How to fix a weapon. How to repair damaged armor and weapons in Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Interesting 25.07.2019

According to many gamers, the first-person shooter "S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Shadow of Chernobyl" is one of the best games in your genre. Great soundtrack, good storyline, huge open world, many secondary quests - all this made the game even a cult one. But for those who want to play the game for the first time, it will be useful to learn how to repair weapons in Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl. This will avoid certain difficulties.

Why fix weapons?

Unlike most shooters, weapons in this game tend to wear out. One is more durable, but the other fails relatively quickly. Worn-out weapons often misfire, which in the midst of a battle can lead to the most undesirable consequences. Of course, you can use codes for weapons, completely solving this problem.

Going into the folder with the installed game, you need to find the setup-bp.exe file. Having launched it, you need to enter the pseudodog or snork code to choose from. This will allow you to get nice bonuses. There are no other codes for "Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl", although various versions are sometimes posted on many forums, but they do not pass the test of practice.

But still, most players consider such blatant cheating unacceptable, trying to adhere to the limits defined by the creators of the game. In addition, weapon codes spoil the fun of the game by upsetting the balance. In the subsequent parts of the series, the developers have provided the opportunity to repair and modify weapons. Turning to the technicians, for a certain fee, you can not only upgrade your favorite pistol, rifle or assault rifle, but also improve their characteristics: damage, magazine size, range, and so on. Unfortunately, there is no such option in the first part. And the weapon wears out pretty quickly. Therefore, the players have a completely expected question: how to repair weapons in "Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl"?

Using the features of the Zone

Since there are no technicians (more precisely, they are, but they completely refuse to repair anything), you have to go to various tricks. Which is understandable - it's a pity to throw away rare weapon or a suit obtained at great risk to life only because the developers did not want to add an option to repair them. In addition, these tricks have nothing to do with cheating - just the competent use of game features and small flaws.

Sometimes on locations you can find "plot" corpses. That is, these are the bodies of characters who were not killed by Marked and therefore do not disappear when moving from one location to another. They will help solve the problem of how to repair weapons in "Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl". Find such a corpse, loot it and leave the badly damaged weapon in the inventory of the deceased. Now leave the location, and then immediately return and hurry to the "familiar" dead man before someone else searches him. Pick up the weapon left earlier - usually its resource increases significantly (most often up to 70-90%), which allows you to use it for a long time.

Unfortunately, this is the only way to repair weapons without ruining your reputation. Yes, there are many places in the game "Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl" where you can find weapons. But with the repair, everything is much worse.

Are you interested in armor repair? After all, it wears out even faster from bullets, fights with mutants and the impact of anomalies, and changing it is more difficult and expensive.

First you need to find five identical artifacts that protect against anomalies. It:

  • "Dummy" for fiery anomalies.
  • "Batteries" for electric.
  • "Films" for chemical.

Having put on all five artifacts on the belt, you need to stand in the corresponding anomaly (or in the fire, if you use "Dummy"). Protection in this case will be 150%. As a result - acid, fire or electricity, instead of spoiling the suit, restore it rather quickly.

Of course, finding five such valuable artifacts is quite difficult. But it is quite possible towards the end of the game, when there are costumes that you don’t want to change to others that are less suitable.

We use the "impure" method

There is another way to repair weapons in Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl. True, he is very "unclean". To do this, you need to find a newbie (usually at the Cordon or Dump) and throw out the damaged weapon near him. He will probably be greedy and pick it up, putting it in inventory.

Now you can stealthily finish off the gullible stalker and rummage through his things. An almost completely killed weapon turns out to be repaired up to 90, or even up to 95%. But be careful - this way you can ruin relations with many stalkers in the Zone.


The article is coming to an end. Now you know how to repair weapons and armor in Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl and you will surely be able to put this knowledge to good use. So weapons and equipment will always be in excellent condition and will definitely not let you down at a crucial moment.

There is a way out and in this guide we will share with you how to use little trick you can repair weapons and armor for free in Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl.

How to repair armor in Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl

The method of repairing an armored suit is essentially based on a miscalculation by the developers, which makes it possible to restore damage to armor in the presence of 4 artifacts of the same properties and nature and their relative physical properties and the nature of the anomaly. The combination of these two components can easily restore the wear and tear of your suit, we will explain the restoration process in detail with an example.

Artifacts called Batteries are best suited for armor repair, they are more common and will take the least time to search for them. However, other arts of the same series, such as Film or Spring, are suitable for this purpose.


  • We put 4 artifacts on the belt with positive properties, in our case it is the Battery.
  • Based on the fact that this type of artifacts has an electrical nature, we go to the Elektra anomaly.
  • Having entered the center of the anomaly, it will begin to emit discharges, and your health and wear will take on positive values.
  • As soon as the wear of the suit is fully restored, you can leave the anomaly without harm to health and in new armor.

Where can I find the battery artifact?

