How to open your own agency. Who is needed from the staff? As an introduction

Auto 24.09.2019

How do real estate agencies work? How to check and choose a good real estate agency based on reviews? How to terminate a contract with a real estate agency?

Hello to everyone who visited the HeatherBober website! With you Denis Kuderin.

Today we will talk about real estate agencies. Thousands of people sell, buy, rent and rent out their homes every day - the assistance of professional agents helps to do this quickly, safely and cost-effectively.

And now - in detail and in detail on each item.

1. What is a real estate agency and what does it do?

Real estate transactions are troublesome and difficult. If you need to sell, buy or rent a home, and you want to do it as safely and profitably as possible for your pocket, use professional help - contact a real estate agency that will provide you with qualified mediation services.

Today, few people are engaged in independent manipulations with real estate. Operations through intermediaries are a more civilized and reliable way, especially in large cities.

The benefits of hiring an agency are quite numerous:

  • you do not waste time searching for options on your own;
  • an agent monitors the legal side of the transaction;
  • you do not negotiate with potential buyers (sellers), you do not need to respond to numerous phone calls;
  • you do not spend money on advertising and promotion of the object when selling.

A real estate agent is not just a successful salesman, as some believe. A professional employee of the agency conducts the transaction from the zero stage to the final - the transfer of the apartment from the buyer to the seller.

At the same time, the company's specialists or the agent himself carefully monitor the legal purity of the transaction, guaranteeing their customers safety and peace of mind.

There are agencies whose specialization is selling, buying and. There are offices dealing exclusively with luxury real estate. But most of the companies are universal and do everything in a row, up to helping with the registration of real estate as an inheritance and assistance in mortgage lending.

You will find more details about the functions and methods of work of employees of real estate agencies in the publication "".

Dozens of large and small real estate companies operate in each city. In the conditions of a chronic economic crisis, the demand for the assistance of such offices naturally falls, but this does not prevent agencies from developing, promoting their services and even acquiring apartments in new buildings with the company's money for the purpose of subsequent sale.

Real life example

In the city of Novosibirsk, where I live, infill development is very popular. Skyscrapers grow like mushrooms on any patch of free space. Often, up to 50% of the apartments in a new and commissioned building have already been bought out by large offices in advance for further resale.

Agencies, of course, help the population to solve the housing problem, but do not forget about their own benefits. The relatively high cost of intermediary services is a significant disadvantage of cooperation with offices.

However, the client always has alternative options - to deal with the deal on his own or to hire.

2. What services do real estate agencies provide - TOP-5 main services

Large companies are entire corporations with a large number of employees and an extensive structure. Well-known firms have dozens of branches in one city and representative offices in other regions.

Let's consider what exactly the offices do - we will study the main services that they provide.

Service 1. Buying apartments

It can take months or even years to independently search for an apartment that suits you in terms of location, footage and cost. The agency will greatly speed up the process.

By contacting the company, the client receives:

  • personal agent - a professional realtor;
  • access to the real estate database;
  • legal support;
  • an official contract guaranteeing the confidentiality and quality of the services provided.

The algorithm for working with the agency is as follows: you call the company or apply through the website, get a free consultation on your issue and conclude an agreement with the company.

Buying an apartment is a risky and serious procedure. Big money is at stake. Therefore, the operation requires professional legal and administrative support. Of particular difficulty are real estate transactions in the secondary housing market.

Realtors guarantee clients the protection and full observance of their interests. Agents will take care of paperwork, control the movement of papers at all stages of the transaction.

Service 4. Urgent purchase of apartments

Selling an apartment through an agency is even faster than buying. At the same time, you will be offered the most favorable price corresponding to the current market situation.

The redemption scheme is as follows:

  • the seller receives from the agency 75-85% of the market value within a few days;
  • the rest is returned after the office finds a specific buyer for your living space.

There is another option - you yourself set the amount of the prepayment (it must be less than the actual price), the remaining money is returned to you within a month. Usually, during this period, the agency manages to sell the object on favorable terms. Commissions are deducted from the final amount.

Service 5. Sales management

Each agency offers users a full range of services aimed at competent sales management. A special department is engaged in the search and involvement of potential buyers and clients.

3. How real estate agencies work - 6 main steps

So, agencies are structured organizations operating according to well-established and effective schemes.

Consider the stages of the company's work with the objects of implementation.

