Riddles about wild trees and shrubs. Interesting riddles about the tree

Fashion & Style 16.08.2019
Fashion & Style

1. At the beautiful girl
Long-haired, white-faced
fall from branches in autumn
All gold coins. (Birch.)
2. I became high and mighty,
I'm not afraid of thunderstorms or clouds.
I feed pigs and squirrels
Nothing that the fruit of my chalk. (Oak.)
3. Curls lowered into the river
And sad about something
What is she sad about?
Doesn't tell anyone. (Willow.)
4. In a small hut
Behind every door is a tree. (Cone.)
5. Although he is not fragile at all,
And hid in a shell, -
Look into the middle -
You will see the core. (Nut.)
6. It's not leafy
Even in late spring!
I dotted my branches
Green coins. (Elm.)
7. Like pines, like Christmas trees,
But in winter - without needles.
8. I am a tree with a fragrant color,
I give a cool shade
Under my crown you will rest
On a windless and hot day!
9. Autumn day is transparent, clear,
Lionfish drops down ... (ash).
10. What kind of tree stands -
There is no wind, but everything is shaking? (Aspen.)
11. There are no more leaves,
But the kidneys swelled
In white fur coats -
You will see them from afar. (Verba.)
12. Green crown
Soared high
Black poplar grows
It's called - ... (speck).
13. Spring curls curled
soft, fluffy,
And it stands white,
Like fragrant lilac. (Bird cherry.)
14. People have green friend,
Cheerful friend, good,
He will stretch out hundreds of hands to everyone
And thousands of hands. (Forest.)
15. The wind shakes the tree,
Tilts left to right
One - tilt! And two - slope!
Noisy foliage ... (maple).
16. I asked Vasya:
What did you color your lips with?
You have a purple mouth
And the mustache is purple,
And purple juice flows
23. I got out of the baby barrel,
Roots started up and - grew! (Oak.)
24. Round tasty and healthy.
Of the fruits, he is the strongest of all,
It is called ... (nut).
25. Babies in berets
They hung in pairs on the branches.
26. What is her name, who knows -
There is no wind, but everything is trembling,
Uncleanness, filth drives away,
If you score her! (Aspen.)

For a new shirt. (Mulberry.)
17. Prickly hedgehogs
Grow on a mighty tree,
As autumn comes
They will become naked. (Chestnut.)
18. The red maiden stands in the wind:
The dress is lost
But the beads remain. (Rowan.)
19. Lives for three hundred years or more,
She is light-loving
Very unpretentious to the soil,
Shakes needles ... (pine).
20. Give us juice to drink in spring
This tree is tall. (Birch.)
21. Takes from my flower
The bee is the most delicious honey,
And everyone hates me
The tender bark is torn off. (Linden.)
22. Eat in the taiga Siberian cedar,
Generous for cedar nuts.
Birds know, mice know
That you need to look for them in ... (cones).
27. In the spring she turned green, and in the summer she sunbathed,
And in the autumn I put on red corals.
28. Shiny silk
The dress is flowing
Beauty gave him ... (mulberry).
29. What forest beauties
In winter, come to us for a holiday
will go? (Fur tree, pine tree.)
30. With huge leaves
Trees - all in a row.
long pods
hanging on their branches. (Catalpa.)
31. Huge pine
Tall and slim
Became famous for nuts
Taiga beauty. (Cedar.)
32. On New Year's celebration
She came -
In toys and flashlights
Elegant ... (pine).
33. From Africa, the guest is tall, slender,
The crown is full of fragrant clusters. (Acacia.)
34. With thorns and silvery leaves
A tree grows from the steppe unsightly. (Loch.)
35. Higher her tree
You will hardly find
Droplets of her resin
They called it amber. (Pine.)
36. Rushed into the sky
He is a tall candle.
What is his name,
This slender poplar?
37. A beauty stands in the forest,
Slim and green
And branches like little fingers,
She left. (Spruce.)
38. Tell me from which tree
Green hedgehog fell?
rolled to the side,
But didn't you run into the forest? (Chestnut.)
39. Alena is standing - a green scarf,
A thin slender figure and a white sundress. (Birch.)

