Interests and hobbies in a person's life are a chance to achieve success. National interests What are the interests of the individual

Helpful Hints 18.09.2019
Helpful Hints

The concept of national interest

One of the main characteristics of the modern world system is the interdependence of states and the integrity of the world, its unity.

The basis of international politics is the national state interest of any country.

It is known from philosophy that interest is real reason social actions underlying motives, ideas, etc. In relation to the state, the national interest is a conscious, officially expressed objective needs, the consistent implementation and protection of which ensure the sustainable existence and progressive development of states.

The state ensures its interests with all the means at its disposal: political, ideological, economic, diplomatic, military. The last resort is the threat or actual use of force, up to and including a declaration of war.

national interests Russia is a set of balanced interests of the individual, society and the state in the economic, domestic political, social, international, informational, military, border, environmental and other spheres.

National interests are ensured by the institutions of state power that perform their functions, including in cooperation with public organizations operating on the basis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Russian Federation. They are of a long-term nature and determine the main goals, strategic and current tasks of the domestic and foreign policy of the state.

Distinguish interests:

Individuals, societies, states and national;

Domestic and foreign policy;

Short-term and long-term;

General and regional;

Major and minor;

Constants and variables;

Political, economic, military, environmental, humanitarian, cultural, etc.

National Russian interests include:

the interests of the individual;

public interests;

the interests of the state.

Personal Interests consist in:

realization of constitutional rights and freedoms;

ensuring personal security;

improving the quality and standard of living;

physical, spiritual and intellectual development of man and citizen.

Society interests consist in:

♦ strengthening democracy:

♦ in the creation of a legal, social state;

♦ achievement and maintenance of public consent;

♦ spiritual renewal of Russia.

State interests consist in:

the inviolability of the constitutional order, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Russia;

political, economic and social stability;

unconditional enforcement of law and order;

development of an equitable and mutually beneficial international cooperation.

A condition for the realization of Russia's national interests is the sustainable development of the economy.

The national interests of Russia consist of interests in various areas: economic, domestic political, social, spiritual, international, informational, military, border, environmental.

In the domestic political sphere Russia's national interests are:

- maintaining the stability of the constitutional system, institutions of state power;

- ensuring civil peace and national accord, territorial integrity, unity of the legal space and the rule of law;

- completion of the process of formation of a democratic society;

- neutralization of the causes and conditions that contribute to the emergence of political and religious extremism, ethnic separatism and their consequences - social, interethnic and religious conflicts, terrorism.

Russia's national interests in international sphere consist in:

~ ensuring sovereignty;

~ strengthening Russia's positions as a great power - one of the influential centers of the multipolar world;

~ development of equitable and mutually beneficial relationship with all countries and integration associations (primarily the CIS);

~ universal observance of human rights and freedoms and the inadmissibility of applying double standards.

National interests differ in their importance and influence in the international arena. On this basis, they are subdivided into main (or vital) and secondary, constant and variable, long-term and opportunistic.

Main and permanent national interests are determined by the most important geopolitical parameters: the place and role of a given state in the system of interstate relations, its prestige and relative military power, its ability to defend its sovereignty and guarantee the security of its allies, etc.

Minor and variables interests, bearing a derivative of the first character. Changing depending on foreign policy factors, they can serve as a subject of bargaining in the implementation of the main and permanent interests of the state.

Concept of national interest

The foreign policy of the state is determined by the level of socio-economic and socio-political development, the geographical position of the country, its national and historical traditions, the goals and needs of ensuring sovereignty and security, etc. All this in foreign policy is focused in the concept of national interest. Representatives of political realism consider the national interest as the main component of the foreign policy of any state.

The term "national interest" in 1935 was included in the Oxford Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences and thus received an official political status. The priority in developing the concept of "national interest" belongs to American scientists - theologian R. Niebuhr and historian C. Bird.

After the Second World War, the disputes around the concept of national interest, G. Morgenthau called "the new great debate." In its most expanded form, this concept was formulated in Morgenthau's book In Defense of the National Interest (1948). G. Morgenthau defined the concept of interest with the help of categories of power. The concept of national interest in his concept consists of three elements:

the nature of the interest to be protected;

the political environment in which the interest operates;

rational necessity, limiting the choice of ends and means for all subjects of international politics.

The contribution to the development of the concept of national interest was made by American scientists J. Kennan, W. Lippman, K. Waltz, E. Furniss, J. Rosenau and others. -B.Dyurozel, F.Braira, R.Debre and others.

national interest- the interests of a national community or group united by specific ties and relationships of genetic and cultural homogeneity.

