Where is the Djungarian hamster found. Djungarian hamster brief information

Tourism and rest 18.09.2019
Tourism and rest

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- This is a small rodent from the hamster family, which, due to the complete absence of odors, its cleanliness and ease of maintenance, is considered a popular pet.

The growth of such a pet is up to 5 cm, and the weight is up to 45 grams. This type of rodent has hairy feet, a dark stripe on the back, usually gray and a very short tail, which is often almost invisible when the animal is sitting. The fur is distinguished by significant white patches.

The Dzungarian hamster has a pointed muzzle, small ears, and its digital tubercles are hidden under thick hair that covers the soles of its paws. The body length of an adult is up to ten centimeters. The belly of the rodent is light, and its back has an ocher-gray or brownish-gray color. The paws of this rodent are white, the ears are white on the inside, and a black narrow strip runs along its spine. In nature, grayish color prevails in hamsters in summer, and in winter period its coat becomes white with a silvery white tinge. Djungarian hamsters are especially active at night. Times of Day, and their burrows have a nesting chamber, several burrows and entrances. The life expectancy of the Djungarian hamster is three years.

This species is distributed in dry steppes and semi-deserts of the south. Western Siberia, East Kazakhstan, in Khakassia.

Maintenance and care of the Djungarian hamster

Cage for a hamster
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Djungarian hamsters are easy to keep at home, they do not require careful care. True, in comparison with them they are more unpretentious. For example, a cage for a Djungarian hamster should be spacious enough, since the animals are very mobile. Also, the Djungarian hamster needs a chalk stone for grinding teeth. When feeding such pets, it is necessary to take into account their predisposition to diabetes, therefore, foods rich in monosaccharides, such as vegetables, fruits and honey, are best excluded from the diet or limited.

It is not recommended to keep more than one Djungarian hamster in a cage, as these hamsters are very territorial and show aggression towards each other in a confined space. When kept together, Djungarian hamsters live in a state of permanent stress, and in fights they can injure each other up to the point of killing.

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The main component of the Djungarian hamster's diet is grain food, in addition to which it is recommended to give crunchy treats that give him not only pleasure, but also bring great benefits, grinding down his constantly growing incisors. In addition to solid feed, apples, raspberries, pears and carrots must be included in the diet of animals.

Djungarian hamster is recommended to feed no more than twice a day in the morning and evening. In this case, the pet must be given such an amount of food that the rodent can leave a small part of it the next day. This is due to the fact that the need for food depends on the individual properties of his body. It is strictly forbidden to include citrus fruits, sunflower seeds and nuts in the diet of the Djungarian hamster, the use of which will have a very bad effect on his health.

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    Bedding, which can be used as fine sand or pressed sawdust of medium fraction, which absorb moisture well and perfectly absorb odors. It is strictly forbidden to use cotton wool, napkins, rags and newspapers as bedding

    A special toilet for small rodents with absorbent material that is used as a filler

    Roots, branches and tubules can serve as climbs

    A house that can be attached to the cage wall

    A wheel with transverse ledges and a bottom without a grate, which is selected according to the size of the pet

    Drinking bowl with a volume of fifty milliliters, the water in which it is recommended to change daily

    A feeder with a width of three to ten centimeters, which must be selected taking into account the size of the rodent

Djungarian hamsters are not recommended to be kept in narrow aquariums with high walls, because the air inside them is poorly ventilated, and bacteria will begin to multiply on their sweaty walls, which will negatively affect the health of the rodent.

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Domesticated Djungarian hamsters often differ from wild ones in color. But all Djungarian hamsters have a narrow dark stripe on their back. There are the following types of color: 1. standard - brownish-gray, white belly, 2. sapphire - gray-bluish, white belly, 3. pearl - dull white with gray intervals, 2. mandarin - red-cream ..

These hamsters have a seasonal adaptation: in winter they molt, and their fur becomes almost completely white, gray blotches disappear, only a stripe on the back remains. Molting largely depends on the light regime of the day. With a short day length, the hamster changes color in 6 weeks. This process is due to the production of melatonin, a hormone of the pineal gland.

