Orientation on the ground by natural and artificial objects. How to determine the type of wood, we study materials Orientation by trunks and tree bark

Interesting 06.07.2019

The years of life of trees in temperate and cold latitudes can be determined by the cross cut of their trunks, counting growth rings(annual layers). Such a layer, as a rule, corresponds to the growth of wood in one growing season. The wood that is born in spring and early summer differs markedly from the later wood that appears in late summer and autumn.

When a tree is just starting to vegetate, thenin woodmany wide lumen vessels are formed. In autumn, the vessels form narrow, and it becomes denser and darker. Usually the transition from early to late wood is gradual, but the transition from late to early can be traced quite clearly, and the boundaries between them are clearly visible to the naked eye. Each ring usually corresponds to one year. Although sometimes there are so-called false rings. This happens if, due to an unfavorable summer (drought or cold), it begins to vegetate in the fall.

Here is an incident that happened in Türi (Estonia) on August 25, 1818. During a thunderstorm, lightning struck a 25-meter oak tree; the affected tree was cut into pieces. And then it turned out that the concentric layers of oak wood, under the influence of lightning, peeled off from each other and freely moved forward like a telescopic antenna.

The oldest giant trees

Since the thickness of the trunk increases every year, it would seem that long-livers should be sought among thick trees. Indeed, for a long time, the giant trees growing in North America were considered the oldest - sequoias and sequoiadendrons.

Sequoias are giant trees: the height is about one hundred meters, the trunk diameter reaches 8.5 m. One such sequoia was sawn with a seven-meter saw for almost two weeks, and it took 30 railway platforms to transport the wood of this tree. Two more interesting facts. In the Sequoia National Park (USA), on the stump of a gigantic sequoia cut down in the middle of the 19th century, enterprising Americans set up a summer dance floor, where 16 pairs of dancers, 20 spectators and 4 musicians were placed at the same time.

In Yosemite national park(20 km from San Francisco) the famous sequoia "wahvonah" grows - the great conifer tree. In 1881, in place of a huge hollow in its trunk, a tunnel 8.7 m long, 2.5 m wide and 3 m high was pierced.

Among these giant trees flora and found a sequoia, whose age was 2125 years. For a long time it was considered the oldest tree.Sequoiadendron (wellingtonia, mammoth tree) has even more impressive dimensions, its trunk diameter reaches 10 m, it grows in California on the western slopes of the Sierra Nevada.

Relatively recently, the sequoia gave way to the long-lived pine trees among the long-lived trees of the intermountain, growing on the rocky slopes of the White Mountains (west North America). No one imagined that, in general, small trees (up to 10 m high) have such a respectable age. In 1955, one of these pines was cut down for scientific research. When, according to the growth rings, its age was calculated, the scientists were extremely surprised: the spiny pine is 4900 years old! The researchers had no choice but to blame themselves for their indiscretion and regret what they had done.

But the rest of the old-timer pines were studied with extreme caution and since 1958 they have been taken under state protection. Among the long-lived pines, many trees were counted, whose age has exceeded 4 thousand years. All four-thousander trees received their own names: "Alpha" - the very first tree discovered over the age of over 4 thousand, "Patriarch" - the most thick tree from spinous pines (trunk diameter 3.5 m), "Methuselah" is the oldest living tree, it is 4600 years old (according to biblical legends, Methuselah lived the longest among people - 969 years).

The growth rings of the bristlecone pine are so dense that they are indistinguishable to the naked eye. This is not surprising: after all, in a hundred years, the diameter of the trunk increases by no more than 2.5 cm. And in one of the cut sections, only 12 cm long, 1,100 growth rings were counted. So the oldest of the spiny pines appeared on Earth when the pharaohs began to build the first pyramids in Egypt.

Tree rings determine not only the age of a tree

Today, to determine the age of a tree, there is no need to cut it down. Dendrochronologists, experts in "reading" annual rings, drill wood columns as thick as a stylus with a gimlet, and then examine them under a microscope.

And Japanese inventors have designed a portable X-ray machine, with which you can take pictures of the diameter of the trunk without causing even the slightest harm to the tree; according to these pictures, experts determine not only the age of the tree, but also its well-being (as far as this word can be applied to the tree).