Homogeneity - homogeneity, uniformity, internal indistinguishability, the degree of similarity of members of a certain population among themselves.

National interests are embodied in the desire of representatives of one nationality to unite on the basis of a common culture, expressed in language, family, religious, moral traditions and customs, methods of recreation, political systems and behavior, as well as in clothing and jewelry.

National interests serve to preserve the national community as a whole and are manifested in feelings of sympathy for members of their national community, different from feelings for other nationalities.

National interests are one of the driving forces behind the behavior and activities of an individual, nationality, nation, society or state; they are present in many forms of struggle and cooperation between people. An attempt to infringe on national interests is perceived as an attack on the vital foundations of a national group or community, as well as the state.

National interests have rarely come forward in history in pure form. They were clothed in various ethical-religious (ideological) forms, realized in the course of religious wars and national liberation movements. The ideology raised the private national interest to the level of "general".

A social community with a developed national self-consciousness, as a rule, does not voluntarily sacrifice its national interests, on the basis of moral considerations or calls for humanism, to take into account the interests of the other side - other national groups and communities. The conflict of national interests often results in armed clashes and military confrontations. Under these conditions, the most important task of politicians is the ability to combine national interests with the prospect of maintaining peace on earth.

National interest is an abstract and subjective category, since its parameters are determined by the picture of the world and the value system that prevails in a given society and state. Politics can be seen as a means of realizing national interests.

Often, state interests are opposed to national and public (civil society interests), recognizing their relationship, yet it is considered appropriate to define them within the framework of the “national interest - state interest” dichotomy.

Dichotomy (Greek “in two” + “division”) - bifurcation, division into two parts that are not interconnected.

In the lexicon of international politics, speaking of the national interest, as a rule, they mean the state interest and, conversely, the state interest means the national interest.

National-state interests are formed in accordance with geopolitical parameters, resource opportunities, national-cultural traditions, etc. states.

The formation of national interests is a gradual and lengthy historical process, carried out in a complex interweaving of economic, social, national-psychological and other factors that together determine the content and nature of the national-historical experience of a given people or country.

The main component of the national interest is the imperative self-preservation of the state.

But the very concept of national interest is permeated with value norms and ideological content. This is especially true with regard to misunderstood and misunderstood national interests (the US war in Vietnam, the USSR in Afghanistan, etc.).

The foreign policy of any state can be considered realistic to the extent that it is built taking into account the interests of other parties involved in the system of international relations. This point is of particular importance in modern world, where the definition of the national interests of any individual state implies the obligatory consideration of the interests of other states, and in some ways the interests of the entire world community.

Concept national security

The success of a state's foreign policy depends on the clarity of the formulation of national interests and on the understanding of the ways and means of realizing these interests. Among the priority goals of the state in the international arena, in the first place is the security of the country or national security in all its forms and manifestations.

Distinguish safety public and state,economic, social, political, environmental, military etc.

In a broad sense safety - this is the provision of normal conditions for self-realization to citizens of the state, the protection of their lives, freedom and property from encroachment by an individual, organization or the state itself.

Safety- this is a state of relations between states in which they are not threatened by the danger of war, or other encroachment from outside. From this perspective, security is considered indivisibly on various scales:

national security - within the boundaries of one state;

regional security - within the framework of this or that region of the world;

international, general security - in the global, world framework.

For the first time in the political lexicon, the concept of "national security" was used in 1904 in the message of President T. Roosevelt to the US Congress, where he justified the annexed zones of the Panama Canal by the interests of "national security". In subsequent years, this problem has become a pivotal one in the studies of American political scientists.

American authors see the source of the concept of "national security" in the theory of "national interests". This approach was proposed by the sociologist W. Lippman. Most studies define national security through force, that is, the predominance of power over other states, or from the standpoint of the interaction of states, that is, the creation of optimal conditions for the development of the entire system of international relations.

In our country, since the beginning of 1990, understanding the problem of national security has been undertaken within the framework of the USSR Armed Forces Committee on Defense and State Security; The Fund for National and International Security and a number of initiative groups were created.

The national security of the Russian Federation is the security of its multinational people as the bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power in the Russian Federation.

Russia has developed The concept of national oh security, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on January 10, 2000, No. 24.

The concept of national security of the Russian Federation is a system of views on ensuring the security of the individual, society and the state in the Russian Federation from external and internal threats in all spheres of life.

National security means, first of all, the physical survival of a given state, the protection and preservation of its sovereignty and territorial integrity, the ability to adequately respond to any real and potential external threats.

