The better to clean gold. Soft stones: pearls, turquoise, amber, coral, malachite. We clean gold jewelry correctly.

Helpful Hints 10.11.2017
Helpful Hints

Every woman has gold jewelry: a chain, rings, rings, earrings or pendants. When buying gold jewelry, we carefully choose the color of the stone and the shape of the jewelry. But after 3-6 months after constant wearing of jewelry, we notice that the product we have chosen with love has lost its former brilliance and beauty. This is because metals have the ability to oxidize, including gold. So it's time to clean our favorite piece of jewelry from this precious metal.

How and with what you can clean the gold jewelry, I will tell you in detail in this article.

Basic rules for cleaning gold

Before you start cleaning, please read this paragraph carefully. Some people start to clean gold with sand or use other methods of cleaning gold items that are not at all suitable for this.

Gold items are different. Perhaps, in order not to spoil the jewelry or gem set in gold, you will need to consult a jeweler who will give specific recommendations that are suitable for your jewelry.

Yet the purpose of refining gold is to improve appearance products. Therefore, when in doubt, it is better to be careful than to spoil an expensive thing.

Not everywhere there is such a service as professional gold cleaning. I didn't find it in my city. Therefore, there is only one way out - to learn how to clean gold yourself at home.

How can you clean gold?

Before you start cleaning gold, you need to know how you can clean gold in general, and which products should be avoided. The following products are best suited for cleaning gold items at home.

Dishwashing liquid

Very efficient and fast way for most gold jewelry. If the product does not have stones, you just need to soak it in warm soapy water for 15 minutes, and then rinse thoroughly and dry with a soft cloth.

Jewelry with stones should not be cleaned in this way, as this can damage and weaken the stone, which can simply fall out of the product. Instead, you can simply soak a soft cloth in soapy water and wipe the gold. You can repeat the cleaning several times with a clean cloth or cotton swab, followed by drying the jewelry.

After cleaning with soapy water, thoroughly wipe the product with a cloth moistened with clean water to wash away all soap solution and wipe it dry.

When cleaning, do not rub the product strongly so as not to scratch the surface.

soft toothbrush

When cleaning gold, be sure to use only a brush with soft bristles so as not to scratch the product. It is convenient to clean hard-to-reach places with a toothbrush. The toothbrush is moistened in detergent and, without pressing, clean the product.


Ammonia is the most effective, but also the most risky way to clean gold. To clean gold jewelry, you need to mix 6 parts of water with one part of ammonia.

Soak the product in a solution of ammonia for no more than one minute, so as not to damage the jewelry. After soaking, be sure to rinse the product well. clean water to wash off all the solution.

The use of ammonia for cleaning can discolor the gold, and not completely washed away will damage the product over time. Therefore, ammonia should be used less often.

Boiling water

Another good and effective way to clean gold at home. It is necessary to completely immerse the gold product in boiling water. It will wash away all the dirt and grease that has accumulated on the jewelry.

But there are also disadvantages: it is undesirable to use this method if the decoration is with stones.

After cleaning, the jewelry must be dried well, laying it so that all the water that may accumulate in the recesses of the product flows out.


Alcohol is very effective remedy for removing dirt and grease from gold jewelry. Alcohol also disinfects products without the use of boiling or other chemicals.

But alcohol is not suitable for all gold products. One of the disadvantages of cleaning gold with alcohol is that it can dissolve the glue on which the stones are attached. Therefore, if your product is with a stone, then it is better not to resort to cleaning them with alcohol.

At home, you can also clean the gold with onion juice. gold chain or a product without a stone can be cleaned with vinegar. Onions and vinegar clean the product from dark spots well and effectively.

Use at home tooth powder, toothpaste, chalk, shampoo.

But you should always remember that there is a risk of spoiling the product, especially if it is with natural gemstones. In this case, it is better to consult a jeweler or take the item to a workshop for cleaning.

How to clean gold to make it shine

The first thing you can clean gold to make it shine is ammonia (ammonia), detergent, cleaning powder and liquid soap. Each of these products can be used to clean gold jewelry to restore its original luster. But it is better to use special detergents and cleaning solutions with them. Here are some recipes.

Recipe 1

1 glass of water

1 tablespoon ammonia (ammonia)

1 tablespoon detergent

Detergent can be taken for dishes. It dissolves fat well. After all, any jewelry is in contact with the body and fat secreted by the skin accumulates on them over time. You can also use a mild detergent.

First you need to bring the water to a boil. Remove from heat and add ammonia and detergent. Stir the liquid well and dip the decoration into this solution for two minutes.

Then take it out and rinse well under running water and wipe well with a dry soft cloth. Perfectly suited for this purpose is a napkin for glass glasses.

Recipe 2

1 glass of water

1 teaspoon detergent

Pour water into a saucepan and add dish detergent. Put on the stove and bring water to a boil. Let simmer on low heat for about 10 minutes. Remove from the stove and remove the product. Rinse the product well under running water.

Attention! This method is not suitable for jewelry with stones.

Recipe 3

Half glass of water

3 tablespoons of salt

Heat water and dissolve salt in it. Stir well to dissolve all the salt and lower the product into the solution. Leave the jewelry in this solution overnight or for several hours. Then remove and rinse well with plain water and wipe with a napkin.

Recipe 4

1 teaspoon ammonia

1 teaspoon liquid soap

40 ml hydrogen peroxide

1 glass of water

Heat water and prepare a solution. Dip your gold jewelry into the solution so that it is completely immersed in the solution and leave for 20 minutes. Then rinse with water and wipe with a soft cloth.

