Preparation of a soap solution for treating a carbonic acid bath. How to make a soap solution

Helpful Hints 10.11.2017
Helpful Hints

Soap solution often has to be used for household purposes. This is due to the spread of aphids on rose bushes, vegetable plants, shrubs and trees. Of course, in recent times many chemicals for pest control, but soapy is the first thing to try.

soap solution recipe

It's easy to prepare. Take it (the darker the better), grate it, pour water over it, and let the resulting solution brew a little. When the soap dissolves, it is necessary to strain the solution, pour it into the sprayer and process the roses. If there are few rose bushes, shoots and buds can be washed in soapy water. It will be enough to slightly tilt each bud or shoot, and dip into a container with soapy water.

For processing shrubs, trees, vegetable crops can cook soap solution based on liquid soap. To do this, you need to dilute 300 - 400 grams of soap in 10 liters of water.

Aphid colonies settle on tender young leaves and shoots of indoor plants and prevent them from developing, sucking the juice out of them. Aphids can also be found on the buds. If you don't fight it, indoor plant will begin to fade, and eventually die.

In addition to specialized means for combating aphids, which are sold in stores, you can first try a soap solution. This method of pest control is harmless and safe for the person himself. To prepare a soap solution, 25-30 grams of laundry soap must be diluted in one liter of water and the affected parts of the plant should be washed with the resulting product.

Aphids "love" orchids very much. Soap solution will help in this case. It is better to use dishwashing detergent, a tablespoon of which is mixed with one liter of water. You can also use laundry soap, but it is better to process the leaves only with foam formed during strong foaming of the solution.

Soap solution concentration

How to prepare a solution in the right concentration? To obtain a 1% solution of a substance, it is necessary to dissolve 10 grams of this substance in a liter of water or dissolve 100 grams in 10 liters. Accordingly, you can prepare a 2% solution, and so on.

If it is difficult to measure a small amount of a substance, you can prepare a so-called mother solution, and then dilute it to the desired concentration. Having prepared a liter of a 1% solution, pour 100 ml, and bring them to a liter with water, that is, dilute 10 times - this will give a 0.1% solution.

Another "area" of application of a soap solution - soap bubbles - a favorite pastime of children, and even some adults. To prepare a solution for soap bubbles, you will need 100 grams and 50 ml of glycerin, which must be diluted in 300 ml of water.

  • Leave the liquid to stand for one day to improve its ability to inflate into bubbles.
  • If you don't have a bubble wand ready, you can make a ring out of thin wire - just bend one end into a loop and blow bubbles through it. You can even make a ring in the shape of a heart, a square, or any other shape, if you're smart enough to bend the wire well.
  • Plastic rings from six-packs of beer are great for blowing bubbles. Simply dip them into a large, shallow tray (baking tray) filled with the solution and gently wave the rings through the air to make big bubbles.
  • Use a pipe or hookah brush and bend one end into a loop. The brush has two ends: one of them is completely hidden by the brush, and on the second the wire protrudes outward. Bend the first of them into a loop so that the bubbles do not burst on the sharp edges of the wire. Now you have your own bubble stick and all that's left is to make a soap solution.
  • A wire clothes hanger will allow you to make extra large bubbles. To make a stick out of it, bend the triangle of the hanger into a circle (optional, but it will be prettier). Give the hook a shape that is comfortable for the hand. If you want, you can wrap it with tape or duct tape. Pipe cleaners will help you keep the soap film on the hanger. Wrap the brushes around the wire from the hanger (you need about one turn of the brush for every 2.5 cm). About half a centimeter from the end of the brush, wrap it very precisely in the hook (use sharp-nose pliers for this). Do the same with the rest of the brushes, hook the hooks together. Continue wrapping the brushes until the entire hanger is covered with them. Fasten all their ends, as you linked earlier. The brushes will create a reservoir that will hold enough soapy juice for the bubble to grow. With a little practice, you can create large, menacing 25cm bubbles.
  • To make a paper cone to inflate, roll a piece of paper into a cone, cut off the large end so that it is even. Dip the cone in the soap solution (leave for 30 seconds the first time) and blow on the small end. The layers of paper will contain a lot of soap solution, which will allow you to create really big bubbles!!!
  • Find an alcohol-free detergent - that's how you get best result. If you can't find an alcohol-free product, pour some regular detergent into a bowl and leave overnight to allow all the alcohol to evaporate.
  • If you can't find a large enough tray (baking tray) to hold the large inflation ring, just get a suitable large cardboard box, cut it to fit a shallow large tray that will fit your ring. Put the resulting tray in a large plastic bag (garbage bag). Press the bag into the bottom of the tray so that it completely covers the cardboard. Pour your liquid into it and start making bubbles.
  • Distilled water works best because regular tap water may contain minerals that will interfere with bubbles a bit.
  • If you run out of soapy water, you can easily make it at home by mixing liquid dish soap and water. You don't even have to go to the store and spend money on store-bought bubble liquid again!
  • Read Top 11 Bubble Blowing Secrets Here