National security is closely linked to the security of the country's socio-political system. National security as a category of political science reflects the connection of security with the nation, that is, with a certain territorial-state community based on stable socio-political, economic, cultural and other ties.

National security characterizes the state of the nation as an integral system, including social relations and public consciousness, institutions of society and their activities that contribute to and hinder the realization of national interests in a specific historical situation. The essence of national interests is, first of all, in counteracting and compensating for any destructive disturbances that are formed within society or outside it, which impede the needs of life and the development of the individual and society.

National security- this is the protection of the state from external and internal threats, resistance to adverse external influences, ensuring such internal and external conditions for the existence of the country that guarantee the possibility of stable progress of society and its citizens.

In national security stand out three levels security: individual, society and state, the significance of which is determined by the nature of social relations, the political structure, the degree of internal and external threats. In critical periods for a nation, the security of society or the state can dominate. As a rule, authoritarian and totalitarian regimes, constantly creating such critical conditions, highlight the security of the state at the expense of the security of the individual. For democratic societies, the most valuable thing is the freedom and security of the individual. For a democratic society, the security of the state and society is not an end in itself, but a function of ensuring the freedom and security of the individual.

State Security is achieved by the presence of an effective mechanism for managing and coordinating the activities of political forces and public groups, as well as effective institutions for their protection.

Community safety presupposes the existence of public institutions, norms, developed norms public consciousness that allow realizing the rights and freedoms of all groups of the population and resisting actions leading to a split in society (including by the state).

Personal security consists in the formation of a set of legal and moral norms, public institutions and organizations that would allow it to develop and realize socially significant abilities and needs without experiencing opposition from the state and society.

Structural elements of the system national security are: political, economic, military, environmental, information security and security of the nation's cultural development.

Political Security consists in the ability and ability of the nation and the state institutions it creates to independently resolve issues of state structure, independently pursue domestic and foreign policy in the interests of the individual and society on the positions of sustainable political sovereignty.

economic security characterized by independence and insubordination to external forces, the level of development of productive forces and economic relations aimed at meeting the needs of the individual and society, the presence of a developed infrastructure and minerals, a skilled workforce and a system for its preparation, as well as the nature of integration into the system of world economic relations.

military security characterizes the possibility of ensuring the interests of national security by means of armed violence. External the aspect of military security reflects the ability of a nation to resist or contain the impact military force from abroad. Interior aspect is associated with the destructive manifestation of the arms race, the militarization of public consciousness, the strengthening political role armies within the country.

An important place in the concept of national security is occupied by security issues. cultural development nation, environmental, information security, because they are related to the needs of society and the individual. Based on the concept, a national security system is formed, which is a set of legislative and executive bodies, legal norms that provide optimal and stable conditions for life and development of the individual and society.

The concept of national security, as well as foreign policy and geopolitical concepts, is a derivative of the concept of national interests. The concept of national security is built taking into account how external threats coming from outside and associated with attempts to enslave or subjugate the state, and internal threats related to the state of society itself and rooted in society itself.

Distinguish threats real and potential ; global, regional and local .

concept security includes the following Aspects:

♦ ensuring the physical existence, territorial integrity and integrity of the state from external and internal threats;

♦ guarantees against external interference in internal affairs;

♦ prevention of potential and unforeseen threats to the very way of life.

The concept of national security is built taking into account all geopolitical factors that affect the ways, forms and means of realizing national goals.

The primary task of the concept of national security is the definition and development of priority areas, a set of measures and means of preventing, first of all, extreme forms of external and internal threats - war with other states and civil war.

The state has different means and ways to achieve this goal. One of the most obvious of these is the use or threat of violence. The famous aphorism of Clausewitz - war is the continuation of politics by other means.

With the development of scientific and technological progress, the national security of an individual state has become dependent on international security, the security of the entire world community. In modern conditions, the national security of the state depends not only on the power and combat effectiveness of the armed forces, but also on a number of other factors - economic power, competitiveness of the industry, the quality of the education system, the well-being of citizens, their state of mind, etc.

Among modern sources real threat for the security of states can be called: terrorism, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, inter-ethnic and inter-confessional conflicts, degradation environment slowdown or halt in economic growth.

In light of these circumstances, the strategy of collective security. This strategy implies the creation of a system in which each member state agrees that its security is the concern of all, and joins in collective action to repel aggression.