1. There is a prickly bush,
He is a wicked handsome man
Whoever fits -
Everyone stings. (Rose hip.)
2. Red beads hang,
They look at us from the bushes
Love these beads
Children, birds and bears. (Raspberry.)
3. Jam from it -
Like an emerald
northern grapes
The thorn bush is called. (Gooseberry.)
4. It can be different -
Black, white, red,
And from berries for the guys
Jam is cooked, marmalade. (Currant.)
5. Instead of leaves - lace
This bush
And in the name of the call
Hear beauty. (Tamarisk.)
6. Branch berries
She completely covered herself!
She heals us, children,
And gives us strength! (Sea ​​buckthorn.)
7. This long bush is good,
But he is prickly, like a hedgehog!
Clings to legs
What is the name of the hedgehog? (Blackberry.)
8. In flowers, it is not in spring, but in summer!
This shrub looks like
For a graceful young lady.
His name is ... (hawthorn).
9. This bush is green - pungent,
Instead of leaves - needles!
Both winter and hot summer
It is dyed in one color.
10. For beauty for strict
I love you very much -
Evergreen tender ... (thuja).
11. Flowers at this bush -
Fragrant clusters are terry.
Their beauty is wonderful
In blue and purple. (Lilac.)
12. At the bush there is a huge candy berry,
Sweet berries on prickly branches. (Barberry.)
13. Large, like grapes,
Only sour like pomegranate
The gardener planted for us
The bush is prickly, he is ... (gooseberry).
21. Flower bows
Hiding in the leaves
Of this ordinary
Green bush. (Honeysuckle.)
14. Her delicious jam
Used for treatment:
If cough and bronchitis,
If your throat hurts. (Raspberry.)
15. You can see this bush
far around,
He is the last warmth
Warms the forest. (Kalina.)
16. In a scarlet sundress
berry matryoshka,
22. Tart blue berries
Beautiful bunches gathered.
This bush
There is elder sister. (Rowan.)
23. Prickly wild plum
Only in the fall does it rain.
24. Round, ripe, tanned
I got it on the tooth.
He got caught in the tooth

Tanya will tear it off,
Throws in a basket. (Raspberry.)
17. On the bush - cuties
In red shirts
Their bellies are full
Filled with grains. (Rose hip.)
18. Spring in the Don steppe
AT pink color low bushes.
But their berries in autumn
Too bitter, sorry...
So what are the bushes called?
We call them ... (almonds).
19. Clouds bloom in spring,
And in the autumn it will burn like a fire.
20. He is not afraid of frost,
He is quite unpretentious
And the flowers on it are like roses -
Fragrant and beautiful. (Rose hip.)
Couldn't break everything.
And fell under the hammer -
It crunched once - and the side cracked!
25. Autumn is bitter,
And in the cold - sweet!
What is a berry? ... (Kalina.)
26. You will find this bush in the forest:
He's prickly like a hedgehog!
Berries - blue in color,
Only there is no sweetness in them!
27. Low and prickly,
Kissel, but smelly!
And pick a berry -
Take your whole hand! (Gooseberry.)
28. You can see this bush
Far around -
He is the last warmth
Warms the forest. (Kalina.)

Riddles about trees are important in consolidating a child's knowledge of nature. After all, when introducing a child to the natural world, the first thing to show him is trees. They are our breadwinners (if we talk about fruit plants), our oxygen, our history, our everything.

Of course, it is rather difficult to deal with all species at once without some kind of system, so we recommend organizing such an acquaintance in a dosed manner, that is, studying 2-3 tree names per week. Children's riddles about trees, collected in this section online - the best and most interesting, not too difficult even for kids - will help you get to know nature closer and faster.

White sheep run around the candle.

The house is open on all sides
It is covered with a carved roof.
Come into the green house
You will see miracles in it.

White-barreled beauties
Together we stood on the path,
The branches go down
And on the branches of earrings.

Into this sleek box
Bronze color
Hidden little oak tree
Next summer.

In a white sundress
She stood in the meadow.
The tits flew
Sat on pigtails.

From the trees in early summer
Suddenly the snowflakes flutter
But this does not please us -
We sneeze from it.

Green in the spring, tanned in the summer,
Autumn came to the garden, lit a red torch.

Its spring and summer
We saw dressed
And in the fall from the poor thing
They ripped off all the shirts.

No one scares, but the whole trembles.

Everyone knows that the Christmas tree
Not leaves but needles
And just like her
With needles...

You can always find her in the forest -
Let's go for a walk and see you.
It is prickly, like a hedgehog,
In winter in a summer dress.

