Which tank 10. Cons - plywood body, small UVN

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Hello everyone, friends!

Object 277- latest top heavy tank branches of the USSR with the classic location of the tower in online game World of Tanks.

In the first two articles, we reviewed the main performance characteristics of the new K-91 medium tank together.

In the first article, we compared it with direct "competitors" from its own branch of the USSR, researched top medium tanks T-62, Object 140 and Object 430U. The article can be found at the link -

In the second article, we allowed ourselves to fantasize about its competition with special, non-researchable medium tanks of the tenth level. different nations Object 907, T95E6 and one Strv 103B PT. To study in detail what came out of such a comparison, you can follow the link -

Both newest tank(K-91 and Object 277) came out in version 1.0.2#880, it was the first Common Test. Then there were versions 1.0.2#886, 1.0.2#890. It was released to the masses, like K-91, based on Then came version, then Actual at the time of writing the article - the current version is

It should be noted that the USSR branch in WOT was already very tight. The last heavy tank that was released quite recently - Object 705A, was completely different from other representatives of the branch. He delighted me with a cannon, an impenetrable tower. And there are well-deserved IS-7 and IS-4.

Object 277 - just ... even the turret in front :-) Is it better than the IS-7? Better than the IS-4?

Let's figure it out together what kind of animal we were served with the latest sauce.

Here is what Wargaming itself tells us about the TT Object 277 (Description of the tank):

"It was developed at the OKBT LKZ under the leadership of the chief designer Zh.Ya. Kotin in 1956-1958. Two were made prototype, which were tested in 1959 - early 1960. A hull and a turret were also made for firing tests at the range. Work on the tank was stopped in the summer of 1960 due to insufficient development of some systems and units and the lack of tactical and technical advantages over the Object 770 heavy tank."

Consider what the notorious Object 277 consists of.

Gun 130 mm M-65.

Let's immediately compare it with the most similar tanks.

What will we have in comparison?

Of course, the USSR. That is, IS-4, IS-7, Object 705A. And yet, looking ahead, we also add the Chinese 113 and WZ-111 5A here. The reasons for such a company will be written below.

Now we get the following:

IS-4 armed with a gun 122 mm M-62-T2. For obvious reasons, we do not consider the possibility of equipping it with 122 mm D-25T.

IS-7 armed with a gun 130 mm S-70.

Object 705A armed with a gun 152 mm M-51.

113 armed with a gun 122mm 60-122T.

WZ-111 5A armed with a gun 130mm 59-130TA.

Let's bring this shooting good into a table. Units of measurement and full names of characteristics - according to the screenshot of the weapon above.

Object 277
Object 705A
WZ-111 5A
rate of fire
Medium armor penetration
Average Damage
Average damage per minute

Let's interpret the results. As you can see, not all cells are color coded. The 113 has the best rate of fire. The 705A has the worst.

Breakthrough is no longer so clear. On the this moment in the game, 277 is very good on both regular and gold. At the same time - they will not let you lie, this VZ-111 also has a good gun. And at the same time, the 705A is also not bad - there are no complaints about its 152 mm. Well, except that oblique. At the same time, 340 penetrations for tanks are different. In the current version, 277 and OT are out of competition. Who rides them - knows. They shoot as they want and where they want, and they pierce in most cases. For example, 277 from the guard pierced three different parts of the forehead of my 110E3. I didn’t even know that he could beat a cannon at all! I suspect that this is nothing more than an advance for 277. To swing, take, ride. And then there was something to nerf :-) Well, not Isov, right?

Average damage per shot is almost the same. Alone 705A - but he generally got into comparison, because the TT of the USSR. He's completely out of the loop on all counts. At the same time - again, they won’t let you lie, both Chinese are very good in damage per shot. In the game, more flies from them than from anyone, with equal calibers. People especially fell in love with the release of the VZ-111 5A.

The average damage per minute in theory is the best 113. The worst is the seven. In practice, I have a huge number of fights at 113. You know, I call it "missed, missed, rebounded." Golda is not gold - it doesn't matter. Either the algorithm there is "favorable" to me, or it's true - I consider it the most miserable TT now at level 10.

According to the spread, the leader is again 113. The worst is 705A. Yes, the 705 does not have a very good spread, that's a fact. But 113 is definitely not the best, judging by the game.

Mixing - OT wins.

113 has the lightest gun.