In childhood, many had fun with one fun: they bought a bottle of solution and blew soap bubbles. These funny balloons were flying all over the place. It was an exciting activity, so interesting that we didn’t even notice how the bubble ended ... Let's discuss how to make soap bubbles at home.

It's time to remember the childhood fun and fully enjoy the soap balls. No need to rush to the toy store to buy a soap solution, it's easy to make it yourself at home. Basic components can be found in any home:

  • Glycerin or sugar.
  • Water.
  • Soap.

How to make your own soap solution at home

There are many recipes for making soap bubbles, which differ in composition and method of preparation. Choose the recipe, the ingredients of which you can easily find at home. Or prepare the components for a special soap solution in advance. I propose to see how to cook a classic version.

As you can see, everything is quite simple. If you cannot find a jar of glycerin at home, you will have to walk to the pharmacy.

Cooking method:

  1. Take a bar of laundry soap and rub it on a grater. Instead of a grater, you can use a knife, choose what is more convenient.
  2. Pour hot water over the soap and stir the solution with a spoon until the soap is completely dissolved. In the process, you can chuckle with villainous laughter.
  3. Do not bring the solution to a boil! The water should be hot, but not boiling!
  4. If a few bars of soap are left floating in the saucer, strain the solution through cheesecloth.
  5. Last step. Pour glycerin into the resulting liquid.

Do not forget to prepare a tool with which you will blow bubbles. A stick from under a store bottle of soap bubbles will do. Often at home they use a straw, which is also very convenient. And you can roll a circle of the desired diameter from the wire found in the garage. Now you are ready to blow bubbles of any size!

Video recipe

Solution for soap bubbles as a store

In addition to the classic method, there are many other recipes for making bubbles. Let's say you want to make a soapy solution, just like in the store. In this case, we will study the table with the composition for the manufacture of the store version.

It is better not to use tap water. It degrades the quality of the bubbles! Take the dishwashing detergent that you usually use.

As soon as you find corn syrup in the store, you can start making soap bubbles. Ready?


  1. Boil water and pour into a bowl.
  2. Pour dish liquid into a bowl and stir.
  3. Add corn syrup and mix well.

Ready. You are wonderful. You can leave the solution for two to three hours to infuse, and then start having fun by encouraging friends to get involved.

Video tips

DIY soap bubbles with glycerin

Are you intrigued? Liked the idea and want to continue experimenting with bubbles? What, classic recipe not the only one where glycerin is used.

laundry detergent recipe

I want to warn you, it can take several days to prepare a solution with washing powder. If you are ready to make sacrifices, read the instructions.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Warm up the water. Do not bring to a boil.
  2. Add laundry detergent and stir. The powder should completely dissolve.
  3. Pour glycerin and ammonia into the solution. Stir.
  4. Let it brew for at least two days. It is possible and more.
  5. Strain the solution through cheesecloth and place the container in the refrigerator overnight.

