The plant quercus robur is a raw material. Common oak - Quercus robur

Fashion & Style 20.07.2019
Fashion & Style
Botanical characteristic. Beech family. A tree 40 - 50 m high with a wide-spread crown and dark brown bark on the trunk. Leaves are obovate on short petioles, pinnately lobed, dark green. The flowers are small, collected in earrings. The fruits are brownish acorns, splitting into two parts, ripen at the end of September.

Spreading. grows in mixed forests, often continuous massifs in the forest-steppe zone of the European part of the USSR. On the Far East, in the Crimea, in the Caucasus there are other types of oak.

Medicinal raw materials. Use oak bark. It is harvested in early spring during the sap flow, when it is easily separated from the wood. In time, this approximately coincides with the period of bud break. The bark is removed from the shoots, thin trunks and young branches, making two annular cuts at a distance of 25 - 30 cm from one another, and connect them with a longitudinal cut, separating the bark from the wood. The trunks of old trees are usually covered with thick cork layer with cracks. The bark of such trees is unsuitable for harvesting, since the young bark contains much more tannins. Separated from the wood, the bark rolls into grooves or tubes. It is dried in the open air in the shade or under a canopy, in well-ventilated rooms, laid out so that the tubes of the bark do not fall into one another, in order to avoid the appearance of mold and black spots at the points of contact of the bark. It is also necessary to ensure that the raw material does not get rainwater, since the soaked bark loses a significant amount of tannins. When drying, the bark is turned over from time to time. Store it up to 5 years in a wooden container in a dry place.

Chemical composition. The bark contains 10 - 20% tannins, gallic and ellagic acids, up to 6% pectin, 13-14% pentosans, flavonoid quercetin, starch, mucus and other substances, in acorns - starch, tannins and protein substances, sugar, fatty oil (up to 5%), in the leaves - tannins, flavonoids, etc.

pharmacological properties. The presence of a large amount of tannins, pectin, quercetin determine the anti-inflammatory effect of the oak bark; astringent action is based on the ability of tannins to seal cell membranes.

Application. A decoction of oak bark (1:10) is recommended for inflammation of the oral mucosa, pharyngitis (irrigation), inflammation of the stomach and intestines, and gastrointestinal bleeding. Skin burns are treated with stronger (1:5) decoctions. Doses inside: horses and cattle 25 - 50 g, sheep and pigs 5-10, dogs 1-5, cats and chickens 0.2 - 1 g 3 times a day.

Rp.: Decocti corticis Quercus 50.0-500.0

D.S. For washing the mouth (with stomatitis).

Rp.: Decocti corticis Quercus 100.0-500.0 D.S. External (with bedsores).