Djungarian hamster - breeding

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Djungarian hamsters breed well, their broods are larger than that of the Syrian hamster, however, it is better for animals to live at home alone, as living together can cause them confusion and aggression. Usually in the litter of Djungarian hamsters from 1 to 11 cubs, which are fed with mother's milk for nineteen days.

IN natural environment habitat Djungarian hamsters breed from March to September, in captivity they breed all year round. A month after birth, they already need to be planted and separated by gender. Puberty occurs from 4-6 weeks, but there are opinions that such early pregnancy can be dangerous for the female. It is recommended to start mating from 4 months. The gestation period is 18-22 days. A pregnant female should create calm, comfortable conditions, since in case of stress, the female can kill and eat her offspring. Also, the female can be aggressive towards the male. The female is ready for fertilization within 24 hours after birth.

Of all the furry-legged hamsters, Djungarian hamsters can form viable hybrids only with Campbell's hamsters. Although Djungarian/Campbell's hamster hybrids are very suitable for home living, they should not be welcomed, as hybrids often have problems with reproduction and often produce non-viable offspring. Therefore, when breeding hamsters, it is important to ensure that both hamsters are Djungarian hamsters. If you take good care of them, they will live long.

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Before childbirth, it is recommended to make a complete disinfection of the cage, and use a one-story house for childbirth. Newborn youngsters are forbidden to stroke, touch and touch with their hands, because the female hamster, smelling a foreign smell, can eat her offspring. During pregnancy, as well as feeding the young, it is necessary to separately and in small quantities include protein foods in the diet of the female, which may include boiled chicken meat, boiled egg yolk, and non-fat cottage cheese.

The sex of a jungar at the age of at least 3-4 weeks, namely, these are usually sold in pet stores, is diagnosed quite simply. First of all, place the hamster on its back in your palm so that you can hold it with your thumb. upper part body of a jungar. At the same time, the back of the pet is in a free position, and you can easily see the sexual characteristics of the rodent with the help of your second hand. Make sure that the hamster does not hurt, do not squeeze his fragile body strongly, be careful. Having caught a moment of relative calm, take a look at the hamster's genitals. If there is a distance of 0.5-1 cm between them and the anus, and a formed gland similar to a navel is clearly visible in the center of the abdomen, then you have a male in front of you. If the distance between the anus and the genitals is insignificant, and the gland is almost invisible, then your Djungarian hamster- girl. In addition, female Djungarians can be distinguished by 2 rows of papillae running from the hamster's chest to the lower abdomen.

Djungarian hamster - diseases

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Injuries dzhungars get, as a rule, when they fall or other unfortunate circumstances during their running around. The main symptoms are curvature of the limbs and problems in the movement of the pet. The state of the rodent may be accompanied by shock. The jungar should be shown to a veterinarian, who will give recommendations for recovery depending on the severity of the injury.

If your jungarik sniffles and sneezes, and his activity is significantly reduced, it is likely that your beloved pet has been exposed to viral infection. The principle of such diseases is no different from human ailments, so the virus can easily be transmitted from a person to a dzhungarian, and vice versa. As such, there is no treatment, but try to provide your rodent with fresh vegetables and fruits. This will increase his immunity and speed up the healing process.

If your pet has stuck eyelids, it is possible that a bacterial infection has developed into conjunctivitis. As a treatment, it is recommended to gently rinse the eyes of the jungar with salted water. If your rodent's pupil area is gray and the lens of your eye is rather cloudy, your hamster may have cataract. Usually this disease of the jungars manifests itself in old age, it is not subject to treatment. Just accept your beloved pet as it is.

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The sudden refusal of your rodent from any food may be due to injury to his teeth. Check if your Djungarian hamster's incisors are broken off. In addition, there are times when the dzhungarik is hindered by his too long teeth. In such situations, you should align your pet's teeth. It is best to have your hamster's incisors trimmed by a qualified veterinarian.

If your Djungarian has flaky skin or hair loss, it is quite possible that these are symptoms of diseases such as dermatophytosis or eczema. Usually, these ailments are associated with the constant stress of the Djungarian hamster or an allergy to something new in the rodent's cage. You should seek help from a veterinarian. He will prescribe you the courses of antibiotics necessary for the recovery of the pet.