Stage 1. Collection of property information

The company buys databases of sellers, buyers and landlords. Each position contains brief information: name, contacts, desired cost, geographical location, number of rooms, floor and other important information.

Each agency constantly replenishes such databases: the larger the company, the more information it operates with.

Stage 2. Distribution of collected information among employees

Stage 3. Placement of advertisements for the sale or rental of real estate

After that, ready-made client announcements are published on the agency's website, in the media or in special bulletins. The task of the agent is to provide as much information as possible about the object and be constantly in touch, waiting for calls or chat messages from potential customers.

Stage 4. Negotiations with potential clients

The next stage is negotiations. If there are those who wish, they must be “processed” in such a way that from potential customers they become real buyers. They need to demonstrate the options by showing the advantages of the objects and hiding the disadvantages.

Stage 5. Preparation of documents

Ideally, the client only needs to transfer the documents to the realtor. The agent independently analyzes and checks them. The more experienced the company, the faster the “paper” stage passes. Professional agents have their own ways to speed up paperwork.

Stage 6. Conclusion of an agreement

Mandatory stage - the conclusion of the contract. This document details the rights and obligations of a real estate agent, as well as the amount of future commissions. The agreement must contain a clause on the responsibility of the parties in case of violation of the terms of the contract.

To make it clearer, let's arrange the stages of the agency's work in the form of a table:

4. How to conclude an agreement with a real estate agency - step by step instructions for beginners

People who have never sold, bought or rented an apartment before are not aware of all the complexities and peculiarities of such an operation. Beginners try to save on the services of an intermediary, choosing agencies on the principle of "the cheaper the better."

Basically the wrong approach. At the lowest rates, either interns or non-professionals work. Trying to save money on the services of a realtor, you will eventually lose - buy something completely different from what you wanted, for an inadequate price.

To prevent this from happening, follow our instructions.

Step 1. Determining the nature of the deal

Decide for yourself what exactly you want. The right task is the key to its successful solution. Decide also on the amount you have. If you are going to take housing on credit, you need to immediately convey this idea to the agency staff.

Step 2 Choosing a real estate agency

It is necessary to choose a company soberly and meaningfully, as a life partner. Apartments are bought for decades, or even for life, so all your decisions must be balanced. Even if you are just renting a home, your standard of living in the coming months, or even years, will largely depend on its quality.

The company selection criteria are as follows:

  • experience in the market;
  • availability of a professional website;
  • the number of company branches in the city;
  • level of realtors;
  • company reputation.

In Russia, the real estate business has been and remains one of the most profitable in its segment - large industrial enterprises do not count. For example, in 2018, firms whose activities are related to the rental or sale of housing are second only to those that provide housing, financial, information, and catering services in terms of profitability.

So what does it take to open a real estate agency in Russia? How much will it cost? What are the nuances of this business? What equipment will be needed first? We answer the most important questions and explain where to start if you want to open a real estate company.

Step 1. Why real estate?

If you enter into the search engine the phrase “how to open a real estate agency in 2018 - step-by-step instruction”, you will find hundreds of pages with detailed and not very manuals for beginner entrepreneurs. But we would like to start not with recommendations, but with weighing all the pros and cons.

Why did you decide to take this particular niche? Maybe you have the skills to manage your own business? Or do you have real estate experience? Think twice if you answered no to both questions. Three times, if the material well-being of the family depends on your income.

According to the business map of Russia, more than 17 thousand real estate agencies operate in our country. The first three places in their number are occupied by Moscow, Novosibirsk and St. Petersburg, the last - by Orel, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, and, finally, Murmansk.

To open a real estate company, one desire to earn money is not enough - before you have to learn a lot, and you will receive the first income only after a certain number of months. Still want to open a real estate agency? Then don't listen to anyone's advice - after all, Michael Jordan was also told at one time that he was too short for basketball.

❗ Most importantly, don't waste your energy arguing with family and friends about your business abilities - you'll still need it. It’s better to get a job in any company and stay there for at least a year, better longer: this way you can learn how a real estate agency works, get initial real estate experience, build up a client base, and also learn the market and the nuances of doing this business.

Step 2. What will be the feature?

Is it profitable to open a real estate agency for renting apartments? Should I open a commercial real estate agency? From what to expect the greatest profit? To answer these questions, let's look at all possible areas of work of the future agency, as well as a number of services that will not only bring additional income to the business, but also become its competitive advantage.

