Quiz game “Through the pages of the Red Book. white-tailed eagle

diets 07.07.2019

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Target: draw students' attention to the problems of protecting animals and plant objects Altai Territory listed in the Red Book.


  • to teach how to work with the Red Book containing information about rare, endangered plants and animals of Russia, the Altai Territory;
  • develop the ability to search for information in textbooks, reference books, dictionaries, analyze, summarize, draw conclusions, prove one's opinion, convince;
  • to cultivate a careful attitude to nature, an active life position for the protection of natural resources.

Preparing for the game. This game can be held as a big final event of the subject week of ecology at school, but the guys should know the topic of the game in advance. Musical breaks are supposed (performed by children from other classes). In addition to musical screensavers, you can use other amateur performances to make the game more spectacular, and the team of experts get the opportunity to relax.

Questions for the game according to a pre-announced thematic competition are selected by students who are not included in the erudite team. The task of the teacher will be to check the selected tasks, as well as to select the missing questions.

Equipment: playing field, spinning top, black box, envelopes with question numbers, musical sign “ treble clef”, slide presentation.

Presenter 1: In 1949, under the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources in France, a “passport” commission for rare species was created. Counted 14 years. They found out that from 1600 to 1800, 33 species of mammals disappeared from the face of the earth, from 1880 to 1900. - 33 more, and from 1900 to 1913. – 52. With a few exceptions, all these animals died out through the fault of man.

Host 2: Many plants and animals that used to be common have now become rare or have disappeared altogether. They are listed in the Red Book. This book is called so because the color red is a signal of danger. The first Red Book was published in 1966, the organizer of its creation was the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. The Red Book of the RSFSR - Animals was published in 1985, Plants - in 1988.

Presenter 1: With time it became clear that in such a vast country a single national Red Book is not enough. On the basis of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Environmental Protection”, the Altai Territory Administration established the Red Book of the Altai Territory in two volumes: Animals and Plants. In 2002, the third volume was published - “Specially Protected natural areas". In 2006, the second edition of the Red Book was published: volume 1 - plants, volume 2 - animals.

Host 2:

Guarded " red book
So many rare animals and birds
To survive the many-sided space
For the light of the coming lightning.

Presenter 1:

So that the deserts do not dare to descend,
So that the souls do not become empty,
Animals are protected
The snakes are guarded
Even the flowers are protected
(B. Dubrovin)

Teacher: Guys, today a team of experts has gathered here, which will try to answer the most difficult questions of our game: “According to the pages of the Red Book of the Altai Territory”.

We meet! The captain of the team of experts (F.I.). Slide number 1.

The rules of the game are simple: the players spin the top, the arrow points to the question, and the team gives the answer after exactly one minute of discussion. For each correct answer, the team earns one point. If the team of experts answered incorrectly, then a point is awarded to the team of spectators. To win, a team needs to score 6 points, while ahead of the spectator team. At the end of the game, the results are summed up and the winners are awarded.

Sample questions for a game on the topic: “According to the pages of the Red Book of the Altai Territory”.


In the people, this flower is called the mermaid flower. It has large floating leaves and large, semi-open white flowers. At night and in rainy weather, the flower hides under water. This plant is found in clean, fresh, well-warmed reservoirs.

(Answer: Pure white water lily). Slide number 2.

2. This plant chooses a residence permit in the steppes and on the steppe rocky slopes. It is a perennial bulbous plant. Blooms in May. The color and shape of the flowers is varied. Its name comes from the Persian word "dulband" - a turban. For the beautiful varied color of the perianth, it is grown in greenhouses for sale by the first spring holidays.

(Answer: Tulip Altai). Slide number 3.

3. This plant is found in mountain forests, in the alpine zone along the banks of rivers and streams. Blooms 13-18 days after the snow melts. The flowers are collected in dense yellow corymbose inflorescences. The rhizome is used as a medicinal raw material, it has a stimulating effect, gives strength, increases the body's immunity. The fresh rhizome at the break is pink, hence the name of the plant.

(Answer: Rhodiola rosea). Slide number 4.

4. A variety of souvenirs are made from what is in the black box. This plant is an indicator clean water in reservoirs, and is also a relic in the flora of the Altai Territory. Its fruits are similar to the head of a fairy-tale hero (evil spirits). Question: what is in the black box?

[Answer: water chestnut (floating chilim)]. Slide number 5.

5. Perennial plant 15-50 cm tall. Inhabits the meadow steppes, on the slopes of hills and hills. Has valuable medicinal properties and blooms remarkably, so it paid for its beauty and benefits - it is now extremely rare in nature. Among the people, this medicinal plant has many names: “Zhgun-root”, “Marya-root”, etc. Its graceful, thinly cut leaves and numerous bright flowers are beautiful, therefore, in last years the plant is increasingly grown in gardens.

(Answer: Peony hybrid or steppe). Slide number 6.

6. One of the tallest plants, reaches a height of up to 1 m. It blooms in May - June. Prefers wet meadows, highlands. Amazingly beautiful plant! Everything about the plant is beautiful: star-separate, large, dissected leaves, and tight stems that bend under the pressure of the wind, and forever memorable bells of bright orange flowers! The people call them: “Lights”, “Frying”. Very often, schoolchildren tear these flowers in large bouquets at the last call.

(Answer: Asian bathing suit). Slide number 7.


7. This animal prefers open biotopes: the outskirts of tape forests, birch pegs, vegetable gardens. It has movable and large, bent forward auricles. It feeds on insects, their larvae, spiders, molluscs, and can destroy ground nests of birds. It usually hunts at dusk and at night. It hibernates from November to March.

(Answer: Eared hedgehog.). Slide number 8.

The body length of this mammal from the order Predatory is 60–90 cm, weight 6–10 kg. The body is elongated, flexible, mobile. The color of the fur is dark brown, the bottom is somewhat lighter. Valuable fur animal. Her fur is in high demand, especially among the indigenous population of the Altai Republic, as an indispensable element in the tailoring of national headdresses. Lives near forest rivers. Swims and dives great. It feeds on fish, frogs, rodents.