If your djungarian constantly combs himself, and a lot of wounds and red spots have formed on his body, your hamster probably lives lice or mites. In this case, it is recommended to contact the veterinarian and find out which lotion or aerosol is suitable for your jungarik and will not harm his health. Do not use medications unless you are sure they are safe for rodents.

Severe diarrhea accompanied copious secretions with a very unpleasant odor, loud bubbling in the hamster's stomach - signs of intestinal diseases. Bacterial infections of this kind can be cured without problems with the help of special medical preparations. Be sure to seek help from a veterinarian.

A person who has never kept an animal in his house should realistically assess his capabilities. Those who do not have experience with pets should pay attention to Djungarian hamsters. These animals are quite unpretentious, hardy, have a small size, do not live long.


The standard color of the Dzungarian It is complemented by a dark stripe on the back. The eyes are black or red. But genetics does not stand still, so you can find a rodent of other colors:

  • smoky;
  • tangerine;
  • white-beige;
  • brown;
  • black;
  • chocolate;
  • yellow-beige;
  • spotted.

An adult pet does not grow in length by more than five to seven centimeters. Usually the coat is straight, but there is also a wavy type. The color of the coat may change depending on the season. It brightens up in winter.

Pet selection

The Djungarian hamster, like any other animal, should be chosen carefully. Then the pet will delight with its mobility for a long time and charge with positive emotions.

When purchasing a dzhungarik, it is important to pay attention to the following points:

  • no matter what color the fur is, it should shine, not have bald spots;
  • eyes should be clean and clear, without suppuration;
  • the anus and the hair around it must be clean, otherwise it indicates the presence of an infection;
  • the nose of a healthy pet has a pinkish tint.

The selected pet should be observed for some time. The animal should not be lethargic. The cause may be illness or stress. You should not buy a dzhungarik if he lived in an overcrowded, stuffy cage. Such an animal is very susceptible to disease.

There is no significant difference between a boy and a girl if we are talking about one pet. You can start a couple, but you should be prepared that they will give offspring regularly and in large numbers. It is impossible to keep same-sex hamsters together, as they will constantly fight, proving their superiority. The sex of a pet can be determined as early as the fourth week of life. To do this, place the jungarik on the back and examine the abdomen. In males, the distance from the anus to the male genitalia is five to ten millimeters. In females, the distance is much shorter, and two rows of tiny nipples can be felt.

It is better to transport the selected pet in a special carrier cage. Sawdust and pieces of carrots are poured on its bottom. If it takes a lot of time to transport, you should provide the rodent with water. Before the pet is at home, it is worth deciding what kind of house he will have for permanent residence.

small house

A cage with a fine mesh or an aquarium can serve as a house for a Djungarian hamster. Alternatively, you can use a three-liter jar, but such accommodation for the pet will not be comfortable.

The dimensions of the house can be thirty by forty centimeters, and more. It is better to cover the aquarium with a lid with air holes. The shelter should not gnaw through so that the pet does not run away. Finding a dzhungarik even in a small apartment is quite difficult. A runaway female can cause a lot of trouble when she gets to the wardrobe.

The dwelling must have a drinking bowl with water and food. Other accessories depend on the desire of the owners.

house cleaning

Djungarian hamsters are clean animals. They go to the toilet in the same place. You can put the tray there and periodically clean it. It is important to ensure that leftover food does not spoil. They should be removed in a timely manner. The entire cage should be cleaned once a week. Dirty filler should be replaced with a clean one. To make the rodent more comfortable, some of the dirty filler can be left.

The rodent itself should never be washed. The animal takes care of itself with the help of its paws and tongue. Do not interfere with natural processes with soap. A sand bath is well suited for cleaning wool. But the bottom of his dwelling, on the contrary, should be washed soapy water once a month.

Ideal home furnishing

An ideal dwelling for a jungar is a special plastic house. It is equipped with pipes, manholes, nooks and crannies. The pet will be able to lead an active life without creating inconvenience for its owners in the form of night noise and the scattered contents of its shelter. Such housing can be made from an ordinary cell.