Let's start with the main market segments. Depending on thedestinationThe object market is divided into residential, commercial and industrial real estate. Also allocate undeveloped land and special-purpose real estate (like churches and airports). Depending on thetype of propertyThere are primary and secondary real estate markets: the first includes new buildings, the second - objects that already had an owner.

Depending on theclassResidential Properties is divided into economy, comfort, business, premium and elite segments. But we will not delve into this classification: we will only note that the economy class is characterized by typical buildings, a small area and remoteness from the center, while the elite class is characterized by an individual architectural project, expensive building materials, high ceilings and underground parking. Well, speaking directly abouttypes of operations, then they distinguish the real estate rental market (this includes long-term, short-term and daily rent) and its sales.

The most demanded service in the real estate market is the purchase and sale of apartments. The purchase and sale of commercial and suburban real estate is less popular, and even less demand is observed for renting apartments. As a rule, rental of suburban real estate brings the least profit.

The services that real estate agencies can provide include expert advice, search for a seller and a buyer, transfer of premises from residential to non-residential, preparation of a full package of documents, urgent purchase of real estate, legal support for the transaction, assistance in obtaining a loan and obtaining a mortgage, real estate valuation, refinancing, issuance of an insurance policy and much more.

The more services you are willing to provide, the higher your credibility, the more staff you will need and the more a large number banks and developers you will need to establish cooperation. It’s not easy, but if you start bringing people to business partners, you can not only provide additional discounts or favorable lending terms to your customers, but also establish yourself as professionals in your field.

However, a young agency may well specialize in only a few areas of work with real estate: this is the case when less is better. It is never too late to expand the range of services.

Step 3 Where to begin?

To open a real estate agency from scratch, first of all, refer to the all-Russian classifier of types economic activity(OKVED) - this is necessary in order to inform government authorities about the nature of your business. Today, OKVED includes 21 sections, and this case we are interested in section L: “Real estate activities”.

This division includes the activities of landlords, agents or brokers, which include the purchase, sale or rental of real estate, as well as the provision of other services such as valuation, insurance or proxies. You need to form all OKVED codes, the set of which is individual for each business. They look like this (with X we denote the number of digits in the code):

XX. - Class;
XX.X - subclass;
XX.XX - group;
XX.XX.X - subgroup;
XX.XX.XX - view.

The application must indicate at least one OKVED code, while their maximum number is not regulated in any way. Also, there is no liability for activities not according to the specified codes, but if you report a change not within three days, but later, you will have to pay an administrative fine of up to 5,000 rubles.

The section of interest to us “Real estate activities” corresponds to the class68, which includes three subclasses: 68.1 - “Purchase and sale of own real estate”,68.2 - “Renting and management of own or leased real estate” and68.3 - “Transactions with real estate on a fee or contract basis”.

As an example, let's take a closer look at one of the subclasses. Subclass68.1 (“Purchase and sale of own real estate”)contains a group68.10 - “Purchase and sale of own real estate”. This group includes the purchase and sale of non-residential and multi-apartment buildings, residential buildings, apartments and premises, including exhibition halls, warehouses, shops and retail places and land, as well as the division of real estate in the form of land into plots without their improvement.

You can also find subgroups here.68.10.1 - "Preparation for the sale of own real estate", and68.10.2 - “Purchase and sale of own real estate”. Subgroup 68.10.1 contains the following activities:68.10.11 - "Preparation for the sale of own residential real estate", and
68.10.12 - "Preparation for the sale of own non-residential real estate."

And subgroup 68.10.2 includes activities such as68.10.21 - “Purchase and sale of own residential real estate”,68.10.22 - “Purchase and sale of own non-residential buildings and premises”, as well as68.10.23 - "Purchase and sale of land." Thus, the codes can be combined - for example, like this:

68 - class "Operations with real estate";
68.1 - subclass "Purchase and sale of own real estate";
68.10 - group "Purchase and sale of own real estate";
68.10.2 - subgroup "Purchase and sale of own real estate";
68.10.23 - view "Purchase and sale of land."

The codes corresponding to the two remaining subclasses 68.2 and 68.3 can be found . After you select all OKVED codes, submit an application to the tax office at the place of residence. If you later decide to change or add the new kind activities, you will need to add a new OKVED code. To do this, prepare an appropriate application and send it to the same authority - the application forms differ depending on whether you have an LLC or an individual entrepreneur. Speaking of them.

Step 4. Lone wolf or legal entity?