Recipe 5

1 glass of water

2 tablespoons of baking soda

Dissolve baking soda in warm water. Place foil in the bottom of a small container to cover the bottom. pour out soda solution and lower the decoration. Leave all night. Rinse in the morning and pat dry with a paper towel.

How to clean gold with stones

With gold jewelry with stones, you need to be much more careful. The stones are attached with special glue, which, under the influence of water or alcohol-containing liquids, can weaken and the stone can fall out of the jewelry. There are stones that are afraid of moisture. These stones include turquoise, opal, amber, pearls, moonstone, malachite. Therefore, jewelry with them should not be lowered into water at all and kept in it for a long time.

In this case, it is better to clean the gold jewelry with cologne. When cleaning, do not use sharp objects, such as a needle, to remove dirt. You can scratch stone and gold itself.

You can clean the stones with a soft toothbrush, soaking it in a cleaning solution and shaking off excess water. Or use gasoline. It doesn't really smell very pleasant.

Do not use powdered products, as they can spoil the surface of the stone, and it will lose its beauty and brilliance.

How to clean darkened gold

Pure gold is soft and is only sold in gold bars. Other metals are added to gold for jewelry. As a rule, it is silver and copper. But other metals may also be present, such as nickel, zinc, palladium, and others. It is they who "force" our decoration to darken. And the lower the sample, the more other metals it contains and the more the product will darken.

Darkened gold is perfectly cleaned with a special paste. You can ask for it in a jewelry workshop or search on the Internet. This paste is specially designed for cleaning darkened gold. It does not leave scratches and does not spoil the appearance of the jewelry.

Cleaning with this paste is easy. Apply a small amount of paste to a soft toothbrush and, without pressing hard, clean the product. Then wipe with alcohol or an alcohol-containing liquid and wipe with a dry soft cloth.

If you have not found such a paste, you can prepare such a solution. In a glass of warm water, add two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide and 2-3 drops of ammonia and a little liquid soap.

Dip the jewelry in this solution and leave for three hours. Then rinse with clean water and polish with a soft cloth. True, this method is good for jewelry without stones.

People's ingenuity has found other ways to clean gold from dark spots. Some people clean dark gold with ordinary lipstick, applying a small amount of lipstick on a cloth. Then gently polish the surface of the product.

The lipstick contains titanium dioxide. This substance is used in the cosmetic industry to give a white color. Most often it is used in soap making. I myself use it for this purpose. True, she did not clean the gold with them.

Dark spots on gold can be tried to clean with regular toothpaste.

You can make this paste. Mix a small amount of petroleum jelly (you can buy it at a pharmacy) with grated soap and chalk. Chalk needs to be crushed into powder. Or replace it with the most ordinary tooth powder. Next, take a small amount of paste and clean the jewelry. After cleaning, to remove traces of petroleum jelly, wipe the product with alcohol or other alcohol-containing liquid.

How to clean white gold

White gold is not a type of gold metal, but an alloy of gold in which copper is replaced by nickel and palladium. They are what give gold its white color. White gold is 585 samples. I have not personally seen below. Jewelry with diamonds and black pearls is usually made from such gold. But there may be jewelry made of ordinary gold with white gold inserts. The top is white gold plated with rhodium.

This white metal belongs to precious metals. Although rhodium is very resistant to oxidation and external damage, white gold should still be treated with caution. Especially if it is with stones.

Here are a few more recipes for cleaning white gold at home.

Recipe 1

1 glass of water

1 tablespoon ammonia (ammonia)

1 tablespoon liquid detergent (soap, shampoo)

Prepare the solution and put the decoration in it. Leave for an hour. Then rinse the product with clean water and wipe with a dry cloth.

Recipe 2

2 tablespoons beer (natural)

1 egg yolk

Prepare the mixture by whisking the beer with the yolk. Soak a soft cloth in this mixture and clean the product. Then wipe with a cloth dampened with clean water and wipe dry.

Do not clean white gold with toothpaste, tooth powder, using a toothbrush with hard bristles.

How to clean gold with diamonds

You can use liquid soap or shampoo to clean your diamonds. Wetting a soft cloth in detergent, gently clean the stone and gold. Then wipe with a damp cloth soaked in clean water and wipe dry with a soft cloth.

Can be cleaned with ammonia diluted in water. Add no more than 6 drops of ammonia to a glass of water. Put the product in the prepared solution for no more than half an hour. Remove the product and clean with a cotton swab.

Dip the jewelry into the solution again and rinse. Then wipe with a dry cloth.

How to clean gold with pearls

Pearls are a natural stone and are very fragile. You need to be very careful with it, because if you clean it incorrectly, the stone can simply crumble.

You need to clean it with a soft brush, for example, for shadows. Before cleaning, soak the brush in a mild detergent (liquid soap, shampoo) and wipe the pearl.

You can prepare a soapy solution and rinse the stone in it. Be sure to wipe dry.

To clean gold items, do not use table vinegar, dishwashing detergents, or alcohol-containing liquids. This also applies to products with turquoise. Turquoise under the influence of these materials may also collapse or lose color.

How to clean gold plated jewelry

As a rule, such products have an alloy of different metals inside, covered with a thin layer of gold on top. It is necessary to clean such jewelry with great care so as not to damage the gilding layer. He is very, very thin.

To clean them, you can not use any abrasive materials, albeit very fine ones. It is better to simply wipe them gently with a cotton swab dipped in natural beer or wine alcohol. You can clean products with gilding with egg white.

