Scorpio woman: what is the zodiac sign in character. What characterizes a woman born under the sign of Scorpio

Tourism and rest 15.10.2019
Tourism and rest

Character traits and appearance, which has Scorpio woman. Characteristics of the sign zodiac according to astrological observations.

This woman does not have to be especially beautiful in order to attract the attention of everyone around her. Scorpio women have a unique natural magnetism that attracts the gaze of men. Her strong nature and self-confidence only add to the brightness of her appearance.

They sometimes do not have sufficient femininity, but this does not prevent them from looking sexy and seductive. This type of women is often called fatal: dark revealing clothes, bright makeup, some aggressiveness in the image.

Character of a Scorpio woman

Scorpio women are strong personalities who are not used to crying, even if they are extremely unhappy. It is difficult to predict what they experience at a certain moment, and their feelings are always mysterious even for those who have lived side by side with them all their lives.

Unpredictable and desperate, they will never allow themselves to be offended and humiliated, and are capable of taking revenge on a malicious offender in a serious way. Moreover, if you take care of them and sincerely demonstrate your love, then they will answer the same. Women of this sign usually lead an active and energetic lifestyle. They are purposeful and enterprising nature. However, you should be careful, because Scorpio women have a certain predisposition to acquiring bad habits.

Scorpio women's career path

Scorpio women are in no way inferior to men in all areas of work. Often they choose exactly those specialties that are considered to be male. They love the difficulties and problems of various kinds in their work, which they confidently overcome thanks to their versatile and creative abilities.

Healthy excitement helps these women achieve the desired results, urging them on with the spirit of competition. They always foresee the actions and events around them, and therefore unmistakably sets favorable working conditions for themselves. They can succeed both in science and in technical specialties.

Sex and love in the life of Scorpio women

It is almost impossible to deceive Scorpio women - they feel insincerity and lies in their hearts. However, such women do not always talk about their guesses, sometimes preferring to leave others in the dark about whether they believed them or not. They use such situations exclusively to their advantage.

Women born under the sign of Scorpio easily determine which men are perfect for them. At the same time, they often rush to extremes and are incredibly quick-tempered. But if such women break off relations and leave, then this is forever, most likely. These women are usually loved by weaker men who need a strong partner and reliable support. What is true, the Scorpio women themselves prefer the desperate and self-confident, like themselves.

Lovers of experiments, liberated and bright, Scorpio women will always be passionate and special lovers. They are able to show the highest class in bed, showing all sides of their stormy character.
Athletic, well-groomed body, maintained in excellent shape, will not leave anyone indifferent.

Scorpio woman in family life

To please such women in marriage for a spouse is not an easy task. If you manage to keep a Scorpio woman near you, then such a man has the right to be proud of himself as interesting and strong man. These women always have a lot of fans and it will be quite difficult to get around all rivals.

Scorpio women are complex in nature and difficult partners in family life. But at the same time, such wives are able to perfectly help their husbands in their careers and development.

A housewife

A Scorpio woman loves to decorate her house, and order and cleanliness always reign in this house. Such women love luxury in everyday life and an abundance of various household appliances that make life easier for a housewife.


Mothers born under this sign are terrible owners, often not allowing even husbands to interfere in the process of raising children. They are sure that they know better than others what their children need and how to raise children, and in part they are right - they really feel their children very well.

You do not need to be a psychic to determine that in front of you is a scorpion woman, since this extraordinary lady can be seen with the naked eye.

A woman of this zodiac sign attracts like a sorceress - she combines external coldness and seething passions in her soul, a fiery look and refined speech, elegant manners and militancy.

A Scorpio woman does not use typical ladies' "things": she is on her own, knows her own worth and knows what she wants.

In love

This person is not easy to win. She does not flirt, does not play with men and chooses only the most worthy. She cannot be turned or confused by compliments and romance, the lady of this zodiac sign looks like a snow queen, and in men she appreciates real qualities, and not the ability to charm young girls.

But she is faithful, it is comfortable and good with her. Because if a scorpio woman chose a chosen one, then she did it wisely, and she won’t change her opinion so easily.

In bed, this sign is a godsend for everyone. She knows how to adapt to her partner and drive him crazy, she can be gentle and obey, she can become a passionate fatal lover, there are no boundaries and prohibitions for her, she is resourceful, original and bold. If the lady of this sign has found her partner, he will be crazy.

A scorpio woman is an excellent wife and mistress, a strict and reasonable mother. Everything is always in perfect order with her, she knows how to do many things at once, and do everything flawlessly. She has an ideal family, educated children, a complete order in her career, and this lady will always find time for herself.

Try or not?

Winning the zealous heart of a lady of this zodiac sign is not easy, and before deciding whether to do it at all, it would be useful to find out her compatibility with other signs, be it Aries, Cancer, Leo, Libra, Virgo or another zodiac sign, and find out which couple perfect for her, and what does the horoscope say about this.

1. Perhaps the Aries man is just the one who can tame her. The horoscope says that Aries is passionate, Aries is passionate, Aries is a real man, he will be able to find an approach to her, make a worthy party and find a common language. Such pairs have excellent compatibility.

2. Taurus is a good option for this lady. A passionate Scorpio woman and a strong, calm Taurus man complement each other in many ways, this couple is harmonious and conflict-free compared to others. The Scorpio woman has something that the Taurus man does not have in character, and vice versa. The characteristic of the union shows that there is every chance!

3. A jealous Scorpio woman and a fickle Gemini man are a dangerous union. Gemini don't know what they want. Twins here and there. Gemini are freedom-loving, Gemini are unpredictable!

And the Scorpio lady needs something completely different. Conflicts will begin immediately, and end in a terrible war, so compatibility, alas, is low.

4. Cancer, in general, can be a good match for this woman, but it all depends on her. Cancer is not a leader in a couple, Cancer is homely, romantic, calm, Cancer will be able to obey and will not climb on the rampage, this is such a sign of the zodiac.

Therefore, the horoscope indicates the average compatibility of the couple. The strong energy of a scorpion can destroy, or maybe create a strong union.

5. A lion for a scorpion woman is not a friend, not a partner, but an adversary. Their characters are created for the fight - the lion will not give in, the lion will not recognize a woman as his equal, the lion will try to put her in her place, at the stove, and this is a big mistake. The characteristic of this couple is dangerous, it is better for them to stay away from each other.