The Djungarian hamster, the care of which does not require much time, will appreciate the appearance of a small house in the cage. In it, he can hide, sleep. For the health of the pet, it is better to purchase a wooden house, but in terms of durability, the plastic version wins.

The following elements should be placed in the dwelling:

  • feeder, consisting of two compartments;
  • drinker;
  • wheel;
  • cage filler;
  • sand bath;
  • walking ball;
  • chalk stone.

You can please your pet with tree branches. He will happily chew on them. In pet stores you can find a lot of toys for rodents, including edible ones.

What to feed?

The health of a rodent largely depends on proper nutrition, so it is important to know how to feed a Djungarian hamster. Meals should be at the same time, for example at 7 am and 8 pm.

In the morning it is better to give juicy food, and in the evening dry food. A female expecting offspring should be fed every four hours.

Products that should be given to the jungarik:

  • specialized dry food;
  • nuts and seeds;
  • germinated grains;
  • dried fruits;
  • cereals;
  • berries, fruits, vegetables (seedless);
  • greenery;
  • homemade crackers;
  • leaves and twigs of fruit and deciduous trees.

In a small amount, it is allowed to use boiled chicken fillet, cottage cheese, boiled egg white.

If the pet has constipation, a drop of vegetable oil will help him. With diarrhea, you can give glutinous boiled rice. It is important that the food is fresh and clean.

Separately, it should be said about water. It must be clean, so it should be changed regularly. It is better to use a drinker.

What can not be given to a jungarik?

Dzhungariki are very fond of rose petals, but flowers purchased in a store cannot be used as a treat. They are treated with pesticides. Only homemade roses grown without the use of chemicals are suitable.

Pet life span

At home, Djungarian hamsters live for about three years. These are averages that can be significantly affected by care and nutrition.

Rodents can be taken out to fresh air, but under direct sunbeams they can get heatstroke. They do not tolerate drafts well. Regarding walking in the grass, this activity is more than risky. Firstly, a dzhungarik can run away forever, and secondly, other pets can eat it. Also, the animal will pick up helminth eggs in the grass, which will significantly shorten its life cycle.

Owners should be careful about showing love to their pet. It is better to limit yourself to stroking the rodent with your finger. Strong hugs and kisses can lead to heart failure.

In general, caring for a small representative of rodents is not difficult. Watching his life is very exciting. His attempts to shove as many supplies as possible into his cheeks, as well as running in a wheel, look especially funny.

Djungarian hamster- the most popular species of rodents inhabiting the territory of Eurasia. The animal is small in size (approximately 5-10 centimeters). It is so fluffy, thick that it resembles a small ball. The color of the Djungarian hamster is uneven. The main color is dark gray with brown tints. The pile, the abdominal part of the body is covered with snow-white thick fur. The paws are light pink, the bottom of the muzzle is white. On the back there is a dark line forming a zipper. Also, the main color can be white, brown, brown. The hamster has small, round ears, long, light antennae, tiny black pearl eyes. The muzzle of the rodent is slightly elongated, a small nose of the main color or pink is visible. The tail is invisible. Interestingly, dzhungars can change the color of their fur depending on the temperature. environment. In cool rooms, the hamster becomes light (almost white), in heat - dark.

The animal is distinguished by special activity. This nimble animal will always find adventure. Hamsters are especially mobile at night, but it is possible to accustom them to a new regimen. Like all hamsters, rodents build burrows with complex underground labyrinths. The shelter has several branches. Among them - a pantry, a "bedroom", rooms for a nest. In the last department, newborn dzhungars live until full maturation.

In the wild, animals get their own food. Basically, food consists of fresh grass, roots, seeds, grains, small insects. Grain, seeds, rodents are demolished in storage, where they will eat in the winter. Dried grass, straw is used as bedding. The soft bottom not only guarantees a comfortable rest, but also prevents animals from freezing in the cold.

Caring for Djungarian hamsters.

If you decide to have such a pet, a few good advice help make the life of a hamster comfortable, safe. Get a cage first. It must be secure and spacious. Place a wheel, shelves, feeders, various toys in the cage. Dzungarians need to grind their teeth periodically, so a wooden (vitamin) stick is necessary.

