Is it true that March 1st is Defense Day? World Civil Defense Day

Interesting 01.07.2019

Interview with Vladimir Drachev, Deputy Head of the Territorial Authority (for Protection, Monitoring and Prevention of Emergencies) of the Main Directorate of the Russian Emergencies Ministry for the Altai Territory.

Every year on March 1, at the initiative of the member countries of the International Organization civil defense World Civil Defense Day is celebrated, established to promote the activities of national rescue services and the formation of a culture of safety. The Russian Emergencies Ministry joined the International Civil Defense Organization in 1993, a quarter of a century ago.

About what this organization is and about other issues related to the functioning of the civil defense system, we talked with the deputy head of the territorial body (for protection, monitoring and prevention of emergencies) of the Main Directorate of the Russian Emergencies Ministry for the Altai Territory Vladimir Drachev.

Drachev Vladimir Mikhailovich

Vladimir Mikhailovich, tell us a little about the history of this organization, about the stages of its development.

It is worth saying that the creation of such a fundamentally new structure was the dictate of the time, turbulent, full of wars and conflicts of various scales. And the International Civil Defense Organization, created in 1931 under the name "Association of the Geneva Zones", initially, according to the idea of ​​its creators, was engaged in organizing the protection of the civilian population, mainly focusing on actions in war time.

Naturally, it brought together specialists who traditionally dealt with civil defense, military personnel who solve specific tasks of protecting the civilian population. At the same time, it should be noted that the leading roles in the work of the Association of Geneva Zones at this stage were played by representatives European countries. And already in 1958 the organization received a new name - the International Civil Defense Organization.

What is this organization today? Does it include the Russian Federation?

Yes, the Russian Federation has been a member of ICDO since May 1993. By order of the Government, the Ministry of Russian Federation for civil defence, emergencies and elimination of consequences of natural disasters.

To date, the International Civil Defense Organization is the only intergovernmental organization specializing in the international arena in the field of civil defense. This is a very serious, influential structure: at present, more than 70 states are members of the Organization, representatives of a number of countries participate as observers.

The contribution of the Russian Federation to the implementation of the tasks of the ICDO is great: since 2000, several dozen states have received various humanitarian assistance from Russia. On a multilateral basis, SIT projects (assistance international development), which included the supply of special equipment to equip the national rescue services, the provision of methodological and technical assistance in the development national centers crisis management, national emergency preparedness and response training, humanitarian demining and the deployment of regional humanitarian centres…

What are the main functions of an international organization today?

In fact, there are many functions, and all of them relate to the protection of the population and territories, not only in wartime, but also in the event of natural and man-made emergencies.

These are both the establishment and maintenance of close cooperation between institutions entrusted with the task of protecting and saving people and property, and facilitating the creation and expansion of a civil defense organization in those countries where such an organization does not exist, in particular in developing countries.

An important role is played by the promotion and exchange between various countries information, experience, employees and experts in the field of protection and rescue of the population and property. The organization has educational, scientific, and outreach functions.

2017 has been a significant year for ICDO in many ways. This year the organization celebrated 80 years of work in Geneva. It was in 1937 that the headquarters of the Association of Geneva Zones, established in 1931 in Paris, was moved to Geneva. 40 years have passed since the signing of the Additional Protocols to the Geneva Conventions relating to the Protection of Victims of International and Non-International Armed Conflicts, signed in 1977. And finally, in May, the 50th anniversary session of the ICDO Executive Council was held in Geneva.

Tell us about the holiday itself - world day civil defense? How did it come about and who celebrates it?

Resolution adopted on 18 December 1990, 9th session General Assembly The International Civil Defense Organization has decided to celebrate March 1 as World Civil Defense Day every year. World Civil Defense Day is used to organize talks, conferences, open days, exercises, disseminate knowledge about methods of protecting the population and demonstrate the available means and equipment for disaster management.

World Civil Defense Day has several goals: to draw the attention of the world community to the importance of civil protection, to inform the population about the need to prevent and prepare for natural disasters, to spread knowledge about the means and methods of protection, and to increase the readiness of the population for self-defense in case of disasters and accidents. This day is also an occasion to pay tribute to the efforts and self-sacrifice of the personnel of the national civil protection services in their fight against disasters.

On this day, congratulations on the professional holiday are accepted by the current employees and veterans of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the Altai Territory, regional structures responsible for resolving issues of organizing civil defense activities, who, by the nature of their service, are called upon to resolve issues of saving and protecting the population in case of emergency on the territory of the region.

And do we, in the Altai Territory, have events dedicated to this date?

Yes, they are very different. These are meetings with veterans of the MPVO, civil defense, and the organization of special classes in the educational and methodological center and in civil defense courses, and sports competitions. Attention is paid to information work among the younger generation: meetings are held between representatives of our departments and schoolchildren. This work is especially relevant this year, which has been declared the Year of Safety Culture by the leadership of the EMERCOM of Russia.