6. Virgo may seem like a victim to a scorpion: Virgo is a soft sign, Virgo is honest, romantic, Virgo man is not a fighter. But it is this sign that the horoscope will read in pairs to the scorpion!

Compared to others, this couple has every chance, they will complement each other, come together like pieces of a puzzle, and find common happiness. Excellent compatibility!

7. But the scales are a strange option for her, and the development of the plot may be different. Libra is a fickle man, Libra is always in search and doubt, Libra is a mystery.

But the horoscope assures that a scorpio woman in love with this man will be able to change him, and if both partners want to build a harmonious relationship, they will succeed.

8. There is no more dangerous couple than a wayward scorpion woman and a warlike, uncompromising scorpion man. They are far from brothers in spirit, but rather fighters in equal weight categories. This couple has a clear characteristic - it’s better not to even start, because the relationship will end in bloodshed!

9. Sagittarius and Scorpio are something! Sagittarius - passionate, exuberant Sagittarius, impetuous Sagittarius ... Sagittarius - just a godsend for her! But no more than for a stormy romance, alas.

The scorpio woman will be fascinated by this ardent gentleman, but before the first conflict. In a pair, someone should be able to "put out the fire", and these two signs can only add fuel to the fire. But sexual compatibility is better than with any other sign.

10. But when a Scorpio woman and a conservative Capricorn man meet, you can begin to believe in a miracle. He will be able to charm her, and she will show respect for him. He doesn't like to play, neither does she, they have a lot in common.

A wayward Scorpio woman and a well-mannered, but strong Capricorn man can make a great couple. Characteristics and compatibility speak about it!

11. Sexual Compatibility couples a scorpio woman and an Aquarius man are ideal, a sea of ​​​​feelings and passions. But an ardent Scorpio woman and a fickle, freedom-loving Aquarius man may not understand each other, because both of them are not taught to listen and listen, both are self-sufficient and wayward. The characterization is complex, it all depends on the partners.

12. Pisces man seems to others too soft for her. Pisces is a romantic, Pisces is not a fighter. Pisces is a creative and emotional man.

But how surprised everyone around will be when the irresistible scorpion lady chooses exactly the fish man! They are harmonious and have in themselves what the partner lacks, the couple has every chance.

Eastern horoscope

The nature of this lady is difficult to guess, but Eastern horoscope helps you see a clearer picture. So what year was the scorpio born in?

  • Scorpio rat is a surprisingly dreamy and emotional woman, but she knows how to make her dreams come true and is used to indulging her desires.
  • The bull is a soft sign, good for a scorpion. This woman loves children, she is a wonderful mother - reasonable, kind, but fair.
  • The tiger in this case is not a terrible predator. This lady has all the makings of a warrior, but does not use her power just like that, for fun or because of her character. She is reasonable and prudent, but in her arsenal - a huge strength and fearlessness.
  • If she was born in the year of the cat, this is an aesthetic nature. Everything beautiful is for her, she loves luxury and really good things, you will not surprise her with trinkets, she has impeccable taste and style.
  • The dragon is a rich imagination, a creative streak, a sharp mind and daydreaming. Sometimes inconsistency in desires is characteristic.
  • The snake is not fussy, it observes and analyzes, and does not make unnecessary movements. She is very emotional and sometimes touchy, does not know how to forgive and return the old.

  • The horse is not a very good year for the scorpion. This person is quite cautious to start realizing big dreams, and she knows how to make plans for four. She always needs an incentive to get active.
  • The goat is charming and sweet, but capricious. Her mood is difficult to understand, she loves to be alone and does not need support, which often attracts people. Mysterious, unusual and incomprehensible.
  • The monkey is incredibly smart. She does not demonstrate her intelligence by hiding behind the mask of a fragile woman, but a terrible intellectual adversary lurks inside.
  • Rooster is an incredible courage. Such a woman is not afraid of anything, she is fair and will not bend under anyone, she will stand to the end.
  • The dog is loyal and family friendly. She is fair, defends interests and is prone to revenge.
  • The pig is a wonderful sign. This woman is not only smart and successful, she is an ideal hostess and mother, kind, not vengeful.

Horoscope, characteristics and compatibility - only guide and advise, but you should not rely on them to draw a final conclusion. All people are unique, and there are exceptions to any rules, so only live communication and observation can make it possible to draw conclusions ... Author: Vasilina Serova

Women with character, women with charisma, femme fatales - all this is about Scorpions. They are passionate and unbridled, beautiful and determined. To achieve their goals, they sweep away everything in their path. The Scorpio woman is full of charm and has a monstrous charm that leaves no chance for the opposite sex.

Scorpio is the most strong sign Zodiac, the brightest and also the largest. For Scorpio women, there are no conventions, no prohibitions, for them there is only a goal, and only they set the rules of life. These women do not follow the lead of others, do not act “like everyone else”, and consider this a manifestation of weakness and spinelessness. They have that core, thanks to which their strength and inner power are felt from afar. It is read by a penetrating look, by a confident gait, by a manner with dignity to carry oneself. The Scorpio woman has amazing willpower. It's about people like her who say "a man will twist into a ram's horn." And all because, in terms of strength of character, no man can be compared with her. Unless he's a Scorpio, of course.

In society, these women fully demonstrate their sharp mind and magnificent manners. It is interesting to talk with them, they have their own point of view on everything. Scorpio women are non-standard and original in their judgments.

Scorpio woman - love, men and family. How to win a Scorpio woman?

To win a Scorpio woman, the heart of this strong woman, you do not need to pretend and squeeze out who you really are not. She is very perceptive, and senses any deceit from a mile away. Even pretending to be a confident and reliable person, she will “break” your whole invented image on the first date. For her, it is more important not to seem, but to be. If in fact you are a strong and faithful person, the Scorpio woman will not miss you.

Having tied the knot with this woman, you can be sure of her fidelity. She will become best friend to her man, she will always give practical advice, help in a difficult situation.

The Scorpio woman loves beauty and seeks to surround herself with luxury. Her house is always tastefully furnished and she hates clutter. But it's not easy for her. The Scorpio woman loves to sting those around her. And the main share of bites falls on a life partner. Her man has to endure a lot, listen to the fact that he is a worthless, weak character, a man who has not achieved anything in life. She will bite him with or without reason. She's just a Scorpio, and that says it all. Here the true strength of the spirit of her man is manifested. Indeed, in fact, treating her friend like this, the Scorpio woman constantly tests his strength. Will it break or not? If not, we move on through life, if it breaks, it will not be needed. Her man should show hellish patience and endurance. For this, the Scorpio woman will reward him with her trust and devotion, loyalty and respect. And to win the respect of Scorpio is worth a lot.