It is allowed to clean with diluted table vinegar, in which I briefly lower the product and immediately wipe it with a damp cloth dipped in plain water. Then wipe well with a dry cloth. Moisture should not remain on the product so that it does not oxidize again and does not darken.

How to care for gold jewelry

In order for gold jewelry to please you for a long time and not lose its beauty, you just need to adhere to some simple rules.

When cleaning the house, washing dishes, it is better to remove the ring or bracelet from your hands.

Cosmetic procedures are also best done by removing the jewelry from the fingers. After all, creams and many other cosmetics contain fat, which spoils the decoration, they become dirty faster, their shine is lost.

Before using brilliant green or iodine, it is also better to remove a ring or ring from your finger.

Cleaning gold jewelry is best done regularly.

If you don’t know how to properly clean your expensive gold jewelry, it’s better to consult a jeweler or a jewelry store specialist.

By adhering to these simple rules, your gold jewelry will delight you and delight others for a long time.

See how to clean gold with pearls

And so they clean gold with a special Goi paste

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Cleaning of gold jewelry: chains, bracelets, earrings, pendants and rings. Features of processing products made of white gold and stone inserts. Effective proven and unusual ways cleaning.

The best friends of girls, their weakness and passion are jewelry. And preferably gold. Chains and rings, earrings and bracelets can give joy and cheer up almost every woman. But over time, you may notice that your favorite chain does not shine so brightly, and the stone in the ring or earrings has faded and lost its attractiveness. And what to do? Send them in a beautiful box for a well-deserved rest? Not at all. With the help of simple tricks and tools, at home, you can make jewelry shine like in a jewelry store window. So, how to clean gold at home?

Knowing and following the rules for cleaning them will help to avoid mistakes and annoying disappointments, to warn about the possibility of damage to jewelry.

Rules for cleaning gold jewelry

  1. Avoid using any cleaners containing abrasives (powders in pure form, creams and gels with abrasive particles);
  2. The cleaning composition should not contain bleaches, because otherwise the product will fade;
  3. Do not use hard brushes or metal objects to remove dirt. Of course, they will clean the jewelry, but at the same time they will leave a gift in the form of scratches on it. It is best to give preference to pieces of flannel, soft toothbrushes, cotton pads and sticks;
  4. When choosing a method for cleaning gold jewelry, it is necessary to take into account the quality of gold (sample), the presence of stone inserts and their properties. Not all compositions are universal, and those that perfectly clean one piece of jewelry can permanently ruin another.

Tidy up chains and bracelets

Lovers of gold chains and bracelets sometimes wear them all the time, without taking off bath procedures or sleeping for a while. And they do it in vain. In addition to the fatty deposits and dirt that accumulate on them from daily contact with the skin, the chemical effect of shampoos, gels and other cosmetics is added. As a result, the decoration fades and looks untidy.

How to clean gold "chains" at home? You can correct the mistakes of a careless attitude to chains and bracelets without resorting to the help of a professional. A layer of dirt, dust and grease is most often easily removed with liquid soap or dishwashing detergent. In this case, you can use two methods:

  • Soak. Hot water is poured into a shallow container, a few drops of detergent are added. The decoration requiring cleaning is immersed in the solution for 2 hours. Then each link is carefully processed with a soft toothbrush, the decoration is washed with water and laid out on a clean cloth to dry;
  • Boiling. A piece of soft cloth is placed at the bottom of a heat-resistant saucepan, water is poured into which a little dishwashing detergent is added. The chains and bracelets lowered into the solution are boiled for 20-25 minutes, rinsed and dried.

In case of insufficient effectiveness of the described methods, the gaps between the links can be further treated with a cotton swab dipped in ammonia.

Chains and bracelets are more difficult to clean the thinner they are. It is dangerous to rub very thin products with a brush, so experienced housewives have come up with their own cleaning method for them. The active substance remains the same (liquid soap or dishwashing detergent), and the saucepan is replaced by a small bottle (0.33) or a jar with a lid. The prepared solution is poured into the container, the decorations are lowered into the bottle, which is then tightly closed and shaken vigorously several times. The further procedure is similar to all previous methods.

We wash earrings and pendants

Difficulties in cleaning gold earrings and pendants are associated with the presence on their surface of all kinds of notches, convex patterns and ornaments, as well as stone inserts. But any difficulties in the presence of desire are easily overcome.

To return the former look to earrings and pendants without stones, the same means and methods are suitable as in the case of chains. The only difference is that you need to treat them not with a brush, but with a cotton swab or a clean make-up brush.

Wherein Special attention should be given to the locks of the earrings. In the process of wearing, dust and grease accumulate in them, which must be removed in a timely manner to prevent possible problems- infection, redness and suppuration of the puncture site.

How to give rings their original shine?

Black deposits and greens appear on the rings due to the oxidation of copper, which is part of the precious alloy. Soap solution, kefir, lemon acid. The ring is immersed in the selected liquid for 25-30 minutes, washed and dried. If necessary, the procedure is repeated until the desired result is achieved. It is recommended to remove very strong contamination with a piece of flannel soaked in ammonia solution.

The described methods can only be applied to rings without a stone.

Processing jewelry with stones and diamonds

Gold jewelry with eye-catching inlays of precious stones they look amazingly beautiful. But this beauty is rather capricious and requires a special attitude towards itself. The choice of cleaning method depends on the degree of hardness of the stone. So what

Soft stones: pearls, turquoise, amber, coral, malachite

  • Cannot stand the use of any powdered cleaners and toothpaste, which easily leave visible scratches on the stones;
  • They are afraid of compounds based on vinegar and ammonia;
  • They deteriorate from prolonged contact with moisture - after contact with water, they must be thoroughly dried with a soft cloth;
  • Lose shine from cleaning with detergents.