The width of the growth rings of a tree changes from year to year, so the totality of all rings is a chronicle in which a connoisseur can read

Is it necessary to decipher the tree chronicle? Of course it is necessary, because it helps to reveal some secrets of the past. For a long time, American historians were worried about the mystery of the rock city built in the 13th century. in Mesa Verde (USA, California). Why did the inhabitants leave it? As the growth rings of logs told, without which, of course, structures could not do ancient city, this happened due to years of drought. everything: temperature fluctuations in the air, the amount of precipitation, Forest fires, the invasion of insect pests, the death of neighboring trees. The width of each individual ring is also not the same everywhere, it depends on the position of the tree relative to the sun, its shading by neighboring trees, on the direction of the winds, and the like.

Determining the age of trees by annual rings first suggested by Leonardo da Vinci; he also suggested that their width depends on the climate. The relationship between the growth of annual rings and meteorological factors - air temperature and precipitation - was first pointed out by Russian scientists A.N. Beketov and F.N. Shvedov in the second half of the 19th century. American researchers from the dendrochronological laboratory of the University of Arizona established from the annual layers of spiny pine that in the west of North America in 1453, 1601, 1884, 1902, 1941 and 1965. the summer was abnormally cold. Data for 1941 and 1965 coincide with the observations of meteorologists. The fact is that in years with cold summers, the activity of the cambium (the connective tissue that gives rise to wood) is weak. Damage to wood cells formed in summer indicates the intrusion of cold air masses.

So, studying the growth rings of spiny pines and the preserved fragments of the dead wood of these trees, American scientists compiled a consolidated climatic calendar for the west of North America, where up to 6200 BC. e. characterized each year.

Similar studies were carried out in the former Soviet Union. There used to be a dendroclimatochronological laboratory at the Botanical Institute of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences. In it, they created a dendroscale covering 900 years. Through the rings of the old cedar, discovered in Altai, scientists have established what the climate was in these places from 1020 to 1979. The cedar dendroscale clearly shows how 11-year cycles of solar activity affect the climate. They also noticed 80-90-year-old rhythms, the cause of which has not yet been finally clarified.

And in the journal "Nature" for 1976, a message appeared on a new method for determining the climate of past centuries from tree rings. It has been established that the ratio of carbon, oxygen and hydrogen isotopes in earth's atmosphere is dependent on its temperature. So by calculating the isotopic composition of each ring of wood, we can calculate average annual temperatures bygone years. Only for this it is necessary to establish a quantitative relationship between the isotopic composition of the annual layers and the known average annual temperature.

Scientists from England, Germany, and the USA worked on the creation of a wood thermometer. They conducted their research in England, where they began to register the temperature before anyone else. environment- about 300 years ago. Not far from the places where temperatures were recorded, ancient oaks and firs and analyzed the abundance of isotopes in the rings. This is how the wood thermometer scale was calibrated.The study of old-timer trees helped to find out what the weather was like several centuries ago, when they had no idea that heat and cold could be measured.

But annual rings can tell not only about the climate of past centuries coniferous plants. American scientists have found that they also recorded large volcanic eruptions. Indeed, during an eruption, a large mass of volcanic ash and dust is ejected into the upper atmosphere, which can remain in the atmosphere for two to three years. The smallest solid particles delay Sun rays so it gets colder on the ground.

By examining bristlecone pines, scientists have confirmed the eruption of Mount Etna in 44 BC. e. Only this eruption was recorded in the growth rings of trees in 42 BC. e .: it took two years to drive a cloud of volcanic dust and ash from Sicily to America.

The date of the eruption of Etna is well known to scientists, but about another major eruption of the Santorin volcano, which destroyed the Minoan culture on about. Crete, historians had a dispute. Some believed that the eruption of the Santorini volcano was between 1700 and 1450. n. e., others - between 1500 and 1300. BC e. According to the growth rings of bristlecone pines, dendrochronologists have established that the eruption of the Santorini volcano occurred between 1628 and 1626. BC e.