Children of a Scorpio woman

As mothers, these women excel. They teach their children perseverance, the ability to look at the world realistically, notice their natural inclinations, and develop talents. They are not the most affectionate and gentle mothers, their parenting style is authoritarian, but the children of Scorpio women always grow up viable and grasping.

Scorpio woman and career

Work, career - this is where Scorpio can show itself in all its glory. These women have a hard time in the role of small subordinates, and they do everything to achieve leadership positions.

These women are responsible, have an extraordinary mind, are able to find a way out of the most confusing situation, they cannot be deceived. They have one drawback - they are very secretive. Some dislike them for this, reasonably believing that they are in a still pool ... But in some professions, secrecy of character is welcomed so that the employee does not blurt out too much. Therefore, Scorpio women will perfectly prove themselves as prosecutors, investigators, criminologists, psychologists, politicians. Their strength of mind, combined with sober thinking and amazing insight, will help to succeed in "male" professions. Scorpio women have great potential. They are constantly in motion, in development.

Scorpio woman health

It is worth paying attention to the skin, back and circulatory system. The period of epidemics of influenza and SARS, a rare Scorpion is able to survive without infections and colds. Scorpions are very hardy and active. But sometimes they have to deal with a breakdown and depression. It is very difficult to pull them out of this state. I got so pissed off. Therefore, Scorpio women should sometimes relax, give preference to relaxing at home for a noisy party and going to a club. They can burn out at the most inopportune moment.

According to ancient Greek myth, when the hunter Orion angered the goddess Artemis, she woke up a scorpion to sting Orion and kill him. From the myths, Scorpio and Orion were transferred to the sky.

The scorpion is symbolized by its legs and sting. Astrologers say that this sign is the image of the severed tail of a lizard; in Ancient Egypt it denoted a standing lizard, with an arrow-shaped tail.

SCORPIO (October 23 - November 21)

In some respects, this is the most powerful sign of the Zodiac, as its lords are Mars and Pluto. As a rule, Scorpio strives for self-improvement. He has willpower, bright emotional impulses. Often the life of a Scorpio is a struggle with these incessant impulses in order to subordinate them to the creative target principle and keep them under control.

This is a sign of extremes. Women born under this sign are described in various ways - as strong, weak, independent, attached, passionate and cold. Undoubtedly, you are a tangle of contradictions, reflecting the best and worst qualities of human nature.

As a person, you are the very frenzy and maximalism. Charming, emotional, capable of showing remarkable strength. This sign hides its energy in depth.

You need a positive way of expressing yourself - in career, love or creativity - without which your feelings turn inward, become locked up and sometimes destructive. Scorpios, more than anyone, live with violent emotions. Their negative traits are gloominess, jealousy, intolerance, even vindictiveness. positive trait is unwavering devotion to the one who has captured your feelings.
You never forget the kindness shown and strive to repay it a hundredfold. On the other hand, you remember the offense for a long time and will wait for years for an opportunity to pay. In most cases, retribution is not enough for you - you want revenge.

Scorpio women one of the most passionate. Her passion is boundless. We will apply the epithet "femme fatale" to her, or, as the French say, "Femme fatale", "mysterious", "violent". Mysticism, sexuality, intuition, passion merge in this amazing woman in the most unusual combinations and proportions. She attracts the eyes of others, not necessarily possessing an ideally beautiful appearance, there is simply some incomprehensible power over others in her feline manners, piercing gaze, low charming voice.

All her actions are subordinated to one goal - obtaining sexual pleasure. She is energetic, smart, beautiful. Men just "go crazy" after meeting her. She usually has an early erotic experience. Those who dream of a "sultry woman" find the ideal embodied in her. She controls herself perfectly, but in moments of intimacy she discards all conventions and, nevertheless, becomes especially beautiful in her madness and fury. Her partners grow in their own eyes, and this makes her even more attractive. It is dangerous for men who, having known the heights of intimacy, cannot tear themselves away from it and become slaves to their feelings. Because of such women, careers collapse, families break up, but men again and again rush into this pool. However, she often becomes a good assistant to her husband and does everything so that he achieves brilliant success.

The Scorpio woman is partly a witch. With a sixth sense, she recognizes her future chosen one at first sight. He has no choice but to submit to her witchcraft charms.
But passion has only to do with love. He experiences such feelings in extremes: either he loves very much, or he hates him madly.

The Scorpio woman, being terribly jealous, does not like being jealous of her. And it is very difficult to resist jealousy for Scorpio, as it attracts glances.

Scorpios show interest in the opposite sex very early, the topic of love and relationships is the most pressing and most painful in her life. Sex, intimate life for a Scorpio woman is one of the most important aspects of life. And, she realizes this, or still only vaguely guesses, but she does this not out of love for pleasure, but intuitively feeling the as yet unknown modern man the depth of the process of unification of two opposite principles - male and female. She may be interested in practices based on the principles of interaction between male and female bodies, dancing, where there is close contact and intimacy with a partner, the psychology of instincts.

Evolved types are passionate champions of justice. In contrast to Aries, Scorpio is very persistent, as it is a permanent sign. He despises weakness in himself and in people, but can be generous, compassionate, will do everything to help. But after that, he expects that a person will learn to be independent and take care of himself.

Diplomacy is not his forte. His talents in the field of science are great, especially in the study of occult phenomena. He is not talkative, and woe to anyone who reveals his secrets or earns his wrath. In the struggle, he does not know pity and does not expect it himself.

Scorpios are strong and strong in physique, they have a piercing look, they spread something mystical around them and radiate magnetism. Scorpio has good intuition, he knows how to guess people's thoughts and can easily make them talk. His accomplishments often border on the miraculous. He does not know the fear of death, since he has a mystical understanding of reincarnation "die and be".

In fashion, a scorpio woman chooses outfits depending on her mood. She dresses in such a way that everyone knows what is going on in her soul. If she is in love, she will put on a red dress or just light clothes, if she is very worried, then black will prevail in the outfit. Everyone sometimes envy her, because she knows how to dress! She dresses like a real lady. If she is known, then she sets fashion styles and trends.
They are even in regular office clothes add a touch of sexiness by unbuttoning a few buttons on your blouse or wearing shoes with very high heels.

