What is better to bet on a scorpion g. Rheinmetall Skorpion G review - One of the best

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This is a German anti-tank self-propelled artillery mount Level VIII.

On this page a small guide Rheinmetall Skorpion g. On the this moment one of the best premium tanks, and a tank destroyer at its level. It appeared in the game relatively recently and immediately aroused considerable interest among tankers. The vehicle is very similar to the upgraded analogy - the Rheinmetall-Borsig Waffentrager with a standard gun, but has its own unique features.

7 reasons to buy Rheinmetall Skorpion G:

  1. Unique camouflage.
  2. Alpha strike of the installed gun - 490 units per shot, penetration of 246 mm armor-piercing projectiles and 311 mm sub-caliber projectiles.
  3. Excellent accuracy, dispersion at 100 meters is 0.3 and aiming time is 2.1 seconds (about 5 rounds per minute).
  4. Good power density - 17 hp per ton.
  5. A tower that helps in battle on different maps.
  6. Ideal profitability — you can take out up to 100,000 credits per battle.
  7. Good speed - up to 60 km / h forward and 20 km / h back.

corners vertical aiming on a scorpion, not the best, 7 degrees down. It makes no sense to talk about armor, just a couple of facts - the maximum armor is 30 mm. On this technique, we are a classic high-explosive receiver. The review, 360 meters, can also be attributed to the minus, but you can raise the indicated value by training the crew, using optics and handing a bar of dark chocolate to your guys, well, or girls.


+ good specific power, good speed;
+ a gun with good armor penetration and one-time damage;
+ good accuracy;
+ armored tube with a full turn;
+ all-season camouflage set by default.


- lack of armor as such;
- open armored tube;
- mediocre rate of fire;
- mediocre size of ammunition;
- mediocre UVN;
- disgusting agility of the tower and the Fri itself;
- large size and high visibility;
- mediocre gun stabilization.

Rheinmetall Skorpion g - a farm tank that anyone can master world player of tanks.

Good luck on the battlefield!

6-05-2016, 14:47

hello to all lovers World games of Tanks! Now we will talk about a truly unique car, you will not find another like it anywhere else, because its analogues in our game do not exist - this is the M56 Scorpion guide.

Of course, this unit is no longer considered new and for sure everyone knows that this is a premium American tank destroyer seventh level. You can't just buy the M56 Scorpion tank, it is sold quite rarely and only through the premium store on the Wargaming website, so stay tuned and maybe you'll get lucky.

TTX M56 Scorpion

So, let's move on to the consideration of the performance characteristics of this machine and talk about why it is so unique. Everyone probably noticed from the screenshot that the M56 Scorpion simply lacks armor characteristics. One millimeter of armor is nothing, even Tier 1 tanks will be thicker. All this means that we are penetrated by all and sundry, land mines inflict full damage and probably even with a stick you can bring a lot of trouble to the M56 Scorpion tank destroyer.

But with mobility, everything is more than good. We weigh very little and with such a mass, the engine power just rolls over. This American has 28 horsepower per ton of weight, such incredible numbers make the M56 possible Scorpion WoT start abruptly from a place, reach its maximum speed in a matter of seconds, overcome many obstacles and climb into hard-to-reach places. Truth, top speed We were cut, but it doesn't bother us much.

In all other respects, the vehicle has a standard HP for most Tier 7 tank destroyers, but the M56 Scorpion's field of vision is small and will need to be raised. By the way, we do not have a preferential level of fights, but this is not a problem, you will understand why later.


It's time to talk about weapons, and these parameters are mostly good. The M56 Scorpion gun has excellent armor penetration. We easily fight even against the ninth levels, and if someone is hard in the sight, the magnificent gold solves all issues.

With accuracy everything is also in perfect order, good spread and excellent convergence time, everything we need. True, the wheelhouse of the M56 Scorpio World of Tanks does not rotate completely, but only 30 degrees to the left or right, and very slowly, but in patch 0.9.15 the car has significantly improved stabilization from turning the wheelhouse. By the way, the barrel drops down by as much as 10 degrees, also a nice nuance.

the only weak point in weapons is one-time damage, which is lower than that of other tank destroyers of classmates and a very low DPM, only 1700 damage per minute.

Advantages and disadvantages

Highlight strengths and weak sides the M56 Scorpion WoT will not be difficult, everything is in full view, very clear and understandable, however, we will put everything on the shelves.

Comfortable precision tool;
Excellent vertical aiming angles;
Excellent parameters of armor penetration;
High mobility and amazing dynamics;
Very small dimensions;
High stealth coefficient (we hardly glow);
High potential farmer.

Complete lack of armor;
Bad review;
Low damage per minute and alpha strike;
Not preferential level fights.

Equipment for M56 Scorpion

Speaking frankly, on the M56 Scorpion equipment Choosing is easy and hard at the same time. On the one hand, the choice is not so great, but on the other hand, it is not very clear what to install here.