Here comes the bad fate
Once upon a time there was a tree
And now there is a round table,
And honey mushrooms are sitting behind him.

It grows very thick
Imperceptibly it blooms
And when the summer passes
We eat his candy
Not in a piece of paper, but in a shell -
Take care of your teeth, kids!

Not caring about the weather
He walks in a white sundress,
And on one of the warm days
May gives her earrings.

It's not even a mystery
Let's call it right away
If only someone would say -
Acorns on it!

Either from the roof, or from the sky -
Or cotton, or fluff.
Or maybe snow flakes
Appeared in the summer all of a sudden?
Who is their surreptitious
Pouring, as if from a bag?

I got out of the crumb-barrel,
Roots started up and grew,
I became tall and powerful
I'm not afraid of thunderstorms or clouds.
I feed pigs and squirrels -
Nothing that the fruit of my chalk.

Everything is calm, the wind stopped
And the trees are silent...
No, not all yet - these
The leaves rustle softly.

It is almost a hundred meters tall:
It's not easy to get on it!
He has one job
Swamp draining.


I come with gifts
I shine with bright lights,
smart, funny,
On the New Year I'm in charge!

A relative has a Christmas tree
non-thorny needles,
But, unlike the tree,
Those needles are falling off.


Takes from my flower
Bee is the most delicious honey.
And they offend me:
The thin skin is torn off.

sticky buds,
Green leaves.
With white bark
It is under the mountain.

I have longer needles
Than the tree.
Very straight I grow
In height.
If I'm not on the edge,
Branches - only at the top.

Small and clumsy
And modestly green
But in autumn their leaves
And the berries turn red.

Curls dropped into the river
And sad about something
What is she sad about?
Doesn't tell anyone.

Russian beauty
Standing in the meadow
In a green sweatshirt
In a white dress.

What kind of girl is this?
Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman,
Doesn't sew anything
And in needles all year round.

The riddles about trees given in this section have answers. They will help not only not to get confused yourself and not mislead the child, but also to use only those descriptions that the child can unravel. Almost every riddle here is also a touch to Russian folklore, folk wisdom, the richness of the language, so the child's vocabulary is also replenished. And to make it easier for him to do this, let us recall the main characteristics of the most famous trees.

Tree card for solving riddles about trees.

Birch - in folklore, a true Russian beauty, with an easily recognizable white trunk and "earrings".

Willow - a branchy woody plant of the willow family and white "shaggy" earrings, popularly referred to as "seals".

Oak - the hero of the forest with lobed leaves of a recognizable shape and acorns.

Christmas tree - evergreen conifer tree up to 30 m tall with a beautiful crown, without which no New Year can do.

Willow is a tree with gray-green or gray-white leaves. Because of the thin, flexible stems, it is called "weeping".

Linden is a woody plant, famous among the people for its medicinal flowers, from which very tasty honey is obtained.

Larch is the only coniferous tree that sheds its needles for the winter.

Aspen is a fast-growing ornamental tree whose leaves have a unique ability to respond to the slightest fluctuations in the air.

Mountain ash is a low woody plant, which can be easily recognized in autumn by the bright red clusters of its fruits. The latter, by the way, are immediately bitter enough, but with the onset of cold weather they become much tastier.

Pine is a large evergreen coniferous tree with long and short shoots and cones. It accounts for about a third of the wood produced by forests.

Poplar is a large tall (up to 60 m) tree, the most unloved by allergy sufferers for its flowering is July fluff, but at the same time it is actively used in paper production.

Eucalyptus is a giant (height 20-25 m, trunk up to 1 m thick), living more often in the tropics and subtropics on wet and swampy soils.

Children with early years notice that the trees in the forest or park are different from each other. At the birch white bark, at the maple - the leaf looks like a palm, and under the oak in the fall you can find acorns.

You can introduce the child to a variety of trees in more detail on a walk. And remember their names and distinctive features rhyming riddles will help.

This collection presents riddles not only about trees familiar to the child's eye. Exotic guests will also meet here - eucalyptus, larch. Children will learn about which tree gives honey and which makes you sneeze, or which plant is white in spring and black in autumn.

Wears earrings in spring
Bends branches and chats.

* * *
Its spring and summer
We saw dressed
And in the fall from the poor thing
They ripped off all the shirts.

* * *
Russian beauty
Standing in the meadow
In a green blouse
In a white dress.