What about our new one? To be honest, everything is fine with him. Looking ahead, I will say that the best thing he has at the moment is a cannon, a good tower and speed. Wangyu that one of these things will be nerfed - either the gunner, or the speed, or the armor of the tower.

Let's draw an analogy with the previous comparison and get the following:

Object 277
Object 705A
WZ-111 model 5A
turning speed

Let's summarize the comparison by towers. Look here. Of course, the 705 has a chic tower. Both in numbers and in the game, things like Yagpts and Hevik Japs are dangerous to us. Basically, everything. Seven and four in the forehead also do not fight, we do not count the roof. At the same time, their numbers are "the most cardboard." VZ - yes, good. But 113 is not my favorite. Do not look at these numbers. Generally. Shoot the tower anywhere from any angle. He is beating. Is always. Everywhere. Everyone. But what about 277? Great tower! Frontal booking at the level. Hatches - sewn, yes. At the same time, here's what I want to say. It says 27 degrees per second. Moreover, you won’t really play PT on this tank. there is no point in sitting in an ambush. So, the turning of the tower is insufficient! On the 7th perk crew, it seems that one of them is shell-shocked. From an average distance, I could not keep up with the muzzle of the T-62. At the same time, this was not observed in the IS-7. There is nothing to say about the Chinese - they have fast towers in battle. Moreover, I did not feel this in any tank from the comparison. 705 itself is slow, and the tower is dumb, but no! Look, he has top speed. Mass does not play a special role here, we will discuss mobility further. Review ... well, plus or minus - the same for everyone. Perks and equipment will smooth this out. I think that this is a retribution for a cool gun.

The remaining modules are simply noted.

The power plant M-850.

Radio station R-113.

Let's get down to business.

Let's look at all the tanks from the article in profile, admire the festive hangar and proceed directly to the comparison.

Object 277.

Object 705A.

113. Ready to fight :-)

WZ-111 5A.

IS-8 / T-10 in the top configuration.

In comparison, as you already understood, we will have the top 3 TTs of the USSR and 2 TTs of China.

Complete set Major Rapid firer:

  1. Perks - Stealth (stealth), Brotherhood of Arms (bonus everywhere), Eagle Eye (surveillance), Virtuoso (mobility), King of the Roads (mobility), Inventor (surveillance), Radio Interception (surveillance).
  2. Equipment - Powder Gas Extraction System (+7.5 to all skills), Experimental Loading System (-12.5% ​​to charging time) and Adjusted Optics (+12.5% ​​to vision).
  3. Additional rations for the USSR, Improved ration for China (+10% bonus everywhere).
  4. Camouflage (+3% stealth).
  5. "Golda" - IS-4 - "BK-9" HEAT, Object 277 - "ZVBK" HEAT, IS-7 - "UBR-482P" sub-caliber, Object 705A - "UBK5510" HEAT, 113 - "Ro-122" HEAT , VZ-111 5A - "Ro-130" cumulative.
  6. Rational ammo rack (-2.5% of loading time)

General comparison.

Unexpected, right? The most powerful with fire - Chinese 113. The most lively - IS-4. The most mobile is the IS-7. The most inconspicuous Object 277. The most big-eyed 113.

Let's move on to the details.

Firepower comparison.

Tanks are very similar in some ways. In general, if we take a purely cannon, then I would say that 277 = VZ. With a few caveats, but that's how it feels. Even 2 of the 3 main indicators are equal for them - penetration 340 and damage 490. At the same time, in relation to this comparison, I will only note that 705A is not as bad as it seems here. Moreover, on it, one of the whole crowd, I would have gone head-on to the Mouse and Hevik Jap. Example? Please:

So the numbers are numbers, and the fights are fights. There is also a video on 277 - I'm sorry, they will be later on the channel. And yes, 277 is brilliantly critiqued. Not like 113, but also very common. Critical Collector, that's what I call it.

The 113 has a top-level fire rate of 8.12 rounds per minute and a CD of 7.39 seconds.

The turret traverse speed - despite all my feelings in the game - is the highest for a beginner, 31 degrees per second.

UVN? I'm used to the Americans. Unfortunately. In comparison, I would say that the gun does not tilt. If immediately after the battle on 110E5 or Kranvagen you fight on any of these tanks, you will be very disappointed, because. will have to change the style of the game on the go. Shooting down is not our forte on these machines.

