. He will noticeably increase the success of his owner with men and protect her from dirty gossip, slander, and slander. If a woman begins to wear sapphire jewelry on her left hand, then the stone will protect her from asthmatic attacks, heart disease and increase brain performance.

Rock crystal is in some way a substitute for "diamond". But this is only visually. Rock crystal jewelry worn for an exam or public speaking will help to concentrate attention, strengthen thinking and make its owner "Miss Rhetoric".

Agate is a useful stone for students and schoolgirls. Helps in the development of new knowledge and gaining life experience.


The most irrepressible, impulsive and enterprising men are born under the sign of Aries. They are not afraid of difficulties or failures. They are full of courage and bravely take risks. At the same time, they sometimes overestimate their own capabilities, “shine” with assertive arrogance, sometimes even aggressiveness and anger.

Amethyst is the best in the list of minerals that are recommended for wearing by men living in the "ram's skin". It is this stone that most of all corresponds to the reckless and energetic Aries.
He will restrain excessive aggression, and help at the right time to change anger with grace, and add eloquence to business rams, and tell creative ones where to look for inspiration and insight. This wonderful purple stone will help sick Aries get back on their feet sooner, and Aries students will pass the session with a bang. At home, amethyst is calm and restraint, with friends - adventure and excitement.

Aries men are advised by astrologers to have pomegranate jewelry. Red crystals help you get promoted, avoid intrigue and gossip. A rare green garnet protects against violent death. But as a talisman, garnet is suitable only for brave and confident people. The photo shows a description of the garnet stone.

A ruby ​​ring is a good talisman for an Aries man. It helps to conquer new heights, enhances physical strength and mental capacity. It is a stone of conquerors, winners and commanders. Ruby protects its wearer from melancholic moods and bouts of depression.


There are many stones favorable for Aries, and the choice is quite wide. But if you did not find your favorite stone in this list, then choose a mineral based on your feelings and intuition. However, one should beware of those minerals that astrologers recommend to wear Libra: corals, lapis lazuli, opals, malachites, beryls and chrysolites. Jewelry made of aventurine and rhodonite will also not benefit Aries.

If Aries' character is too impulsive, especially for women, then it is better to choose a talisman stone of a light shade or completely transparent.

For the zodiac sign Aries, stones that symbolize water are not recommended. The combination of fire and water will not give harmony. The fiery nature and the water symbol will begin to conflict with each other and introduce unpredictable situations into the life of Aries, who wears a water symbol. If we talk about color, then Aries should not opt ​​for stones. dark color: black, dark blue or dark green.

Even after reading all the information, it is quite difficult to make an unambiguous choice. This is not necessary. Let you have several talisman jewelry for your sign with different minerals, each of them is suitable for a specific life situation when you need the help and support of a certain stone. But you need to know that some stones, especially the ruby, do not like the proximity of other gems and conflict with them, that is, ruby ​​jewelry should be worn separately from others. Some other minerals, on the contrary, are harmoniously combined with a number of stones and increase the impact on their owner.

We make the choice of decoration from several stages:

  1. We exclude all stones unsuitable for Aries.
  2. We choose stones that contribute to the development of specific personality traits.
  3. From the selected stones, we exclude minerals with an inappropriate color or shade.
  4. From the rest, we select stones that are visually pleasing to you.
  5. We study the stones in detail, taking into account the gender of Aries, for which an ornament or souvenir is chosen.

Please note that giving jewelry with natural stones is a very responsible business. You must know the person well, his zodiac sign, basic personality traits, strengths and weaknesses. Aries, especially women, appreciate attention to themselves, so for them the choice of a stone for a talisman should be especially careful. Aries are able to sharply comment on your gift if you make the wrong choice, so do not rely on what you liked, but analyze the souvenir in all respects.