The problem of integrating military-political security and socio-economic policy on a global scale arises. Security and well-being are two aspects that are interrelated, constantly influencing each other and the effectiveness of the socio-economic order itself throughout the globe.

| National interests of Russia in the modern world

Fundamentals of life safety
Grade 9

Lesson 2
National interests of Russia in the modern world

The national interests of Russia are a set of balanced interests of the individual, society and the state.

National interests determine:

The main activities of the individual, society and the state, which contribute to the strengthening of the existing state system in our country and create conditions for the prosperous life of each individual and society as a whole;

Conditions for the safe life of the individual, society and the state in all spheres of their life (economic, domestic political, social, international, informational, military, border, environmental, etc.).

National interests are long-term and determine the main goals, strategic and current tasks of the domestic and foreign policy of the state. National interests represent a set of balanced interests of the individual, society and the state, therefore, they must be ensured by the cumulative actions of all citizens of Russia, individually by each in his field of activity, by the entire Russian society and state.

Only in an optimal, harmoniously balanced distribution of duties and responsibilities for the observance of the national interests of Russia can success in the formation of Russia as a great power, capable of realizing its potentialities given to it by nature and provided by the activities of previous generations, follow.


Only the concordance of views and actions of the population and power structures on the observance of national interests can ensure the advancement of our country towards common well-being. This unity of views and actions of each individual, society and state determines the level common culture our society in the field of security.

What are the interests of the individual, society and the state in the general content of the national interests of Russia?

Personal Interests are determined by the ability of every citizen of Russia to exercise their constitutional rights and freedoms in ensuring personal security, in improving the quality and standard of living, in physical, spiritual and intellectual development as a person and citizen.

Society interests ensured by the strengthening of democracy, the creation of a legal social state, the achievement and maintenance of social harmony, and the spiritual renewal of Russia.

State interests determined by the inviolability of the constitutional order, the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Russia, political and economic stability, the unconditional provision of law and order, the development of equal and mutually beneficial international cooperation.

Everyone should know this

The national interests of Russia in the domestic political sphere are:

In maintaining the stability of the constitutional system, institutions of state power;
in ensuring civil peace and national harmony, territorial integrity, the unity of the legal space, the rule of law;
in the completion of the process of establishing a democratic society;
in neutralizing the causes and conditions that contribute to the emergence of political and religious extremism, ethnic separatism and their consequences - social, interethnic and religious conflicts, terrorism.

The national interests of Russia in the economic sphere are to ensure:

Dynamically developing production and market;
high standard of living of the peoples of Russia.

The national interests of Russia in the spiritual sphere are to preserve and strengthen:

Moral values ​​of society;
traditions of patriotism and humanism;
cultural and scientific potential of the country.

The national interests of Russia in the international sphere are:

In ensuring sovereignty;
in strengthening Russia's position as a great power - one of the influential centers of the multipolar world;
in the development of equal and mutually beneficial relations with all countries and integration associations, primarily with the CIS member states and Russia's traditional partners;
in the universal observance of human rights and freedoms and the inadmissibility of the application of double standards.

The national interests of Russia in the military sphere are:

In protecting its independence, sovereignty, state and territorial integrity;
in preventing military aggression against Russia and its allies;
in providing conditions for the peaceful, democratic development of the state.


The most important component of the national interests of Russia is the protection of the individual, society and the state from terrorism, including international, as well as from emergency situations of natural and technogenic character and their consequences, and war time from the dangers arising from the conduct of military operations or as a result of these operations.

It should be noted that the national interests of Russia in the modern world are primarily aimed at ensuring the security of the individual, society and the state from external and internal threats of a natural, man-made and social nature in all spheres of their life.

The Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 12, 2009 approved the National Security Strategy until 2020. It is the basic document for planning the development of the national security system of the Russian Federation, which sets out the procedure and measures to ensure security. This document is the basis for constructive interaction between state authorities, organizations and public associations to protect the national interests of the Russian Federation and ensure the security of the individual, society and the state.


Russia's national interests can be most fully realized with a significant rise in the general culture in the field of security of the entire population of our country.


1. What are the general view Russia's national interests?

2. What are the interests of the individual, society and the state in the general content of the national interests of Russia?

3. What are the national interests of Russia in the domestic political, social, international and military spheres of the country's life?

4. Are measures to protect the country's population from natural, man-made and social emergencies a component of Russia's national interests?

5. What impact can each person individually have on ensuring the national interests of Russia, and how is this expressed?