(Answer: Otter.). Slide number 9.

9. The appearance of this representative is typical for sturgeons. It has an elongated snout, a small mouth. Near the mouth there are two pairs of antennae. Scales are absent; five rows of bony plaques run along the body. The coloration of the back is grayish to dark brown, the belly is light. Size up to 2 m or more, weight up to 200 kg. In the Ob, this species was a commercial fish in the pre-war period and during the Great Patriotic War. It has now become rare.

(Answer: Siberian sturgeon.). Slide number 10.

10. Large dragonfly with a long black belly. The chest is green with light stripes. There are yellow spots on the segments of the abdomen. Male measures 47–50 mm, wings 41–43 mm. A very rare South Siberian species of eastern origin, distributed from Primorye to Altai and the city of Novosibirsk in the west. Local distribution, especially in areas that were little affected by the ice age, allows us to consider it a tertiary relic.

(Answer: Macromia sibirica.). Slide number 11.

11. Large nocturnal bird of prey with soft loose plumage weighing 3–4 kg. Inhabits forest and mountain regions of Altai. Nests are arranged on the ground, in rock niches; chicks appear in spring. The time of active hunting of a feathered predator lasts from dusk to dawn, and unusually sharp eyesight and hearing help it search for prey in the darkness of the night. Lifespan: 20 years.

(Answer: Owl.). slide number 12.

12. In recent decades there is no reliable data on the stay of the animal in the region; single individuals are possible. Lives in burrows. It feeds on mouse-like rodents. When frightened, he bares his teeth and growls like a dog. The color of its short and rather stiff fur is very variegated: a peculiar spotted pattern in yellow and white tones clearly emerges on the reddish-brown back and sides. Between the ears and eyes, a white stripe runs across the dark brown head, which resembles a bandaged head.

(Answer: Dressing.). slide number 13.

Blitz questions. Insert the missing letters into the words and you will get the names of animals listed in the Red Book of the Altai Territory:

1. Ch-rn-th - - Art.

2 . R-g- - in-h-rn-c-.

3 . Kr-sn-z-b- - k-z-r- -.

4 . -k-p-.

5 . -rl-n - b-l-x- -st.

6 . B-l-b-n.

Slide number 14.


1. Animal life . T.5 ( Birds). V.6 (Mammals). Moscow: Education, 1971.

2. Red Book of the Altai Territory. Rare and endangered animal species. Volume 2. - Barnaul: OAO IPP Altai, 2006.

3. Zemlyanova O.V. According to the pages of the Red Book of the Altai Territory. Barnaul. AKDEC, 2006.

4. Naumov. N.P. Zoology of vertebrates. Part 2. M .: “Higher School”. 1979.

5. Pogudina N.A. Patrusheva L.I. Familiar strangers are beasts. Barnaul. AKDETS, 2002.


nature to all living things.

Epigraph to the quiz:

2. People! Think!


Red - reserved places

Blue is about animals

Yellow - about birds

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"Quiz on ecology on the topic" Through the pages of the Red Book "11 (grade)"

GBPOU "Regional multidisciplinary technical school"


« BypagesRedbooks»

Compiled by: Vetrova Nina Petrovna,

teacher of chemistry and biology

Perm, 2017

Target: formation of students' knowledge about nature native land, her protection,

development of communication skills, education of respect for

nature to all living things.

Epigraph to the quiz:

1. People! Do not leave garbage in the forest, it pollutes the forest! Paper decomposes in 2 years, cans - 70 years, plastic bags - 100 years.

2. People! Think!

Today every 5 species of animals, every 4 species of plants, every 6 species of birds are in danger.

25 thousand species of plants on the planet are on the verge of complete destruction

Over the past 60 years, 77 species of animals and several species of plants, 26 species of birds have disappeared on the planet.


Cards of different colors with questions for 4 sectors. Each sector has 10 questions.

Greens - about plants and mushrooms

Red - reserved places

Blue is about animals

Yellow - about birds

Teacher's word:

Today we will play with you and take a trip through the pages of the Red Book. We learn and remember a lot of interesting things about plants, animals, birds. And we will test your knowledge in the field of biology.

In 1949, one very important organization was created - the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural resources. In which many states of the world have entered. And literally from the first day of the institution, the collection of information for the so-called Red Book of endangered animals and plants began. Today, many countries have national Red Data Books. Among them are Australia, Germany, Russia, USA, Sweden, Estonia, Japan. The Red Book consists of 2 parts: the first part is a list of animals in need of protection, the second part is a list of plants.

The International Red Book is constantly updated with new data. The following volumes have already been published: "Mammals", "Amphibians", "Fish", "Birds". Today, the following 6 categories of animals are included in the Red Book of Russia:

1. probably disappeared (there were but disappeared)

2. endangered

3. shrinking in numbers

5. undetermined by status (no information)

6. recoverable and recoverable

In Germany, about 3,000 deer, 80,000 roe deer, 120,000 hares died from careless driving.

SAVE OUR SOULS!!! These SOS signals are given to all of us by animals and plants that need human help.