I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will tell in this article which amulets are suitable for the zodiac sign Aries for protection, attracting money and good luck. In our time, amulets and amulets have changed, acquired modern stylized forms. But stones still occupy one of the first places in the creation of strong magical amulets that protect against damage and the evil eye. The world of amulets is striking in its richness and diversity, but you need to choose stones for yourself, not succumbing to sudden attraction, but knowing about their properties, understanding which stones are suitable as talismans according to the signs of the zodiac.

Protective stones amulets for people of the zodiac sign Aries

Each sign of the zodiac has its own protective stones. It can be most effectively used as talismans that suit you energetically, and the stone, as you know, is a good natural defense. However, it is not enough just to wear a charm that suits you according to astrology, you must first properly adjust the stone.

Stones are constantly present in our lives, we come into contact with them, not always thinking about their strength. But talismans have great natural and magical powers. Choosing a protective amulet for yourself, guided only by your aesthetic perception, is not only wrong, but even dangerous, because a talisman that is energetically alien to you will not an amulet stone that protects from the evil eye, but can turn into an energy vampire that drains your life force.

To avoid this, choose an amulet for Aries not only with your eyes and heart, but also with your mind, armed with useful practical information. And one more important point: buy amulets that protect against the evil eye, according to your zodiac sign. On the one hand, this will significantly enhance the protective properties of the amulet, and on the other hand, it will help change your life. This article will focus on talisman stones for those who, according to the horoscope, belong to the sign Aries. So, what stone can become an amulet for men and women born under the sign of Aries?

Strong stones from the evil eye for the zodiac sign Aries

In my opinion, the magician Sergei Artgrom believes that every person should have a magic stone that protects from the evil eye and damage. This is not the whim of a sorcerer advising his clients to choose the right amulets stones according to the signs of the zodiac, but a necessity, if, of course, you are concerned about your own security and are ready to protect your borders. The services of magicians are used by a huge number of people. The blow can come from any direction.

So, it is very useful to choose and wear a stone amulet from the evil eye.

Other amulets, of which, mind you, there are many, also protect (that’s why they exist), but stones, thanks to their own, are able to co-tune with a person born sign Aries. Their crystalline model allows minerals to accumulate and store information. A strong stone talisman from the evil eye is one of best picks when you set a goal for yourself to protect yourself from negative flows.

People of the zodiac sign Aries are under the auspices of Mars, and therefore

  • active,
  • energetic,
  • fast,
  • swift,
  • purposeful
  • are often overly sharp.

We should not forget that Aries men and women are selfish. Just egoism - weak link in their character. Correctly chosen by date of birth stone talisman for women will help to extinguish masculine features and develop femininity, elegance, softness, just what makes a woman a woman.

If the Aries man fails to direct his energy and actions to fruitful activities, he quickly burns out from the inside. The sudden sharp impulses of Aries repel people, destroy relationships. The seething energy of this horoscope sign needs restraining framework so that a man does not harm himself. Such conditional boundaries can be built by a stone that suits Aries according to the horoscope and has become a talisman that brings its own.

A correctly chosen stone by date of birth is perfect for the role of a talisman, which can become a good protection against negativity, the source of which can be both other people and the impulsive Aries himself.

What stones should Aries wear - magical amulets from damage and negativity

The talisman for people of the horoscope sign Aries must be in harmony with the psychological mood of the wearer, be strong enough to contain bursts of negativity that can interfere with the prosperous life of an impulsive Aries.

  • diamond
  • ruby
  • citrine
  • zircon
  • eye of the Tiger
  • coil

Other stones as decorations and amulets are also suitable for representatives of this zodiac sign, but, deciding what stone amulet to give a man Aries, or beautiful girl, you need to take into account the date of birth and the characteristics of the character of the person for whom the protective amulet is chosen. So, before you buy a stone talisman, try to take into account all the conditions for the right choice.

