German scorpion world of tank. Under the sign of Scorpion

Interesting 22.09.2019

German Fri 8th Rheinmetall level Scorpion G has many advantages, thanks to which many players of the WOT universe dream of buying Scorpion G in World of Tanks. The main and indisputable plus of this representative of premium tanks is the ideal profitability. it the best choice for farming and a great gift for those who want to earn credits and mine silver. In many of its characteristics, this machine is similar to the pumped analogue of the Rheinmetall-Borsig Waffentrager.


There are indeed many reasons to buy a G scorpion. These include unique camouflage, good alpha strike and penetration, excellent accuracy. All this, coupled with a small spread, will allow you to quickly hit opponents and emerge victorious from a head-on collision. Plus, the car is quite maneuverable and dynamic. Max speed on the battlefield reaches 60 km / h forward and 20 km / h in reverse. The rotating tower will be a great help in any battle and will give you many chances to emerge victorious from the fight with the enemy. The advantages include also a good specific power, which is 17 hp. per ton.


If you are going to buy a Scorpion tank, do not forget about its disadvantages. It is necessary to constantly keep in mind all the shortcomings of this representative of German elite technology in order to compensate for them as much as possible by installing additional modules and equipment. This list includes such characteristics as almost completely absent armor. Don't expect this premium tank to hold its own against heavier opponents. In addition, Rheinmetall Scorpion G has a rather modest view and not very comfortable UVNs. Do not forget that this premium tank has a full level of battles. Get ready to fight with opponents of a higher rank and actively resist their onslaught.

How to play?

Before you buy a Scorpion G, check out the best tactics on the battlefield. This will allow you to understand whether this representative of elite technology is right for you. On this tank, experienced players recommend staying on the second line. Try to be among the first to arrive at the place, take an advantageous position in order to freely fire at the enemy while he is still driving around. It's still not worth jumping on the rampage. If possible, do not get into the light and leave yourself an opportunity to retreat. Thanks to the dynamism, you can easily change the location. Properly using all the features of this vehicle, popular in the World of Tanks universe, you can greatly influence the outcome of the battle and make a significant contribution to the victory of your team.

Where could I buy?

To buy a Scorpion tank or any other representative of an elite vehicle, you can go to the official WOT store. However, the prices in it are quite high and do not suit most players.. Here you will find not a bonus code for Scorpio G, but goods in the form of gifts. We offer a huge range of luxury products. Our World of Tanks premium store will allow you to buy not only tanks, but also gold, premium accounts for the required number of days. We regularly arrange promotions and special offers, thanks to which you can buy the goods you are interested in even cheaper. Buy elite products and win!


In branch German tank destroyers addition: premium tank destroyers became available for players Tier VIII Rheinmetall Skorpion G. This machine has impressive combat performance, as well as a unique appearance. In this article, we will talk in detail about the German "Scorpion", as well as give some recommendations on its use.

Character traits

  • An impressive weapon. Skorpion G is armed with an excellent cannon, typical for German branch: 128 mm in diameter, barrel length - 55 calibers. An accuracy of 0.3 meters and an aiming time of 2.1 seconds make this gun a truly formidable weapon.
  • Firepower. Scorpio has a comfortable ratio single damage and rate of fire. The time between shots remains exactly to assess the situation and take decision on further action.
  • Turn the gun 360 degrees. Having taken his position, Skorpion G freezes: the gun, mounted on a special carriage, makes a complete revolution around its axis. Which means for guidance, the car does not need to perform additional maneuvers.
  • Mobility. The maximum speed is 60 km / h - everything is in order with mobility, and moving around the Scorpio map is easy.
  • Unique appearance. Scorpion comes with stylish sand camouflage that works on all three types of maps, as well as with personal emblem on the conning tower.

Tactical role in battle

"Scorpion" does not tolerate close attention from the enemy. Not the most reliable armor of this tank destroyer is unlikely to be a good defense against enemy projectiles, so when playing it is worth using vegetation to remain as inconspicuous as possible. Skill "Disguise" in such circumstances it will definitely not be superfluous.