Scorpio women live in society and for society, and their wardrobe consists of many small black dresses, chiffon blouses, cashmere sweaters and shiny bright tops. They also love velvet velvet cloaks, wearing them to formal occasions. Their favorite material is black and red leather. Scorpions adore original jackets, tight trousers and long leather coats and raincoats. Since they are very sexy, Scorpio women like to dress provocatively, but with taste.

If a man decided to connect his fate with a Scorpio woman, then he should be everything. You have to give your best to her. How ready are you to go through fire, water and copper pipes? In a relationship with a chosen one, a Scorpio woman is faithful, demanding, passionate, jealous, devoted and has all the qualities of an indispensable life partner who will not only and not so much provide life for her man as help him climb the social and career ladder.

She will understand without words your attitude towards her, and if this is sincere love and passion, then this is the biggest and most desired gift for her. Well, if you really love her, then how can you do without a gift? It can be a bouquet of fiery roses or delicate lilies, perfumes, cosmetics or perfumes with an enchanting aroma, it can be both dresses, various outfits of outerwear, and underwear of a special design. Scorpio woman it is very practical and therefore you can give it household appliances, practical and necessary things in everyday life or at work, tools and appliances, equipment and appliances for the kitchen or bathroom, various lamps. However, do not forget that Scorpios are maximalists, and therefore the Scorpio will intuitively determine how much of your income you decide to spend on it, how highly you value it and what it means to you. And from here he will draw the appropriate conclusions.

Yes, and how not to be one, if the fire of passions is constantly playing inside her, struggling with the flow of emotions, sensitivity and vulnerability. She is powerful and supple, soft and strong, secretive and explosive at the same time. If she decides to achieve something, be sure that no one can prevent her, her promotion methods are so thought out and secure, and, moreover, consistent with her inner instinct that no accidents should happen to her. She is bold, stubborn, hardworking, not afraid of difficulties, but only smiles at the next "crossing of life", always knowing that she will survive this and become stronger. She is even drawn to such difficulties, deep down she understands that only in such whirlpools of fate she sees herself, understands herself and can qualitatively change. The lull alarms her, she is always ready for new challenges and even expects them.

From childhood, she may feel different from everyone else, but she does not always understand the reason for her position. She does not immediately have good close friends, they have to pass the test of loyalty and decency, but if this happens, the friendship will last a long time, the Scorpio woman will try to maintain a relationship with a loved one, and, as far as possible in her scorpio position, will teach herself not to hurt a friend with caustic remarks. In close contact, when she is able to open up, she turns out to be vulnerable, sensitive, sincere and shows care and understanding, but if something alerts her in a relationship - intonation or an accidentally thrown phrase, she immediately switches to a business tone and with a smart look will reduce the entire conversation to a discussion of insignificant details and will try to part with the interlocutor in order to be alone with himself and consider his feelings. The older she gets, the more harmonious the manifestations of her impulsive, fiery nature become, she acquires wisdom and gentleness, and respect from others gives her confidence in her abilities and the calm of inner strength.

Scorpios are very secretive and never share their affairs of the heart with their girlfriends. In love relationships, they value, first of all, the essence, and not external manifestations, and here their thoughtful nature and desire for a deep understanding of everything that happens to them affects. Love for a Scorpio woman- not entertainment, but transformation, the process of purification and transformation of passions into something more perfect and beautiful. A real feeling is really capable of doing a miracle with her, helping her free herself from complexes and fears. Gradually living through the stages of her love, she can suffer incredibly, but she is unlikely to tell anyone about it. Cardinally changing herself under the influence of cleansing feelings, she is able to drag her partner into this funnel of all-consuming metamorphoses, and he, without noticing when and how this happened, will suddenly see life in a completely different light, such insight can come to him, oh which, without such a companion as Scorpio, one could not even dream of.

Of course, a sharp tongue, combined with a deep understanding of the hidden motives of other people, makes a Scorpio woman not a very comfortable interlocutor, she will pull out their most sore spots. But don't exaggerate too much. The Scorpio woman is in perfect control of her feelings and will never allow herself to offend an innocent person, even if he is wrong about something. Just do not wake up the beast in her, keep yourself restrained in a conversation, speak logically and without contradictions. After all, having also an excellent memory, she will immediately point out to you the absurdity and can continue the conversation in a more aggressive manner.

Her efficiency knows no bounds, her career occupies one of the most important places in her life, she is rarely satisfied with a low position and low salary and is looking for new opportunities to move up. Even working in a small company for a small salary, she will at least arrange everything in such a way that it will be difficult to solve some very difficult problems without her. important questions and will often be consulted for advice.

In different life situations, her ability to manipulate people may manifest itself. In some situation, such a step will indeed be appropriate and, moreover, the only true one, and only Scorpio can do it. On the other hand, this may turn out to be too gross interference in the lives of other people in addition to their free will. Knowing this feature of hers, it is very important for a Scorpio woman to think about all the pros and cons of such behavior, otherwise, going over the heads of her competitors, she may lose real friends and faithful companions.

An absolutely magnetic radiation emanates from a Scorpio woman, which makes others listen to her opinion in one way or another, in her presence people feel some kind of strange dependence on her. emotional state, and it will be better for everyone if this state is positive. Otherwise, her depression and decline will be easily transmitted to others, even if she remains silent, this silence will be very uncomfortable and oppressive in moments of her spiritual crisis.

The Scorpio woman is independent, has her own judgment on everything, and it often happens that this judgment differs sharply from the generally accepted one. She may well become a troublemaker, and a passion for occult knowledge, magic and mystical practices can finally form an opinion about her as a strange and incomprehensible person.

If you are not serious, do not waste time on empty courtship, as she sees right through you. As soon as she carefully looks into the eyes of a man, he immediately becomes hypnotized. Her gait is smooth and seductive. She immediately recognizes her chosen one with some kind of sixth sense, and she likes only the strong, beautiful, smart, courageous.

Scorpio women love home comfort, their home is sparkling clean and tastefully furnished. General cleaning is a real pleasure for her. She loves to clean out all the corners and, God forbid, she stumbles upon something that will allow her husband to be suspected of infidelity. Their jealousy knows no bounds, as well as vindictiveness. If something is "not for her", all the seething passions of Pluto, lurking in the soul of such a woman, can break out and do God knows what. In general, she can be despotic, sarcastic and cold, or, conversely, hot as a fire.