About ten years ago, the American botanist A. G. Jaikobee suggested that the annual rings of trees growing in areas with seismic activity can determine when an earthquake occurred and even how strong it was.

In his reasoning, he is based on the fact that an earthquake usually changes the conditions in which a forest grew: the root system is damaged, the supply of groundwater to trees changes, and so on. Naturally, these factors affect the growth of the tree and should be recorded in annual rings. Indeed, earthquakes are marked by dark rings, expanded on one side.

The Soviet scientist N. V. Lovelius suggested that the rings of old-timers should contain information about supernova explosions in the Galaxy. He studied the cuts of two such trees: juniper (tree-like juniper) and Amur larch. When they counted the annual layers of juniper found high in the mountains Central Asia, it became clear that this plant was born in 1163 and lived for 807 years. During this time, three supernova explosions occurred - in 1572, 1604, 1700. and these explosions had an impact on the Earth's biosphere. The supernova explosion slowed down the growth of trees: moreover, the suppression reached a maximum at 15-16 years after the explosion, 30 years later, the growth of trees returned to normal.What physiological processes are violated under the influence of a supernova explosion has not yet been established.

Reading the annals of the rings, you can extract other information. For example, trees can tell about the degree of atmospheric pollution in different years. American physicists use annual rings to determine the consequences nuclear testing. Chemists analyzing chemical composition tree rings, study the distribution of scattered elements in different periods.

Every time we re-read our favorite book, we find something new in it that we didn’t notice before. So it is with the chronicle of the annual layers: years will pass and maybe someone will read it in a new way and open for us a completely different content of this wooden chronicle written by Nature.

In winter, when the trees are without foliage, a special mysterious aura envelops the forest. While walking, take a closer look at the imposing "giants" - it is difficult to identify a tree without leaves, but it can still be done. It is especially exciting to do such “experiments” with children, because for them the world “ forest dwellers» is absolutely unknown, which means it is interesting. What tree stands in front of you can be identified and recognized not only by the kidneys, but also by the bark.

In adult trees, the differences are especially noticeable, so after a little practice it will not be difficult to recognize them: if the bark is smooth and uniform, you have a forest beech in front of you, vertically running grooves indicate horse chestnut, deep “wrinkles” dot the “armor” of oak, and gray “scales » cover the trunk of a white maple.

bark - protective shell tree. It protects the inner, more delicate, part of the plant from drying out, disease and fungal attacks. And at the same time - gives shelter to thousands of living beings. In winter, sharp fluctuations in air temperature at night and during the day are very dangerous for the bark - it can crack, and frost holes will appear on the trunk.

Protect fruit trees whitewashing will help from such damage, which late autumn caring gardeners apply on the trunks. Trees also suffer from human hands, often leaving marks on their rough "sides". Through such cuts, pathogens enter the tree. Tell your children about this and explain that trees need to be protected. After all, we all love to walk in the woods!

The bark from the outside is covered with a crust - cork layer from dead cells. Under it is a bast. It consists of a conductive tissue transporting organic nutrients, bast parenchyma and bast fibers.

The cambium is responsible for the growth of the trunk in breadth - a thin layer of tissue from cells that are constantly dividing, forming bast cells closer to the bark, and wood cells closer to the core.

Through the tissues of light sapwood, water and nutrients enter the crown, while metabolic products accumulate in dark heartwood.

The core rays serve as "storerooms" nutrients and distribute them along the entire radius of the trunk. Each year, an annual ring appears, which has an externally dark strengthening latewood, formed in late summer and autumn, inside - a light one, formed in spring.

The structure of a tree on a cut

  1. Crust
  2. Cambium
  3. annual ring
  4. core beam
  1. core
  2. annual ring
  3. early wood
  4. late wood
  5. cambium
  6. crust
  7. sapwood
  8. heartwood

How to identify a tree by its bark - examples

  1. Pedunculate oak ( Quercus robur) can be identified not only by the knotted branches and trunk, but also by the brown-gray bark with deep furrows.
  2. Felt linden (Tilia tomentosa) has pronounced longitudinal "cracks" on the bark.
  3. Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris) is characterized by a red-brown color of the bark, dotted with deep furrows.
  4. The adult chestnut tree (Aesculus hippocastanum) is characterized by layers of gray-brown bark stretching along the trunk.
  5. Sycamore maple, or sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus), can be unmistakably identified by its scaly, sycamore-like grey-brown bark.
  6. Beech forest (Fagus sylvatica) to a ripe old age is distinguished by a strikingly smooth thin bark.