* * *
Cheerful in the spring
It's cold in summer
Feeds in autumn
Warms in winter.

* * *
White-barreled beauties
Together we stood on the path,
The branches go down
And earrings on the branches.

* * *
In a fur coat in summer
And undressed in winter.

* * *
It's not even a mystery
Let's call it right away
If only someone would say -
Acorns on it!

* * *
A mighty hero stands above the steep:
Head is mighty
Shoulders parted,
Threw up his hands
Fingers are knotty
Forces are untouched...

* * *
I got out of the crumb-barrel,
Roots started up and grew,
I became tall and powerful
I'm not afraid of thunderstorms or clouds.
I feed pigs and squirrels
Nothing that the fruit of my chalk.

* * *
What kind of girl is this?
Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman,
Doesn't sew anything
And in needles all year round.

* * *
Softly glowing needles
Coniferous spirit comes from…
(Christmas trees)

* * *
prickly, green
Chopped down with an axe.
prickly, green
Comes to our house.
(Christmas tree)

* * *
Winter and summer
One color.
(Fur tree, pine tree)

* * *
Curls dropped into the river
And sad about something
What is she sad about?
Doesn't tell anyone.

* * *
Takes from my flower
The bee is the most delicious honey.
And yet they offend me:
The thin skin is torn off.

* * *
A relative has a Christmas tree
non-thorny needles,
But, unlike the tree,
Those needles are falling off.

* * *
It grows very thick
Imperceptibly it blooms
And when the summer passes
We eat his candy
Not in a piece of paper, but in a shell -
Take care of your teeth, kids!

* * *
What kind of tree is
There is no wind, but the leaf is trembling?

* * *
Small and clumsy
And modestly green
But in autumn their leaves
And the berries turn red.

* * *
Everyone knows that the Christmas tree
Not leaves but needles
And just like her
With needles...

* * *
There is no more wonderful bush
He glorifies the day of spring,
Smelly and gentle color

* * *
From the trees in early summer
Suddenly the snowflakes flutter
But this does not please us -
We sneeze from it.

* * *
As if snowball white,
It bloomed in spring
It exuded a delicate scent.
And when the time has come
She became at once
All from the berry is black.
(Bird cherry)

* * *
It is almost a hundred meters tall:
It's not easy to get on it!
He was from Australia
It was brought to us in Colchis.
He has one job
Swamp draining.

For classes in kindergarten or the school sometimes needs riddles about a tree. Most often they are used in organizing environmental events.

Can be subdivided. You can select those where the answer will be exactly this word, and those where you need to choose right kind plants.

Riddles about trees with answers in verse

For a thematic lesson about forest or garden trees, you will need questions about specific plants. When answering such riddles, children develop, they learn to feel the rhythm, rhyme, choosing an answer that fits into the verse.

  • In the yard and in the meadow
    All July we stand in the snow.
    Summer white land.
    Who are we, you know? ( Poplars)
  • Near the rivers, the places are beautiful!
    Likes to settle there ... ( Willow)
  • The strongest, the most powerful
    It is impossible to compare with him!
    If you, my friend, are not stupid,
    Guess this is... Oak)
  • She is not afraid of the cold!
    A green tuft sticks out
    The needles bristle.
    Learned? It… ( Christmas tree)

  • Here is one beauty:
    She is tall, slender,
    Just be careful
    Don't forget about needles!
    Though amazingly beautiful
    Very stubborn girl!
    That's why it's worth it alone
    And her name is ... ( Pine)
  • I'm in a good mood
    I greet everyone with a treat:
    Very sweet fruit
    Like the sun is yellow!
    I sprouted from the bone
    Delicious southern… ( Apricot)
  • I treat everyone with fruits
    I don't hate anyone!
    After all, without them you are nowhere -
    Very tasty food.
    Grandma cooks jam -
    Treats for the whole winter!
    And they will also go to compote!
    And decorate the cake!
    I will not be superfluous anywhere,
    With a sweet and sour taste ... ( Cherry)
  • Everyone loves it, old and young
    Very tasty lemonade
    Who is he named after?
    This is a tree… ( Lemon)

  • Chests are waiting on the branches,
    round riddles,
    Who will open them
    Waiting for a sweet gift.
    My chests are strong
    Bogatyrskaya's hands are waiting!
    And now it's not a sin to say
    Who am I? ( Nut)

If we consider a tree not as a plant, but as a building material, then this riddle will do:

  • Me and the boat, me and the house
    Horse with a rope tail
    Pencil in your pencil case
    Also made of me.
    Even though I live on land
    Throw it in the river - I'll swim
    But look hold me
    You stay away from the fire!