Choosing a talisman stone for people of the Aries horoscope by date of birth

As I, the magician Sergey Artgrom has already said, there are special recommendations for choosing a mineral, taking into account the decade in which the date of birth of a person falls. The essence of the character of Aries, born in different decades of the month, is different. In accordance with this, when choosing talisman stones from envy and the evil eye, it is recommended to be guided by a specific date of birth.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately correctly adjust it to yourself in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

Aries born in the first decade (March 21-30) are ruled by Mars.

These are the most stubborn, lively, sharp personalities in their judgments and actions. They are purposeful, selfish and loving. There are many gems that can become talismans for these people by date of birth:

  • hematite
  • quartz
  • eye of the Tiger
  • cornelian
  • coil
  • amazonite
  • rhinestone

What stones that protect against the evil eye and envy are suitable for the zodiac sign Aries, born in the second decade (April 1-11)?

These people have a strong, and to some extent, painful attachment to loved ones. Family values ​​are not an empty phrase for them. These people are suitable stones amulets of light shades:

  • heliotrope
  • sardonyx
  • amber
  • cat eye
  • pearl

For the sign of the horoscope Aries, those who gave birth in the third decade (April 12-20)

Their guiding star is Venus, stones that are suitable from the evil eye and the children of this sign will be a wonderful gift:

  • sapphire
  • ruby
  • zircon
  • diamond
  • pomegranate

Warm shades of stones from damage for Aries give the effect of enhancing all the characteristics inherent in the sign, and cold shades of stones help reduce the manifestation of negative traits. This is very significant fact, which should be considered when choosing a stone amulet from the evil eye.

How to cleanse and charge a stone against the evil eye

It is not difficult to buy a stone according to the zodiac sign Aries, but this does not mean that jewelry with this gem will immediately become a strong and reliable amulet or magical amulet. First, certain manipulations are required with the stone. Stones purchased so that in the future they become reliable talismans according to the horoscope are in need. Be sure to adjust the stone for yourself. For this, a special ritual of purification with water is performed. It is very simple. For some time you need to hold the amulet in cool running water. But, you can do it differently - just put your new talisman in the freezer for several hours.

After the purification ritual, it is necessary to activate the stone that protects from the evil eye. The easiest way to charge a mineral with light energy is to put it on a short time(no more than 2 hours) in the sun. However, not every stone is so activated. For example, a moonstone is activated not by sunlight, but by moonlight. Another way to make it active stone amulet of Aries to protect against the evil eye- activation by own energy. It is clear that a person who thus animates his magical mineral must be physically healthy, and his energy potential must be at a high level. You need to be in constant contact with your amulet. This will allow the stone to gradually reveal the entire palette of its magical qualities.

Protective stone suitable for Aries women

The best stone talisman of the woman of the Aries horoscope is, of course, the ruby. The personification of Mars, the patron of this bright zodiac sign. The rich red color of the ruby ​​is a source of energy, in addition, the fiery impulsive Aries girl can draw strength, positive and calmness from this amulet. Ruby provides people of this sign, good dream and the same good health. Ruby is also suitable for women of this zodiac sign.

Strong stone amulet for women, born under the auspices of Mars, is a diamond that perfectly harmonizes with the solid character of Aries. Transparent shimmering stones talismans will protect the girl of the horoscope sign Aries from envy and the evil eye, strengthen mental and physical strength. If a woman from the constellation Aries dreams of becoming a mother, she is recommended to wear a green diamond.

The magical power of precious and semi-precious stones is taken into account by every astrologer, and even skeptics listen to opinions about the properties of a particular stone. In fact, there are several opinions about the properties of a particular gem, but the effect of a particular mineral on representatives of a certain zodiac sign is beyond doubt. Any mineral can have a beneficial effect on one person, and in another, reduce or completely suppress positive qualities. In order not to make a mistake when choosing a gift for yourself or a loved one, you need to know well which gem can become a talisman, which one will only serve as an ornament, and which one can harm.