The guns are equally slanted for all tanks from the comparison. We are suitable for medium and close combat distances. There are no snipers here, this is not a super K-91 for you :-) The best mixing is 2.18 for the VZ and the worst 2.52 for the IS-4. To be honest, there's not much difference.

Ultimate damage 3572 at 113. Paper damage. He will not be able to implement it against any tank from the comparison, and will be destroyed earlier. Unfortunately, the "comparator" does not make it clear.

The fattest here in every sense is the old IS-4 and Object 705A. Let's pay attention to the armor of the hull. 140 for the IS-4, 140 for the 277 and 140 for the VZ are completely different 140. Radically different. More or less armor works for the four and OT, we do not consider the pike nose of the IS-7. 277 for short - cardboard. Or an IS-8 case, whichever you prefer. You can't wait until someone hits you. It will pierce and crit to the heap. This fact simply needs to be accepted. The tower - on the contrary, pleased. Almost a complete analogue of the VZ tower. We don’t look at the side armor - it beats well, but the forehead is protected. Not 705A, of course, but quite good. It is quite suitable for the game according to the "trading tower" scheme. Given that UVN is bad. But let's shine, while it is relatively safe.

It's almost never mentioned in the specs. But! In fact, we have 3 identical tanks here. 277, 113 and OT. They are fast in combat. This is true. These are the tanks that can and often should operate as part of a group of medium tanks. Either leading it - for example, on 277 and OT, or supporting it nearby from cover - in the case of 113. They are really mobile and mobile. About the speed of rotation of the chassis of the Chinese - it's true, they really turn briskly. And these 3 tanks allow you to be the first to arrive at the attack position, the first to arrive at the junction point along with the ST. Within reason, of course - warhead 25 and Leopard, and Lt we can’t catch up due to different acceleration, masses of cars, etc.

Friends, there is not much to talk about here. They are all equally useless in disguise and all see equally well. This is due to their role in the game - tanking. Only the type of attack will be different.

Now about cloning.

When I saw this tank, I immediately thought of the Chinese. Not about VZ. Very similar, even without looking at the characteristics. Because, I repeat, I hit 113 a lot. Look.

Straight body! Curved design doesn't count. There is NO "pike" nose here. How tired I was of this plywood corner at 113, and how I didn’t want to see it at 277, but I saw it. And now for clarity:

The owner of the "pike" nose and its most famous representative is the IS-7. Cheeks beat well.

"Pike" nose performed by VZ-111 5A. Cheeks beat, but not well.

"Pike" nose IS-8 T-10. Cheeks beat with a bang.

Pike nose of IS-8 fake :-) Sorry, WZ-111 1-4.

One more moment. Interesting. How far has the Object 277 gone from the IS-8, i.e. T-10 and its twin? Let's take a quick look.

There is a chance to hit the object! Eight is a little faster, but caliber 122, correspondingly less damage. Same digits from 111 1-4, because both have 130 mm guns. By the way, I really like this gun on the WZ-111 1-4. Bubbling what it takes. In terms of survivability - on these gold shells there is almost no chance that one of the trinity will not pierce the other in the forehead of the hull. But the turrets... The object will feel on the wave. That's why he is TOP. At the same time, all 3 tanks are critted very strongly and stably. The Chinese is a little more critical than the rest. In terms of mobility, I’ll say briefly - everyone will catch up with each other, and no one will run away from anyone.

Well, friends, let's recap, shall we? This tank is the 4th or 5th similar tank in the game, and here's why:

Object 277 is an incomplete copy 113.

Object 277 is close copy WZ-111 5A.

Object 277 is uprooted IS-8 \ T-10.

Object 277 is uprooted relative of WZ-111 1-4.

He is also "not-before TT", also he is "re-ST". From his medium tanks analogue - Object 430U. Likewise, he is "not-before TT" and "re-ST". And he has a similar role. His forte is armor. His weak side- low speed in ST class. The 277 has its strong point - high speed, its weak point - little armor in the TT class.

What are the benefits? good gun, breaks through everything, with good damage. Hi's fast. Nice tower.

Cons - plywood case, small UVN.

Verdict - why make a clone of the same thing? WZ-111 5A is still better.

Thank you very much for reading the article!

Sincerely, WOT Boca Chica.