The most famous female scorpions: Alexandra Pakhmutova, Alla Surikova, Amalia Goldanskaya, Annie Girardot, Astrid Lindgren, Bjork, Winona Ryder, Vanessa May, Vera Komissarzhevskaya, Vivien Leigh, Vika Tsyganova, Victoria Tokareva, Virginie Ledoyen, Whoopi Goldberg, Galina Vishnevskaya, Goldie Hawn, Grace Kelly, Demi Moore, Jamie Lee Curtis, Jodie Foster, Ekaterina Semenova, Elena Tsyplakova Julia Roberts, Zinaida Gippius, Indira Gandhi, Kira Muratova, Condoleezza Rice, Ksenia Sobchak, Lolita Milyavskaya, Lyudmila Gurchenko, Margaret Mitchell, Maria Sklodowska-Curie, Meg Ryan, Nadya Komenechi, Natalia Negoda, Oksana Baiul, Peta Wilson, Rina Zelenaya, Sophie Marceau , Hillary Clinton, Yana Churikova.

Compatibility horoscope: which zodiac sign suits a woman for a scorpion - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

The love horoscope of a Scorpio woman, or "Sex and a cupcake." Scorpio woman in love. Who suits a scorpio woman?

She is not a fan of harnessing for a long time, her sensuality wakes up suddenly, and already in the first minute of meeting this lady decides for herself whether she will have sex with this man, however, in order to allow herself love, she needs much more minutes, days, and sometimes years .

The Scorpio woman is a kind of "male" in the guise of a lady, for her good sex is much more important than long courtship and expensive gifts. No, no, she has nothing against the latter, but without high-quality intimacy, neither diamonds nor Shakespeare's sonnets can conquer her hearts and souls.

Scorpios begin their love story at a fairly early age. Youth, the time of simple desires, captures them in a whirlpool of events, a dozen of gentlemen always wind around the young Scorpio charmer, attracted by her cheerful and perky disposition, natural ability to seduce and fall in love with herself, and demon in the eyes.

From all this motley "rabble", the Scorpio lady herself chooses her husband, and she always does this with her mind, and not with her heart. It is among the husbands of Scorpios that the maximum number of fathers who are raising children that are not their own, and who do not know about it! The prudent Scorpio lady can calculate everything except her libido, and no one knows where it will lead, but the maternal instinct is developed in Scorpios beyond praise.

When the Scorpio lady is satisfied in bed, she begins to gently and passionately become attached to her partner with her soul. It is important for her not to be the best, but to become the only one. Scorpions, despite their tendency to cheat, are unusually jealous. They do not tolerate competition, and are ready to sting the unfortunate one who stumbled even by accident.

Compatibility in love

Therefore, the most stable and long-term relationship of Scorpio with representatives of the elements of the Earth. The wise Taurus is a monogamous and hard worker, with his heroic antics and broad gestures, and even more so with his magnificent paternal qualities, he will become a reliable support for Scorpio. Relations in this tandem are stable, because Taurus knows how to “not notice” and forgive, and Scorpio feels quite comfortable next to the Calf, being confident in his loyalty.

With Virgo, Scorpio is related by the desire to “make good”, both of them are big fans of the family hearth, and only the Virgo man can direct the colossal energy of Scorpio in the right direction. However, in order to feel all the advantages of being together, both Taurus and Virgo must be strong in bed, this is usually the main snag, due to which Scorpios do not reach happiness one step, running away to look for it with the best sexual partners, but the worst husbands.

The situation is slightly different in relation to Capricorn. This horned type has the passion and health to satisfy a Scorpio, but he is also a great psychological manipulator who can set the heat on an emotional level. This union will be a bright pioneer fire until both partners get tired of throwing firewood.

From the cohort of signs of the element of Fire, only the inspired and aggressive Aries can try their luck with a Scorpio woman. This couple is the union of two the mighty of the world this, in which both must yield in order to win. Scorpio is attracted to him by the pedestal on which her admirer erected, while Aries believes that it is She who is his ideal woman.

But any love relationships it is undesirable to start Scorpio with Leo or Sagittarius. Leo will be forever dissatisfied with the excessive brightness and publicity of Scorpio, while Sagittarius will suffer in the literal sense of the word after the first attempt to look in the wrong direction.

The relationship between the Scorpio woman and Pisces men is quite harmonious. It can be said that on a spiritual and physical level it is the best combination throughout the zodiac. Only the inertia of Pisces can spoil this union, which with each subsequent manifestation will infuriate Scorpio more and more. The same problem often arises between a Scorpio woman and a Cancer man. This cephalopod, Scorpio, cannot forgive her role as the second after her mother.

FROM air signs a Scorpio lady is more likely to have strong friendship than passionate love. Let these friends occasionally wake up in the same bed, but there is nothing to originate from love as such. The twins, although to match Scorpio in intimate pleasures, do not give the last confidence in tomorrow, and change their minds too often, which Scorpio hates.

Libra is too selfish to give everything to Scorpio, and half of the "narcissus" does not suit her. Aquarians, on the other hand, do not withstand total control and jealousy, they collect their coins and retreat from sin away.

Scorpio + Scorpio, despite the seemingly perfect combination of passion and mutual understanding, rarely form a stable couple. There is too much poison here that even the best sex cannot neutralize.

What kind of man suits a Scorpio woman?

To bring a man to madness, to become the most desirable, beloved and delightful for him - this is what a Scorpio woman is for the boyfriends who met on her way. She knows how to seduce, knows how to forgive, feels people well and can always consider their weaknesses. But what to do with them - forgive or use for pressure - depends on how their owner treats it. After all, such Strong woman will not tolerate disrespectful attitude and even more humiliation.

In her opinion, compatibility is possible only with a partner of equal strength. Want to make an enemy for life? Then make a willful offense against the Scorpio. And be sure - she will never forgive you for this.

general characteristics

Character traits

The mysterious seductress woman Scorpio attracts men to her, and they very easily fall under her spell. This charmer knows everything about seduction and can write entire volumes that will be devoted to sexual attractiveness and arousing desire in the opposite sex. A gentleman who has fallen into her network will forget about the existence of other women for a long time. And why are they needed if this charming creature is nearby.

The great and irrepressible energy that this zodiac sign is endowed with would be enough for several women born under other constellations. And this makes Scorpio work literally "for wear and tear." Any action performed by this strong nature can be characterized by the word "too" from the outside. Therefore, do not rely on the fact that next to such a lady a peaceful and calm existence awaits you. It is possible that over time you may even get tired of her hectic activities. And she will definitely never make you bored.