❗ Now is the time to decide on the organizational and legal form - the list depends on this required documents and future tax reporting. LLC and IP are the most common forms of business in our country. In short, the IP form assumes that you are going to run the business alone, and LLC that you will not be the only founder (up to fifty people are allowed). The form of ownership does not affect the classification according to OKVED.

The registration period for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs is the same - up to five business days. But the package of documents required for registration is very different. Let's start with the fact that the state duty for individual entrepreneurs in 2018 is 800 rubles, for LLC - 4000 rubles. You will also need to order a seal of the organization - it will cost from 1000 to 3000 rubles.

📃 To open an individual entrepreneur, you must submit three documents to the tax office: a copy of your passport, an application for registration and a receipt for payment of state duty.

📃 But to register an LLC, you will have to prepare a protocol on the establishment of a new legal entity, an application for state registration (form P11001), passport data and TIN of all founders, the charter of the legal entity in two copies, a receipt for payment of state duty and a document that confirms the legal address ( you will need either a copy of the certificate of ownership of the premises, or a letter of guarantee from the owner, or a copy of the lease agreement).

But do not be afraid: today there are various online services for the free preparation of all primary documents that will be required to open both an LLC and an individual entrepreneur. For example,, this or here . It is easier to register an individual entrepreneur, but with an LLC, your business will have more opportunities: for example, to scale, have more than ten employees or attract investments.

Most common causes refusal to register an LLC - an incomplete package of documents and banal inattention when filling them out. The applicant receives a paper in which the reason for the refusal is written, corrects the error and resubmits the documents.

In this case, the state duty has to be paid a second time.

However, you can open an IP and see how things go. It is impossible to reorganize an IP into an LLC, but you can always close an IP and establish an LLC. By the way, having an individual entrepreneur and being the founder of an LLC is not prohibited. True, in this case, you will have to pay some additional deductions - do not confuse with double taxation.

Step 5. Build your own empire or buy a franchise?

As you already understood, a real estate agency can provide a variety of services, and finding the specific specifics of your business will take time. If you have zero ideas in your head, consider buying a franchise.

According to the July ratingForbes , today in Russia there are about 1,450 franchise brands and more than 50,000 franchisees, with 35–37% of them being catering outlets. The number of franchisees in the country increases by 15% annually.

Just in case, we recall that a franchise is a type of relationship that involves the transfer of the right to use a brand and a ready-made business model for its development. Of course, on the terms of the owner company. The disadvantages of working on a franchise are the control of the franchisor and regular deductions (royalties). On the one hand, the franchisor has chosen everything for you - from furniture color to marketing tools. On the other hand, you just have to follow his recommendations, and not fill your bumps. But you should not be afraid of losing your voice: even in the McDonalds network, the main bestseller - Big Mac - was invented by franchisees.

How more companies provide the same service to the population and organizations, the more difficult it is for a new market participant to find its niche. This also applies to the real estate market. The opportunity to earn big money quickly attracts a lot of people. New real estate agencies are constantly appearing, and the vast majority of them end their activities very quickly, having failed to find "their" place.

First steps to open your own real estate agency

Many people naively believe that to start a business, it is enough to register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC, rent an office, advertise ... and customers will flow like water.

Only a person with a large current customer base, experienced employees and an impeccable business reputation can act according to this scheme.

Otherwise, you need to approach the solution of the issue completely on the other side and think over all the nuances of future work.

First you need to decide which market segment you will work with:

  • engage in luxury real estate,
  • economy class housing,
  • commercial real estate
  • or suburban.

It depends on your personal experience and willingness to assemble a team of professionals in a particular area of ​​real estate.

You should not be afraid of the number of competitors. A competent entrepreneur does not fight against competitors, but for a client. Bet on this.

Clearly define the circle of potential customers for which your service is intended. These can be low- and middle-income citizens who want to change their district, increase the area of ​​their apartment, or sell their inherited housing.

And there may be people with big money who have already solved their housing problems. They are interested in residential and commercial real estate as a reliable way to invest free funds.

Considering the market segment and the level of income of future customers, think over in advance the best platforms for advertising.

Choosing an office for a real estate agency

Now you can think about the office. The selection criteria are very different. If your future clients are business people, it makes sense to rent or buy an office in the business center of the city. As a rule, this category of citizens knows all these places well, and a visit to such an office will not take them much time.