  • Demanding on soil fertility. Grows best in deep, fertile, fresh loam LOAM - sandy-clay soil containing 10-30% of clay particles less than 0.005 mm in size (or 30-50% of particles less than 0.01 mm) and a significant amount of sand (50-70%). A ball rolled from loam is crushed into a cake, along the edges of which cracks form. Loams are divided into light, medium and heavy. They hold water and nutrients well, accumulate heat, light and medium loams are considered the most successful soils for agriculture. and sandy loam LOAM (sandy loam soil) - loose sandy-clay soil containing no more than 10% of clay particles smaller than 0.005 mm in size and a lot of sand. Sandy loam is the least plastic of all clay soils; when it is rubbed between the fingers, grains of sand are felt, it does not roll well into a cord. A ball rolled from sandy loam crumbles if you press a little on it. Sandy loamy soil is well aerated, heats up quickly and cools down quickly, holds water and nutrients poorly, and is easy to work with.. Likes moist soils, but does not tolerate excessive waterlogging.
  • In nature, it grows on gray forest GRAY FOREST SOILS - are formed in the forest-steppe zone under conditions of a periodically leaching water regime under the canopy of broad-leaved, mixed or small-leaved forests with diverse and abundant herbaceous vegetation. The upper humus layer is gray in color, with a lumpy-granular structure, no more than 20-25 cm thick. Usually quite fertile, but require protection from water erosion. loam, podzolic soils PODZOL SOILS are typical soils of coniferous and northern (“boreal”) forests. The name comes from the words “under” and “ash” and appeared, apparently, from Russian peasants, who, when plowing, found a layer resembling ash. These soils are formed in damp and cold areas, which are characterized by: depletion of plant litter in nitrogen and ash elements, leaching nutrients from the soil, slow soil life with a predominance of fungi, long-term decomposition of organic matter with a tendency to acidify the soil., degraded chernozems CHERNOZYOM ("black earth") - rich in humus, dark-colored soil, formed on loams or clays in a subboreal and temperate continental climate with periodically leaching or non-leaching water regime under perennial herbaceous vegetation. Chernozems are distinguished by good water-air properties, cloddy-granular structure and increased fertility., on the burozems BUROZOMS (brown forest soils) - soil formed under broad-leaved, mixed and less often coniferous forests in warm-temperate conditions humid climate under washing water regime. Burozems are characterized by brown color, lumpy structure, high humus content, slightly acidic or acidic reaction. Fertile, valued in forestry and agriculture.(in the mountains), on dry rocky calcareous soils LIME SOIL - soil containing at least 50% lime. Calcareous soils are loose, easy to work, heat up quickly, form a crust after rain, hold water poorly, plants often suffer from drought and lack of oxygen. They have an alkaline reaction, are moderately fertile.(in the mountains), on sandy loam, solonetzic SALONETZES - soils with a large amount of water-soluble sodium salts. They form in arid areas of the temperate, tropical and subtropical zones under conditions of a non-leaching water regime. Unlike solonchaks, solonetzes contain salts not in the uppermost layer, but at some depth. Salt licks are viscous and sticky when wet, become hard and difficult to process when dried, have a strongly compacted subsurface horizon, an alkaline reaction, and often form a crust on the surface. SOLONTSIC SOILS have similar properties, but in terms of quantitative indicators they are not classified as solonets.(in the steppes), alluvial ALLUVIAL (FLOWDAY) SOILS - a group of soils located in floodplains of rivers. Them distinguishing feature- Periodic flooding by flood waters, accompanied by the introduction and deposition of new mineral and organic material on the soil surface. In addition, these soils are characterized by close occurrence of groundwater. Most alluvial soils contain silt, sand and gravel and are very fertile.(in floodplains major rivers) soils.
  • Can grow on medium (loamy) and heavy ( clayey CLAY SOIL - soil containing more than 30% clay particles (less than 0.005 mm in size). Clay soil is very plastic, rolls well into a cord. A ball rolled from clay is compressed into a cake without cracking along the edges. Clay soils are heavy, dense, viscous, difficult to cultivate, very rich in minerals and microelements, and poorly permeable to water and air. When it rains, water stagnates on the clay, and in a drought the earth becomes hard as a brick.) soils.
  • It can grow in acidic, neutral and alkaline soils. Does not like acidic soils. With a strongly acid reaction of the soil, which usually occurs under the influence of spruce, the oak dies, yielding to the dominance of spruce.
  • Thanks to a powerful root system, it can grow on dry, poor, stony soils.
  • Tolerates soil compaction. But excessive compaction in places with immoderate recreational load or overgrazing of animals leads to crown dryness.

Beech - Fagaceae

Tree up to 35 - 60 m, trunk diameter 1-1.5 m.

Medicinal raw materials: bark of young branches and trunks. Collection in the spring during the sap flow (April, May). dried in vivo with good ventilation.

Chemical composition: 7–12% tannins (tannins), free gallic and ellagic acids, pectin substances.

Widely used since the beginning of the 19th century, used as an astringent and anti-inflammatory agent. AT folk medicine acorns are used for chronic diarrhea and scrofula, acorn powder is a surrogate for coffee. The astringent and anti-inflammatory effect is due to tannins. The bark is used as a decoction for rinsing with gingivitis, stomatitis, and others. inflammatory processes oral cavity, pharynx, pharynx, larynx.