6. Main threats to national interests

Most researchers of the issue regarding the concept of "national interest" agree that the national interest consists of two components: the interests of citizens and the interests of the state, and these interests are inextricably linked, they are not opposed, but complement each other. In this regard, the concepts of "national interest" and "national-state interest" are used in modern legal literature as synonyms. Khizhnyak, V.S. Classification of national interests modern Russia. // Constitutional and municipal law. - 2008. - No. 5. - P. 10-11 The concept of the national security of the Russian Federation speaks of the balance of interests in a slightly different way: one participant - the state - retains its positions, while civil society is transformed into separate concepts of "society" and "personality ". As a result, the structure of Russia's national interests includes the interests of the individual, society and the state:

“The interests of the individual consist in the realization of constitutional rights and freedoms, in ensuring personal security, in improving the quality and standard of living, in the physical, spiritual and intellectual development of a person and citizen.

The interests of society lie in the strengthening of democracy, in the creation of a legal, social state, in the achievement and maintenance of social harmony, in the spiritual renewal of Russia.

The interests of the state lie in the inviolability of the constitutional order, the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Russia, in political, economic and social stability, in the unconditional provision of law and order, in the development of equal and mutually beneficial international cooperation. dated December 17, 1997 No. 1300 (as amended by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated January 10, 2000 No. 24).

Such an approach as a whole is possible and expedient: it gives an idea of ​​the content of interests various elements organizations, but the organization is somewhat different. Personality, society, state - elements of social organization on the scale of all mankind. Such terminology is not entirely legitimate in the conditions of the formation of a nation state and its national interests. Of course, one can refer to the multinationality of the Russian Federation, which has caused and continues to cause a large number of intrastate conflicts. But within the framework of a single state, absolutely all nationalities acquire one common status - civil, and the bearer of this status is the civil society of the Russian Federation. Without delving into the legal essence of these concepts, I will point out that civil status establishes the complete interdependence of the state and the society inhabiting it in terms of mutual protection of their interests. So the state protects the interests of its citizens with the aim that they, in turn, satisfy the interests of such a large public entity as the state. In the process of such mutual protection of interests, the concept of “nation” grows, which has a higher position than the concepts of “personality” and “society”. Nation is not just a state-level concept, but a global one: it represents the state on the world stage. So at all times, people from any part of our country were called nothing more than Russians, which is still the case.

Then, indeed, it can be noted that, as noted in the first chapter, the concept of "national interests" has an external vector - it is aimed at ensuring the safe existence, effective functioning and development of the country, and the issues of correlation between the interests of the individual and society lie in the plane of the internal policy of the state . This, it seems to me, is what the world's political scientists mean when they use the concept of "national interest." After all, if we return to the origins of the term and present the fundamental national interests identified by the English political scientist A. Battler:

1. territorial integrity,

2. independence or political sovereignty,

3. economic development and prosperity

4. preservation of the existing political and economic regime,

5. maintaining the national and cultural identity of the country - a way of life,

It can be noted that all of them are aimed at determining and protecting the place of the nation, or rather, the state, on the world map, in order to enable the population of the country and each of its citizens to exist and develop peacefully. If we change this definition from the point of view of the nation itself, then we can get the wording given by experts in the field of law: "The concept of national interests is a common vision by the citizens of this or that state of its place and role in the world community." Saidov, A.Kh., Kashinskaya, L.F. National Security and National Interests: Relationship and Interaction (Experience of Political and Legal Analysis) // Journal of Russian Law. - 2005. - No. 12.

This approach is used by domestic scientists in the field of geopolitics, but is not reflected in the country's regulations. So E.A. Oleinikov in the textbook "Economic and National Security" refers to the number of fundamental, fundamental national interests: the territorial integrity of the country, state self-determination and political self-government of the people, a worthy place in the world community among other similar entities, the prosperity of the country and the population on the basis of ensuring individual rights and well-being all of its constituent social groups. And in the educational and methodological complex for the course "Geopolitics" edited by Turgaev A.S. you can find a definition: “The national interests of the state are the vital needs for its survival and preservation political independence, territorial integrity, inviolability of borders and security. The national interests of the state also lie in strengthening its geopolitical influence in the international arena, the economic and cultural development of society.”

The way of life and functions of the individual, society and the state, as objects, set their common interests - national interests. They act as a kind of balance or compromise between the generally very conflicting interests of individuals, social organizations and government agencies.

The national interest is formed on the basis of rational needs, value preferences and real conditions in which society is currently located. At the same time, this process (the formation of national interest) at the level of a separate country, the subjects are endorsed by those social forces that have real opportunities and, consequently, a certain power substance, allowing to realize this or that interest. These are the needs of society and the state in understanding the current politicians. In other words, the national interest is subjective form objective needs of society and the state, formulated by their elite on the basis of value preferences, taking into account the circumstances. And the whole question is this case lies in the extent to which society and the state are interconnected in the processes of reproduction of their functions. In other words, “interest is what binds members of civil society together.”