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Now we will try to figure out what the medium tanks of the tenth level are like, we will find

Now we will try to figure out what the medium tanks of the tenth level are like, find the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

121(10th place)

And immediately note the pros and cons of this tank

+ Strong tower, often saving from the most large guns
+ Pretty good hull armor for a medium tank of its tier
+ The largest alpha of 440 units among all St-10s
+ Pretty good maximum speed at 56 km/h
+ Good DPM
+ Main AP shells, hence less loss of penetration with distance compared to sub-caliber shells, and greater normalization

-Weak dynamics of the tank as a whole
- Disgusting gun depression angles
-The location of the tanks in the forehead of the hull
- Vulnerable turret hatches and poor roof armor
-Like many Soviet STs, the BC is located on the sides of the hull, and therefore it is often damaged

The tank is clearly not for everyone, it is better to ride it on the battlefield in a group with heavy tanks, because we have disgusting gun depression angles, but when shooting with heavy tanks, we feel comfortable, it is exchanged extremely well in DPM.

FV4202(9th place)

+Excellent accurate penetrating tool

+A peculiar ricochet turret that often holds back the largest guns
+ Good tank dynamics
+ Good penetration high-explosive shells for gold (hello full damage to cardboard bats, etc.)

+ Excellent VLD armor
+ Sometimes side screens that save from land mines

-Lack of normal HEAT shells with good penetration
-Extremely low top speed
-Several vulnerable zones on the tower
-Bad armor of the sides and stern of the tank, often hello to full damage from artillery
-Extremely frequent burning of the tank when it hits the engine

We have an extremely specific tank, whose fans still need to be looked for. In combat, it is imperative to play on hilly terrain from a more or less "strong tower", you can also play from the second line in a sniper, thanks to an accurate gun.

M48A1 Patton (8th place)

+Best Review at 420 meters
+ Good motion stability
+ Excellent angles vertical aiming
+ Good dynamics
+ U-turn on the spot
+ Pretty good armor for the forehead of the hull and turret

-The tank is just huge (the same T110E5, only ST)
-Due to its large size, a favorite of artillery
-Low top speed
-Huge commander's tower (hence the chance to play from the tower almost comes to nothing)
-Extremely long repair

The tank is extremely difficult to master, the advantages of which are quite problematic to implement. It seems to be the best view among all ST-10s, but due to the size of other STs, we are often the first to be exposed. Thanks to good angles, we are trying to play from the hills, but at the same time we take into account the huge “cap” in the form of a commander’s turret, which will not be difficult to hit

Leopard 1(7th place)

+ Excellent accurate, penetrating gun
+good review at 410 meters
+ Excellent top speed and dynamics in general
+ Good vertical aiming angles
+ Good cross-country ability

-There is almost no armor anywhere, it breaks easily with any tanks with which it gets into battle
-Enough large sizes, making us an even more tasty target for artillery than Bat
-Again, any hit from artillery -almost always only caterpillars can save for full damage

The leopard tank is clearly not for beginners, this tank requires good hands and skills to realize its advantages. This tank does not forgive mistakes. As a rule, it is used for the second line, where it can distribute well thanks to its accurate gun. Also, at any time, you can change flank or run away from superior enemy forces.

Object 430 (6th place)

+Excellent damage per minute
+Extremely low silhouette
+ Good strong tower
+ Good dynamics and maneuverability
+ Good, ricochet case
+ Due to the low silhouette, one of the best camouflage rates among all ST-10s

-Extremely flammable tank, filled with tanks
-Low burst damage
-Poor stabilization
-Extremely long aiming of guns

The tank does not seem to be much different from object 140 and 62, but the tank is very uncomfortable to use. Here it will not work like 140 to hand out on the move, and for an accurate shot you will still need to reduce. However, it has even more damage per minute than its twin brothers 140 and 62, which is a good plus. On the battlefield, it is used in close combat, due to the rapid-fire gun, we can keep almost any tank on the caterpillar, we feel good when playing from the turret, but the IHP is often not enough. It is also worth noting, to get used to which TT-10 from the side, and he will not be able to do anything to you, the tank is extremely low, and you shoot him thanks to your damage per minute.

So, we are approaching the 5th place, there are just excellent tanks here, everyone can be safely put in 1st place, the places given to them may differ from the opinions of others, they all have their own peculiar advantages.