Food won't be a problem at all. Feed your pet regular rodent food. Give him fruits and vegetables from time to time. It is advisable to add a boiled chicken egg to food several times a month.

The female gives birth several times a year. Approximately seven babies are born from a brood. Pregnancy lasts approximately fifteen days. Sometimes the term for carrying offspring is extended. During this period, hamsters need calcium, protein food. It is not recommended to give raw water. Be careful with the female, as she can attack, protecting the offspring. Males also show masculine qualities. Babies are born naked. Peel has messy pink color. After a few days, newborns can see. After four months, they become completely independent.

Rodents of this breed are friendly, mobile, easily make contact with people. This cheerful animal will not let you get bored. He can become good friend to your children.

Small, cute and funny, requiring a minimum of space and hassle when kept in captivity, Djungarian hamsters have long been popular pets in different countries peace.

This hamster received its specific name from Dzungaria, a geographical region on the border of the East and Northwest. Interestingly, the British call these animals "Russian" - Russian dwarf hamster, because they were often brought from the steppe intermountain basins of Southern Siberia.


A hamster is not a small hamster, but a different genus of rodents. Real hamsters (genus Cricetus) are large, about 30 cm long and weighing 700 g. The only species in this genus is the common hamster. Domestic animals are usually the Syrian hamster, or the Persian hamster (genus Mesocricetus, literally - "average hamster"). In addition, there are several different genera of "hamsters", among them are the well-known domestic "dzhungariki" - the Dzungarian hamster itself and its close relative Campbell's hamster. It so happened that it was he, and not the Djungarian hamster at all, that lives on the Dzungarian plain and on the steppe slopes of the Dzungarian Alatau. The taxonomists recognized them different types and, as it turned out, the behavior of these close relatives are very different.


The burrow of the Djungarian hamster is not simple: several entrances lead vertically to a depth of 20 to 50 cm, where they are united by a common corridor that goes even deeper, sometimes with turns. The nesting chamber can be located at a depth of one meter! The animals spend most of the day in burrows, appearing on the surface for only two to three hours at night. Djungarian hamsters go out to feed already in complete darkness, but may linger after dawn. They feed on seeds, greens and insects, and the proportion of animal food can be very large. Having stuffed the cheek pouches with seeds, the hamster either carries the prey to the hole, or, if it is far from the shelter, arranges temporary "pantries", sprinkling heaps of seeds with sand and leaving scent marks. Hamsters are nearsighted, so smells are for them. great value, and they leave a lot of marks with urine, excrement, and even just bathing in the sand.


In a deep hole, in a nest of dry grass and wool, cubs are born - naked, pink, with closed eyes and ears, with fused fingers, but already with claws and teeth!

By the fourth day of life, the baby’s body becomes gray and covered with sparse hairs, the auricle “sticks off” from the head, whiskers (“whiskers”) grow on the muzzle and gray eye spots appear. After another two or three days, a short dark gray coat covers the head and back, the fingers begin to diverge. On the 12th day, the cubs already taste solid food! By the age of two weeks, the eyes of the hamsters open and the ears are fully formed, and the body weight reaches 9-10 g. At the age of three weeks, young hamsters are ready to leave the nest. Females from the first spring broods, born in March-April, are ready for mating on the 35th-40th day of life, like the main part of spring males. And puberty of their autumn siblings is delayed until next spring.


The female Djungarian hamster is ready for mating the next day after giving birth. The incredible fecundity of small rodents is a protection against many predators eating them and other adverse conditions.

In Djungarian hamsters, not only the female takes care of the offspring. The male helps in any way he can: he licks the female's fur before giving birth, and then comes to her nest to warm the cubs together. True, this does not always happen, sometimes the mother takes care of the brood on her own. However, in most other hamsters and hamsters, males not only do not care for cubs, but are also easily able to eat them.


Among all hamsters, Dzungarian is the only one that changes color from gray to white for the winter. They shed gradually, turning completely white only by January, and a new molt begins in February. locals they are called "white mice": the animals often run through the snow, collecting seeds crumbling from dry grasses. True, not all animals change into a winter coat and not always. It depends on the air temperature and the length of the day. Nevertheless, the winter fur of all hamsters becomes longer and thicker, and the paws and tail of all furry-legged hamsters are already pubescent.