If you do everything right, the results will pleasantly surprise you.

Recipe for big bubbles

The method is a little more complicated than the previous ones, but the result will be more interesting, because the bubbles will come out more than one meter!

Take either distilled or boiled water. If you want to cook more liquid, just keep the proportions.

How to do:

  1. Dissolve the gelatin in a bowl of water, then strain the excess water through cheesecloth.
  2. Add sugar. It remains to melt everything. Do not heat the liquid to boiling point!
  3. Take the resulting liquid and add it to the prepared water.
  4. Add glycerin and dish detergent next. Stir the resulting solution. Be careful! The liquid must not foam.

Ready! Now you can please your loved ones with bubbles of a new scale!

Recipe for tenacious big bubbles

The second way is to make a liquid that will make meter-long bubbles.

Filtered or distilled water is fine. Use thicker dishwashing liquid. Use a lubricant without impurities, we just create a solution for bubbles.


  1. Mix all ingredients except water.
  2. Heat the water and pour into the solution.
  3. Mix thoroughly, but not too much. Foam should not appear on the surface of the liquid.

The solution is ready! So-called "especially tenacious" bubbles have turned out. They will not burst even after contact with water. I advise you to try them in action right now!

Homemade recipe without glycerin

If there is no glycerin at hand, it does not matter. The bubbles, of course, will not be as impressive, but they will inflate. And this is the main point.

Detergent option

The recipe is extremely simple and unpretentious.

Dishwasher detergent is not recommended!

Mix the ingredients well in the required quantity and you're done. You can blow bubbles.

Foam option

Another simple recipe for crafting soap solution at no extra cost. You will need:

We take the components, combine, mix - you're done! Blow bubbles and enjoy!

How to make soap bubbles that don't burst

If you're serious about the art of blowing bubbles, it's helpful to learn how to make the strongest bubbles that won't burst. For cooking you will need:

Ready? Excellent! Let's start making the solution.


Happy child 12.08.2017

Irina12.08.2017 How to make soap bubbles. Recipes for Creative Parents

Dear readers, do your children like to blow bubbles? I am sure that there are almost no children who would be indifferent to this fun game. The modern industry offers a large selection of soap bubble liquids, but why not try making your own? Moreover, the necessary ingredients are probably in every home. And how much fun the children will have!

Today in the section we will talk about how to make soap bubbles with your own hands at home. Choose the most suitable recipes for you and please the children. The columnist is Anna Kutyavina, and I give her the floor.

Hello dear readers of Irina's blog! AT warm time you won’t drag children home from the street for a year. All they want is to play and run. Of course, this is great for immunity, over the summer children usually grow up well and gain strength and energy. Personally, I remember with great warmth cheerful games in the fresh air, barefoot summer, delicious apples and berries straight from the branches. And also soap bubbles. I remember that my mother poured soapy water into the bottle many times, and it was possible to inflate bubbles endlessly. How much delight was impossible to convey in words.

Now, of course, you can easily choose containers with liquid for soap bubbles of different sizes and shapes in stores. But why not connect your imagination, creativity and make soap bubbles yourself? After all, it's simple, and any housewife will have everything you need for this at home. In addition, soap bubbles made by yourself at home can be painted with unusual colors and even smells.

Let's find the best recipes for making bubbles together with you, and then we will play with the children. Although the idea is not new, it is able to occupy the minds and, more importantly, the skillful hands of children of different ages. Even adults are not averse to going back decades and completely surrender to exciting fun. Who said that endorphins are only for children?

Popular Bubble Recipes

Components for making soap bubbles are sold in any supermarkets and stores. Moreover, most of them can be found in your home. How to make a solution for soap bubbles? We have selected for you the most famous and loved by many recipes. Choose! We prepare a solution for soap bubbles.