E50 Ausf. M(5th place)

Here it is, the pride of German engineering

+Great precision weapon
+Best penetration among all ST-10s at 270 units
+ Good top speed of 60 km/h
+The tank is just made for ramming, (ramming master badly needed) 62 tons flying at full speed into Bath are often fatal to him. I always advise you to use a ram against other STs, PTs, and often TTs, many weigh less than us.
+ Excellent booking of the VLD hull, frequent not breaking through even from the PT-10
+Highest HP of 2050, almost like the heavy tank AMX 50B

-The tank is huge Royal tiger
-The tank is high, hence more frequent artillery hits on us
-Not the most outstanding DPM
-It flies its 60 km / h only after accelerating well, so we go 45–55 km / h
-Mediocre turret armor, not much hope for it

E50 M is extremely good, but the tank is mainly used to support allied tanks from the second line, with our most accurate and penetrating guns, we often hit the smallest pixels. Shooting 1 on 1 with other CTs is stupid, almost everyone has better damage per minute than ours. Also, in any suitable situation, use a ram, especially against other Art. Also, do not rely too much on a strong VLD, from close range we have a huge NLD that is sewn with a bang

STB-1(4th place)

One of the favorite tanks of skillful players

+Excellent ricochet tower
+Excellent gun depression angles
+One of the best DPM of a CT-10
+Low silhouette

-Weak hull armor, you can sometimes even pierce with land mines
-Disgusting gun stabilization
-It often flies into the gun with damage and damage
- Artillery almost always hits with full damage
-Weak basic projectile penetration

STB-1 is an extremely interesting tank, requiring skill to bend everything and everything. On the battlefield, we definitely play from our ricochet tower, we try to breed the enemy with it for a shot. Also, do not forget about one of the highest damage per minute, we confidently throw almost any ST-10. Also, do not forget about the flimsy hull during head-on firefights with other tanks and about artillery

T-62A (3rd place)

T-62 is an extremely easy tank to master, recommended to anyone who decides to pump out their first ST-10

+Excellent damage per minute
+Excellent turret armor, feel free to take damage
+Best running gear on the level
+Extremely fast turret rotation
+Good weapon with good stabilization
+ Low silhouette, hence good stealth
+ U-turn on the spot

-Low burst damage
- Tanks in the forehead of the hull
- Weak maximum speed and low specific power
- Weak vertical aiming angles
-Mediocre frontal armor

The T-62A is by far one of the best ST-10s in the game. This tank is extremely versatile, able to perform almost any task on the battlefield. In battle, we try to play from our “cast-iron tower”, trying to sort everyone out by DPM, trying not to exchange shot for shot, otherwise we are in the red because of our low alpha. It is often worth breaking in and handing out to everyone, especially effective when playing in a platoon

Object 140 (2nd place)

Why is 140 higher than T-62A on the list? The author just likes 140 more, otherwise they are almost the same

+Good damage per minute
+ The best stabilization in motion among all ST-10s, you just drive and the circle almost does not increase, it distributes from the turntable as it should
+ Good dynamics and patency
+ Good vertical aiming angles, it seems to be 1 degree more than 62, but sometimes it is felt
+Good turret traverse speed
+good armor towers
+Good top speed
+Low silhouette

-Low burst damage
- Vulnerable turret hatches and poor turret roof armor
-Again, tanks in the forehead of the hull burn very often, automatic fire extinguishers are required
-There is also a BC in the forehead of the hull, so we are not surprised by constant damage to the forehead of the hull

140 is almost the twin brother of the T-62, the principle of application is the same
We try to protect our forehead stuffed with tanks and BC and play from good UVN and a strong tower. It is also not advised to engage in a clinch with other tanks, they will pierce into the roof

Bat. Chatillon 25t (1 seat)

The most unusual and amazing level 10 MT

+ The fastest ST-10, not even a ST, looks more like an LT
+ Drum for almost 2000 damage, almost any ST-10 goes behind the drum at medium alpha
+ The tank has almost no armor, if they hit us with cumulative shells, we're better off
+Good armor angles, sometimes even ricochets happen
+ U-turn on the spot

-No armor, any hit from artillery for 90% full damage
-Extremely small ammunition for 30 rounds, you need to use it wisely, there can be no talk of any land mines in the BC for a waffle
-Weak gun stabilization, high dispersion
-The smallest mass of the tank - from the name it is clear 25 tons, so avoid rams like fire
- Weak vertical aiming angles
-High chance of damage to crew and modules
-Small margin of safety in 1800 units

Bat is a very good tank with an extremely peculiar battle tactics. On the battlefield, due to our poor accuracy, we try to fly into the stern of the tanks, land the drum in exchange for their shot and run away to change the drum so that speed allows. It is also very useful to shoot at close range with other CTs, almost 90% of them will go to the hangar from the drum, with each penetration. Also, do not forget about art, we are a tasty morsel for her. And despite its disadvantages, Bat is one of the best level 10 CTs, but the sea of ​​drive that you get when playing on it cannot be compared with other CTs. Also a very good bunch of 2 baht and any ST-10, or 3 baht, just break everything
Well, the choice is yours, based on your preferences.