Umbrella centaury - Centaurium umbellatum G.

Gentian - Gentianaceae

Two- or one-year-old small herbaceous plant 15–40 cm high. Blooms from June to autumn. Found in southern regions the European part of Russia, in Ukraine, the Caucasus, less often in Altai and Central Asia.

Medicinal raw materials: aerial part, collection at the beginning of flowering. Dry spreading out in a loose thin layer.

Chemical composition: bitter glycosides, gentianine alkaloid (0.6–1%), flavone glycosides, oleic acid, vitamin C were found.

The herb is used as a bitter to improve digestion. Included in the bitter collections and bitter tinctures. An aqueous infusion of centaury grass (10:200) is prescribed in a tablespoon 3 times a day before meals.

It is recommended for malaria, dysentery, heartburn, anemia, liver and kidney diseases, pulmonary tuberculosis, alcoholism and as an antihelminthic. Apply decoction, infusion and tincture of herbs. Infusion: 1 tablespoon of raw materials per 200 ml of boiled water, 30 minutes in a water bath, cool, filter, take 1 tablespoon half an hour before meals. For control: centaury herb infusion, diluted 1:2000, should be bitter. Tincture: 100–150 ml of 40% alcohol (vodka) for 20 g of raw materials, insist 7–14 days, shaking several times daily, filter and take 15–20 drops 20–30 minutes before meals (Nosov, 2001).

Cassia holly (senna) - cassia acutifolia D.

Legumes - Fabaceae

Semi-shrub up to 1 m tall. Distribution: grows wild in desert and semi-desert areas - the Nubian Desert, along the shores of the Red Sea, in some areas of South Arabia. It does not grow wild in our country, it is cultivated in specialized state farms as an annual crop.

Medicinal raw materials: sheet.

Chemical composition: leaves in the seedling phase contain 2.8% anthraquinones (anthracene derivatives), as they grow in the budding phase 3.6%, then it decreases and remains 2.3%, in the stems from 1.6 to 0.96%, in the roots - 0.7%, flavonoids of various structures.

Water infusions as a laxative: 10–20 g of cassia leaf or beans in 1 cup of boiling water, taken at night, acts after 6–10 hours.

Included in the anti-hemorrhoid and laxative teas (fees).

Coriander seed - Coriandrum sativum.

Celery - Apiaceae

Annual herbaceous plant 70 cm high. Blossoms in June - July. Fruits in August. It is bred in specialized state farms in Russia, Ukraine, and the North Caucasus. As a wild plant it is found in the Caucasus, in the Crimea, Central Asia.

Medicinal raw materials: fruit. Collection in the phase of 60-80% ripening, spicy taste, strong smell, specific, fragrant.

Chemical composition: up to 1.4% essential oil containing 70% linalool, 5% geraniol, borneol, terpinolene, phellandrene, pinene, cymol, decylaldehyde, decyl acid, up to 2% fatty oil (glycerides fatty acids up to 7.5%), a small amount of alkaloids, proteins.

In medicine, coriander preparations are used as a digestive, choleretic, anti-hemorrhoid agent, in the treatment of wounds, as an aromatic agent and improves the taste of some drugs. Coriander essential oil has a choleretic, antihemorrhoid, analgesic, antiseptic effect, enhances the secretion of the digestive tract. The fruits are part of the choleretic and gastric fees.

In folk medicine, it is used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as an aphrodisiac and regulating its activity. Currently, to increase appetite, with diseases of the liver, gallbladder, flatulence, as an antiseptic and analgesic. Improves digestion.

Common oak ( Quercus robur L.)

plant with Beech family (Fagaceae ) . A tree up to 50 m high with a powerful root system and irregular spreading or ovoid or cylindrical crown. The bark on the trunk is dark grey. The leaves are short-petiolate, oblong-obovate, peristolopathic with a heart-shaped base. The flowers are small, same-sex, pollinated by the wind, male - in long drooping catkins, greenish; female - solitary, inconspicuous, sessile or on an extended peduncle. Blooms during April-May. The fruit is an acorn, brownish-brown with longitudinal striping, almost half immersed in a bowl, an oval or dovgastooval nut. Gali are growths on the leaves of trees that form the larvae of some insects.