Djungarian hamsters do not fall into hibernation. In autumn, their body weight even decreases compared to summer (for animals sleeping in winter, on the contrary, it greatly increases due to fat reserves).

In Djungarian hamsters, individual territories are small, the male's territory intersects with the territories of several females. At the same time, the male can mate with different females, but only one helps to raise the cubs.


Class: mammals.
Order: rodents.
Family: hamsters.
Genus: furry-legged hamsters.
Species: Djungarian hamster.
Latin name: Phodopus sungorus.
Size: body - 53-102 mm, tail - 7-11 mm.
Weight: about 30g
Colouration: grayish-brown upperparts, narrow dark stripe running along ridge, almost white belly.
Life span of the Djungarian hamster: up to 3.9 years in captivity.

If you want to get a hamster at home, but you are afraid of an unpleasant smell, then pay attention to the dzhungaria. These rodents are odorless. It is also worth noting that the Dzungarian hamster is clean and easy to care for. Let us consider in more detail what a fluffy jungarik looks like, what varieties of rodents of this breed exist, and how to care for them.

Description of the Djungarian hamster

Seeing a photo of Djungarian hamsters, you immediately want to go to the pet store and bring home a couple of fluffy pets. It is difficult to answer the question of where exactly these furry animals appeared. Therefore, their homeland can be considered any country of habitat. And they live today in Siberia, Asia and Kazakhstan.

The Dzungarian hamster is a beautiful miniature rodent, whose weight does not exceed 70 g. As for the average indicators, the weight of the Dzungarian ranges from 40-45 g. The growth of a fluffy rodent does not exceed 10 cm. The average figure is 4-6 cm. This breed belongs to dwarf hamsters and easily fits even in the palm of a child.

The dzhungarik has a short neat body. On a small head, small ears are planted close enough to each other. On a short muzzle, dark bulging eyes are set far enough apart. Small paws are covered with wool. If the Djungarian hamster is sitting, it is impossible to see the tail. Short tail- Another feature of this breed of hamsters.

A feature of Djungarian hamsters is the presence of a dark stripe along the line of the spine. Other dwarf hamster breeds do not have this stripe. The fur is fluffy, but not long. Regardless of the main color, the fur on the belly of rodents is white and cream. The border between the color of the back and belly is quite clearly visible.

The life expectancy of rodents is 2-3 years. With proper care and proper nutrition miniature rodents live up to 4 years. As for how many miniature animals live in nature, they do not even live up to 2 years.

An interesting fact is that these fluffy pets see everything in black and white.


The characterization of a fluffy animal will not be complete if you do not tell about his character. The Dzungarian hamster is a thrifty animal. Living in wild nature, he must stock up on provisions for the winter. And, despite the fact that domestic rodents do not have such a need, at every opportunity they begin to collect bags of everything that comes to hand in their cheeks. These are not always edible things. Therefore, while walking around the apartment, the Djungarian hamster must be monitored.

Djungarian hamsters are friendly and love children. They happily sleep on a person's lap or in his arms, and even allow you to put on clothes. But the jungar must live alone in a cage. He is aggressive towards other hamsters. If the pet does not live alone, he will begin to conquer the territory, which will lead to permanent injuries to the pets. So that they do not injure each other, do not put them in the same cage.

Despite the miniature size of the Djungarian hamster, he is not afraid to defend himself if he feels danger. And, due to their small size, dzhungars are afraid of almost everything. Therefore, it is worth creating the most comfortable conditions for the pet. And explain to the children that playing with a fluffy rodent should be done carefully. For no reason, Djungarian hamsters do not show aggression.

Varieties of hamsters

If we talk about the varieties of Djungarian hamsters, then the color is taken as the basis for the classification. There are Djungarian hamsters of the following colors:

  • grey;
  • mandarin (light red);
  • pearl (white);
  • sapphire (gray-blue).

The natural color is gray. The rest of the colors, including sapphire and black, are obtained artificially. There are also multi-colored rodents. Some of them have longitudinal or transverse stripes on their backs. But a colored or striped dzhungarik is a rarity. The rarest is pearl color. Accordingly, the price of white rodents is somewhat overpriced. Black rodents are also expensive compared to the rest, being no less rare than white ones. A feature of the albino jungar is the red color of the eyes. In general, rodents cost about $ 10.