A person born under the sign of Aries is distinguished by an active character, increased efficiency, confidence in himself and in his judgments. Aries are very sociable, love to be the center of attention and at the same time can easily create an excellent reputation for themselves. Aries are loved by others for their positive, good mood and straightforwardness. But if these qualities of Aries exceed a certain limit, then they can easily turn into selfishness, reaching tactlessness, and increased impulsiveness will prevent you from bringing your plans to completion.

Rough Ruby

The talisman for Aries must be in harmony with the psychological mood of the owner, and at the same time restrain a possible surge of negative qualities that interfere with a prosperous life. For Aries, according to the recommendations of astrologers, stones with strong energy are suitable, for example, a diamond or ruby, as well as citrine or zircon, depending on the budget. Other minerals can also be used as decoration for Aries, but you need to take into account the specific date of birth and the characteristics of the character of the person for whom the amulet is selected.

Choosing a talisman stone for Aries by date of birth

  • for those born in the first decade (from March 21st to March 31st), Mars is the patron. Among Aries, these individuals are the most stubborn, but purposeful, selfish, but loving. A considerable amount of minerals is suitable for them: jasper, hematite, quartz, serpentine, rock crystal, amazonite.
  • for Aries born in the second decade (from April 1 to April 11), a strong attachment to loved ones and family values ​​is characteristic. For them, a great gift is accessories with jewelry made from light minerals such as amber, heliotrope, sardonyx, or pearls.
  • for those born in the third decade (from April 12 to 20) - the guiding star is Venus. Good minerals for these Aries are: , diamond, and zircon.

Yellow carnelian will improve the character traits of Aries

The color of the mineral also matters: red, orange and yellow stones will enhance all the traits of the Aries character, and blue, blue or green will reduce the manifestations of the negativity inherent in the character.

On the advice of some astrologers, it is good to have a talisman with twelve stones, so that one of the stones will work during the period of each zodiac sign.

What cut should the stone have?

Amethyst in brilliant cut

Rhombus, rectangle or square - best form stone for Aries. The most suitable cut is brilliant. In addition, it can be set in silver, and a diamond or ruby ​​in gold. A convex polished surface in the shape of a cabochon is not recommended by astrologers for transparent minerals. It is better to choose a dodecahedral, step or facet cut. If you still opted for a cabochon cut, then make sure that the lower part of the mineral remains uncut.

Amulets and talismans for Aries

Rectangular ruby ​​gold ring

Aries can use many gems to their advantage, but the main stone for him is the ruby. The stone is suitable, first of all, in color. A talisman with a red stone gives energy to Aries for his active life position, provides a positive attitude, removes traces of stressful situations, and stimulates brain activity. In addition, the ruby ​​represents Mars, the patron saint of Aries.

Aries is a crystal clear sign of the zodiac, and people born under this sign are better suited for transparent talisman stones, both colored and non-colored.

Diamond necklace and bracelet - the perfect jewelry for a woman

Diamond (brilliant) with its hardness is in harmony with the hardness of the character of Aries, so the stone can become a powerful talisman for a woman of the sign of Aries. Only for unmarried girls, a diamond is not suitable as a talisman. Wear a diamond around the neck or left wrist, preferably in contact with the skin.

Variety of agate

Aries, schoolchildren and students, because of their ebullient nature, often cannot have the patience for fruitful study. Agate can help. Decoration with agate stone promotes concentration and assimilation of the new.

Labrador - reliable protection for Aries

Labrador will be useful to Aries as a talisman. The zodiac sign Aries is very active, loves adventure and adventure, and the Labrador will serve as a protection from danger. The same mineral gives harmony family relations. But the Labrador must be worn with caution, the stone enhances the already considerable self-confidence of Aries, which ultimately can lead to a negative quality - pride.

Amethyst softens the hard nature of Aries

If Aries has aggressiveness, irascibility and cruelty in his character, then amethyst will help normalize inclinations. The stone will give Aries mercy and kindness, help to establish good contacts with loved ones and other environment, reduce selfishness and narcissism.