Spreading. It grows in broad-leaved and mixed forests, groves, ravines, gullies along river valleys, steep slopes in the European part, in the Caucasus, mixed with other species almost throughout Ukraine.

blank. Collect the so-called "mirror measles" from young branches and thin trunks (not thicker than 10 cm in diameter). Acorns are harvested in autumn, when they are ripe and fall off, and dried immediately. Gali is harvested late in the summer, dried and stored in a dry place.

Chemical composition. The bark contains halotannins (about 10-20%), catechin group tannins (about 0.4%), gallic and ellagic acids, mucus, starch, pectins, pentosans (13-14%), levulin, quercetin, quercete, flobafen, resinous, protein, mineral and other substances. Acorns contain starch (up to 40%), fats (up to 5%), carbohydrates, essential oil, tannins (5-8%), protein, mineral and other substances. Raw acorns contain quercetin, which is destroyed when fried. The letter contains quercetin, quercitrin, pentosans, dyes, tannins and other substances. Gali contain a small amount of tannin.

Application. A decoction of the bark has an astringent, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. Used for inflammation of the mucous membranes - inflammation and bleeding in gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea, dysentery, excessive menstruation. Take 1 tsp bark, pour 2 glasses of cold water, insist 8 hours and drink during the day in several doses, or take 1 tbsp. l. bark, pour

1 cup boiling water, boil for 5 minutes, insist 10 minutes. and drink throughout the day

2 cups of this extract, or prepare a 5-10% decoction and take 1 tbsp. l. 3-5 times a day. They are also used for poisoning with alkaloids, mushrooms and salts of heavy metals. Large doses of the decoction may cause vomiting. With gingivitis, stomatitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis and other inflammatory processes of the mouth, throat, pharynx, pharynx, as well as with flux, loosening of the gums and bad breath, rinse with a decoction. Take 10-20 g of bark, pour 200 ml of water, boil for 30 minutes, cool and filter, or prepare a decoction of oak bark (10: 200) with alum (2 g) and glycerin (15 g). With fluxes, a warm rinse is made with a decoction of sage leaves, infused with a decoction of oak bark. A decoction of the bark is especially widely used for skin diseases: burns, cracks, abscesses, swelling after frostbite, bedsores, sweating of the legs, wounds, ulcers, dyshidrosis, oily seborrhea, bleeding hemorrhoids, pain, inflammation of the vagina, uterine bleeding, anal fissures. A 10-20% decoction is prepared and compresses, poultices and douches are made (if necessary, diluted in half with water). For baths, in particular for eczema, prolapse of the rectum, a decoction of 0.5 kg of bark is prepared for 3-4 liters of water. With sweating feet, prepare a decoction of 100-350 g of bark per 1 liter of water and do foot baths daily or every other day for 15-20 minutes. 15 days. With sweating of the palms and armpits, wipe with a mixture - 1 cup of 5% decoction of the bark, 0.5 cups of vodka, 0.25 cups of vinegar and 10 g of alum.

In folk medicine, a decoction of red wine is taken to improve digestion, with hemorrhages, dysentery, diarrhea, excessive menstruation, and cystitis. A decoction of 8-10 200 is taken for kidney diseases associated with frequent urge to urinate and when blood appears in the urine, hemoptysis. With diarrhea and dysentery, enemas are made with a mixture of decoction of oak bark (1 part) and starch suspension (3 parts).

A decoction of gals is used to make lotions on scalded with hot liquid or burned parts of the body. An ointment is used to lubricate bedsores in seriously ill patients. They take 20 g of bark (or thin roots), add 10 g of poplar buds and 70 g of cow's butter, infuse in the oven for 8-10 hours, boil over low heat for 30 minutes, filter it through gauze while hot and cool. After lubrication, pain disappears and wounds heal over time. For burns, an ointment is used, prepared by mixing 20 g of condensed decoction of the bark with 80 g of cow's butter or lard. Sometimes roots, flowers and leaves are used. A decoction is prepared from them and taken orally for nighttime urinary incontinence and bleeding in women.