The best choice would be to use a water-alcohol solution prepared in a 1: 1 ratio. Alcohol will perfectly cope with fatty and other contaminants, restore shine without damaging the stone. Jewelry is immersed in the composition, kept for 20-25 minutes, after which it is treated with a cloth moistened in a soapy solution. Rinse with clean water and wipe dry. The exception is turquoise, which only professionals can clean without consequences.

Hard stones: emerald, topaz, sapphire, aquamarine, beryl, quartz

  • More resistant to aggressive powders, but their use should still be avoided;
  • Perfectly cleaned in solutions of ammonia and peroxide;

The best way to restore pieces to their original appearance is to clean with a specialized paste for sapphires, topazes and emeralds, which can be purchased at jewelry stores and workshops.

Diamond jewelry needs to be treated monthly as grease builds up easily on them. The easiest and most effective way is to cleanse with liquid soap or shampoo using a soft brush. Cleaning of diamonds with ammonia is allowed. A few drops of it are mixed with a glass of cold water, moistened with a cotton swab and rubbed with a stone. Dry with blotting movements using a paper towel.

  • A thin cotton swab or a small clean makeup brush will allow you to more accurately clean the stone;
  • You can not soak such jewelry in water, because the stones are often fixed with glue that collapses from moisture.

Ideal compounds for the job

"Handy" components will help clean the gold at home. The most popular and, accordingly, effective are:

  • 1. Hydrogen peroxide

Affordable, sold in every pharmacy remedy. Based on it, you can prepare a solution that successfully cleans gold jewelry from various kinds of contaminants. To do this, in a glass of warm water you need to mix 50 gr. peroxide, 1 tsp ammonia and 1 tsp. dishwashing liquids.

Mix all ingredients well. Dip the jewelry in the resulting solution for 30 minutes, then carefully remove, rinse under running water and dry with a paper towel or clean cloth.

  • 2. Ammonia

A great helper in the fight against darkening and dull color of gold items. There are many recipes for cleaning compounds in which ammonia plays a key role. The simplest of them, in addition to 2 tbsp. l. ammonia, includes 200 ml of water and 1 tsp. any detergent. To obtain the desired effect, it is necessary to keep the gold in the solution for at least 3 hours, after which the jewelry is washed and wiped dry.

  • 3. Baking soda

It will be found in the house of any good housewife and will help remove grease on chains, bracelets, rings and earrings. Preparing the cleaning composition is quite simple. 200 ml of water is poured into a small saucepan, in which 2 tsp are dissolved. soda and table vinegar. The decoration is dipped into the solution and boiled over low heat for 20-25 minutes. Then it is taken out, cooled, rinsed thoroughly under running water and dried.

  • 4. Salt

A saturated solution of ordinary salt can work wonders, returning shine and radiance to your favorite gold items. To prepare it, you need only 1 glass of warm water with four tablespoons dissolved in it. salt. Decorations are placed in a container with the resulting composition and "forget" about them for 10-12 hours. After this time, rinse well and dry.

  • 5. Tooth Powder

Diluted with water to a medium-thick slurry, toothpowder will not scratch the surface of the jewelry, restore its shine and prevent black spots. But you need to apply it carefully, using a cotton pad or a soft toothbrush.

Ammonia + chalk. Combine in the proportions necessary to obtain a paste. A small amount of it is applied to a clean cloth and the jewelry is gently wiped, after which they are washed and dried.

  • 6. Multi-component cleaning paste

For its preparation you need:

crushed chalk, grated laundry soap, toothpaste without whitening effect, petroleum jelly and warm water, taken in equal amounts.

The composition is evenly applied to the surface of the gold product and, moving in one direction, they are cleaned with a cotton pad. Next, the jewelry is washed with alcohol or cologne to remove traces of petroleum jelly, then washed with plain water and dried.

Features of caring for white gold

A fashionable alternative to the usual golden jewelry is white gold jewelry. It does not occur in its pure form and is an alloy of simple gold, copper and palladium or nickel. The latter just gives the alloy a characteristic white color.

Often, white gold jewelry is more expensive than yellow and red options. This is due to the high cost of noble rhodium, which is used to cover jewelry made from an unusual alloy. Rhodium is quite resistant to chemical attack, but tends to wear out over time. Therefore, expensive white and gold jewelry needs special careful care.

The safest way to clean white gold jewelry is compositions based on ammonia, liquid soap and pure 25% ammonia solution:

  • Ammonia is combined with an equal amount of water and 2-3 drops of shampoo. For 30 minutes, the product is kept in solution, after which it is washed and completely dried;
  • Liquid soap (2 presses of the dispenser) is dissolved in 200 ml of water. Jewelry is soaked in the resulting composition for 20 minutes, then wiped with a soft lint-free cloth, soap residue is removed under running water and dried with a clean cloth;
  • An aqueous solution of ammonia (25%) is poured into a container with a tight-fitting lid, jewelry is immersed in it and left for half an hour. Washed and dried, as in the previous versions.

Unusual ways

In an effort to return their precious pets to their former radiant and pleasing appearance, women sometimes use rather non-standard techniques.