As you know, tier 10 light tanks appeared in the world of tanks. And what exactly will the new "fireflies" be? What characteristics will lt 10 have? Which tank will be the most powerful and which will be the fastest? Which fighting machine the most armored, and which is the strongest? We will try to answer all these questions right now. We present to your attention the final performance characteristics of all Tier 10 tanks presented in World of Tanks.

We have diluted the dry numbers of performance characteristics for you with a fair amount of analytics. Using our advice, you will be able to choose the right tactics from the very first minutes in a battle on a new tank and get the most out of light tank. In addition, in connection with the introduction of light tanks, there have been changes in the development trees of all nations of the World of Tanks, which have been added. See the table of changes in development trees at the very end.

TTX LT 10 in World of Tanks

1. Tactical and technical characteristics German light tank 10 Rheinmetall level Panzerwagen

As you can see from the performance table, the Rheinmetall Panzerwagen light tank has a number of features and advantages. The sloping frontal and side armor allows the tank to deflect shells at full speed. Moving towards the enemy at an armor angle of 45 degrees will allow you to easily reflect most of the shells. High aiming time makes it possible to conduct aimed fire from a tank Rheinmetall Panzerwagen rapidly changing goals. The turret traverse speed significantly increases the capabilities of this combat vehicle in close combat, especially against such classes of vehicles as tank destroyers and self-propelled guns. This tank in the lt 10 line is the most powerful due to which the Rheinmetall Panzerwagen has the best speed of 75 km / h.

2. Performance characteristics of the Soviet light tank 10 level T-100 LT

As can be seen from the data on the characteristics of the T-100 LT tank, presented in the screenshot, the communication range of the Soviet light tank is the best among all the new Tier 10 vehicles in World of Tanks. It is also worth noting the impressive thickness of the armor of both the hull and the turret, which gives the Soviet combat vehicle T-100 LT best indicator survivability in combat. With such protection, 1500 HP will seem like an insurmountable obstacle for the opponents to destroy this firefly. The turret of the tank is significantly lowered and getting into it will not be an easy task. This gives the tank a high level of stealth.

3. Characteristics of the American light tank 10 level XM551 Sheridan

One-time damage with a basic projectile is terrifying in its power. In one shot, the American light tank XM551 Sheridan can easily, if not destroy, then remove at least half the damage points of any low-armored tank. As you understand, there is also a fee for such a powerful weapon. At the tank XM551 Sheridan the weakest armor among all tanks, not only level 10, but even levels 9, 8 and 7! Without a stretch, you can call this tank the most weak link booking teams. Chip: any large-caliber HE shell for this tank is a one-shot. For self-propelled guns, the Sheridan tank will be an easy target. Only ranged or mid-range combat tactics in the second half of the battle are suitable for him. The low penetration of the projectile practically reduces the chances of penetrating armor with an armor-piercing projectile to zero. The best option for using the XM551 Sheridan tank in WOT would be firing high-explosive fragmentation shells.

4. Tactical and technical characteristics of the LT 10 level of the French tank AMX 13 105

As for the French light tank AMX 13 105, this is the only combat vehicle of this class at tier 10 with a loading drum. The drum charges just 3 projectiles in over 30 seconds. The time between shots is 2.73 seconds, which, with full aiming in 2.21 seconds, makes it possible to unload the shell drum in 8.19 seconds with a maximum efficiency of 878-1464 damage. An impressive figure, agree. Good firefly level 10 AMX 13 105 certainly replaced the French light tanks so beloved by players in World of Tanks.