Talisman stones for Aries woman

The talisman for the woman of the sign of Aries are stones that are in harmony with his character, that is, solid. The color of the talisman can be white, yellow, green, blue or red.

Green square cut diamond

As mentioned above, one of the best talismans for this sign is a diamond. Aries women who want to have children, a diamond is suitable Green colour. It enhances the feminine nuances of the personality, heals the reproductive organs and promotes the course of a normal pregnancy and, subsequently, leads to a normal birth.

A colorless diamond will increase vitality and protect against damage and the evil eye.

Jasper enhances business activity

It happens that a woman under the sign of Aries is completely devoted to achieving her goal, while forgetting to take care of herself. Such a woman will serve as a good mascot red jasper.

This gem is capable of such a redistribution of internal energy that it will be enough for everything. Jasper will increase activity in work and help prioritize business so that the effect is maximum. Such a stone in the talisman is capable of making a woman of this zodiac sign, completely absorbed in her career, an ideal wife and mother, since this stone is the patron saint of married ladies.

Zircon will try to maintain the mood of Aries at the proper level, aim at positive

With ebullient activity, Aries women may have periods of recession, which are accompanied by depression. Wear products with zircon at this time, it contributes to a positive attitude, finding a goal in life, and will help plan actions to achieve the goal.

Talisman stones for the Aries man

Men's silver ring with citrine

Aries prefers to dominate, giving instructions to others, so the talisman located on the index finger will have the greatest power. Aries, looking for love, it is better to wear it around the neck or on the chest. An expensive talisman is better suited for a simple cut made of steel, cupronickel, iron or silver. Platinum or gold do not harmonize with the energy of Aries men. It is very good if the image of an Aries, an owl, a wolf or a fleece is engraved on a product with a talisman.

Silver cufflinks and ring with garnet

For men born under the sign of Aries, astrologers recommend pomegranate jewelry. This mineral has red color - the main color of the sign. Pomegranate will help protect you from gossip and intrigue, and will facilitate career steps. But, as a talisman, a pomegranate can only help people who are self-confident and have considerable courage. A rare variety of pomegranate, green pomegranate, will ward off a violent death from Aries.

Men's silver ring with ruby

Ruby is also good for Aries men, especially if it is in a ring. Such a talisman increases mental abilities and physical strength. Ruby is the stone of winners. The talisman will also protect the owner from melancholy and depression.

Stones not suitable for the sign Aries

There are many stones favorable for Aries, and the choice is quite wide. But if you did not find your favorite stone in this list, then choose a mineral based on your feelings and intuition. However, one should beware of those minerals that astrologers recommend wearing Libra: and rhodonite will also not benefit Aries.

If Aries' character is too impulsive, especially for women, then it is better to choose a talisman stone of a light shade or completely transparent.

For the zodiac sign Aries, stones that symbolize water are not recommended. The combination of fire and water will not give harmony. The fiery nature and the water symbol will begin to conflict with each other and introduce unpredictable situations into the life of Aries, who wears a water symbol. If we talk about color, then Aries should not opt ​​for dark-colored stones: black, dark blue or dark green.

Among the variety of gems it is difficult to make a choice

Even after reading all the information, it is quite difficult to make an unambiguous choice. This is not necessary. Let you have several talisman jewelry for your sign with different minerals, each of them is suitable for a specific life situation when you need the help and support of a certain stone. But you need to know that some stones, especially the ruby, do not like the proximity of other gems and conflict with them, that is, ruby ​​jewelry should be worn separately from others. Some other minerals, on the contrary, are harmoniously combined with a number of stones and increase the impact on their owner.