According to the experience of many housewives, successfully cleaning gold jewelry helps:

  1. 1. Coca-Cola. Not just a popular drink, but a powerful cleaner and solvent. For 2 hours spent by gold items in a glass of soda, they will be cleansed of even the strongest dirt and shine again;
  2. 2. Lipstick. It's hard to find a weirder use for this beauty product, but with lipstick you can make any gold jewelry sparkle. This effect is explained by the content of titanium dioxide in its composition - an excellent polishing agent. Lipstick is applied to the surface of the product and, after a while, wiped with a soft cloth;
  3. 3. Two halves of raw peeled potatoes. A chain or bracelet, laid between them and left in this form for the night, will please you with brilliance in the morning, as when buying;
  4. 4. Beer + egg white. The solution resulting from their combination has proven itself as a way to remove tarnish from jewelry made of precious metals, including gold.

Cleaning of gold items should be carried out regularly, following all the rules and recommendations. In this case, jewelry will remain a bright addition to the image for a long time to the envy of others.

Helpful Hints

First, it is worth emphasizing that gold needs to be cleaned non-abrasive materials. Wearing contaminated gold items is harmful, not to mention that they do not look very nice. Dirt on gold earrings, for example, can lead to earlobe inflammation.

In order for gold jewelry to bring you only pleasant moments, shining and decorating you, you need to take care of.

Gold can be cleaned by a specialist, but if you want to save money and time, cleaning can be done at home.

Before you start cleaning gold, you must first determine the type of dirt that has accumulated on a particular product.

For example, light dirt such as dust can be safely removed using soap solution.

But it often happens that gold jewelry is wrapped in pollution caused by the oxidation of metals, which are part of the alloy from which the products are made. Due to the fact that gold is gold and is a rather soft material that is easy to damage, metals such as silver, zinc, copper and nickel.

When these metals come into contact with moisture, they may turn black or green(as copper does). Black or green spots may appear on gold jewelry. Some of these types of contaminants may be too small to be seen with the naked eye.

Click on one of the links below to go to the advice you need.

How to clean gold with ammonia

You can effectively clean gold items with ammonia by wiping them and then washing it off with soapy water.

Add 6 drops of ammonia into a glass and dip the gold jewelry into it. After 30 minutes, take it out and wipe the frame with a Q-tip. After that, lower the product into the solution again and immediately pull it out and blot it with paper.

The result will be better solution of ammonia and soaked chalk. After such cleaning, the products also need to be washed in soapy water.

How to clean gold with stones

The process of cleaning gold items with precious stones must be very careful. This is especially true when it comes to stones that do not tolerate high levels of humidity - malachite, amber, pearls, turquoise, opal and moonstone.

- Ear sticks will help clean rings and rings with stones. Dip your wand in cologne and start cleaning the stone from the bottom and top.

- To get rid of greasy stains, alcohol will help you. IMPORTANT: if the stones are glued to a gold item, the latter cannot be immersed in water. After treatment with alcohol, the product can simply be wiped with a slightly damp cloth.

- To remove the grease film, use gasoline and a soft toothbrush. IMPORTANT: Tooth powder or paste can scratch the tartar and should not be used.

- The hardness coefficient of such stones as diamond, ruby, quartz, aquamarine, topaz, sapphire, emerald and beryl equal to or higher than 5, which means that products decorated with such stones can be cleaned using a solution of washing powder and a soft cloth. Next, you need to rinse the product with water.

What if the stones on your gold items have a hardness factor below 5

Opal, apatite, turquoise, malachite and moonstone are just such stones and all products containing them should be washed in soapy water, and then wiped with a cloth and dried.

IMPORTANT: protect your products with stones from temperature changes, as, for example, direct Sun rays can affect the color of turquoise, garnet, topaz and ruby.

How to clean gold with diamonds

Gold items that contain diamonds clean monthly. This is because they get oily quickly.

It is also worth highlighting the fact that it is desirable to clean gold with diamonds at home. liquid detergents and warm water. A toothbrush can serve as a cleaning tool.

For the best brilliance of a diamond, it is advisable to use liquid soap or shampoo. The use of laundry soap can reduce the luster of the gold or platinum in which they are set.

How else can you clean gold at home

When cleaning gold items, you should avoid abrasive products and keep your gold away from chlorine-based products, as they can cause discolouration.

Here are some more popular ways to clean gold items:

1. Add 2-3 tsp to a glass of warm water. granulated sugar and place your jewelry in the resulting solution overnight. This method can give shine to products, but will not clean them.

2. Dissolve a tablespoon of laundry detergent in a glass of water and place in jewelry for 30 minutes in the solution.

3. To remove strong contaminants, a solution consisting of the 1st ampoule of ammonia, the 1st ampoule of hydrogen peroxide and 1/2 tsp will help you. washing powder diluted with water. All ingredients must be mixed in glass jar and place inside the gold jewelry. After 5 minutes, take them out, rinse with water and dry.

4. It is worth noting that the lower the standard of gold jewelry, the greater the amount of alloys in it. If you have jewelry made of this type of gold, then you can clean them with a special paste. It can be made by mixing equal parts water, powdered chalk, petroleum jelly, and soap shavings. You should get a thick paste, which must be applied to the product and wiped with a soft cloth. Next, rinse the gold with water.

*Regular toothpaste can be used instead of special toothpaste.

How to clean white gold

In fact, white gold is an alloy of gold, copper, nickel or palladium. The white color of the alloy is given by nickel, which replaces silver. Although white gold plated with rhodium, which is a fairly stable element, over time it can simply be erased. Based on them this fact Please note that white gold should only be cleaned with a soft cloth. IMPORTANT: never clean white gold with powders, pastes or a toothbrush.