In determining your location and calculating the sides of the horizon, not only special devices can help, but also Mother Nature herself, who has a lot of features. But this type of terrain orientation is used only in rare cases, since the reliability of this method is much lower than elementary ones.

Plant orientation


Perhaps this is one of the most accurate ways to determine the line of the North-South track. After all, moss and lichens grow exclusively with north side, and their peculiarity to grow in the shade makes it possible to navigate the terrain not only with the help of trees and wooden buildings, but also with the help of large stones.

tree bark

If you look closely at tree bark, you can see that on the north side it is always much darker and rougher. Of course, one tree will not show you the exact direction, but a group of trees will cope with this task almost perfectly.

Take, for example, a pine trunk. After a rainstorm, it begins to actively darken. And this phenomenon always originates from the north side. And all because on the bark coniferous trees a secondary crust is developed, which tends to form in shaded places and swell.

And in the heat, pine can come in handy no less. The main thing is to carefully determine which side of the barrel is emitting more resin. This sign will show you the south direction.


Even grass can be a good guide for a traveler. It is worth remembering that in open glades the grass will be thicker and more active to sprout from the north. If we start from separate natural objects (stones, stumps, trees), then it is worth considering that in this case the grass will grow thicker already on the south side. But it retains its greenery and juiciness, of course, from the north.

Orientation on artificial objects: Clearings

Huge forestry areas are often separated by clearings, with the help of which it is easy to determine all four cardinal directions. Their felling takes place in a stationary mode from North to South and from West to East.

The territory is marked with a network of quarter pillars. Before installation, their tops are hewn and burned (painted) with the number of the clearing, which corresponds to one or another pillar. Accordingly, the countdown from the first column is the North-West direction, from the last - the South-East.

The quarterly network at times facilitates not only the fulfillment of various tasks of forestry enterprises, but also orientation in the area for travelers. So this method is very simple and convenient in practice.

If you follow these simple rules, then it will not be difficult to navigate the terrain, which means that the path will be easy and pleasant.

Travel with pleasure!

How old is that huge tree in the yard? If you do not know the exact date of planting, you can estimate the age of the tree by the diameter of the trunk. This is the easiest, albeit inaccurate, method. If the tree is evergreen, count the number of whorls, or rows of branches. In deciduous trees, the branches do not form regular rows, so this method is applicable only to evergreens. Counting growth rings gives the most accurate results, but this requires cutting down the tree. However, annual rings can be counted without destroying the tree, it is enough to take a sample of the wood with the help of an incremental borer.


Estimation of age by trunk radius

  1. Measure the circumference of the trunk at the height of your chest. In forestry, the average chest height is considered to be 1.4 meters from ground level. Wrap a measuring tape around the barrel at this height and record the circumference measured.

    • If the tree is growing on a sloping ground, measure 1.4 meters from the uphill side and mark the trunk, then do the same from the downhill side. The average chest height will be in the middle between these marks.
    • If the trunk branches below a height of 1.4 meters, measure the circumference directly below the branch.
  2. Find diameter and barrel radius. To determine the diameter, divide the measured circumference by pi, which is approximately 3.14. After that, find the radius: to do this, simply divide the resulting diameter by 2.

    • Suppose the girth (circumference) of the trunk was 390 centimeters, then its diameter is approximately 124 centimeters, and the radius is about 62 centimeters.
  3. Subtract 0.6-2.5 centimeters to account for the thickness of the bark. For a rock with a thick bark, such as oak, subtract 2.5 centimeters from the radius. If the tree has a thin bark (for example, a birch), it is enough to subtract 0.6 centimeters. If you're unsure and want a rough estimate, subtract 1.3 centimeters from the radius.