Questions of the yellow sector:

1. What bird is called a feathered cat? (owl)

3. This bird is listed in the Red Book. This family includes 62 species. Length 40 cm, a bright red crest appears on the head during the mating season. It feeds on fish and insects. Can even sit on the backs of pets. Lived in Egypt? (Egyptian heron)

5. This insect is listed in the Red Book, but lives in every house, and treats us for colds? (bee)

6. Bird science? (ornithology)

7. Is this bird featured on the US coat of arms? (white-tailed eagle)

8. Which bird should put lard in the feeder? (titmouse)

9. What is the name of a person experiencing a rise in activity in the morning? (lark)

10. What kind of blood-sucking creatures did doctors once use? (leeches)

Red sector questions:

1.What is different national park from the reserve? (in the Park a tourist can enter, in the reserve it is impossible)

2. In which reserve are beavers protected?

3 For what purpose was the Khopersky Reserve created? (desman protection)

4. Who did the Japanese get instead of dogs to be warned at night about the approach of a stranger? (crickets)

5. Who has ears on their feet? (grasshopper)

6. This science studies organisms and environment? (ecology)

7. Is this the science of the earth, which describes the continents, oceans? (geography)

8. Is it a place where it is prescribed not to violate anything, and to keep everything intact? (reserve)

9. How many reserves are currently known in Russia? (100)

10. List the reserves of the Voronezh region

Green sector issues:

1. Why are the flowers that bloom at night white in color?

2. The science of plants?

3.What wild shrub stays green until frost. (lilac)

4. What can be learned from a freshly sawn tree trunk? (tree age)

5. Which swamp plant is capable of absorbing harmful chemicals? (bulrush)

6. What plant, judging by the name, has a good memory? (forget-me-not)

7. Why will a mushroom picker never touch, even a toadstool?

8. In what year was the Red Book created? (1949)

9. This bush is listed in the Red Book. Low growth 4-5m. Scarlet flowers. The fruits are red-brown in color, have the shape of a ball. Is his name found in military affairs? (pomegranate)

10. What juice is collected in our forest in spring? (birch)

Questions blue sector:

1. The most predatory animal of the cat family? (lynx)

2. The smallest predator on Earth? (weasel, length 13cm, weight-100g)

3. Does he hibernate in winter and sleep 220 days a year? (marmot)

4. This animal is listed in the Red Book. 3 species live in Russia: Brown, White-breasted, White

5. This animal is listed in the Red Book, lives in the seas and oceans. Weight 20 tons, length - 25m (blue whale)

6. This animal is listed in the Red Book, very rare beast not only in Russia, but throughout the world, it looks like a fox, but not a fox, the wool is red. Extremely cautious, swims well, jumps, excellent hearing? (Red Wolf)

7. Animal science?

8. This animal is listed in the Red Book, lives for 40 years. swims at a speed of 25 km per hour. Sometimes Atlantic and Laptev? (walrus)

9. This animal lives in the Grafsky Reserve (beaver)

10. The footprint of what animal is similar to the footprint of a person? (bear)

11. By strength, which animal is still measured by engine power? (horse)

12. Fur, what animal is the Monomakh's hat trimmed with? (sable)

13. What does a lizard throw away when in danger? (tail)

Summing up, awarding the winners.

Mentally retarded schoolchildren have a poor understanding of the nature and phenomena of the surrounding world. Therefore, for students in classes with a complex defect, the school curriculum includes such subjects as the world of animals and the world of plants. The purpose of these subjects is to teach schoolchildren to classify animals and plants by species, to consolidate and expand knowledge about animals and plants, to instill interest in the animal and plant world.

Students get acquainted with the life of animals and plants at subject lessons, excursions, and practical exercises. Children observe the life of plants and animals, changes in nature. It is necessary to study the most typical representatives of the flora and fauna. Lessons built on direct acquaintance with living objects and natural phenomena arouse interest in mentally retarded children and stimulate activity. And also contribute to the correction of the personality of the student.

Quiz lessons stimulate mentally retarded students to learn,

Target:holding a tournament on the subject "Animal World".

Event objectives:

Check and deepen children's knowledge of wildlife;
- help children remember already known animals, fish, birds.
- help children remember the features of animals; fish, birds.
- develop ingenuity, quick reaction, fantasy;


1. Computer technology.

2. Presentations.

3. 3 posters with drawings of nature (river, air, forest).

4. Pictures of animals, fish, birds.

5. Red book suit.

6. Fish application.

7. TV layout.

Event progress


Leading:Hello, we are starting a friendly tournament in a subject called “animal world”. 2013 is declared the year of the environment. And today we will once again remember how diverse and amazing the animal world of our region is. And that we are also part of nature. And our task is to preserve and protect nature.

Children are divided into 2 teams (predators, herbivores).

1st competition "Earth".

Leading:Name wild animals.

· “I am very large, about two meters tall, and my weight is 350 kg. I have brown hair, small ears and a tail. I can walk on my hind legs and climb trees in search of food. And I eat fish, berries, I can eat ants, worms and beetle larvae. I spend the whole winter hibernating, and in the spring I leave the den thin, hungry and angry.” (Bear.)

· “I have a sharp muzzle, erect ears, a very finely developed sense of smell. I am very greedy. I eat meat, attacking deer, elk, rodents, but sometimes, when I can’t find anything, I survive on plant food - berries. I like to hunt at night, alone. Sometimes I chase prey for hours, running not a single kilometer. But in winter, to feed ourselves, we gather in flocks.” (Wolf.)

· “I am a fat funny animal with sharp front teeth. My house is called a hut. I choose a small river or stream with running water as a place for my hut. I cut tree branches with my teeth and build a dam out of them to keep the water at a constant level and always have an underwater connection with the dwelling. There are two “rooms” in the hut: a bedroom and a pantry.” (Beaver, or beaver.)

· “My sense of smell is very sharp. The biggest treat for me - field mice. A mouse squeaks a little - and I can hear it from a hundred meters away, even in winter, when it hides under the snow. I can eat up to 20 of them a day. I hunt at night, and during the day I like to relax. Often they call me a red cheat.” (Fox.)

· “I live with my family in a burrow that I dug with my front paws and lined with soft grass and down. I am very careful. Before approaching the mink, I will make a few jumps to the side, then a few jumps to the other side, and only then do I jump into my house. In winter, in order to be invisible in the snow, I change my fur coat.” (Hare.)