We make the choice of decoration from several stages:

  1. We exclude all stones unsuitable for Aries.
  2. We choose stones that contribute to the development of specific personality traits.
  3. From the selected stones, we exclude minerals with an inappropriate color or shade.
  4. From the rest, we select stones that are visually pleasing to you.
  5. We study the stones in detail, taking into account the gender of Aries, for which an ornament or souvenir is chosen.

Please note that giving jewelry with natural stones is a very responsible business. You must know the person well, his zodiac sign, basic personality traits, strengths and weaknesses. Aries, especially women, appreciate attention to themselves, so for them the choice of a stone for a talisman should be especially careful. Aries are able to sharply comment on your gift if you make the wrong choice, so do not rely on what you liked, but analyze the souvenir in all respects.

Are you earning enough?

Check if this applies to you:

  • enough money from paycheck to paycheck;
  • salary is only enough for rent and food;
  • debts and loans take everything that comes with great difficulty;
  • all promotions go to someone else;
  • you are sure that you are paid too little at work.

Perhaps you have been tainted with money. This amulet will help to remove lack of money

Every woman and girl is pleased to realize that her beautiful earrings with precious stones or a bracelet with gems, in addition to caressing her own eyes and arousing the admiration of others, also bring serious benefits to her mistress - they protect her health, give love, help catch good luck.

Exactly because of this reason jewelry should be chosen wisely: not always what you like will become your talisman in life, but having “two in one”, that is, both beauty and benefit at the same time, is an ideal option.


The first thing that both girls and Aries women need to know about stones is their secrets. colors : red, orange and yellow - will show all the strengths of your sign; blue, blue and green - will smooth out the existing roughness, muffle the possible negative traits. Both are useful, you just need to choose what is most relevant for you in a particular period of your life.

Perfect for Aries girls sapphire. Representatives of this sign, honest and open by nature, often become objects of envy and slander, without knowing it.

Firstly, because they still have little life experience, and secondly, because they themselves would never allow themselves something like this in relation to others. That is why a sapphire as a talisman is able to ward off a probable misfortune.

If parents know about these properties of the stone and give jewelry with it to their daughter, they will be calmer for their child in situations where they themselves would be powerless to help.

And so that girls do not forget about their studies, if they are, for example, students, agate will help them - jewelry with this stone helps to better absorb knowledge and skills, to achieve success.

Also important the shape of the stones used in jewelry. For Aries, this is “geometry”, so loved by young people (remember, from Pavel Kogan: “I did not like the oval since childhood!”). Square, rhombus, rectangle - these are the options that astrologers will approve for Aries girls, and, no doubt, young housewives will love.

And more important information: unmarried Aries are not suitable for diamonds as amulets.


Energetic women Aries will not interfere with a reliable talisman . Diamond is the best: it enhances femininity, keeps from the evil eye, infuses fresh strength.

But amethyst sometimes protects the hostess from herself: fighting “for the truth”, representatives of this sign are sometimes able to break firewood, show unnecessary ardor and thereby harm themselves. Amethyst "tames" this ardor.

Jewelry with red jasper they are good because they can help their mistress to competently manage their internal energy, so that it is enough for career affairs, and for family life, and for entertainment.

Mature ladies would be nice to buy yellow zircon. With it, strength is restored more easily, fatigue disappears, even headaches caused by overwork can be removed by zircon.

And from more serious dangers (intrigue, deceit of unkind people), a labrador stone can save, however, astrologers warn that it can cause a pride syndrome in Aries who are quite confident in themselves, but if you know about this quality of a stone, you can learn to limit its action to what or time frames.

For love

Girls and women usually dream of love. Pomegranate is able to support their brightest feelings, make the right choice and be faithful to their chosen one. In addition, the pomegranate has an amazing life-affirming ability to create a good mood for its owner and inspire the most joyful thoughts.

stone of love called astrologers red. It acts on Aries in such a way that it balances purely physical passion and romantic feelings, creating the necessary harmony. By the way, ruby ​​has approximately the same effect.