If you are going to work with economy class real estate, it is best to rent an office in a residential area in order to always be in the field of view of potential clients. At the same time, the office should be in a "passing" place, which can be easily reached or conveniently reached by public transport.

Make a business plan. No need to order or buy ready-made, draw up a business plan yourself, if in doubt, read the article "". Calculate all expenses and possible income.

Find funds for business development for the first 3-6 months. If resources are scarce, you may need a loan. In the future, these funds will be drawn from profits.

If you have clear ideas on all of the above points, if you are aware that you will first have to invest money, and only then will the profit come, you can move on from calculations to actions.

Practical Steps

To get started, register. You can either work as individual entrepreneur or as a legal entity. Most often, this is a limited liability company. The difference between these organizational and legal forms of activity is very significant.

An LLC is liable for its debts and obligations with the amount within its authorized capital, that is, with the money that the entrepreneur deposited into the company's account as authorized capital upon opening. An individual entrepreneur is liable for the same debts and obligations with all his personal property.

As soon as the registration documents are received, you can rent an office. Office size depends on the scope of your activities and the expected number of employees. But even in the smallest office there should be a manager's office, a meeting room, and an office for staff.

The manager's office stores all documentation on employees, real estate and transactions. In the staff office for each employee, it is advisable to equip workplace- a comfortable table with an armchair, a computer, a telephone.

Not every visitor will be satisfied with the need to talk to an agent in full view of the rest of the office staff. That's why meeting room needed, where you can create a more relaxed and conducive atmosphere for a frank conversation.

Personnel decides everything

What qualities should an ideal real estate agent have? Of course, these are excellent professional qualities, high moral principles, patience, delicacy. Only in this case, the manager can be sure that his employees will be able to provide the client with quality service and leave the most favorable impression about yourself and the company.

The moral component is no less important, it gives confidence that the employee will not lead the client to the “left”, but will bring all the profit to the agency.

If you are confident in the professionalism of agents, but not sure in their loyalty to the company, at first you can organize work according to the scheme “ Expert agent". In this case, the work on the advertising phone and the reception of clients in the office is carried out only by experienced and trustworthy experts.

They conclude contracts and, as they say, lead the client. Each expert is assigned several agents, among whom the expert distributes work on the implementation of contracts. The duties of an agent include showing apartments, selecting the right options, collecting the necessary documents, routine work with the client.

All the most the responsible stages of the transaction are regulated exclusively by the expert. He is also responsible for the results of his work. Therefore, as a rule, experts with such a system of work receive solid percentages. While agents at the first stage can be quite limited to a small fixed salary.

With this approach to business, the employer encourages the expert to complete the maximum number of transactions, and the agent - to professional growth.

When recruiting employees, the manager should think about the legal literacy of his employees. Ideally, this is a real estate lawyer. Although in practice agencies are limited to hiring staff, excellent knowledge of housing law and codes of the Russian Federation, which regulate all matters related to real estate.

A very important employee for any real estate agency is the secretary. This should be a responsible, competent person with impeccable knowledge of the computer and the basics of statistics.

In addition to the usual work for a secretary, this person can be assigned the responsibility of collecting analytics, namely:

  • how many and for what advertisement they called,
  • how many calls the employee received on the promotional phone,
  • how many contracts
  • how many customers have applied to the company again or recommended it to their loved ones.

Such statistics are best kept in the form of tables. Statistics for a day or a week will not give anything. Comparing the data for several months, the manager will see which of the employees is the most effective in terms of concluding contracts and their implementation.

Properly selected and accumulated statistics together make it possible to financially encourage the best employees and build a motivation system. Teach or replace those who do not cope with the assigned duties in full and show poor results.

Accounting and IT services can often be outsourced to focus on customers and sales.

Is it profitable to open a real estate agency? Yes, of course, at today's real estate prices. You can also choose the best and most profitable business. For many entrepreneurs, the opening of a real estate agency has become such a business.

Organization of an advertising campaign for a real estate company

Advertising is basis for building a customer base. When organizing an advertising campaign, consider the selected market segment and the income level of future customers. These may be local newspapers that are popular with most citizens or a ticker on local television.

Well, if your future activity is connected with the turnover of very large funds, you will have to spend money on advertising. Then a business magazine, pages of central newspapers and serious advertising blocks on television can become your advertising platform.

At the same time, it must be remembered that mixing advertising intended for different segments is unacceptable. And if you work with economy and business class housing, these should be completely different advertising platforms. Yes, and the content of advertising should be different.