· “I, small and gray, build myself a mink either in a field or in a forest, under the roots of trees in a secluded place. My mink is like a bird's nest. Here I store seeds, berries, nuts, dry buds and roots of herbs and trees. In winter, I often go out of my mink to replenish my supplies. To do this, I dig special tunnels and move along them.” (Mouse.)

· “I, a kind fussy little animal, live everywhere. I have a long fluffy tail and beady eyes. tail, almost equal to the length my body (about 20 cm), serves as a pole and an umbrella for me, allowing me to maintain balance and jump on the branches. There are small tassels on the ears that protect my ears from frost. Into the strong frosty days I sit in a hollow and eat acorns, dried mushrooms, and nuts.” Squirrel.

· You can call me a forest giant. My ears are large and mobile. I have a well developed ear. I like to eat herbs, leaves of shrubs and trees, mosses and mushrooms. I even love fly agaric, but I do not advise you to eat it. I have very beautiful antlers, but once a year I have to shed them. (Elk)

· I have fangs, .. I can hear perfectly and have a fine sense of smell, but my sight is relatively bad, so with a headwind you can quietly approach me at a very short distance, but they see moving objects perfectly. I love nuts; acorns, roots. A bit like a pig. (Boar)

Leading: Now there are very few species of animals left in nature, such animals are listed in the Red Book, what is the Red Book. We invited her to visit and she will tell us about everything.

Red Book:

I am the Red Book.
Red color - prohibition signal,
understood by people all over the world.
Stop, man!
Plant a tree, save a bird.
Hear those who call for help.
I will help you with this - “The Red Book”.

2nd competition - "Water".

Leading:What kind features fish (the body is covered with scales, they cannot live without water, they breathe with gills, they use fins and a tail to move).

Name as many freshwater fish in turn as you can.

(Ruff, carp, crucian carp, bream, catfish, pike, perch.)

Leading:Well done, now populate the reservoir with fish. (Students stick pictures with images of fish on a piece of paper on which a river is drawn.)

Now let's create an application goldfish”, which fulfills desires and populate it in our reservoir. (Students make an application out of paper and stick it also on whatman paper.)

Game with spectators.

Leading:Now we will check your attention and rest a little. When you hear the name of the birds, you will have to wave your hands.

Rooks are flying, they are trumpeting all over Russia: “Chu-choo-choo - we are calling spring.”
Cranes are flying, shouting to all Russia: "Gu, gu, gu - no one can catch up."
Pigs are flying, squealing all over Russia: "Oink-oink-oink - we are tired of the barn."
The tits are flying, shouting all over Russia: “dzu-dzu-dzu - no one can catch it.”
The cubs are flying. The fat heels are flying: "ru-ru-ru - we are tired of in the forest."

3rd competition - "Air".

Leading:What are the characteristics of birds. (The body is covered with feathers, they can fly, there are wings, the presence of a beak.)

Leading:Each team, in turn, solves riddles and finds a picture with a bird, and sticks it on paper.

1. All migratory birds are black
Cleans arable land from worms.
Jump across the arable land all day long.
And the bird is called ... .. (rook).

2 She has big eyes,
Predatory beak - always crochet.
She flies at night
Sleeps on a tree only during the day. (Owl.)

3. Coloring - grayish,
The habit is thieving.
hoarse screamer -
Famous person.
This is ... (Crow.)

4. The back is greenish,
yellowish belly,
little black cap
And a striped tie. (Tit.)

6. He arrives every year
Where the house is waiting for him.
Knows how to sing other people's songs
And yet it has its own voice. (Starling.)

8. Came to us at last
Our best singer.
Days and nights through
He sings, sings, sings. (Nightingale.)

9. Grey-backed, red-breasted,
Lives in winter groves
He is not afraid of a cold,
Arrives with the first snow. (Bullfinch.)

10. Who is in a bright red beret,
In a black satin jacket.
He doesn't look at me
Everything knocks, knocks, knocks. (Woodpecker.)

Game with spectators.

Leading:Name - fairy tales or stories in which the main characters are animals

(Kolobok, Teremok, Masha and the Bear, Turnip, Wolf and Fox; Cat, Thrush and Rooster; The Frog Princess, By Pike's Command, Golden Cockerel, The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish.)

Leading:And now the program "In the world of animals"

Transfer "In the world of animals".

Hello Dima.

The program “In the world of animals” is on air - Tanya.

Tatyana-Dima is with you.

And Dmitry-Tanya.

Amazing news in the animal world -Dima.

Squirrels always grow teeth - Tanya.

frogs sleep with open eyes. -Dima.

The snail is the most toothy animal. - Tanya.

The badger is the cleanest animal. -Dima.

The elk is the largest animal in Russia. - Tanya.

The dragonfly is the most voracious insect. -Dima.

This was amazing news in the animal world. - Tanya.

See you again. -Dima.

Leading:Nature plays a very important role in our life. Today we remembered a small part of the animal world. All animals need our protection. Protect the environment! Thank you for your attention.


Topic: Through the pages of the Red Book.
Goals: 1) to introduce students to the Red Book; show the relationship between man and nature.
2) develop memory and ingenuity; pity, beauty. Sympathy; broaden the horizons of students.
3) to instill love for nature; instill in children a good attitude towards animals.

Event progress:
We live on a planet where there are many colors,
Fields of boundless, green meadows.
We live on a planet where there are many animals,
But all the people on it forgot something.
They forgot what the people need
Protect and love all our nature.
But people are cruel: animals are killed,
A lot of trees are being cut down in the forest.
Therefore, nature needs help.
Because she can't deal with them.
And many, many, many kinds
The peoples have entered into their Red Books.
- And today we will make a fascinating journey through the pages of the Red Book.
The Red Book is a book specially created by scientists.
It is called in full: "The Book of Rare and Endangered Species of Animals and Plants"

-Red Book. Its cover is red. And he was not chosen by chance. After all, red is a signal of danger and alarm. The book warns of the danger of extinction of many species of animals and plants from the face of the earth. It also includes those animals that are very few left on earth. Like every book, this book has pages. But they are not simple. And colored ones. And now you will see for yourself.
We'll fly on a plane to wonderful places
Miracles await you on this journey.
Animals will meet you, they will show you a lot.
Get to know the world, talk about yourself.
Everything you see, let it be remembered
So our journey begins.