In accordance with the "National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020", under national interest is understood as the totality of internal and external needs of the state in ensuring security and sustainable development individual, society and state.

National interests, as well as needs, are divided into internal and external. At the same time, they are unequal and combine three interconnected blocks:

  • fundamental interests, identical for any country, as they determine the need for the "survival" of the nation. Internal include stability and development. Their balance makes the country stable and integral. External interests include: territorial integrity; political sovereignty, i.e. independence; preservation of the dominant political and economic regime (constitutional system); prosperity;
  • national values— national ideology and cultural identity, which determine the civilizational uniqueness of the country;
  • current interests, the need to protect them is determined by the current situation and the provision of the planned course of the country's development.

Fundamental interests and values ​​form a set vital interests of the country associated with its survival and development. Current interests are formulated by the political leadership of the country, based on vital interests. So. The national interests of the Russian Federation in the long term are:

  • in the development of democracy and civil society, increasing the competitiveness of the national economy;
  • ensuring the inviolability of the constitutional order, territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Russian Federation;
  • transformation of the Russian Federation into a world power, whose activities are aimed at maintaining strategic stability and mutually beneficial partnerships in a multipolar world.

Classification and types of national interests

The classification of national interests can be carried out on various grounds, which emphasizes their social significance (Table 2.1).

Classification of interests

By degree of generality

  • individual
  • group
  • corporate
  • public
  • national
  • universal


  • personalities
  • societies
  • states
  • coalitions of states
  • world community

By field of activity

  • economic
  • foreign policy
  • domestic political
  • military
  • informational
  • spiritual

By direction

  • coinciding
  • not matching
  • confrontational
  • parallel

By degree of importance

  • vital
  • important
  • current

Interest is a function of the position of the subject in relation to other subjects. Therefore, the interests of the country or national interests are manifested in the course of its interaction with other countries. At the same time, the main factors determining national interests include:

Objective: geopolitical position and national characteristics; availability of resources and corresponding potential: significance in the system of international relations.

Subjective: the established system of making strategic decisions; international and domestic image of the political and business elite of the country.

Functions of interest:

  • explanatory (declarative) - to explain one's own intentions and actions taken;
  • justifying - to justify their actions;
  • evaluative - to assess each specific situation and search for like-minded people - allies, friends, partners, hangers-on:
  • incentive - to formulate their further actions. Interest induces action and is generated by the environment in which the subject operates (for the country - domestic and foreign policy).

Thus, the national interest is a subjective form of expressing the objective needs of society, which are expressed in a generalized form through the interests of the state.

Any calculation of interests can be made only within the framework of a certain system of values, without which it is impossible to understand what is “loss” and what is “gain”. Therefore, the doctrine of any country is a product of its strategic culture. strategic culture- the historically established preferred method of solving the problems vital for the country. It is determined by national traditions, spatial, geographical location, worldview and worldview, historical experience.

In a broad sense, strategic culture includes two parts:

  • basic provisions on the strategic environment, the nature of the enemy, threats, the place and role of military force and its effective use;
  • provisions at the operational level that answer the question: what strategic decisions are more effective in dealing with existing challenges and threats? At this level, strategic culture influences behavioral choices.

The strategic culture of a particular state explains the peculiarities of its strategy better than the imperatives of the international environment. This means that collectively shared ideas, beliefs and norms do not change at the same speed as the external and internal circumstances that influence them. The strategic culture is affected by two factors: it is its own political culture, i.e. an internal factor, and external factors, such as structural changes or the impact of external threats and challenges. In this case, the strategic culture determines the approach to solving external and internal problems that have formed as a reaction to a change in the external or internal situation.

These approaches are given by such "pairs" as:

  • involvement - isolationism;
  • reliance on force - reliance on non-power tools;
  • unilateralism - the entry of alliances, etc.

In addition, the very style of the country's behavior in the international arena is determined by the strategic culture ( status quo - imperialism), as well as style of governing the country, mobilizing the population to protect national interests etc.

National interests are identified at the level of perception of one's own needs and capabilities. It is at the level of perception that the doctrines and concepts of national security are formulated. At the same time, the doctrine is a theoretical and ideological justification public policy. Its main components are the national interests of the country at this stage and the image of the enemy that prevents the satisfaction of these interests. The concept, on the other hand, is a set of views and recommendations on what kind of policy it is more expedient for the state to pursue. The concept is more “pragmatic”, applied in nature than the doctrine. It's like a "theory" of national security.