It should also be said that March 1 is not the only holiday for my colleagues, October 4 is the Russian Civil Defense Day.

What can be said about the development of the civil defense system in our region? What's new in this area?

Life does not stand still and the issues of improving the civil defense system are traditionally under the special control of the Government Altai Territory. Most recently, on February 22, 2018, Decree No. 64 was adopted, which approved the Regulations on the Civil Defense Forces of the Altai Territory, as well as a list of territorial bodies of federal executive authorities, executive authorities and organizations authorized to solve problems in the field of civil defense.

This Regulation defines the basis for the creation, maintenance of readiness and use of civil defense forces in the Altai Territory. This document is one of the fundamental ones for us; it is the basis for strengthening and developing the system of protecting the population and territories from a variety of threats.

According to the UN, more than 200 million people worldwide are exposed to negative impact natural or man-made disasters, and their number is growing every year due to degradation environment, climate change and an increasing number of industrial accidents. The right to a safe life is an inalienable right of every human being. Insecurity not only endangers and shortens life, it also creates barriers to sustainable development civil society.

In this situation, civil defense becomes essential element national security every country. Without a technically equipped and professionally trained civil defense service, it is impossible to ensure the normal functioning of either the state or its population.

Press Service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Altai Territory

25.02.2018 10:15:00

In 1931, at the initiative of several states, the French General of the Medical Service, Georges Saint-Paul, founded the "Association of Geneva Zones" - "security zones" in Paris, to create local security zones in all countries through bilateral and multilateral agreements.

World Civil Defense Day, established in 1990, is celebrated in ICDO member countries to promote knowledge of civil defense and raise the prestige of national rescue services. March 1 was not chosen by chance. It was on this day that the ICDO Charter came into force, which was approved by 18 states.

Among the activities of the ICDO, the following should be singled out: training of national personnel in the field of management during emergency situations; providing technical assistance to states in creating and improving systems for preventing emergency situations and protecting the population; promotion of experience and knowledge on civil defense and management issues during emergencies.
Training of specialists is carried out at the Civil Defense Training Center in Switzerland.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia joined the International Civil Defense Organization in 1993, has representatives in the permanent secretariat of the ICDO and participates in all major events held by this organization. Civil Defense Day of the EMERCOM of Russia is celebrated on October 4.

More than 50 states of the world decided to unite to create security zones in their countries, 20 countries joined them as observers. As a result of joint efforts, on March 1, 1972, the International Civil Defense Organization was established, and the day of signing the document on the creation of the organization began to be celebrated as World Civil Defense Day.

By establishing this holiday, the ICDO General Assembly aimed to introduce people to the culture of life safety, the main tasks of the national civil defense, civil protection and emergency response services. On the present stage the need to create an International Civil Defense Organization is confirmed by the problem of combating international terrorism, an increase in the number of fires, disasters and victims of thoughtless use natural resources, modern technologies, weapons and equipment.

Russia has been a member of the International Civil Defense Organization (hereinafter - ICDO) since 1993. By order of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia was entrusted to represent our country in the organization. The entry of our country into the international civil defense organization contributed to the creation of the Russian Rescue Corps. Life required changes and improvement in the field of civil defense. Therefore, at the same time, the Ministry for Civil Defense and Emergencies began its activities, now - the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.

In recent years, there has been a tendency in the activities of the ICDO to move from civil defense to civil protection. This is due to the fact that most national and international organizations are reorienting from military tasks to peacetime emergencies and to providing humanitarian aid in case of their occurrence.

Our country, represented by the Russian Emergencies Ministry, actively participates in international activities ICDO, which contributes to strengthening relations between Russia and ICDO. In 2010, Moscow hosted the International Forum of Firefighters and Rescuers, which was attended by observers from 15 ICDO countries, as well as more than 300 representatives of emergency and fire and rescue services from 80 countries. The purpose of the forum was a common desire to implement a unified system of principles of mutual assistance and combating disasters.

World Civil Defense Day 2020 is celebrated on March 1st. The holiday is celebrated by member countries of the International Civil Defense Organization (ICDO). Participate in the celebrations public figures, government agencies, representatives of social movements, manufacturers of personal protective equipment, high-ranking officials, emergency workers, military units, scientists, researchers, accident liquidators. In 2020, World Civil Defense Day is celebrated in Russia for the 27th time.

The purpose of the holiday is to spread knowledge about civil defense (CS) and raise the prestige of the rescue services.

history of the holiday

In 1931, the General of the Medical Service, Georges Saint-Paul, founded the "Association of the Geneva Zones" in Paris with the aim of creating security territories in all countries. In 1958, it grew into the International Civil Defense Organization (ICDO).