Most often, they try to smoothly merge into the general round dance called the “real estate market”. Do not be afraid of bright, non-standard advertising. It should not be too aggressive so as not to scare off customers, but it may well be unexpected.

The "recognition" of your agency and small regular articles of a consulting nature in the local newspaper with an unobtrusive mention of the agency's phone number will help; free consultations on the open air of local radio or television - all this will require investments, but they will pay off handsomely.

All niches of the Russian real estate market are quite densely occupied. Currently, those who move from quantity to quality win. And when he enters the market, he provides the client with a service at the highest professional level, proving his focus on the civilization of the market. Only in this case, the client can count on the reliability of the agency he applied to.

Approximate data:

  • Monthly income - 521,000 rubles.
  • Net profit - 147,900 rubles.
  • Initial costs - 254,800 rubles.
  • Payback - from 2 months.
This business plan, like all others in the section, contains calculations of average prices, which may differ in your case. Therefore, we recommend that you make calculations for your business individually.

In this article, we will draw up a detailed business plan for a real estate agency with calculations.

Service description

Real estate agency provides services for buying, selling, renting real estate. The main clients are individuals, but it is also planned to provide services to legal entities. Please note that the business plan was made for a small agency. When compiling your own, you need to pay attention to the factors and conditions of a particular region and time.

Market analysis

Investment in real estate is one of the safest types of investments. Plus, it doesn't depreciate over time. And the demand in this sector has always been high. People always need somewhere to live. To solve this problem, people most often turn to real estate agencies.

Even despite the current crisis in Russia, the real estate industry is only developing. According to analysts, this market does not experience significant losses at all, if someone suffered from the collapse of the ruble, then minimally. The main part of real estate agencies continues to operate as usual, receiving all the same profits. Moreover, today the primary housing market is vast. A large number of investments are invested in this industry. Is this not an indicator of the success, profitability and prospects of this niche?

You need to understand that in order to make a profit, you need to really be able to sell. Often such abilities are associated with innate qualities, in fact, various trainings and master classes can help develop the necessary skills. Remember, it is the ability to sell in this industry that is the determining factor. You need to be able to make people want to buy or sell real estate from you.

An important factor is the presence of a large customer base. It also needs to be up-to-date and constantly updated.

But there are quite a few competitors in this type of business. You can divide them into two groups:

  • Major real estate companies. They occupy the lion's share of the market. They get big and very profitable orders. They will have to be fought with a more loyal pricing policy and the quality of the services provided, the speed of completing the tasks.
  • Medium offices. They affect the mood within the market insignificantly, one might even say that they do not affect at all. As such, they do not have mass fame. In their case, more effective method is word of mouth. It is necessary to fight them by providing better services. The mass advertising can also benefit your company in the fight against similar competitors. More affordable prices can help. This is also an opportunity to attract new customers from a different price segment, which will also be a positive factor.

It is very important to decide who you will work for. On the initial stage it is easiest to work with individuals whose incomes are average. It will not be easy to attract legal entities to cooperation. So, summing up, we can say that the potential buyer is 30-55 years old. Being confident in the skills of your employees, you can also start working with organizations, companies. They, of course, can bring profit many times greater from one transaction.

SWOT analysis

Before you start opening your own real estate agency, you need to conduct a SWOT analysis, analyzing the external and internal factors that will affect the operation of the enterprise.

External factors cannot be controlled. These include the following categories:

  1. Capabilities
  • Increasing purchasing power in the country.
  • Huge number of consumers.
  • High amount of resources offered.
  • Free entry to the market.
  • Low initial cost.
  • High profitability of transactions.
  1. Threats
  • High level of competition.
  • Falling real estate prices.
  • Unfavorable situation in the country.
  • Tougher legislation.
  • Underdevelopment of legislation in this area.
  • The capture of a large part of the market by competitors.
  • The absence of any opportunities for the development of the sector itself (meaning that new types of services are unlikely to appear here and there will not be many of them).

But with internal factors, you can and should work. They are also divided into two groups:

  1. Strengths
  • Recruitment of highly qualified personnel.
  • Providing quality services at an affordable price in a short time.
  • Providing legally competent services (due to the presence of a lawyer in the company).
  • Teamwork, common interest in the success of the business.
  • Presence of a clear pricing policy and marketing strategy.
  1. Weak sides
  • Lack of experience.
  • Company unknown.
  • Lack of own client bases.
  • Lack of necessary abilities in the marketing environment.
  • Zero business reputation.