In the game, this vehicle is an active participant in combat events. For Skorpion G, it is vital to keep the situation under control and quickly decide on a lightning attack on a gaping enemy. Mobility allows you to easily take up suitable firing positions for this, which, in which case, you can just as quickly change. Such an active tactic will be appreciated, for example, by allied medium tanks - in capable hands "Scorpion" for them support and support.

The parameters of the gun are comfortable enough for firing at long distances- take this into account when calculating your actions and correctly choose a position for shooting. Your thoughtful actions, coupled with armor penetration, rate of fire and one-time weapon damage "Scorpio" are able to make a significant gap in the ranks of the enemy.

At the same time, try to avoid close contact with enemy vehicles: despite the excellent mobility indicators, the Skorpion G's maneuverability is not up to par, so any light tank can spin it without much harm.

Rheinmetall Skorpion G provides a wide range of options for use in combat. These can be active maneuvers and fire support allies on the line of contact or methodical firing at long distances. However, the decision is up to the player. To battle!

A new premium tier 7 self-propelled gun M56 Scorpion has been added for testing, which is likely to have preferential level fights. According to the latest data, the tank will appear in patch 0.9.6. Specifications not final.

How to get a

From November 25, 09:00 (UTC) 2015 until December 1, 09:00 (UTC), 2015, a special package with the M56 Scorpion is available as part of the Winter Is Coming promotion. The package includes the tank itself and a slot in the Garage. Package price — 1199 rubles (21.8 USD)

The Premium Tank Destroyer M56 Scorpion has appeared in the Premium Shop for the first time and for a limited time. Hurry up to become the owner of new technology!


The M56 Scorpion is lightweight and small in size, as it was developed specifically for the airborne troops.

The main advantage of self-propelled guns is a 90-mm gun with excellent performance. Excellent accuracy and armor penetration allow you to cope with the armor of any enemy, including the level above.

Good horizontal and vertical aiming, as well as low visibility increase the comfort of the game and partially compensate for the lack of armor protection.

As mentioned above, there is no armor at all (with the exception of the 5 mm thick gun shield), but on the other hand, there are compact dimensions, high visibility and a good gun depression angle.

In terms of playstyle, the M56 Scorpion is an ambush tank destroyer with good stealth and a well-balanced gun in all respects.


Level 7
Balance weight 32.4
Durability 820
Hull armor 1 / 1 / 1
Turret armor 1 / 1 / 1
Maximum speed 45 / 12
Armor penetration 219/275/45
Damage 240/240/320
Rate of fire 7.69
Accuracy 0.33
Aim time 2
View Radius 350
Communication range 500
Weight 6 894
Specific power 29.0
Price 5 150

Specifications are for vehicles with a crew training level of 100%.

History reference

M56 Scorpion was created in 1948-1953 and mass-produced from 1953 to 1959 as part of an order for a new mobile self-propelled anti-tank gun, which could be dropped from a parachute in the initial stages of an army landing operation and having firepower like a tank gun.

Two samples were built. In 1953, these machines entered military trials. In 1955, the M56, also referred to as the Scorpion, was adopted by the US Army. The M56 could be transported next to the then transport aircraft and gliders, as well as parachuted.

The guide will be based on personal impressions. On the this moment, according to unofficial statistics, this PT is owned by 59,000 people. Which is quite small, even despite the fact that the tank has a promotional status. At the same time, according to the same statistics, the M56 "Scorpion" tank in the "World of Tanks" is in 6th place in terms of the percentage of victories among all anti-tank self-propelled guns of the seventh level, that is, it cannot be called a bad vehicle.


Now it’s worth briefly touching on the list of characteristics of the above presented tank:

  • Durability: 820 HP.
  • Specific power: 28 hp / t.
  • Maximum speed: forward 45 km/h and 17 km/h reverse.
  • Chassis turning speed: 40 deg / s.
  • Armor penetration: 219/275/45 mm.
  • Damage: 240/240/320 Hp.
  • Damage per minute: 1920 HP/min
  • Ammunition: 60 pcs.