Breeding these rodents should be done carefully. If gray domestic hamsters can be safely crossed with rodents of any color, then tangerine hamsters cannot be crossed with each other. Their offspring are not viable. It is also worth noting that rodents of unusual colors are more susceptible to various diseases and less resistant to stress.

An interesting fact is that Djungarian hamsters in nature molt before winter. During molting, the coat becomes lighter. But, rodents that live in apartments almost never shed. Junariki are prone to molting if the air temperature drops below 16 degrees.

The Dzungarian hamster is generally unpretentious. The first purchase to be made is a cage. In the form of its small size, you do not have to purchase a huge cage. But, we should not forget that Djungarian hamsters are active rodents. Experts recommend keeping a pet in a cage 30 cm wide and 50 cm long. The recommended cage height is 40-45 cm. If possible, it is better to purchase for a pet two-storey house in which he will live more comfortably. Aquariums for keeping animals are not recommended. They lack normal air circulation.

Since Djungarian hamsters sleep during the day, the cage must be equipped with a house. It can be purchased at a pet store, or it can be made from an unnecessary box. Sometimes rodents build their own sleeping place. But, the pet needs to put building material in the cage (small twigs, sawdust and pieces of cloth). Before putting dry branches into the cage, we process them with boiling water. Otherwise, along with the branches, different bugs can get into the cage. It will not be easy to remove insects, besides, some of them can harm a fluffy pet.

It is important to choose the right place for the cell. Small rodents are shy, so there should not be a source of noise nearby. The most lit place in the house will not work either. Choose a remote area where the pet will feel safe, and at the same time, it will not be difficult for you to observe him.

Cage equipment

We supply the cage with attractions for a fluffy pet. There is a wide range of toys for rodents on the market. Be sure to install the wheel, the dimensions of which correspond to the miniature size of the pet (about 16 cm). In addition to the wheel, you should equip your pet's house with tunnels and wooden branches that he can climb. You can put a hammock, various ladders.

In a cage for Djungarian hamsters there should be a feeder and a drinker. There are different models of drinkers and feeders in stores. They differ in the material from which they are made. It is better to choose a ceramic feeder. It is heavy and the pet will not turn it over. As for the drinker, it is better to opt for a model that is attached to the cage wall. We change the water in the drinker daily. Because the natural environment The habitat of rodents is a desert, Djungarian hamsters do not drink often. It is not necessary to pour a full drinker.

Well, the last thing worth buying is a bath. Rodents do not swim, and water procedures are contraindicated for Djungarian hamsters. But in a sand bath, he cleans wool with pleasure.

If you are traveling, you will also need a carrier.

Take care of the presence of a hiding place where a furry pet can hide supplies, because the instinct to stock up on food in domesticated animals has not disappeared anywhere.

Jungar care

Caring for a Djungarian hamster comes down to keeping the cage clean and feeding the fluffy pet. The rodent takes care of his own hygiene, so you do not have to keep his fur coat clean. It is noteworthy that even living in a hole, little rodent manages to stay clean. If the pet is pretty smeared somewhere, but he cannot clean his fur coat, then carefully clean his fur with a piece of soft cloth.

So that the Djungarian hamster does not have health problems, we clean the cage at least once a week. It involves the complete replacement of the filler, which fits the bottom of the cage. Cotton can not be used as a filler. An omnivorous pet will eat it, which will provoke a disruption in the digestive tract. It is advisable to use special fillers that are sold in pet stores. Sawdust is an alternative to store filler. In addition, sawdust, as bedding, absorbs odors. Therefore, it will be possible to get out of the cage less often.

Every month, a general cleaning is carried out, during which the pet’s house is washed with disinfectants. The pet itself is temporarily moved to an aquarium or some kind of box. Should be processed with detergents not only a cage, but also all its contents: toys, a house for an overnight stay, a feeder, a drinking bowl. It is advisable to replace wooden sticks and twigs with new ones. We wait until the cage dries, and we cover a new layer of sawdust, after which we place the furry friend back.