-We are on the black page. Here are lists of those animals that we will never see again, who are no longer there. All that was left of them were stuffed animals and skeletons. And then absolutely nothing. For example, different-beaked Gaia, Kvaga, Steler Cormorant.
You won't see them - they're dying.
After all, they do not receive human help.
The pages of only books will tell you about them,
But, alas, nothing will show.

Black sector:

Picture crossword.

Participants will be shown photos of extinct animals, they will have to guess what kind of animal is depicted.

    Photo of a dodo.

    Photo thylacine - Tasmanian marsupial tiger.

    Photo baiji - Chinese river dolphin.

    Photo of a zebra quagga.

And here is the Red Page. It matched the color of the book itself. Here are the lists of those animals that are in danger of extinction. it Amur tiger, Atlantic walrus, pink flamingo, steppe eagle.
- It's a pink flamingo. Weird bird. It seems that it is made of porcelain and is so delicate, fragile that it is dangerous to hold it in your hands: press down a little harder and it will crumble into small pieces. And, indeed, pink flamingos are graceful, gentle, slender and unusual in their appearance. And their plumage combines bright colors- red and pink.
And this bird has a wonderful beauty.
And this bird has huge two wings.
Pink flamingo shines with beauty,
The people protect the pink flamingo.

Red sector questions:

1. What is the difference between a national park and a nature reserve? (in the Park a tourist can enter, in the reserve it is impossible)

2. In which reserve are beavers protected?

3. For what purpose was the Khopersky Reserve created? (desman protection)

4. Who did the Japanese get instead of dogs to be warned at night about the approach of a stranger? (crickets)

5. Who has ears on their feet? (grasshopper)

6. Is this science studying organisms and the environment? (ecology)

7. Is this the science of the earth, which describes the continents, oceans? (geography)

8. Is it a place where it is prescribed not to violate anything, and to keep everything intact? (reserve)

9. How many reserves are currently known in Russia? (100)

We continue our journey. Here we are on the yellow page. Here are lists of those animals whose numbers are large, but declining. Such animals include: brown Tien Shan bear, polar bear, Snow Leopard.
He slept in a fur coat all winter,
He sucked his brown paw.
And when he woke up, he began to cry.
This beast is big...
-Brown bear. This animal is an ancient object of hunting, since the use from it was great: skin, meat, fat - everything goes into business.
The brown bear is a large and powerful animal. Only his tail is small, almost invisible, as it is hidden by wool. The bear is a predatory animal, and his teeth are powerful. "Menu" brown bear consists of numerous dishes: berries, nuts, plant roots, insects, small animals. The Tien Shan brown bear is listed in the Red Book.
- And now we will hear a conversation between two bears.
Old bears met in the forest
The conversation started while looking at the moon.
Bear 1: Hello my friend brown bear.
Bear 2: Hello my dear brother.
Bear 1: How are you, tell me?
Bear 2: Badly. Scream at least scream.
Bear 1: Tell me about trouble
It will suddenly become easier for you.
Bear 2: I lived quietly in the forest,
He quickly climbed a pine tree.
But an evil man came
Never forget him
Started firing a gun
He began to skin the bears.
He killed all the bears
Spared no one.
I heard cub cubs.
How plaintively they cry.
Only I remained alive
I won't go home now.
Bear 1: Yes, cruel fate spared at least you.
Bear 2: People, don't kill the beast.
Bear1: This is a huge loss.
Bear 2: People don't kill us
Bear1: People, you protect us.
These people have been found
They took care of the animals.
Helping bears survive
Animals rescued from disaster.
And, of course, not for the sake of appearance,
They brought the bears into the Book.
- And this is a snow leopard - a resident of the highlands. slim, graceful, wild cat. Plastic, dexterous, beautifully dressed, expressive look. The snow leopard is distinguished by soft, lush fur and long tail. But the little leopards are mobile, funny, playful. And one snow leopard decided to meet us.
Help me guys
Protect me
Help people
Help me friends.
I lived high up in the mountains.
Between snow and rocks
I loved to roll in the snow
I did not know grief.
But the hunters came
They started shooting.
And I got hit
I couldn't run away.
And now I'm alone
I don't have a home.
That's so sad
My history.

Questions of the yellow sector:

1. What bird is called a feathered cat? (owl)

3. This bird is listed in the Red Book. This family includes 62 species. Length 40 cm, a bright red crest appears on the head during the mating season. It feeds on fish and insects. Can even sit on the backs of pets. Lived in Egypt? (Egyptian heron)