Any official document in the field of national security, be it a strategy, doctrine or concept, is primarily a reflection of the cultural experience of a given society in this area. The strategic culture also determines the fact that in some countries the national doctrine is fixed at the institutional level in the form of government policy documents (it has a complete internal structure, for example, “presidential messages”), while in others clearly formulated documents of this kind may not exist. In this case, some of their elements can be scattered throughout the current speeches of state officials, reflected in theoretical works in the field of security, programs of parties and political movements, etc. Nevertheless, not a single state can do without both a national doctrine and a concept of national security.

The doctrine of ensuring ideologically (at the level of emotions and cultural identity), and the concept theoretically (at the level of algorithms and recommendations) set the basis for formulating strategic priorities (national security goals) - that result - the level of protection of national interests - required by the country.

Russia is one of the largest countries in the world with a long history and rich cultural traditions. Despite the difficult international situation and internal difficulties, due to its unique strategic position on the European continent and the world as a whole, its significant economic, scientific, technical and military potential, it objectively continues to play a significant role in world processes.

In the future, a wider integration of the Russian Federation into world economy, expanding cooperation with international economic and financial institutions. The community of interests of Russia and the interests of other states on many problems of international security is objectively preserved.

At the same time, the efforts of a number of states aimed at weakening Russia's positions in the political, economic, military and other fields are being stepped up. Attempts to ignore Russia's interests in solving major problems of international relations, including conflict situations, can undermine international security and stability, slow down the ongoing positive changes in international relations and the establishment (maintenance) of constitutional order within the country and, in general, infringe on the national interests of Russia.

The national interests of Russia are a set of balanced interests of the individual, society and the state in the economic, domestic political, social, international, informational, military, border, environmental and other spheres. National interests are ensured by the institutions of state power, which carry out their functions on the basis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

The national interests of Russia are based on the national heritage and national values ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation, are provided by the possibilities of the economy, political and military organization of the state, the spiritual, moral and intellectual potential of a multinational Russian society.

The system of national interests of Russia is determined by the totality of the main interests of the individual, society and the state.

At the present stage, the interests of the individual consist in the real provision of constitutional rights and freedoms, personal security, in improving the quality and standard of living, in physical, spiritual and intellectual development.

The interests of society include the strengthening of democracy, the achievement and maintenance of social harmony, the increase in the creative activity of the population and the spiritual revival of Russia.

The interests of the state consist in protecting the constitutional order, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Russia, in establishing political, economic and social stability, in the unconditional implementation of laws and maintaining law and order, in the development of international cooperation on the basis of partnership.

The totality of the main interests of the individual, society and the state determines the national interests of Russia in the field of the economy, in the domestic political, international, defense and information spheres, in the social field, spiritual life and culture.

The national interests of Russia in the field of economy are key. A comprehensive solution to the problems associated with the implementation of the national interests of Russia is possible only on the basis of the stable functioning of a diversified high-tech production that is capable of providing the leading sectors of the economy with high-quality raw materials and equipment, the army with weapons, the population and the social sphere with commodities and services, and foreign trade with competitive export products. goods.

An extremely important factor is the ability of the economy to provide all citizens with decent conditions and quality of life, the opportunity for them to realize their creative powers, spiritual needs and material needs. Poverty as a social phenomenon must be excluded from the life of Russian society. It is necessary to ensure a decent life for veterans, the disabled and the elderly, as well as accessibility for the entire population of education, culture, medical care, transport, communications, and utilities.

From the point of view of national interests in the field of economy, the most relevant is to ensure its functioning in the mode of expanded reproduction, protecting the interests of domestic producers, increasing innovation and investment activity, constant monitoring of the country's strategic resources, maintaining scientific potential capable of asserting Russia's independence in strategically important scientific areas. -technical progress.

The most important condition the realization of national interests in this area is the transition of the economy to a sustainable development model with a certain level of state regulation of economic processes, which guarantees the stable functioning and development of a diversified economy and provides a balanced solution to socio-economic problems, problems of environmental conservation in order to meet the needs of present and future generations.

The unity of the economic space, the presence of a large and diverse domestic market are the most important national assets of Russia. Its preservation and development, taking into account the production specialization of the regions, is of consolidating importance for the Russian economy.