    • If you leave out the bark, you'll end up with extra thickness, which will overestimate the age of the tree.
  4. Estimate the width of the growth rings from nearby fallen trees. Look around for stumps or felled trees of the same species. If you can see the growth rings on them, measure the radius of the fallen trunk and count the number of growth rings. Then divide the barrel radius by the number of rings to find the average width of one ring.

    • Suppose you find a stump or a fallen trunk with a radius of 64 centimeters nearby and count 125 rings on its cut. In this case, the average width of the ring will be 0.51 centimeters.
    • Growth rate depends on the type of tree and environmental conditions. Living tree probably grew at about the same rate as a nearby tree of the same species.
    • To estimate the age of a tree, you should substitute the results of measurements of the average width of the rings (or the average growth rate if you could not find fallen trees) into the formula.
    • Even if you know the average width of the rings, you can estimate the age not only by it, but also by the average growth rate, and then compare the results.
  5. If necessary, look up the average growth rate of a particular species. If you can't find stumps or fallen trunks nearby, search the Internet for the average growth rate of the corresponding tree species. For more accurate results, enter your location when searching.

    • For example, for oak, ash, beech, and white maple, the average rate of annual circumference growth is about 1.3–1.9 centimeters. If you don't know what species a tree is, plug in 1.3 and then 1.9 to find out what age range you can estimate.
    • For a more accurate estimate, consider the place where the tree grows. In open areas, the growth rate is usually higher and amounts to 1.9–2.5 centimeters per year. in cities and dense forests trees grow more slowly.
    • Be careful and pay attention to how the growth rate is calculated. In many sources, it is given as an increase in the circumference of the trunk per year. However, growth rates can also be found in terms of the annual increase in stem radius.
  6. Divide the radius by the average width of the growth rings. If you manage to find a stump or a fallen trunk nearby, divide the radius of a living tree by the average width of the rings.

    • Let's say, after eliminating the bark, you get a radius of 60 centimeters, and from a nearby stump you determine that the average width of the growth ring is 0.5 centimeters.
    • Divide 60 by 0.5 and you get 120 years.
  7. Divide the girth of the trunk (its circumference) by the average annual growth rate. If you have found the growth rate, expressed as an annual increase in trunk circumference, divide the measured circumference by this value.

    • Suppose the trunk circumference is 390 centimeters, and the annual growth rate lies in the range of 1.9–2.5 centimeters. Divide 390 by 1.9, then divide 390 by 2.5. As a result, you will get an age of 156-205 years.

Whorl Count

  1. Estimate the age of a conifer by the number of whorls. Whorls are rows of branches located at approximately the same height. This method is suitable only for evergreen conifers, it gives low accuracy for broadleaf trees such as oak or maple. It is less accurate than counting tree rings, but allows you to estimate the age of a tree without harming it.

    • Coniferous trees annually release new rows of branches at regular intervals. In the same time deciduous trees release new branches irregularly, so this method is not suitable for them.
    • Whorls are easiest to count on young conifers. Tall, mature trees may not have a visible top and are less regular in growth.
  2. Count the number of rows of branches located at the same height. Find the lowest row of branches, followed by a smooth trunk, and then the next row of branches. These rows are whorls - count their number to the very top of the tree.

    • Between the whorls, individual branches may come across, or some adjacent whorls may be located close to each other. This irregular growth is indicative of damage or unusual weather conditions, so ignore those branches.
  3. Include in the calculation possible knots and knots at the base of the trunk. Examine the area below the first row of branches: it may contain traces of the original growth. Pay attention to the knots and knots on the trunk, where branches could previously grow - these should be added to the number of whorls.

    • Suppose a tree has 8 distinct whorls. Below the first row of branches, several knots are visible, which protrude from the trunk at about the same level. In addition, below these knots there are 2 or 3 knots. These additional knots and knots must be accounted for, and as a result, you will get 10 whorls.
  4. Add 2 to 4 years to account for the seedling's growth period. During the first few years, the tree germinates from the seed and develops into a seedling, and only then begins to release branches in the form of whorls. Add 2 to 4 whorls to account for this period of early growth.

    • If you counted 10 whorls, taking into account early period will be 12-14 years old.