4. This bird is able to imitate the voices of various birds, and even the meow of a cat? (starling)

5. This insect is listed in the Red Book, but lives in every house, and treats us for colds? (bee)

6. Bird science? (ornithology)

7. Is this bird featured on the US coat of arms? (white-tailed eagle)

8. Which bird should put lard in the feeder? (titmouse)

9. What is the name of a person experiencing a rise in activity in the morning? (lark)

10. What kind of blood-sucking creatures did doctors once use? (leeches)

And we continue our journey. And here is the next page - white. Here are those animals, the number of which has always been small. They live in small areas. This is the Asian beaver, red wolf, Japanese crane.
Its beak, though large,
But he's not funny at all.
He grew up from the cradle
Who is this…
- Cranes are cooing in blue skies birds forming wedges in flight, directed to warmer climes. Both old and small admire them twice a year, sincere voices are heard from transcendental heights.
Cranes stretched into the sky smoothly,
Falling leaves caught up with them outside the village.
And one, like an orphan, wept bitterly
With a broken wing at the elbow.
- Here we are on the gray page. Here are written those animals that are still little studied, their location has not been precisely established. These include kumai, saja, white-breasted dove.
Author: Of course everyone knows
This bird is small.
The dove is a symbol of peace
The bird will surpass any.
Dove: I am a white-breasted dove,
There is no more beautiful me.
But little I have learned
They don't know about me.
I love to live stealthily
That no one would know,
And to man me
Safely guarded.
- Nothing is known about this bird, only that the dove lives in the mountains in southern Asia at an altitude of 3 to 4.5 thousand meters.
Kumai, saja and various birds.
They were placed on the gray page.
These animals are little studied
Therefore, they are not accustomed to people at all.
But they still got into the Red Book,
So that people do not exterminate animals.
-Our last stop on the green page. Here are the lists of animals that have been saved from extinction. This is the Ladoga seal, bison, reindeer and others.
Slim, fast,
branched horns,
It grazes all day.
Who is this?...
-Deer is a harsh inhabitant of the north. Everything is wonderful in it. But especially - the horns - huge, branched. The hooves are also entertaining: all four hooves are in pink shoes. Deer are good swimmers. They cross huge rivers at a time.
And this is a bison. A very large animal, weighing up to 1 ton. When the bison walks slowly, with a downy head, it seems that he is clumsy, clumsy. But he is able to run swiftly quickly and dexterously. Bison are attractive exhibits in domestic zoos. They are national pride and evidence that we, humans, are able to save from extinction those animals that in the past were on the verge of death.
Looks a bit like a bull
Huge horns on forehead
He is not afraid of the cold
After all, the coat of the beast is so long.
The beast is grazing in the meadow.
Because the bison is called.

Green sector issues:

1..The science of plants? (botany)

2. What wild shrub remains green until the frost? (lilac)

3. What can be learned from a freshly sawn tree trunk? (tree age)

4. Which swamp plant is capable of absorbing harmful chemicals? (bulrush)

5. What plant, judging by the name, has a good memory? (forget-me-not)

6. This bush is listed in the Red Book. Low growth 4-5m. Scarlet flowers. The fruits are red-brown in color, have the shape of a ball. Is his name found in military affairs? (pomegranate)

7. What juice is collected in our forest in spring? (birch)

On this last page, our journey has come to an end. And I want to ask you: what conclusion did you draw for yourself?
-Our main concern is that not a single animal gets on the black pages of this book. The idea of ​​the Red Book is to save animal world. Let us take care of the animals and birds that surround us, so that when we enter the forest we can hear their voices. May you not take part in saving the Usuri tiger and polar bear. This is what adults do. But you can do a lot to save the world around you. What exactly?
There are many of us guys!
Wherever we live
We will plant trees
Let's plant gardens!
On our globe on earth
Where we were born and live
Where is the summer dew in the grass
And blue skies
Where is the sea, mountains, steppes, forest -
Full of mysterious wonders. A gray wolf roams the forest
And the thin lily of the valley blooms,
In the steppe feather grass, like delicate silk,
The wind blows.
Don't destroy this world
Girls and boys
Otherwise these miracles
Remain only in the book.
To be in the sources of Narzan,
From the clearing - strawberries,
Be careful like Tarzan
Make friends with wild nature.
You are part of her wonders too
And the forest darkens for you
And the bright river flows
And lilacs bloom in spring.
And you have to try
We can't part with this.

Organization: GBOU "School No. 1499 named after. Hero Soviet Union I.A. Dokukin"

Location: Moscow

Organization: Children's Library No. 55-2 GBUK "CBS SVAO"

Location: Moscow

Purpose: To introduce children to the color pages of the Red Book and its representatives .



  • To acquaint children with the impact a person has on nature and for what purpose the Red Book was created.
  • To consolidate the knowledge of children about the Red Book and the inhabitants of the animal world listed on its pages.
  • Repeat the rules of behavior in nature.


  • Develop children's curiosity.
  • Expand, enrich and activate the vocabulary on the topic.


  • To cultivate love, kindness, respect for nature and compassion for all living things.


  • multimedia equipment;
  • Presentations: “How paper is made”, “What are the books”, “About the library”, “Animals from the white page”, “Quiz with parents”, “Rules of conduct in nature”;
  • audio recordings, music center;
  • book and illustrative exhibition with literature about the Red Book;
  • Pictures depicting animals;
  • Red Book suit;
  • Hats - rims: frog, newt, viper, pike, elk, woodpecker, elk, bear;
  • Musical instruments;
  • The game "Circle the dots", puzzles "Collect permission Signs";
  • Video "Elk Island";
  • Books on the number of children "The Red Book for Children".

Preliminary work.

  • learning poems;
  • Learning songs;
  • Preparing a dramatization;
  • Compilation of stories about animals;
  • Playing musical instruments.

Event progress.

Children enter the music hall to the music and sit on the chairs.


Dear Guys! Today we will go on a journey through the pages of the Red Book and learn a lot of interesting things about books. Is it possible to imagine a real childhood without interesting exciting books? You are just starting to discover wonderful world reading, and books can teach you a lot and tell you about everything in the world. And the life of any book begins in the forest. How can you make a book out of wood? From a tree to a book is a very long way. A tree must grow for a very long time, several decades, in order to be used in the manufacture of paper. Only when it turns from a small seedling into a large adult tree, it will be possible to make paper from it. And this is not a simple matter. (showing the presentation "How paper is made") First you need to chop the forest, clear the trees of branches. Then the wooden logs go to the paper mill. There, the wood is washed and cleaned of bark and crushed into small sawdust. Then all this mass is boiled for a long time with the addition of water and special chemical substances. The result is a liquid paper dough. Special machines pour and roll out paper dough with special rollers into long wide strips. These strips are then dried and rolled into large rolls. Now this is real paper.

Since paper is made from trees, there are fewer and fewer of them. The forest is natural wealth and it must be protected and used sparingly. And to save it, new paper is made from old, used paper, that is, from waste paper that you collected this year. Now she will also go to making paper for new interesting books.