In the foreign economic sphere, Russia's national interests lie in establishing for Russian manufacturers such economic ties that would ensure the realization of the interests of Russian enterprises, contribute to increasing the competitiveness of domestic products, production efficiency and economic growth. Russia does not accept forceful methods in foreign economic activity.

In the domestic political sphere, the national interests of Russia consist in ensuring civil peace, national harmony, territorial integrity, the unity of the legal space, the stability of state power and its institutions, the rule of law and in completing the process of establishing a democratic society, as well as in neutralizing the causes and conditions that contribute to the emergence of social and ethnic conflicts, national and regional separatism.

Coordinating the interests of the peoples inhabiting the country, establishing their all-round cooperation, pursuing a responsible and balanced state national policy are the most important tasks, the solution of which will make it possible to ensure internal political stability and unity of Russia. A comprehensive solution to these problems should form the basis of domestic state policy and ensure the development of the Russian Federation as a multinational democratic federal state.

The national interests of the Russian Federation in the field of combating crime and corruption require the consolidation of the efforts of society and the state, a sharp limitation of the economic and socio-political basis of these illegal phenomena, the development of a comprehensive system of legal, special and other measures to effectively suppress crimes and offenses, to ensure the protection of the individual, society and the state from criminal encroachments, to create a system of control over the level of crime.

The efforts of society and the state should be directed to the formation of a system of measures for effective social prevention and the education of law-abiding citizens.

The fight against organized crime, corruption, terrorism and banditry should be focused on the prevention and suppression of illegal actions, the inevitability of responsibility for any crime and the protection of the right of every person to personal security, regardless of nationality, citizenship, religion, views and beliefs.

National interests in the field of spiritual life, culture and science largely determine the course of reforms and their results. The spiritual revival of society, its moral values ​​directly affect the level of development of the economy and all spheres of life. It is extremely important to affirm in society the ideals of high morality and humanism, the development of the centuries-old spiritual traditions of the Fatherland.

The implementation of this requires such a state policy, during which the possibility of causing damage to Russian culture is excluded, the preservation and enhancement of its national values ​​and national heritage, and the further spiritual and intellectual development of society are ensured.

The national interests of the Russian Federation in the international sphere require an active foreign policy course aimed at strengthening Russia's position as a great power - one of the influential centers of the emerging multipolar world. The main components of this course are:

formation on a voluntary basis of an integration association of states - members of the Commonwealth Independent States;

development of equal partnership with other great powers - centers of economic and military power;

development of international cooperation in the fight against transnational crime and terrorism;

the strengthening of those mechanisms of collective management of world political and economic processes in which Russia plays an important role, and, above all, the strengthening of the UN Security Council.

Undoubtedly priority Russia's foreign policy course is and will be activity to ensure the inviolability of the borders and territorial integrity of the state, to protect its constitutional order from possible encroachments by other states.

The implementation of Russia's national interests in the international sphere is largely determined by the nature of relations with the leading powers and integration associations of the world community. The development of equal partnership relations with them corresponds to the status of the Russian Federation and its foreign policy interests, is designed to strengthen global and regional security, create favorable conditions for our country's participation in world trade, scientific, technical, credit and financial cooperation.

The development of dialogue and all-round cooperation with the countries of Central and of Eastern Europe, America, Middle East, West Asia, Africa and Asia Pacific. The national interests of Russia in the international sphere also include the protection of life, dignity, internationally recognized civil rights and freedoms of Russian citizens and our compatriots abroad.

The national interests of Russia in the defense sphere are primarily to ensure the security of the individual, society and the state from military aggression from other states. Ensuring security in the defense sphere requires the concentration of the efforts of society and the state on systematic military construction.

The national interests of Russia in the information sphere make it necessary to focus the efforts of society and the state on solving such problems as observing the constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens in the field of obtaining information and exchanging it, protecting national spiritual values, promoting national cultural heritage, norms of morality and public morality, ensuring the right of citizens to receive reliable information, the development of modern telecommunication technologies. The systematic activity of the state in the implementation of these tasks will allow the Russian Federation to become one of the centers of world development in the 21st century. At the same time, it is unacceptable to use information to manipulate mass consciousness. It is necessary to protect the state information resource from the leakage of important political, economic, scientific, technical and military information.

The national interests of Russia are of a long-term nature and determine the main goals on its historical path, form the strategic and current tasks of the state's domestic and foreign policy, and are implemented through the system of public administration.

A necessary condition for the realization of Russia's national interests is the ability to independently solve internal political, economic and social problems, regardless of the intentions and positions of foreign states and their communities, to maintain a standard of living for the population that would ensure national harmony and socio-political stability in the country.

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