Classic bubble recipe

This recipe is very simple, it is used most often.


  • baby soap (grate) - 10 g;
  • glycerin - 3 ml;
  • water - up to 50 ml.

The formation and persistence of soap bubbles largely depend on the hardness of the water and the quality of the soap. Unless otherwise written, it is advisable to take baby soap. It is optimal to use water for injections sold in pharmacies in bottles of 50, 100 and 200 ml. But in the absence of such water, you can use ordinary boiled water.

Shampoo based

The composition is ideal for use with children from one and a half years.


  • shampoo for children - 200 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 24 g;
  • water - 200 ml.

How to make a solution for soap bubbles? Pour shampoo into water warmed to body temperature; mixture to infuse for a day. Add sugar - white (refined) or yellow (unrefined beetroot). Stir, without heating, until the grains are completely dissolved.

It is more convenient to blow soap bubbles made at home according to this recipe through a cocktail straw. The end of the tube is cut crosswise. The resulting petals are slightly straightened and immersed in soap bubble liquid.

With corn syrup

Suitable for school children. The smallest is not recommended - because of the sweetish taste, children can swallow the solution.


  • dishwashing liquid - 500 ml;
  • corn syrup - 200 ml;
  • water - 1500 ml.

Mix the ingredients well, let stand for two hours.

Based on laundry soap

One of the cheapest ways to make soap bubbles at home.


  • laundry soap - 250 ml;
  • sugar syrup - 10 ml;
  • water - 2500 ml.

To boil water. Grate laundry soap on a fine grater, pour into hot water and, stirring, completely dissolve. Water can be heated, but not boiled with soap. Add syrup.

Quick Recipe


  • dishwashing liquid - 130 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 16 g;
  • water - 500 ml.

Pour the liquid into water, add sugar, mix until the grains are completely dissolved. You can blow soap bubbles immediately after preparing the solution.

simple recipe


  • liquid soap - 100 ml;
  • glycerin - 10 drops;
  • water - 20 ml.

Pour water into soap. Put the resulting solution in the refrigerator for about an hour. When the foam goes away, add glycerin and mix thoroughly. Soap bubble solution is ready!

Based on bath foam

A solution for soap bubbles can be made fragrant. As they say, sleight of hand and no cheating - all you need to do is mix three parts bath foam with one part water.

Based on washing powder

The mixture comes from Soviet childhood.


  • washing powder - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 750 ml;
  • glycerin - 300 ml.

Heat the water until bubbles start to appear. Stirring constantly, add the powder and achieve complete dissolution of the grains. Condemn to room temperature, add glycerin.

sustainable soap bubbles

You need sugar syrup. To prepare it, bring one part of water to a boil and, stirring slowly, add 5 parts of sugar. When the sugar dissolves, the syrup is ready.

The recipe for soap bubbles at home looks like this:

  • baby soap grated through a fine grater - 2 parts;
  • sugar syrup - 1 part;
  • glycerin - 4 parts;
  • water - 8 parts.

The solution allows you to blow good stable bubbles and even make figures out of them on a smooth surface.

Big soap bubbles

The proposed solution for soap bubbles allows you not only to have fun, but also to arrange real shows in a narrow circle. After all, the bubbles themselves are truly gigantic.


  • dishwashing detergent - 100 ml;
  • glycerin - 50 ml;
  • water - 300 ml.

Based on dishwashing detergent


  • dishwashing detergent - 200 ml;
  • glycerin - 100 ml;
  • sugar - 50 g;
  • gelatin - 50 g.

Mix the ingredients in a basin. And try blowing a bubble... with a gymnastic hoop! The mixture is ideal for "bubbles" with a diameter of one meter.

Universal Recipe

We offer an almost universal mixture for soap bubbles.


  • washing powder - 50 g;
  • glycerin - 150 ml;
  • ammonia alcohol - 10 drops;
  • hot water - 300 ml.