There are no books in the world! But the best and most colorful books are made for children. See how interesting and unusual books can be. (showing the presentation “What are the books)

And where all these wonderful books live, we will now find out.

Presentation "About the library".

Our books have a home

So warm and cozy in it.

And magazines live there.

The house is called the library.

The books are on the shelves

The magazines are on the tables.

Do you want to know something new

I need to take the book off the shelf.

You learn about people

About animals, birds, believe me!

And about the sun and the moon,

And about water and food.

The book lives there alone -

She is unusual.

The book is called the Red Book.

The world of the Earth is guarded in it.

Leading 2.

Our entire planet Earth is big house for all the inhabitants of it. For many years, people took everything they wanted from nature, without thinking about the consequences: animals were exterminated for the sake of beautiful fur, skin or tasty meat and sometimes just for fun. Lakes and rivers began to dry up, deserts appeared instead of forests. Due to the fact that forests are becoming smaller, and the air and water are polluted, plants and animals are suffering. Therefore, it is not easy for nature now: many different types animals and plants, while others are on the verge of extinction.

Man began to understand that nature requires his help. Therefore, rare animals and plants in our country and in all countries began to be protected by law. And later, scientists created the first Red Book. The Red Book is called because red is always a signal of danger. It's like a red traffic light warning "Caution! There might be trouble." It included all plants, birds, fish and animals that have now become rare, endangered or disappeared altogether. The very first Red Book was issued in an unusual way– its pages were multicolored. The Red Book also appeared in Russia.

Song "Red Book" V. Dubrovina music. D. Tukhmanov.

1 couplet:

Protected by the Red Book,

So many different animals and birds.

To survive the many-sided space,

For the light of the coming lightning.


Red Book, Red Book!

So nature is in danger!

All living things are called to be preserved.

Let not in vain!

verse 2:

So that the deserts do not dare to descend,

So that the souls do not become empty.

Animals are protected

The snakes are guarded

Even the flowers are protected!

Red Book, Red Book!


So nature is in danger!

So, not even a moment can be wasted.

All living things are called to be preserved.

Let not in vain!

Red Book! Red Book!

K.K. comes out. (child)

Everyone calls "Red" for a reason -

I am very unusual.

All pages are mine

Colored, my friends.

1. Black.

Tells us black

Birds and animals are no more.

We will never see

The wandering dove. (Golden Toad)

(Photo display and listing).

2. Red.

Red shouts to us "save"

We will all die soon.

And the seas will remain

All without the blue whale. (A photo)

Presenter 1: Do you want to know what animals we still have on the red page?


All my life

I walk in a vest

But without boots and without a cap.


On the sands, in the rays of blinding

He walks, a huge lizard.

And swallow it whole

All the prey, like a lump.


For people we are like riddles,
But we are not evil guys,
We will not play hide and seek with you,
Because we…


Among eternal ice lives

This beast is fanged

On the belly crawls on the ground

It has paws - flippers.


He looks like a fox

Barks from afar at a bird...

Both the hunter and the sly one,

Who tell me?...

(Arctic fox).

3. Yellow

Yellow color warns

Species disappear quickly.

There are at least a lot of them on earth:

Snakes, frogs, toads and fish.

Game "Brook"

Poems about pike, newt, viper, frog.


Pike is a predatory fish,

Not cute at all.

She lives in the river

Often hides at the bottom.

Perch, carp, platva -

For her, it's food.

And pikes are enemies:

Birds, animals, fishermen.

Don't catch pike people

You save her.


A frog lived in a pond

Green belly.

At least she was ugly

And it was beneficial.

But now the time has come

Somewhere she hid.

Frogs must be protected

Do not clog the ponds at all.


I live here in the swamps.

All the people go around me.

I am a venomous viper

And I'm very angry.

But in nature without me

There is no way to get around.

And so, friends.

I am included in the book.


Triton lived in a swamp,

He didn't touch anyone.

And the triton family

She also lived there quietly.

But the swamp was drained.

And the tritons were killed.

People, you are responsible for them

There were few of them in the world.

But still on that page

Lives walrus and lioness,

White bear and dolphin.

And, of course, a peacock. (photo show)

4. White.

There were always a few

Books white pages

We will be told all about them.

Children's story.

Panda- this is very unusual beast, is listed in the Red Book. Outwardly, the panda is very similar to a bear. The body is covered with thick fur, usually black and white. It feeds mainly on bamboo. Good for climbing trees. She has long been a favorite of children and adults.

Platypus- this is one of the strangest, amazing animals that live on planet Earth. The platypus has a small head, a flattened body, short legs, a short wide tail. The platypus looks for food exclusively in water, under which it lingers for a long time, although it breathes with lungs. Feeds on worms, snails, shells. On the banks of the river, the platypus makes holes for itself. The dwelling has two exits: one - on the shore, the other - under water. Like birds, the platypus lays eggs, but feeds the young with milk.

The flying squirrel is a small rodent. The flying squirrel got its name due to its amazing ability to plan from one tree to another. The "flying membrane", running along the sides of the body, connects the hind and forelimbs. She also plays the role of a parachute. The animal is nocturnal. The flying squirrel climbs trees a lot.

It spends most of its life in trees, occasionally descending to the ground. The activity of this protein sharply decreases in the cold season. Note that the animal does not hibernate, but when it is cold outside, it spends time in the nest, using the food reserves that it made in warm weather.

Child: They told about the animals,

To make it more fun
We will play for you now

So that you remember us.

Playing musical instruments.

5. Gray

Who we don't know much about

Gray will tell us.

We recognize the animal

Let's give the correct answer.

The game "Circle the dots» (Turtle, emperor penguin)

6. Green

To the green page

We pay attention

There are animals and birds

Which people helped.

(Moose, woodpecker, beaver, bear)

Staged. (Children play roles).