Counting annual rings on the cut of the trunk

  1. Check if the rings are visible on the cut of the barrel. The number of rings indicates how many years the tree has lived. The rings are visible as alternating darker and lighter bands. One year of a tree's life corresponds to one light and dark band. The dark bands are more visible, so it's easier to count them.

    • Annual rings can also tell about the weather conditions in a given year. Thinner rings correspond to colder or drier years, while relatively thick rings correspond to more favorable weather conditions.
  2. Sand the cut of the barrel with sandpaper to better see the rings. If the rings are hard to see, first rub the barrel cut with coarse 60 grit sandpaper, then gradually increase the number and finish with fine 400 grit paper.

    • It is possible that some of the rings will fit snugly together and be difficult to distinguish. In this case, you can use a magnifying glass.
  3. Count the number of rings from core to bark. Find the core, that is, the small circle in the center of the concentric rings. Start counting from the first dark ring that surrounds the pith. Keep counting the rings until you reach the bark. The last ring should be close to the bark and will be difficult to see, but try to include it in your calculations anyway.

    • If you find it difficult to keep track of which ring you stopped at, try putting a mark with a pencil every 10 rings.
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Did you feel as if someone was watching you when you entered the forest? Especially when you have not been in it for a long time. The trees are looking after you, whispering among themselves. They are the same living beings as you and I, only they live in another dimension. They do not want anything bad for us, this is the prerogative of a person, they only want to help us.
At present, in almost all countries, they are beginning to realize and creatively approach the use of the living energy of tree trunks, their powerful aura, which is in constant replenishment.
Trees are endowed, like all living things, with a soul, they have an inexhaustible supply of vital energy, from which healing power comes. We live with you and do not notice this miracle, for us they are only part of the landscape. Trees are the largest and most spiritual plants on earth. They are in continuous meditation and subtle energy is their natural language.
Trees perfectly conduct the unhealthy energy accumulated in our organs into the ground. They strengthen the shattered nervous system, improve mood, rejuvenate, promote longevity. However, in order to borrow energy from our healer friends, we need to know how to do it.

How to find your tree

People and trees have always been connected by family and friendly ties. The wounded, weakened warrior, in order to regain strength, went to the oak. A woman to be happy in the family and give birth healthy child, went to the linden. The girl, so that her life was successful, went to the birch.
Today, biophysicists have confirmed: an oak is more willing to empathize with a man, a linden - a woman, a birch - a girl. And spruce is considered a sacred tree. The ancient Germans not only strictly guarded the sacred fir trees, they propitiated them in every possible way. The sacred tree was decorated, fires were laid around it, delicacies were prepared, good spirits were conjured by dancing and singing. Then the tree was burned. Ash from it was also considered sacred, it was stored until spring and scattered in the fields, believing that it was able to protect household supplies from rodents.
According to the customs of many peoples, a tree was planted on a child’s birthday, and it became, as it were, the second “I” of a person, his patron, it transferred part of its strength to him. If a person was sick, his indisposition was transmitted to the tree, it withered and withered.
Each Siberian and Altai shaman found his own "shaman" tree in the taiga. The life of a shaman since then has been firmly connected with this tree: if the tree died, the shaman also died.
I think that today everyone already knows that every tree, every plant has its own bioenergetics, its own psychological code. The human body may or may not respond to energy. certain types trees: with one tree a person becomes friendly in the blink of an eye, another leaves him indifferent, next to the third he experiences causeless anxiety, irritability or fatigue, apathy, loss of strength.
The fact is that each of us has our own tree, which is closest to us in terms of its bioenergetic characteristics. Such a tree will help in case of illness, help to cope with a lack of energy, support and nourish in difficult moments of life, and will not allow you to lose heart. But for this you need to know your tree.
Why do we get sick and tired? In particular, because the balance of energy in our body is disturbed. We feel bad from a lack of energy, but its excess does not bring us health and well-being, mood. So the balance needs to be restored. To do this, it is enough to approach the tree, which will make up for our lack of energy or, on the contrary, take away its excess.
How to know if a tree is right for you this moment or not? It's very simple: rub the foil from the most ordinary chocolate bar with your hand and go to the chosen tree. If the foil reaches out to him, the tree is yours, if it sticks to your hand, it is better for you not to communicate with this tree at the moment.
You can check with a dowsing frame. Approach the tree holding the frame straight ahead. If the frame starts to move, the tree does not suit you, if it stands, froze in place, this is your tree.
Trees react to people individually, they themselves feel, know what you need. If you decide, for example, to recharge energy from a tree at a time when you already have it in abundance, the tree will repel you, trying not to harm you: you will feel a heartbeat, tinnitus, other signs of illness ... This is how the trees warn us: don't do it, stop!
Having determined which tree suits you, go up to it, press your cheek against its trunk and try to sincerely love it, feel sympathy, tenderness for it. Let go of all thoughts. Try to feel yourself for a moment not as a person, but as a tree… Feel the vibrations of natural juices rising along the trunk, feel how energy descends from the air down the leaves, down the trunk to the roots… Thus, neuroses are perfectly cured, all cleansing processes in the body are activated .
But if contact with a tree causes unpleasant, painful sensations, it is better for you to simply not communicate with each other. Do not build gazebos in the country near such a tree, do not hang hammocks, and in general try to stay away from it.
Does this mean that such a tree is bad? Of course not! It's just not yours. But it is someone else's, it can help someone else, while it can harm you if handled carelessly.