Sard supports in its owner the desire to be happy and loved, and rauchtopaz stands guard over the interests of the family - it helps the husband and wife remain faithful to each other throughout their lives.

The best jewelry with such stones is earrings, necklaces and rings (they are worn on the ring finger). The frame is preferably gold or titanium. Jewelry love sunlight, and you can wear them without any time restrictions.


If Aries girls and women choose mascot jewelry for themselves according to your horoscope it is important for them to know what kind of help they can count on:

  • agate will give confidence, soothe the pain;
  • rhinestone enhance intellectual abilities;
  • jasper protect from the evil eye;
  • pearl is responsible for your peace;
  • With heliotrope easier to complete the work begun;
  • ruby will make stronger, more generous;
  • sapphire will not let hope go out;
  • pomegranate awaken sexuality, give the will to win.

Thanks to the diamond, the goal, no matter how unattainable it may seem, becomes achievable. Such a talisman provides its mistress with inner harmony, success in business and love.

The best option is if a woman receives jewelry with this stone as a gift. The green variety of the stone is especially good for women who dream of motherhood. His inner strength is such that he will help his mistress at all stages of the birth of a new life - from conception to the birth of a baby.

By date of birth

  • in the period between March 21 and 31 - carnelian, rock crystal, amazonite, agate, hematite, jasper, quartz;
  • April 1 - 11 - amber, heliotrope, sardonyx, pearls;
  • April 12 - 20 - ruby, zircon, diamond, sapphire, garnet.

For good health

Aries women do not differ in good health, but if you have talisman stones with you, you can avoid any possible problems.

It will even sometimes seem to you that “nothing takes you”, but meanwhile you need to say “thank you” to either your amethyst pendant or pearl bracelet (by the way, healing properties the latter will appear brighter if the jewelry consists exclusively of beads, without any frame, even precious).

As an antidepressant(and Aries often fall into a gloomy state of blues) jewelry from sard, zircon and almadine garnet.

Amethyst will help out women suffering from migraine or just a headache, help relieve fatigue.

Hematite has the same functions, and this stone is also needed for those who have a liver ache. Carnelian has a tonic effect. Diamond will protect during childbirth from possible injuries.

Mars, patronizing Aries, gave them vigorous energy, courage, and also a rare property to always take a position of good. Talisman stones help the representatives of this sign to maintain their working capacity, health and state of mind at the required level.

Precious and semi-precious stones are not just jewelry. For the most part, they are strong talismans that can protect the owner from evil forces, give him wealth, good luck and attract love. However, all this can be achieved only if you choose the right stone.

The fact is that some of them may not coincide with their energy with the energy of the owner. That is why astrology recommends choosing stones according to the horoscope, i.e. according to the sign of the zodiac. In this article, we will find out which stones are suitable for Aries, and which ones they should not wear.

Many astrologers advise choosing for Aries those stones that suit him by date of birth:

  • Aries, who were born in the first 10 days of the action of this sign, i.e. from March 21 to 31, are under the auspices of Mars. Such Aries are distinguished by stubbornness, the desire to always achieve their goals and selfishness. Choose as a mascot better stones: , jasper, quartz, agate, and .
  • Aries, who were born in the next eleven days of this sign, i.e. from April 1 to 11 are characterized by attachment to loved ones. They honor the traditions of their family and try to instill them in their children. They are suitable for stones such as,.
  • Aries, who were born from April 12 to 20, are under the auspices of Venus. It is best for them to choose the following amulets: ruby, zircon and.

In addition, it is recommended to pay attention to the shade of minerals. So, stones of yellow, orange and red color enhance all the character traits of Aries. However, they must be chosen with great care, as they enhance both good and bad character traits. If the stone has a blue, blue and green tint, then it will soften certain character traits and remove aggressiveness.

In addition, Aries must choose a transparent stone - a talisman. The fact is that it is believed that this zodiac sign is crystal clear. Therefore, it is better that the mineral is transparent. It does not matter if it is transparent or has any color.