1. Create a solution of water and ammonia (50/50). You can add shampoo if you like. Dip your products in the solution for 30 minutes, and then rinse and be sure to dry, as moisture can adversely affect the alloy.

2. To remove grease and dirt from white gold, you can use 25% water solution ammonia.

3. To restore the shine to gold, one folk method suggests using a soft cloth and lipstick. Titanium dioxide, which is contained in lipstick, helps to remove blackness from the surface of the product. Apply lipstick to a cotton swab and start cleaning, then lightly polish the product.

4. It may happen that your white gold jewelry has a stain from iodine. This is not a problem, the problem can be solved by lowering the jewelry for 20-25 minutes in a hyposulfite solution (used by photographers), which can be bought in amateur photography stores.

Various ways to clean gold items at home: washing, chemicals, mechanical action, folk remedies. Cleaning tips for gems, white gold and matte areas.

A girl's best friends are diamonds and gold items. But often sparkling, shining and shiny gold upsets its owner, losing its original beauty. In jewelry stores, of course, there is a cleaning service for gold items. But why pay more if you can restore the former radiance at home, using what everyone has at hand.

Gold is a very soft metal. And, if jewelers did not add other metals in the production of gold items: copper, zinc, nickel, etc., then it would quickly lose its shape, that is, it would break. But it is these additives that lead to a change in the appearance of your favorite products. Also, over time, products simply become covered with dust (and it can certainly be removed without the participation of a specialist), fatty or sweat secretions from contact with the skin.

Clearing dark spots, black spots, sweat fat and returning shine is a matter of a few minutes. But even if you do not notice any changes in your jewelry, you need to clean them regularly, at least once a month. Cleaning gold at home can be divided into several stages and methods.

Necessary equipment for cleaning gold

To complete such a responsible task at home, you will need very simple tools:

  • boiled water, in some cases hot; laundry soap or baby shampoo;
  • ammonia;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • dishwashing liquid;
  • soda;
  • sugar;
  • bulb;
  • potato;
  • lipstick from a ladies' cosmetic bag as a paste substitute;
  • Toothbrush;
  • cotton buds and discs;
  • beer;
  • vinegar;
  • dentifrice;
  • 1 egg;
  • soft cloth;
  • container for immersing products.

the washing up

Quite often it is difficult to determine the degree of contamination of a precious item. You just see that it has faded. It is worth starting the procedure for cleaning gold with a simple wash in soapy water. This will help determine how heavily soiled your ring, chain or bracelet is. Pour heated water into a deep container, approximately 50 degrees, add any detergent there (baby soap, shampoo, dish detergent, washing powder) and immerse the products. Remember, they must be completely submerged. In this state, the product should be left for 1-2 hours. Soapy water allows all impurities to dissolve, so that in the future they can be easily removed with a cloth or brush. Having taken out gold jewelry after 2 hours in a soapy solution, they should be cleaned with a brush and rinsed thoroughly with running water. If after that the gold has not acquired its original form, then stronger means are needed.

First of all, you need to wash the gold product

chemical attack

In this case, it is worth resorting to such chemicals as ammonia, hydrogen peroxide.

How to prepare a mixture for cleaning gold with ammonia?

You will need a glass of water, a large spoonful of laundry detergent or any other detergent, and a teaspoon of ammonia.

Add powder and ammonia to boiling water. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly, place your products in the mixture and wait 2 hours. After the end of the procedure, you need to rinse the jewelry with running water and dry it with a soft cloth.

A mixture of hydrogen peroxide, ammonia and detergent

All you need is the same glass of water, 30 ml of hydrogen peroxide, a teaspoon of ammonia and half a teaspoon of detergent. All components are mixed. In this solution, the product should be left only for 10-15 minutes, otherwise you risk damaging the surface. Then everything is also washed and dried.

To chemical treatments also include various foods that we use daily for cooking. Some experts classify them in the category of folk remedies. But if you think about it, then everything given in the article is a folk remedy for combating the darkening and fading of gold items.

Soda comes to the rescue

Plain baking soda, which is in the house of every housewife, can work a miracle with a gold product. You need to take a glass of water and 2.5 tablespoons of soda. Mix them and boil for two minutes. Products should be immersed in a chilled solution. Rinse and dry afterwards as well. You can also store your products in such a solution.

There is another option for using soda: lay foil on the bottom, pour everything with the same solution (only soda should be used one and a half spoons, not 2.5) and leave the products in the mixture for 8 hours.

You can use soda in conjunction with detergents. The same proportionality of water and soda, only in this method there will be no foil, but there will be half a teaspoon of detergent. Put a rag on the bottom of the container, put your tarnished jewelry there, fill it with a cleaning boiling (we draw your attention, boiling) solution and let the water cool with the products inside. After the usual washing and drying.

Gold can be cleaned with improvised means

water and sugar

Dirt on gold does not like sweets, unlike women who wear gold items. With just a glass of water and 2 tablespoons of sugar, you can easily and permanently get rid of plaque and add shine to your jewelry. Products in a warm solution should be soaked for 8 to 12 hours. The last step is preserved: rinsing under running water and drying with a soft cloth.


There is always salt in the house, and if you can forget to buy peroxide and put off cleaning the products for another day, then you can’t get away from salt. All you need is 3 tablespoons of salt and half a glass of water. Dissolve the salt in warm water and place the products there, leaving them in this position all night. In the morning you wash and wipe it all. Everything shines like new.