Caring for Djungarian hamsters involves catering. It is important not only to choose the right diet, but also to adhere to a certain schedule. The Djungarian hamster is fed no more than 3 times a day. For an adult pet, two meals a day is enough. If we are talking about a hamster who is waiting for offspring, then she needs to be fed 1 time more. We give food to pets at the same time. We do not pour feed for the future. Thrifty pets will simply transfer leftover food from the feeder to the hiding place.

The main food for the Djungarian hamster is a mixture of cereals and legumes. You can make a similar mixture at home with your own hands. It must contain oats, corn, a variety of nuts, seeds. You can buy this mixture at the pet store. But pets do not always like the food of a particular brand. Determining which brand of food your furry friend will like will take time and money. Before buying a ready-made mixture, read its description. Opt for high-quality feeds that contain only natural ingredients.

Vitamin feed and protein food

In addition to dry food, the Djungarian hamster should be pampered with vitamin feed. Be sure to include greens in your diet. Experts recommend giving parsley, dill, clover and young plantain leaves. Vitamin foods also include vegetables and fruits. Fluffy pet eats everything. But, this does not mean that all products are useful to him. The list of prohibited fruits and vegetables includes all citrus fruits, kiwi, potatoes, pomegranate, melon. Stop the choice should be on apples, grapes, apricots, plums and berries. So that nothing happens to the jungarik, it is forbidden to give fruits and vegetables treated with pesticides.

Twice a week we give pets protein food (boiled chicken breast, quail egg white or oily fish). Meat is not seasoned with salt or pepper, because wild rodents do not season their food with spices. Accordingly, the structure of their body is such that they do not need salt or pepper.

Occasionally it is worth pampering your pet with treats that he eats with pleasure. You can buy these treats at the pet store, or you can make your own. It can be fruit sweets sprinkled with chopped nuts or muesli.

harmful products

Dzungarian starch is poorly absorbed. Therefore, all foods that are rich in this substance should not be included in the diet. A lot of natural starch is found in bananas and potatoes. Occasionally, you can pamper a fluffy pet who eats bananas with pleasure with this delicacy. But only in terms of promotion.

Sugar-rich foods are also banned. According to all the research on Djungarian hamsters, they are prone to diabetes. Therefore, giving them any sweets is dangerous. The ban includes chocolate and any cookies, fruits with a high fructose content (watermelon, for example).

Bakery products are also heavy for the stomach. It is better to treat your pet with oatmeal cookies or a berry mixture.

It is desirable that this information is always in front of your eyes at first. Take care of your pet while walking. To avoid problems, you must know what he eats.


If you decide to breed mini rodents, then you should know a few things. The female is ready for mating at the age of 4 weeks. But childbirth in such early age dangerous to health. But a hamster who is 4 months old can be safely brought together with a male. A pregnant hamster is an extremely restless creature. In order for her to bear offspring, she needs to create the most comfortable conditions. Considering that pregnancy lasts about 3 weeks, this is not difficult to do. After mating, the boy is immediately planted. The female becomes aggressive and may harm the male.

Jungars breed well. There can be up to 10 cubs in one litter. Rodents open their eyes 10 days after birth. During the first 3 weeks after giving birth, they feed exclusively on the mother's milk, which throughout this period takes care of her offspring. Then, gradually they are transferred to feed mixtures.

Sometimes a hamster eats her offspring. But, this only happens if she feels danger or hears extraneous odors from the cubs. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to pick up newborn hamsters. If the birth was successful and no one bothers the young mother with the cubs, there is no danger for the hamsters.

Cubs grow up very quickly. As soon as they switched to feed mixtures, we wean them from the mother. Boys and girls cannot live together, therefore, during this period, hamsters should be separated by gender. Between a jungaric girl and a boy at the age of 20-25 days, gender differences are already visible, by which you can find out the sex of the animal. Hamsters need to be resettled because babies become aggressive towards their relatives a month after birth.

Many are interested in whether Djungarian hamsters can be crossed with other breeds. Experts do not recommend doing this, since their offspring are often not viable.

An interesting fact is that the female is ready for mating a day after giving birth.

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