It is necessary to deal with existing shortcomings, turning them into advantages, to avoid or minimize losses.

Opportunity Assessment

As already mentioned, as such, there is no seasonality in this business. The main thing is to build your work correctly, to be flexible to external conditions and their changes.

The real estate agency will work according to the following schedule:

Total: 63 hours per week, per month - 274 hours.

Only a lawyer, realtors and a cleaner will work in the agency.

Consider hiring additional staff in the future. It is possible to create separate positions with a narrow specialization (only sales, only purchases, etc.). Such differentiation will allow the employee to be more knowledgeable.

After creating your own image and developing a customer base, you should think about concluding agreements with large construction companies, for example.

Organizational and legal aspects

  1. Business registration required. It could be or. Also, if necessary, you can. You need to use the following OKVED codes:
  • 70.31.1 Provision of intermediary services in the purchase, sale and lease of real estate
  • 70.31.11 Provision of intermediary services in the purchase, sale and lease of residential real estate
  • 70.31.12 Provision of intermediary services in the purchase, sale and lease of non-residential real estate
  1. Worth getting a print. This is not necessary, but a contract with a seal inspires more confidence in the client.
  2. Providing real estate services today is not a licensed activity.
  3. There are no legislative acts regulating this type of activity.
  4. Realtors are not required to register with the SRO. They regulate their activities independently.
  5. The entrepreneur has the opportunity to pay UTII (with the exception of Moscow). He can also use "Income" 6% or STS "Income minus expenses" 6-15% (the rate is determined depending on the region). When choosing UTII, an entrepreneur can make calculations without cash registers.

Advice (especially for start-up entrepreneurs): it is not always advisable for realtors to choose UTII. Yields can vary greatly different periods. Therefore, it is better to use the USN.

  1. If it is planned to make all payments through, then with the simplified tax system, use KKM completely not necessary.

Marketing Plan

Pricing strategy:

The cost of services at first should be stopped at the level of the average market. Definitely not worth the price increase. And it is unlikely that it will be possible to reduce it, because there is a qualified lawyer in the state, whose salary takes a considerable share of income.

Choose a room:

The office of a real estate agency does not have to be located in the very center of the city. The work consists mainly in examining the options offered to the client. In the office, they only sign documents, discuss a further plan of cooperation. But you have to take care of the condition of the premises. It will be a kind of hallmark of the agency. Therefore, you do not need to save on repairs or necessary furniture, office equipment.

One of the biggest cost items is advertising. Remember that you can not save on this. Be sure to constantly advertise your agency so that it is heard. You do not need to use all available promotion methods at once. First, not all of them are effective. Secondly, it can not only reduce profitability, but completely deprive you of profit. Approach the choice of advertising methods wisely. The most effective levers of influence in the real estate market will be the following types:

  • Newspapers free ads.

It is clear from the name that the cost of such advertising is zero. This type of advertising can bear fruit, besides, you do not pay for it. Moreover, you can advertise not about the agency, but about apartments. This type of advertising is called phantom advertising.

  • Placement of advertisements in specialized publications.

This could be, for example, a real estate magazine or newspaper. Most often, in this way you can attract customers who are legal entities, or people savvy in this field.

  • Placement of information in local Internet directories.

Many people search for a real estate agency through such sites, they usually place information and contact details there. And users, as a rule, can leave their reviews.

  • Own site.

The thing is costly and requires constant attention, but it's worth it. Firstly, people can immediately get acquainted with the price list, the range of services, specialists and much more. It is important to fill the site as much as possible, to make it so that it attracts people, is understandable and of high quality. You can develop a feedback system, online counseling.

  • Internet advertising.

Calculation of projected income

Type of service Commission Number of transactions per month Average transaction amount Total income from the service provided
Purchase, sale of residential real estate 2% of the deal 6-7 1,600,000 rubles 200 000 rubles
Sale of commercial real estate 2% of the deal 2-3 2,000,000 rubles 99 000 rubles
Renting out housing 50% of the rental rate 26 9 000 rubles 117,000 rubles
Leasing offices and commercial premises 70% of the monthly payment 10 15 000 rubles 105 000 rubles
Total: 47 521,000 rubles

The number of transactions is calculated for all 4 realtors at once.