Lens fluid

Putting gold jewelry in lens fluid overnight is also considered chemical exposure. After such an environment, they become smooth and sparkling. And the simplicity lies in the fact that you do not need to cook or mix anything. You can simply purchase such a liquid and enjoy its action.

mechanical cleaning

If soaking in various solutions does not help your products, and black spots are still visible on them, then cleaning cannot be avoided. Here it is worth using special or so-called folk cleaning products. Remember, you can not resort to using soda, it can scratch the surface. There are special pastes in jewelry stores that gently clean the surface. Nomes today are talking about how to do it without the participation of professionals. Your usual lipstick from a cosmetic bag, or onions, or potatoes will come to the rescue here.

Bow to the rescue

Of course, this tool will give your products a spicy smell. But it's not for long. After thorough rinsing, the unpleasant odor will disappear. If you do not want to experiment with this option, then just change the onion for potatoes.

The golden ring will shine after being treated with onions

How to prepare a miracle cure? From a small onion or potato, it is worth preparing gruel, that is, grating them (preferably fine). Next, it is worth draining excess water through gauze, and put the gruel in a container. For two hours, immerse the products in the dish you have prepared. Then rinse and wipe. If the pollution was strong or you have very openwork jewelry, then you can additionally clean hard-to-reach places with a cotton swab.

How lipstick works

You have probably heard about the effectiveness of Goi paste - special agent for cleaning jewelry. If you don’t have such a paste bar, then you can resort to using ordinary lipstick, which is in your arsenal anyway. Lipstick color can be any. This will not affect the effectiveness of the method. You can apply lipstick directly to the product, and then carefully wipe everything off with a soft cloth. Or you can thickly smear a cotton pad with lipstick and rub your jewelry to a shine with this beautiful side. Then everything is erased from the surface of the product with a clean cotton pad.

Egg white and beer

Men, of course, will not be pleased with this fact, but beer can really make your gold jewelry shiny. It is worth mixing one protein and a couple of tablespoons of beer so that they form a homogeneous mass. Apply this liquid to a soft cloth and wipe the product with it.


To make the product shine again, as soon as it is bought, you can moisten a cotton pad with table vinegar and wipe the product. Believe me, the shine will be unique.


This is one of the most common means for mechanical cleaning of gold. The only thing to remember here is not to use powder with a whitening effect. It will have a similar effect on gold, that is, it will become dull.

All of the above are ideal methods for cleaning stone-free gold items. When using, for example, ammonia for products with amber, you can spoil the stone. How then to be with jewelry that contains expensive stones.

Cleaning of gold jewelry with stones

Products with stones should be given special attention. Care must be taken when choosing a cleaning agent and cleaning method. It all depends on the type of stone and the method of fixing it. They clean such jewelry with cotton swabs, which are moistened in alcohol or cologne. Remember, if the stone is attached with glue, then you can not put a ring, necklace or brooch in water. After cleaning, such products are simply wiped dry with soft cloths. Instead of alcohol, gasoline can be used, but this is an unpleasant smell in the room.

Jewelry with stones requires a special approach

Products with pearls

As you know, pearls are a natural organic compound, so it tends to lose its luster. Cleaning pearls is a very painstaking job. Tools for this is a brush for shadows. It is washed in soapy water, washed with water and left to dry, without the use of tissues.


Products in which diamonds are inserted are often framed in platinum and gold. Clean such jewelry only in soapy water using shampoo or liquid soap. You can not take laundry soap. It does not add shine to platinum, but rather deprives it of ammonia. You can also use ammonia. Then it is worth preparing a solution according to the proportions that were indicated above.

Cleaning of white gold items

White gold is an alloy of gold, copper and nickel. The surface of such products is very easy to damage with hard brushes and abrasive powders. It is also strictly forbidden to clean their houses with pastes to remove dirt on gold items. Here, the use of ammonia solution is available, both for yellow gold products and soft rags. Also, the beer and egg white option is suitable for this type of jewelry.

White gold does not tolerate roughness

How to upgrade matte gold

Matte gold is also a very delicate type of product. This surface is very easily exposed to mechanical damage. Use only soft flannel cloths. Of the solutions, a solution of ammonia is suitable. You can prepare a mixture, which is then applied to the jewelry and removes unwanted scuffs. It is a mixture of a teaspoon of lime, water and a pinch of salt with a teaspoon of baking soda. This mixture is infused for several days, then the product is simply immersed in it, thoroughly washed and dried. And that's it, your product has gained a new life.

professional tools

Not always gold is earrings, rings, bracelets and necklaces. In some cases, these are watches, picture frames and other massive objects that simply cannot be placed in a small container. And directing a whole basin of saline or ammonia is not very profitable and convenient. Then a special tool isedol can come to your aid. This cleaner is used in churches for stonecrop salaries, candlesticks and more. And you can buy it there at a very affordable price. This product is applied in a thin layer on the product and washed off after a few minutes. The last stage is wiping with a cloth, that is, the final removal of the product from the surface of the product.

Rules for the care of gold jewelry

Cleaning jewelry is a very difficult task. It is more likely to speak here of regret and resentment at oneself that the beloved beautiful decoration has faded so quickly. Of course, knowing all the methods of easy, fast and affordable cleaning of gold at home is good and will not hurt anyone. But it is also worth following the rules for caring for them. This will reduce the need for frequent cleaning and keep the natural shine for a long time.