The M56 Scorpion is a tier 7 American premium vehicle with a partial rotation turret. The total angle of rotation of the turret is 60 degrees, which is a plus, while this one rotates rather slowly and sometimes it is easier to tighten the tank's hull, since time allows.

As for the crew, the Scorpion has four people:

  • Commander (radio operator).
  • Gunner.
  • Driver mechanic.
  • Charging.

Unfortunately, given fact can cause some difficulties when upgrading the crew on this tank, since many upgraded tank destroyers have a second loader and a radio operator, which greatly facilitates this matter.


One of the features of the tank is the circular armor of the hull with a thickness of 1 mm. The most protected area is, of course, the tower with 5 mm of armor. Tanking enemy shots, respectively, will not work, since the vehicle takes into itself all enemy shells without exception. Of course, it is possible that sometimes it will not penetrate the armor of our tank. However, if high-explosive projectile large caliber, then it should be especially afraid. After all, even if he falls nearby, he is capable of causing serious damage. Also, due to the small dimensions of the tank, along with ordinary damage, critical damage to the crew and internal modules will often be received. This is very noticeable when you find yourself at the bottom of the list, where you will find yourself quite often.

How to play

The most effective on this PT is to play from distance and disguise. At M56 "Scorpio" good performance camouflage at the level, which can be further enhanced with a camouflage net and camouflage. This will allow you to play quite effectively from the bushes, remaining unnoticed for a long time, even playing against the ninth levels. In this case, you need to be careful and keep a safe distance from the enemy. At long distances, hitting the Scorpion is much more difficult, especially if you play from the terrain. The small size and good gun depression angles make it quite comfortable to shoot at the enemy at long distances. Spoils all sniper ambitions in the M56 "Scorpion" view of 350 meters. It can be called normal with a stretch, it is necessary to carry a stereo tube with you.

By mobility

In the absence of armor, the weight of the tank is a little more than seven tons, in total with an engine power of 200 hp. With. it turns out the PT briskly starts from a place and spins at one point, too, quite well. Disappointing specific speed, which is 45 km / h, there is a feeling that someone is holding the tank. And it also upsets the reverse at 17 km / h, after the shot it is hard to roll back into cover.

About the gun

Gorgeous armor penetration for the seventh level, the main projectile allows you to penetrate even "nines", but if penetration is not enough, then gold shells with a penetration of 275 come to the rescue. Gold shells here are cumulative, which is not very good, since they are not capable of inflicting damage , hitting the tracks or screens of the tank. The gun has excellent vertical aiming angles, dropping by -10 and rising to +15. An accuracy of 0.33 allows you to shoot fairly accurately at long distances. Scattering from the movement of the chassis greatly limits the game, it is almost impossible to shoot on the move. For accurate shooting, you need to stop. The main drawback of the gun is expressed in its rate of fire. With a one-time damage to the 240th gun in stock, it takes 7.8 seconds to reload. According to DPM, the tank loses to some level 7 tank destroyers by about 400 damage.

Ammunition 60 pcs. It is worth equipping mainly with AP shells, you should take 10 for heavily armored opponents and a couple of high explosives to shoot down the capture.

Additional equipment and gear

The equipment of this tank is standard: first aid kit, repair kit and, of course, a fire extinguisher.

On M56 "Scorpion" it is necessary to install:

1. Stereo tube - this will increase the view when stationary. Putting enlightened optics does not make sense because of the standing gameplay.

2. gun rammer- Reduces gun reload time.

3. Camouflage net - will increase stealth when stationary.

Also, to increase camouflage, camouflage should be applied to the tank.


The result is a well-balanced inexpensive premium vehicle at the seventh level, which copes well with the main task - farming silver. Due to good breakdown in combat, gold is rarely used, and hence the good indicators of silver with an average damage dealt. Approximately 40-50 thousand per battle, the M56 "Scorpion" will take out.

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