Coffee is made from the fruit. Dried and peeled acorns are fried, ground into powder and brewed with 1-2 tsp. 1 cup of boiling water. Coffee is prepared, which, along with acorns, includes grains of barley, oats, rye, wheat, chicory roots. Home-made coffee is distributed according to the following recipe: acorns 30 pcs., Barley grains and chicory roots 20 parts each, rye grains, oats, and dandelion roots 10 parts each. Coffee, which includes acorns and cereal grains, is not only nutritious, but has medicinal properties. It is recommended to use for dyspepsia, strong menstruation, anemia, nervous diseases, children with scrofulosi, exudative diathesis, rickets, convulsions of various origins. Cakes, cakes, cookies are prepared from acorn flour. Tea from acorns, leaves, bark and honey is used for scrofulosi, diseases of the liver, lungs, and stomach. The gruel of young leaves is used in the form of tampons for trichomonas colpitis.

Oak leaves are used in home cooking, adding them to pickles and marinades to give strength to cucumbers and tomatoes.

A lichen grows on the bark of the tree, which is called oak moss. It contains the antibiotic Binan - effective for wounds, burns and other diseases. The extract of this lichen gives stability to spirits.

1. The plant Polygonum bistorta has raw materials ...
- roots
- flowers
+ rhizomes
- leaves
- grass

2. In the plant Cotinus coggygria, the raw materials are ...
- roots
- flowers
- rhizomes
+ leaves
- grass

3. In the plant Quercus robur, raw materials are harvested ...
- during flowering
- during the summer
+ during sap flow
- in autumn at the end of the growing season

4. The raw material of the coil is dried in the ... way at a temperature of ... degrees.
+ air-shadow
- air-solar
— 70-90
— 50-60
+ up to 40

5. Burnet officinalis belongs to the family ...
+ Rosaceae
– Polygonaceae
— Fabaceae
– Ericaceae
– Saxifragaceae

6. Storage of raw materials "Oak bark" is carried out ...
- list B
+ according to the general list
- according to the general list separately

7. Medicinal raw materials of the serpentine were received - serpentine-curved rhizomes, slightly flattened with numerous thin roots. Fracture granular, pinkish. The smell is weak. The taste is astringent. Give an opinion on the quality of raw materials.
- Quality raw materials.

8. Indicate the pharmacopoeial method for the quantitative determination of tannins in MPC.
— Gravimetric.
+ Titrimetric.
— Photocolorimetric.
— Spectrophotometric.

9. The Alnus incana plant has raw materials ...
– seeds
+ infructescence
- grass
- leaves
- roots

10. The raw material of burnet officinalis is dried by ... method at a temperature of ... degrees.
+ air-shadow
+ air-solar
— 70-90
+ 50-60
— 25-35

11. The rest of the twig at the alder fruit should not exceed ...
+ 15 mm
- 20 mm
- not standardized

12. Common oak belongs to the family ...
– Rosaceae
– Polygonaceae
+ Fagaceae
– Ericaceae
– Saxifragaceae

13. Highlander snake belongs to the family ...
– Rosaceae
+ Polygonaceae
– Fagaceae
– Ericaceae
– Saxifragaceae

14. Name the life form of the drug burnet.
- Shrub.
- Semi-shrub.

15. Tannins of the condensed group with iron-ammonium alum give ... coloring.
— black-blue
+ black-green
- blood red

16. Life form of Polygonum bistorta...
- an annual herbaceous plant
+ perennial herbaceous plant
- shrub
- semi-shrub

17. The plant Quercus robur is harvested ...
- rhizomes
+ bark
- grass
- leaves
- flowers

18. Alder raw materials are harvested ...
- during the summer
- during the period of sap flow
+ from November to March

19. Raw alder is stored ...
- according to the general list
- list B
+ according to the general list separately

20. The leaves of the tannery are released from the pharmacy ...
- by doctor's prescription
- without a doctor's prescription
+ raw materials from the pharmacy are not released