Personal qualities

This woman is an excellent example of the compatibility of a bright head and a highly developed intuition. Before allowing anyone into her life, she will definitely consider a person almost “under a microscope”. Therefore, to become truly close to her and kindred spirit very difficult. Friends, however, as well as lovers, she chooses quite thoughtfully.

Waywardness and purposefulness are manifested in this sign with young years. The Scorpio girl always strives to ensure that everything is the way she wants it. Almost any action performed by this special one implies the pursuit of a goal. Her energy, multiplied by her determination, allows her to achieve results that are unattainable for others. At the same time, she always calculates the moves several steps ahead, and little can knock her off the intended course. But if conditions change, then she will be able to adapt to them and continue the path to her cherished goal.

God forbid, it would occur to you to offend Scorpio. The love of revenge that the Zodiac gave this woman, the ability to plan and achieve her goals, make her a very terrible enemy. The evil fury, which this seductress will turn into, will show you all the charms of destructive behavior and in the end, bending over the defeated enemy, will indicate where and in what you were wrong.

Therefore, it is better to keep a Scorpio as a friend. By the way, they make wonderful friends. They know how to keep secrets, show honesty in relationships and provide support in difficult times.

Love and Scorpio

The proud Scorpio woman is a real volcano of passions, which, however, she can keep under control. But it is precisely this passion and overflowing with desires that beckon the surrounding men into her spread nets.

She knows how to be charming and attractive, coquetry and flirting are complemented by her femininity and graceful manners. She is often given the title of "fatal woman", who can destroy the one who dared to love her.

A man who has known such a fatal passion will always remember this novel. And even a painful break will not allow to erase from memory those unforgettable sensations that he experienced next to such a companion.

Often, representatives of the Scorpio sign, which is part of the Zodiac, opt for weaker partners. She shows condescension towards them, trying to help with her patronage. If desired, she is able to become a support for them, allowing them to reach heights. But such a union will be uncomfortable for her, since she can truly fall in love only with a brave and courageous hero with the same steel character as hers.

In her life, a Scorpio woman takes love very seriously. In it, she is able to put her whole soul and passion. She will love her man very strongly and deeply, trying to protect him from all the evils of this world. Such a woman can create a real heaven on Earth or open a branch of hell. But with those who managed to deceive her or did not live up to expectations in the intimate sphere, she will break off relations.

Although physical compatibility is important to her, she can still try to help those who have failed due to erection problems. She is able not only to excite such partners, but also to cure such unpleasant situations in the future. But she will do all this only for selfish reasons, because harmony in her sexual life is very important for her.

Marriage for Scorpio

A Scorpio woman also chooses her future spouse very carefully. He must possess a mass of virtues, the sum of which must outweigh those of his rivals. Among them the most valuable are:

There should be a man next to her, near whom she can finally feel like a weak woman. And it is also important for her to know that she is the only one.

It is quite difficult to deceive her with dishonest intentions, because she sees people "through" and easily recognizes a lie, thanks to the features that the Zodiac has awarded her. Attempts to have fun with her without serious intentions, she sees immediately and immediately cuts off.

Of course, a brave hero can try to take this fortress, but he must understand that when the deception is revealed and the cards are laid out on the table, Scorpio will not forgive the trick. And her revenge will be truly inventive.

In the house of the mistress of Scorpio, there is always order. At the same time, it will be tastefully furnished, and guests will always be greeted with comfort and coziness.

Mother Scorpio loves her children very much and shows this by the desire to develop in them resistance to life's adversities. She thinks in advance about the future that awaits her children, tries to bring up in them the compatibility of talent and hard work. She also applies her ability to understand people to children, becoming a good adviser for them.

She will give the same support to her husband. All the available energy that the Zodiac gave her, she will invest in the development of her husband. It is very important for her that he takes a worthy place in life, has Good work and succeeded. She is ready to endure many hardships and restrictions, just to achieve her goal.

Sex and Scorpio

Ready for an endless night of crazy love? This is how you will feel the time spent in bed with a Scorpio. Her bubbling energy and passion, which the Zodiac has awarded her, guarantee an unforgettable experience.

And she will begin, perhaps, with an intimate whisper in her ear, where she will describe in detail the entire planned program for today. Such conversations will allow her to already begin to be excited, and you will know what to prepare for. If a man has the same temperament and love for sex, then partners will have very high compatibility in bed.

A Scorpio woman will prefer to make love on a huge bed or a water mattress. There should be enough space for various experiments and interesting poses. And even if you have significant sexual experience, this woman will surprise you.

Such a partner will definitely want not only to enjoy herself, but also to deliver it to her lover. The zodiac gave them a strong sensitivity, and therefore you will not be able to forget sex with this woman.

A strong and energetic Scorpio lover in bed will prefer compatibility with a softer and weaker partner. So she will be able to assert her leadership not only in sex, but also in life.

Suitable men

Meeting a man along the way Taurus, the seductress Scorpio will realize that she has found her true love. Such compatibility of characters and temperaments is just perfect.

A man will also be a worthy candidate for permanent companions Crayfish. An unstoppable avalanche of feelings will be able to cover these lovers with their heads, and their intimacy will be filled with tenderness and passion.

Mandatory attraction experienced by a Scorpio woman to a man Virgo. And although initially it will be friendship, later it can develop into deep love.

Two scorpio quite capable of hiding their poisonous stings and indulging in love for each other. Such relationships will be long and will give many pleasant moments to both.

FROM Capricorn the wife of Scorpio will have the opportunity to discuss not only family matters, but also business. Here she will be able to show her talent as an adviser and friend.

Union between Scorpio and sign Pisces, included in the Zodiac, will allow both to improve themselves. She will help him understand himself, and he will teach her to relax.

Unsuitable men

The first meeting between the seductress Scorpio and a man Aries can easily end up in bed. They both have sensuality and will be able to please each other. But outside the bedroom, their compatibility is questionable. And if the lovers do not learn to put up in bed, they will break.

The male a lion will wait for constant praise in her direction, but the Scorpio woman will not be able to devote much time to this.

Simple and open man Sagittarius will be boring for a Scorpio. After all, she wants to delve into the male soul, but she will not find anything secret and mysterious there.

The union of Aquarius and those born under the sign of Scorpio cannot arise in principle because of the opposite desires.

Who suits Scorpio from the signs of the zodiac?