5. Performance characteristics of the Chinese light tank 10 level WZ-132-1

And now let's dwell on the characteristics of the Chinese light tank WZ-132-1, which has the best average damage per minute among tier 10 tanks. This war machine in capable hands is capable of delivering a fantastic 2712 points of damage. The maximum bar for classmates WZ-132-1 also sets according to the characteristics of armor penetration. Armor up to 308 mm thick can easily be fired by the Chinese top-end firefly. The Chinese LT 10 is perfect for sabotage on enemy territory. Also, the VZ-132-1 will not badly cope with the task of conducting aimed fire from the gun while covering the hull and looking out only from the shelter with the turret.

Table of changes in the development trees of World of Tanks in connection with the introduction of level 10 LT into the game.

As you can see from the tech tree table, many light tanks will change their positions.

Hello dear tankers. Probably each of you wondered: what a heavy tank

Hello dear tankers. Probably each of you wondered: which heavy tank is the best at its level. And in this article we will talk about it and even help you make the right choice. Let's start from level 5, of course, since at low levels we don't see heavy tanks (with the exception of DW2, Pz.B2 and B1).

Everyone's favorite. Excellent armor at our level and an acceptable weapon makes us a worthy opponent for enemies. The KV-1 was and most likely will be the best tier 5 TT, at least until someone picks up a file.

● excellent circular armor at level 5;
● excellent 122 mm howitzer;
● alternative 85 mm gun;
● good location of the tank modules.

● low mobility;
● weak armor penetration among classmates.

Quite an unexpected editorial choice, but it is. This tank is quite playable and has a lot of advantages. The tank will not deliver big problems while running it.

● large margin of safety;
● good forehead armor;
● excellent maximum speed;
● variety of weapons;
● good review.

● low maneuverability;
● armor without angles.

Universal Soldier. Few doubted that this particular tank would turn out to be the best Tier 7 TT, since the advantages of the tank are simply off scale.

● excellent turret armor;
● excellent armor penetration;
● acceptable indicators of accuracy and speed of information;
● good maneuverability and specific power;
● excellent gun depression angles.

● large size, high silhouette;

Without a doubt, this tank will choose the honorary title of the best tier 8 TT. The combination of armor, maneuverability and guns makes us an excellent breakthrough and defense tank. No wonder this tank is used in team battles as the main unit.

● wonderful tool;
● very good maneuverability;
● excellent circular armor of the tower;
● low profile of the tank;
● screen boards;
● rational angles of inclination of the hull armor.

● small UGN;
● vulnerable ammo rack;
● Poor review.

A steel giant with an implacable and lethal weapon. They are afraid of him in a random house, many want to pump him out. Playing on the E 75, you begin to feel a hell of a thirst to shoot the entire enemy team.

● decent dynamics;
● strong armor;
● excellent overview;
● excellent weapon;
● high strength (1920 HP);
● 88 tons give an inexhaustible opportunity to ram everything in its path.

● high silhouette;
● the presence of a commander's turret, which in the clinch increases the likelihood of getting damage there.

10 level, for a long time we thought what kind of heavy tank should be chosen for this place ... But the winner was still found - . A great tank, fully versatile and playable on any map in any situation.

● DPM at 3000 (with military brotherhood, rammer and ventilation);
● fast (8 seconds) recharge;
● excellent maneuverability and dynamics;
● acceptable booking performance;
● excellent gun accuracy;
● good stabilization;
● compact dimensions.

● huge commander's cupola;
● extremely weak side and stern armor.

In the end, I would like to say that the TOP tanks were chosen by the author of the article, that is, this is purely his opinion. Good luck on the battlefield!

Any rating that experienced players make when trying to determine the best tier 10 tank is subjective. And that's because everyone has different tastes. While some prefer to push through the enemy defenses on heavyweights, others sit on anti-tank self-propelled guns, enjoying excellent visibility and rate of fire. However, for beginners, this question worries quite strongly. The choice of the game branch and the efforts spent on its development depend on which level 10 tank is better. After all, as a result, you want to get reliable and comfortable equipment, on which it is a pleasure to play.

Therefore, we will simply name the most popular vehicles, each of which deserves to enter the top 10 tanks in World of Tanks. But how exactly the places within this rating will be distributed, everyone can decide for themselves.

Best Tier 10 Heavy Tanks


When choosing the best lvl 10 tank, one cannot fail to name the legendary IS-7, which the vast majority of players pumped out. With the latest update, it has gained a lot of new features. This Soviet heavy has almost impenetrable armor, which is reinforced with screens. The machine is quite versatile and is suitable for solving a variety of combat missions. You can easily break through the enemy or hold him back in a battle on a medium or short distance. Due to the fast dynamics, you can easily dodge enemy hits and get into advantageous positions faster than others. Many players believe that the IS-7 is the best contender for the title of leader not only in the top 10 heavy tanks, but also among all tier 10 tanks in the top.