Since our DPM leaves much to be desired, this option is not even discussed.
- everything is simple here too, we compensate for the poor visibility, and looking ahead a bit, the "horns" are great for the style of play on this machine.
- if we remember our wonderful disguise, then the choice suggests itself.
There aren't many other options here. Of course, you can bet, but the M56 Scorpio WoT reduces quite quickly, so the above three points can be considered optimal.

Crew training

Here the situation is somewhat simpler, the crew should download perks on the M56 Scorpion with the intention of leveling the lack of visibility as much as possible, increasing stealth even more and giving an increase to other important parameters in order to make the game even more comfortable.

Commander (radio operator) - , , , .
Gunner - , , , .
Driver mechanic - , , , .
Loader - , , , .

Equipment for the M56 Scorpion

Choice of consumables this case is the most standard option: , , . However, if you are worried about your fate in battle and want to feel more confident, the M56 scorpion gear you can put the following: , , . By the way, in both cases it is highly preferable to replace the last option with , which will give a good performance boost, but will lead to increased costs.

Tactics of the game on the M56 Scorpion

Since the hull armor of the M56 Scorpion tank is completely absent, while we have a penetrating gun with good accuracy, good vertical aiming angles, small dimensions and excellent stealth, God himself ordered us to play from the second line.

The main rule of this tank destroyer, no matter how trite it may sound, is to stand in the bushes and shoot at the light of the allies or your own. There can be no question of any aggression, the very first land mine will cool your ardor and forever explain the fallacy of such behavior.

Thus, on the M56 Scorpion tactics combat is simple to disgrace. Take a good place and shoot damage, from here the farm will be good and you will spoil the life of the enemy fairly, horns and a camouflage net will help you. However, this is not all, because you need to realize all the benefits. Don't sit in the same bush the whole fight, if you get spotted or the position has exhausted its relevance, feel free to use excellent mobility and move. The same applies to the situation when your direction is pushed through and the enemy is already close, guess the moment and take your feet out of there.

In especially difficult situations, when you are taken by surprise and there is no way to hide, try to play from the terrain, use your vertical aiming angles and small sizes, leaning out, making a shot and rolling back, hitting the World of Tanks M56 Scorpion is not so easy a chance to get out from alteration alive increases.

A new premium tier 7 self-propelled gun M56 Scorpion has been added for testing, which will most likely have a preferential level of battles. According to the latest data, the tank will appear in patch 0.9.6. Specifications not final.

How to get a

From November 25, 09:00 (UTC) 2015 until December 1, 09:00 (UTC), 2015, a special package with the M56 Scorpion is available as part of the Winter Is Coming promotion. The package includes the tank itself and a slot in the Garage. Package price — 1199 rubles (21.8 USD)

The Premium Tank Destroyer M56 Scorpion has appeared in the Premium Shop for the first time and for a limited time. Hurry up to become the owner of new technology!


The M56 Scorpion is lightweight and small in size, as it was developed specifically for the airborne troops.

The main advantage of self-propelled guns is a 90-mm gun with excellent performance. Excellent accuracy and armor penetration allow you to cope with the armor of any enemy, including the level above.

Good horizontal and vertical aiming angles, as well as low visibility increase the comfort of the game and partially compensate for the lack of armor protection.

As mentioned above, there is no armor at all (with the exception of the 5 mm thick gun shield), but on the other hand, there are compact dimensions, high visibility and a good gun depression angle.

In terms of playstyle, the M56 Scorpion is an ambush tank destroyer with a good indicator camouflage and a weapon balanced in all respects.


Level 7
Balance weight 32.4
Durability 820
Hull armor 1 / 1 / 1
Turret armor 1 / 1 / 1
Maximum speed 45 / 12
Armor penetration 219/275/45
Damage 240/240/320
Rate of fire 7.69
Accuracy 0.33
Aim time 2
View Radius 350
Communication range 500
Weight 6 894
Specific power 29.0
Price 5 150

Specifications are for vehicles with a crew training level of 100%.

History reference

M56 Scorpion was created in 1948-1953 and mass-produced from 1953 to 1959 as part of an order for a new mobile self-propelled anti-tank gun, which could be dropped from a parachute in the initial stages of an army landing operation and having firepower like a tank gun.

Two samples were built. In 1953, these machines entered military trials. In 1955, the M56, also referred to as the Scorpion, was adopted by the US Army. The M56 could be transported next to the then transport aircraft and gliders, as well as parachuted.

4 years and 3 months ago Comments: 17

Hello tankers.

I decided to write about the M56 Scorpion.
These are my personal impressions of the new Tier VII M56 Scorpion premium tank, which you could try in battles on the test server.

In combat chat, the most common question is: “How is the tank?” I will try to answer it as a player with an average stat, playing at average levels.

Let's get impressions in order.

"Scorpion" in the hangar with a crew of 100% and without a single skill. I didn’t specifically plant with perks in order to see the minimum capabilities of the tank. I put standard anti-tank equipment: rammer, pipe, camouflage net. I grab a first aid kit, a repair kit, a fire extinguisher. I divide the shells into 3 approximately equal parts and everything seems to be ready. TO BATTLE!
I look at the table of participants in the battle. I'm on my guard. I'm at the bottom of the list, another Scorpio, a pair of VIIIs, and the rest IX. This is very unfortunate news about the absence of a preferential level of fights.