21. Select plants whose raw materials are not rhizomes.
+ Tanning sumac
- erect cinquefoil
— Badan thick-leaved
- Highlander snake

22. Tannins of the condensed group with FeCl3 give ... coloring.
— black-blue
+ black-green
- blood red

23. Leather mackerel belongs to the family ...
– Rosaceae
+ Anacardiaceae
– Fagaceae
– Ericaceae
– Saxifragaceae

24. The raw material of tannery is dried by ... method at a temperature of ... degrees.
+ air-shadow
+ air-solar
— up to 70
+ up to 60
- up to 35

25. In the plant Sanguisorba officinalis, the raw materials are ...
- rhizomes
+ rhizomes and roots
- grass
- bark

26. Serpentine-curved, with annular thickenings, the fracture is even, pinkish or pinkish-brown, the taste is strongly astringent - these signs correspond to rhizomata ...
— Tormentillae
+ Bistortae
— Bergeniae

27. Indicate the plant whose raw material is the bark.
– Vaccinium myrtillus
– Bergenia crassifolia
— Alnus incana
- Padus racemosa
+ Quercus robus

28. What is the effect of raw burnet?
+ Astringent
- Expectorant
+ Hemostatic
+ Bactericidal

29. The pharmacy received oak bark - pieces of bark of various lengths and thicknesses up to 3 mm with the rest of the wood on the inner surface. Such a raw material...
- is of high quality
+ is of poor quality, violated general rules collection
- is of poor quality, drying conditions are violated

30. Storage of coil raw materials is carried out ...
+ according to the general list
- list B
- according to the general list separately

31. Tannins of the hydrolyzable group with iron-ammonium alum give ... coloring.
+ black-blue
- black-green
- blood red

32. Tannins of the hydrolysable group with FeCl3 give ... coloring.
+ black-blue
- black-green
- blood red

33. Drupes are spherical or ovoid, wrinkled, without a stalk, with a white scar at the site of its fall, inside one dense bone, black color - this is fructus ...
— Myrtilli
+ Padi
— Alni

34. Cylindrical pieces with scaly remnants of leaf petioles and rounded traces of roots on the surface, granular fracture, light pink - this is rhizomata ...
+ Bergeniae
— Bistortae
— Sanguisorbae

35. In bird cherry, the raw materials are fruits ...
- with stalks
+ without stalks
- indicator is not standardized

36. Indicate the plants whose raw materials are fruits.
+ Common blueberry
+ Common bird cherry
- erect cinquefoil
— Badan thick-leaved
— common oak

37. Raw blueberries are harvested ...
+ all day long
- in the morning or evening

38. Raw bergenia is dried ... by a method at a temperature of ... degrees with preliminary drying
— 70
+ 50
— 35
+ air-shadow
- air-solar

39. Potentilla erect belongs to the family ...
+ Rosaceae
– Polygonaceae
– Fagaceae
– Ericaceae
– Saxifragaceae

40. Life form of badan thick-leaved ...
- an annual herbaceous plant
+ perennial herbaceous plant
- shrub
- semi-shrub

41. In the plant Padus racemosa, the raw materials are ...
+ fruits
- grass
- rhizomes
– seeds
- flowers

42. False berries, at the top there is a remnant of a cup in the form of an annular rim, inside there are numerous seeds, the color is black - this is fructus ...
+ Mirtilli
— Padi

43. Raw cinquefoil is dried ... in a way at a temperature of ... degrees.
— 70-90
+ 50-60
— 25-35
+ air-shadow way

44. Raw blueberries are dried ... by a method at a temperature of ... degrees with preliminary drying.
— 70-90

+ 55-60
— 25-35
+ air-shadow way
+ air-solar way

45. The pharmacy received raw cinquefoil - rhizomes with roots, rhizomes of indefinite shape, hard, heavy, thin roots, mixed up.
- Quality raw materials.
- The raw materials are of poor quality, the collection deadlines are violated.
+ The raw materials are of poor quality, primary processing of raw materials has not been carried out.
- The raw material is of poor quality, the drying conditions are violated.