  1. It is worth avoiding the interaction of your jewelry with alkalis, acids, mercury, sulfur and chlorine compounds. Where can you meet them if you don't work in a chemistry lab? All this is likely to be used in detergents, cosmetics, in nail polish remover, in ointments. That is, when starting to wash, do a manicure or wash the dishes, you should either remove jewelry or put on gloves (in the case of a manicure, this option is not suitable).
  2. It is worth removing jewelry when you are going to take ultraviolet baths, take x-rays, handle paints or abrasives (harsh cleaning agents).
  3. Sauna, bath, solarium - these are all enemies of gold jewelry. If you know, then go where there will be sudden changes in temperature, then leave decorations at home.
  4. It is worth considering the storage conditions of products. Cardboard, which contains a lot of sulfur, is not a favorable environment for gold jewelry.
  5. To avoid scratches and abrasions, always remove jewelry before playing sports.

All these tips will extend the life of your favorite gold jewelry. We have provided several methods for you to choose from. You have the right to try them all and choose the most acceptable and suitable for your gold. May your jewelry always shine, as well as your eyes with happiness.

In this article we will tell you how you can clean our jewelry, namely gold. Of course, gold is not a capricious metal, and it is often not necessary to take care of it. But sooner or later, anyway, the metal becomes somehow faded and I want to revive it. There are many ways to do this, which we will consider today, and we will also highlight a couple of the most important ones, tested on ourselves. Almost all of us have some kind of jewelry, on the neck or on the hands, be it crosses, chains or rings. In order for these jewelry to please the eye of us and others, you need to know how to properly clean gold.

Gold is an excellent conductor of electricity and heat. This metal does not rust.

Jewelry, even gold, as a rule, does not consist of pure gold, but of an alloy of metals, which may include copper, silver and other metals to a lesser extent. Over time, oxidation of these metals occurs and “your charm” may fade, darken and lose its former radiance, which was when buying in a store. No need to give up, just periodically clean your gold or silver jewelry.

There are many similar ways to clean gold at home. But they are all very similar. Let's look at a very fast and effective way jewelry cleaning.

To do this, we need 5-10 minutes of time and the following accessories:

  1. Some water;
  2. Rag;

3) saucepan; 4) dishwashing detergent.

We put a cloth on the bottom of the pan, put our gold on it, then dish detergent, pour it on the eye, about a tablespoon and pour it all with a glass of water, you can immediately hot and boil for 5-10 minutes. Then cool under running cold water and rinse. Then simply wipe dry with a cloth and polish the jewelry in parallel.

This universal method is suitable if you have a large number of gold items and need to clean them all at once from excess dirt and give them a bright shine and shine.

What are the ways to clean gold?

If for some reason the method described above does not suit you, then we bring to your attention a few more recipes for cleaning gold.

Here are some recipes for cleaning gold at home, some of them allow you to clean gold quickly, others require a long process, choose the one that you like best.

We clean gold with stones

For many people, jewelry has hard to reach areas, and in this case, it is important to know how to clean gold with stones. To do this, we use any of the recipes proposed above, plus a cotton swab or a soft toothbrush, with which we will clean hard-to-reach places from time to time while cleansing is in progress. Hydrogen peroxide or a soapy solution can also be used for this, but some soft rock stones may react negatively to a solution of ammonia. So choose the right cleaning recipe.

a) cleaning the frame with a brush and tooth powder; b) cleaning stones with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol

Be careful with stones! Stones can be glued and it is better not to leave them on for a long time such ornaments in solution. It is better to take a cotton swab and clean the gold with peroxide or glycerin.

To clean precious stones, you can also use one fairly effective tool for which we need a box of matches. Let's burn a couple of matches completely to make ash, distribute it over our decoration and polish it with a rough cloth, after that, the stones, like gold, will shine in a new way, I'm sure you will see this.

To clean the gold chain, we need a toothbrush. But first we need to process our chain in some kind of solution. Whether it's ammonia or peroxide, and all this of course with dishwashing detergent.

How best to clean a gold chain

We soak the chain for the time indicated in the recipe and in the process we process our jewelry with a toothbrush around the entire perimeter of the chain. If you have not done a similar procedure with your gold chain for a long time, then you will clearly notice how it will shine and shine after cleaning.

In addition to all these products that have been listed, you can use special abrasive pastes that can be purchased at the store. And polish any surface of gold jewelry with a rough cloth. Thus, cleaning gold is not difficult, just like a gold chain.

Helpful Hints

  • Try to remove jewelry before serious cleaning and washing a large amount of dishes, this gradually wears out gold, it is still a soft metal;
  • If possible, remove jewelry before playing sports or any active physical work;
  • Bath procedures, bath, shower or pool can also spoil the gold over time;
  • The use of certain types of cosmetics, as they can cause a reaction on the metal surface, for example, iodine can cause blackening, and then you have to arrange another cleaning;
  • Do not store gold in wooden boxes, because during storage, a reaction may occur to the sulfur contained in the product, and it oxidizes the metal.

Such tips will allow you to clean your gold from contamination less.

To add some spice and interest to our article, let's look at some interesting gold veils:

  • Due to the very high flexibility, 30 grams of gold can be pulled into the thinnest thread almost 100 kilometers long. Such threads are used for embroidering expensive suits and clothes;
  • The world's largest gold nugget was found at the end of the 19th century in Australia and its weight was 72 kilograms. The funny thing is that he was practically on the surface of the earth, only 5 cm deep;
  • Olympic medals were originally cast from pure gold, but now they are only covered with a gold layer;
  • In some countries, small amounts of gold are used for food.

This is where we end, we are sure that our tips will help you, and now you know exactly how to clean gold, see you soon!

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