Bubbles are stable. You can blow through a straw or a frame.

Extra strong soap bubbles

Soap bubbles prepared according to this recipe are highly durable. Children will be happy!


  • washing powder - 50 g;
  • glycerin - 300 ml;
  • ammonia alcohol - 20 drops;
  • water - 600 ml.

Bring the water to a boil, remove from heat and, stirring, add the powder. Achieve complete dissolution of grains. Cool, add glycerin and ammonia. Infuse in the refrigerator for 3 days, then strain through 4 layers of gauze. Infuse in the refrigerator for another 12 hours - and blow bubbles.

High strength soap bubbles

Soap bubbles of high strength can be quickly obtained.


  • liquid dishwashing detergent - 200 ml;
  • glycerin - 100 ml;
  • water - 600 ml.

Mix the ingredients until you get a homogeneous liquid - and you're done!

Multicolored soap bubbles

Previously, juices of berries, carrots or beets, a decoction of corn stigmas were used to color soap bubbles. They were added to soap bubble solutions like ordinary water. Now the choice is richer. Instead of getting a decoction for a long time, adjusted for water hardness and plant characteristics, you can use food coloring. Paints are dissolved in water, it is desirable to filter the resulting solution.

Further actions depend on the desired result - you can replace a small amount of the solution and give the solution a light shade. Or use food coloring instead of water and arrange a real riot of colors.

In no case should food colorings based on or containing aniline be used - this is a harmful substance, contact with which for children ends in severe disorders.

We also invite you to watch a video from which you will learn 15 life hacks and recipes for soap bubbles.

Features of preparing a solution for soap bubbles

Glycerin, widely used in the preparation of soap bubbles, is sold in pharmacies. It gives strength to foam and bubbles, but leaves stains that look like grease on clothes. From natural and semi-synthetic fabrics (with the exception of silk), stains from soap bubbles with glycerin are almost not removed. But they are easily removed from wood, ceramics, tiles and metal (except for nickel-plated surfaces). Divorces remain on them and on the glass, easily removed with a weak solution of ammonia.

Similar elasticity to soap bubbles is given by sugar syrup or sand. Unlike glycerin, they do not leave stubborn stains. Traces of soap bubbles with the addition of sugar disappear from clothes after washing, even in cold water.

Distilled water is sold in car dealerships. In pharmacies, it is found with the name "water for injection", packaged in ampoules and bottles of different capacities. The difference is due to the quality of cleaning and sterilization.

Humid air helps to blow soap bubbles, while dust interferes. It is sometimes difficult to put the wind into service even for experienced magicians. Perfumes and other soap additives reduce the main cause of soap bubbles - the surface tension coefficient. The fewer additives, the better the bubbles.

Therefore, there are no absolutely exact recipes for soap bubble liquid. It is better to reduce the number of components by 10 times and make a small amount for testing. With a high probability, the composition will need to be experimented with. This is especially required when creating a colored liquid for soap bubbles with your own hands.

Be careful with glycerin or sugar: the more of them, the more difficult it is to blow bubbles. A denser liquid is convenient for schoolchildren, liquid - for kids.

How to blow soap bubbles

For liquid mixtures, it is more convenient to use straws with a cross-shaped notch at the end. It is more convenient to blow out from dense solutions using a plastic frame or ring. An analogue can be made with your own hands from wire, preferably copper. The average diameter of the ring is approximately equal to the thickness of the thumb of an adult.

Large bubbles are blown out with plastic funnels. Less commonly, a landscape sheet is twisted for this purpose. To create large bubbles, you can independently make wire frames, bottles without a bottom, tubes of different diameters.

Plastic refills from ballpoint pens are handy for liquid mixtures. But it is difficult for kids to blow a soap bubble out of them. Part of the body of a fountain pen is one of the favorite "tools" for creating soap bubbles. In terms of popularity, it can only be compared with the ring attached to store mixes.

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