46. ​​Common bird cherry belongs to the family ...
+ Rosaceae
– Polygonaceae
– Fagaceae
– Ericaceae
– Saxifragaceae

47. Badan thick-leaved belongs to the family ...
– Rosaceae
– Polygonaceae
– Fagaceae
– Ericaceae
+ Saxifragaceae

48. Raw bird cherry is stored ...
- list B
- according to the general list
+ according to the general list separately

49. The life form of bird cherry ordinary ...
- an annual herbaceous plant
- perennial herbaceous plant
- shrub
- semi-shrub
+ tree or shrub

50. Blueberry shoots…
+ have an astringent effect
+ Reduce blood sugar levels
- have an expectorant effect

51. Indefinite shape, hard, heavy, on the surface there are pitted traces of cut roots, the taste is strongly astringent - this is rhizomata ...
+ Tormentillae
— Bistortae
— Bergeniae

52. Rhizomata Tormentillae harvested…
- at the beginning of the growing season
+ during flowering
- at the time of decay
- during the summer
- at the beginning of the growing season and during the period of fruit ripening

53. What kind of cinquefoil uses rhizomes as a raw material?
- Potentilla goose
- silver cinquefoil
+ Potentilla erect

54. Raw blueberries contain…
— anthraglycosides, pectins, microelements, vitamins
+ tannins, flavonoids, vitamins
- polysaccharides, flavonoids, vitamins

55. Medicinal raw materials of bird cherry were received - drupes of spherical or ovoid shape, wrinkled, with short stalks, inside one dense stone, black color, weak smell, taste pungent.
- Quality raw materials.
- The raw materials are of poor quality, the collection deadlines are violated.
+ The raw materials are of poor quality, primary processing of raw materials has not been carried out.
- The raw material is of poor quality, the drying conditions are violated.

56. The Arfazetin collection includes ...
- cherry fruits
+ blueberry shoots
- Oak bark

57. Blueberries keep ...
- list B
- according to the general list
+ according to the general list separately

58. In the plant Vaccinium myrtillis, the raw materials are ...
- roots
- grass
+ fruits
- flowers
- bark

59. The plant Potentilla tormentilla is harvested ...
+ rhizomes
- bark
- grass
- leaves
- flowers

60. In what ways does Potentilla erecta differ from other species?
- Type of fruit - achene.
- Fruit type - drupe.
+ The structure of the flower is a 4-petal corolla.
- The structure of the flower is a 5-petal corolla.

61. Raw bird cherry is dried ... in a way at a temperature of ... degrees.
— 70-90
— 50-60
+ 40-50
+ air-shadow
+ air-solar

62. What effect do blueberries have?
+ Astringent
+ Stimulate blood formation in case of anemia
+ Diuretic
+ Enveloping
+ Improve eyesight

63. The raw material of bergenia is harvested ...
+ in the first half of summer
- in early spring at the beginning of the growing season
– from November to March

64. Common blueberry belongs to the family ...
– Rosaceae
– Polygonaceae
– Fagaceae
+ Ericaceae
– Saxifragaceae

65. Raw bergenia is stored ...
- list B
+ according to the general list
- according to the general list separately

66. Potentilla erecta belongs to the family ...
+ Rosaceae
– Polygonaceae
– Fagaceae
– Ericaceae
– Saxifragaceae

67. The figure shows the formula ...

gallic acid
- ellagic acid
- hexaoxydiphenolic acid

68. The figure shows the formula ...

- gallic acid
+ ellagic acid
- hexaoxydiphenolic acid

69. The figure shows the formula ...

- gallic acid
- ellagic acid
+ hexaoxydiphenoic acid

70. Match.

hexaoxydiphenolic acid - 1
gallic acid - 2
ellagic acid - 3

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