You should also look at the faceting of minerals. Gems for a ram, they must have a rectangular, square or round shape.

Common stones talismans for Aries

If we talk about which amulet is suitable for Aries, without paying attention to the date of birth, then it is best for representatives of this zodiac sign to choose a ruby. The fact is that this stone is a symbol of Mars. enhances the owner's energy, gives him a positive attitude, calms, and also improves brain function.

If we are talking about Aries schoolchildren and students, then it is best for them to choose. The fact is that this stone gives the owner patience, improves memory and helps to concentrate on learning.

A good talisman for Aries is this. He grants protection from evil forces, and also protects from any danger and premature death. In addition, this talisman is recommended to be worn by family Aries. He protects the family, bestows harmony and helps to preserve the feelings of the spouses. However, selfish Aries is not recommended to wear this stone. The fact is that it enhances all character traits, and such a trait is best eradicated, not strengthened.

Aries is suitable as a talisman. This mineral bestows protection, and also smooths out aggressiveness, stubbornness and cruelty. It makes the owner kinder and more responsive. In addition, amethyst helps a person find " mutual language' with the people around you.

Stones for Aries woman

If we talk about which stone is suitable for Aries, depending on gender, then it is better for a woman to opt for solid minerals. They are in harmony with the character of the fair sex. As for color, stones for Aries - women should have a yellow, white, blue, red and green tint. Best of all for the fair sex of this zodiac sign, a diamond is suitable. This is especially true for those women who want to have children. promotes conception, as well as the birth healthy baby. To do this, it is recommended to wear the stone on the wrist of the left hand so that it is in contact with the skin. However, only a green mineral guarantees such an effect.

A green diamond will not suit an unmarried girl - Aries. As for the transparent mineral, it can be chosen by all the fair sex. He will protect the owner from evil forces, damage and the evil eye.

red jasper

In addition, Aries women are suitable. She bestows vitality and a powerful surge of energy that modern women need to fulfill their goals and objectives. In addition, this stone increases efficiency, helps to focus on a specific matter and set priorities correctly. With the help of red jasper, a woman can build a good career, as well as realize herself as a wife and mother.

Also Aries - suitable for women. It helps to cope with depressed mood, stress and depression.

Stones for Aries men

If a man is Aries, then the most suitable stones for him according to the sign of the zodiac are grenades. Thanks to the red color, they are in harmony with the owner in terms of energy. In addition, the pomegranate grants protection from evil forces and helps to climb the corporate ladder. Wearing such a stone is recommended only for courageous men who are confident in own forces. Also, the representatives of the stronger sex of this zodiac sign will suit green pomegranate. He grants protection from premature and violent death.

Men - Aries can wear a red ruby. It increases physical endurance and improves brain activity. In addition, this stone helps to achieve the goal and bypass all the obstacles that stand in the way. The talisman protects against depression and improves mood.

Representatives of the stronger sex of this zodiac sign are recommended to wear stones in a ring. It should be worn on the index finger. However, this only applies to those Aries who want to take leadership positions. If a representative of this zodiac sign dreams of finding his soul mate, then he is recommended to wear a stone in the form of a pendant or pendant. The talisman should be located at chest level. It is not recommended to enclose stones for Aries - men in a frame made of gold or platinum.

In addition, since Aries is a sign of fire, he should not wear stones, which are a symbol of water. AT this case this is a destructive element that will not benefit this zodiac sign. Stones - symbols of water will not give happiness to Aries. On the contrary, they can completely destroy the owner's aura, which can have the most dire consequences.

Aries are not suitable for minerals that have dark shades. These include black stones, dark blue and dark green.

Choice suitable stone- a talisman for Aries - this is an important and responsible matter. The mineral can either enhance the wearer's aura or completely destroy it. Therefore, Aries are advised to wear only stones that suit them, and which ones we talked about in this article.

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