IMPORTANT: M56 Scorpion does not have a preferential level of battles.

Next, the fight begins. I rush into the bushes closer to the front line and after 1 minute of the battle in the hangar. But I managed to put a firefly on the harp. I decided to look at TTX in more detail.

Armor. There is no armor on the tank. Basically it doesn't exist. There can be no hope for a rebound or that someone will not break through. 1mm of armor is thinner than cardboard. This is foil.
Looking at the M56 Scorpion booking model

we see that the maximum armor in the screens and the mask reaches 5 mm, and for the gun and tracks as much as 10 mm.
The tank will suffer a lot from splash art.
Strength. 820 hp. Not ideal, but normal for level VII.
Review and communication. 350m and 500m are very few for PT.
Speed. 45km/h. For such a small one, not too much.
Weight. 8 tons. Everyone rams me.
Tool. Armor penetration 164 - 274 and damage 180 - 300. Rate of fire and UGN are acceptable. Now this is more interesting.

IMPORTANT: M56 Scorpion has 1 (one) mm armor. NO BOOKING

After thinking about the topic: “how to play with 1mm armor”, I roll out of the hangar again. I find out from my own sad experience that it is generally impossible to play with such armor. Fights 20 Scorpion caught everything he could from everyone who saw me. The crew is without a "bulb". Only a very oblique or very lazy opponent did not send him to the hangar. 2-3 hits - hangar. Arty - 1 hit. If not the hangar, then someone from the crew was shell-shocked, the ammunition rack was constantly damaged, and all other joys were in full. When hit in the forehead, it burned several times. It turned out that the Scorpion has a motor in the front. Not a tank - suffering. And also for gold? It can not be.

So that's not how I play it. We change the PT tactics from the usual "I'm in the middle" to the new "I'm in the tail", we shoot at someone else's light, we dump after the shot, we don't even try to shine.
And here the Scorpio showed itself in all its glory. Again, in order. The first thing I liked was the excellent dynamics and the ability to climb hillocks almost without losing speed. Surfaces didn't matter to him. perfectly accelerated to 45 km / h on asphalt and on viscous soils. The only negative: when he felled trees or tried to drive through clay houses, he sharply lost speed.

IMPORTANT: M56 Scorpion suddenly loses speed on destructible objects

The second, and most important impression of his guns. A very bad gun. From a distance of 400m, the ISU-152 pierces the forehead. The accuracy is beyond praise. From 350m you can shoot at your choice: psaltery, viewing slots with full convergence. If the mixing is not complete, the shells still fall closer to the center of the circle. AP projectile damage is at least 220hp. Misses were mainly due to incorrectly taken lead. On a stationary target, you don’t even have to worry about missing.

IMPORTANT: Very accurate gun with excellent penetration and alpha damage

Separately, it must be said about the magnificent UGN and UVN. Standing under the net and with a pipe, you don’t have to pull the body while moving the barrel from left to right. UGN in 60grd is more than enough for quiet control of space. UVN allows you to shoot from behind a hillock, showing the enemy only the top of the gun shield. By the 30th battle, "MASTER" was received. This is provided that at least 4 Scorpions participated in almost every battle.

IMPORTANT: A gun with excellent UGN and UVN

Then I rode the Scorpion without caring about his statistics, defeats and victories, who and how I sent to the hangar. It was interesting to see what absolutely cannot be done on it, but what can and should be done. You can forget about reconnaissance and primary light immediately. On city maps, it is very useful if you stay strictly behind the TT group, or go behind enemy lines. Its speed, accuracy and UGN allow. In open spaces, as always. Hillock, stone, bushes. But only on the third line of attack. In general, this is a tank of the second half of the battle. He is 100% ambush.

And of course, since the tank is premium, what about PHARMA? All is well in terms of pharma. For an average battle in profit for 20,000 silver. If you do not constantly shoot "gold", then more.

Important: Very confident farm for 20,000 silver per battle

Article prepared by VasML

Price: 380r.

Rheinmetall Skorpion G


Meet the new World of Tanks from Germany - Rheinmetall Skorpion G. If you are a fan of solid guns German tank destroyers, then this car will definitely appeal to you. It was created not to “tank out” damage, but to distribute it generously. Thanks to the excellent 128 mm gun, the Scorpion really knows how to sting. Excellent accuracy, high penetration and one-time damage - all this is about the Rheinmetall Skorpion G.

The 360-degree rotating turret makes aimed fire even more comfortable. If necessary, you can always quickly change position: mobility allows. And the exclusive sandy camouflage with the image of a scorpion will not allow you to confuse your brand new tank destroyer with any other vehicle and will provide you with a bonus to camouflage on all types of maps.

Rheinmetall Skorpion G + Pz. III K
In a special set with a rare German premium tank Pz.Kpfw. III Ausf. K you get a Garage slot, 2500 and a special combat mission free bonus. With this task, 15 victories with Rheinmetall Skorpion G or Pz.Kpfw. III Ausf. K can bring you 5 times more combat experience. At a super price - 599r!!

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