Production plan

For your office, it is better to look for an initially good premise with repairs. You still have to spend money on fixing minor flaws.

Office equipment includes computers, MFPs.

Realtors will monitor the site, fill it, answer phone calls. Each has its own short number. Any of them can answer on the site. They are engaged in bringing the client to the transaction and receive their% of the profits. Operating time exceeds 40 hours. It is better to protect yourself and arrange an internal part-time job for them. In fact, this will be a formality that will protect against litigation and the need to pay overtime, for example.

A lawyer can be an external part-time worker (especially in the first couple). His task is to advise realtors on controversial issues. The salary of a lawyer is piecework, depending on the number of consulting services rendered to him. If you do not want to hire your own lawyer or it turns out to be unprofitable, you can use the services of special offices (outsourcing).

The cleaner works 6 days a week. She cleans the room at the end of the working day.

organizational plan

Financial plan

Monthly income: 521,000 rubles.

Profit before tax: 174,000 rubles.

Tax is 15% of the difference between income and expenses. Remember that you can choose other methods for calculating the tax burden. The tax will be 26,100 rubles.

Net profit: 147,900 rubles.

Profitability: 147,900/521,000 = 28.39%.

Payback: from 2 months.

It is important to remember that these figures are approximate. In your case, the payback may be different. It is important to make calculations based on your own data, and use this business plan as an example.


opening own business, it is necessary to take into account possible risks, assess their significance and the possibility of a situation occurring. It is important to take measures to minimize or avoid risks in advance.

When opening their own real estate agency, entrepreneurs usually face the following types of risks:

  1. The growth of competition.

This view is quite significant. The probability of its occurrence is above average, especially in the current economic conditions. For exclusion negative impact Given this risk, it is necessary to create a unique product that is able to attract a client and, thereby, increase the competitiveness of the enterprise.

  1. Lack of qualified personnel.

This factor seriously affects the level of income. The probability of its occurrence is medium. To avoid damage, it is necessary to find qualified personnel or train the existing one (send to appropriate courses, master classes).

  1. The uncertainty of the organization, as a result - the lack of customers.

This factor is one of the most significant. And the risk is very high. Therefore, this aspect should be given Special attention. To avoid this situation, it is necessary to have a clear marketing strategy that includes powerful advertising. Moreover, it should not be episodic, but systematic.

  1. Low growth rates of the real estate market.

This factor has average level significance. The likelihood of its occurrence at the moment is small. It is impossible to influence directly. Big company can take measures to develop this segment of the market. Cooperation with developers is possible, for example, investing in such projects.

  1. Poor quality of service, as a result - customer dissatisfaction.

This factor is very significant. The probability of its occurrence is low. To minimize risks, attention should be paid to the development of appropriate service standards. It is worth thinking about establishing a system for monitoring the work of employees.

  1. Lack of interest from developers in cooperation with the agency.

It is the developers who often bring a significant part of the profit to the enterprise. It is important to properly build work with them. If this does not attract them to cooperation, then you need to delve into work in the secondary real estate market. The probability of this risk is low, but it means a lot.

Important: Remember that you can write a business plan for your business on your own. To do this, read the articles:

Last request: We are all human and we can make mistakes, ignore something, etc. Do not judge strictly if this business plan or others in the section seem incomplete to you. If you have experience in this or that activity or you see a defect and can supplement the article, please let us know in the comments! Only in this way can we jointly make business plans more complete, detailed and relevant. Thank you for your attention!

Start with registration IP or LLC. A limited liability company sounds more solid for large clients, but it is easier and cheaper to open an individual entrepreneur. No special licenses are required.

Specify the codes during registration OKVED: 68.- Operations with real estate, 68.3. – “Real estate transactions on a fee or contract basis”, 68.20. – “Renting and management of own or leased real estate”.

What documents and actions are needed:

  • Register with the tax office;
  • Get a TIN;
  • Issue an insurance certificate;
  • Make a print.

The registration procedure costs approximately $80-100 and takes a month.

Services, interest, objects

The activities of the real estate agency include services for the rental and sale of housing, commercial real estate, land plots. Inexpensive objects (one-room apartments, hotels) are considered the most profitable and in demand on the market, they should be the most. A good income and solidity to the company bring exclusive objects.

Each transaction has its own commission received by the agency. For renting real estate, they amount to 30-50% of the monthly installment, for purchase transactions - 5-6% of the payment amount.


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