  1. In the Junkyard next to the passage to the Dark Valley.
  2. At the Agroprom location right in the swamp.
  3. On the Radar you can find a battery and a spring.
  4. Artifact Battery is given by the Hunter in the bar for 100 roentgens, for the quest to kill the bloodsucker.
  5. Location Amber on the territory of the base of scientists. A few meters from the scientists' bunker, there is a cache located in a pile of lying pipes.

How to repair weapons in Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl

Cunning will also help to repair weapons, for this you need to throw a trunk that needs repair under the feet of a zombified. After he picks him up, you can safely eliminate him and take from his body, for example, your machine gun, only already repaired. This technique can be performed with any NPC, but this may lead to problems with the faction to which he belongs or simply ruin his reputation in the Zone. Therefore, the best option would be Zombies.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to repair the weapon in this way completely, by a maximum of 85%. Which is also not bad, given the rarity and cost of individual copies.

For a more visual perception, we offer a video with a detailed demonstration of the free process of restoring weapons and armor.

In Kingdom Come: Deliverance, all items of equipment wear out over time, and therefore you will need to restore them in a timely manner. Damaged weapons do less damage, and worn armor fragments provide less protection against enemy attacks. Before you go on any long journey or take on a story quest, we advise you to check the condition of your equipment and, if necessary, repair it. In this guide, we'll show you how.

Note: Try to start leveling the Repair skill already in the first half of the game - this will make it much easier for you to repair weapons and armor, and also allow you to unlock several useful perks. You can quickly develop this skill by using inexpensive weapons and regularly repairing them on a grindstone, as well as buying lessons from the appropriate trainers (for example, from a gunsmith in Rattay).

How to restore worn out weapons

You can bring your weapons back to normal with the help of whetstones. True, this applies only to those types of weapons that have blades. Sharpening stones can be found in almost every village - they are usually located near the forges.

Before interacting with the grindstone, we advise you to save. The fact is that when repairing weapons, you will need to play a mini-game that you can easily lose and then your sword will not only not become sharper, but, on the contrary, will become dull. We recommend that you read all the information regarding sharpening in the code. Here are some tips for this process:

  • The most important thing is to hold the weapon at right angles to the stone. You will be able to know that the sword is correctly positioned by the appearance of sparks. Otherwise, black smoke will appear (you must quickly move the blade away from the stone). You should also constantly adjust the angle.
  • Sharpening weapons must be carried out along the entire length of its blade. After sharpening a certain section of the blade, move the weapon to the right or left, and then resume the process.
  • Correct sharpening can also be determined by the glow emanating from the weapon. Then complete the mini-game and go into inventory to view the blade's health (should be at 100 percent). If, on the contrary, you only damaged the weapon even more, then load the game and repeat the process.

You can also repair weapons with the help of special repair kits, which you can purchase from merchants or find in chests. Be sure to take a couple of these sets with you if you are going on a long hike and do not plan to enter the villages. In addition, blacksmiths can repair any type of weapon, which you can find in most settlements games. True, their services often cost a lot of money.

How to repair damaged armor

In Kingdom Come: Deliverance, there are no mini-games related to armor repair, so repairing them is completely free. As with weapons, you can use repair kits. However, on sale you will find different sets designed for various elements armor, so you should carefully consider their purchase.

Worn-out armor can also be repaired by ordering the appropriate services from armor repair masters. But it is worth making sure in advance that you have come to the right person. The fact is that a shoemaker will not repair a bib, and a gunsmith is unlikely to undertake the restoration of ordinary shoes. Note also that armor repairs can hit your pocket hard, so try to avoid serious injury in combat.

Repair kits are special items in resident evil 7: biohazard, which can be used to fix broken firearms. Until such a set is in your inventory, the name and description of the broken weapon will be hidden. One kit can only be used for one gun, so we advise you to carefully choose what to fix first.

Where can I find repair kits in Resident Evil 7?

One of the repair kits can be found inside the third large building. You will be able to access this location somewhere in the middle of the game. You'll know it's time to visit this facility when you can collect two keycards. It is with the help of these keys that the door with an electronic lock opens, leading to the test area.

However, gaining access to a locked home is only half the job. To find the true location of the repair kit, you will need a certain photo of the treasure (without it, the item simply will not appear).

To find the picture, enter the main house and go up to the second floor, where the master bedroom and storage room are located. You should have already visited these rooms when looking for the red key card. After entering the pantry, turn left and go to the red chair - on it lies the photo card you need.

Now you should go directly for the repair kit itself. Go to the third house called the test area and open the locked door using the red and blue keycards.

The photo shows a place located in the fourth room in the second right corner. Interact with the mannequin head to see the exact location of the repair kit.

The second repair kit can be found near the main house. Exit the trailer and head towards the main mansion. Between the two stairs you will see a metal panel hiding a strange object. Remove it and enter the hole. The item you need is at the end of the tunnel.

How to use the repair kit?

Place the repair kit and the broken firearms into inventory. Combine these two items to see the weapon's stats. After completing this process, you will get your hands on a new cannon.

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