The most powerful and controversial sign of the zodiac is undoubtedly Scorpio. He is passionate and mysterious, often closed in on himself and always remains in his opinion. And therefore, before deciding to link fate with a representative of this sign, it would be useful to ask who suits Scorpio in friendship, love and life together.

The stars look from above and determine who will connect their fate with whom, so much so that later they will not repent bitterly. After all, a person cannot be recognized immediately, with him you need, as they say, to eat a pound of salt. So, let's talk about who suits Scorpio so much that a strong alliance can be formed.

The most preferred partner for him in all respects can be Capricorn, an equally strong and solid sign, which in perseverance in achieving goals is in no way inferior to him. Scorpio respects strength, he can even voluntarily give up the palm to a representative of this constellation, and such a union will be almost perfect.

Relationships with Pisces born under the “stinging” sign are not bad. In this tandem, Scorpio has every chance to feel like a patron, and Pisces can feel great under his protection.

Virgo is another sign that suits Scorpio. Their marriage is long and harmonious, but Scorpions are annoyed by the excessive practicality of the Virgin, and they are often dissatisfied with the excessive independence of their life partner.

Cancer and Libra can also have a successful alliance with this sign, however, they will have to make room a little and endure the partner's indomitable temper.

And now about those who are the least suitable for Scorpios. Take at least a purely peaceful sign - Aquarius. For all his complaisance, he has a fairly independent character and considers himself entitled to make decisions on his own. It is clear that the owner Scorpio will not like this, and nothing promises this couple a long and happy relationship.

With Sagittarius, in principle, an alliance is possible, but his love of freedom will also jar Scorpio. If both find the strength to make big compromises, then you can try to be together. Otherwise, it's better not to try.

Scorpio with Scorpio - an explosive mixture! There is a powerful physical and spiritual attraction between them, but, alas, they are not destined to get along in the same bank. Passion, jealousy, noisy quarrels - and the inevitable gap awaits such a couple.

Proud, independent Leo and no less proud and independent Scorpio - they also feel a strong attraction, but, again, it will be a very difficult relationship, replete with quarrels and partings.

Taurus and Aries are signs with which it is very difficult for Scorpio to find a common language. A strong character and a heightened sense of ownership in both representatives of the zodiac disgust the water sign. Even in ordinary friendly relations, tension remains between them, and these two cannot be attributed to those who suit Scorpio.

Astrological analysis is always interesting, and there is something to think about when reading forecasts and data about yourself and your relationships with people. But why is it that what is read often does not coincide with real life? Yes, because an ignorant person cannot deeply understand the heavenly symbols. After all, belonging to a zodiac sign is determined not just by the day and month of birth. We must not forget that both the hour of birth and the year have their own characteristics. For example, among those who fit Scorpio according to the horoscope, Virgo is listed, the stars predict a strong and harmonious marriage for them. But if one of them was born in the year of the Tiger, and the other in the year of the Sheep, what kind of harmony can we talk about? Astrology is a great and ancient science, and no one can fully comprehend it. Even the most enlightened astrologers.

Who suits Scorpio

Scorpios are passionate natures who are used to getting their way, while making many enemies. This zodiac sign has a strong internal energy that none of the other representatives of the zodiac signs can boast of. Scorpios are emotional and sensitive people who need constant love. Love for them is a source of life, and therefore they are attracted to sensual and passionate halves that can give them unearthly feelings.

Scorpio zodiac sign compatibility

Compatibility zodiac sign Scorpio

Scorpio zodiac sign compatibility: what zodiac sign is Scorpio in love and intimate life; what zodiac sign suits Scorpio; solution of problems

What is the zodiac sign of Scorpio in love and intimate life

In love, Scorpio is dangerous - he inflicts heart wounds, not wanting it at all. In the family, he usually becomes either a domestic tyrant, or, adapting, loses his "I" and suffers because of this.

The paradoxical character of Scorpio manifests itself in many ways. Appreciating independence, outwardly Scorpio gives the partner freedom, but secretly suffers from suspicion, jealousy, even decides to spy on or check other people's letters. The chosen one will not be forgiven, demanding complete trust from him.

Being a stronger personality in a couple, he feels very happy at first, but soon becomes disappointed, accuses the partner of lack of will, and himself for the wrong choice. Scorpio will experience the true happiness of love only with those who are able to both yield and stand their ground.

Scorpio often arranges personal happiness, ignoring the opinion of society, despising traditions, general norms, believing that no one has the right to judge him. He can combine an unhappy marriage with a stormy romance on the side.

Scorpio is magically attractive, greedy for love, too liberated sexually. But if he thinks that abstinence will be useful for his career, he is able to completely abandon erotic pleasures. Receiving offers to arrange life with the help of an intimate relationship, he refuses with indignation, although he later regrets it (secretly).

The strongest natural charm of Scorpio is honed, it is difficult to resist him. He charms everyone in a row, not bothering to choose the best partners. His reputation suffers from this. Therefore, many try to stay away from Scorpio. Whoever can appreciate the beauty of the soul of Scorpio, understand him, will find that Scorpio - good friend, devoted, loving husband.

And a short romance with this sign, Scorpio's partners remember as the brightest event of life: Scorpio leaves an indelible impression with ingenuity, erotic unpredictability.

The strongest virtues of Scorpio is a highly developed intuition, sexuality, sensuality, understanding of their goals. However, these qualities cannot guarantee happiness, since Scorpio is also endowed with pettiness, possessive instinct, jealousy, inner insecurity, which makes it difficult to share their desires and fears with a partner.

Scorpio needs to control his "dark side": uninhibited and cheerful Scorpio is irresistible. unfriendly and gloomy - just awful! Using their strengths, working on their shortcomings, Scorpio will be able to achieve happiness.

What zodiac sign is perfect for Scorpio

Scorpios can't stand being alone. Loving, in which they are successful all their lives. Tireless innovators with freedom of opinion and free will.

Independence is the main value of their life. All this is the result of the influences of Mars, Pluto, Uranus. However, Scorpios can betray the work they have begun, in case of failure they are hysterical, touchy, weak-willed, capricious.

These Qualities are the result of the lack of energy of the Moon, Venus, Chiron. You can get rid of strongly interfering shortcomings by connecting life with Taurus, which these planets lead through life. earthy Taurus sign- the ideal cosmic narrowed for the Water Scorpio.