Animals gathered in the forest clearing,


Brothers, here I have gathered you,

To end the nightmare.

There is no life with a person.

The hut is all ruined.

Rivers are cleared

Trees are cut down

Grass crushes everything.

Everything here dies.


Yes, and I'm having a bad time.

I'll tell you, I'm not melting

Busted, guys, I

My whole family is groaning.

The man built the house

He paved the way

I arranged comfort for myself,

And he completely forgot about us.

Here come the times

There is nothing to eat, friends.

True, there are still forests

There is a lot of food there.


Yes guys we need

Go to other forests.


And where will you go

Where can you find nature?

No, let's get better together

We will stay put

Well, for those who ruin

Our nests and homes

Uh, I'll ask a trepak.


I'm with you, bear, I'm flying,

I will teach a man

How do I get on him


Oh, I've been sharpening my teeth for a long time,

I'll teach a man!


Wait, wait, what's the noise?

What's all the noise and ta-ra-ram?

People are different

There are those who help

Protect everything with care

And protect nature.

All animals are very fond of

Everyone will find shelter there.

There is a mighty ancient forest,

And there are ravines too

River, grass and meadows

We need to go there.


And you're not lying, are you?

You moose, you can't make out


They helped us a lot there.

And save all the moose.


Well, what if we don't?

Well, what if we get lost?


I know exactly the way

And I will take you there.

In a beautiful nature reserve

I now live with my family.

Enough, animals, grieve,

All. Let's Dance.


Leading 1. Elks, beavers, wild boars we can meet in many reserves and national parks of our country.

Leading 2.

Fortunately, man knows how to correct his mistakes in relation to nature. In all countries, they began to create reserves and National parks. Reserves are real rescue islands for animals. This is a place where nature lives according to its own laws, and absolutely everything is protected there: herbs, mushrooms, birds, reservoirs, fish and all living things.

You probably know that we live in wonderful place, next to us is the park "Elk Island". It is considered the first national park in Russia and has been in existence for over 30 years. The uniqueness of Elk Island lies in the fact that it is the only park in the world that is located within the boundaries of a huge multi-million dollar city where rare plants and you can see wild animals - elks, beavers, wild boars. Losiny Island has a specially protected area, as well as places for recreation and walks.

Video "Elk Island".

With parents quiz "Elk Island"


And in Rostokino we have

The park is simply top notch.

Animals different live

And the plants are growing.

people relax in summer

And fires are kindled there.

Garbage floats in the water

And cigarette butts on the ground.

They don't notice anything

Music is blaring everywhere

There is no place for silence

People you stop

And you look around.

All living things around you.

Have pity on them now.

For there will come times

We will regret then

That nature has been destroyed

The children were completely forgotten.

Presenter1. What do you guys think, is it only in nature reserves that you need to take care of nature?

Video quiz "Rules of friends of nature"

Don't destroy bird nests! If the birds smell someone else's smell, they can leave the nests and then little chicks will not be born.

You can not ruin anthills in the forest! Ants are the real orderlies of the forest, they destroy insects harmful to trees.

Do not make noise, shout, turn on music very loudly in the forest! Birds and animals may be frightened and leave their nests and burrows.

You can not tear rare flowers and plants! Many of them are listed in the Red Book.

Do not damage the bark of trees! Trees hurt too. The bark is the protective covering of trees and they can stop growing.

You can not make fires in the forest and leave fires that are not extinguished! Fireplaces are real wounds in the ground cover of the forest and plants and flowers will never grow here again.

You can not catch butterflies, dragonflies and beetles! They are also needed by nature.

You can not knock down mushrooms, even inedible ones! They help many animals to be treated.

Do not litter and leave garbage behind in nature! Animals or birds can accidentally eat a piece of polyethylene or cellophane and die.

You can't break glass! Animals can be injured by sharp fragments.

Do not break branches of trees and shrubs! The plant is creature, it can get sick or dry out and stop growing.

It is impossible to destroy myceliums and picking berries, you can not tear the plants along with the root!

The game "Collect the permission sign."

"Song of the Defenders of Nature" to the motive "If it's long - long - long"

If only, only, only. If only on the planet
If only all earthlings took care of all living things,
It’s possible, it’s possible, it’s possible, it’s probably true, it’s true,
Red books would definitely never be opened!

And let it be by this river, and let it be in a green grove,
And let the voice of flocks of birds be heard in the shady forest.
And remember - remember, remember that it is necessary to protect nature.
Everyone in this wide world, you, as you can, help!

Chorus: Ah! Hello mountains here is such a height!
Ah! Hello, the rivers are so wide!
Ah! Crocodiles, hippos! Ah! Monkeys, sperm whales!
Ah! And a green parrot! Ah! And a green parrot!

Lead 1.

Dear children and parents! We all know that 2017 is the year of the environment. You can do a lot for nature. Let each of you be an example of a friendly attitude towards nature. Remember, it is in our power to do everything so that the Red Book is not replenished!

We have prepared such books for children that will remind them of caring attitude to nature. (Red book for children)

Giving gifts to children.


  1. Internet resources;
  2. Poems and dramatization - author's.
  3. Red Book Russian Federation: (Animals) RAS. - Moscow: AST: Astrel, 2001
  4. Skaldina O.V. Red Book of Russia. - Moscow: Eksmo, 2013.
  5. Skaldina O.V. Red Book. Birds of Russia. - Moscow: Eksmo, 2013.
  6. Skaldina O.V. Red Book. Plants of Russia. - Moscow: Eksmo, 2013.
  7. Tikhonov A.V. Animals of Russia. Red book. - Moscow: ROSMEN, 2011.
  8. Ushakova O.D. Red Book of Russia: Animals: a dictionary - a schoolchild's reference book. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House "Litera", 2009.
  9. Ushakova O.D. Red Book of Russia: Plants: a dictionary - a schoolchild's reference book. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House "Litera", 2009.

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