In spring, the biofields of trees are especially strong. All trees are divided into two large groups: giving bioenergy and sucking it.
Giving energy - oak, birch, pine, apple tree, cedar.
Taking, sucking energy - alder, aspen, poplar, bird cherry, all climbing plants. They can also take away harmful energy if you are sick.

The energy of trees also has its own characteristics: in oak it is more rigid than in birch and pine; maple invigorates; willow, on the contrary, soothes; aspen relieves pain; poplar relieves irritability.

With the help of dowsing methods, it was found that birch and oak are energetically nourishing for about 80-90% of the inhabitants Middle lane Russia. Pine is next in this row.

Birch relieves fatigue, increases vascular tone, and neutralizes the effects of stress.

Cedar belongs to the life-givers and perfectly helps all the processes of cleansing in the body. Cedar and other resins have strengthening, healing and cleansing properties. It is good to take purified resin or oil of coniferous trees inside 10-15 drops, this contributes to the process of cleansing the cardiovascular system, increasing its tone.

If your the cardiovascular system already weakened and suffering from various diseases, aspen, poplar and bird cherry will worsen your condition. But birch, oak, linden can heal you.

Is there a forest or park nearby? Don't be discouraged! You can prepare healing chocks, branches, boards, dice for future use and store them at home. Dies size: height 2-3 cm, diameter 6-15 cm.
Migraine, hypertension, chronic diseases of the vessels of the brain perfectly eliminate dies or branches of tree species that suck energy. The plates should be applied to the sore spot and to the projection of the diseased organ onto the body or to the exit point of the meridian of this organ (through Chinese channels): soles, ears, palms.
The plates are applied for 10 minutes for 5 days in a row, then take a break for 1 day. The course of treatment is 1 month.

Trees heal us not only with the redistribution of energy, but also with their smells. The smells of oak and birch reduce arterial pressure, and communication with these trees is very beneficial for patients with hypertension. In a coniferous forest, it is better for hypertensive patients to be in winter, in summer headaches, on the contrary, can intensify, there is a risk of cardiac dysfunction.
Choose your tree. Stand at a distance of 1.5 m from him, stretch a vertically turned palm towards him, slowly approach. Already at a distance of 1 m, you will feel warmth and tingling in the palm of your hand. This means that the contact has been made.


There is one more method. Approach your tree calmly, turn your face to the east and lean against it. Put right hand on the solar plexus, and the left, back side, behind the kidneys, with it lean against the tree trunk. Try to immerse yourself in a state of contemplation and not think about anything for a while. Then mentally turn to the tree with a request to cleanse you (if the purpose of the contact is only cleaning) or heal you (if you are already sick). Stay for a few more minutes and calmly move on.
Don't forget to thank the tree before you leave for helping you - after all, you are friends with it.

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