The capabilities of Scorpios can be envied - many signs are promising for them:

representatives of his Water element Crayfish, Pisces, Scorpio himself;

in fact, without risk, a super-promising alliance with the Fiery- Sagittarius, lion and Aries(the most promising of these).

What zodiac sign suits Scorpio poorly

Only the signs of Air - Gemini, Aquarius, Libra - do not suit Scorpios: it is difficult for Water to extract anything from Air.

But these recommendations are rather a generalization. To find out the true compatibility in a couple, you need to know the names, eye color, time of birth, date, hair color, and more. It is believed that knowing the necessary parameters, you can find the perfect companion.

Scorpio zodiac sign compatibility: problem solving

Fearing the fervor, unpredictability of mood inherent in Scorpios, many stay away from them. Scorpios should follow the reaction of others to their behavior. This will help you understand what needs to be adjusted in order to avoid unnecessary problems, disappointments, and casual connections.

Scorpios are extremely attractive to the opposite sex. But they often associate with those who should be avoided. Scorpios should learn to be selective in order to achieve the harmony of love. By not wasting time on dubious people, Scorpio will get more chances to meet "his" person.

The actions of Scorpio from the outside often seem illogical: for example, having started a relationship with someone about whom he has a low opinion, seeing all his shortcomings, it will be hard to experience a break with him. The reason is the subconscious desire to surpass the chosen one, to lead in a pair. Scorpio should think about equality: respect for a partner who shares all the difficulties, all the joys of life is a significant factor in finding happiness.

In fact, all Scorpios are quite sensual, sexy and attractive. But Scorpio is looking for, in addition to physical, emotional, spiritual intimacy. Only the chosen one does not have the opportunity to find out - all Scorpios are secretive.

Scorpio needs to find a balance of their sexual and spiritual needs. Then his personality will become more harmonious, and therefore more potentially happy.

It is very important to be honest with your lover, openness in discussing exciting issues. Hiding your anxieties and problems behind jokes, outward carelessness, or, on the contrary, behind nit-picking that provoke scandals, is not worth it. Scorpio is often driven by the desire to achieve what he wants, to manipulate a partner. But this tactic is both tedious and does not give as good a result as a correctly stated request.

However, if Scorpio has not decided for any reason to have a frank conversation, the changes that have occurred to him, related to the balancing of needs, will also affect the partner. Personal harmony is also useful for Scorpio, who has not yet found his soul mate: he will be able to attract those who are tuned specifically to a serious relationship.

Scorpios are unusual owners and jealous, although some of this is not recognized. In the most neglected cases, the one who is associated with Scorpio becomes a slave to total control and digging into the details. Scorpio is afraid of losing the chosen one, but instead of creating conditions from which the beloved himself does not want to leave, Scorpio limits his freedom. Past sad experience also affects. Scorpio cannot relax, forget how he was disappointed, deceived. His inner anxiety increases voltage leads to conflicts quarrels.

For mutual comfort, Scorpio must respect the right of the chosen one to personal space. Control also has the disadvantage that if the partner belongs to Scorpio without limit, he will soon get bored.

It is also necessary to approach the search for a trustworthy partner from the very beginning, this is not an easy task. If Scorpio knew before that a person is a liar, with pernicious inclinations, is it worth expecting fidelity, hoping for seriousness relations?

No mutual understanding

The peculiarity of Scorpios is secrecy. They rarely openly express feelings, even with themselves they are not completely honest. Scorpios, especially young ones who do not have enough experience, should remember that there are few among those around who are endowed with unmistakable strong intuition. It is extremely difficult for a partner to find out about the suffering of Scorpio, his problems, because Scorpio will not even give a hint of what his chosen one should do.

Scorpio needs to admit to himself and his partner his weaknesses, addictions. Don't be shy to ask for help. And to wait for the beloved to guess and offer it, and to be offended if this does not happen, is destructive.

When choosing a partner, Scorpio should take into account not only his sexual, sensual attractiveness, but also the ability to to emotional contact. After all, the soul of Scorpio is not simple, not everyone can comprehend it. It is necessary to show more seriousness, intelligibility, not to allow uncomfortable relationships to lead into a swamp of self-deception and unjustified hopes.

More than other signs, Scorpio tends to keep in memory what should have been forgotten. Echoes of unhappy relationships disturb for a long time, not allowing the soul to open up to new attachments.

Scorpio needs to learn to forgive themselves for past mistakes. And also not to remember the misdeeds committed by others. A spiritual wound will heal faster if you do not remember the pain caused different people, do not pour the salt of past grievances.

The significance of one's own actions should not be exaggerated, assuming that a different course of action could change the course of events. Usually there are several reasons for the gap, acting in a complex way. It is necessary to learn to objectively assess what is happening.

It is rarely possible to correct the past; it is not worth dragging the burden of sorrows into the future. Scorpio, using his natural gifts - wisdom and foresight, needs to learn how to start relationships from a blank sheet, taking their development as seriously as possible.

Scorpios do not like disapproving reactions to their actions, decisions. But there are those desperate who are trying to argue with them, to instruct.

It is difficult to answer unambiguously how to respond to these comments. Much depends on the emerging romance. You need to understand the aspirations of the partner - only for your own convenience or for a relationship where both will be happy.

Perhaps reproaches, criticism of Scorpio's chosen one is a defensive reaction to Scorpio's attempts to manipulate, control his actions. Scorpio needs to learn how to retreat on time, take into account the opinion of a partner, even if it does not meet expectations.

On the other hand, Scorpio, striving to be a leader in relationships, does not tolerate weak partners. And he falls into a rather unpleasant psychological trap. Therefore, it is possible: criticism from the chosen one, other ways of expressing dissatisfaction - there is a desire to assume a dominant role, also a kind of manipulation.

Scorpio's emotions are excessively strong and cannot be stable and long. He has a relentless desire for new experiences. However, in order to get them, it is not necessary to break with a partner, to rush in search of the ideal. Simple enough sometimes to relax, take a break.

It is also important to learn how to use your extraordinary strengths constructively: to give relationships a form that will suit you, not to follow a destructive path. You should not blame yourself and your partner for the loss of the former sharpness of emotions, you need to direct your energy towards finding an original solution.

Wanting a serious relationship, one must come to terms with the fact that the emotionality of the novel will not always be the same. Time will show that sometimes, losing in brightness, you can win in the depth of relationships. We need to protect them, keep love, sympathy for each other. This is the main value and harmony.

It's only General characteristics Scorpions, and not something specific for people of this sign, everything is individual

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