World Civil Defense Day was proclaimed by the Resolution of December 18, 1990 of the 9th session of the ICDO General Assembly. The date coincides with the entry into force of the ICDO Charter on March 1, 1972. The holiday has been celebrated in Russia since 1994.

Holiday traditions

World Civil Defense Day is held annually under a new motto. On this day public organizations arrange actions in support of peace. Civil defense services conduct exercises, tell the population about measures to protect themselves from dangers. Figures of environmental funds make presentations on current threats to the environment. Conferences, educational lectures, seminars are held. Politicians put forward proposals for the eradication of military conflicts and the reduction of armaments. People who have made a significant contribution to the security of the state are honored. Broadcast on television documentaries and broadcasts about hazardous industrial facilities, ways to save life and health, stories of emergency response.

  • October 4th is celebrated.
  • There is an international symbol of civil defense. It is made in the form of a dark blue isosceles triangle in an orange circle.
  • Civil defense in the Russian Federation is led by the Government of the Russian Federation.
  • Russia became a member of the International Civil Defense Organization (ICDO) in 1993. The interests of the country in the ICDO are represented by the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief (MES).
  • In 2014, the Russian V.V. became the Secretary General of the ICDO. Pitchers.
  • In the USSR, measures to protect the population were promoted by posters in in public places. They described actions damaging means, weapons of the enemy, rules for the provision of first aid.

Such a phenomenon as civil defense has its own holiday. It is celebrated annually on March 1st. It was invented in order to remind the world community of the importance of observing the rules of peaceful coexistence, to give the population information about civil defense and to increase the prestige of professions related to it. Public movements and authorities of the member states of the International Civil Defense Organization participate in the events. On this day, congratulations are accepted not only by military personnel, but also by rescuers, scientists, participants in the elimination of accidents and many others.

history of the holiday

It all started back in 1931. Thanks to Georges Saint-Paul, who held the rank of General of the Medical Service, a new organization appeared on the territory of Paris. It was called the Association of "Geneva Zones". The activity of the Association was to organize settlements, which during the period of armed conflicts were supposed to have the status of neutral and be a shelter for civilians. Their location was negotiated through agreements back in Peaceful time. In 1958, the Association underwent some changes.

The new rules allowed state governments, organizations and individuals to join. New structure was named the International Civil Defense Organization, and its functions expanded. Since then, it has regulated the protection of the population not only during armed conflicts, but also in peacetime: during natural disasters or major industrial accidents.

This structure exists and is actively functioning today. In 1990, ICDO, during the regular session of the General Assembly, decided to establish a formal memorable date. And March 1 was chosen as the day of celebration for the reason that this date is the first day the Charter of the organization comes into force.

This holiday is celebrated not only to raise the prestige of the rescue service, but also to spread knowledge about aspects of civil defense. March 1 was chosen for a reason. On this day, the charter of the International Civil Defense Organization came into force. In 1931, several leading countries took the initiative, thanks to which a French general founded the "Association of Geneva Zones" in Paris, these were security zones. The association soon began to be called the International Civil Defense Organization (ICDO).

Purpose of creation

It was believed that in all countries there should be safety zones (shelters) where the most vulnerable members of society could find shelter - the sick, the elderly, women and children. General Georges Saint-Paul insisted that before the start of the war, it was somehow necessary to alleviate the lot of the population, because during the war it would be too late to do this.

Current activities of ICDO

Among the main activities of ICDO, there are 3 main ones:
1. Dissemination of knowledge and experience in matters of civil defense.
2. Management during emergencies.
3. Training of national personnel, providing assistance related to the protection of the population, as well as improving emergency prevention systems.

For the purpose of spreading knowledge, the ICDO Documentation Center publishes the magazine "Civil Protection", which is published in 4 languages ​​(including Russian). ICDO libraries and documentation centers contain a large number of magazines, books, documents, video and audio materials.

This holiday is aimed at drawing public attention to the tasks performed by the defense and civil protection services. The most important of these include protecting the environment and saving lives. MOGO is the only international organization, which is engaged in civil protection on such a scale.

It should be noted that the cooperation agreement with the UN, or rather with its Department of Humanitarian Affairs, played an important role. This document has untied the organization's hands to work in a variety of ways.


The ICDO organization is open to every country that shares its charter and constitution. Assembly ( supreme body management) consists of delegates. Delegates are member states. The Assembly holds sessions every year. Training centers ICDOs are open in Golion, Schwarzenburg and Wangen. More than a hundred specialists from all over the world have already completed an internship at ICDO.

World Civil Defense Day is celebrated every year with a specific purpose. So in 2009, the issue of means of communication and alerting the population was raised. Agree, in the event of an emergency, it is very important to promptly notify the population and give the necessary instructions. Timely informing the population is the duty of every state.

The conduct and organization of civil defense is main function any country. Civil defense undoubtedly makes a great contribution to ensuring security at the state level.

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