Another contender for the title of best tier 10 heavy tank, only American branch. Excellent hull and turret armor, excellent dynamics, comfortable aiming angles and quite a good viewing angle for this type of vehicle. This is perhaps the best contender to compete with the IS-7, since their confrontation on the battlefield always looks pretty epic. If these two machines converge, then the outcome of the battle will determine the experience of the players and their ability to navigate the situation. An excellent choice if you want to get vehicles from the top 10 in your hangar Tanks World of Tank.


This versatile Japanese vehicle has excellent one-time damage with its top gun. The hull armor is excellent, but there are weaknesses, which the enemy takes advantage of when faced with this technique on the battlefield. The device is rather clumsy, but some consider it a worthy contender in the list of "Top 10 WOT tanks 2017".


A heavy Chinese vehicle with the dynamics of a medium tank. This mobility allows him to dodge enemy hits. The vehicle attracts players with balanced armament and impenetrable turret armor. This vehicle is consistently included in the list of the top 10 WOT tanks.

Best Tier 10 Medium Tanks


Accurate gun, excellent turret armor, high speed turret traverse, excellent cross-country ability and a low silhouette - these are the main advantages of the vehicle, which make it an invariable contender for leadership in the top 10 tier 10 tanks in WOT. The machine is versatile and quite suitable for frontal clinch and aggressive play. But due to the small one-time damage, many players prefer to play on more penetrating machines.

Bat.-Chatillon 25t.

Dynamic, fast, accurate, equipped with a loading drum - you can shoot and hit the enemy even on the go. But we do not recommend staying in place for a long time. Only if you are confident in your hiding place. the main problem, which prevents Bat.-Chat from leading the list of the top 10 best World of Tanks tanks, is the weak armor of the hull. Therefore, play on support, but do not climb on the rampage. Especially if there are heavy equipment and tank destroyers among the opponents.

E50 Ausf. M

Definitely one of the best medium tanks lvl 10. High-speed (up to 60 km / h), with a perfectly armored forehead, with a penetration of 270 mm. It may well go to a breakthrough place with other medium and heavy equipment. The main reason why he can be called the best tier 10 tank in WOT is his weapon. It is one of the most accurate in the entire game, allowing you to hit opponents with little effort. Yes, and among all the dozens of STs, he has the largest margin of safety. But because of the large dimensions, it is easy to get a projectile from the enemy. So you have to play dynamically and accurately.

WOT top 10 tanks among tank destroyers

Grille 15

Another contender for the title of the best tier 10 tank in the World from Tank. Such high status the car received thanks to excellent accuracy, excellent DPM and quick aiming of the gun. In addition, it is very dynamic, which is very attractive to aggressive players who do not like to stand still and take a wait-and-see attitude. The almost complete lack of armor forces the player to act as actively as possible, otherwise you can quickly become a target for the enemy.

FV 4005 Stage II

This Briton has a powerful weapon that is intimidating for rivals. At the same time, it has good mobility and comfortable horizontal aiming angles. A worthy contender to enter the top of the best tier 10 tanks. However, the car has no armor at all and a lot of weaknesses, which will not allow him to become the best level 10 tank destroyer.

FV217 Badger

The main pride of the "Badger" is an accurate weapon, which, coupled with excellent armor penetration, makes it a real death machine on the battlefield. UVN are quite comfortable, and one-time damage is 480 units. And if we remember the excellent DPM, then we will get the exact answer to the question of which level 10 tank destroyer is better. FV217 Badger is quite worthy of this title.

Light tanks

T-100 LT

Perhaps this is the only contender for the title better lung tank level 10. It attracts with excellent turret armor, fast aiming of guns and excellent camouflage. Thanks to the low silhouette, the car hides from the sharp eyes of the enemy without any problems and becomes almost invisible.

We have named the main contenders worthy of getting into the top 10 lvl WOT. But how the places within this rating will be distributed, each player will determine for himself. Much depends on the experience of the player and his style of play. In any case, everything best tanks The 10 levels of World of Tanks deserve your attention, as they will be a pleasure to play.

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