Here they immediately affect physical properties wood, and how it is used by man.

Non-standard riddles

What can replace traditional questions? Draw riddles about a tree without words: with the help of movements or through a drawing. To show this concept with your body, you can stand on the floor, pressing your feet to it, and raise your hands up and spread your fingers. Let the children guess what the adult is trying to portray, and then all together try to repeat the figure.

Puzzles are suitable as visual material. For those who know musical notation, you can use the note "re", surrounded by the syllables "de" and "vo".

What is it for

The tree puzzle for children will not only entertain them. The search for an answer involves both memory and thinking. After all, you need not only to analyze the text, but also to remember all the known plants, and only then choose the one that fits best. During the lesson, you can offer the children themselves about a tree that is familiar to them. This will teach kids to highlight the main features of objects and focus on them. This skill is indispensable in teaching not only in primary school, but further. And it would seem - just riddles!

Its spring and summer
We saw dressed
And in the fall from the poor thing
They ripped off all the shirts.

Like a snow globe is white
It bloomed in spring
It exuded a delicate scent.
And when the time has come
She became at once
All from the berry is black.
bird cherry

From the trees in early summer
Suddenly the snowflakes flutter
But this does not please us -
We sneeze from it.

Sticky buds opened -
He dressed up in leaves.
In summer, a dandy dressed in fluff.
Guessed? - It...

sticky buds,
Green leaves.
With white bark
It is under the mountain.

prickly, green
Chopped down with an axe.
prickly, green
Comes to our house.
Christmas tree

Us in the rain and heat
A friend will help
Green and good -
Will stretch out dozens of hands to us
And thousands of hands.

Curls dropped into the river
And sad about something
What is she sad about?
Doesn't tell anyone.

All the kids on the branches
From birth in berets.
Will fall from the trees -
Berets will not be found.

On the branches on a spring evening
White opened candles.
The giant is holding candles.
What is his name?

Golden coins fall from a branch.

It grows very thick
Imperceptibly it blooms
And when the summer passes
We eat his candy
Not in a piece of paper, but in a shell -
Take care of your teeth, kids!

Every year young
Adds a ring.

I got out of the crumb-barrel,
Roots started up and grew,
I became tall and powerful
I'm not afraid of thunderstorms or clouds.
I feed pigs and squirrels
Nothing that the fruit of my chalk.

In a fur coat in summer
And undressed in winter.

Who in summer and winter
In a prickly tar coat?
In autumn rain and drops
He doesn't take off his coat...

Living rubies
visible on the branches,
And sweet pulp
Rubies are full.
Sweet cherry

It is almost a hundred meters tall:
It's not easy to get on it!
He was from Australia
It was brought to us in Colchis.
He has one job
Swamp draining.

The more rings
The older the tenant.

Appears in spring
Blooms from the buds
And on a hot summer day
Provides coolness and shade.
As soon as autumn comes
She will be thrown to the ground.

He has been for a year
Grows under my window.
So handsome! Green summer
Leaves I wear bouquets.
Well, autumn color
It's worth all the gold.
How sprawling he is -
This good old...

In May, it warmed, turned green,
I put on the grapes in autumn.
In the scarlet berries - bitterness.
What kind of tree?

Even though I'm well dressed
It always gives me chills.
Both spring and hot summer
I'm shivering all over, as in the cold.

Behind the window, in plain sight
The book grew in the garden.
Rang from the pages
Voices of funny birds.
The wind flew past
Flipped through the whole book.
The sun rose in the morning
So until the evening read.
And then many days
The clouds wept over her.
Tree in spring, summer, autumn

White-barreled beauties
Together we stood on the path,
The branches go down
And earrings on the branches.

Fell off the branch in autumn,
Flew, tumbled
Dancing twist in the wind, -
Golden maple...

Flexible camp bent
bowed her head,
Branches dipped
In the water of the river...

White bottom, green top
In the summer grove is the most beautiful of all!
On the trunks of the strip -

Which tree grows upside down?

Which tree has babies in hats?
At the oak

Doesn't drink, doesn't eat, but grows.

She is for the autumn ball
Put on corals again
They burn far away
Anyone can easily see.

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